272303 WHITE — GITV CIERI( .^/pN`•(�'] PINK — FINANCE COUflCll p� � ��.�'"'e����� CANARV — ncpqRTME T G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L • ��, BLUE —�.�4YOR File NO. ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council at the City of l4aint Paul hereby certifies and approves the action ot the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review pertaininq to the following listed property and as ehown by the Excerptad Minutes af said Board of Appeals and Reviaw, dmted Decsmber 12, 1978� and marked E�IBIT A, and attached heretb and made a part hereof by rei'erence: DATE OF BOARD MINOTES CASE NO. PKQPERTY APPELLANT 12/12/78 45-78—H 1202 Sherburne LaVonne L. Wicht (four unit�) BOARD ACTIONs Granted wai�rer of St. Paul Legislative Cocle�, Sect3on 54.11�, pertaining tv the requi=ement that each dwelling unit be equipped with a water closet, la�aatory, and bathctub or ah4wer, to permit two second floor units and one third floor unit to ehara one bathroo�q,, provided (1) that occnpancy of each unit be restrictad to one person„ and (2) that all remmining items dee ignatad in 10/31/78 Certiticate of Ocenpancy latter be bronght up to code� said waiver to be effective until auch time a• the property to ba sold or any other right, titla or interest be tran�afarred,� at which time said waiver be nnllified, or until such time as the property no longer be occupied by the current owner of racc�rd. property Deacription: Sanborn's Midway Addition Lot 11, Hlock 7 ----------•------------- COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine _ _ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form A pproved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary s��a.e� CJ'3"�-1 /�-.?/-7d- By t�pproved by 1Aavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ By �NHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COIIIICII ■f�` CANARY - DEPARTMEN7 GITY OF SAINT PALTL ��` �.��,'. . BLUE - A�.VOR File NO. ��� 'r { Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date •-2- 12/12/78 43-78-F! 126 N. Dale/616 Laurel Rcn�ld C. Longseth (four nnits) $OARD ACTIONs Granted waiver of St. Panl Legislative Cbde, Section 54.11, pertaining to the requirement that each dwell- ing unit be equipped with a watar closet, lavatory� and bath�ab ar shower, to permit four apartm�nts to ehare two b�throama� provided (1) that occupaney of each unit be restricted to two persons� and (2), th�t all remaining itet�n8 designated in 10/12/78 Cartificate of Occnpancy letter be branght up to code within 90 daysj said waivar to be effective until Such time a�a the property be sold or any other right, title ar interest be transferred, at which time said waiver be nullified. Pr°pertv Descri tion= Woodland Park Addition F,'xcept S. 40 gt.,, Lot 11, Block 7 -------------- ---------- 12/12/78 47-78-H 1064 Mar�ahall Ave� Richard Hnlgeaon (eix nnite) BOARD AG�ION: Granted waiver of St. Pmm�ul Legislative Code�, Se�tion 54,13, pertnining to occupancy of dwalling unit mora than 50� below grader to permit nse of basement unitl provided (1) that a window and ad�oining window well of snfficient dimena�ions to camgly with li ht and COUNCILME[V Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler [n Favor Hozza Hunt I.evine __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form A pproved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary ��� x! /�-���7� gy, /�lpproved by lVlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ — By WNITE - CITV CLERK COUIICIl �� `��� PINK - FINANCE TF' • ° CANARV - OEPARTMENT CITY OF SAINT 1 AUL File NO. � f ' BLUE - MAVOR � � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -3- ventilation requirements and to serve as an emergency exit be installed in the bedroom� and (2) that all remaining items in 11/13/78 Certificate of Ocengancy latter be bronght up to cade within 90 dayst saicl waivar ta remain in efiect for the lifetime ot the structure. Propsrty Deecri.�tion: Rogers Addition Except Ave. E. 1/2 of Lot 7 and all of Lot 6, Block 2 12/Z2/78 48-78-H 644 Sherwood Evelyn Aem ly (fiva units) �UARD ���pN: Granted waivar of St. Paul Legislative Code� Section 54.i3, pertaining to occupancy of dwelling unit more than 5096 below grade, to pnrmit use of basement unit, provided (1) that a window mnc7 ad�oining window well of sufficient dimenaion to comply with code reqtxirements for light and ventilation and to servs as an emargency txnit be installed in the bedroom of the unit, (2) that machanical ventilation be installed in the kitchen and bathroom, and (�) that aIl wark required and r�main- ing items listed in 10/31/78 Certificate of Ocenpancy letter be completed by June lr 1979� said waiver to re- main in effact for the lifetime vf the strtxctura. COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesco • Form A pproved by City Attorney Adopted by Councii: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary B�`�-���Zlx'� �'z����7� B� �lpproved by lVlavor. Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — BY M�HITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - F�NANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL � Council CANARY - DEPARTMENT � ��. �� `;V'.�� BIUE - t�AVOR File NO. � � . � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -4- Property Description: Denny Hill Additian N. 10 Ft,. of Lot 3 and all of Lots 1 and 2* Block 1 ------------------------- --- 12/12/78 33-78-H 1621 Marshall Miin M Chen (8 nnits) BOARD ACTION: Granted waiver� of �t, Paul Legi�lative Code= (1) Section 54.13� pertaining to occupancy of dwellinq txnit more than 50g6 belaw grade, to permit u�e of basement zxnit, (2;► Section 54.11,� pertaining to the reqnirement thnt ench dwelling unit be equigped with a water cloeet, I�vatory, and a bath�nb nnd show�r,� to permit eight eff iciency ap8rtments to sshare two bath- roomey �nd (3) the requirement of a vent in cne lnvm- toryT aaid waivers to be effective until such time a� the property be sold or any other title, right or inter�st be transsferras, nt which time aaid waiear be nullified. property Daacriptions Collage Park Except AveK, Lot 3, Block 8 and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the city ciexk is heraby anthorized and e r t a c f re o u n for recording to the COUNCILMEN Requested by Department pf: Yeas Nays , / �-Be�t�er �^ Hozza In Favor �'Htnt� � —��- _ __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesco Adopted b � ouncil: Date �N 2� �� Form Approved by City Attorney Ce ied Yassed ouncil Secr�tary BY gy, tapp by lVlavor: �a 's — � }97� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY — — BY Pu���st� JAN 13 1979 � -4- 12/12/78 - P�[eeting No. I46 A ��'�`��`� - -- - --- - -- - ----- --- . CASE N0. • PROPERTY APPELLANT 48-78-H 644 Sherwood Evelyn Henly SUBJECT: �five units) eql�uest waiver of St. Paul Legislative Code , Section 54. 13, so as to permit occupancy of unit more than 50� below grade , because of fin ancial hardship. APPEARANCE : Evelyn Henly PROCEEDINGS_:_ Mrs. Henly said she had lived, in the building since 1970 and had not, been aware that the basement apartment could not be occupied. Mr. Heider noted that the city' s letter of 10/31/78 stated that a waiver granted by the Board in 1969 to the previous owner automatically expired ��rhen the property was sold. 1�1r. Tieso said he didn' t think waivers granted by the Board back in those earlier years were recorded on the deed, so it was possible a title se arch had not produced the information to a buyer. Frank Staffenson stated that the window area in the bedroom of this unit i�ras far short of light and ventilation requirements , and it was not suit- able for use as an emergency exit , either, which w as particularly important in a room used as a bedroom. Also , he said, there were no PROC�EDINGS (continued) : 'S- 12/12/78 - Meeting Yo. 146 '��indows in the kitchen and bathroom, but this could be taken care of with ' mechanical ventilation. The immediate concern was the bedroom recause th� basement was so far below grade , and the bedroam window me asured oniy 14 x 22 inches , with no windo��rwell. bir. Heider stated that he felt the situation z��as very serious , and that if it �Jas impossible, financially or physically, to remedy the problem, the unit should be vacated. Chairman Wozniak said it would be difficult to do in the midd2e of winter, but if Mrs . Henly could make the necessary .improvements when sprin g cam� , he would be favorable to granting a variance. Mrs . Henly offered to install a smoke detector to improve the situati on until the work could be done . BOARD ACTION: Mr. Glassman moved to grant a waiver of basement occupancy requirements , provided that a window and adj oining windoza well of sufficient dimensions to comply with light and ventilation requirements an d to serve as an� emergency exit, as well, be installed in the bedroom, that mech anical ventilation be installed in the kitchen and bathroom, and that all re�iiain- ing items liste d in the 10/31/78 Certificate of Occupan cy letter be " completed by June 1, 1979, said ��raiver to be effective for the lifetime of the structure . Chairman `�lozniak seconded. MOTION CARRIED AVD SO ORDE RE D. THE VOTE: Ayes - 6 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - 0 � Meeting �o. l�l5 � � MINUTES OF THE MEETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS AND REVIE�vr Tuesday, December 12 , 1978 City Council Committee Room 707 City Hall and Court House 1 : 30 p.m...