270717 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUIICIl /������ PINK - FINANCE � CANARV - DEPARTMENT (Community GITY OF SAINT PAUL � BLUE � MAYOR File NO. Development) C ncil Resolution , , �Presented By -� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Mayor, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the deletion of the project entitled, "Gifted �, Children Early Education" from the Community Development Year I program; and be it i FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Mayor, the Council does also approve the addition of the Gifted Children Early Education project to the Corrrennunity Development Year III program; and be it � FINALLY RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Mayor, the Council does also approve the following transfer of CD Year III funds for the Gifted Children j Early Education project: Current Increase Revised project Bud�et (Decrease) Budget Gifted Children $55,000 $37,000 $92,000 CD Year III Contingency 238,217 (37,000) 201 ,217 APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: - APPROVED: Bernard J. arlson, Director =Z/z��� Department of Finance & Manag�t Services c ard E. c ro der Budget Director COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay-s Requested by Department of: � Community Development ���,,,�., l/' In Favor • � � � � Hunt Levine __�__ Against BY '����'� ' �'�_`�`-� Roedler Sylvester Tedesco �IAR 1 6 1978 Form Approved by ity At rney Adopted by Council: Date , Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY B}� . Appro � Mayor: Dat _ "' � � 0 j��� Approv by Mayor for Submi 'on uncil By BY PUBLISHED IVIAR 2 5 19($ /� � � OM .O1: 12/197'S Re����i,$�76 � �(, • � : _.,, ` � EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRP,TIVE ORDE1�.• ,�:.: RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDTNANCES ; � - : ._ . .k .. , «�" ... 1. ,,. . �.� � . . . . . . . .. . �.jEsl��C%�C. Date: Ma�h �, 1978 .���� . � ������� �- TO: Mayor George Latimer ' , =' , �. �� ���� � � ,F�. Mr. Wi l]ia�n� Q. Patton �. _�� . ' �;:. &rdg�t'Transfer MA� � 19?g . 4 .. . � . . . . . � . .-..��_�� :. .. .. . ' . . . . . . . . .. . . : � ... .. � .. . ACTZOx REQUESTED: approval� of budget transfer to restva^� �3��',OQ� in CD Y+�r TII' fu�ds to � M�Tr�tyr�e Corpora��ion to trrir�g the total amou�t of funds f�tr �k�efr� � : pro�act b�c� up t0 $��,000. . 4 � PURPQSE AND RATiflNALE FOR THIS ACTION: gy "r�stc�rjng" $37,flOd to the � NkIntyre project, �h�e Ci�y wil� be able to provid� $55,0�0 toward the purchase of tt�e struc#�rre locatacl at 630 Laurel . . � - AT'r�CxM�rt�ss Cou�cil Resolution, letter of recornrn�ndatior� f� Mayror: Lati�e� .:: �� . - � ��,.,>T^,n�., . � � �� t Pb�, ` T x,: G 1 -i:� c�1� S.�1 �r �'�� r- l. ��`���� "7 �`` `3 ,..;`.�4=�� _ f� _ ; ,�:a� 3�;,a '- c�i�i�-ic.�: ��i� •i•ii�: ai_�i-�>>: '�:T �._I ,,� �. �� _ s-xz GITI' lIAI.I. 5.11\T P<1L:I., �II\_\']:SO'T_� ._�.�t0� --^ (61_) 2f)F3—.L73_f3 . �iF.ORGE I,A1'I�IER �IAYOFt February 14, 1978 kECEIVtU FEB 1_ 7 i978 Counci 1 Pres i dent Robert Syl vester COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SECTI01� Members of the City Council Seventh Floor City Hall Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 Dear President Sylvester and P�lembers: Rs you know, the City owns the building located at 1214-1216 Selby Avenue which was acquired for use by the NlcIntyre Corporation. After obtaining title to the property, it was learned that the structure was not feasible for rehabiTitation as a child care center. Therefore, we are in the process of disposing of the � property while the McIntyre's are looking for an alternative building in the Summit-University area. I recently received information from the McIntyre Corpora�ion on the feasibility of rehabilitating the structure located at 630 