Presented By
Refened To
Council File # � 1 � ��
Green Sheet # �.ppppG
Committee: Date
WFIEREAS, the department and office d'uectors bear a unique responsibility for the
R m�r��.�, - ��. a�, a�.,o�
� Pk�...k.�cv.'C awe.wl-1- No.r. a t, � e o.,
� be included :
Requested by Department of:
Fozm ApPf4Yed b5r Ci
effective and efficient delivery of City services; and
WHEREAS, reasonable performance pay will benefit the City by providing incentive
and rewazd to department and office directors for effective and efficient perFormance of their
duties; now therefore be it
8 RESOLVED, that the "Wage and Benefit Policy for Nonrepresented Management and
9 Legislative Personnel", authorized by the resolution under C.F. No. 272557, as amended by
16 resolutions under C.F. Nos. 89-2281, 90-677, 91-312, 93-1064, 93-1923, 96-187, and 00-470, be
i l amended by the attached policy by inclusion to authorize performance pay for deparlmen��-
12 office directors• and be it
13 �'J and certain Cit Council employees
S�crt" 1ia+e..
14 FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolufion shall take effect and be in force after its
15 passage, approval and publication, or after January 1, 2001, which ever is later.
Adoption Certified by Covncil Secretary
By: �,�_ a ' • y �� ,
Approved by r: Date ��G.G.C� �
Approved hy Mayor foz Submission to Council
By: (-�� " �n�R�� _(//
�, �L����
� :� � �
Adopted by Council: Date �a.s . .1.��-00 `
a �-���.�r
Revised Julv , 2001
���Q �
N o v . �.�- aoc �
Wage and Benefit Policy for
Non-Represented Management and
Legislative Personnel
Risk Management Division
240 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
St Pau! MN 55102
(651 � 266-8880
This policy for nonrepresented management personnel shall appiy to empioyees with the following
titles which are not represented by a certified bargaining unit:
Administrative Assistant
Administrative Assistant--Pu61ic Works
Administrative Manager
Affirmative Action Director
Assistant Director ofi Human Resources
Assistant Fire Chief
Assistant to the Mayor I
Assistant to the Mayor II
Assistant to the Mayor 1II
Assistant to the Mayor IV
Assistant to the Mayor V
Assistant to the Mayor VI
Budget Director
Chief Internal Auditor
Chief of Police
Citizen Service Program Director
City Attorney
City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration
Council Fiscal Policy Director
Council Investigation and Research Center Director
Deputy Chief of Police
Deputy Mayor
Director, Department of Technology and Management Services
Director, Financial Services
Director, Huma� Rights
Director, LIEP
Director, Planning and Economic Development
Director, Department of Pubiic Works
Employee Benefits Manager
Energy Conservation Specialist
Executive Assistant to the Mayor
Executive �irector, Civic Center
Financial Analyst
Fire Chief
General Manager, Water Utility
Human Resources and Management Systems Analyst
Human Resources Director
Human Resources Manager
Human Resources Senior Consultant Manager
Human Resources Specialist 1
Human Resources Specialist II
Human Resources Speciaiist III
Human Resources Specialist IV
Labor Relations Director
Labor Relations Manager
Labor Relations Specialist
Legislative Aide
Library Director
Management Assistant 11�
Director, Civic Center
Mayor's Chief of Staff
Parks and Recreation Director
Policy Analyst
Program Administrator
Project Manager fV, Public Works
Research Analyst f
Research Analyst IV
Risk Manager
Safety/ADA Coordinator
Secretary to the Mayor
Senior Consultant
Special Events Coordinator
Systems and Organizational Development Specialist
7raining and Development Manager
Under the Cafeteria Plan, the employee's selection wilf be limited to the insurance plans offered by
the employer, and the employee must se{ect at least singfe coverage hospitalJmedical insurance,
dental insurance, and employee life insurance in an amount equai to one-and-one-half (1.5} times
the employee's salary. For the purpose of this selection, the employee's annuaf salary shall be
6ased on the salary as of the first day of the first payroll period in each fiscal year.
Beginning with the July 1996 premium payments, the employer's direct contribution for benefits
will be increased to 100% ofi the premium cost for those selecting single health coverage, an
additional 70% of the dependent health premium for those selecting family coverage, and 100°!0 of
the life insurance premium cost for an amount of coverage equaiing one-and-one-half 11.5� times
the employee's annual salary. fhe employer's direct contribution wiif be applied to the benefit
premium costs before the employee's contribution to the benefit premium costs under the Cafeteria
The provisions of the Civil Service Rules pertaining to the accumulation and use of sick leave
credits shall not apply to employees covered by this policy. In lieu of the sick leave provisions of
the Civil Service Rules, such employees shall be eligible for six i61 discretio�ary days off with pay in
each fiscal year. The maximum number of accumulated discretionary days which may be given in
any fiscal year shall be twenty-one (21}, of which fifteen (15) wili be defined as disability bridge
days. Disability bridge days can be used onty after three (3} consecutive days of absence due to
iliness or injury. fn addition to the discretionary days, the empioyer wifl provide for the employee
short-term and long-term disability coverage.
Employees returning to or accepting an appointment to a title not covered by the poficy shalf be
covered by the sick leave provisions app(icable to that title upon appointment to such title. Any
previously accumulated sick leave balance shal! be restored upo� such appointment.
Employees covered by this policy shafl be eligible for paid vacation as foliows:
1 through 8 years 15 days
9 through 15 years 20 days
16 years and thereafter 25 days
o i -taa�
Effective January 1, 1996 and thereafter, the leve! of increase, or decrease, to salary rates
applicahle to titles covered 6y this po(icy shafl be adjusted to reflect the average wage increase, or
decrease, included in the agreements of the City's five largest bargaining units.
The emolovees holdina the followinq iob titles are eliaible for oerformance oav'
Affirmative Action Director
Chief of Police
Citv Attornev
Citv Clerk and Commissioner of Repistration
Citizen Service Proarem Director
Director. Department of Technoloqv and Manaaement Services
Director, Financiaf Services
Director. Human Riqhts
Director. LIEP
Director Planninq and Economic Develooment
Director. Deoartment of Public Works
Executive Assistant to the Mavor
Fire Chief
General Manaqer, Water Utilitv
Human Resources Director
Labor Relations Director
Librarv Director
salarv. The Mavor, in his or her sole discretion. based uAOn such performance measures as he or
she deems aoorooriate mav award to an eliqible emplovee performance oav of uo to five (51
percent of the empiovee's base annual salarv, or a step increase, but not both. - t - �,,,,_cm,,,,,,,,,;� ;,.� i',rre�e,
eL�a..r.«or'� Das.�.t..p��n. c�a�.H.Vs.rCurmahc� Me�.s�.eea ca i�r dce.wn5 aoo sr:..'F�. s
_ � m►y w.r dv
event their employment is terminated hy the employer and the emp(oyee is completely separated
from City employment. An empioyee covered by this policy, not electing to retum to a previously
held City position, is eligible under this policy. This amount of payment for employees holding
unclassified titfes shall be equal to two weeks pay tor each year of service in a title covered by the
policy. However, this amount shall not exceed twelve (12) weeks pay.
Unclassitied employees who could return to a previously held cfassified position, and classified
empioyees, shall be eiigible fior a severance pay program if s(he meets the foflowing requirements:
- The employee must be voiuntarily separated firom City employment or have been subject to
separation by lay-off or compulsory retirement.
- The empioyee must file a waiver of re-employmeni with the City which will clearly state that by
requesting severance pay the empioyee waives all claims to reinstatement or re-employmeM
with the City.
The Iump sum payment for classified empioyees covered by this poiicy is based on years of service
with the City:
O � - �yir
15 $ 8,000
25 S 1 Q000
For the purpose of this severance program, a death of an employee shail be considered as
separation ofi employment, and if the empfoyee wouid have met ali of the requirements set forth
above, at the time of his or her death, payment of the severance pay may be made to the
employee's estate or spouse. The manner of payment of severance in amounts of te� thousand
doilars (810,0p0} or Iess shail be made in accordance with the provisions of City Ordinance No.
This severance pay program shall be subject to and governed by the provisions of City Ordinance
No. 11490 except in those cases where the specific provisions of this article conflict with said
Ordinance and in such cases, the provisions of this article shall control.
Employees who are terminated for cause, misconduct, or any other disciplinary reason sha(1 not be
eligible for any payment under this employer termination program. This emp(oyer termination
program replaces any existing severance pay plans currentfy applica6le to employees covered by
this policy.
Employees returning to, or accepting an appointment to, a title not covered by this pol+cy shall be
covered by the severance pay pfan applicable to that title and shal! not be e(igible for any payment
under this employer termination program.
In addition, any Police or Fire non-represented employee separated from City employment who has
accumulated balance of at least one thousand eight hundred fifty {1,850) hours of sick 4eave
credits and at least twenty-five (25) years of service at the time of his/her separation from service
shall he granted severance pay in the amount of thirty thousand dollars ($30,000),
The manner ot payment ot such severance pay shall be made in three consecutive annual payments
of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) each. The annual payments shall be made in February of each
year. Tha tirst payment shall be made during the month of February in the year following the year
in which the employee separates his/her employment.
Sick leave requirements will be reduced by 2% for each full year of City service served under the
non-represented benefit package and pro-rated for partial years.
To be eligible for City contribution to certain health and Iife insurance benefiits, the employee must
meet the following co�ditions:
♦ Se receiving benefits from a Public Employee Retirement Act covering employees of the City of
Saint Paul at the time of retirement.
♦ Have severed his/her relations with the City under one of the retiree plans.
♦ Have completed at least 20 years of service with the City of Saint Pau1 or be receiving a
disability pension related to the City of Saint Paui.
♦ Elect to participate in the City's health and life insurance program.
