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. �� � CITY OF ST.PAUL COUNCII,-FILE �10. F I N A L O R D E R BY 1'i:�-. ._.��- . �{��l��,r,,.,� -_-.-.. File No. ��3�`A' In the Matter of ¢OIMtn�ctlr� Nsiti� ra�Ir+Rt" 'iit CAs11t1s �°liQa� lso�1 ! �t�tid lit. to �aNa�N g�. , �M( I � � I � I r I under Administrative Order ��i approved � 8 �'��� ��� .. ? ,� JAN 2 6 1978 under Preliminary Order approved The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully con"sidered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. � � � �� °-L�-L 3 � � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date ��'�`� .~ ��7� Yeas Nays � Butlerl Cert' Passe y Council Secr�etary ��� � i� t97g HOZZa ' Hunt In Favor y �evine Roedle� Against Sy'tvestef. Mayor Tedesco 19�$ �uBUSHEO MAR 18 :� _ , _ ..• ._. ._ _ . vi i i vr .�rAin"r r�iu�� . ., ._ , - : Pink — �.nanu D�vs. -. -�e ,.. Csr4�t�v_" DNn-""'-'.-^?z;'_--... _. _. , ;�, . OFF�aE OF 'FHE MAYOR : . _ , _ : - � xa. ��2 y . . .._�.:p.� ,_ . - . ADMINISTRATIYEORDER �., �, .. _ ��...�.,..,.,, . , r ����� . . , g� . � . - }%,'-) Date: 1� —R -�_ . . _ ._ � . . .. _ . . ._.. -: . � . . .� .. .�.. b ' 1i � ������.�i _ - - � , _ ; � . .� ., . .� _ � : ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER; � - ` + :�����1 n the.matter of constructTng sar�f tary sewer in Christle Place from Germain Street to Kennard StreeE; - , A1so: irr the niatter of construction starm sewer 1n vacated Funk Street froae Chcistie Place to LarpenLeur Avenue; ..-�-� ,�_ �Also;i the matter af acqufring a 20-foot permanent sewec easemet�t over, under' and .� :-- across the following desccibad pr�operty: � � ..,=- .:.< _. : . The east 20 feet of the wast� 25 feet of vacated- FuRk Street _ . •� � :. ` be�t�teen the south tine o# Larpe�tec�r Avenue and the north ''"' 1 ir�e of Christie Place as platted. :_ < � _ -'� T� , , .._�: , ._, .._ . . . , - : „ . _. , , --- _�. .; � . �:. Riso, temporary cortstruztion easements as show� ori attached P1an.: Said temparary . ~ easement to expice on Dec�r 31: 1978 or upon compiettan of Public Works ProJec� s-t644: - ,.., _,_ ... . �:. Al l to be kno�e as the CNRtSTlE PL,ACE.SANtTAR`f SEWER, City Projeet !+lo: S-1b0#� The Departmertt of Finance and Managanent Services is directed to brtng these �aatters before the Ctty Council far a pubtic hearing. . : -_,. �, c � _ - .: - : _._ ...� . _.; , . ;�� _. _. . , ._ s . . � _ - a . W_ . . �. ; .. , � . - . . . „ „� � � _ � � , �, : �= :� , ' . x _� E' :;� „ ,�s��� ������ � .. � . . . . � . .. - `F a�.�� ,.k "'t ��.. �,� . ... . � � . - � . ` =x s;"", �k'�a a a:: a�-#�" . . .. . . , .�' .` . �: ,; � APPROVED AS TO FORM . ;� . � ����` ' � � .� � � � , ;;`_ ; �.3s* .. .. - ,�,_^,�?��' . � ,. , � _ _ . :.� ... _- •.... �� - .•.:: . . -. : .: . � �. lT��. " tan Ci o r Department He ... .- . ;Danf�l J.. Bunf r �.:, �r - (REB) _ _ . , . . _ � .� _ - . , ,� . . ,; ,, - }�- �.,_ ` - .:.. ..- - � 9..:. �- , x ��_. , ._ .. � _ ,� _. .,: . ,. _, . , - - . . .. ..� �:� . , .. �. _-�� . N Y �� ��':Te r'. . . � . . . ., . _ ... , . ' . ..._. . . . .: .�; .�.: �..� .':;. . .. . . . . ! ' } Y . ' ` . " � - � � . �• . . . .. - !' _�S .>- Date __ Administtative AsdaWnE to Mayor `�- - ��.'' �' - � " • �. � -� . . .. 