Laurel Avenue for use as a child care center (a copy is attached for your perusal ). After reviewing the information submitted, it is my opinion that the building meets the McIntyre Corporation's needs and that the McIntyre's possess sufficient resources to undertake the necessary rehabilitation to bring the structure up to code requirements. Therefore, I am recommending that you "restore" the funds used to purchase the Selby Avenue bui]ding by increasing the Mclntyre project budget by $37,000. I also recommend that the proceeds received from the sale of the Selby property be returned to the CD Year III unearmarked contingency for future reallocation according to federal and local procedures. As a final matter of administrative concern, I recommend that the McIntyre project be deleted from CD Year I and added to CD Year III. This action is necessary, because there are no CD Year I funds readily available at this time and because we are in the process of closing out all CD Year I projects. If you have any further questions regarding this matter, please contact Mr. William Q. Patton, the Administrator of Community Development. Sincerely, � I C G OR LAT MER Mayor GL/kk cc: William Donovan William Patton �fJ William McIntyre Gary Stout -.�e.�-�n . ; ' - • �r.�ni�rr'� �trritpr �nr ��ftrd �I��idr n� . 1041 S�lby Av�nuQ ��•, �� � . St. Panl� Minn�sota 60NNIE l. MCINTYRE, TEIEtMONE ExECUTIVE DIRECTOR February 6� 1978 (612�6�.5•5861 Mr. Robert Kessler � Community Development.. Programs City of St. Paul Lowry Building St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Dear Bob: Enclosed is the information you requested pertaining to McIntyre's Center. I hope this data is sufficient to allow all concerned parties to make a decision on the feasibility of purchasing the structure at 630 Laurel Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. Due to the fact that we are currently operating under a restricted license, which expires May 1� 1978� your immediate attention to this matter will be greatly appreciated. If I can be of further assistance� please contact me. Sincerely, � j 1 William V. McIntyre cc: Mayor Latimer Councilwoman Butler Councilwoman Hunt Councilman Sylvester � � � ��FPARTME�NT OF FIf3E AND SAFETY SEf�ViGE�%'����1��7 ' �c}� L��1 TFr��( � STftEF:l ���,�_ . - ;:�tifJT Pn�Jt , MI�JN(`.;G1A 551Uf ' . ' �t�•:�t��y� '�' t �M �� r�� . � �� �� ,, . . . . :�-.�'F �.;F"•.; CC�NfaOY. f)IF�FC.T!)I{ �'_ v. ;; t�-r�, • . ti� . •fti, y ��� ` _ �i:,� P�EvENT10N •�!` � . ��,w�.p.,�•; �•����� F'HE Sl!"FHESS1�JfV �:.. T 'it._ F� :J;� D NfINEN � 1 � _ , �_'' c . F�,'� �` '4 �� �, �..� �z- ..�n,,_�,a �I:UQP RE,cuE ' � ' j� . ��� , R!u�GuLAN�CE � 41;.R.,:� i F•� :;HIMi_K y�� " _�l�� � UARAME�iC .�, ,�„ � .t / 7 ; ` ` � � '`t �;s...y�,,.�.�'DiO�.r.`i1ti�>':l�r�- . January 19, 1978 T0: Morris Manning ° �;:' Licensing Consultant . l)epr�i•tment of Publ i c ;Jel fare � . Cc�ntenn ial 137dg . 6�i3 C+�d�'r _ `t. Paul , M�J 55155 � : f-�ROM: E. �l. Mc�:enna Fi r� I►ispector SUBJECT: Mclr�tyres Center for Giftf�d Children _ at 1041 Sel b,✓ ' r< ..;; . �. . :« . The fite department made a reinspecfiion of the premises on Jar.uary 18, 1978. �� ;: ;., ?he six conditions listed in the September 2, 1977, report hati�e heen temporar�ly reme�iied. /��; this i, a ternporary occupancy, I have ,z ; in �i�y files a number uf other violations ti►at r have temporarily laid d$l��f'. .�s�_�. This approval is only temporary until h1ay 1, 197£�. � } �� If you have any questions concerniny this matter, ple�ase ca11 me _ _ . :..:• _ �t -7:311. - -- _ ___ _ ._.