270629 WHITE - CI7V CLERK • COUI1C11 � ��� PINK - FINANCE GITY �OF SAINT PALTL �""�� �� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR � Flle NO. � -� uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ' WHEREAS, "St. Paul Citizens for Huma.n Rights" is an organiza- tion of gay men, lesbians, and others all of whom support human rights for all persons regardless of sexual preference; and WHEREAS, "St. Paul Citizens for Human Rights" has requested an exemption for their members and contributors from the reporting requirements of Chapter 382 of the St. Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the reasons for which the exemption is requested is set forth in a letter from their attorney, Scott F. Tilsen, which is attached and tnade part of this resolution; and WHEREAS, additional testimony was heard and affidavits pre- sented at the License Committee on February 28, 1978; now, there- fore, be it , RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that based u�on the oral testimony, letters and affidavits a finding is ma.de that there is a reasona.ble probability that disclosure would expose some or all of the members of the "St. Pau1 Citizens for Human Rights" to economic reprisals, loss of employment or threat of physical coercion and that this has a restrictive effect on their freedom of association; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the "St. Paul Citizens for Human Rights" is hereby exempted from the provisions of Chapter 382 of the St. Paul Legislative Code which requires disclosure of identification data of inembers and of each person whose contribution is worth $5.00 or more and that all other provisions of Chapter 382 must be adhered to in all respects by the "St. Paul Citizens for Human Rights," and, be it COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays [n Favor _ __ Against BY -- Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by iVlayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ ' BY WHYTE — CI TV CLERK �� a PINK — FINANCE COUnCII �����;� CANARV — DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAUL BLUE — MAVOR File NO. � ' Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2. FURTHER RESOLVED, that this exemption is for the calendar year 1978. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Sutler � Hozza [n Favor Hunt �• � � �evine � _ __ Against BY — — Roedler 5�,��✓c-�,ter Ts:ie�;-� Adopte y Counci : Date — ��2 t978 Form Ap ro ed by City Attorney � rtified ed by C cil SeFret �� /'3•Q� App o by Mavoc Date �A� 3 �g78 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — BY �u��►s�,�n ���1,�R 11 1978 ,_��� I . • � WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF .SA I NT PA lJ L COUflCIl � CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. I ����_ �� uncil Resolution � Presented By ��`�� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee Date WHEREAS, t. Paul Citizens for Human Rights" is an organiza- tion of gay men, lesbians, and others all of whom support human rights for all p sons regardless of sexual preference, and WHEREAS, "St. aul Citizens for Human Rights" has requested an exemption for th 'r members and contributors from the reporting requirements of Chap r 382 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, and WHEREAS, The reaso for which the exemption is requested is set forth in a letter f ` their attorney, Scott F. Tilsen, which is attached and made part, f this resolution, now therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Counc'�. of the City of St. Paul that based on these statements a findiri is ma.de that there is a reasonable probability that disclosure v� ld expose some or all of the mem- bers of the "St. Paul Citizens� or Human Rights" to economic re- prisals, loss of employment or �� reat of physical coercien and that this has a restrictive effe on their freedom of associa- tion and be it further RESOLVED, That the "St. Paul G�a izens for Human Rights" is ' hereby exempted from the pravisions '' Chapter 382 of the St. Paul ' Legislative Code which requires disc��o ure of iden tification data of inembers and of each person whose cb.n ribution is worth $5.00 or more and that all other provisions b Chapter 382 must be adhered to in all respects by the "St. 