01-1240Council File # p � _�ZyQ k�:1 - - ' _�-, f F. E 5.,+ i:�'r% i t Y� Green Sheet # 62908 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Committee Date 1 An Administrative Resolution amending the Salary Plan and 2 Rates of Compensation by establishing the rate of pay for the 3 new classification titled "Utility Aide". 0 �3 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the class of Utility Aide be established at the rate set forth in the new Grade 29U, of the Collective Bazgaining Unit #71, Laborers Local #132, Salary Schedule and be it; 7 RESOLVED, that Grade 29U be established in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation under the Bargaining Unit #71, Laborers Loca1 132, Salary Schedule to read as follows: 9 First Second Third Fourth 10 1040 hours 1040 hours 1040 hours 1040 hours 11 $10.00/hr. $11.D0/hr. $12.50/hr. $14.00/hr. 12 FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution sha11 take effect and be in force on the first pay period 13 following its passage and app;oval. Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: d Approved by Mayor: Date �� j0 F�'� B�: 7� Requested by Departrnent of. Office of Human Resources B Y� ��M � ��� Form Approved by City Attorney sy: �J-'� \ � �= -`�(" l t ( f 6 (� ( Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: ���[ /e�9'%�' vr'Rc(tT/� G9Shared�ClassiflCLASSUtesolueovs&Ordinances\UtiLTy Aide.res.wpd Adopted by Council: Date ��.�1 , cZ g� 00 � . 7 , . Gsi > � DEPARTMENT/OFFICEICOUNCII.: DATE INiTIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 6290$ � p� _ 4 � Human Resources 7l18/Ol ,��CONTACl' PERSON & PHONE: uvmnLnAi'E stiTTpi./ifnl'E Sheila Williams, 266-6520 � nFaucrn�rrr n a eirrco�nucu. John Shockley, 266-6482 ��� Z�AnoR,� �� ��t61o� � ROITfING MIJST BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATEj pgpgR �,v.��, �vvm �v,wnsT. sacvieccrc 3 MAYO&(ORASS'f.) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGFS 1 (Q,IP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncnoN �QUESrEn: Approval of the attached resolution establishing the rate of pay for the newly created Utility Aide "' classificafion in the new Cttade 29U of Bazgaining Unit 71, Laborers Loca1 #132 Salary Schedule. q; ` RECOMIvffiNDA7TONS: Approve (A) wReject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACIS MUST ONSWER TFIE gpLLOWING QOESTTONS: , . 1. Hasihispersod5tmevawo�dmderacontruk£orihisdepa�eMP PLANNING COMbIISSION Yes No ' _ _C� COMIvf[TT� 2. Has this PersodSrm ever been a ciry employee7 �._C1VII,SERVICECAMIvIISSION Ya No _ ' 3. Does dtis person/5�m possess a s}jp nM nmmally posaessed bY ffiY ��'eo� city employee7 Yes No 4. Is titis pecmn/fum a targe[ed vendorl Yes No Eaplain su yec answers on separate sheet aud attach ro green s6eet ; INTTIATIlVG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTONI'LY (Wha, Whay W6en, Whue, Why): �115 3Ct10II 1S baSCCl OR S SY.tiCl}' Of 3Il0Wly C703�C� classification for positions in the Saint Paul Regional Water Services. The study included an evaluation using the ?; City's QES job evaluation system that determined the Utility Aide classification should be created. �., Currently, Saint Paul Regional Water Services utilizes positions in the Park Aide classification (starting pay: $7.24/ : liour) to perform manuallabor at its Vadnais, Highland Pazk, McCarrons Plant and reservoir sites. The study % conducted by the Office of I-�uman Resources determined that the Saint Paul Regional Water Services could work ` more efficienfly with the creaUon of a classification responsible for broader grounds labor responsibilities and a rate of pay that reflects broader responsibility. ` nuv�nrrac�s � arrxovEn: Approval of this resolution will allow for compensafion for this newly created . elassification of positions. ' re r�snr 'DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: NOIIO. �� � „�,,,u, �"DISADVANI'AGES IFNOTAPPROVED: PSy W1Il ri0Y U0 BSY.a.t1IISIIC(1. i°fl '��'�' ��. �= ��� ��TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTiON: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED:Yes . . FUNDING SOURCE: pCIIpITy NpMggg; � ' FINANCIAL IlVFORMATION: (EXPLAIt� a G:\Shared\ClassiflCLA$SlResoludons&Ordinances\Utility Aide.gs.wpd ;io i O\ —�7.y� CLASSIFICATION STUDY REPORT CLASS STUDIED: INCUMBENT: STUDIED BY: 11�71_Y_x.7�lU 1 I 1 PERSONS CONTACTED: APPROVAL OF Utility Aide None Sheila VJilliams March 19, 2001 Watershed Supervisor I group Steve Schneider, Personnel Manager AND COMPENSATION MANAGER: (Date) Background Watershed Supervisor I's submitted a job description requesting a review for the potential creafion