� I��i�BERS PRESENT: D.D. Wozniak, Chairman Arthur Tieso Ron Glassman LeRoy Coleman Davi d He i de r � . - Estyr B. Peake . MEMBERS ABSENT: James Voigt ; ,- AGENCIES P RESENT: De artment of Communit Services - Division of � ousing an Bui ing o e n orcement Frank Staffens on � Steve Roy � Mayor' s Complain t Office Larry Alan Winans PED/HRA . Kim Pfoser MERRIAM PARK N.H.S. Barbara Jeanetta OTHERS PRESENT: Ronald Longseth . Eve lyn Hen ly � LaVonne L. Wicht Richard Helgeson Jim Bobzien Ronald Miller Joseph L. Dudovitz _ _ -. Vernon Cryer Thomas Baber STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Nioxness , Apneals Board Seeretary Chairman tiVozniak called the meeting to order at 1 : 40 p. m. The minutes of the meeting of November 14, 1978, tvere approved as mailed out to Board members . Meeting �o. 146° . MINUTES OF THE MEETING ST. PAUL BOAR.D OF APPEALS E1.ND REVIE{�' Tuesday, December 12 , I978 City Council Committee Room 707 City Hall and Court House 1 : 30 p.m.... MEMBERS PRESENT: D.D. Wozniak, Chairman Arthur Tieso Ron Glassman LeRoy Coleman Davi d He i de r ` Estyr B. Peake } MEMBERS ABSENT: James Voigt ; AGENCIES P RESENT: De artment of Communit Services - Division of � ousing an ui ing o e n orcement Frank Staffenson 4 Steve Roy � Mayor' s Complain t Office Larry Alan Winans PE D/HRA . Kim Pfoser ME RRIAM PARK N.H.S. Barbara Jeanetta OTHERS PRESENT: Ronald Longse�th . Evelyn Henly � LaVonne L. Wicht Richard Helgeson , Jim Bobzien � Ronald Miller Joseph L. Dudovitz _ _ •. Ve rnon Crye r Thomas Baber STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness , Apneals Board Secretary Chairman �Vozniak called the meeting to order at 1 : 40 p.m. The minutes of the meeting of November 14, 1978 , were approved as mailed out to Board members . � - 8- 12/12/ 78 - l�•lseting No. 146 . C.�;SE v0. PROPERTY APPELLA?VT � a� , � ,,�'��,�� �s- 78-H 1621 Marshall r�liin r4. Chen �8 units) SUBJECT: eso ution to grant waivers on basement occupancy and shared bathrooms is referred back to Board of Appeals by City Council, wit:� the suggestion that the iaaiver be restricted to the �eriod of Nir. Chen' s o��nershia, not for the lifetime of the structure . ' Prevzous Hearing 10/10/78 : Granted �aaivers on basemPnt occupancy, shared bathrooms , and venting of one lavatory, for` the lifetime of the structure . APPEAR.ANCE • None PROCEEDINGS: Chairman Wozniak reported that the case had been referred back to the Board by the City Council at i.ts meeting on November 30, 2978, after hearing objections by representatives of the bierriam Park District Council and Neighbarhood Housing Services . The Council suggested that the waivers be made effective only until such time as the property might be sold, rathet than for tnz lifetime of the structure. f BQARD ACTION: � Chairman Wozniak moved to rescin d the action taken by the Board of Appe als on October 10, 1978. Mrs. Peake seconded. MOTION CARP.IED A�'�D SO 4RDERED. THE VOTE: Ayes - 6 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - 0 BOARD ACTIOV: •� Chairman Wozniak moved to grant waivers of St. Paul Legisl ative Code, Section 54. 13, to permit occupancy of two basement units ; Section 54 . 11 , to permit shared bathrooms , provided no more than four persons share use of one bathroom; and to the requirement of a vent in one lavatory, sub- ject to the condition that remaining violations , as Iiste d in Co de En- forcenent Division' s letter of June 23, 1978, be correcte d tirithin one year; said waivers to re�rlain in effect until such time as there be a transfer of title, right, or interest. - bir. Glassman seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. ' THE VOTE:'� Ayes - 6 Nayes - 0 Absten tions - 0 � Meeting Na. 146 ' . . MINUTES OF THE MEETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS �D REVIEtiv` Tuesday, December I2 , ,1978 City Council Commi*_tee Room 707 City Hall and Court House 1 : 30 p.m...