__. . J i� c�: [?onnie P�IcIntyre ��llil Jorgensen - � � "`'ou � Safety l:> �u� Co,ncerr " � :��� - ;��� � �� THE BUSH FOUNDATION �"'" � 1�-U00 F1RST NAiIONAL BANI(HUILD/N0 � SAlI?? PAUL� MINIdESOTA TCl[►NON�t��-0��1 b3101 A11[A COO[�If October 26, 1977 Ms. Bonnie L. McIntyre McIntyre's Center �or Gifted Children • . ` 2479 Germain Street Saint Paul, MN 55109 Dear Ms. McIntyre: � I am pleased to tell you that at its recent meeting the Board of Directors of The Bush Foundation adopted a resolution providing for the payment to Mclntyre's Center for Gifted Children the total sum of $50,000 to support renovation of the Center's facility. Payment of this grant ia contingent upon receipt of evidence that the Center has raised sufficient other funds to complete the pro,ject. The period for which these funds are granted extends from October 21, 1977 to October 20, 1978. This grant and notice of approval are subject to your performance of the terms and conditions as outlined in the attached copy of AGREEMENT OF DONEE. The Bush Foundation will expect to receive from you an acknowledg- ment of your acceptance of this grant and of the conditions prior to disbursement of funds. We wish you well in your program. Sincerely yours, ` %'��..,q.�-. .. � �'�� ��.,.r._,�.��,-. Humphrey Doermann Executive Director HD:ly�/1640 Enc. � • THE BUBH FOUNDATION j� �F �:�l�� ��"� $-eoo Fi�esr Nw�oN�t Hwxx Huti.o�rro : ' $AINT PA17L. MINNESOri► Tc�[►MONt tas•O�tt 8S101 wwu cooc��a AGREEMENT OF DONEE As a condition of a total grant of $50,000 from The Bush Foundation to McIntyre's Center for Gifted Children to support renovation of the Center's facility, the undersigned agrees: 1. Upon completion of the period for which funds were granted, to submit a detailed report of the activities carried on under the grant, and an evaluation of what i[ accomplished. 2. Upon completion of the period. for which funds were granted, to. submit a complete financial report of the use of the grant funds. If funds from sources other than The Bush Foundation � were used for the project, a report on the sources and allocations of all such funds is desired. 3. To use the funds only for the designated purpose and not to use the funds for any purpose prohibited by law, including those purposes designated in Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code. 4. To repay any portion of the grant which is not used for that purpose. 5. To permit The Bush Foundation, at its request, to have complete access to the grantee's files and records for the purpose of making such financial audits, verifications, and investigations as it deems neressary concerning the grant. 6. That the total amount of this grant, or of any payment thereof, may be discontinued, modified or withheld at,a�ty time when, in the judgment of The Bush Foundation, such action is necessary to comply with requirements of the law. MCINTYRE'S CENTER FOR GIFTED CHILDREN -; � _ 1 ;� ; By � •'C/' j� i' � ��' � '�1 i, -( c f: h � � r Title �-.' , � � • �U �/1640 . �r�aiyri,s �I�rt�r �nr Q��fira �i��lar�n . 1041 S�lby wv�nuv � ������ St. :Pani i Itinn�sot• � _.:� �ONNIE l. AACINTY�E, ttlE►NONE EXECUTIVE OIRECTOR Not►ember 1� 1977 �blj��ls��f$41 Mr. Humphrey Doermann, 6xecutive Director Bush Roundat ion " � Rirst National Bank Building � St. Paul� Minnesota 55101 Dear Mr. Doermanns I receivQd your letter dated October 26, 1977, in which you state� the Bush Foundation has awarded a grant of $50�000.00 to McIntyre's Center for Gifted Children to support renovation of the center's facility. Please be s►dvised ttiat McIntyre 's Center accepts and is very thankful for this grant. I can assure you that these funds wilt be used for the intended purposes. I can also assure you that the children attending the center as well as the parents will benefit qreatly from your deed. Sincerely yours, • ;� � %: � , 1 \,l �� 1 Z�� � � ( � � � �� Ms. Bonnie L. Mcintyre� ,. � - T �r.