272334 N�H17E� - CITY CLERK / ^r�(���� PINK - FINANGE COUIICIl i / CANARV - DEPARTMENT _ J,Devlin G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L File NO. R' �•jIT 1 BI.UE - MAYOR Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHIIZEAS, The City of Saint Paul now provides life insurance for certain City employees and employees of Independent School District #625 i.n an amount equal to the nearest $1,000 of their annual salary less $5,000 pursuant to Council Fi1e Nos. 267082, 267881, 268633, 268927 and 269188, ana. WHEREAS, I.D.S. Life Insurance Company was the low bidder to provide this insurance in formal. bid #A8021-B opened December 20, 1978 with the following rates: $ .�+0 per $1,000 for �,ife Insurance $ .05 per $1,000 for Accidental Death and Dismemberment now therefore be it RESOLUID, That the present life insurance Contract #960-GL-2498 between the I.D.S. Life Insurance Company and the City of Saint Paul and Independent School District #625 be renewed in its present entire form for the calendax year of 1979 at the aforementioned rates, and be it FURTHII3 RESOLVID, That the proper City personnel axe authorized and directed to pay the premiums as they come due, and be it F]NALLY RESOLVID, That the City Clerk is instructed to send a copy of this resolution to: Mr. James R. Petrich Supervisor, Group Underwriting I.D.S. Life Insurance Company I.D.S. Tower Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ` Hozz�_Y [n Favor Hunt �� �' _ __ Against By � Showalter Tedesco Form proved y 't A rne Adopted by Council: Date — ��A(� 4 �;�.79 ` Certified Passed by Counci Secretary BY � . f�p o by 1�lavoc e _ �AN 8 �9� Approv d b Mayor for S on t Council By _ _ By Pu�ttSHED ,!4 N 13 1979