270683 WHITE — CITV CLERK [����� .� PINK — FINANCE COUIICII _b'., � CANARV — DEPARTMENT G I TY OF S PAU L {.: , . J�j! BLUE — MAVOR File � NO. • eso ution . Presented Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement has requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider the advi5ability and necessity of the correction or wrecking and removal of the following described building, said structure having been reported to constitute a public hazard: 229 Cliff Street Ex SWly part of lot 16 Two story single measuring 5 93/100 ft. family residence of on N L and 62 6/10 ft. wood frame construction on present NWly L of and stucco exterior. Cliff St, also Ex Beg. at NEly Cor of above tract, the E 6 07/100 ft. The S 11 ft. to NEly L thereof Th, Bernheimers Addition.Block 3 WHEREAS, it appears that the last known record owners and other parties of interest of said building are as follows: 1. Fee Owner: Frank & Verd M. Novotny, 912 Cortland Drive, Apple Va11ey, Minnesota 55068. 2. Homes�eader: Kenneth R. Efram et al, 229 Cliff Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 . THEREFbRE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held by and before the Council of the City of Saint Paul in the City of Saint Paul in the Council Chamber of the Court House in said city at 10:00 A.M. on March 23, 1978 to consider the advisability and necessity of ordering the correction or wrecking and removal of said structure on the above described property inasmuch as said structure is reported to constitute a hazard to public health, safety and welfare; be it COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butier Community Services Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY sy Approved by iVlayor. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY � WHITE - CITV CLERK ['� �"�"��(''0>(\'(,,� PINK - FINANCE COUIICII � � ,� �'�� . CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF �SA I NT PAU L � File NO. L�"_UE, � MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Division of Housing and Building Code . Enforcement, on behalf of the City Council, notify by mail the record owners of the property in question at the last known address, as well as other interested persons of record, of the date and time of the hearing. � COUNC'ILMEIV Requested y epartment of: Yeas Nays Butler Co Servi 7 Hozza In Favor Hunt ' Levine d _ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco MAR g �978 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted Council: Date C ified Pas y Council Secret�ry BY � ; Appr by Mayor: atel—�� I�AR � � �975 Appro e by Mayor for Su ion to Council By BY �!��1.!S!�ED I��+R 1 � ,Q7R