4 � r" L '. �F }'�, 't'�'..r � . .. . . . . � � {; �, - � ..re.. `�l °� �" ��"��!�. . . . . - . �arE;_ -..- . . � �� � � ��� ��. � � ' - - � :? � . �!e e. 1'[ ' „, , ' . � . tJ1. � '"� . _ ..�, �� S 'P.�"4 :.�Y�','tf',r �, t y . ' . - r . _ N� t, , �„{f z ..' . �. �. :, .: . -,, � , .. ... � �.. �: � -._^•� � � �4 . .....: �� � � � � ' +..."'�.�...� , � - ��; .. , . .. . . ....-.� . .. .. , ,�., . •- �.,.... - __...__._. . . . _ .� ,, • / / y 3�- �Y :, .. , • ' e���?�; � - CITY O��i��l'�AUl. ��f ,� "•,°f ��� '•'K,, �o. . ��j� =���`�'�'� y� DrPA�:TT�tENT OF PUSLIC WORKS �..,,. .,,, �t, . . `�� \;`a�( �!'aF C � � � . . �O :��� �' . �' •r ,�`'� Da�tiel).Dunfo�d,�i�eccor m..:� . 234 Gty Hali,Saint Paui,Minnesota 55102 Gec�rge lat+mer DeCert�btr 20� 1977 A'layor 612-298-4241 w .Mr. Bernard Carison '� ��-���'� Directo� of the Department � of Finance � Management Services Room 113 City Hall F. Court House BUILDING Attn: Mr. Paul Desth � RE: CHRISTiE PLACE SANfTARY SEWER � Ctty Project No. S-1604 • Dear Si�: - I furnish herein, the Prel iminary Engineer's Report for the sub,ject improve- ments to inciude: (i) Administrative 0rder; (2) Advisability and Desirability Report; (3) Drai�age Area Maps; and (4) Sewer Easement Drawing. ESTIMATEO COST — Sanitary Sewer Storm Sewer Sewer Constructton 8 Easement Costs $19,900 $ ,�70-0 ERgtrteering 8 tnspection $ 2,600 $ 650 Valnatiorts, Misceltaneous Services S 00 $ 150 TOTAL COSTS $23,000 $ 7,500 ESYIMATED FINANCING • Sanitary Sewer Storm Sewe� Assessments �20,970 $ 2 950 � PIA Funds S 2,030 S 4,550 TOTAL FINANCING $23,000 $ 7,500 The assessment fi�ancing is based ort a letter from your office dated � December 6, 1977 utilixing a storm sewer assessment �ate of $0.02 per squa�e foot. You may proceed with public heari�g on this matter. Yours very truly, , � �' ��,.�b=�"...r�-C • � � ���; T�•'- Ro�t�. Bcedahl, Jr. �� '�� "��.,,' ��'J°'{'-'.� Sd�r E�ginee� �� , REB:mf ���' �,�F�, � �`�, cc: James Schwart2 � O �' �9 � John Eichenger � ����'A��f,�.�>' � � - � ���''�'��� !," � `� � �` �'� ��ti� � Q� �►n �. C����:i �. C.ti C;�/ `�w�.'�'� � _ _ . 1 � � 3 �,, � J \ ' ��� TIME SCHEDULE � � �?��.���� It is expected that a contract can be awa�ded In the Winter of T977-78, with constructTon commencTng in the Spring of 1978. Campletion would take approxt- mately 45 calendar days. COST ESTIMATE Sanitary Sewer Storm Sewer� Construction 8 Easament Costs $f9,900 $ 6�700 Enginee�ing 8 Inspection $ 2,600 $ 650 Valuations, Misceitaneous Services $ 500 $ 15p TOTAL COSTS $23,000 $ 7,�00 E57tMATED FINANCING SanitaZr Sewe� Starm Sewer Assessments $20,970 S 2,950 PIA Funds S 2•030 $ 4,5Sa ._r__.__�_ TOTAL FINANCING $23,000 $ 7,500 Estimated Assessment Rate Per Assessable t = $20.00 Sewer Service Connactions to be assessed at actual cost per connectto�. SQURCE OF ADDITIONAL tNFORMATION Fo� addi tional infonr�tion, centact the Project Engineer, Henry Jackson at 29$-5421. SUMMARY S RECOMMfNDAT10N At prese�t, the proparty aTong the North side of Christie Piace is owned by the petitioner, and is undevctopad. The property alang the South side is a cemetary. The storm water f rom the surroundirtg area collects at a catch basin nea� vacated Funk St�eet and is drainad North�rard to a low area cn the petitianer's property. If