� MEMBERS PRESENT: D.D. Wozniak, Chairman Arthur Tieso Ron Glassman LeRoy Coleman David Heider � Estyr B. Peake _ MEMBERS ABSENT: James Voigt ;. AGENCIES PRESENT: Denartment of Communit Services - Division of ous in g an ui ing o e n orcemen t Frank Staffenson Steve Roy Mayor' s Complaint Office Larry Alan ZVinans PED/HRA . Kim Pfoser ME RRIAM PARK N.H.S. Barbara Jeanetta OTHERS PRESENT: Ronald Longseth . Evelyn Henly � LaVonne L. Wicht Richard Helgeson Jim Bobzien Ronald Miller Josenh L. Dudovitz . Vernon Cryer Thomas Baber STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness , Appeals Board Secretary Chairman tiVozniak called the meeting to order at I : 40 p. m. The minutes of the meeting of November 14, I978, were approved as mailed out to Board members . , -4- 12/12/78 - Meeting No. I46 � - CASE I�O. PROPERTY APPEi..LAs'�T �+?- 7fi-H 1064 Marshall Ave . Richard Helgesoa�¢���'� (six units) SUBJECT: Request waiver of Legislative Code, Section 54 . 13, pertaining to occu- pancy of units more than 50% below grade, because of finan cial considerations APPEARt1NCE : Richard Helgeson PROCEEDIN GS: Board Member LeRoy Coleman stated that he would abstain from voting on this case, as he formerly owned this property. Chairman Wozniak noted that Mr. Helgeson had stated on his application that he intended to install a larger windoiv and an outside window isell in the basement apartment, which would allow adequate light in the bed- room and serve as an emergency exit as wel_1. BOARD ACTION: N1r. Tieso rnoved to grant a variance to permit occupancy of a basement ; unit more �han 50 o below grade, ;on condition that a window and windo��r `�ieTl of .adequate size ta comply with :l�ght. and ventialation requirements �and to Gerve as an emeroency exit, as well, be _ installed in the unit' s bedroom, and that all remaining items in 11/13/78 Certificate of Occuoancy letter be completed within 90 days . Mrs . Peake seconded.'�; MOTION CARRIED A.'VD SO ORDERED. THE VOTE: Ayes - 5 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - I (Coleman) Meeting No. �4b � . MINUTES OF THE MEETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS AIVD REVIEt�' Tuesday, December 12 , , 1978 City Council Committee Room 707 City Hall and Court House 1 : 30 p.m.,�.� MEMBE RS PRE SENT: D.D. Wozniak, Chairman Arthur Tieso Ron Glassman LeRoy Coleman David Heider � Estyr B. Peake MEMBERS ABSENT: James Voigt ,. AGENCIES PRESENT: Dep artment of Communit Services - Division of Housing an ui ing o e n orcement Frank Staffenson Steve Roy Mayor's Complaint Office Larry Alan tiVinans PED/HRA . Kim Pfoser ME RRIAM PARK N.H.S. Barbara Jeanetta OTHERS PRESENT: Ronald Longseth . Eve lyn Hen ly � LaVonne L. Wicht Richard Helgeson , Jim Bobzien Ronald Miller Jose�h L. Dudovitz . Vernon Cryer Thomas Baber STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness , Appeals Board Secretary Chairman 1Nozniak called the meetin g to order at I : 40 p.m. The minutes of the meeting of November 14, 1978, were approved as mailed out to Board members . � -2 - 12/12/78 - Meetin�No. 146 ` �,,�►��d?�,a,��� . . > Z � CASE N0. PROPERTY - APPELLANT - - - � - - - 43- 78-H 126 N. Dale/616 Laurel Ronald C. Longseth (four units) SUBJE CT: Request waiver of code restrictions on shared b athroo�as an d requirement of additional electrical outlet in laundry area, because of economic considerations . Also, request return of filing fee because of fin ancial hardship. Prior Hearing 11/14/78: Case was continued to December meeting �shen appellant failed to make an apgearance. , -3- 12�I2/78 - Meeting �o. 146 ' APPEAR�TCE : Ronald C. Longse-th � PROCEEDINGS : Nir. Longseth stated that he had four rental units with seven occuvants . He had bought the building from the estate after his father' s death in 1973. There was a b athroom on each of the two floors; and two units on each floor. He asked that he be allowed to con�inue ogerating four units , rather than to deconvert down to two in order to provide separate bathrooms . He also asked that he not be required to install an electric outlet in the laundry area, because he said he did not pravide Iaundry facilities. . - Mr. Tieso asked if there were any laundry appliances in that area, and Mr. Longseth said there was a dryer, but this was not used. Mr. Tieso suggested it would be best to provide another outlet anyway, because a tenant in the future might want to use the area. Chairman Wozniak asked if there had been any progress on the items listed in the Certificate of Occup an cy letter of 10/12/78. Mr. Longseth replied that he had not done so because he wanted to know whether or n ot the Board was going to allow him to continue operating four units before ' undertaking any of the work. =� Mr. LongsetI: said he had two furnaces on the property, and his under- I standing of the code requirements was that each must