of a new classification to replace use of the Park Aide classification cunently used by Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS) to perform laborer tasks in the Production and Distribution Divisions of the utility. Pazk Aide is a temporary classification which does not recognize the overall scope and level of responsibility required of employees in SPRWS. Administration for SPRWS is in support of this review to address the need for continuing appointments to staff who would perform tasks believed to be beyond the current scope of the Park Aide classification. This study will detemune whether a new classification should be created or if an existing classification meets the level and scope of responsibilities typically assigned to this position. A job specification, salary rate and bargaining unit assignment will be identified if a new classification is created. Review of job description Input from incumbents Interview with supervisors Comparison to class specifications Comparison to other positions QES evaluation and analysis Study Components o �-��.yc Recommendation .Tob Description Watershed Supervisor P s, with input from current subordinate staff, created a j ob description of the duries that would be assigned to a new classification. This position would function as the entry level laborer assigned primarily to watershed crew activities. Positions in this classification perform rourine labor and/or grounds maintenance on utility land, such as land near water reservoirs/tanks and supply lakes and conduits. The specific responsibilities of this position include: Performs maintenance work on grounds of varying terrain including trimming, planting & seeding, watering, trash cleanup, grass cutting, shoveling and emptying trash containers. 2. Assists watershed crews in watershed operations as needed, including hauling brush and debris, chipping brush, assisting in the installation of fences and other related duties. Operates equipment as directed, including walk behind lawn mowers, weed whips, brush cutters, hedgers, blowers, shovels, wheelbarrows and other tools and equipment as necessary and as directed. 4. Performs routine equipment maintenance which may include checking oil, tires greasing, changing blades, etc.. (or including checking vehicies, equipment and tools?) 5. Drives utility vehicles, trucks, vans and cars. 6. Assists other employees as assigned in the performance of labor, maintenance and repair work to grounds, fields, facilities and equipment. Positions performing similar duties had been placed in the Park Aide classification, a temporary classification with limited expectations for types of assignments, kinds of tools and equipment used, skills utilized and type of tenain in which to perform tasks. The utility requires greater skill, knowledge for continuing work efforts to ensure access to facilities and water reservoirs/tanks. Further, SPRWS has year round positions which aze depended on to maintain utility grounds and assist with other labor acfivities. .' bl-\a.yb Comparison to Class Specificarions Park Aide The Pazk Aide classificarion is expected to perform routine labor in a park, playground or other public grounds. Empioyees are expected to be seasonal. The specific responsibilities of this classification are: 1. Cuts grass, sprinkles lawns, trims hedges, rakes leaves, picks up brush and branches. 2. Waters, trims, and maintains golf greens, fairways, sand traps, and trees. Sees that grounds aze kept neat and orderly. 4. Develops and maintains skating facilities. Assists foreshy crews in cleanup after trimming operations. 6. Acts temporarily as a golf ranger on the municipal golf courses when assigned. 7. Serves as attendant at a park pavilion, picnic area, or parking lot, as assigned. This classification no longer addresses the functions required by SPRWS to be performed as typical duties within the scope of the proposed new classification. Q.E.S. point factors that differ from the position being reviewed are Mental Effort, Hazards and Stress and Contacts. The Surroundings factor is at the high end of level two indicating some difference in the environment in which the positions under review are expected to perform. Comparison to Other Positions House Custodian II Under supervision, a House Custodian II prepares facilities for various event, assists custodians in cleaning public buildings and grounds. Typical duties include: To set up dasher boards, and related equipment. 2. To set up and take down chairs, tables, booths, risers, bleachers, and related equipment. ,' o� -�ayo 3. To operate freight elevators. 