270700 s �y M�HITE — CITV CLERK COURCII �A:��',V�O� PINK — FINANCE CANARV — DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL BL`E — �AYOR File NO• ouncil Resolution Presented By ! '��� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Re solution amending the Civi1 Service Rules to change the residency requirement ' for Unclassified City Employees. WHEREAS, it is appropriate and desirable to amend the Civil Service Rules to change the residency requirement for Unclassified City � Employees; now, tlzerefore, be it �i, RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section I 10 D thereof, so that said Section 10 D shall read: I � "D RESIDENCE -- Every employee appointed prior to January 1, 1977, ' and holdi.ng a position in the Classified e�T�Tx;elarsai��ec� Service of the , City shall be a bona fide resident withi.n an area described below ' during the period of his employment as a condition of employment. Fai.lure to maintain such residence shall be deemed insubordination and misconduct and automatic forfeiture of employment; provided, however, that these latter provisions sha11 not apply to employees who occupy a temporary summer residence outside of tlie areas out- lined below between the dates of May 15 and September 15 of any year. Every employee appointed prior to January 1, 1977, and holding a position in the Classified e�-L�'xiel�s�i�€� Service of tlie City, except employees in the Fire Group and th.e Police Group, shall be a bona fide re sident of the State of Minne sota. Since employees i.n the Fire Group and the Police Group are subject to recall in emergencies and must therefore, be readily available, (c ontinued) COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt , Levine __ Against BY — Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY - By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By WHITE - CITV CLERK COl1I1C11 ��� • �� PINK - FINANCE �T 7 CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA V L BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � y Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date _ 2 _ '' " such employees shall be bona fide residents of an area which shall include the following: Ramsey County, Washington County, Anoka County, Dakota County, that part of Hennepin County which lies east of Highway 101, and that part of Chisago County which lies south of Highway 95. � Applicants for original entry to a position in the City of St. Paul wi.11 ! not be required to be re sidents of the City of St. Paul, I I Every new employee appointed after January 1, 1977, and holdin� a � position in the Classified Service of the City, shall be xequired to I reside in the City of St. Paul within one year of his original appoint- ment, and thereafter wi11 be required to remain within the City limits as long as he is employed by the City of St. Paul. �'�ia s-reside�e�r�e�t�.rre-r���-s�l��}�l��o-�il�x�o-la�s�i.€i�e�d-e x�lo�ye�e�s-a e we��a-s-�assrf}ed��eyees� Every Unclassified employee who lives in the City of Saint Paul must maintain residencE within the ', City Limits of the City of Saint Paul as long as he is an employee of � the City. Eve ry Unclas sified employee of tlie City of Saint Paul who � lives outside of the City of Saint Paul and who chan�es his residence ' must move into the City of Saint Paul at the time of such change of residence. The provisions of this para�raph shall not apply to ; Unclassified employees who are members of a Collective Bar�ainin� ' Unit, nor shall they apply to Attorneys who are confidential employees i under the Public Employees Labor Relations Act, and such employees � shall be considered as Classified employees solely for the purpose of deterrninin� residency requirements. i � (continued) I �� � � � i COU(�CILMEN ' Yeas Nay�s Requested by Department of: � Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt i Levine __ Against BY — Roedler � Sylvester � Tedesco � Form Approved by City Attorney i Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Counc.il Secretary BY By Approved by Ma��oc Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY � � � ` ����� �NHf7E - CITV CLERK � / I PINK � - FINANCE COUIICIl S CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL I BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � ' � � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date - 3 - " For those Bar�ainin� Units who have provisions within their Labor � Contracts that are contrary to the provisions of this 5ection, the ; provisions within their contracts shall prevail over the provisions ' contai.ned in this Section. An employee failing to meet the residency requirement shall be ' deemed to be insubordinate and guilty of misconduct and such � action shall be grounds for disciplinary action, including suspension ; and discharge. An employee terminated for failure to me et the ; residency requirement shall have the right to a hearing to determine � whether the residency requirement was met. " � I Approved: � i � � � � i C airman � Civil Service Commi ion j i COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay�s Requ/y�ecj,by Department of: Butler � �'"/ �,y�� [n Favor Hunt Levine� _ �' ___ Against BY ' Roedler � Sylvester Tedesca� �f� � 4 ��7� Form pprove y City A rne Adopted b � ouncil: Date � C ified Pass y Council Secretdry BY w App by ;Vla��oc . Date c �_°��K � � Ap q by Mayor for Su iss n to Council B B PUBUSNEO MAR Z 5 i�%8 c . , ►a _ Do not de�ach this memorandum trom the . : " f resotution so that this information wlll be available to the City Council. � ��� i�/�97� R+ev.s" 9/8/7b : SX�1NT 0N`. Q� ��'�� R3 ��,�M'� RBSa �Q $ , 48�f CffiS ���s . � � _� � - ' ` .-�. �- �„ : pa�e: January 19, 1978 ��� 4 � '�:�, ., . . �n�►xoa�s o��cE ' TU t MAYOR GB��GF �A�T.1�ER ' �?Rz Paxso�ma�. D�fia�a . RL: R�iaslueioa �or su�e�a� ta C�.�t�r Ca�c�,�, ,�4,"�,�td7��...:, We �c4cc�m�d povue �tpg�:owl a�d �u�m�,asisz� uf. �t��e �+�o�.u�i.�t �p �� ��.ty CowQtc�.I. a '� P Q88 �ATI< T�3 ACT� s Thia Resolution is far the purpose of amenda:n� the residency requirement for Uncla�si.fied City Employees to provide th�.t Unclassifi.ed City Employees who live in �he City of St. Paul xn�st ma.intai.n their residence withia the ' , Ci�Ly limits as iong as they are emgloyed by the City. It also provides that Unclassified City Employees who live outside of �h:e Ci�y of Saiat Paul and who change �heir residence, must move i.nto the City of Saint Paul at the tir�ae of such cha.n,ge of re.sideace. � The proposed change will exempt Unclassified Cit}r Employees appointed < a�fter January 1, iq77, from tlie requirement t�at tliey become Cit�y residenta within one year from the date of their original appoiritment. � AT�TAC�NTS s � : . � ■ �I II I � ' . . � . . .. � � � . Resolution and copy for the City Clerk. � , . '���� � CITY' OF SAINT PAUL � - '= � `�..�� � �� . ' +�� � OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL � . ` `•� ..;i. 1!�'.��{9��i" ��t1fy�^."•� . _ J �'. Dote : February 28, 1978 COMMITTEE REPORT , TO : Saint Paul City Councit FR�.M � Commifitee Ot1 FItJANCE, MANAGEMENT A(�D PERSONIVEL� � � ROSALIE BUTLER , chaifman, makes fhe following � . reporf on C.F. C] prdinance . � X[� Resolution [� Other � _ � - i TtTLE : ' At its meeting of February 27, the �committee recommended approval of the � following resolutions: ' - 1. �Determination of residency requirements for HRA employees � 2. Residency requirement for Unclassified City Employees 3. Transfer" of _funds to the Human Rights Department to pay the � salary of an Affirmative Action technician for services to the handicapped. 4. Transfer of Community Development funds to delete HELP Develop- ment as a CD Year III project and to add the funds appropriated to HELP Development in August, 1977 to the original CD Year II HELP Development project. 5. Transfer of Community Development Year III and Year IV funds to allow the use of CD IV tree planting to be used in both the 1978 - - Spring and Fall tree planting areas. 6. Transfer of Community Development Year III funds reducing the HRA Administrative & Support Services budget for. the period June 1, 1977, through December 31, 1977, and increasing the � appropriation for the period January 1, 1978, through May 31, � 1978 - CIIY FiALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUI., MINNESOTA 55102 .�.�->,..s _