be enclosed. He asked if a sprinkling system would be permitted instead of enclosures . Frank Staffenson said this was an allowable alternative, so long as there were no living quarters in the baser�ent. When asked how long he would need to complete the work required, l�tr. Lon�- seth said he would like 90` days or so. BOARD ACTION: Mr. Heider moved to grant a variance on the sharect b athrooms , restrictin g occup ancy of each unit to two persons , on condition that all remaining items on the 10/12/78 Certificate of Occupancy letter be completed within 90 days. Mr. Glassman seconded. Mr. Tieso and Mr. CoYeman asked that the motian be amended to specify that the variance shall remain in effect until such time as there is a transfer of title, right or interest in the pronerty. Mr. Heider agreed to include the amendment in his motion. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. _ _. _ . THE VOTE: Ayes - 6 Nayes - 0 Abstentions 0 A4eeting No. 146 ' . - , MINUTES OF THE MEETING ' ST. PAUL BOAR.D OF APPEALS AI�D REVIE��' Tuesday, December 12 , 1978 City Council Committee Room �07 . City Hall and Court House 1: 30 p.m.�� MEMBERS PRESENT: D.D. Wozniak, Chairman Arthur Tieso Ron Glassman LeRoy Coleman Davi d He i de r �' Estyr B. Peake . � , MEMBERS ABSENT: James Voigt p �y AGENCIES P RESENT: Department \of Communit Services - Division of � ousing an ui ing o e n orcement Frank Staffenson - Steve Roy - Mayor's Complaint Office Larry Alan Winans FE D/HRA . Kim Pfoser ME RRIAM PARK N.H.S. Barbara Jeanetta OTHERS PRESENT: Ronald Longse�th . Evelyn Henly � LaVonne L. Wicht Richard Helgeson Jim Bobzien Ronald Miller Joseph L. Dudovitz �. _ _ . _ " Vernon Cryer Thomas Baber STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness , Anpeals Board Secretar}- Chairman iYozniak called the meetin g to order at 1 : 4Q p.m. The minutes of the meeting of November 14, 1978 , were approved as mailed out to Board members . - �.� . . . � .. �. . . � , . . . .. . . • ' . - � . � 4 � .. ' . . ' . . . � ; � ;� . . . . . � . . . � ' � . 1,1 .. � - � . � � � �� � � ; ,. �� . r _ 3 . . . . , , � �, � , . , , , . . . , � - ; . � , . �, - � , ' . - January 10, 1979 - �' -r . ', , ; r . ; , _ � ' , ��,. � �gist�r of Ds�ds , ; 1st lrloor� City Ball � " � i , t � � , � " St. P�1, MinnaeoCa ,, , ` ` � -. D�ar �itic: ' � y , � , � , I � , Atta�b�d fvr !#ltag in pour vtticor �.s'd cesti�ied copy of , I r C.F. Y723Q3, adopLad by th� Co�i1. o� 3sonary Z, 1979. ' � . - .Ves7 trul7 YourB. . . . � . ' R�ues 'MUt _ Gity �lerk - At taalt. , r . - ' - dar , , � � � ; . . , ' - , , , � � , !� . ' , � . . J :! . , , ' . ' 4 . � ; �, . , , I. , � , , ! , . - , , � ; . . � �. .. , . , , , - . , � , . . \ � . � , � i � . � � �. � . - , , ` ` , _ � � � � � � � , � - � - � � � ' . • � i ' . i ; � � , _, , �, , � - , ' � _ . ' . , - i . , - � \ 3 _ , , . . , , ,, - � , ,_ � , . / , ` �. 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F x l f.r _ . � '{Y << y k� .: . ,. i .': ✓� T � .� �� � � � - 9 �� `"� �.y7f;',, � � ` � 7a �� �� 3��*,r��� t. , A �,� :. y �, _ _ �{ �� � ��� .� ���� �a�� } x �; � '� , r ,-. .2 .;F � ;� d xr�� � f iw�'�'�:: c � � 1 � f t r �� }�,. �y t' � y � d y U '! hc :� � p '���° �y - ,i � � i " ." ° �. : .� �., . . F -, '�" . 7 � � f � i ,+.�._ ,Y� ;�:'.,_ .,... i'. E S _ A„. .,: n_.�„_�r�.. . . �.. _.. . � . � �.,_.;:1., ,,S � r .�'� , w ;Y�': +,..,..�`�:��n..�..,,..�rs � �4.» .. , .� . .. .,.hrF.'r':2;• �xn r� �T� I2/12/78 - Meetin No. 146 �'' ' � y CASE N0. PROPERTY - AFPELLA'VT • 45 - 78-H 1202 Sherburne Ave. LaVonne L. Wicht � (four units) SUBJE CT: ec{�uest waiver of St . Paul Legislative Code , Section 54. 11 , pertaining to the requirement that bathroom facilities be located W1�J'i1R the walls of an apartment and that each unit haye a separate bathroom, beeause of financial hardship. Prior Hearing 11/14/78: Case was continued to December meeting. APPEARAIVCE: LaVonne L. Wicht PROC�EDINGS : Board Member Tieso related that he had gone out .with a plumbing contractor an d a general contractor to look at this buildzng. Together they had determined that the cost of installing ari additiona2 bath room could not be justified, because the floor nlans of the second az�d third floor apartments could never be remodeled in a satisfactory way. Mr. Tieso said a cost of $6000 to $7500 was estimated for a new bathroom, which � would require b1s . Wicht to raise. her rents . Because the neighborhood `� did not attract renters with good� incomes, he felt such an expenditure' was unfeasible . He said there was only one tenant in each of the three units sharin g one bathroom. He suggested that the Board grant a varian ce to allow operation of the property as at present, restric�in g occupan cy �to one person per unit, on condition that remaining ..items listed an the 10/31/78 Certificate of Occupancy letter be brought into compliance . There was a general discussion by Board members on whether to make the variance effective for the_ lifetime of the structure ,or to limit it to the period of l�is . j9icht' s ownership while she lives in the first floor apartment. BOARD ACTION : Mr. Tieso moved to grant a variance of the ,Legislative Code, Section 54. 