270718 WHITE - CITV CLERK ^,�J^�� N�., PINK - FINANCE COUIICII � t �� �� CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L 1 � v t� BLUE - MAVOR . Flle NO. ncil Resol ' Presented By I e Referred To Committee. Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the council hereby approves payment from the Council Contingency Fund of the parking fees at the Saint Paul Civic Center Parking Ramp for the Charter Commission and for other City of Saint Paul committees and commissions formally established by the Gharter, Legislative and Administrative Codes, and by ordinance or resolution of the City Council; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the prior resolution of this Council, Council File No. 263540, adopted May 21, 1974, be and the same is hereby rescinded. � ' I I � COUNCILMEN Yeas � _� Nays /� Requested by Department of: ii�ffer KJ Hozza � In Favor Hunt /1� Levine �� __ Against BY Roedler S ylvester Tedesco M� � E', �978 Form Approved b City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By App o by :Vlayor: D te � � r�' �g7a Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council , By — BY Pug��sH�9 MAR 2 5 �9�� 5'- ,j - �� ; ' CITX OI' SAINT PAUL C, � �, `���/g ' �[ , OFFIOE OF THE CITY COIINCIL � i .�a..�.� . ' — „.,...,,L-� „��•��,+:.• - =. `�,� Do t e : March 14, 1978 COMMITTEE REPOR�' T0 : Soint Paul City Councii , FROM � Commit�ee On FINANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL � ROSALIE BUTLER , chairman, makes the fotlowing . report on C.F. C] Ordinance �] Resolution [,� Ofher i TITLE : � At its meeting of March 13, the Corrmittee recommended approval of the following resolutions: 1.. Authorizing the addition of three data-entry personnel (two Data Entry Operator II posi-tions and one Data Entry Operator III position) to the personnel complement in the Citywide Data Processing Divisian 2. Transfer of the Gifted Children Early Education project from Community Development Year. I program to the Corr�nunity Development Year III program and transfer of $37,000 in CD Year III funds for the Gifted Children Early Education project �3. Approval of payment of the parking fees at the Saint Paul Civic Center Parking Ramp for the Charter Corr�nission and for other City of Saint Paul comnittees and corrrtnissions formally established by the Charter, Legislative and Administrative Codes, and by ordinance or resolution of the City Council 4. Establishing a City policy that no funds contributed to the LDC's by the City shall be used to cover administrative expenses or costs and � that the only administrative support shall be in the form of technical assistance from existing staff employed by the City and responsible to the City CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PALZ, MINNESOTA 55102