4. To empty trash containers. 5. To assist in loading and unloading special equipment and supplies for events held atthe Civic Center. 6. To do emergency custodial work during events Other title considerations: Three titles are used in SPRWS for perfornung the semi-skilled labor required in the Distribution and Producfion Divisions of the utility. Two classifications work out doors and one performs labor tasks in the water plant. Water Utilitv Worker I Performs manual labor in the construction, maintenance and repair of streets, sewers, water mains, right of ways and on grounds and buildings; repairs conduits and structures. This classification is responsible for semi-skilled labor activities at ground level. Water Svstem Worker I Performs manual labor involving the use of pick, shovel and other tools in the excavation of water main, sewer or other trenches. This classification is responsible for semi-skiiled labor activities in trenches or below surface level. Water Plant Aide Under supervision, is trained in the operation and maintenance of Filter and Lime recovery Plant equipment; and in the maintenance of pumping equipment; and performs manual labor in various areas of the plant. This classification performs basic maintenance and semi-skilled labor tasks within facilities of the SPRWS plant. Title consideration conclusion: All three SPRWS classifications listed above are expected to perform tasks that are typically beyond the scope of the position under review with greater skill required for many aspects of the duties of these classifications. However, the studied position is expected to assist these classifications in some work activities and may eventually be assigned to the less sldlled tasks of these higher classifications. o � -�a.vo Q. E. S. Evaluation and Analvsis The QES analysis supports allocation to the new title of Utility Aide in the I.aborer salary schedule of the Tri-Council bargaining unit at the new grade of 29U. A new specification and classificarion are warranted forthe expanded laborer duties requiredbythe department(s) using this title. Since no e�sting classification incorporates these responsibilities, a new classification is being recommended. Recommendation It is recommended that the position be allocated to the proposed Utility Aide classification upon SPRWS agreement to support the 20 day norice, union notificarion and City Council approval. New Salary Grade 29U recommendation: First Second Third Fourth 1040 hrs 1040 hrs 1040 hrs 1040 hrs $10.00/hr $11.00/hr $12.50/hr $14.00/hr PROPOSED TTTLE OF CLASS: Code: 201B Q 1 �'��O UTILITY AIDE BU: 71 Effective: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs routine labor/grounds maintenance on Utility maintained land, such as land neaz water reserooirs/tauks and supply lakes and conduits; and performs related duties as assigned. Sunervision Received: Works under the close supervision of a unit supervisor. Suoervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Performs grounds maintenance work of vazied terrain including trimming, planring & seeding, watering, trash cleanup, grass cutting, shoveling and emptying trash containers. Assists watershed crews in watershed operations as needed including hauling brush and debris, chipping brush, assisting in the installation of fences and other related duties. Operates equipment as directed, including walk behind weed whips, brush cutters, hedgers, blowers, shovels, lawn mowers, wheelbarrows and other tools and equipment as necessary and as d'uected. Performs routine equipment maintenance which may include checking oil, tires greasing, changing blades, etc. Must maintain a regulaz work schedule. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES, AND COMPETENCIES Some knowledge of lawn and grounds caze. Ability to perform moderately difFicult manual tasks, some of which is under unfavorable weather conditions and/or for extended periods of time. Working ability to run lawn mowers and related equipment as required. Working ability to understand and follow directions. Working ability to communicate effectively with the public. (UTILIT'Y AIDE) Page 1 of 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: Code: 201B O 1 _� a �� UTILITY AIDE BU: 71 Effective: MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Must possess a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license, or equivalent out-of-state license, with no suspensions or revocations within the two-yeaz period prior to the date of appoinhnent (suspensions for pazking-related offenses excluded). A provisional driver's license (without restrictions) will be accepted. (UTILITI' AIDE) Page 2 of 2 01-\�.40 C1TY OF SAINT PAUL Norm CoCeman, M¢yot TO: I�:Zi7Ta OFFICE OF EiUMAN RI John Hamilton, Direcror 400 City Hail Annex C I 25 West Founh Street � Sai.ntPauZ,Minnesota SSIO2-I631 Berrue Bullert, Director Saint Paul Regional Water Services Sheila VJilliams �tl� HR Consultant - Classification Specificarion (attached) Q.E.S. job study (see attached letter) New Salary grade of 29U added to the Laborers Bargaining Unit a� ; �°� .