A retiree's participation in the City`s heaith and life insurance plan must be continuous. If an
eligibte employee chooses not to participate at the time of hislher retirement, or if a retiree
discontinues his/her participation, such retiree wiil not be eiigible fior any future participation in the
City's health pians or fior any City contribution.
Eariy Retirees: Employees hired prior to January 7, 1990 who meet the above requirements wifl 6e
eiigible to receive an employer contribution to the health care premium to a maximum of 535� per
momh until such early retiree becomes eligible tor Medicare.
Employees hired onlafter January 1, 1990 who meet the above requirements will be eligible to
receive an employer contri6ution to the hea(th care premium to a maximum of 5300 per month until
such eady retiree becomes eligible for Medicare.
Regular Retirees: Employees hired prior to January 7, 1990 who meet the above requirements and
are eligible for Medicare will be eligible to receive an employer contribution to the health care
premium to a maximum of $550 per month.
Employees hired on/after January 1, 1990 who meet the above requirements and are eligible for
Medicare wili be efigible to receive an employer contribution to the heatth care premium to a
maximum of $300 per month.
The empfoyer wilf contribute the cost of 55,000 of tife insurance coverage for such early retirees
who qualify for health benefits until the eariy retiree reaches age sixty-five i65�, at which time the
life insurance coverage shall terminate.
The surviving spouse and/or dependent of an employee covered by this policy carrying family
coverage at the time of his/her death due to a job connected injury or illness which was determined
to arise out of, and in the course of, his/her employment under workers' compensatio� Iaw shall
continue to be eligible for City contribution toward the City's health insurance plan in the same
proportion as is provided for employees under this policy. At age sixty-five (651 the City's
contribution will be in the same proportion as is provided to retirees under this policy.
fn the event of the death of a retiree who is participating in the City's health insurance program,
the surviving spouse or dependent of the deceased may continue to participate in the City's health
insurance pian at their own cost. Eligibility to continue to participate shali terminate once such
spouse remarries or becomes eligible for group health insurance through an employer. Eligibility to
continue to participate shall terminate when such dependent fails to meet the definition of
dependent in the City's health insurance pian or becomes eligibie for group health insurance
through an employer.
o � -ia.s�
Susan Kimberly (266-8519)
Approval of an amendment to the "Wage and Benefit Policy for Nonrepresented Management
and Legislative Personnel" in order to authorize per£ormance-based pay for Department
and Office Directors.
Cuxrently the Mayor does not h2ve the authority to grant performance-based compensation
ta Cabinet-level employees. He or she can only award "step" increases.
Mayor wi11 have the flexibility to award performance-based compensation or step increases.
(The Mayor would not have the authority to award both in any given year.)
f3L::ti_ �Z: �Z`i
❑ R141q41FRNLFf dR ❑ AYYICYLiiR�lIACtT¢
o w.��,��, <<� ❑
tlas this cersaJfi�m ever ww�cetl undw a coMiaa tor tnis aepartmenC7
Nas this ce+�� sver heen a cM1Y empbvee?
Does ihis peisonihrm possess a sldll nat nom�allypossess¢tl by ary wrrent cilY �pbY�7
IsMiB petson?rm e tarpetetl vendoYt
No 2C10006
Mayor will have less flexibility to compensate Cabinet-level employees.
muwcw_ rt+FORxuroN �otPwN�
Presented By
Refened To
Council File # Q ( ., �}
Green Sheet # a.ppfl�
Committee: Date
� 13
WFIEREAS, the department and o�ce d'uectors bear a unique responsibility for the
effective and e�cient delivery of City services; and
WHEREAS, reasonable performance pay will benefit the City by providing incentive
and rewazd to department and o�ce directors for effective and efficient performance of their
duties; now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the "Wage and Benefat Policy for Nonrepresented Management and
Legislative Personnel", authorized by the resolution under C.F. No. 272557, as amended by
resolutions under C.F. Nos. 89-2281, 90-677, 91-312, 93-1064, 93-1923, 96-187, and 00-470, be
amended by the attached policy by inclusi_ o� to authorize perf rmance pay for department a�d--�
office directors; and be it �""� �"� �� /
_ R , -�-�� �--- ��, ,� Y`"�.�,-- �--� C � M c�' �,
F ALLY RESOLVEp, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force after it �"
passage approval and publication, or after January 1, 2001, which ever is later. C�
�..a, �.._.;_ c�c�.�, Q,�..�.,.� �' �
�._,�. ,� .�- �-.�-`, o �-;- a.
-� �� .
Requested by Department of:
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
Approved 6y Mayor: Date
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By: �-� l�/l79�C� ""
Adopted by Council: Date
o � -u�a��
Susan Ri.mberly (266-8529)
nv,u,�r o�
No 200006
c;;i-_�� _ �
� a'r�nou�v � arrcaaK
❑wnxcu�aa�uxoa ❑nnx�eucmauxno
�MYWIPAtLIT�tIT/ `� • ❑
Approval of an amendment to the "Wage and Benefit Policy for Nonrepresented Management
and Legislative Personnel" in order to authorize performance-based pay for Department
and Office Directors.
� u;� �m, e�e.wo�a u�r. cw,�a�c r« n�. d�e�m�em�
Hes Mis peraoNGim aerbem a dtY �abyee9
Does mis peisavfim vaeea a clad na � bfr em ane'rt dly emdovee7
k Ctie pdeaurum atarpetMwnEo(t
Currently the Mayor does not have the authority to grant performance-base@ compensation
to Cabinet-level emploqees. He or she can only award "step" increases.
Mayox will have the flexibilitq to award performaace-based compeasatioa or step increases.
(The Mayor wou2d not have the authority to award both in any given year.)
Mayor wiZl have less flexibility to compensate Cabinet-level employees.
�rn�wsacrwH s cosrm�v�ue
c� -�a.a.a-
Mayor's Chief of Staft
Parks and Recreation Director
� Policy Analyst
Program Administrator
Project Manager IV, Pubiic Works
Research Analystl
Researcfi AnalystlV
Risk Manager
SafetylADA Coordinator
Secretary to the Mayor
Senior Consuitant
Speciai Events Coordinator
Systems and Organizational Development Specialist
Training and Development Manager
Under the Cafeteria Pfan, the employee's selection wilf be limited to the insurance plans offiered by
the employer, and the employee must select at least single coverage hospitai/medicai insurance,
denial insurance, and employee life insurance in an amount equal to one-and-one-half (1.5) times
the empioyee's salary. For the purpose of this selection, the empfoyee's annuaf salary shail be
based on the salary as of the first day of the first payrol� period in each fiscal year.
Beginning with the July 1996 premium payments, the employer's direct coniribution for benefits
wili 6e increased to 100% of the premium cost for those selecting singie health coverage, an
additionaf 70% of the dependent health premium for those selecting family coverage, and 100% of
the life insurance premium cost for an amount of coverage equafing one-and-one-half (1.5) times
the employee's annual sa4ary. The empioyer's direct contribution wiil be applied to the benefit
premium costs before the empioyee's contribution to the benefit premium costs under the Cafeteria
The provisions of the Civil Service Rules pertai�ing to the accumulation and use of sick ieave
credits shall not appiy io employees covered by this policy. tn iieu of the sick leave provisions of
the Civi1 Service Rules, such employees shali be e�igible for six (6) discretionary days off with pay in
each fiscal year. The maximum number of accumulated discretionary days which may be given in
any fiscal year shall 6e twenty-one {21), of which fifteen (15} Wi�{ be defined as disability bridge
days. Disability bridge days can be used only after three (3) consecutive days of absence due to
iliness or injury. In addition to the discretionary days, the employer will provide for the employee
short-term and long-term disability coverage.
Employees returning to or accepting an appointment to a title not covered by the policy shall be
covered by the sick Ieave provisions applicable to that title upon appointment to such title. Any
previously accumulated sick leave balance sfiall be restored upon such appointment.
Employees covered by this policy shaN be eligible for paid vacation as follows:
1 through 8 years
9 through 15 years
16 years and therea4ter
15 days
20 days
25 days
Effective January 1, 1996 and thereafter, the ievel of increase, or decrease, to salary rates
applicable to titles covered by this policy shai! be adjusted to retlect the average wage increase, or
decrease, included irt the agreements of the City's five fargest bargaining units.
i'he emAlovees holdina the followina io6 titles are elioible for �erformance oav
Aftirmative Action Director
Chief of Potice
Citv Attornev
Citv Clerk and Commissioner of Reaistration
Citizen Service Proaram Director
Director Deoartment of Technoloav and Manaoement Services
Director, Financial Services
Director. Human Riphts �
Director. LIEP
Director. Plannina and Economic DeveloDment
DirecTOr. De�artment of Public Works
Executive Assistant to the Mavor
Fire Chief
General Manaoer. Water Utilitv
Human Resources Director
Labor Relations Direetor
Librarv Director �
Parks and Recreation Director _+ �..
�°".---� '� � �' '�^�� "�
c �'�-� '�R- �-�-�'-�: J, k*-�-"---�'� � ��-•--� �
salary. The Mavor, in his or her sole discretion based uoon such performance measures he or uV
she deems aoArooriate mav award to an eliQibie emolovee oerformance oav of uo to five (5)
ercem of the em lo ee`s base annua! sala or a ste increase but not both. �` � �
w�=, o-� � �.... ��. �� �
o" �S ,� °���,� q� �� "�-<- G� Y� n�- C_ r�c. 0
Employees appointed to itle overed by thi oficy shal( be eligible for a lump sum payment in the
event iheir employment is terminated by the employer and the employee is completely separated
from City employment. An employee covered by this poticy, not etecting to return to a previousfy
heid Ciiy positiort, is eligible under this policy, This amounT of payment for employees holding
uncfassified titfes shall be equai to two weeks pay for each year of service in a title covered by the
policy. However, this amount shall noi exceed twelve (12) weeks pay. �
Uneiassified emptoyees wfio could return to a previously held classified position, and classified Q�} '� �"
employees, shall be eligibie for a severance pay program if s/he meets the following requirements: �`.- _
.,. . -�.,..�
- The empioyee must be voluntarily separated from City employment or have been subject t��'�""�
separation by lay-off or compuisory retirement.
