272290 WHITE - CiTV CLERK r PINK - FINANCE ITY OF SAINT PALTL Council �.,���.��, CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. - C nci Resolution Presented By / Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, work on Banfil Street from Smith Avenue east to the deadend was approved with the LEECH-MC BOAL I .T.A., on October 10, 1978 (C.F. No. 271902) , as recommended by the West 7th Federation; and WHEREAS, the West 7th Federation now recommends that no work be done on this portion of Banfil Street; therefore be it RESOLVED, that Banfil Street be deleted from work to be done under the LEECH-MC BOAL I .T.A. (City Project P-0767) . COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler � In Favor Publ ic o ks n Hozza Hunt -�ei�a _ � __ Against BY Maddox Donald E. Nygaard, i tor (DJ Showalter TedesCO � Form Approved by ity A orney Adopted by Council: Date � 2�� Certified :s�by Council S tary BY B y � ���X,! \!� �3r�%�11 � t� �d by :Vlavor: at � _ 8EC 2 8 �978 Ap r e by Mayor for b 'ssio'h to Councii \ By _ BY RtlBLISHED ��N 6 1979 + , � - ����� � ,,....��, _ _�;�•T,,;`� CITY OF SAINT PAUL �`" ''�'° DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC WORKS ° "�'= 6�r tt��l��u a� s,. p� DONALD E. NYGAARD, DIRECTOR '���'udp u��c..:r ��.L�l��,S�int Paut,MianesoW 55102 . �Rmca.o � . . . .. � . 612-2�-4241 GEORGE IATIMER MAYOR December 7, 1978 � Mrs. Rosalte Butler, Chairman Public Works Committee Room 716 City Ha1l BUILDING Re: LEECH-MC BOAL I.T.A. City Project P-0767 ` Oear Mrs. Butler. Before the public fiearing for the Leech-McBoal I .T.A. , r� briefed tMe Public Works Committee on this pro,ject. One of the Lhings we said was that tfie W. 7th Street Federation wanted @anftt Street from Smith Avenue ta the. deadend done with the I .T.A. , even though it was �ot part of thelr original proposal . I!t the public hearing, no one from the W. 7th Street Federat[on was there, and the CouncTl approved the order, including Banfil , as we all thought they wanted. In prepa�ing to include this in our Plans, we found that �t ts more like an a11ey than a street, serving only two garages. in talking with vne of the tr� abutting residents, we found that he felt the proposed work was a �ste of money and that neither he nor his neighbor wanted the �rk done. We �ntacted the W. 7th Street Federatior� and explained the situation. We tndicated that we would proceed with whatever they recamnended. The W. 7th Street Federation now takes the position that no work should' be done o� Banfil. Since r�rk was approved on tfiis street at tfie p�b�ic hearing, we are processfng a Resolution which deletes Banftl f rom the Loech-McBoal I .T.A. Yours very truly, " - Oonald E. Nygaard Dlrector of Public Works TEK/ck � / cc: Fia or's Off ice V Y �� . cM oi: I� ��.��s � Rev. - 9/ /'7 6 . �'� '+ ' . EXPL1�r1E�TI0i1 Or ,�Di•1I�1�'STF�?TIV� ORU�RS, ; . � r 'RESOLU7'I�E1� , ��3D QRa.��i�NC�S . i : . ��,�� . . I Date: December 7, 1978 . . RECE�VE"�! � i�.�� c", � �I�/� TQ: P�.AYOP. GE�RGE LATTP•�ER �.. ]�kY0i2'8 OFFt.^7,: FR: Donald E. Nygaard, D.i�rector of Public Works I ; R�: City ProJect P-0767 LEECH-MC BOAL t .T.A. � ' , . , i i : ACTIOfi REQUESTED: . Approval of a Resolution deleting 8anfil Street (from Smith Au�nue �st to the de'sdend) � �rom the LEECH-MC BOAL I .T.A. � i . . , i • � . , ' ; i i i PURPOSE .�.:�1D R�,TIOtiaLE FdR THIS ACTION: ' � . i This street was added to the Leech-McBoal I .T.A. at the request of the W. 7th St�reet � Federation. They now recomnend that no work be done ort Banfit . � . ti . i . . ., i � i . . ; , ; ATTACHME�IT�: . � � Council Reso.�,uticn • �i � . DJD/TEK/ck � � , _ , ; _.. �•....%', � i