� �� nAZ�: luly ao, aooi #� ° �� r `�2r� ti RE: Twenty Day Notice � �o�9/� a � � . It has been determined that the title and class specificauon of Utility Aide s ou d be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for this proposed title. Pursuant to City of Saint Paul Civil Service Rule 3(C), this memorandum is to inform you that the following processes have occurred to create the new ritle of Utility Aide. If you have any questions or wmments regarding this matter, please contact me at 266-6520. I have received this memorandum and wish to waive the time remaining on this Twenty-Day Public Notice. Name cc: Tom Besaw Dept 20DayNotI.et.wpd , ., �- t �- O � Date Lz: s � �z � €�. 5�3������3 �b��� �flt�ci �_'�. �� �..l.�.�i � ..i i � � � .,. �,�/� CI'I'Y OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co[em¢n, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: D � -\��Lo OFk'ICE OF HLJMAN RESOURCES John HamiLton, Director 400 Ciry Hn[1 Aanu 25 West Fourth Street SairztP¢ul, Minnesota 55102-7631 Telephone: TDA/ITY. Jobline: F¢csimile: 612-266-6500 612-266-6501 612-266-6502 612-292-7656 Bemie Bullert, Director Saint Paul Regional Water Services Sheila Williams HR Consultant July 20, 2001 Twenty Day Notice It has been determined that the title and class specification of Utility Aide should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for this proposed title. Pursuant to City of Saint Paul Civil Service Rule 3(C), this memorandum is to inform you that the following processes have occurred to create the new tifle of Utility Aide. Classification Specification (attached) Q.E.S. job study (see attached ]etter) New Salary grade of 29U added to the Laborers Bazgaining Unit If you have any questions or comments regarding this matter, please contact me at 266-6520. V cc: Tom Besaw Union 20DayNotLet.wpd Council File # p � _�ZyQ k�:1 - - ' _�-, f F. E 5.,+ i:�'r% i t Y� Green Sheet # 62908 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Committee Date 1 An Administrative Resolution amending the Salary Plan and 2 Rates of Compensation by establishing the rate of pay for the 3 new classification titled "Utility Aide". 0 �3 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the class of Utility Aide be established at the rate set forth in the new Grade 29U, of the Collective Bazgaining Unit #71, Laborers Local #132, Salary Schedule and be it; 7 RESOLVED, that Grade 29U be established in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation under the Bargaining Unit #71, Laborers Loca1 132, Salary Schedule to read as follows: 9 First Second Third Fourth 10 1040 hours 1040 hours 1040 hours 1040 hours 11 $10.00/hr. $11.D0/hr. $12.50/hr. $14.00/hr. 12 FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution sha11 take effect and be in force on the first pay period 13 following its passage and app;oval. Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: d Approved by Mayor: Date �� j0 F�'� B�: 7� Requested by Departrnent of. Office of Human Resources B Y� ��M � ��� Form Approved by City Attorney sy: �J-'� \ � �= -`�(" l t ( f 6 (� ( Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: ���[ /e�9'%�' vr'Rc(tT/� G9Shared�ClassiflCLASSUtesolueovs&Ordinances\UtiLTy Aide.res.wpd Adopted by Council: Date ��.�1 , cZ g� 00 � . 7 , . Gsi > � DEPARTMENT/OFFICEICOUNCII.: DATE INiTIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 6290$ � p� _ 4 � Human Resources 7l18/Ol ,��CONTACl' PERSON & PHONE: uvmnLnAi'E stiTTpi./ifnl'E Sheila Williams, 266-6520 � nFaucrn�rrr n a eirrco�nucu. John Shockley, 266-6482 ��� Z�AnoR,� �� ��t61o� � ROITfING MIJST BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATEj pgpgR �,v.��, �vvm �v,wnsT. sacvieccrc 3 MAYO&(ORASS'f.) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGFS 1 (Q,IP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncnoN �QUESrEn: Approval of the attached resolution establishing the rate of pay for the newly created Utility Aide "' classificafion in the new Cttade 29U of Bazgaining Unit 71, Laborers Loca1 #132 Salary Schedule. q; ` RECOMIvffiNDA7TONS: Approve (A) wReject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACIS MUST ONSWER TFIE gpLLOWING QOESTTONS: , . 