- The employee must file a waiver of re-employment with the City which wifi clearly state that b}rs`�"�^�-
requesting severance pay the employee waives al� claims to reinstaiement or re-employment �
with the City.
The lump sum payment for classified employees covered by this policy is based on years ot service
with the City:
. \
Presented By
Referred To
Committee: Date
WHEREAS, the department and office directors beaz a unique responsibility for the
2 effective and efficient delivery of City services; and
12 office directors• and be it
13 �'J and certain City Council employees
S�ev� 1ier4
14 FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force after its
15 passage, approval and publication, or after January 1, 2001, which ever is later.
4 WHEREAS, reasonable performance pay will benefit the City by providing incentive
5 and reward to department and office directors for effective and efficient performance of their
6 duties; now therefore be it
8 RESOLVED, that the "Wage and Benefit Policy for Nonrepresented Management and
9 Legislative Personnel", authorized by the resolution under C.F. No. 272557, as amended by
10 resolutions under C.F. Nos. 89-2281, 90-677, 91-312, 93-1064, 93-1923, 96-187, and 00-470, be
11 amended by the attached policy by inclusion to authorize perFormance pay for departmen��-
RESOLVED, that the funding for
s Office and the Citv Council.
Councii File # 0 { � ��
GreenSheet# �,00��
ded in the budget of
Requested by Department of:
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
By ��� c� ` � _ �_
Approved by r: Date y L.Y/ Gfr�Y (
A m��r.�r.�d. - �o.,. �.t, aod�
�S`�e..�1w'l�cvn��'YY�cr��� n7CJ. dl� �a0�\
g� AP � d ���� G7 rn N `— O
I y _ �
� � -//ac
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By: �-�� /`� /��AG�j ' v (
�+ 1 3
Adopted by Council: Date a.� . a.� Qp,
o �-\b�-a-
Revised Jatv , 2001
���� �
N o v , �5�� a. �
Wage and Benefit Policy for
Non-Represented Management and
Legislative Personnel
Risk Management Division
240 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
St Paul MN 55102
(651) 266-8880
This policy for nonrepresented management personnel shall apply to employees with the following
titles which are not represented by a certified bargaining unit:
Administrative Assistant
Administrative Assistant--Public Works
Administrative Manager
Affirmative Action Director
Assistant Director of Human Resources
Assistant Fire Chief
Assistant to the Mayor I
Assistant to the Mayor 11
Assistant to the Mayor III
Assistant to the Mayor IV
Assistant to the Mayor V
Assistant to the Mayor VI
Budget Director
Chief Internal Auditor
Chief of Police
Citizen Service Program Director
City Attorney
City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration
Council Fiscal Policy Director
Council Investigation and Research Center Director
Deputy Chief of Police
Deputy Mayor
Director, Department of Technology and Management Services
Director, Financial Services
Director, Human Rights
Director, �IEP
Director, Planning and Economic Development
Director, Department of Public Works
Employee Benefits Manager
Energy Conservation Specialist
Executive Assistant to the Mayor
Executive Director, Civic Center
Financial Analyst
Fire Chief
General Manager, Water Utility
Human Resources and Management Systems Analyst
Human Resources Director
Human Resources Manager
Human Reso�rces Senior Consultant Manager
Human Resources Specialist I
Human Resources Specialist II
Human Resources Specialist III
Human Resources Specialist IV
Labor Relations Director
Labor Relations Manager
Labor Relations Specialist
Legislative Aide
Library Director
Management Assistant III
Director, Civic Center
o � -t���
Mayor's Chief of Staff
Parks and Recreation Director
Policy Analyst
Program Administrator
Project Manager IV, Public Works
Research Analyst I
Research Analyst IV
Risk Manager
Safety/ADA Coordinator
Secretary to the Mayor
Senior Consultant
Special Events Coordinator
Systems and Organizational Development Specialist
Training and Development Manager
Under the Cafeteria P�an, the employee's selection will be limited to the insurance plans offered by
the employer, and the employee must select at least single coverage hospital/medical insurance,
dental insurance, and employee life insurance in an amount equal to one-and-one-half (1.5) times
the employee's salary. For the purpose of this selection, the employee's annual salary shall be
based on the salary as of the first day of the first payroll period in each fiscal year.
Beginning with the July 1996 premium payments, the employer's direct contribution for benefits
will be increased to 100% of the premium cost for those selecting single health coverage, an
additional 70% of the dependent health premium for those selecting family coverage, and 700% of
the life insurance premium cost for an amount of coverage equaling one-and-one-hatf (1.5) times
the employee's annual salary. The employer's direct contribution will be applied to the benefit
premium costs before the employee's contribution to the benefit premium costs under the Cafeteria
The provisions of the Civil Service Rules pertaining to the accumulation and use of sick leave
credits shall not apply to employees covered by this policy. In lieu of the sick leave provisions of
the Civil Service Rules, such employees shall be eligible for six (6) discretionary days otf with pay in
each fiscal year. The maximum number of accumulated discretionary days which may be given in
any fiscal year shall be twenty-one (21), of which fifteen (15) will be defined as disability bridge
days. Disability bridge days can be used only after three (3) consecutive days of absence due to
illness or injury. In addition to the discretionary days, the employer will provide for the employee
short-term and long-term disability coverage.
Employees returning to or accepting an appointment to a title not covered by the policy shall be
covered by the sick leave provisions applicable to that title upon appointment to such title. Any
previously accumulated sick leave balance shall be restored upon such appointment.
Employees covered by this policy shall be eligible for paid vacation as follows:
1 through 8 years 15 days
9 through 15 years 20 days
16 years and thereafter 25 days
o � -�aaa
Effective January 1, 1996 and thereafter, the level of increase, or decrease, to salary rates
applicable to titles covered by this policy shall be adjusted to reflect the average wage increase, or
decrease, inciuded in ihe agreements of the City's five largest bargaining units.
The emolovees holdina the followinq iob titles are eliqible for performance oav•
Affirmative Action Director
Chief of Police
Citv Attarnev
Citv Clerk and Commissioner of Reaistration
Citizen Service Proqram Director
Director. Department of Technoloav and Manaqement Services
Director, Financial Services
Director. Human Riqhts
Director, LIEP
Director, Planninq and Economic Develooment
Director, Department of Public Works
Exec�tive Assistant to the Mavor
Fire Chief
General Manaqer, Water Utilitv
Human Resources Director
Labor Relations Director
Librarv Director
Parks and Recreation Director
ca.a„v�c,:t F.n<. Pe\:�y D:rec�aY
Ce..v..c:\ 'Q�swr.4� CaGl.�4�... 0 ire �v
salarv. The Mavor in his or her sole discretion based uoon such oerformance measures as he or
she deems aopropriate mav award to an eliaible emolovee performance oav of up to five (5)
Unclassified employees who could return to a previously held classified position, and classified
employees, shall be eligible for a severance pay program if slhe meets the folfowing requireme�ts:
- The employee must be voluntarily separated itom City employment or have been subject to
separation by lay-off or compulsory retirement.
- The employee must file a waiver of re-empfoyment with the City which will clearly state that by
requesting severance pay the employee waives all claims to reinstatement or re-employment
with the City.
The lump sum payment for classified employees covered by this policy is based on years of service
with the City:
event their employment is terminated by the emp{oyer and the empioyee is compfetely separated
from City employment. An employee covered by this policy, not electing to return to a previously
held City position, is eligible under this policy. This amount of payment for employees holding
unclassified titles shall be equal to two weeks pay for each year ot service in a title covered by the
policy. However, this amount shall not exceed twelve (12) weeks pay.
O 1- \�SY
15 S 8,000
25 $10,000
For the purpose of this severance program, a death of an employee shall be considered as
separation of employment, and if the employee would have met all of the requirements set forth
above, at the time of his or her death, payment of the severance pay may be made to the
employee's estate or spouse. The manner of payment of severance in amounts of ten thousand
dollars {$10,000) or less shal! be made in accordance with the provisions of City Ordinance No.
This severance pay program shall be subject to and governed by the provisions of City Ordinance
No. 11490 except in those cases where the specific provisions of this article conflict with said
Ordinance and in such cases, the provisions of this article shall control.
Employees who are terminated for cause, misconduct, or any other disciplinary reason shall not be
eligible for any payment under this employer termination program. This employer termination
program replaces any existing severance pay plans currently applicable to employees covered by
this policy.
Employees returning to, or accepting an appointment to, a title not covered by this policy shall be
covered by the severance pay plan applicable to that title and shall not be eligible for any payment
under this employer termination program.
In addition, any Police or Fire non-represented employee separated from City employment who has
accumulated balance of at least one thousand eight hundred fifty (1,850) hours of sick leave
credits and at least twenty-five (25) years of service at the time of his/her separation from service
shall be granted severance pay in the amount of thirty thousand dollars ($30,000).
The manner of payment of such severance pay shall be made in three consecutive annual payments
of ten thousand dollars (510,000) each. The annual payments shall be made in February of each
year. The first payment shall be made during the month of February in the year following the year
in which the employee separates his/her employment.
Sick leave requirements will be reduced by 2% for each full year of City service served under the
non-represented benefit package and pro-rated for partial years.
To be eligible for City contribution to certain health and life insurance benefits, the employee must
meet the following conditions:
♦ Be receiving benefits from a Public Employee Retirement Act covering employees of the City of
Saint Paul at the time of retirement.
♦ Have severed his/her relations with the City under one of the retiree plans.
♦ Have completed at least 20 years of service with the City of Saint Paul or be receiving a
disability pension related to the City of Saint Paul.
♦ Elect to participate in the City's health and life insurance program.
