272264 WHITE — C�TV CLERK a B UE — MAVOR E r G I Y O A I NT PALT L Council �"��;��;� CANqRV — DEPARTME T ,� File N 0. '' ` � solution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date A RESOLUTION REGARDING THE DOWNr!'OWN PEOPLE MOVER PROJECT; APPROVING THE SUPPLEMENTAL SCOPE OF WORK AND THE AMENDMENT TO THE JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT WITH THE METROPOLITAN TRANSIT COMMISSION RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul ("City" ) and the Metropolitan Transit Commission ("M.T.C." ) entered into a Joint Powers Agreement on June 21, 1977, providing for the conduct of the preliminary engineering phase of the Downtown People Demonstration Project ("D.P.M. Project" ) ; and WHEREAS, Said Joint Powers Agreement was amended on January 10, 1978, to expand the Scope of Work and funding and again on June 22, 1978, to extend the time of said agreement to March 1, 1979; and WHEREAS, The preliminary engineering phase is anticipated to be completed by approximately February 1, 1979; and WHEREAS, The City and M.T.C. desire to proceed with implemen- tation planning for the D.P.M. Project during the interim between the completion of the preliminary engineering phase and the award of the capital grant for design and construction of the system, in accordance with the proposed Phase IA Supplemental Scope of Work dated December 4, 1978; and COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler [n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY -- Maddox Showalter TedesCO Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ` � � C� gy, t�pproved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ By ' � • '������k� 2• WHEREAS, The D.P.M. Project is partially funded by a federal grant administered by the Urban Mass Transportation Administra- tion of the U. S. Department of Transportation ("U.S.D.O.T." ) , and the Secretary of Transportation of U.S.D.O.T. is authorized to amend such grants; and WHEREAS, The local share of the cost of proceeding with im- plementation planning has been estimated to be $25,000.00, and the City has provided for such a supplemental funding in its 197� Capital Improvement Budget and Program; and WHEREAS, The Steering Committee of the D.P.M. Project has reviewed the proposed Supplemental Scope of Work and recommended approval to the City Council; and WHEREAS, The City and M.T.C. desire to amend the Joint Powers Agreement by expanding the Scope of Work to include the proposed Supplemental Scope of Work in accordance with the proposed Third Amendatory Joint Powers Agreement; and ' WHEREAS, The City has investigated the facts of the proposed implementation planning for the D.P.M. Project, including the terms and conditions of the proposed Supplemental Scope of Work and the proposed Third Amendatory Joint Powers Agreement; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: l. That the proposed Supplemental Scope of Work for the D.P.M. Project is hereby approved and the M.T.C. is hereby auth- orized to execute and submit a grant amendment to U.S.D.O.T. on behalf of the City/M.T.C. Joint Venture; 2. That the proposed Third Amendatory Joint Powers Agree- ment is hereby approved and the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute said Agreement; and WHITE - GTV CLERK •!/1������(� PINK - FINANGE COUflCll /��.+_�.`•--'.^�:.' .��"� CANARV - OEPARTMENT � G I TY OF SA I NT PAUL BLUE' - MAVOR � F11C NO. � ' - Council Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 3. 3. That the City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit a copy of this resolution to the Chairman of M.T.C. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine _ J __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter �� 2,1 �� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted b � ouncil� Date Certi ed Yas� by Council Secretajy BY \ �1 v d by :Navor: D e _ �C 2 2 �., Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B _ By Pua�is�E� DEC 3 0 1�76 WHITj - CITr CLERK , � PINK - FINANCE �C�� p A I N T PA U L Conncil �y CANARV -DEPARTM T • �+ lLUE -MAYOR ' � File �O. � / ��� ---r�a��. r, _ a�r--- ` - ' solution ����1v�-o: .