1. Hasihispersod5tmevawo�dmderacontruk£orihisdepa�eMP PLANNING COMbIISSION Yes No ' _ _C� COMIvf[TT� 2. Has this PersodSrm ever been a ciry employee7 �._C1VII,SERVICECAMIvIISSION Ya No _ ' 3. Does dtis person/5�m possess a s}jp nM nmmally posaessed bY ffiY ��'eo� city employee7 Yes No 4. Is titis pecmn/fum a targe[ed vendorl Yes No Eaplain su yec answers on separate sheet aud attach ro green s6eet ; INTTIATIlVG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTONI'LY (Wha, Whay W6en, Whue, Why): �115 3Ct10II 1S baSCCl OR S SY.tiCl}' Of 3Il0Wly C703�C� classification for positions in the Saint Paul Regional Water Services. The study included an evaluation using the ?; City's QES job evaluation system that determined the Utility Aide classification should be created. �., Currently, Saint Paul Regional Water Services utilizes positions in the Park Aide classification (starting pay: $7.24/ : liour) to perform manuallabor at its Vadnais, Highland Pazk, McCarrons Plant and reservoir sites. The study % conducted by the Office of I-�uman Resources determined that the Saint Paul Regional Water Services could work ` more efficienfly with the creaUon of a classification responsible for broader grounds labor responsibilities and a rate of pay that reflects broader responsibility. ` nuv�nrrac�s � arrxovEn: Approval of this resolution will allow for compensafion for this newly created . elassification of positions. ' re r�snr 'DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: NOIIO. �� � „�,,,u, �"DISADVANI'AGES IFNOTAPPROVED: PSy W1Il ri0Y U0 BSY.a.t1IISIIC(1. i°fl '��'�' ��. �= ��� ��TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTiON: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED:Yes . . FUNDING SOURCE: pCIIpITy NpMggg; � ' FINANCIAL IlVFORMATION: (EXPLAIt� a G:\Shared\ClassiflCLA$SlResoludons&Ordinances\Utility Aide.gs.wpd ;io i O\ —�7.y� CLASSIFICATION STUDY REPORT CLASS STUDIED: INCUMBENT: STUDIED BY: 11�71_Y_x.7�lU 1 I 1 PERSONS CONTACTED: APPROVAL OF Utility Aide None Sheila VJilliams March 19, 2001 Watershed Supervisor I group Steve Schneider, Personnel Manager AND COMPENSATION MANAGER: (Date) Background Watershed Supervisor I's submitted a job description requesting a review for the potential creafion of a new classification to replace use of the Park Aide classification cunently used by Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS) to perform laborer tasks in the Production and Distribution Divisions of the utility. Pazk Aide is a temporary classification which does not recognize the overall scope and level of responsibility required of employees in SPRWS. Administration for SPRWS is in support of this review to address the need for continuing appointments to staff who would perform tasks believed to be beyond the current scope of the Park Aide classification. This study will detemune whether a new classification should be created or if an existing classification meets the level and scope of responsibilities typically assigned to this position. A job specification, salary rate and bargaining unit assignment will be identified if a new classification is created. Review of job description Input from incumbents Interview with supervisors Comparison to class specifications Comparison to other positions QES evaluation and analysis Study Components o �-��.yc Recommendation .Tob Description Watershed Supervisor P s, with input from current subordinate staff, created a j ob description of the duries that would be assigned to a new classification. This position would function as the entry level laborer assigned primarily to watershed crew activities. Positions in this classification perform rourine labor and/or grounds maintenance on utility land, such as land near water reservoirs/tanks and supply lakes and conduits. The specific responsibilities of this position include: Performs maintenance work on grounds of varying terrain including trimming, planting & seeding, watering, trash cleanup, grass cutting, shoveling and emptying trash containers. 2. Assists watershed crews in watershed operations as needed, including hauling brush and debris, chipping brush, assisting in the installation of fences and other related duties. Operates equipment as directed, including walk behind lawn mowers, weed whips, brush cutters, hedgers, blowers, shovels, wheelbarrows and other tools and equipment as necessary and as directed. 4. Performs routine equipment maintenance which may include checking oil, tires greasing, changing blades, etc.. (or including checking vehicies, equipment and tools?) 