A retiree's participation i� the City's health and life insurance plan must be continuous. If an
eligible employee chooses not to participate at the time of his/her retirement, or if a retiree
discontinues his/her participation, such retiree will not be eligible for any future participation in the
Gity's health plans or for any City contribution.
Early Retirees: Employees hired prior to January 1, 1990 who meet the above requirements will be
eligible to receive an employer contribution to the health care premium to a maximum of $350 per
month until such early retiree becomes eligible for Medicare.
Employees hired on/after January 1, 1990 who meei the above requirements will be eligi6le to
receive an employer contribution to the health care premium to a maximum of $300 per month until
such early retiree becomes eligible for Medicare.
Regular Retirees: Employees hired prior to January 1, 1990 who meet the above requirements and
are eligible for Medicare will be eligible to receive an employer contribution to the health care
premium to a maximum of $550 per month.
Employees hired on/after January 1, 1990 who meet the above requirements and are eligible for
Medicare will be eligible to receive an employer contribution to the health care premium to a
maximum of $300 per month.
The employer will contribute the cost of 55,000 of life insurance coverage for such early retirees
who qualify for health benefits until the early retiree reaches age sixty-five (65), at which time the
life insurance coverage shall terminate.
The surviving spouse and/or dependent of an employee covered by this policy carrying family
coverage at the time of his/her death due to a job connected injury or illness which was determined
to arise out of, and in the course of, his(her employment under workers' compensation law shall
continue to be eligible for City contribution toward the City's health insurance plan in the same
proportion as is provided for employees under this policy. At age sixty-five (65) the City's
contribution wi11 be in the same proportion as is provided to retirees under this policy.
In the event of the death of a retiree who is participating in the City's health insurance program,
the surviving spouse or dependent of the deceased may continue to participate in the City's health
insurance plan at their own cost. Eligibility to continue to participate shall terminate once such
spouse remarries or becomes eligible for group health insurance through an employer. Eligibility to
continue to participate shall terminate when such dependent fails to meet the definition of
dependent in the City's health insurance plan or becomes eligible for group health insurance
through an employer.
,�----� - �
Susan Rimberly (266-8519)
o� -�a-a�-
� 11�1.,
Approval of an amendment to the "Wage and Benefit Policy for Nonrepresented Management
and Legislative Personnel" in order to authorize performance-based pay for Department
and Office Directors.
Has Mis Pe�rm e�erxrorked under a contraR tor Nis departmeM?
Has mis ce��m e.er eeen a aty emWovee?
Does Nis persoNfirm possess a sidll not rwmiallYP� bY arry curreM ciry empbyee?
Is Mis persaJfirm a taryeled vendof!
Cu.rrently the Mayor does not have the authority to grant performance-based compensation
tc Cabinet-level employees. He or she can only award "step" increases.
Mayor will have the flexibility to award performance-based compensation or step increases.
(The Mayor would not have the authority to award both in any given year.)
Mayor will have less flexibility to compensate Cabinet-level employees.
iNFOanwnoN �owwr.�
Presented By
Refeaed To
Council File # � ( � ��.
GreenSheet# S,ppp�
Committee: Date
� 13
WHEREAS, the department and office directors beaz a unique responsibility for the
effective and efficient delivery of City services; and
WHEREAS, reasonable performance pay will benefit the City by providing incentive
and reward to department and office directors for effective and efficient performance of their
duties; now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the "Wage and Benefit Policy for Nonrepresented Management and
Legislative Personnel", authorized by the resolution under C.F. No. 272557, as amended by
resolutions under C.F. Nos. 89-2281, 90-677, 91-312, 93-1064, 93-1923, 96-187, and 00-470, be
amended by the attached policy by inclusi_ or� to authorize perfgrmance pay for departmen�ax�—�
office directors; and be it ���^''"�l Q���
_ Q, , -'�---� - E - �-°- � �' � �•...^.,-_-- �---� C 4' M � G-.�,
F ALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shail take effect and be in force after it �'
passage approval and publication, or after January 1, 2001, which ever is later. C'�
�- ,
�..�. �-�_._:.. c�c� �.�.,.� � , o �, �.
� � ���
-�--� � .
RequesCed by Department of:
Adopted by Council: Date
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
Approved by Mayor: Date
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
Sy: C-'�'�'�Y!'( " /�77����
o � -►a�>
Susan &imberly (266-8519)
nou,mr simo.
No 200006
Approval of an amendment to the "Wage and Benefit Policy for Nonrepresented Management
and Legislative Personnel" in order to authorize performance-based pay for Department
and Office Directors.
Hes this De�swilfirtn e�erworla.M undtta mn6adforMie tlepartment7
Fles tles O�soMrm ew ban a aZY dnObYce7
Doec tlus Dersonlfirm D�es a Wa'A naf riormalbD�seacetl dY �Y ��Y emPloyee4
h Mie �na�im a taipAed �doR
ieln 8A VBB 8rrexe(t m r6larate alw�t�aM aMwU ro.evan e�.aaf �
Currently the Mayor does not have the authority to grant performance-based compensation
ta Cabinet-level employees. He or she can only award "step" increases.
Mayor will have the flexibility to award performance-based compensation or step increases.
(The Mayor would not have the authority to award both in aay given year.)
Mayor will have less flexibility to compensate Cabinet-level employees.
�crrvm xue�eoc
Mayor's Chief of Staff
Parks and Recreation Director
� Poticy Analyst
Program Administrator
Project Manager IV, Pubiic Works
Research Analyst I
Research Analyst IV
Risk Manager
Safety/ADA Coordinator
Secretary to the Mayor
Senior Consultant
Special Events Coordinator
Systems and Organizationai Development Specialist
Training and Development Manager
Under the Cafeteria Plan, the employee's selection wili be limited to the insurance plans offered by
the employer, and the employee must select at least single coverage hospital/medical insurance,
dental insurance, and employee life insurance in an amount equal to one-and-one-half (1.5) times
the empioyee's saiary. For the purpose of this selection, the employee's annua{ safary shall be
based on the salary as of the first day of the first payroll period in each fiscal year.
Beginning with the July 1996 premium payments, the employer's direct contribution for benefits
will be increased to 100% of the premium cost for those selecting single health coverage, an
additional 70% of the dependent heaith premium for those selecting family coverage, and 100% of
the life insurance premium cost for an amount of coverage equaling one-and-one-haif (1.5) times
the employee's annual salary. The employer's direct contribution will be applied to the benetit
premium costs before the employee's contribution to the benefit premium costs under the Cafeteria
The provisions of the Civil Service Rules pertaining to the accumulation and use of sick leave
credits shall not apply to employees covered by this policy. In lieu of the sick Ieave provisions of
the Civil Service Rutes, such employees shail be eligible for six (6) discretionary days off with pay in
each fiscal year. The maximum number of accumulated discretionary days which may be given in
any fiscal year shall be twenty-one (21), of which fifteen (15) will be defined as disability bridge
days. Disability bridge days can be used only after three (31 consecutive days ofi absence due to
iilness or injury. In addition to the discretionary days, the employer will provide for the employee
short-term and long-term disability coverage.
Empfoyees returning to or accepting an appointment to a title not covered by the policy shall be
covered by the sick leave provisions applicable to that title upon appointment to such title. Any
previously accumulated sick leave balance shali be restored upon such appointment.
Employees covered by this policy shali be eligible for paid vacation as follows:
1 through 8 years
9 through 15 years
16 years and thereafter
15 days
20 days
25 days
a �.��aa�
Effective January 7, 1996 and thereafter, the level of increase, or decrease, to salary rates
applicabie to titles covered by this policy shall be adjusted to reflect the average wage increase, or
decrease, included in the agreements of the City's five largest bargaining units.
The emofovees ho(dina the followina iob titles are eliaible for oerformance oav
Affirmative Action Director
Chief ot Police
Ciiv Attom�
Citv Clerk and Commissioner of Reqistration
Citizen Service Proarem Director
Director. Deoartment of Technoloqv and Manaaement Services
Director, Financial Services
Director. Human Ri4hts
Director. LIEP
Director. Planninq and Economic Develooment
Director. Deoartment of Public Works
Executive Assistant to the Ma or
Fire Chief
Ggneral Manaqer, Water Utilitv
Human Resources Director
Labor Retations Director
Librarv Director
C°`�^--�1 � �-�--�t � "'`--� � �
�- �..�. °�- �-,^^,-�-� a„� k�--� � '��-�---��
salarv. The Mavor. in his or her sole discretion based uoon such oerformance measures as he or V V
she deems aoorooriate. mav award to an eliqible emolovee oerformance oav of uo to five (51
ercent of the em lo ee`s base annual sala or a ste increase but not both. �� C �
,�_, o-�a �-�.- ' /�..,
� � �� EMPLOYER TERMIiVA7tOlt1 PROGRA�_` G �� � `�
�..a.,N' o,,r.�„�� �p b ' X-c. D
Employees appointed to itle overed by thi olicy shall be eligibie for a lump sum payment in the
event their employment is terminated by the empioyer and the employee is completely separated
from City empioyment. An employee covered by this policy, not electing to return to a previously
hetd City position, is eligible under this policy. This amount of payment for employees holding
unciassified titles shail be equai to two weeks pay for each year of service in a title covered by the
policy. However, this amount shalt not exceed twelve (12) weeks pay.
Unciassified employees who coutd return to a previously held classified position, and
employees, shall be eligible for a severance pay program if s/he meets the fotiowing
classified �3 V �-"`
equirements: �
separation by lay-off or compulsory retirement. �„ __ a � J �
rw 1 ����1f1 � .�'
- The employee must file a waiver of re-employment with the City which will clearly state that bys�`�+`^�+
requesting severance pay the employee waives ail claims to reinstatement or re-employment �
with the City.
