272287 WHITE - CITY CLERK ��, ��,_L PINK - FINANCE ���1 CANARV - DEPARTMENT COIIIIClI � J BLUE „ - MAVOR GITY . . F SAINT PAUL File NO. � '`�' + � � ncil Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date In the matter of ha�ardous buildings being that two story detsched acceasory gn=age/ shed only of wood fraume constrttction known and described as 379 Sims in the City of Saint Paul and situated upfln those premises legally described as Lota 16, 17 and 18r Block 2, Pdm�tnd Rice's Fourth Addition according to the plat thereof on file and of record 3�n the office o� the Register of Deeds in and for tha County of Ramaey, �tate of Minnesota. WHEREAS� pursuant to resolution, C. F. 271960, approvad Octobar 24, 1978, a pnblic hearing was duly held on Novem�ber 9, 1978 :�efare the Council of the City of Saint Paul, said hearing pertaining ta the structure (accessory garage/shad only) at 379 Sims. Saint Paul,� Minneaotm; and WHEREP,Sr upon the facts presentad at the safd hearing consiat- ing of photographs, inspection report� and the recommendat ion of the Building Department* it is tound and determinad by,`the City Council that according to tha records and files in the affice of the R,egistar of Deeds the fae ownera are Edward O. C�i€:tke and Nl��y. � M. Gaetke, 379 Simms Ave., St. Paul, MN 55101 and Te�ry G. Gaetke a�pparently has some interest which is not recordedt that the�e are no outstanding mortgagasf and that it is further determined tha t the above described building constitutes a hazardons building within the definition of Minnssota Statntes 463.15 for ths following reasone: a. The sub�ect propertp ha8 been boarded up by the City aince March 10, 1978� COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler [n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form A pproved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary B�a'��' iy �"�'�0'?� By 6lpproved by fVlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - BY WHITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council �����.� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE � - MAVOR File NO. � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2. b, Becauae of age, deterioration and lack of proper maintnnance, this building is deemed beyond feasible rehabilitation anc3 shotxld be razedt c. The conditions outlined above canstitute a public hn$ardj d. The owners have mada no nttempt ta satisfactorily repair the damagef e, The continued vacant �nd boarded up conc7itions contributes a blighting infl�xance on the neighborhood7 now, therafore bs it RESOLVEDI That in accordanee with Minnesota Statutes Sections 463.15 th�ough 463,25, and based upan the foregoing findings of tha City Couneil, the Council of the City of Saint Paul doea hereby make the following order: ORDER 1. The owners of the above described bnilding shall make the same safe and not detrimantal to the public peace, health, aafety �nd welfare by having the said building razed and the mat�tials therefrom removed from the premises within thirtp (30) days from the date of the service of this Order: 2. Unless such corrective action ia taken to complp�.�with this COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt I.evine __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date B ��n ��"' �'?.-2d.-2 � Certified Passed by Council Secretary Y gy, Approved by :Navor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ By M�H17E - CITV CLERI( COl1I1CII � �� PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U�L ����'• - �� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BIUE _- MAVOR � � File N . � ' Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 3. Office of the Clerk of the District Conrt of Ramsey County, Minneaota within twenty (20) days from tha date of the service of this Order* a Motion for Sutnmary Enforcement of this Order to raza and remava the said bnilding will be rnade to the Ramsey County District CoartT 3. In the event that the building is to be razed by the City of Saint Pnul purs�tant to �udgmant of the District Cov[rt, all per- sonnl proparty or fixtures of nny kind which may unreasc�nably inter- fere with the ra�inq and removal of this building shall be remoned within ten (10) days from the entry of judgmentf and if not so re- moved, the City of Saint Paul sh�ll remove and diapoee of such per- sonal property and fixtures as provided by lawt 4. If the City of Saint Paul is compelled to take any corractioe action herein„ all neceasar�q cost�s e�ended by the City will be assesaed agains t the abowe described raal estate anc3 collected as other taxes; aind be it . FURTHER RESOLVE�� that a certified copy of this resolution and incorporated Order hrein be seraed upon the l�at recor� o�vners of the above described property in the manner provided by law. COUNCILME[V Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt � –be�v�e- __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date �r+ � � � Certified a_ •e by Counc' , cret BY � �1r 2 i—?� sy 1�1p rov d by ;Vlavor: � t,e Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY _ — BY pUBLtSHE4 ,1AN. 6 �979. \`olmmii;,ri: � �ITY a °, CITY OF SAINT PAUL '`�w �'.� _; '+'"" ��, OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY =< iisi1i ii�ii ;= �;� ,s_ SUZANNE E. FLINSCH, CITY ATTORNEY �es. _ 647 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 '�'f�",m�ro�.w.��"`r GEORGE LATIMER � 612-298-5121 MAYOR ����� December 20, 1978 A1 Olson Oouncil Recording Sacr�tary City Clark•s Office Third Floor Blc�g. Re: 379 Sima - 571-1726 Dear Mr. Olsons Attached hereto ia re�olution/order pertaining to the abave hazard- ous building. Upon paasage o�' the �ame by the City Council, plea�a forward five certifiad eopies to me. Thank you. very truly yaurs, �.. r..�.- ��,�. . �-,�� _ �� ..` � �.---_. WALTER A.y$O Aa8i8tant City Attorney WAB:tl Enc, ,:... � , � ���� , . . . ����: f �� , _ ���_ r- . . � � �� _ _ � _ . � . �- , . . � .. .. . ' .. k.' , . . :�< .. , . ' . .. . �� � . � � �. , , :.� . � ' . ,� . -. -� ... �. . `..�. �.�.�..�. .. ,:.�;� ..,�� �. .' . . � .:' . . , . . r;:, ..� -� ' _ _ _ ' r , ;.y .:� ' � �' , ,' ' , ��� . . � ^ .� - - r , ` . � • ,, 1 . � . . ; - _ . � , . , - t , , _ , . . , ,� . . . . � -- , , , . , , , , , , : ,. , , - , . .... - , � . , . , . _ . � ..., _ , , , - , . . , < � . , , , . ,. , ; ,; , , a' � . , � � , Aa`►'�M�!!x' �, X�i'Y8 ; I � � � , � � X.� ' , . � � � . , � �•. l��aa� M�'l.eksoa : ;` 8�w�►Lw�t, ot i3�r 8q,�'o�r��eanf� , , . . . . . , � A� ���'�,a�r��'.iY.� �,t1 : ; , , , .� . t � � .' , ' . ��8t� �'atl�",,,:���ro�Ea ; � :, .� � � ��� � � . . , - - . . . , . , `_ ,, , ..; , , , - ,A ` :X�'�'llt�T� �. S�a►vs� _ - A°�►� . �Gt�"Si!Z - � � _ � 4 . . . 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It.�r�.s s�i.�t��.�:te� t�tat ,�:ntr;pduct�.��t'o�-the resoYutio� �� ,t�i��i1�.elct,���t+��g ,po�s��e =. ` � reT�ai�i�i�e��.on':e£fort�s wr�thi�i t'h� �ol.low3.t�g s�ven ;i3ays;� =F : •� ` ' _ . - � n , . � � : , � -� , . ,' .:. , , : ,. ,�� _. ; „, :. .. . � � � . � � . � ' � � , � �' � � ` � � ,. , , •._' ' , . , : ; � � , , - , ; >. , �,• ' , ,� . ` ' , ' � . . . . , . � �r a _�� , , . , , , _ , ,. �, y �. � ; ` � � f } r'� ,. , . , � �. � . , ' r .� —�.� . . . .. � -� , . . ,,. . ' '., '-. . '. .. .. , .- ' . •...' ,� WHITE - U TV CIEFK PtNK - FINANCE C I TY OF SA I NT I�AU L Council )(�� CANARV - DE�'ARTMENT NO. ����'-' �+�7 BLUE - 1,�ANOR . , File � � ��T� �Council Resolution . Presented By '� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date , h�iE�EAS, the Divfsfon of Housinq and Bnildinq Code Enforcemeat has requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider tt�e advisability and necessity of the correction or Wreckinq and r�val o! the followinq described �uilding, said structore havinq been reported to constitute a public hazard: 379 Sfas Lots 16, 17 i 18 The bldg. is a Accessory Structnre Only Block 2 t�o $tory detached Edmund Sicea 4th Addn. acces�ory qarage,/ shed of w�od trame construction. i+'HEREAS, it appears that the la6t known rccord o�raers and other parties of interest of said buildinq are as folloas: l. Fee Owner: Edirard O. Gaetke � Mary if. Gaetke, 379 Sima Avenue, St. Paul, Minuesota 55101. 2. 8om�steader: Terr�• G. Gaetke, 379 Sims Avenue, St. Paul, riinneaota 55101. THERF.FURE, �3E IT RESOLVED, that a public hea=ing be held bp aad bcfore the Council of the City of Saint Paul in t�-.e Council ChamUer of the Court house in said city at 10:40 A.t�4. on ivovember 9, 1978 to consider the advisability and necessity of ordering the correctioa or Kreekinq and � r�val of said strncture oa the above described progertp fnasmuch as said atructure is reported to constitute a hazard to pnblie health, satyety and . kelfare� 2�e it F'UI�T2tE� RESOLVED, that the Division Qf �iousing and Bul.lding Code Enforcome�t, on beY�alf of the Cit;� Conncil, notify kry mail the record o�-n�rs of the grogerty in guestion st the last knowp address, a� well as other , interQeted persone of record of tho date and time of the h�aring. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas e,�� Nays No� Community Services N�nt In Favor . �vtne j, � M� _�_ Against BY � -` r �,aweibot '�-�' T�� Adupted b� Council: Date a� 2�4 19� Form Approved by City Attorney , ,. i Certified P�ssed b�� Council Secretary BY , � ` B�; __ Appro��ed b� �1a�•or: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B> - -- - -- By -