11, to permit two apartments on the second floor and one apartment on the third floor to share the second floor bathroom, provided occupancy of each said unit is restricted to one person and that a11 remaining viola- tions listed in the 10/31/78 Certificate of Occupancy Ietter are brought into comp�,iance, until such time as there be a transfer of title , right or interest, and so long as the present owner resides on the property. Mr. Glassman seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE: Ayes - 6 Nayes - U Abstentions - 0 f'F �;'�� �t n'-,i y ,. '`:� . * �� � � �- �� : ,r - ^ i�` '��' S ` ' ��� �i � , r"� � i r f�_ .. �• T ♦ N re � 4 �f5� � � ,�y .��,. ��� � �' �. ,� > � J�t �� �Y��µ �"_ ��� 1 / � ' �'( t !r � M1 {' t{ Y"��. ���i' S �'L 1., y � i l �. r '�i ` f 1 1'� � � yoi',� .,��� � i "• i' �: - _ r.� i ' � � , n� ���' ��. ,�:' � . � '' � ` f'` 1 t . , . `: a .. ' \ � .}, t�� �' � r+i,: �'4 . g � " �� r r J 1: t� ;y�. �ti . � � � , �� 'r t � �, � ., �q .' . , x �. � K �• � s ; �' �� .r j� C r� � tiIR+ 7 t � � �*-� � .. � i � ��� �.k t 3. �� �x�� r� � . . . ` ..y ,s � ����� �� � � � � ���i� � � � k � { �� ��� ��r i � ti ; ��-. s. �'� ,�i.�s�.. �, - %t .+ �a� i , � � ' �, ti ��� , . ., , . ; , . , `' � � 3 ��,: . . ' . . � . ' �' `'�y�t � >. � � . r i � �!'� � ���dv � \ � � ' 1� .. � �' i .} � �l'. �e Y , ` . � � ��i��� r :- , 1 i � . , .��.` �� .� � , . . :a, �4 5 . � ,, � .. . �� .. .. � . . �;; .. .f • .� . � Y t { �� i:. i' � . � � � j t r � ��� r �, t � , � — ; r , / ' � �� * 1 '�r� '�', a -1•. 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Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date HE IT RESOLVED, That the Qouncil o! the City o! Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the acti�on of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals an8 Reviea pertaining to the folloaring listed property and ae shown by the �cerpted I�linutes of saia soara of Appeals and Review, dated October 10, 1978, and marked E�ilBrl A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: �ATS OF HOAItD MII�UTSS CASB HO. OPEBTY APPSLIANT 10/10/7 33-�6-H 162 Marshall 1y r1. Ch � (8 n ita) HOARD ACP Gzanted aaivers \_ the litatime of atruc nre on S . Panl Legielative O�de, Section 54.13, ao as to rmit � cupancy ot ta+� base�aent naitst Section 54 �1, so a t permit shared bathrooms, provided no more han fou per na ehare use o! oae��athr000s and to the equire- ment t a vent in one lava ory. All said waive e so graate are snbject to the n8ltion that remafn g � violati , as listed in Oc>de $nforce�ent Divisf�o 's let�er o �ne 28, 1978. shall corrected vithfo ne year. Piopertv Description: Ool e Park • �cce Ave., Lot 3, Hlock ������+w�w�w w�� COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza �n Favor Hunt � Levine A gai n s t BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � J� . 1�-� _ l.. �� � Certified Passed by Council Secretary 8Y'�-�" - ` � � ' `�`� " � ' By� �} �; Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By ���CLEFK ������ ��N" G I T Y O F SA I N T �A IT L Council � tev�wr�..eNr File N0. •rOp Council Resolution � ;>� 3�'� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2. 10/10/78 40-?8-g 2 55-2 57 !�la�c ia 1Kike J. Ryg h (6 aaits) HOARD ACTI�O : Granted raiver of St. Paul Legfelatfve O�de, Section 54.11, ao as to per�ait shared bathrooms on second floor, rovided no nwse than one person �� each of the nr c�nitss said waiver to rnn !or he litetime o! the s cture. propertv Description Lyman �yton•e Aaai n 8acept �11y 30 Ft and except SSly 44 40/100 Pt., ta 23 ancl 24, k 50 ' and be it !�R �tffiOLVSD, That�h City Clesk ia hereby anthorized and directed to tranemit a co o! ia seaolntion !or secording to the -Rameey County Office of e Regi ar o! Deeds. COUNC[L1�[EN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ^ Butler j Hozza In Favor Hunt � Levine Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco � 2 �97g Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date --. � _ ' ; �„""----" . ..'