�^, � .: � ° �t� 261978 Presented By � , Refe�red To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date _ , a ��aa�r� �� saa � psortis � - � �-r: ��av�ac� �s su�pr.a�sa� svo�s � � . � �$ ��r ro �a �� � , xr� s� �a�s=r vo�=va� �z�a , �. - � �RFAS� T�e City of saiat Pa�l t'Cit�C'j aad t3�e lfetropolitan - T�raa6it Do�issi,oan (•It.�.C.'} entered into s Jo3�t��� l�gre�e�sont � ao � 21, 19r7, p�.^ov3�diag fc�r t� c� of r.2�s �aCelfainarY ` aaaqf,�cf�g phase of l.he Dow�ntavvn �eople �strati�on Proj�ct � i"D�P.�. -�30ject'�f � _ �tSSR8718, 8aid Joiat Po�wes,� 1►qr�e�eAt vao anoad�d oa January 10, . 1978. to eocpand tbe SvoPe of �i�Poack ,�ad fundiag and again o�n June 22. :� 1978, to e�ctend the tims of said aqreeueat to lisrch -1, 1979f a�8 .._ �i�S, The prelfminary enginestinq phass is� anticipated to b� complet�d by apprcximately Fabruary 1, 1979� and �R8i1S. Tl�e City and !l.T.C. des ira to proceed �tith impla�aa— tatioa piaAaiaq for t� D.P.I[. Proje�ct dnt3.nq ths int�rim bet�sn ,, ths caqpleti�a of the prelimiaary eatqinsering phaso anc� the �nra�cd af the capital gra�st fo� design and coastractioa of the syat�,'ia accardance w3.th tha propasad Phase IA Su,pplemsatal Seope of �rlc dated Dec�es 4, 1978t and COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: . Yeas N ays Butler In.Favor . Hozza _ Hunt Levine A gai n s t BY Maddox Showaiter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By r �f '`'� � �-{-'�'-�-`•-"�'-�.``� , f By Approved by Mavor. Date � - • - Approved by Mayor Eor_Submission to Council By - - BY . _ 1 •:. � � : , �,-1����� . . 2. . WHEREAS, The D.P.M. Project is partially funded by a federal grant administered by the Urban Mass Transportation Administra- tion of the U. S. Department of T�a*?sportation �"U.S.D.C.T.") , and the Secretary of Transportation of U.S.D.O.T. is authorized to amend such grants; and WF�REAS, The local share of the cost of proceeding with im- plementation planning has been estimated to be $25, 000.00, and the City has provided for such a supplemental funding in its 1979 Capital Improvement Budget and Program; and WF�REAS, The Steering Committee of the D.P.M. Project has reviewed the proposed Supplemental Scope of Work and recommended approval to the City Council; and � � � WHEREAS, The City and M.T.C. desire to amend the Joint Powers Agreement by expanding the Scope of Work to include the proposed Supplemental Scope of Work in accordance with the proposed Third Amendatory Joint Powers Agreement; and WE�REAS, The City has investigated the facts of the proposed implementation planning for the D.P.M. Project, incluciing tne terms and conditions of the proposed Supplemental Scope of� Work and the propase3 Third A.-ziendatory Joint Powers Agreement; now, ' therefore, be it RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: 1. That the proposed Supplemental Scope of Work for the D.P.!�i. Project is hereby approved and the M.T.C. is hereby auth- orized to execute and submit a grant amendment to U.S.D.O.T. on behalf of the City/M.T.C. Joint Venture; 2. That 'the proposed Third Amendatory Joint Powers Agree- ment is hereby approved and the proper City officials are hereby � authorized and directed to execute said Agreement; and � � WHITt' — C�Tr CLERK ' _p�MK — FINANCE CAN�NV — OEPIIRTMENT . . � CITY. OF SAINT PAUL Council ,��.�,��:�. .. ` 9lUE � — MAYOR File �0. � . w � ' Counci Resolution . Presented By ' , Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date _ „ ._ ,. ,, ��. ��, �:. � � ' ... . . , . . . - - . � . � . . � ' _r ; � . . .. .. . _ _.:. . .,. . 3 :.. - ,- ..� `. � - _ . -. , , ...� . . _., , �.� 3. That tl�s City Clark is hereby dissct�d to traa�it a copy ;-. � o� this rssolati�o�n to the Chais�an ot ld.T.C. _ � , .,,� _ . , vY.� , �` � COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: - Yeas Nays Butler Hozza in Favor Hunt Levine � Against BY . ' Maddox • . Showalter ` __. ��� : Form Approved by City Attomey �� ' i/ Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By ,r - - : � -. Approved by iNavor. Date .�" � 2 2 � App�oved by Mayor for Submission to Council` �� � .. . _ - .. ,�. , ��,' � ' ' . .. F_-- �Re' . ,.!"_' .. .. �. .� . �... . . .�-. . . .t ..-..��- B}/ �. ' � . : � � . . ... . . . . . � . . �.� . By .... ,. .. .. . � ._- .: ._ ..� _�. ,.-..�� __.. .._ ..... .;,. .... . � - . . . . .. -.... .. .:..... . .�..... - ..�.._ . _� '- . . . ` - v_w.aw-zie'�;` _. _� , , � _ _. ., t. _. .- .:,i . �. .. �_ . ,. . ... ��. _.. . . : � . . . . .. . ..._ . . .. ...r"'y.c�f'•"'�"�_. . . . , . �.. : W�.; � � :.. ' .�r ._5..�_ . . ��.... � �n �'� r �. ,U'° � - � � %�� `°r�'� AMENDNLENT NO. I I I �°!! "�/ � � � JOINT POWERS. AGREEMENT �. ` �22 DOWNTOWN PEOPLE MOVER TRANSIT SYSTEM �, PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this -�� day of ����/ , 1979, by and between the Metropolitan Transit Area, a public corporation and political subdivision of the State of Minnesota, acting by and through its governing body, the Metropolitan Transit Commission, hereinafter referred to as "MTC", and the City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation in the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as "City". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City and the MTC entered into a Joint Powerd Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "Agreement") dated June 21, 1977, providing for the conduct of the preliminary engineering phase of the Downtown People Mover Transit System (hereinafter referred to as "DPM") ; and WI�REAS, on January 10, 1978, City and MTC amended the Agreement to expand the scope of work and funding to include an analysis of non-fixed guideway alternatives to the DPM; and WHEREAS, on June 22, 1978, City and MTC further amended the Agreement to extend the term of the Agreement to March 1, 1979; and WHEREAS, the City and MTC now desire to further amend the Agreement to expand the scope of work, provide additional funding therefor, and extend the term from March 1, 1979, to January 1, 1980, or until the completion of said work, whichever is earlier; and WHEREAS, the City and MTC anticipate that this work will be partially funded by the Urban Mass Transportation Administration of the U.S. Department of Transportation; and WI�REAS, the City and �ITC are authorized pursuant to Minnesota. Statutes, Section 471.59, to enter into this Amendment to do and perform the things herein agreed to. NOW, THEREFORE, the City and MTC do hereby mutually agree as follows: 1. EFFECTIVE DATE - This Amendment shall not become effective until award of the grant amendments from the U.S. Department of Trans- portation coveri.ng the scope of work described in Exhibit A hereto. 2. TERM - The Agreement, as herein amended, shall remain in effect until January 1, 1980, or until completion o£ the work as described in Exhibit A hereto, whichever is earlier. 3. SCOP� OF WORK - Attached hereto and made a part of this Amendment . as Exhibit A is Phase IA, Implementation Planning, Supplemental Scope of Work dated December 4, 1978. � -�s'`"� /'_ -2- 4. CONIPLETION OF TASKS - The MTC and City shall assume responsi- bility for the completion of the tasks to which they are assigned under Exhibit A hereto. 5. CONSULTANT SELECTION - The designated consultants, previously selected under the Agreement, shall perform services for the conduct of tasks assigned to said consultants under Exhibit A hereto. . 6. CONSULTANT CONTRACT - The MTC shall amend the existing comple- tion of consul�tant tasks in accordance with Exhibit A hereto. 7. FUNDING - The City shall provide Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars in cash as the local share of the funding for the work included under Exhibit A hereto. 