D00821No. D �$2i Date: � ��� �I Yr' • CITY OF SAINT PAIIL - OFFICE OF T$E MAYOR ADMINISTRATZ4E ORDER Por CONTRACT CHANGE NO. 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as: Prospgct Park Play Area Development known as Contract 14913 , City Project No. L95-03-12 , Arrigoni Brothers Company , Contractor, is composed of the following: � 1. Play equipment changes. 2. Supply and install one triple hoop game. 3. Supply three picnic tables. Deduct $ 400.00 Add 860.00 Add 1,775.00 TOTAL NET ADD $2,235.00 • ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $2.235.00 , said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Contract 14193 , and which amount is to be £inanced from: Original Contract Sum $91,000.00 Change Orders to Date -0- Amount this Change + 2,235.00 New Contract Sum $93,235.00 Director o£ • cc: City Clerk Finance Department Department Accounting Project Manager Contractor Inspector Office Copy Contract File Copy �19_� j �19,� �creation C95-3CO29-0882-33145 Arrigoni Brothers Companv Contractor By letter dated January 2, 1996 _ I�Q..r.� ���JZ..e--c-u-h-' l ��/O��'i� Dir ctor of F'nance & Management Services Administrative Assistant to the Mayor Chief Engineer .1��� DEPAR'TMEN7/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INRIATED � � , y� 3� 6 4 9 * Parks and Recreation '! 1/8/96 GREEN SHEE _.___ CONTACTPERSONEPHONE ODEPAR[MENTDIFiE �C�TYCA�iJGI INRIAL/DA7E K211 Wehrle 266-6422 ��N mnnoANer �crrvc�wc NUYBERFOR UST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) pp�� � BUDGEf DIflECTO rl PIN. & MOT. SERVICES DIR. OIIDFF LJ-I A []r.uvoa�oanssisrum � Parks R TOTAL # OF SI(iNATUHE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AG710N flEQUESTED: Approval of Contract Change Agreement Prospect Park Play Area Development � RECOMMENOA770NS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLqNNIN6 COMMIS510N _ CN1L SERVICE COMMISSiON �� HeS MIS pef5onfftf4tl eVe� wOiKed u[Ide! 3 CORVaCt kx M15 dep3[tR10M? - Cie COMMITfEE _ YES NO A� — 2. Nas ihis perSOMfirm aver been a city empfoyee? YES NO _ _ DISTRIGT CAURT _ 3. Does this perSONFirm posse55 a skifi not �ormal y possessed by any curteM city employee? SUPPOpT$WHICHCOUNCILO&IEGTIVET YES NO Expialn all yes answers on separate sheet an0 attaeh to green Sheet INITIATING PqOBLEM, ISSUE.OPPfJRTUNIN (WhO. Whet, Whan, Where, Why�: Necessary to compensate contractor for addition of triple hoop (ball) play item and picnic tabl_es requested by the community design committee. Acceptance of credit due the City for change in specified play equipment at request of design committee. �, ANTAGESIFAPPRpVED: � Able to compensate contractor for additianal play equipment and picnic tables increasing recreation opportunities on site. Acceptance of credit due. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPflOVED: None RE�EIVEC �,�,i JAN 181996 ,�A� 1 p i99� CITY CLERK � �TY A�C�� ����� DI3ADVAMTAGE3IF t30T APPROVE9: Unable to compensate contractor and accept credits for revisions to contract. OTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ 2 r 235.00 COST/REVENUEBUDCaETED(CIRCLEONE) " YES NO FUNDIHGSOURCE CDBG ncriviTVNUMeea C95-3CO29-0882-33145 e FINANGIAL INFORMATION: (EXPfAIN) �.9 1 ! I 61W 01/02/1996 11:03 6126459322 ARRI60NI BROS CO PAGE 01 7W�2� � : � �_ � � ; : • M.t ;��iZ�7Tt7_�.�'1 8!'. PAUL� MRVN�6TA 53114 tELEPA0471C d16-l321 FAX 64Sf3Et :t � y•�, . u►rs� ?- a- 2�� r� I+p: �_r. xi w� It 4 L e --- �ROM: D.; 1a,.,. v c ,4aK 3lro �-- I SU87EC!': P�vs�t� PAR� ^ LdrTda OfiT�+� ��- rim►ie�x oF r�c�s �ro roz,w�w v roRros�: � PER YO'UR REQUd37 • FOR YODR IN!'ORMA7ION OTI�R9 Ml�S!►GE: 'r Dz ou e,'r r ov ° v Y� ����°. ��'�� -� �4-OD ��(vU,�� N'O17� i b Q .�� A-fl !� 177�5 , �ic��� -rt�,��r�s � a�otroorrortscsvs�u.rxass a�raressaaarua�rs.ru� c�u.r� ssrmaR.