5. Drives utility vehicles, trucks, vans and cars. 6. Assists other employees as assigned in the performance of labor, maintenance and repair work to grounds, fields, facilities and equipment. Positions performing similar duties had been placed in the Park Aide classification, a temporary classification with limited expectations for types of assignments, kinds of tools and equipment used, skills utilized and type of tenain in which to perform tasks. The utility requires greater skill, knowledge for continuing work efforts to ensure access to facilities and water reservoirs/tanks. Further, SPRWS has year round positions which aze depended on to maintain utility grounds and assist with other labor acfivities. .' bl-\a.yb Comparison to Class Specificarions Park Aide The Pazk Aide classificarion is expected to perform routine labor in a park, playground or other public grounds. Empioyees are expected to be seasonal. The specific responsibilities of this classification are: 1. Cuts grass, sprinkles lawns, trims hedges, rakes leaves, picks up brush and branches. 2. Waters, trims, and maintains golf greens, fairways, sand traps, and trees. Sees that grounds aze kept neat and orderly. 4. Develops and maintains skating facilities. Assists foreshy crews in cleanup after trimming operations. 6. Acts temporarily as a golf ranger on the municipal golf courses when assigned. 7. Serves as attendant at a park pavilion, picnic area, or parking lot, as assigned. This classification no longer addresses the functions required by SPRWS to be performed as typical duties within the scope of the proposed new classification. Q.E.S. point factors that differ from the position being reviewed are Mental Effort, Hazards and Stress and Contacts. The Surroundings factor is at the high end of level two indicating some difference in the environment in which the positions under review are expected to perform. Comparison to Other Positions House Custodian II Under supervision, a House Custodian II prepares facilities for various event, assists custodians in cleaning public buildings and grounds. Typical duties include: To set up dasher boards, and related equipment. 2. To set up and take down chairs, tables, booths, risers, bleachers, and related equipment. ,' o� -�ayo 3. To operate freight elevators. 4. To empty trash containers. 5. To assist in loading and unloading special equipment and supplies for events held atthe Civic Center. 6. To do emergency custodial work during events Other title considerations: Three titles are used in SPRWS for perfornung the semi-skilled labor required in the Distribution and Producfion Divisions of the utility. Two classifications work out doors and one performs labor tasks in the water plant. Water Utilitv Worker I Performs manual labor in the construction, maintenance and repair of streets, sewers, water mains, right of ways and on grounds and buildings; repairs conduits and structures. This classification is responsible for semi-skilled labor activities at ground level. Water Svstem Worker I Performs manual labor involving the use of pick, shovel and other tools in the excavation of water main, sewer or other trenches. This classification is responsible for semi-skiiled labor activities in trenches or below surface level. Water Plant Aide Under supervision, is trained in the operation and maintenance of Filter and Lime recovery Plant equipment; and in the maintenance of pumping equipment; and performs manual labor in various areas of the plant. This classification performs basic maintenance and semi-skilled labor tasks within facilities of the SPRWS plant. Title consideration conclusion: All three SPRWS classifications listed above are expected to perform tasks that are typically beyond the scope of the position under review with greater skill required for many aspects of the duties of these classifications. However, the studied position is expected to assist these classifications in some work activities and may eventually be assigned to the less sldlled tasks of these higher classifications. o � -�a.vo Q. E. S. Evaluation and Analvsis The QES analysis supports allocation to the new title of Utility Aide in the I.aborer salary schedule of the Tri-Council bargaining unit at the new grade of 29U. A new specification and classificarion are warranted forthe expanded laborer duties requiredbythe department(s) using this title. Since no e�sting classification incorporates these responsibilities, a new classification is being recommended. Recommendation It is recommended that the position be allocated to the proposed Utility Aide classification