this project were construeted, tt would direct the storm water flow to an extsting storm system, and would provide sanitaty sewtr service to the abutting properties, ailowing fo� futura dsvelopmant af the area. Pubtic Works recan�ends approval of this order. Respectful ly submi Et�ed, Da�iai J. Ounford 4irector of Pubitc Works ;,,-- .; . : , - /� �3 �-� ; . SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING RECOMMfNDATIONS Prepared Decembe� 10, 1977 l'" o �-����J Advisabiiity and Desirability PROJECT Construct sanitary sewar ir+ CFiRISTIE PLACE, from Germain Street to Kennard Street and storm sewer fn an easement in vacat�ed Funk Street from Chctstie Piace to Larpenteu� Avenue, City ProJect No. S-16o4. INITIATfNG ACTION � �hts pro,ject was initiated by public petition with 1 stgner, rep�esenting 50$ of the assessable footage. EXISTING CONDITIONS The existing roadway has an oiled surfacing wfth no curbtng. Sewer, gas and water mains have not been installed. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT ConstruGt approximately 730 lineal feet of sanitary sewer in Christie Place from GermaTn to Kennard, 200 fest of starm sewer in vacated Funk Street fcom Christie Place to Larpenteur. This proJect would alTow the prop�rty owne� to develop vacant property. There would, however, be mtnor disruption to the area durin5 const�uctton. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS i. The extension of an existing sanitary sewer system �equi�es a permit from ' the Potlution Control Agency. 2. The sanitary sewer in Kennard Street ts owned by the Metropolitan Sewer Board and would requtro a permit from them prior ta connecting to it. 3. This project is within the boundaries of the Ramsey-Washington Metro Watershed District a�td would requi�e thelr review and approval prior to construction. � 4, a ao-foot permanent sewer easement tn vacated Funk St�eet will have ta be obtained from the pettttoner. Dtce�sber 6, 19T7 , A�y �. Itreda3'�]., Se�ntr E�g3.ases Tepsztaaat af Fublic Wor'sr Ft�cm 200 . - Lok='Y �i23i�a8 I�e: ChristMte P].sca - Ces�3a Staceat ta �en�i Streat Ssaitary aad Stax�t o��r %s�,ira�tta � Dear ��r. Fre�Iat�l: � Purauaat to Ya�c re4usst is tha fvll.o�riag ass�sseent f.nfa�ticn re�at�Ii,r.g sub�eeE l�ps'o�n!a. � • Sa,nitar�► St�a . . S cx�r S e�er . .�_.. ._._. EStlmttad Cc�tsttn�etio�a �tad � Cc�t �,5t�4 �7a3�0 Yal.uatian and Assans�cnt Costa �7� 12Q I�iscel3.t�r:asx�s Cogta � 25 EstiostQc3 2atat E�endi.tu..*rs �3:� �T� Fstic�►tsd �s� �t� pe�r Asseasnb3.o Fbot �].?•�0 •- Fiaaucing: : . : AsaessaNat �20,9?Q -- City Aid � . 2 4 «. ' Tota1 3,� -- �r�ouat rxov�rnble by aaa+essse�t fbr th� sta� se+rer is �stimstsd at �.',g�, vhich is b�aed on a rats of $.02 per sqw�re f�ot. . Se�r+�r aervica canneetica t� be �a�ssed stt ectual. c�at per c�nectioa. If y�s 2iaoe ar� qutt�ti.ona re�ardiaa �i� cstia�►te, pler�w c�i1. tt.s u�nig�ad. Yer9 t�Y Y��s . , . . J. 1�Tilli.r:m Do9oa+►aa � - Yalaat3�a �ad Assesaarat Ea�iaeer JWD:�:l o ' � Attac3�. . ca: J$r�es Sc�earEa, Paul De� � � • • •;�;'�.s- , .. • , . .. ., : , / � 9 3 �--/.�. .�;-==� � , • � o . �,� ��p � — >. p p J� �. �r � ..:.,.7 �t � J � � � � ,i� Q W = 4 � � W � � Y � � Z W �' > i Q . . 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