. , / -' / / Cert�fied Passed by Council Secretary �"' �" � By Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor Eor Submission�to Council By BY Q`A1 I P�, . . ` .��''�� '�I . G�1� '1� � . .,� 1� 4 � � MERRIAM PARK . ;� COMMUNITY COUNCIL, IRC. p � 645-0349 • WILDER AT SAINT ANTHONY . SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55104 �� �(o �F�2 Pl-A�� November 2, 1978 Council President Hozza Members of the Council Saint Paul, Minnesota I am here today to protest the lack of notification regaxding City Council matter #11 under "New Business--Resolutions", a "resolution approving the actions of the St. Paul Board of Appeals and Review regaxding property at 1621 Maxshall. . . ." If our Community Council office was not on the mailing list for the City Clerk's agenda of your council meetings we would not have known that this matter would come before you today. We received the a,�enda in yesterday's mail, Novenber l. Several calls determined that the "actions" referred to the wa.iver of the housing code ir� order to allow the existence of two basement living units and a shaxed bathroom in an eight unit building. We understand that the Board of Appeals and Review met September 12 on this matter. Since we only leaxned of it yesterday we obviously were not able to heax the appe�lant's request or to testify at that hearing. Due to the lack of notification we can make no judgment as to the merits of this paxticulax case. However, the Merriam Park Community Council is concerned about the condition of rental property in its axea, as expressed in the District 13 Plan. The Community Council and the Merriam Paxk Neighborhood Housing Services (which was also unaware of the granting of this wa.iver before yesterday) can hardly do an efficient job of preserving and enhancing the housing stock in our neighborhood if we axe not notified of such procedures as the granting of hoKsing code and zoning variances, permits for demolition, etc. The Community Council has a Housing Committee which was formed for the express purpose of monitoring housing problems and changes in Merriam Park. We would like the opportunity to refer such matters as building and housing code appeals to that committee, and to testify at hearings regaxding such appeals and applications for that axea bounded by �nelling, University Avenue, Summit Avenue and the western City limi�s. Sufficient notice on these and other matters is in the spirit of citizen participation and the Early Notification System, and is vital for responsible community participa,tion in the conservation of our neighborhoods, • McLaughlin, p.2 . Sincerely, ���� _J}�'��'i,�'-`1 Bett�McZaughlin President, Merriam Paxk Community Council cc: Reid McFaxlane, Executive Director, Merriam Paxk N.H.S. Dave Wickstrom, Fresident of the Boaxd, Merriam gark N.H.S. Kaxen Christofferson, Citizen Paxti�ipation Coordinator Sa.int Paul Board of Appeals and Review . �E XN � a �T � G� ���v� ' - x - - 10/10/78 - Meeting N . 144 ������ r ,Y � Y Cr�S� N0� PROPERTY APPELLANT 3i- 73-H 1621 Marshall Ave . Miin M. Chen SUBJE�T: (� �its) • R�quest waiver of code requirements pertaining to certain fire-safety violations, shared bathrooms, occupancy of two cellar units, and venting of one sink, as designated in Certificate of Occup ancy letter of 6/28/78; also, request extensions of time for completion of various repairs, as outlined in appellant 's letter, because of financial hardship. Prior Hearing 9/12/78: Case was continued to October meeting. APPEARA�'�rCE: Miin M. Chen PROCEEDINGS: lllice Bijjani stated that she had met with Mre Chen and mutual agreement was reached on the work to be done. The housing code office would not �bject to occupancy of the basement units, the sharing of bathrooms, nor to the absence of a vent in a lavatory of one bathroom, on condition that all remaining items listed as violations in the letter of 6/28/78 be taken care of within one year. She said Mr. Chen was given the option to convert the third floor to one unit instead of two, which would eliminate a stair enclosure problem and also the second exit requirement, or, if he chose not to make the conversion, he would enclose the stairwell and pruvide the additional access . There was a discussion on what type of waiver might be considered, one to run f.or the lifetime of the building or for the period of Mr. Chen' s .owner- ship only. Ms. Bijjani said a waiver limited to Mr. Chen's ownership would mean a drastic reduction in the building' s value if he should want to sell• _ _ - , , � � - 3-• 10/10/78 - Meeting No. 144 �Ccr.