The lump sum payment for classified employees covered by this policy is based on years of service
with the City:
Presented By
Refened To
Council File # � 1 � ��
Green Sheet # �.ppppG
Committee: Date
WFIEREAS, the department and office d'uectors bear a unique responsibility for the
R m�r��.�, - ��. a�, a�.,o�
� Pk�...k.�cv.'C awe.wl-1- No.r. a t, � e o.,
� be included :
Requested by Department of:
Fozm ApPf4Yed b5r Ci
effective and efficient delivery of City services; and
WHEREAS, reasonable performance pay will benefit the City by providing incentive
and rewazd to department and office directors for effective and efficient perFormance of their
duties; now therefore be it
8 RESOLVED, that the "Wage and Benefit Policy for Nonrepresented Management and
9 Legislative Personnel", authorized by the resolution under C.F. No. 272557, as amended by
16 resolutions under C.F. Nos. 89-2281, 90-677, 91-312, 93-1064, 93-1923, 96-187, and 00-470, be
i l amended by the attached policy by inclusion to authorize performance pay for deparlmen��-
12 office directors• and be it
13 �'J and certain Cit Council employees
S�crt" 1ia+e..
14 FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolufion shall take effect and be in force after its
15 passage, approval and publication, or after January 1, 2001, which ever is later.
Adoption Certified by Covncil Secretary
By: �,�_ a ' • y �� ,
Approved by r: Date ��G.G.C� �
Approved hy Mayor foz Submission to Council
By: (-�� " �n�R�� _(//
�, �L����
� :� � �
Adopted by Council: Date �a.s . .1.��-00 `
a �-���.�r
Revised Julv , 2001
���Q �
N o v . �.�- aoc �
Wage and Benefit Policy for
Non-Represented Management and
Legislative Personnel
Risk Management Division
240 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
St Pau! MN 55102
(651 � 266-8880
This policy for nonrepresented management personnel shall appiy to empioyees with the following
titles which are not represented by a certified bargaining unit:
Administrative Assistant
Administrative Assistant--Pu61ic Works
Administrative Manager
Affirmative Action Director
Assistant Director ofi Human Resources
Assistant Fire Chief
Assistant to the Mayor I
Assistant to the Mayor II
Assistant to the Mayor 1II
Assistant to the Mayor IV
Assistant to the Mayor V
Assistant to the Mayor VI
Budget Director
Chief Internal Auditor
Chief of Police
Citizen Service Program Director
City Attorney
City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration
Council Fiscal Policy Director
Council Investigation and Research Center Director
Deputy Chief of Police
Deputy Mayor
Director, Department of Technology and Management Services
Director, Financial Services
Director, Huma� Rights
Director, LIEP
Director, Planning and Economic Development
Director, Department of Pubiic Works
Employee Benefits Manager
Energy Conservation Specialist
Executive Assistant to the Mayor
Executive �irector, Civic Center
Financial Analyst
Fire Chief
General Manager, Water Utility
Human Resources and Management Systems Analyst
Human Resources Director
Human Resources Manager
Human Resources Senior Consultant Manager
Human Resources Specialist 1
Human Resources Specialist II
Human Resources Speciaiist III
Human Resources Specialist IV
Labor Relations Director
Labor Relations Manager
Labor Relations Specialist
Legislative Aide
Library Director
Management Assistant 11�
Director, Civic Center
Mayor's Chief of Staff
Parks and Recreation Director
Policy Analyst
Program Administrator
Project Manager fV, Public Works
Research Analyst f
Research Analyst IV
Risk Manager
Safety/ADA Coordinator
Secretary to the Mayor
Senior Consultant
Special Events Coordinator
Systems and Organizational Development Specialist
7raining and Development Manager
Under the Cafeteria Plan, the employee's selection wilf be limited to the insurance plans offered by
the employer, and the employee must se{ect at least singfe coverage hospitalJmedical insurance,
dental insurance, and employee life insurance in an amount equai to one-and-one-half (1.5} times
the employee's salary. For the purpose of this selection, the employee's annuaf salary shall be
6ased on the salary as of the first day of the first payroll period in each fiscal year.
Beginning with the July 1996 premium payments, the employer's direct contribution for benefits
will be increased to 100% ofi the premium cost for those selecting single health coverage, an
additional 70% of the dependent health premium for those selecting family coverage, and 100°!0 of
the life insurance premium cost for an amount of coverage equaiing one-and-one-half 11.5� times
the employee's annual salary. fhe employer's direct contribution wiif be applied to the benefit
premium costs before the employee's contribution to the benefit premium costs under the Cafeteria
The provisions of the Civil Service Rules pertaining to the accumulation and use of sick leave
credits shall not apply to employees covered by this policy. In lieu of the sick leave provisions of
the Civil Service Rules, such employees shall be eligible for six i61 discretio�ary days off with pay in
each fiscal year. The maximum number of accumulated discretionary days which may be given in
any fiscal year shall be twenty-one (21}, of which fifteen (15) wili be defined as disability bridge
days. Disability bridge days can be used onty after three (3} consecutive days of absence due to
iliness or injury. fn addition to the discretionary days, the empioyer wifl provide for the employee
short-term and long-term disability coverage.
Employees returning to or accepting an appointment to a title not covered by the poficy shalf be
covered by the sick leave provisions app(icable to that title upon appointment to such title. Any
previously accumulated sick leave balance shal! be restored upo� such appointment.
Employees covered by this policy shafl be eligible for paid vacation as foliows:
1 through 8 years 15 days
9 through 15 years 20 days
16 years and thereafter 25 days
o i -taa�
Effective January 1, 1996 and thereafter, the leve! of increase, or decrease, to salary rates
applicahle to titles covered 6y this po(icy shafl be adjusted to reflect the average wage increase, or
decrease, included in the agreements of the City's five largest bargaining units.
The emolovees holdina the followinq iob titles are eliaible for oerformance oav'
Affirmative Action Director
Chief of Police
Citv Attornev
Citv Clerk and Commissioner of Repistration
Citizen Service Proarem Director
Director. Department of Technoloqv and Manaaement Services
Director, Financiaf Services
Director. Human Riqhts
Director. LIEP
Director Planninq and Economic Develooment
Director. Deoartment of Public Works
Executive Assistant to the Mavor
Fire Chief
General Manaqer, Water Utilitv
Human Resources Director
Labor Relations Director
Librarv Director
salarv. The Mavor, in his or her sole discretion. based uAOn such performance measures as he or
she deems aoorooriate mav award to an eliqible emplovee performance oav of uo to five (51
percent of the empiovee's base annual salarv, or a step increase, but not both. - t - �,,,,_cm,,,,,,,,,;� ;,.� i',rre�e,
eL�a..r.«or'� Das.�.t..p��n. c�a�.H.Vs.rCurmahc� Me�.s�.eea ca i�r dce.wn5 aoo sr:..'F�. s
_ � m►y w.r dv
event their employment is terminated hy the employer and the emp(oyee is completely separated
from City employment. An empioyee covered by this policy, not electing to retum to a previously
held City position, is eligible under this policy. This amount of payment for employees holding
unclassified titfes shall be equal to two weeks pay tor each year of service in a title covered by the
policy. However, this amount shall not exceed twelve (12) weeks pay.
Unclassitied employees who could return to a previously held cfassified position, and classified
empioyees, shall be eiigible fior a severance pay program if s(he meets the foflowing requirements:
- The employee must be voiuntarily separated firom City employment or have been subject to
separation by lay-off or compulsory retirement.
- The empioyee must file a waiver of re-employmeni with the City which will clearly state that by
requesting severance pay the empioyee waives all claims to reinstatement or re-employmeM
with the City.
The Iump sum payment for classified empioyees covered by this poiicy is based on years of service
with the City:
O � - �yir
15 $ 8,000
25 S 1 Q000
For the purpose of this severance program, a death of an employee shail be considered as
separation ofi employment, and if the empfoyee wouid have met ali of the requirements set forth
above, at the time of his or her death, payment of the severance pay may be made to the
employee's estate or spouse. The manner of payment of severance in amounts of te� thousand
doilars (810,0p0} or Iess shail be made in accordance with the provisions of City Ordinance No.
This severance pay program shall be subject to and governed by the provisions of City Ordinance
No. 11490 except in those cases where the specific provisions of this article conflict with said
Ordinance and in such cases, the provisions of this article shall control.
Employees who are terminated for cause, misconduct, or any other disciplinary reason sha(1 not be
eligible for any payment under this employer termination program. This emp(oyer termination
program replaces any existing severance pay plans currentfy applica6le to employees covered by
this policy.
Employees returning to, or accepting an appointment to, a title not covered by this pol+cy shall be
covered by the severance pay pfan applicable to that title and shal! not be e(igible for any payment
under this employer termination program.
In addition, any Police or Fire non-represented employee separated from City employment who has
accumulated balance of at least one thousand eight hundred fifty {1,850) hours of sick 4eave
credits and at least twenty-five (25) years of service at the time of his/her separation from service
shall he granted severance pay in the amount of thirty thousand dollars ($30,000),
The manner ot payment ot such severance pay shall be made in three consecutive annual payments
of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) each. The annual payments shall be made in February of each
year. Tha tirst payment shall be made during the month of February in the year following the year
in which the employee separates his/her employment.
Sick leave requirements will be reduced by 2% for each full year of City service served under the
non-represented benefit package and pro-rated for partial years.
To be eligible for City contribution to certain health and Iife insurance benefiits, the employee must
meet the following co�ditions:
♦ Se receiving benefits from a Public Employee Retirement Act covering employees of the City of
Saint Paul at the time of retirement.
♦ Have severed his/her relations with the City under one of the retiree plans.
♦ Have completed at least 20 years of service with the City of Saint Pau1 or be receiving a
disability pension related to the City of Saint Paui.
♦ Elect to participate in the City's health and life insurance program.