�n#�re'� �trn#pr �nr (��fir� �l��l�rprt ��,� ,� 1041 S�lby Av�nuQ �� r -�- y St. Panl� Minn�sota sONNIE l. MCINTYRE, TEIEPHONE EXECUTIVE OIRECTOR �612��5��8b1 February 3, 1978 Comparative Bstimate of Construction costs based on client 's program for building located at Laurel Avenue and Dal� Street in St. Paul. GEN�RAL REQUIRE,'nENTS � . fiST CONTRACTOR'S EST SWEAT CS Temporary Facilities insurance $ 1,000.00 $ 1�000.00 SITEWORK Exterior demolition (removal of exist. bituminous)7700 sq. ft. Cd$.1�J/sq/ft 770.00 770.00 Interior demolition incl. partitions, carpet 3,000.00 250.00 SITE Ibg'KOVEMENTS Chainlink fence 6' high 240 ' long �$10.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 LANDSCAPING Topsoil 4" deep 7500 sq.ft. @$.10/sq/ft. . Sod 12" thick 7500 sq.ft. @$.25/sq/it. . - 2,6�5.00 1,625.00 INTERIOR CONSTRUCTION Wood frame partitions w/gyp.bd. 500 sq.ft. @$1.50/sq/ft . 7,500.00 4,500.00 ROOR ACCES.SORIES 9 3 'x�" double domed skylights 7,200.00 7�200.00 � . � � � ������ DOORS & WIN:�OWS • Wood doors & frames 35 1 ,000.00 1�000.00 Glass partitions 120 sq.ft. �$10.�/sq/ft 1,200.00 60�.00 Hardware 1,500.00 750.00 F'INIS�-�ES Resilient flooring non-slip tile glued to slab 4400 sq.ft. �$1.OU,/sq/ft 4,400.00 1,400•00 Carpet & backing 420 sq. yds. @$15.00�sq�Yd 6,300.00 3,000.00 Exterior painting 3600 sq.ft. @$.60/sqft 2, 160.00 8�•� Interior painting 8600 sq.ft. Q$.4o/sq/ft 3,440.00 1,500.00 Ceiling spray texture 7700 sq.ft . Cd$.40/sq/ft 3,080.00 3,080.00 MCCHANICAL Bathr��orns (�?$380/fixture 7,220.00 7,220.00 Fire protection 2,000.00 2,0�•� ELECTIZ ICAL Labor & htaterials 3,000.00 3,000.00 Tl7TAL CUNSTIZUCT ION COST $59,'795.00 $42�095.� CONTRAi:'TOR 'S PKUFIT & OVERHL•AD 14,948.00 '�,�•� CONTING�NCY 5,000.00 3,305.00 PROFESSIONAL FEES 6,00�•00 3�000•00 TOTAL C.UNSTtZUCTION B[J)!GET $�35,743.00 $52�400.00 . � � . - ����'�'�' ` MISCELLANEOUS : URNISHINGS . Chalkboards 200 sq.ft . (c�.$5.OU/sq/f t 327.00 Tackboards 250 sq.ft. �d�6.00/sq/ft 425.00 � Firefightin4 devices 500.00 Hooks & Shelf . 100.00 Bookshelves : 500.00 . Appliances ". 1,000.00 Security system � 2,00p.00 $ 4,850.U0 TOTAL REHAB COST OF BUILDING $57L250.00 BUSH'S GRANT $50,000.00 OWNER 'S CASH OUTLI�Y 7,250.00 TOTAL Si57,250.00 Prepared by John Skujins, Architect i3i11 McIntyre, Client /� /'� . • ,.__ , G� � L�d 7/ 7 , . CITY OF SAINT PAUL � � �[ ; OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL � � .�S..�-a� � � 71'.�Y{{�1��� �t9y����'. . . Dot e ; March 14, 1978 C4MMITTEE REP � RT TO : Saint Paul City Counci( FROM � Committee OCl FINANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL ROSALIE BUTLER , chai�man, makes the fotiowing . report on C.F. [� Ordinance � Resolution � Other � TiTLE : � At its meeting of March 13, the Cormittee recommended approval of the following resolutions: 1.� Authoriiing the. addition of three data-entry personnel (two Data Entry Operator II posi-tions and one Data Entry Operator III position) to the personnel complement in ti�e Citywide Data Processing Division �2. Transfer of the Gifted Children Early Education project from Community Development Year. I program to the Co�nunity Development Year III program and transfer of $37,000 in CD Year III funds for the Gifted Children Early Education project 3. Approval of payment of the parking fees at the Saint Paul Civic Center Parking Ramp for the Charter Commission and for other City of Saint Paul comnittees and corr�nissions formally established by the Charter, Legislative and Administrative Codes, and by ordinance or resolution ' of the City Council 4. Establishing a City policy that no funds contributed to the LDC's by the City shall be used to cover administrative expenses or costs and that the only administrative support shall be in the form of technical assistance from existing staff employed by the City and responsible to the City CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAL'L, MINNESOTA 55102