8. CONTRACT CONTINUATION - All terms and conditions of the Agree- ment, as amended, shall remain in full force and effect and its terms shall apply to this Amendment unless specifically modified or superseded by this Amendment. IN WITNESS WF�REOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives as of the day written above. � C OF SAINT PA r Approved as to Form: By - Mayor :� By ,ti_-. Assistant Cit + Attorn irector, artment of Finance S (; and Management Services METROPOLIT T SIT MM SSION By � Chief Administrator By C C rman ��By D' ctor o in nce � �� f � �� � .�i+�.'� ' THIRD AMENDATORY JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT DOWNTOWN PEOPLE MOVER TRANSIT SYSTEM PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING THIS AMENDMENT, Dated , 197_, is between the METROPOLITAN TRANSIT AREA, a public corporation and political sub- division of the State of Minnesota acting by and through its gov- erning body, the METROPOLITAN TRANSIT COMMISSION, herein referred to as "MTC" , and the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota, herein referred to as "City" ; CITY AND MTC RECITE AS FOLLOWS: 1. City and MTC entered into a Joint Powers Agreement (herein called "Agreement") dated June 21, 1977, providing for the conduct of a preliminary engineering phase of the Downtown People Mover Transit System, herein referred to as "DPM" . 2. On �anuary 10, "1978, City and MTC amenaed the Agreement to expand the scope of work and funding to include an analysis of non- � fixed guideway alternatives to the DPM. 3. On June 22, 1978, City and MTC further amended the Agreement to extend the term of the Agreement to March 1, 1979. 4. City and MTC now desire to further amend the Agreement to expand the scope of work, provide additional funding therefor, and extend the term from March l, 1979, to November 1, 1979, or until the completion of said work, whichever is earlier. � �'����:� 5. City and MTC anticipate that this work will be partially funded by the Urban Mass Transportation Administration of the U. S. Department of Transportation. 6. City and MTC are authorized pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.59, to enter into this Amendment to do and perform the things herein agreed to. CITY AND MTC THEREFORE AGREE AS FOLLOWS: l. EFFECTIVE DATE = This Amendment shall not become effective until recei�t �� a grant an�endment from the U. S. Departr�ient oF Transportation covering the scope of work described in Exhibit A hereto. 2. TERM - The Agreement, as herein amended, shall remain in effect until November l, 1979, or until completion of the wark as described in Exhibit A hereto, whichever is Parlier. 3. SCOPE OF WORK - Attached hereto and made a part of this Amendment as Exhibit A is Phase IA Supplemental Scope of Work dated December 4, 1978. • 4. COMPLETION OF TASKS - The MTC and City shall assume re- sponsibility for the completion of the tasks to which they are as- signed under Exhibit A hereto. 5. CONSULTANT SELECTION - The designated consultants, previously selected under the Agreement, shall perform services for the conduct 2. . _ � * . ������ of tasks assigned to said consultants under Exhib it A hereto. 6. CONSULTANT CONTRACT - The MTC shall amend the existing. com- pletion of consultant tasks in accordance with Exhib it A hereto. 7. FUNDING - The City shall provide Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars in cash as the local share of the funding for the work in- cluded under Exhibit A hereto. • 8. CONTRACT CONTINUATION - All terms and conditions of the Agreement, as amended, shall remain in full force and effect and its terms shall apply to this Amendment unlPSS spec�ifa.cally modified or superseded by this Amendment. EXECUTED by the City and MTC as of the date first above written. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Approved as to Form: By Mayor ���92� � Assistant City Attorney By Director, Department of Finance and Management Services METROPOLITAN TRANSIT COMMISSION By Chief Administrator By Chairman By Director of Finance and 3) Administration