upon SPRWS agreement to support the 20 day norice, union notificarion and City Council approval. New Salary Grade 29U recommendation: First Second Third Fourth 1040 hrs 1040 hrs 1040 hrs 1040 hrs $10.00/hr $11.00/hr $12.50/hr $14.00/hr PROPOSED TTTLE OF CLASS: Code: 201B Q 1 �'��O UTILITY AIDE BU: 71 Effective: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs routine labor/grounds maintenance on Utility maintained land, such as land neaz water reserooirs/tauks and supply lakes and conduits; and performs related duties as assigned. Sunervision Received: Works under the close supervision of a unit supervisor. Suoervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Performs grounds maintenance work of vazied terrain including trimming, planring & seeding, watering, trash cleanup, grass cutting, shoveling and emptying trash containers. Assists watershed crews in watershed operations as needed including hauling brush and debris, chipping brush, assisting in the installation of fences and other related duties. Operates equipment as directed, including walk behind weed whips, brush cutters, hedgers, blowers, shovels, lawn mowers, wheelbarrows and other tools and equipment as necessary and as d'uected. Performs routine equipment maintenance which may include checking oil, tires greasing, changing blades, etc. Must maintain a regulaz work schedule. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES, AND COMPETENCIES Some knowledge of lawn and grounds caze. Ability to perform moderately difFicult manual tasks, some of which is under unfavorable weather conditions and/or for extended periods of time. Working ability to run lawn mowers and related equipment as required. Working ability to understand and follow directions. Working ability to communicate effectively with the public. (UTILIT'Y AIDE) Page 1 of 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: Code: 201B O 1 _� a �� UTILITY AIDE BU: 71 Effective: MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Must possess a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license, or equivalent out-of-state license, with no suspensions or revocations within the two-yeaz period prior to the date of appoinhnent (suspensions for pazking-related offenses excluded). A provisional driver's license (without restrictions) will be accepted. (UTILITI' AIDE) Page 2 of 2 01-\�.40 C1TY OF SAINT PAUL Norm CoCeman, M¢yot TO: I�:Zi7Ta OFFICE OF EiUMAN RI John Hamilton, Direcror 400 City Hail Annex C I 25 West Founh Street � Sai.ntPauZ,Minnesota SSIO2-I631 Berrue Bullert, Director Saint Paul Regional Water Services Sheila VJilliams �tl� HR Consultant - Classification Specificarion (attached) Q.E.S. job study (see attached letter) New Salary grade of 29U added to the Laborers Bargaining Unit a� ; �°� .� �� nAZ�: luly ao, aooi #� ° �� r `�2r� ti RE: Twenty Day Notice � �o�9/� a � � . It has been determined that the title and class specificauon of Utility Aide s ou d be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for this proposed title. Pursuant to City of Saint Paul Civil Service Rule 3(C), this memorandum is to inform you that the following processes have occurred to create the new ritle of Utility Aide. If you have any questions or wmments regarding this matter, please contact me at 266-6520. I have received this memorandum and wish to waive the time remaining on this Twenty-Day Public Notice. Name cc: Tom Besaw Dept 20DayNotI.et.wpd , ., �- t �- O � Date Lz: s � �z � €�. 5�3������3 �b��� �flt�ci �_'�. �� �..l.�.�i � ..i i � � � .,. �,�/� CI'I'Y OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co[em¢n, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: D � -\��Lo OFk'ICE OF HLJMAN RESOURCES John HamiLton, Director 400 Ciry Hn[1 Aanu 25 West Fourth Street SairztP¢ul, Minnesota 55102-7631 Telephone: TDA/ITY. Jobline: F¢csimile: 612-266-6500 612-266-6501 612-266-6502 612-292-7656 Bemie Bullert, Director Saint Paul Regional Water Services Sheila Williams HR Consultant July 20, 2001 Twenty Day Notice It has been determined that the title and class specification of Utility Aide should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for this proposed title. Pursuant to City of Saint Paul Civil Service Rule 3(C), this memorandum is to inform you that the following processes have occurred to create the new tifle of Utility Aide. Classification Specification (attached) Q.E.S. job study (see attached ]etter) New Salary grade of 29U added to the Laborers Bazgaining Unit If you have any questions or comments regarding this matter, please contact me at 266-6520. V cc: Tom Besaw Union 20DayNotLet.wpd