'Pa 1 Citizens for Human Rights. " - — • � COUNCILMEN ` Yeas Nays Requested by Depart ent of: Butler � Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY �� Roedler � � Sylvester � ' Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney ; Adopted by Council: Date — � ! Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ; By . � Appro��ed by ;Vlayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council j gy BY � ;t� �.. ; .., .��:r��.�,.-a.-.�, ,�� � ' WHITE - CITV�CLERK �.y,_ ' � �� .P.INK � - FINANCE � ` - � COIlIICll � C�AP7ARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF �AINT F��L � � BLUE - MAVOR . F11E NO. - �-.����;� y�F��-� un�il Resolution � - �� �� � Presented By _ 5. Referred To �" Committee: Date , ,� Out of Committee � Date 4 ;� �= 1�;� �it. gaa4l C�ti� !�e �s ��' #as sn +aa�udis� � 'ts+o� att � aMat�, la�isnss au►d otr�a�'� al?► t�!' td�oie so�vs't � , �i+�i�ts fs�r a�l �as �d��rar +c� ,r�aa�1 ya�rl�rs�aw�s, aad �, "ftt.�' a�tl �Cilis�s i�oar IIm�sa �t3+��s" �ta �a �3+oa� l�oac #b�t � aa�! e�ats3b�al�►ss �ma #�r r�pawc#.3aq b o� �oc .3s2 0� !�r St,. l�ct1 3.�gr3��at�.i�►�r t�od*�: � �� -� ' ,� t�s� � r�sr�i�s l+a�c �► th+� +aawpt#+Oa �s �� t� � s�t � i�t t 1.�rtt�oc fi�3�' att�'�,� �� !. 'tfla�� �L3�► is a�d a�d s�ds �+a� #�!s :a�alat�, ,a�r ��t� �r it� ' � �� �► t� �� �# t� �itt o! St�.� �1 �t i�aMd � � tnss� a�Ea#�ra�s a t#,�d i� �a�r l�at !1� is s s�so�Dt+� � pe+e�#33l� #ia! Aia�3.oalasi� �s se�r ae� ai� � tl�r ar� b�ucs a►� � '"�t� l�s1 C��fsw�ns �'�` � RlqqLts• fia► a�odao�i+a � pc�an3�s,� �,�ass o! �i�� a�r �is�rat o� ph�r�s� �or�� a�t! tb�at � �r a �s#ri�cr�l.� afl�t oa�e t6ei= � of a��abi�a�► . t� a�sd br it L'�a��l�ac � , �, �tLtt�D, ?!lraat t'�we "!'t�« �� Cf �o►s' ��: �h�" #s ° � tmrtpt�l�ca� `t� p�cr��rlr3+a�r a��� �2 v� t�► �. �,t �r �oda w�3�h r�a�c�s od! l�stt.it�oafi�,a�r � a�' �ir�r� a�d oE � �so� � aora�;irib�tl� #s ��e►�r�t i3,�� �'n: _.: � tl�� sli ot�ie' �r'�,r�s LR�Cdtp�c . �� a�t bs y _ � �S s1I s��tfi� � �S �'s�► �a� C�t�s�t �at,.�r�t :,�t � -, : , , :� ;, COUNCILMEN Requested by Departm�nt of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine Against BY Roedler . Sylvester Tedesco : Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: ` Date . Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY sy � Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council �BY By . y.��'. ;R . • �ITY O�+' ►5A3N� PAUL . .'lA' f d 1�-"> > . y . . y�• ,� L � L OFFICE OF THE CIT`t' COIII�TGiL � ��� �: ���� . � :� 1 �:� ��� ;�� } , -_'y.. ,�=�� . � - �` � Dat e : February 28, 1978 ; COM � ITTEE REP4RT T0 : Soin# P�aul Ci�y Council FRON1 � Commi�te� on L�GISLATZON David Hozza , chairman, makes the foilov�ring . report on C. F. �] Ordrna�ce i. Q Resolutfon . � OthQr "[� ("j'L,E : A resoluti on exempting the St. Paul `'it izens for Human 1'�i�hts from certain disclosure requirements in Chapter 382 of the Le�,isla�ive Code. � . The Le�LSlation L"ommittee, meetin� as a committee of the whole, voted unanimously to approve the resolution • grantin�; an exemption to the St. �aul Citizens -for Human Rights, after making several amendments to the resolution. , : (The vote iaas s ix in favor, none against ; Roedle� was al�sent � � . CITY HALL SEVEN7H FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESUTA SSI02 - ' . . . "G��J . . ' - . � . � . � �� .. rt ` �' ° � s" ,�'" :`�,^' v �- '�. .x `�! �r �•u�,� �� s,-a, ,� �y�'���, _ _ �Y N .� L"�1at 5 '.¢�,A �` � ��+�. � k _'�-'a' `� � C � '�� T., � '�`,� S'{ h- �.; $'nte.� ,�ye� �''Y #'F �� � � • � � ���� ��� � � .� S ���� rk�.' -� � � � ^� ` ,,�'�z �,.��. �.� '' ,� y � . .. .;y� . � Wilfl r � �: •� � }� 4� . ,y.. � -r � 'a, �. Y� � 2 � ,f ,��� � t .�'a� „� s ..n�` `�,� '� ~ '� r` -t � �,'°` u: wx.,- ' �� � � ff s,. �5� �'� ., 'S i � ..� "}: :��. � � -�'L� ��e��` - ��...�i'��"r��r r =2 �.t �;,, �!- .L ¢ ',' y� �.. �y �r"��""�t� � �.. � 4 . )' ,-L� 'YS r d}n'C.'v'y� y� �}� � S �� 4£ } _ i'^ y.�' � y�?i�'ik���.� ' .>'c ` � �"' � k3 '. �r� ��"+ .l. 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