270704 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUI1C11 � � PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L � . � , � � � CANARY - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul realized the necessity of providing a deferred compensation plan for employees who wished to supplement their pension benefits and Social Security, or act as a substitute for Social Security for the many City employees who never worked under the Social Security Act; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul established a deferred compensation plan through the State of Minnesota Retirement System in good faith and according to long established rules promulgated by the I, R. S. ; and WHEREAS, the I. R. S, has now published regulations which will void the deferred compensation plan established by the City and all others throughout the United States, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul go on record to express its dissatisfaction with the actions of the I. R. S, staff in publishing this ���t new regulation; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that copies of this Resolution be sent to: Honorable Bruce Vento, House of Representatives _ The Honorable Muriel Humphrey, The United States Senate The Honorable Wendell Anderson, The United States Senate with instructions to do all they can to reverse this regulation of the I.R. S. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � —}}�� In Favor Hunt ' I Levine _ v __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco �� 1 4 �978 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted b uncil: Date - Cert ied Pas�- y Council Sec,yetary BY By _ Approved by ; ate — ✓ '�' �� 2�0 49� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By � � BY PUBLISHED MAR Z 5 197$ �'c.� �/�/�g �►����,,� 59 � ,��� _�� OFFICERS 'r"^" BOARD OF DtRECTQRS ' � Paut L,G�oschen,Executive Director , �� Eleeted Arne U�vi,Assistant Director - Franeis Hage, Choirman MINNESOTA S7ATE RETIREMENT SYSTEM �°�`'`°°�r °f Nat"`a� Reso"�`es Corolyn Andersort, Vice Chatrman 529 Jackson ot lOth Street St� Paul, Minnesota 55101 University of Minnesoto Telo (612) 296-2761 Robert H. Btanck Stats H ighway Oepartment � Karl W.Christey �spartmsnt of Public Safety - Berdine Erickson Rochsster State Hospitol APPoint�� , Lieutsnont Governor Lyle Farmer, Sf. Poul Deferred Compensation Participants: a. e. Bordenov�, st. Pa�t The Internal Revenue Service has recently published a proposed regulation �� (Sl.bl-16) which will have the effect of voiding the Deferred Campensation Program. We would like to bring you up to date on the na.ture of the proposal and outline possible steps which can be taken if you disagree with it. First, it is important to understand that the proposed rules wi.11 not affect the money you have already deferred. The regula,tion, as proposed, would how- ever require that contributions to the plan would be taxed in the year earned after the effective date of the rules. In other words, the taxes could no longer be deferred to the year of receipt. This is, apparently, an internal policy decision on the pa.rt of the Internal Revenue Service, Department of Treasury, and is being vigorously contested by cities and states who .have deferred compensation programs, individual parti�ipants, emplo�ee organizations, etc. . Interested persons may file written comments and request a public hearing on the proposed regulation until April k, 1978. If a p�zblic hearing is requssted, one will be scheduled and it is our understanding that sevaral people have requested a hear5ng. Once the written and verbal comments have been reviewed, the Treasury decides whether to issue the regula,tion at all, in amended form, or as propo3ed. It is importa,nt to� understand that this is solely the decision of the Treasury - - whether they are convinced tha,t the camm�ents had merit or not. � � a Legisla,tion (HR 1071�6) has been recently introduced in the House of Representa- �� tives to suspend the operation of this proposed regulation, The intent is to give the opportunity for a full, public discussion and, hopefully, have Congress� _ reach a legislative solution which will pr�serve deferred cc�npensation programs for public employees. If you wish to write to your congressm3n or senator with regard to the entire issue as well as this particular bill, a list of the Minne- sota Sena,tors and Congressmen is printed on the back of this letter for your convenience. We will be following this very closely and making every effort to preserve the deferred compensation program for public employees. We will keep you advised of future developments. Sincerely, ��.,�.�CX�..���!���,�,/ _ � � _ Paul L, Groschen Executive Director PLC':dh AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER