272286 �NHITE - GTV CLERK ������� PINK - FINANCE TY OF SAINT PALTL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution _ Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement between the Dakota County Human Services Board and the City of Saint Paul whereby the City will conduct various services for the Human Services Board in the area of tuberculosis detection, prevention, and treatment; the services to be performed in accordance with the rates set forth in said agreement and the agreement to be effective for calendar year 1979. _ �� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Community Services Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt -3�erFi�. _�___ A ga i n s t BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Adopted by Council: Date �2 8 �78 Form A ve y City t ney e Ce[tifie s by Council reta BY r sy "'�-\ t�p r d by :Vlavor. D¢ `—�(r'? � �� Appr v d by Mayor for Supm's io o Council L -� � n BY - — BY � _PUe��s�EO �J A N 6 1979 T I � . OM Ol: i2/1975 ' / H k ` _ Ra'it. S 9���76 � EXPT�AITATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDE , i RE LU'TION , AND ORDINANCES ., :.. , �r.� . . ■ ■u�. � � •'a � , � . ° RECE3'���w� � Date: December 19, 1978 DL� '' `� ��!u j ' t:.a.-��^•� o%.t�� � • i TOs MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER Flts • - I Thomas J. Kelley ; I �= Agree�nt between City of Saint Paul , Division of Pablic Health, and the Dakota �aunty Human Serarices Board . . . � � . ACTSQN REQIIESTEDs . ' Executive apprava� and signature � . . !I � � � . � � ; PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FGR TBIS ACTION: ;' � The Dakota Eounty Humarr Services Board lacks the facilities to provide ; tubercylosis detection, preventfion and treatnrent services to Dakota ; . County r�sidents. This agreement wili enable the Division of Public � Health bv prnvide these services to Dakota residents with reimhursement I from the Dakotar County F�uman S�rvices Board. � � i . I . i ATTACI�SENTS: ' � � I � Council Resolation � . � Copy of Agreement i ; - I , . - il� FI . � f . � ������ AGREEMENT THIS AGREEI�iEI1T is between the Dakota County Human Services Board, hereinafter referred to as the Board, and the City of St. Paul, Division of Public Health, a political subdivision of the State of I�Iinnesota, hereinafter referred to as the Contractor. WI-:EREAS, the Contractor has facilities for the detection, • prevention and treatr.ient of tuberculosis and the Board presently has no such facilities available to it; and it is considered in the best interest of the parties hereto, and in the public welfare to contract for certain services. NOP1, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the Board and the Contractor agree as follows: 1. The Contractor agrees to provide at its Public Health Center, tuberculosis testing, chest x-rays, prophylactic and chemo- therapy services, follow-up services, and any required outpatient services for tuberculosis control purposes; however, the obligation to provide prophylactic and chemotherapy services is conditioned upon the Contractor receiving same without charge fror�l the Minnesota Department of health. 2 . The Board agrees to reimburse the Contractor in a sum not to exceed Two Thousand, Seven Hundred and Forty Dollars ($2, 740. 00) for such services for a period of one year commencing on January 1, 1978 : � Tne cost of services provided shall be as follows: Blood examination and urinalysis------------------$3. 00; Sputum smears and cultures------------------------$4 . 00; Chest X-rays with interpretations-----------------$8. 00; Physician examination-----------------------------$g . 00; Adriinistrative and clerical costs-----------------$3. 00. 3 . If drugs are not available without charge from the riinnesota Department of Fiealth, patients will be given prescriptions Lo purchase the drugs. For each patient visit, there shall be a charge only for services provided. 4 . The. Board agrees, prior to referral treatment of patients, to give the Public Health Center appropriate authorizations as respects those patients who are to receive such services. Page 1 of 3 , . . � ������ 5 . The Contractor agrees to submit to the Board monthly reports of services provided, showing the patient for whom such services were furnished, the date thereof, and an identification of services and costs. Upon receipt of such report, payment will be made by the Board within thirty (30) days. 6. The Contractor and the Board, in order to maintain local control of tuberculosis, agree to maintain records of patient services provided, such recoras to also be used for determining the anticipated number of patients visiting and costs of tuberculosis control services upon which any future renewal agreements may be negotiated. 7. For the purposes of this Agreement, the Contractor shall be deemed to be an independent contractor, and not an employee of the Board. Any and all employees of the Contractor or other persons, while engaged in the performance of any work or services required to be performed under this Agreement, shall not be considered employees of the Board, and any and all claims that may or might arise on behalf of said employees or other persons as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said employees or the Contractor shall in no way be the obligation or responsibility of the Board. 8 . The Contractor further agrees to defend and save the Board harmless from any claims, demands, actions, or causes ot action arising out of any negligent act or omission on the part of the Contractor, its agents, servants, or employees in the performance of or with relation to any of the work or services provided to be performed or furnished by the Contractor under the terms of this Agreement. 9 . The Contractor shall not assign any interest in this Agreement and shall not transfer any interest in the same, whether by assignment or novation, without the prior written consent of the Board. 10 . The Board or the Contractor may terminate this Agreement without cause and for any reason whatsoever upon giving of at least thirty (30) days written notice thereof to the other party. In such event, the Contractor shall be entitled to receive compensation for the services provided in a satisfactory raanner up to and including the effective date of termination. � Page 2 of 3 Y .I ` `, ' . ���,p' ... . . 11. Any alteration, variation, modification, or waiver of the provisions of this Agreement shall be valid only after it has been reduced to writing and duly siyned by both parties. 12 . This Agreement shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties and shall supersede all prior oral or written negotiations. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board and the Contractor have � executed this Agreement as of the day and year last written below by the parties. Approved as to form: DAKOTA NTY HUMAN SERVICES B RD . �Ci.il�..�_ �-_ ;1; :�( �!7TSf r II / �� �� (As.sistant County Attorney/Date j , ,� ___ g�, � , ' Patrick , u ly, Chair n Date: %/-� . Approved as to execution: ATTESTED AND APPROVED: Assistant County Attorney/Date By .,�;�� � Dennis A. Bjerke, Director of Approved by Dakota County Human Human Services Services Board Re olution on Date: /l-.2�� Qf �/—��" 7 . CONTRACTOR: CITY OF ST. PAU_T� � By � This instrument drafted b � L,�� Ma r y' `�---- Da te: Dakota County Attorney' s Office Dakota County Government Center Hastings, Minnesota 55033 Telephone: (612) 437-3191 By' Director, Department of Finance and Management Services Approved as to form: c By Assistan ity Atto ey D�rr , epar men of Comm Services Page 3 of 3 C-78-228 � �