270620 P NKE — FINA CLE RK �7 COUIlC1I � .� 3 �, �� CANARV — OEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT ll L t �� '�� BLUE — MAVOR � F112 NO• Co � ilRe io Presented By • Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota is in the process of disposing of the property known as the Gillette State Hospital and adjacent grounds, and WHEREAS, the location of said hospital and grounds is adjacent to one of Saint Paul' s major public parks that being Phalen Park, an d WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is desirous of acquiring the Gillette State Hospital site for future development; now, there- fore, be it RESOLVED, that the Mayor and Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby express to the State of Minnesota the city' s position of desiring to negotiate with the appropriate state officials and agencies regarding the possible acquisition of the Gillette State Hospital site. • . . COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Q�i!nr �;c��a [n Favor � H_�,..:t , r` �, ^ � �-� �__ Against .� S�I�vesier Tec���co FEB 2 � t97g or pproved y it rn Adopted b ouncil: Date — � Cert ed Pas• Counci ecretary' B � App e by 17ayor. Date �_� ]�Ta Appr ed by ay r for Su 'ssion Co ncil By BY �P4��i.iS�«� P,flAR 1 �l 1978 ` � . OM O1 : 12/1975 Rev. : 9/8/76 EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, OL ONS, P1D ORDINA S ������'� . Date : February 23, 1978 �►� '* n � �� � D � F�� � � 1�78 IIM►Y�R`� O�� T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER .FR; Thorna s J. Ke 11 ey �• State of Minnesota Qispos�'t10n of Gi1lette Hospital ACTION REQUESTED: + Approva�t of reso1uti4n w�`11 give Planninq Divis�ton of Ecanomic DeveT- opment Department and Dept. of Co�nunity �ervices the right to negot�ate �ctth the State of Minnesota for the poss�ble acquisition, of tFie Gi11et�e State Hospital site. PURP05E AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: The Gil1ette S�ate Mospital is going to be disposed qf by the state, and tFte bui1ding and property are direct1y adjacent to Phalen Park. The total acreage is 13.33 acres. ATTACHIKENTS : Council Resolution � -, :�. _ . �e���,s .- . - �;.;�,� . ��'• � ��'����`.�'� ��.� . ., STATE OF MINNESOTQ DEPARTMENT OF ADMINiSTRATION SAINT PAUL 55155 o..��� o.T�E 296-3862 � � GOMMIDSIONER . � . .. . � . TEL. NO. . Fearuary 21, 1978 . The Honorable Fred C� Nortod State Representativ� 245 State Office 8uilding - St. Paul , MN 55155 Re: GILLETTE HOSPITAL PROPERTY Dear Representative I�orton: Pursuant to your reque3t, I have asked members of rqy staff to conduct a study �of the Gillette Hospitai property. Specifically, I have requested an estimate of fi.he land value, the value of the 'tmprovemen#s, and tf�e estimated cost to raze the improvements. Based on an appraisai completed on March T, 1977, the value of the enttre property is estimated as follows: Vaiue of 580,655 square feet (13.33 acres) - @ 0.50 per square foot: $ 290,000 Val t� of improvements:" _ - 810,000 Total property value as of March 1, 1977: �1,100,00Q Add 5% for time e�apsed since appraisal: 55,000 Est�imated val ue as of February 17, �1978: $1,155,000 The cost to remo�e .the improvemer�ts is estimated as fol lows : Bui 1 di ng demol i ti�o�n: $109,500 Utility disconnectionss 1,50Q - Basement fi11 : 29,0�0 � Removal of paved driveways and parking areas: 4,000 Soddi ng of areas< n�► occupi ed by bui l di ngs and paved parking areas: 9,000 Estimated total needed to remove improvements � and render property safe and sightly: $153,OU0 I invite yaur attention to the fact that the estimate of improvement removal ^ r , AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER : : °�Q . -� . . , � - . � ������,�'�''� . � _2_ � . RepreSentative Norton does not include an amount for removal of the tennis courts and playground equip�nt. Moreover, razing and demol�ition is estimated on the basis that : basement walls wi11 be removed to one or two feet beiow present ground level. I trust the information herein wi11 be. of help tv the Committee in its deliberations. If we can be of further service, please do not hesitate to ca11 me or the office of Real Estate Management, attention Mar1a Hanson, telephane 296-6674. Si ncerely, G��"�+�G��z� Rtchard L. Brubacher Camnissioner RLB/cf .