270653 WH17E -`C�TV CLERK /•/�j p '� PIR1K - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT �A �} L COUI�CII ♦r/����� CANARY - DEPt1RTMENT OLUE - t:�AVC9R File NO• ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 231 .05 of the Saint Paui Logislative Code, (as amanded by Ordi�ance No. 14662, approved Decen�er 1 , 1970) pertaining to regu- tations for the adjusting of sewer service charges, and upon the recommendation cf the Depa�tment of Public Works a�d approval of the Boa�d of Water Commissioners, the Co�cil of the Ctty of Saint Paul does fie�eby certify that becau�a of partial dtve�sion af their total water consumption from the City of Satnt Paul 's Sanitary Sewar System, the below listed firn� have Justiflabte raason for applicatton of sn ad,justment to thetr sewe� service ch�rges as levted; and b� it FURTHER RESOIVED, That a full or partial refund of paid sewer service charges, based upon these adJustments, shall be ref�ded fran tho "Sewsr Service Fund" snd shall be in the following am�unts: NAMf ADDRESS TIME PERt00 AMOUNT Olympia Brewing Co. January, 1978 573.445.99 722 Payn� Ave. 55165 Hoernar Waldorf Corp. September-Dscembar, 1977 $42,13$•$2 2250 Wabash Ave. 55114 Jacob Schmidfi Brewing Co. January, 197� $ 2,501.02 882 W. Seventh St. 55102 Gillette Co. October-Decembe�, 1977 $ 2,210•IS Fifth 8 Brosdway 55101 Nationat Can Corporation August, 1977-�anuary, 1978 S 2.Q33.37 � 139 Eva SS107 Farwel l Ozmun Ki rk �. Co. January, 1978 $ 1.989•00 120Q Mandelssohn Ave. No. Gotden Valley 55�+27 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY — Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by C' y Atto e Adopted b�� Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY- B r' -- \ Approved by Mayor: Date Appr by Mayor for Subm s ion Council gy, By N�H17E �—�CITV CLERK 1 �,�������� - C NARV —�DEP RCTMENT CITY OF SAINT PAUL COURCII L/ BLUE � nnAYOY2 File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- NAME ADDRESS TI ME PERI OD AFIOUNT Gold Medai Beverage Co. December, 1977 $ 486.54 P.O. Box 3466 55165 St. Paul Dispatch S Pioneer Press January, 1978 $ 243.64 63 E. Fourth St�eet 55101 Speas Company Decer�er, 1977 - $ 188•82 582 N. Prior Ave. 55104 �anuary, 1978 Land 0'Lakes, tnc. January, 1978 $ 66.78 415 Grove St. 55101 Gross-Given Manufacturing Co. January, 1978 $ 61 .05 75 W. Plato Bouleva�d 551�7 �irst National Bank January, 1978 $ 1 •59 W-1752 lst National Bank Bldg. 55101 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay�s Requested by Department of: Butler � Publ ic Works Hozza [n Favor Hunt � Roedler - -- Against BY tcha�d L. Wheele� - sistant Director/ Sylvester � Ci ty Engineer Tedesco � MAR 2 �978 Form Approved by t Attorn Adopted by Co Date Certif a•� by Cou .il Secretai+y BY- ' r�� ►dAR Ap ro � d by Mavor: D e � Appr y Mayor r Subm s io to Co�ncil B BY pt��us��� �iAR 1 1 1978 + ' CITY OF ST. PAUL No._ �� OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS ��y���� . � , RESOLUTION—GENERAL fORM � PRESENTED BY `�Y1q11At'Al' Fe� 25t 1978 COMMISSIONER — DATE �� - — R�OLVED� `,L'�t the 8oard af Water Cc�missionere hereby app�owe t�he rsco�meadstivn ot Richard L. Wh�eler, Aoting Director and Cii.y �giae�r� Deper��ent. ot Pablic MTorks, in his letter ot' Febr�aary 15. 1978 to t�he &�ard t�at 2'ull or partial s�et�inds oi pald Sewer Sa�rvioe Ch�a�ges be g.rranted air ligted in the letter; eaid reltmds to t►r mede 2�c� the "Sewer 8erviae Fund". Water Commissioners j Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners � Yeas Nays Sylverter ' �o�pson Febrliary 15 19=78 � President I,evine �Y I — I. ; In favor 3 Opposed 0 SECY. �"'I. I � : OM O1: I�/Z975 , . , Rev. : 9/$/;G � EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVr, OR�ERS, � � . ; ' ,, RESOLUTIONS, AND, ORDINANCES ���'� Date: F�brwry 13, 1978 TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER . FR: RICNARD l. WHEELER - ASSISTANT DtRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER �: Rafunds of SEWER SERVICE CHARGES - . ACTIQN REQUESTED: ' Rsfund Sewsr S�rvice Charges from �Sawer Sarvica Fund � • ;� PURFO5E F�TD RATIDNALE FOR THI9 ACTION:. Inwstigatio� has dst�rmtned that cartaln voiu�as af water which wars . � assesssd a s�rar serv�cs charge did not ant�r ths sanitary srwsr :y:ten► and that ,paymant of the chsf9as on th�e volu�ss shonld bs rafu�dsd. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Council Rssolutio� � Z. Board of Wate� Commisslonsrs' ibsoiution Rsoomne�ding R�funds ' REB:�.l6:mf