A retiree's participation in the City`s heaith and life insurance plan must be continuous. If an
eligibte employee chooses not to participate at the time of hislher retirement, or if a retiree
discontinues his/her participation, such retiree wiil not be eiigible fior any future participation in the
City's health pians or fior any City contribution.
Eariy Retirees: Employees hired prior to January 7, 1990 who meet the above requirements wifl 6e
eiigible to receive an employer contribution to the health care premium to a maximum of 535� per
momh until such early retiree becomes eligible tor Medicare.
Employees hired onlafter January 1, 1990 who meet the above requirements will be eligible to
receive an employer contri6ution to the hea(th care premium to a maximum of 5300 per month until
such eady retiree becomes eligible for Medicare.
Regular Retirees: Employees hired prior to January 7, 1990 who meet the above requirements and
are eligible for Medicare will be eligible to receive an employer contribution to the health care
premium to a maximum of $550 per month.
Employees hired on/after January 1, 1990 who meet the above requirements and are eligible for
Medicare wili be efigible to receive an employer contribution to the heatth care premium to a
maximum of $300 per month.
The empfoyer wilf contribute the cost of 55,000 of tife insurance coverage for such early retirees
who qualify for health benefits until the eariy retiree reaches age sixty-five i65�, at which time the
life insurance coverage shall terminate.
The surviving spouse and/or dependent of an employee covered by this policy carrying family
coverage at the time of his/her death due to a job connected injury or illness which was determined
to arise out of, and in the course of, his/her employment under workers' compensatio� Iaw shall
continue to be eligible for City contribution toward the City's health insurance plan in the same
proportion as is provided for employees under this policy. At age sixty-five (651 the City's
contribution will be in the same proportion as is provided to retirees under this policy.
fn the event of the death of a retiree who is participating in the City's health insurance program,
the surviving spouse or dependent of the deceased may continue to participate in the City's health
insurance pian at their own cost. Eligibility to continue to participate shali terminate once such
spouse remarries or becomes eligible for group health insurance through an employer. Eligibility to
continue to participate shall terminate when such dependent fails to meet the definition of
dependent in the City's health insurance pian or becomes eligibie for group health insurance
through an employer.
o � -ia.s�
Susan Kimberly (266-8519)
Approval of an amendment to the "Wage and Benefit Policy for Nonrepresented Management
and Legislative Personnel" in order to authorize per£ormance-based pay for Department
and Office Directors.
Cuxrently the Mayor does not h2ve the authority to grant performance-based compensation
ta Cabinet-level employees. He or she can only award "step" increases.
Mayor wi11 have the flexibility to award performance-based compensation or step increases.
(The Mayor would not have the authority to award both in any given year.)
f3L::ti_ �Z: �Z`i
❑ R141q41FRNLFf dR ❑ AYYICYLiiR�lIACtT¢
o w.��,��, <<� ❑
tlas this cersaJfi�m ever ww�cetl undw a coMiaa tor tnis aepartmenC7
Nas this ce+�� sver heen a cM1Y empbvee?
Does ihis peisonihrm possess a sldll nat nom�allypossess¢tl by ary wrrent cilY �pbY�7
IsMiB petson?rm e tarpetetl vendoYt
No 2C10006
Mayor will have less flexibility to compensate Cabinet-level employees.
muwcw_ rt+FORxuroN �otPwN�
Presented By
Refened To
Council File # Q ( ., �}
Green Sheet # a.ppfl�
Committee: Date
� 13
WFIEREAS, the department and o�ce d'uectors bear a unique responsibility for the
effective and e�cient delivery of City services; and
WHEREAS, reasonable performance pay will benefit the City by providing incentive
and rewazd to department and o�ce directors for effective and efficient performance of their
duties; now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the "Wage and Benefat Policy for Nonrepresented Management and
Legislative Personnel", authorized by the resolution under C.F. No. 272557, as amended by
resolutions under C.F. Nos. 89-2281, 90-677, 91-312, 93-1064, 93-1923, 96-187, and 00-470, be
amended by the attached policy by inclusi_ o� to authorize perf rmance pay for department a�d--�
office directors; and be it �""� �"� �� /
_ R , -�-�� �--- ��, ,� Y`"�.�,-- �--� C � M c�' �,
F ALLY RESOLVEp, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force after it �"
passage approval and publication, or after January 1, 2001, which ever is later. C�
�..a, �.._.;_ c�c�.�, Q,�..�.,.� �' �
�._,�. ,� .�- �-.�-`, o �-;- a.
-� �� .
Requested by Department of:
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
Approved 6y Mayor: Date
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By: �-� l�/l79�C� ""
Adopted by Council: Date
o � -u�a��
Susan Ri.mberly (266-8529)
nv,u,�r o�
No 200006
c;;i-_�� _ �
� a'r�nou�v � arrcaaK
❑wnxcu�aa�uxoa ❑nnx�eucmauxno
�MYWIPAtLIT�tIT/ `� • ❑
Approval of an amendment to the "Wage and Benefit Policy for Nonrepresented Management
and Legislative Personnel" in order to authorize performance-based pay for Department
and Office Directors.
� u;� �m, e�e.wo�a u�r. cw,�a�c r« n�. d�e�m�em�
Hes Mis peraoNGim aerbem a dtY �abyee9
Does mis peisavfim vaeea a clad na � bfr em ane'rt dly emdovee7
k Ctie pdeaurum atarpetMwnEo(t
Currently the Mayor does not have the authority to grant performance-base@ compensation
to Cabinet-level emploqees. He or she can only award "step" increases.
Mayox will have the flexibilitq to award performaace-based compeasatioa or step increases.
(The Mayor wou2d not have the authority to award both in any given year.)
Mayor wiZl have less flexibility to compensate Cabinet-level employees.
�rn�wsacrwH s cosrm�v�ue
c� -�a.a.a-
Mayor's Chief of Staft
Parks and Recreation Director
� Policy Analyst
Program Administrator
Project Manager IV, Pubiic Works
Research Analystl
Researcfi AnalystlV
Risk Manager
SafetylADA Coordinator
Secretary to the Mayor
Senior Consuitant
Speciai Events Coordinator
Systems and Organizational Development Specialist
Training and Development Manager
Under the Cafeteria Pfan, the employee's selection wilf be limited to the insurance plans offiered by
the employer, and the employee must select at least single coverage hospitai/medicai insurance,
denial insurance, and employee life insurance in an amount equal to one-and-one-half (1.5) times
the empioyee's salary. For the purpose of this selection, the empfoyee's annuaf salary shail be
based on the salary as of the first day of the first payrol� period in each fiscal year.
Beginning with the July 1996 premium payments, the employer's direct coniribution for benefits
wili 6e increased to 100% of the premium cost for those selecting singie health coverage, an
additionaf 70% of the dependent health premium for those selecting family coverage, and 100% of
the life insurance premium cost for an amount of coverage equafing one-and-one-half (1.5) times
the employee's annual sa4ary. The empioyer's direct contribution wiil be applied to the benefit
premium costs before the empioyee's contribution to the benefit premium costs under the Cafeteria
The provisions of the Civil Service Rules pertai�ing to the accumulation and use of sick ieave
credits shall not appiy io employees covered by this policy. tn iieu of the sick leave provisions of
the Civi1 Service Rules, such employees shali be e�igible for six (6) discretionary days off with pay in
each fiscal year. The maximum number of accumulated discretionary days which may be given in
any fiscal year shall 6e twenty-one {21), of which fifteen (15} Wi�{ be defined as disability bridge
days. Disability bridge days can be used only after three (3) consecutive days of absence due to
iliness or injury. In addition to the discretionary days, the employer will provide for the employee
short-term and long-term disability coverage.
Employees returning to or accepting an appointment to a title not covered by the policy shall be
covered by the sick Ieave provisions applicable to that title upon appointment to such title. Any
previously accumulated sick leave balance sfiall be restored upon such appointment.
Employees covered by this policy shaN be eligible for paid vacation as follows:
1 through 8 years
9 through 15 years
16 years and therea4ter
15 days
20 days
25 days
Effective January 1, 1996 and thereafter, the ievel of increase, or decrease, to salary rates
applicable to titles covered by this policy shai! be adjusted to retlect the average wage increase, or
decrease, included irt the agreements of the City's five fargest bargaining units.
i'he emAlovees holdina the followina io6 titles are elioible for �erformance oav
Aftirmative Action Director
Chief of Potice
Citv Attornev
Citv Clerk and Commissioner of Reaistration
Citizen Service Proaram Director
Director Deoartment of Technoloav and Manaoement Services
Director, Financial Services
Director. Human Riphts �
Director. LIEP
Director. Plannina and Economic DeveloDment
DirecTOr. De�artment of Public Works
Executive Assistant to the Mavor
Fire Chief
General Manaoer. Water Utilitv
Human Resources Director
Labor Relations Direetor
Librarv Director �
Parks and Recreation Director _+ �..
�°".---� '� � �' '�^�� "�
c �'�-� '�R- �-�-�'-�: J, k*-�-"---�'� � ��-•--� �
salary. The Mavor, in his or her sole discretion based uoon such performance measures he or uV
she deems aoArooriate mav award to an eliQibie emolovee oerformance oav of uo to five (5)
ercem of the em lo ee`s base annua! sala or a ste increase but not both. �` � �
w�=, o-� � �.... ��. �� �
o" �S ,� °���,� q� �� "�-<- G� Y� n�- C_ r�c. 0
Employees appointed to itle overed by thi oficy shal( be eligible for a lump sum payment in the
event iheir employment is terminated by the employer and the employee is completely separated
from City employment. An employee covered by this poticy, not etecting to return to a previousfy
heid Ciiy positiort, is eligible under this policy, This amounT of payment for employees holding
uncfassified titfes shall be equai to two weeks pay for each year of service in a title covered by the
policy. However, this amount shall noi exceed twelve (12) weeks pay. �
Uneiassified emptoyees wfio could return to a previously held classified position, and classified Q�} '� �"
employees, shall be eligibie for a severance pay program if s/he meets the following requirements: �`.- _
.,. . -�.,..�
- The empioyee must be voluntarily separated from City employment or have been subject t��'�""�
separation by lay-off or compuisory retirement.