�in�:ed) Ms . Bijjani explained that there was no possible way that a bathroom for eac}i unit could ever be installed, and the only alternative would be to cenyert down to a threeplex, reducing rental income by a large amount. BORI:D ACTZON: Ci�uirmar_ Wozniak moved to grant waivers for the • lifetime of the structure �n th� f411owing sections of the St. Paul LegisTative Code : Section 54 .13, so as t� allo�a occupanc� of two basement units ; Section 54 .11, so as to aliovr shared bathrooms , provided no more than four persons share one baLhrcom; and to the requirement of a vent in one bathroom sink. All. waiyErs are subject to the condition that remaining violations listed in �he city' s letter of 6/28/78 be corrected within one yeax. Mrs. Peake secanded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE: Ayes - 4 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - 0 ------ --------- --- -- ; � �.1_ , r.:f'l � ��,,� �NHI7E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BI.UE - MAVOR File NO. �l Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVID, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approve the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review pertaining to the llowing listed property and as shown by the Excerpted Minut " of said Board of peals and Review, dated October 10, 1978, and marked BIT A, and attached he eto and made a part hereof by reference: DATE OF BOARD MINUTES ASE N0. PROPERTY APPELLANT 10/10/78 33 8-H 1621 Ma.rshall Miin M. Chen (8 units) BOARD ACTION: Granted w 'vers for the 1 etime of structure on St� Paul Legislative Code, Sectio 54.13, so as to permit occupancy of two basem t units; ection 54.11, so as to permit shared bathrooms, pro ided more than four persons share use of one bathroom; a t the requirement of a vent in one lavatory. All sa waivers so granted are subject to the condition that r ning violations, as listed in Code Enforcement Div sion s letter of June 28, 1978, shall be corrected wit n one ar. Property Description: ollege Park except Ave. , Lo 3, B1ock 8 and be it FURTHER RESOLVID, That the City Clerk is he eby authorized and directed to transmit a copy this resolution for recordi to the Ramsey County Office of the Regi er of Deeds. COUNCILMEN Requested by De rtment of: Yeas Nays Butler (n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form A pproved by City Attorn Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY sy Approved by IVlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ _ By �,�'y.'',�,,;;;s;;�r . - C�I T Y O�+' ►,,�'�.EL I:.*,YT P.�1 J i.. th /�' ��'�i G/ '�-,a%r `.. '`y�,.� . \��� l�./`"✓�...+ e. ,�� ^,(� � '\ �. OFFTCF OI+` T.�'Ik': CI"LrY COU1'CiL � J � ,�v,� t �� �.,. �!. �,�j j�;� ,� J . e��� y 1 Ty Da t e . November 20, 1978 . �� � � col��� �� 1 i�'� � F� E P � �i ? 0 : Sain; Paui Ci�t� Co�ncil F R � � � CO�'itff t��Q2 O CI CITY DEVELOPMENT AfdD TRANSPORTATION �eonard 4J. Levine chai�man, makes the fo(lorling _ � report on G.F. � Orclinance . � Resoiution - - � . . �] O�her - � . - � . . , - _ - _ ,:� , , _ � � ! �..� : � Property at 1621 INarshal l Avenue � � - . The Cormiittee recommends that the resolution ratifying , and approving tfie action of the 5t. Pau� Board of Appeal's _ ' � � and Review for property at 1621 (�tarshall Avenue be approved. � � . cc: D. U: Wozniak � � Mi i r� Chen - ' 'i TY H?iLL SEVE►fTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, hIItiNESOT.y SSI02 + •--*�.�..,�.: . - _ . �.,.,• �_y ' ' ' 10/10j78 - Meeting ;�u, g�.4, MINUTES OF THE MEETIN G ST, PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS AND REVIEW Tuesday, October 10 , 1978 City Council Committee Room 707 City Hall and Court House 1 : 30 p.m. . MEMBERS PRESENT: D.D. Wozniak, Chairman Arthur Tieso David Heider Estyr Be Peake MEMBERS ABSENT: Ron Glassman James Voigt Le Roy Coleman AGENCIES PRESENT: Department of Community Servic.es - Division of Housing an d Building Code Enforcement Alice Bijjani Steve Roy OTHERS PRESENT: Joseph Lamers Miin Chen Michael Maxim Mr. � Mrs. Dan Charpentier Mike Rygh STAFF PRESENT: Nancy Anderson, Recording Secretary The meeting was called to order at 1 : 45 p.m. The minutes of the meeting of September 12, 1978, were approved as mailed ' out to the members. CASE N0. PROPERTY APPELLANT 29- 78-B 1034 Dayton (vacant duplex) Friedrich G. La:ners SUBJECT: by Joseph Lamers , son �equest waiver oF vacant building registration fees because of financial hardship. APPEARANCE : Joseph Lamers