C NARV - DENP"`E T . . ITY OF SAINT PAITL Council ��"J�����
BLUE - MAV R „ � File NO• i
nc ' Resolution
Presented By
Referre o Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul was £ounded at the head of
navigation on the upper Mississippi River and maintains close
ties to its river heritage; and
WHEREAS, the Mississippi River flows through Saint Paul for
17 miles and is a focus for industrial, commercial and recreational
uses; and
WHEREAS, grain elevators are located at the site of the Upper
Landing, one of the early permanent residential settlements in
Saint Paul; and
WHEREAS, the Grain Terminal Association, owner of these grain
elevators, has donated space on them for a mural symbolizing the
River's ties between the rural heartland and the city; now, there-
fore be it
RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul supports and encourages
the development of a mural on the grain elevators to enhance the
aesthetic quality of a ma.�or river-front structure.
COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hoz�— In Favor
Hunt �
� __ Against BY —
Tedesco JAN � f�]9 Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by C ouncil: Date
Cer ied P�s• by Council•Sec tary BY
�1pp by ;Vlavor: Da � �AN 8 �979 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By _ By
�a�isHEO ,�AN 13 1979