- The employee must file a waiver of re-employment with the City which wifi clearly state that b}rs`�"�^�-
requesting severance pay the employee waives al� claims to reinstaiement or re-employment �
with the City.
The lump sum payment for classified employees covered by this policy is based on years ot service
with the City:
. \
Presented By
Referred To
Committee: Date
WHEREAS, the department and office directors beaz a unique responsibility for the
2 effective and efficient delivery of City services; and
12 office directors• and be it
13 �'J and certain City Council employees
S�ev� 1ier4
14 FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force after its
15 passage, approval and publication, or after January 1, 2001, which ever is later.
4 WHEREAS, reasonable performance pay will benefit the City by providing incentive
5 and reward to department and office directors for effective and efficient performance of their
6 duties; now therefore be it
8 RESOLVED, that the "Wage and Benefit Policy for Nonrepresented Management and
9 Legislative Personnel", authorized by the resolution under C.F. No. 272557, as amended by
10 resolutions under C.F. Nos. 89-2281, 90-677, 91-312, 93-1064, 93-1923, 96-187, and 00-470, be
11 amended by the attached policy by inclusion to authorize perFormance pay for departmen��-
RESOLVED, that the funding for
s Office and the Citv Council.
Councii File # 0 { � ��
GreenSheet# �,00��
ded in the budget of
Requested by Department of:
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
By ��� c� ` � _ �_
Approved by r: Date y L.Y/ Gfr�Y (
A m��r.�r.�d. - �o.,. �.t, aod�
�S`�e..�1w'l�cvn��'YY�cr��� n7CJ. dl� �a0�\
g� AP � d ���� G7 rn N `— O
I y _ �
� � -//ac
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By: �-�� /`� /��AG�j ' v (
�+ 1 3
Adopted by Council: Date a.� . a.� Qp,
o �-\b�-a-
Revised Jatv , 2001
���� �
N o v , �5�� a. �
Wage and Benefit Policy for
Non-Represented Management and
Legislative Personnel
Risk Management Division
240 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
St Paul MN 55102
(651) 266-8880
This policy for nonrepresented management personnel shall apply to employees with the following
titles which are not represented by a certified bargaining unit:
Administrative Assistant
Administrative Assistant--Public Works
Administrative Manager
Affirmative Action Director
Assistant Director of Human Resources
Assistant Fire Chief
Assistant to the Mayor I
Assistant to the Mayor 11
Assistant to the Mayor III
Assistant to the Mayor IV
Assistant to the Mayor V
Assistant to the Mayor VI
Budget Director
Chief Internal Auditor
Chief of Police
Citizen Service Program Director
City Attorney
City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration
Council Fiscal Policy Director
Council Investigation and Research Center Director
Deputy Chief of Police
Deputy Mayor
Director, Department of Technology and Management Services
Director, Financial Services
Director, Human Rights
Director, �IEP
Director, Planning and Economic Development
Director, Department of Public Works
Employee Benefits Manager
Energy Conservation Specialist
Executive Assistant to the Mayor
Executive Director, Civic Center
Financial Analyst
Fire Chief
General Manager, Water Utility
Human Resources and Management Systems Analyst
Human Resources Director
Human Resources Manager
Human Reso�rces Senior Consultant Manager
Human Resources Specialist I
Human Resources Specialist II
Human Resources Specialist III
Human Resources Specialist IV
Labor Relations Director
Labor Relations Manager
Labor Relations Specialist
Legislative Aide
Library Director
Management Assistant III
Director, Civic Center
o � -t���
Mayor's Chief of Staff
Parks and Recreation Director
Policy Analyst
Program Administrator
Project Manager IV, Public Works
Research Analyst I
Research Analyst IV
Risk Manager
Safety/ADA Coordinator
Secretary to the Mayor
Senior Consultant
Special Events Coordinator
Systems and Organizational Development Specialist
Training and Development Manager
Under the Cafeteria P�an, the employee's selection will be limited to the insurance plans offered by
the employer, and the employee must select at least single coverage hospital/medical insurance,
dental insurance, and employee life insurance in an amount equal to one-and-one-half (1.5) times
the employee's salary. For the purpose of this selection, the employee's annual salary shall be
based on the salary as of the first day of the first payroll period in each fiscal year.
Beginning with the July 1996 premium payments, the employer's direct contribution for benefits
will be increased to 100% of the premium cost for those selecting single health coverage, an
additional 70% of the dependent health premium for those selecting family coverage, and 700% of
the life insurance premium cost for an amount of coverage equaling one-and-one-hatf (1.5) times
the employee's annual salary. The employer's direct contribution will be applied to the benefit
premium costs before the employee's contribution to the benefit premium costs under the Cafeteria
The provisions of the Civil Service Rules pertaining to the accumulation and use of sick leave
credits shall not apply to employees covered by this policy. In lieu of the sick leave provisions of
the Civil Service Rules, such employees shall be eligible for six (6) discretionary days otf with pay in
each fiscal year. The maximum number of accumulated discretionary days which may be given in
any fiscal year shall be twenty-one (21), of which fifteen (15) will be defined as disability bridge
days. Disability bridge days can be used only after three (3) consecutive days of absence due to
illness or injury. In addition to the discretionary days, the employer will provide for the employee
short-term and long-term disability coverage.
Employees returning to or accepting an appointment to a title not covered by the policy shall be
covered by the sick leave provisions applicable to that title upon appointment to such title. Any
previously accumulated sick leave balance shall be restored upon such appointment.
Employees covered by this policy shall be eligible for paid vacation as follows:
1 through 8 years 15 days
9 through 15 years 20 days
16 years and thereafter 25 days
o � -�aaa
Effective January 1, 1996 and thereafter, the level of increase, or decrease, to salary rates
applicable to titles covered by this policy shall be adjusted to reflect the average wage increase, or
decrease, inciuded in ihe agreements of the City's five largest bargaining units.
The emolovees holdina the followinq iob titles are eliqible for performance oav•
Affirmative Action Director
Chief of Police
Citv Attarnev
Citv Clerk and Commissioner of Reaistration
Citizen Service Proqram Director
Director. Department of Technoloav and Manaqement Services
Director, Financial Services
Director. Human Riqhts
Director, LIEP
Director, Planninq and Economic Develooment
Director, Department of Public Works
Exec�tive Assistant to the Mavor
Fire Chief
General Manaqer, Water Utilitv
Human Resources Director
Labor Relations Director
Librarv Director
Parks and Recreation Director
ca.a„v�c,:t F.n<. Pe\:�y D:rec�aY
Ce..v..c:\ 'Q�swr.4� CaGl.�4�... 0 ire �v
salarv. The Mavor in his or her sole discretion based uoon such oerformance measures as he or
she deems aopropriate mav award to an eliaible emolovee performance oav of up to five (5)
Unclassified employees who could return to a previously held classified position, and classified
employees, shall be eligible for a severance pay program if slhe meets the folfowing requireme�ts:
- The employee must be voluntarily separated itom City employment or have been subject to
separation by lay-off or compulsory retirement.
- The employee must file a waiver of re-empfoyment with the City which will clearly state that by
requesting severance pay the employee waives all claims to reinstatement or re-employment
with the City.
The lump sum payment for classified employees covered by this policy is based on years of service
with the City:
event their employment is terminated by the emp{oyer and the empioyee is compfetely separated
from City employment. An employee covered by this policy, not electing to return to a previously
held City position, is eligible under this policy. This amount of payment for employees holding
unclassified titles shall be equal to two weeks pay for each year ot service in a title covered by the
policy. However, this amount shall not exceed twelve (12) weeks pay.
O 1- \�SY
15 S 8,000
25 $10,000
For the purpose of this severance program, a death of an employee shall be considered as
separation of employment, and if the employee would have met all of the requirements set forth
above, at the time of his or her death, payment of the severance pay may be made to the
employee's estate or spouse. The manner of payment of severance in amounts of ten thousand
dollars {$10,000) or less shal! be made in accordance with the provisions of City Ordinance No.
This severance pay program shall be subject to and governed by the provisions of City Ordinance
No. 11490 except in those cases where the specific provisions of this article conflict with said
Ordinance and in such cases, the provisions of this article shall control.
Employees who are terminated for cause, misconduct, or any other disciplinary reason shall not be
eligible for any payment under this employer termination program. This employer termination
program replaces any existing severance pay plans currently applicable to employees covered by
this policy.
Employees returning to, or accepting an appointment to, a title not covered by this policy shall be
covered by the severance pay plan applicable to that title and shall not be eligible for any payment
under this employer termination program.
In addition, any Police or Fire non-represented employee separated from City employment who has
accumulated balance of at least one thousand eight hundred fifty (1,850) hours of sick leave
credits and at least twenty-five (25) years of service at the time of his/her separation from service
shall be granted severance pay in the amount of thirty thousand dollars ($30,000).
The manner of payment of such severance pay shall be made in three consecutive annual payments
of ten thousand dollars (510,000) each. The annual payments shall be made in February of each
year. The first payment shall be made during the month of February in the year following the year
in which the employee separates his/her employment.
Sick leave requirements will be reduced by 2% for each full year of City service served under the
non-represented benefit package and pro-rated for partial years.
To be eligible for City contribution to certain health and life insurance benefits, the employee must
meet the following conditions:
♦ Be receiving benefits from a Public Employee Retirement Act covering employees of the City of
Saint Paul at the time of retirement.
♦ Have severed his/her relations with the City under one of the retiree plans.
♦ Have completed at least 20 years of service with the City of Saint Paul or be receiving a
disability pension related to the City of Saint Paul.
♦ Elect to participate in the City's health and life insurance program.
