270710 City of St.Paul COUN ILE N0. ������
File No. 7�.�4
In the Matter of sequiring the Po1laKing deacribed ease�ts in connection �3.th
the Berry Street 8tors Se�+er pro�ect:
A 20` wide permanent sewer easement over and across that part of vacated
� $erxy Street lying between the northeasterly right-of-way line of Peaxl
Stree� and the southerly right-of-way line of the Burlington Northern
Railroad formerly the Northern Pacific Railroad� and Lots 1 and 2,
Block l, Etiistis Addition to St. Anthony Park� and part of the southwest
quarter of the northwest quarter Section 29, Township 29 North, Range 23
West lying North of the southerly right-of-way line of the Burlington
Northern Railroad formerly the Northern Pacific Railroad.
The center line of the easement= is described as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the northeasterly right-of-zvay
line of Pearl Street and a line 7 feet West of and parallel to
the center line of vacated Berry Street; thence North 00
degrees, 19 minutes, 17 seconds West (assumed bearing), a
distance of 273 feet more or less to a point on said parallel
line 350.00 feet North of the South line of the northwest
quaxter of Section 29, Township 29 North, Range 23 West as
under Admini measured along said paxallel line; thence North 43 degrees,
33 �nutes, 08 seconds East, a d.istance of 117.06 feet; thence
North b9 degrees, 53 minutes, 43 sec�nds East, a distance of
176.92 feet; thence North 70 degrees, 20 minutes, 25 seconds
The Cou East, a d.istance of 515.02 feet; thence North 60 degrees, 46 i
having conside �nutes, �+3 seconds East, a distance of 161.94 feet; thence
South 61 degrees, 07 minutes, 03 seconds East, a distance of
i. That 29,7$ feet more or less to a point of intersection with the
is $— southerly rig�it-of-way line of the Burlington Northern R�,ilroad
formerly the Northern Pacific Railroad, said point of intersection
being 94.00 feet West of and measured at right angles to the East �
line of the southwest quarter of the northt�est quarter Section 29,
Tawnship 29 North, Range 23 West and there terminating.
2. That
The side lines of said easement�l are prolonged or shortenec3 to terminate
City on the northeasterly right-of-way line of Pearl Street and the souther�y
right-of-way line of the Burlington Northern Railroad formerly the -
Northern Pacific Railroad. - " �
3. That �SO a temporaxy construction easement to the extent shawn in the Department
time� of Public Works Drawing No. 2358, Drawer No. 2, dated February 24, 1977.
Said temporaxy easement to e�ire December 31, 1978 or upon completion of
Public Works Sewer Project S-0�+60G2.
Butle2 Ceytxfl'ed Pass by CounciI Secret ry 111iFQ� G " '
� � <
H un� In Favor ( \•
�8V!f�° � �
��zd�°�' Against
" ,;'�v eSteC - Mayor
v+m�te — c�trcie.k �iI'iY OF �AINT t'AUL
Pink/ — �inance Dept. ,�-
Gnary— Dept.
, . . OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR t���7��.�t
= No: �c./ ' �/ ,�9
E-{ -
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�-: ;�_ . _.. .. - Date: �/_ / ' �
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. � ;,..�Q;� � �;
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�ADMINISTR�,TIVEORDER, fti the matter of constructing an open-cut storm s��``��((�'��``//��er fn the�
� ��.� `.J.� . . � \
fortowfitig strsets and easements: �`
, , tn R0861NS STREET from Manvel Street to Eustis Street, `,
tn an EASEMENT as described.below, from Eustis Street to Berry Street,
in BERRY STR£ET from Easement to Pearl Street, ,
all known as the BERRY STREET STORM SE4JER EXTENSION, City ProJect lJo. S-0460G2;
Al.50, in the�atfer of acquiring a 40.00-foot te�orary construction easement and a
20.04-�foot permanent sewer easement ovar, under and across the follawing described
That part of vacated Berry Street lying betv+een the hortheastarly
right-of-way 1 ine of Pearl Streat and the southerly rigfitrof-r�ray
\ itne of the Burlingtan Northern Railroad formeriy .the Northern
(�,�v\ Pacific Railroad; Lots 1 and 2, Biock 1 , Eustis Addition to St.
. ��� Anthony Park; and pa�t of the southwest Quarter of the northwest
`� quarter Section 29, Tov�mship 29 ��orth, Range 23 West lying ��arth
of the southerly �ight-of-way line of the Burlington Northarn
Railroad farmeriy the Northern Pacific Railroad.
The centar line of both easements is dsscribed as follows:
Bzginning at the inte�sect[on of the northeasterly right-of-way
line of Peari Street and a line 7 faet West of and parallel to the
center line of vacated Berry Strest; thence North 00 degrses, i9
minutes, 17 secronds West (assumed bearing), a distance of 273 feet
more or less to a point on said parallel line 350.00 feet t+b rth of
the South line of the northwast quarter of Saction 29, To+�rnship 2g
PJorth, Range 23 West as measured along said parallel ltne; thence
North 43 degrees, 33 minutes, 08 seconds East, a distanca of 117.06
feet; thence Narth 69 degrees, 53 minates, 43 ssconds East, a dis-
tance of 176.92 feat; thence iJorth 70 dagrees, 20 minutes, 25 secot�ds
East, a distance of 515.02 feet; thence Narth 60 degrees, 46 minu�es,
'�3 seconds East, a distance of {b1.9� feet; thence South bl degrees,
07 minutes, 03 saconds East, a distance of 29•7$ feet rrbre or less
to a poin# of intersection wtth the southerly right�-of-way line of
the BurlTngton Northern Ratiroad formerly the Northern Pacific Rail-
road, said point of intersactlo� being 94.00 feet West of and rneasured
at right angles to the East line of tha southwest quarter of the r►orth�
west quarter Section 29, Tawnship 29 iVorth, Range 23 West and thare " .
APPROVED AS TO�'��ating,
Assistant City Attorney Departmertt Head
Administrative Assistant to Mayor
. _'��...... _. _.. __ __ , _.. . . . � ___,..�_ _
wn�te,- c�tvc�..k . . . (iITY ' OF �AINT YALTL � � .
Pink ' — �inane�Oapt. -
C,brw�— DePt. .
�• _ _ / ��
` No: "'
. • . . ADMII�IISTRATIVE ORDER - ,,P,,9� �
_. _ Date: ,_. ...� __ ,__
-Page Two-
. _ _ _.
_ _. _ __..�._ _.
The sids lines of said easements are prolonged or shortened to
terminate on the northeasterly right-of-way line af Peart Straet
and tha sautherty right-of-way lina of the Burliagton Northern
Railroad forn�erly the Northarn Pacific Railroad. Said temporary
easea�ent to expire December 31, i978 or upon ca,pletton of Public
Works S�wer Project S-04bOG2;
Said Easea+ent Acquisition to be kreown as City Project No. S-Ok60 G2R: "
_ _ ; _ .
_. _ . ..
The Department of Finance S Management is directed to .bring these matters hafore the
City Cotx�cii far a publie heartng.
. _ . - _ :_ _ . . ___ __: _ .:�,3::
APPROVED AS TO FORM _ _ . _ _ __ __ _ . .. .,, .
� �.
f � ,_ :..: ,�%��, '",
!'Assistant Citp'�ttorney i Partm t Head
J r
Date . _ . ,
i retive Assisi at o Mayor
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