A retiree's participation i� the City's health and life insurance plan must be continuous. If an
eligible employee chooses not to participate at the time of his/her retirement, or if a retiree
discontinues his/her participation, such retiree will not be eligible for any future participation in the
Gity's health plans or for any City contribution.
Early Retirees: Employees hired prior to January 1, 1990 who meet the above requirements will be
eligible to receive an employer contribution to the health care premium to a maximum of $350 per
month until such early retiree becomes eligible for Medicare.
Employees hired on/after January 1, 1990 who meei the above requirements will be eligi6le to
receive an employer contribution to the health care premium to a maximum of $300 per month until
such early retiree becomes eligible for Medicare.
Regular Retirees: Employees hired prior to January 1, 1990 who meet the above requirements and
are eligible for Medicare will be eligible to receive an employer contribution to the health care
premium to a maximum of $550 per month.
Employees hired on/after January 1, 1990 who meet the above requirements and are eligible for
Medicare will be eligible to receive an employer contribution to the health care premium to a
maximum of $300 per month.
The employer will contribute the cost of 55,000 of life insurance coverage for such early retirees
who qualify for health benefits until the early retiree reaches age sixty-five (65), at which time the
life insurance coverage shall terminate.
The surviving spouse and/or dependent of an employee covered by this policy carrying family
coverage at the time of his/her death due to a job connected injury or illness which was determined
to arise out of, and in the course of, his(her employment under workers' compensation law shall
continue to be eligible for City contribution toward the City's health insurance plan in the same
proportion as is provided for employees under this policy. At age sixty-five (65) the City's
contribution wi11 be in the same proportion as is provided to retirees under this policy.
In the event of the death of a retiree who is participating in the City's health insurance program,
the surviving spouse or dependent of the deceased may continue to participate in the City's health
insurance plan at their own cost. Eligibility to continue to participate shall terminate once such
spouse remarries or becomes eligible for group health insurance through an employer. Eligibility to
continue to participate shall terminate when such dependent fails to meet the definition of
dependent in the City's health insurance plan or becomes eligible for group health insurance
through an employer.
,�----� - �
Susan Rimberly (266-8519)
o� -�a-a�-
� 11�1.,
Approval of an amendment to the "Wage and Benefit Policy for Nonrepresented Management
and Legislative Personnel" in order to authorize performance-based pay for Department
and Office Directors.
Has Mis Pe�rm e�erxrorked under a contraR tor Nis departmeM?
Has mis ce��m e.er eeen a aty emWovee?
Does Nis persoNfirm possess a sidll not rwmiallYP� bY arry curreM ciry empbyee?
Is Mis persaJfirm a taryeled vendof!
Cu.rrently the Mayor does not have the authority to grant performance-based compensation
tc Cabinet-level employees. He or she can only award "step" increases.
Mayor will have the flexibility to award performance-based compensation or step increases.
(The Mayor would not have the authority to award both in any given year.)
Mayor will have less flexibility to compensate Cabinet-level employees.
iNFOanwnoN �owwr.�
Presented By
Refeaed To
Council File # � ( � ��.
GreenSheet# S,ppp�
Committee: Date
� 13
WHEREAS, the department and office directors beaz a unique responsibility for the
effective and efficient delivery of City services; and
WHEREAS, reasonable performance pay will benefit the City by providing incentive
and reward to department and office directors for effective and efficient performance of their
duties; now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the "Wage and Benefit Policy for Nonrepresented Management and
Legislative Personnel", authorized by the resolution under C.F. No. 272557, as amended by
resolutions under C.F. Nos. 89-2281, 90-677, 91-312, 93-1064, 93-1923, 96-187, and 00-470, be
amended by the attached policy by inclusi_ or� to authorize perfgrmance pay for departmen�ax�—�
office directors; and be it ���^''"�l Q���
_ Q, , -'�---� - E - �-°- � �' � �•...^.,-_-- �---� C 4' M � G-.�,
F ALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shail take effect and be in force after it �'
passage approval and publication, or after January 1, 2001, which ever is later. C'�
�- ,
�..�. �-�_._:.. c�c� �.�.,.� � , o �, �.
� � ���
-�--� � .
RequesCed by Department of:
Adopted by Council: Date
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
Approved by Mayor: Date
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
Sy: C-'�'�'�Y!'( " /�77����
o � -►a�>
Susan &imberly (266-8519)
nou,mr simo.
No 200006
Approval of an amendment to the "Wage and Benefit Policy for Nonrepresented Management
and Legislative Personnel" in order to authorize performance-based pay for Department
and Office Directors.
Hes this De�swilfirtn e�erworla.M undtta mn6adforMie tlepartment7
Fles tles O�soMrm ew ban a aZY dnObYce7
Doec tlus Dersonlfirm D�es a Wa'A naf riormalbD�seacetl dY �Y ��Y emPloyee4
h Mie �na�im a taipAed �doR
ieln 8A VBB 8rrexe(t m r6larate alw�t�aM aMwU ro.evan e�.aaf �
Currently the Mayor does not have the authority to grant performance-based compensation
ta Cabinet-level employees. He or she can only award "step" increases.
Mayor will have the flexibility to award performance-based compensation or step increases.
(The Mayor would not have the authority to award both in aay given year.)
Mayor will have less flexibility to compensate Cabinet-level employees.
�crrvm xue�eoc
Mayor's Chief of Staff
Parks and Recreation Director
� Poticy Analyst
Program Administrator
Project Manager IV, Pubiic Works
Research Analyst I
Research Analyst IV
Risk Manager
Safety/ADA Coordinator
Secretary to the Mayor
Senior Consultant
Special Events Coordinator
Systems and Organizationai Development Specialist
Training and Development Manager
Under the Cafeteria Plan, the employee's selection wili be limited to the insurance plans offered by
the employer, and the employee must select at least single coverage hospital/medical insurance,
dental insurance, and employee life insurance in an amount equal to one-and-one-half (1.5) times
the empioyee's saiary. For the purpose of this selection, the employee's annua{ safary shall be
based on the salary as of the first day of the first payroll period in each fiscal year.
Beginning with the July 1996 premium payments, the employer's direct contribution for benefits
will be increased to 100% of the premium cost for those selecting single health coverage, an
additional 70% of the dependent heaith premium for those selecting family coverage, and 100% of
the life insurance premium cost for an amount of coverage equaling one-and-one-haif (1.5) times
the employee's annual salary. The employer's direct contribution will be applied to the benetit
premium costs before the employee's contribution to the benefit premium costs under the Cafeteria
The provisions of the Civil Service Rules pertaining to the accumulation and use of sick leave
credits shall not apply to employees covered by this policy. In lieu of the sick Ieave provisions of
the Civil Service Rutes, such employees shail be eligible for six (6) discretionary days off with pay in
each fiscal year. The maximum number of accumulated discretionary days which may be given in
any fiscal year shall be twenty-one (21), of which fifteen (15) will be defined as disability bridge
days. Disability bridge days can be used only after three (31 consecutive days ofi absence due to
iilness or injury. In addition to the discretionary days, the employer will provide for the employee
short-term and long-term disability coverage.
Empfoyees returning to or accepting an appointment to a title not covered by the policy shall be
covered by the sick leave provisions applicable to that title upon appointment to such title. Any
previously accumulated sick leave balance shali be restored upon such appointment.
Employees covered by this policy shali be eligible for paid vacation as follows:
1 through 8 years
9 through 15 years
16 years and thereafter
15 days
20 days
25 days
a �.��aa�
Effective January 7, 1996 and thereafter, the level of increase, or decrease, to salary rates
applicabie to titles covered by this policy shall be adjusted to reflect the average wage increase, or
decrease, included in the agreements of the City's five largest bargaining units.
The emofovees ho(dina the followina iob titles are eliaible for oerformance oav
Affirmative Action Director
Chief ot Police
Ciiv Attom�
Citv Clerk and Commissioner of Reqistration
Citizen Service Proarem Director
Director. Deoartment of Technoloqv and Manaaement Services
Director, Financial Services
Director. Human Ri4hts
Director. LIEP
Director. Planninq and Economic Develooment
Director. Deoartment of Public Works
Executive Assistant to the Ma or
Fire Chief
Ggneral Manaqer, Water Utilitv
Human Resources Director
Labor Retations Director
Librarv Director
C°`�^--�1 � �-�--�t � "'`--� � �
�- �..�. °�- �-,^^,-�-� a„� k�--� � '��-�---��
salarv. The Mavor. in his or her sole discretion based uoon such oerformance measures as he or V V
she deems aoorooriate. mav award to an eliqible emolovee oerformance oav of uo to five (51
ercent of the em lo ee`s base annual sala or a ste increase but not both. �� C �
,�_, o-�a �-�.- ' /�..,
� � �� EMPLOYER TERMIiVA7tOlt1 PROGRA�_` G �� � `�
�..a.,N' o,,r.�„�� �p b ' X-c. D
Employees appointed to itle overed by thi olicy shall be eligibie for a lump sum payment in the
event their employment is terminated by the empioyer and the employee is completely separated
from City empioyment. An employee covered by this policy, not electing to return to a previously
hetd City position, is eligible under this policy. This amount of payment for employees holding
unciassified titles shail be equai to two weeks pay for each year of service in a title covered by the
policy. However, this amount shalt not exceed twelve (12) weeks pay.
Unciassified employees who coutd return to a previously held classified position, and
employees, shall be eligible for a severance pay program if s/he meets the fotiowing
classified �3 V �-"`
equirements: �
separation by lay-off or compulsory retirement. �„ __ a � J �
rw 1 ����1f1 � .�'
- The employee must file a waiver of re-employment with the City which will clearly state that bys�`�+`^�+
requesting severance pay the employee waives ail claims to reinstatement or re-employment �
with the City.
The lump sum payment for classified employees covered by this policy is based on years of service
with the City: