01-1218Presented By Referred To �' �t � C�� Committee: Date �a j WI�REAS, the State is p]anning to perform grading, concrete surfacing, bridge removal, drainage, lighting, si�ing, signal and 2 bridge construction and other associated consuvcfion upon, along and adjacent to a portion of Trunk Highway 35E in accordance 3 with State plans, specifications and/or special provisions designated as State Project numbers 1982-129, 6280-307 and 19-090-05; 4 and � WIIEREAS, Minnesota Statute Secfion 161.20 subdivision 2 authorizes the Commissioner of Transportauon to make arrangements 6 with and cooperate with any governmental authority for the purpose of construcring, maintaining and 'unproving the trunk highway 7 system; and S 9 10 �� 12 13 14 15 1& 17 18 19 2� 21 22 23 z4 25 WFIEREAS, a detout will be required to carry Tmnk Highway No. 35E traff'ic during the construction project period, and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute Section 161.25 authorizes the Commissioner of Transpor[ation to designate by order, any public street or highway as a temporary trunk highway detour when he deternvnes that such detour is necessary for the putpose of conshvcling or maintaining any trunk highway, and he shall thereafter maintain the detour as a temporary hvnk highway until he revokes the designation; and WHEREAS, the following streets within the Samt Paul ciry limits will be uYilized for this detour route arid be designated as temporary trunk highways: Shepard Road from T.H. No. 35E northeasterly 0.9 miles to Otto Avenue, and on Otto Avenue from Shepazd Road westerly 0.4 miles ro T.H. 5, and WHEREAS, the State is willing to reimburse the City of Saint Paul Public Works Street Maintenance in the amount of $9,54736 for the road life consumed by che detour; and T'HEREFORE BE 1T MUTUALLY AGI2EED that the Ciry and State enter into Agreement No. 82169 with all its terms and wnditions Requested by Department of: Public Works By: Thomas Eggum, rect r Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Council File # G \ �� �.� Green Sheet # 11 Q473 NESOTA r� / /� �/�, By : � � / �L' � t tY��J"{ B S" —�l�� �-�_-� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by P?a�or: �7ate �+� a�L+�(T/ ,r �L���� BY BY: �/��/��,�(yE[/l`/ � Adopted by Council: Date '��,��V '�ce� c OEPARTMENf/OFFICE/CqUNqI EFTF IAYfIPSED N� 110473 Q� +` � r„bli� w�� o�con� is, woi GREEN SHEET IN UDATE INRIAVDATE CONTAGTPERSON&PFiDNE �D � q - :��€ —"'-b.– �CT'CRUNCIL GazyErichson 2�-6229 �� NUMB RFOfl 4 CRY0.TfORNEY ❑CiTYCIEHK 5T BE ON GOUNCII AGENDA BY (DATE) pp(m� OBDER 03 gUOGEf DIqECTOR FIN. & M6L SERVICES DIR October31,2i101 �MAYOR(ORASS151'ANiJ ❑ OTALiOF51GNATUflEPAGES __2_ (CUPALLLOCAiIONSWR5IGNANR� uAS50CIATE u�EPT.ACCOUMAM CTION flEQUESSED ouncil approval for Detour Agreement No. 82169 between the Ciry of Saint Paul and the State of Minnesota Department of cansportation for the use of 13 miles of city stceets as a detour during Trunk Highway 35E consffuction project RECAMMENDAT10N5 Approve (A) or Rejec4 (R) PERSONAL SERVICE COMRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: PLANNINGCOMMISSION CWILSERVICECOMMISSION 7, ���sperso�rtneverworkedunderacrontrac[forthisdepartment? YES NO CIBCOMMITfEE _ 2 ��� persoNfirtn ever been a city employee? _�� _ YES NO 3. Does ihis personMrtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any curtent ciry employee? OISTRICTCOUNCIL _ YES NO SUPPORTS WHICM COUNGL O&lECT1VE? Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and aHach to green sheet INRIA7ING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORiUNIN (WHO, WHA7, WHEN, WHERE, WHY): The State will be doing construction upon, along and adjacent to Ttunk Highway No. 35E. This project will requite the use of 1.3 miles of streets within the city limits of Saint Paul as a detour route. Streets to be utilized and designated as temporary trunk highways: Shepazd Road frora T.H. No. 35E northeasterly 0.9 miles to Otto Avenue, and on Otto Avenue from Shepazd Road westerly 0.4 miles to T.H. 5. The State will reimburse the Ciry of Saint Paul in the amonnt of $9,54736 for the road ]ife consumed by the detour during the contract construction period (approximately 300 days). ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � Tlus agreement enables the State of Minnesota DeQartment of Transportation to complete its construction project for a portion of Trunk Highway 35E as planned. Compliance with Minnesota State Statute 161.25 authorizing the Commissioner of TransportaGon to make arrangements with and cooperate with any governmental authority for the pmpose of consiructing, maintaining and improving the hvnk highway system. S l���� Y �� DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVE�: DCT (, J �OOP None � g � { � p � ° � - � - pg �� �/ V� A� d"'1 t 1 ORlvl� I DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: The Ciry of Saint Paul would not be in compliance with Minnesota State Stamte 161.25. �ouncil Research Center OCT � 0 200� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ $9,547.3G COSTIREYENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) � S No FUNDING SOURCE Sta[e of Minnesota Department of TranSpOrtR[ion qCfTVITY NUM9ER Z25-42310-3450 FINANCIALLNFOR4AATIpN:(EXPLAIN) GISJk � �� S�l■ � . ' / ' PRE-LETTING SERVICES SECTION STATE OF NIIDiNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DETOUR AGREEMENT rir�lnoz AGREEMENT NO. 82169 The State of Minnesota Department of Transportation, and The City of St. Paul Re: Compensation for road life consumed by the T.A. 35E detour ORIGINAL AMOi3NT ENCUM 59,547.36 AMOUNT RECEIVABLE on THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as the '�State" and the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, acting by and through its City Council, hereinafter referred to as the "City". O, �� �`� S.P. 1982-129 (T.H. 35E=390) S.P. 6280-307 (T.H. 35E=390? S.P. 19-090-05 State Funds FI fl , _ �,.�r � WHEREAS the State is about to perform grading, concrete surfacing, r brid e removal draina e, li htin si nin si nal and brid e 9 � 5 g 5, 9 5, 9 J construction and other associated construction upon, along and adjacent to Trunk Highway No. 35E from Engineer Station 7+530 to Engineer Station 8+921 in accordance with State plans, specifications andJor special provisions designated as State Project's No. 1982-129, No. 6280-307 (T.H. 35E=390} and S.P. 19-090-05; and wHEREAS a detour will be required to carry Trunk Highway No. 35E traffic on Shepard Road and Otto Avenue during the contract construction; and WHEREAS Minnesota Statutes Section 161.25 authorizes the Commissioner of Transportation to designate by order, any public street or highway as a temporary trunk highway detour when he determines that such detour is necessary for the purpose of constructing or maintaining any trunk highway, and he shall thereafter maintain the detour as a temporary trunk highway until he revokes the designation; and WHEREAS the State is willing to reimburse the City for the road life consumed by the detour as hereinafter set forth, such reimbursement to be based on the income determined by the "Gas Tax Method" as set forth in the Detour Management Study Final Report dated January 1991; and WF3EREAS Minnesota Statutes Section 161.20, subdivision 2 authorizes the Commissioner of Transportation to make arrangements with and cooperate with any governmental authority for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and improving the trunk highway system. 2 o�-���ir 82169 IT IS, THEREFORE, MUTIIALLY AGRSED AS FOLLOWS: I�RTICLE I - DETOT3R Section A. Location Those portions of the Trunk Highway No. 35E detour which utilize City streets are on Shepard Road from Trunk Highway No. 35E northeasterly £or 0.9 miles to Otto Avenue, and on Otto Avenue from Shepard Road westerly for 0.4 miles to Trunk Highway iVo. 5. Section S. Axle Loads and Over-Dimension Loads The City sha11 permit 9-ton axle loads on that portion of the Trunk Highway No. 35E detour which is on City streets. Over-dimension loads will not be permitted except in cases of extreme emergency. Section C Traffic Control Devices The State may install, maintain and remove any traffic control devices it considers necessary to properly control the detoured traffic. Roadway markings, such as the center line, edge lines and necessary messages, may be painted by the State. Seetion D Detour Maintenance The State will provide any necessary bituminous patching and ordinary maintenance on the roadway or shoulder of the City streets used for the Trunk Highway No. 35E detour, at no cost or expense to the City. Bituminous patching is defined as any work, including continuous full-width overlays, less than 100 feet in length. All State expenditures beyond those required for bituminous patching and ordinary maintenance will be credited against the road life reimbursement due the City. 3 � � - �a.�d' 82169 Section E. Duration The Trunk Highway No. 35E detour will begin on the date the State designates same as a detour by the placement of signs thereon and will cease when such signing is removed by the State. The State shall provide the City with advance written notification identifying the dates that the State intends to place and remove the detour signing. ARTICLE II - BASIS OF STATE COST Section A. Gas Tax Method The "Gas Tax Method" formula, as set forth in the Detour Management Study Final Report dated 3anuary 1991, multiplies the Combined Tax Factor per mile times the Average Daily Traffic count times the City street length in miles times the duration of the detour in days to determine the State�s cost for the road life consumed by the detour. Section B. Ec;uivalent Overlay Method The City has the option of doing an "Equivalent Overlay Method" analysis, the procedure far which is set forth in the Detour Management Study Final Repoxt dated January 1991. Testing and analysis must be performed by a State-approved £irm, at no cost or expense to the State. The City shall keep records and accounts that enable it to verify any claim that it might bring against the State for additional State costs using the "Equivalent Overlay Method". ARTICLE III - PAYMENT OF 5TATE COST It is estimated that the State's cost for the road life consumed by the Trunk Highway No. 35E detour is $9,547.36, based on a Combined Tax Factor of 0.00392, an Average Daily Traffic count of 6245 vehicles diverted from Trunk Aighway No. 35E, a City street length of 1.3 miles and an estimated detour duration of 300 days. 0 V � �,�` � 82169 The State's total payment for the road life consumed by the Trunk _ Aighway No. 35E detour is equal to the amount computed by using the "Gas Tax Method" formula plus any amount determined by using the "Equivalent Overlay Method" analysis which is in excess of twice the "Gas Tax Method" amount. However, the maximum obligation o£ the State under this Agreement shall not exceed $20,000.00, unless the maximum obligation is increased by execution of an amendment to this Agreement. The State shall pay to the City the State's total road life payment amount after the following conditions have been met: A. Execution and approval of this Agreement and the State's transmittal of same to the City. B. Encumbrance by the State of the State's total road life payment amount. C. Removal of State signing in accordance with Article I, Section E. of this Agreement. D. Notification by the State to the City that the detour signing has been removed, and the number of days the detour was in effect. E. Receipt by the State of a written request from the City, signed by the State's District Engineer at Roseville or his duly authorized representative, for the payment of the State's total road life payment amount. ARTICLE IV - GENERAL PROVISI4N5 Section A. Road Restoration The City, by accepting the State's road life payment plan and total payment amount, does hereby release the State of its obligation, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 161.25, to restore the City � o s •���t 82169 streets used as a Trunk Highway No. 35E detour to as good a condition ' as existed before the routing of the detour traffic thereon. SPCtion B Examination o£ Books Records �stc As provided by Minnesota Statutes Section 16C.05, subdivision 5, the books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices of the State and the City relevant to this Agreement are subject to examination by the State and the City, and either the legislative auditor or the state auditor as appropriate, for a minimum of six years from final payment. Section C Agzeement A��roval Before this Agreement shall become binding and effective, it shall be approved by a City Council resolution and receive approval of State and City of£icers as the law may provide in addition to the Commissioner of Transportation or his authorized representative. ARTICLE V - AUTHORIZED AGENTS The State's Authorized Agent for the purpose of the administration of this Agreement is Maryanne Kelly-Sonnek, Municipal Agreements Engineer, or her successor. Her current address and phone number are 395 3ohn Ireland Boulevard, Mailstop 662, St. Paul, Minnesota 55155, (651) 296-0969. The City's Authorized Agent for the purpose of the administration of this Agreement is Thomas Eggum, City Engineer and Public Works Director, or his successor. Ais current address and phone number are 1000 City Ha11 Annex, 25 West 4`" Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102, (651) 266-8989. 3 . � . , - Presented By Referred To 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 i5 16 17 i8 19 2{3 21 22 23 24 25 :� /� . i / // Council Fi1e # � \ ��'�.�' Green Sheet # 110473 NNESOTA aa kequested by Departmen[. of: Public Works By: Thomas Eggum, ect r Adopted by Council: Date ��,,, a_y_T o� Form Approved by City Attorney ' �,!, Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY: �� �,y? ��� (� d• B �" -�1�, �\ � 1 � - �oved by Mayor £or Submission to Council Approved by P?a3+or: �ate �Y Z ( 7^�(�/ �_— By: \�/�s//�. f//'//'2�G��� / Committee: Date WHEREAS, the State is planning to perform gading, co�crete suifacing, bridge removal, drainage, lighting, signing, signal and bridge construction and other associated construction upon, along and adjacent to a portion of Trunk Highway 35E in accordance with State plans, specifications and/or special provisions desia ated as State Project numbers 1982-129, 6280-307 and 19-090-05; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute Section 161.20 subdivision 2 authorizes the Commissioner of Transportation to make arrangements with and cooperate with any governmental authority for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and improving the trunk highway system; and WHEREAS, a detour will be required to carry Trunk Highway No. 35E traffic during the construction project period, and WHEREAS, Mi�nesota Statute Section 161.25 authorizes the Commissioner of Transportation to desi�nate by order, any public street or highway as a temporary trunk highway detour when he deternunes tha[ sach detour is necessary for the purpose of constructing or maintaining any trunk highway, and he shall thereafter maintain the detour as a temporary trunk highway until he revokes the designation; and WHEREAS, the following streets within the Saint Paul city limits will be utilized for this detour route and be designated as temporary trunk highways: Shepud Road from T.H. No. 35E northeasterly 0.9 miles to Otto Avenue, and on Otto Avenue from Shepard Road westerly 0.4 miles ro T.H. 5, and WHEREAS, the State is willing to reunbuzse the City of Saint Paul Public Works Street Maintenance in the amount of $9,54736 for the road life consumed by the detour; and TfIEREFORE BE 1T MUTUALLY AGREED that the Ciry and State enter into Agreement No. 82169 with all iu terms and conditions By: DEPARTMENr/OFPICFJCOUNQL EATE I�YfIPSED 110473 �� ` � Pnblic Wa�ks October 15 200� GREEN SHEET No. INI AVDATE INIf1AUDATE CONfACT PEFiSON & PHONE �. .t.GI, � q G Ericivson 26(r6229 .(�j � }�� t"r" ❑6 cmrcouNC�� MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENDABY(�AT� p O�NG PoR '��CmA�O�� ❑CRYCLEPK ORDEfi ' BUDGEf DIqECTOR ❑ FIN. & MGT. SEflVICES DIR October 31, 2001 � MAVOF (OR A$$ISTAPfi) ❑ OTALtOF51GNATUREPAGES '� (CLIPALLLOCATOtiSFORSIGNqTUfl� uASSOCIA7E uDEPT.ACCOUMANf O� CIION flEQUE5iED ouncil approval for Detour A�reement No. 82169 between the City of Saint Paul and the State of Minnesota Department of ransportarion for the use of 1.3 miles of ciry sh�eets as a detour during Trunk Highway 35E construction projecL flECOMMENDAiIONS: Approve (A) ar Fejat (R) pEHSONAL SEHYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING dUES770NS: PLANNMGCAMMISSION CMLSERVICECOMMISSION 7. HasthispersoNfirtneverworkedunderacontrec[forthisdepartment? YES NO _asCOnnMmEE _ 2. HasthispersoNfirtnever6eenac em I � �Y PoYee _�� _ YES NO 3. Does ihis persoNfirtn possess a skill not nortnally possessetl by any curtent ciry employee? DISTHICTCqUNCIL _ YES NO SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECfIVE? Explain all yes answers on separate sheet arW attach W green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOFTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH1�� The State will be doing construction upon, along and adjacent to Trunk Highway No. 35E. This project will require the use of 13 miles of streets within the city limiu of Saint Paul as a detow route. Streets to be utilized and designated as temporary trvnk highways: Shepard Road from T.H. No. 35E northeasterly 0.9 miles to Otto Avenue, and on Otto Avenue from Shepard Road westerly O,A miles to T.H. 5. Tfie State will reimburse the City of Saint Paul in the amount of $9,54736 for the road life consumed by the detour during the contract construcuon period (approximately 300 days). ADVANTAGES If APPflOVED. � This agreement enables the State of Minnesota Department of Transportation to complete its construction project for a portion of Tmnk Highway 35E as planned. Compliance with Minnesota State Statute 161.25 authorizing the Commissioner of Transportaflon to make arrangemenu with and cooperate with any governmental authority for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and improving the hunk highway system. 1 1���� M �� DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: OCT (,� J LOOI None C1TY ATTOR(UEY DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The City of Saint Paul would not be in compliance with Minnesota State Statute 16125. �ouncil Research Center OCT � 0 p001 TO7ALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ $9 ,547.36 CO57/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) S No FUNDING SOURCE S�� of Minneso[a Deparlmen[ of Transporta[ion pCIN1TY NUMBER 225-42310-3450 FfNANC1AL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Gtxn, o � -� aar PRE-LETTING SERVICES SECTION STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DETOUR AGREEMENT Mn/DOT AGREEMENT NO. 82169 S.P. 1982-129 (T.H. 35E=390) S.P. 6280-307 (T.H. 35E=390) S.P. 19-090-05 State Funds The State of Minnesota Department of Transportation, and The City of St. Paul Re: Compensation for road life consumed by the T.H. 35E detour �iT i�efii�� �� AMOUNT ENCUMBERED 59.547.36 AMOUNT RECEIVABLE (None) THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the State Minnesota, Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to the ��State" and the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, acting by and through its City Council, hereinafter referred to as the "City". of as 1 o,_�s�r 82169 WHEREAS the State is about to perform grading, concrete surfacing, ` bridge removal, drainage, lighting, signing, signal and bridge construction and other associated construction upon, along and adjacent to Trunk Highway No. 35E from Engineer Station 7+530 to Engineer Station 8+921 in accordance with State plans, specifications and/or special provisions designated as State Project's No. 1982-129, No. 6280-307 (T.H. 35E=390) and S.P. 19-090-05; and WHEREAS a detour will be required to carry Trunk Highway No. 35E traffic on Shepard Road and Otto Avenue during the contract construction; and WHEREAS Minnesota Statutes Section 161.25 authorizes the Commissioner of Transportation to designate by order, any public street or highway as a temporary trunk highway detour when he determines that such detour is necessary for the purpose of constructing or maintaining any trunk highway, and he shall thereafter maintain the detour as a temporary trunk highway until he revokes the designation; and WHEREAS the State is willing to reimburse the City for the road life consumed by the detour as hereinafter set forth, such reimbursement to be based on the income determined by the "Gas Tax Method" as set £orth in the Detour Management Study Final Report dated January 1991; and WAEREAS Minnesota Statutes Section 161.20, subdivision 2 authorizes the Commissioner of Transportation to make arrangements with and cooperate with any governmental authority for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and improving the trunk highway system. 2 o�-�a�ir �=f7 IT 25, THEREFORE, MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: ARTICLE _ - DETOUR Section A. Location Those portions of the Trunk Highway No. 35E detour which utilize City streets are on Shepard Road from Trunk Highway No. 35E northeasterly for 0.9 miles to Otto Avenue, and on Otto Avenue from Shepard Road westerly for 0.4 miles to Trunk Highway No. 5. S�ction B. Axle Loads and Over-Dimension Loads The City shall permit 9-ton axle loads on that portion of the Trunk Highway No. 35E detour which is on City streets. Over-dimension loads will not be permitted except in cases of extreme emergency. Seetion C. Traffic Control Devices The State may install, maintain and remove any traffic control devices it considers necessary to properly control the detoured traffic. Roadway markings, such as the center line, edge lines and necessary messages, may be painted by the State. �etion D. Detour Maintenance The State will provide any necessary bituminous patching and ordinary maintenance on the roadway or shoulder of the City streets used for the Trunk Highway No. 35E detour, at no cost or expense to the City. Bituminous patching is defined as any work, including continuous full-width overlays, less than 100 feet in length. All State expenditures beyond those required for bituminous patching and ordinary maintenance will be credited against the road life reimbursement due the City. 3 9 � • � 82169 Section E. Duration The Trunk Highway No. 35E detour will begin on the date the State designates same as a detour by the placement of signs thereon and will cease when such signing is removed by the State. The State shall provide the City with advance written notification identifying the dates that the State intends to place and remove the detour signing. ARTICLE 2I - BASIS OF STATE COST Section A. Gas Tax Method The "Gas Tax Method" formula, as set forth in the Detour Management Study Final Report dated January 1991, multiplies the Combined Tax Factor per mile times the Average Daily Traffic count times the City street length in miles times the duration of the detour in days to determine the State's cost for the road life consumed by the detour. Section B. Equivalent Overlay Method The City has the option of doing an "Equivalent Overlay Method" analysis, tize procedure for which is set forth in the Detour Management Study Final Report dated January 1991. Testing and analysis must be performed by a State-approved firm, at no cost or expense to the State. The City shall keep records and accounts that enable it to verify any claim that it might bring against the State for additional State costs using the '�Equivalent Overlay Method". ARTICLE I2I - PAYMENT OF STATE COST It is estimated that the State's cost for the road life consumed by the Trunk Highway No. 35E detour is $9,547.36, based on a Combined Tax Factor of 0.00392, an Average Daily Traffic count of 6245 vehicles diverted from Trunk Highway No. 35E, a City street length of 1.3 miles and an estimated detour duration of 300 days. 0 0 � —tia.�P 82169 The State's total payment for the road life consumed by the Trunk Highway No. 35E detour is equal to the amount computed by using the "Gas Tax Method" formula plus any amount determined by using the "Equivalent Overlay Method" analysis which is in excess of twice the "Gas Tax Method" amount. Aowever, the maximum obligation of the State under this Agreement shall not exceed $20,000.00, unless the maximum obligation is increased by execution of an amendment to this Agreement. The State shall pay to the City the State�s total road life payment amount after the following conditions have been met: A. Execution and approval of this Agreement and the State's transmittal of same to the City. B. Encumbrance by the State of the State's total road life payment amount. C. Removal of State signing in accordance with Article I, Section E. of this Agreement. D. Notification by the Sta�e to the City that the detour signing has been removed, and the number of days the detour was in effect. E. Receipt by the State of a written request from the City, signed by the State's District Engineer at Roseville or his duly authorized representative, for the payment of the State's total road life payment amount. ARTICLFs IV - GPtNERAL PROVISTONS Section A. Road Restoration The City, by accepting the State's road life payment plan and total payment amount, does hereby release the State of its obligation, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 161.25, to restore the City 5 o � -�a� 82169 streets used as a Trunk Highway No. 35E detour to as good a condition ' as existed before the routing of the detour traffic thereon. Section B Examination o£ Books. Records, Etc. As provided by Minnesota Statutes Section 16C.05, subdivision 5, the books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices of the State and the City relevant to this Agreement are subject to examination by the State and the City, and either the legislative auditor or the state auditor as appropriate, for a minimum of six years from final payment. Section C A_greement Ar�oroval Before this Agreement shall become binding and effective, it shall be approved by a City Council resolution and receive approval of State and City officers as the law may provide in addition to the Commissioner of Transportation or his authorized representative. ARTICLE V - AUTHORIZED AGENTS The State's Authorized Agent for the purpose of the administration of this Agreement is Maryanne Kelly-Sonnek, Municipal Agreements Engineer, or her successor. Her current address and phone number are 395 John Ireland Boulevard, Mailstop 682, St. Paul, Minnesota 55155, (651) 296-0969. The City's Authorized Agent for the purpose of the administration of this Agreement is Thomas Eggum, City Engineer and Public Works Director, or his successor. His current address and phone number are 1000 City Hall Annex, 25 West 4 Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102, (651) 266-8989. 0 Presented By Referred To �' �t � C�� Committee: Date �a j WI�REAS, the State is p]anning to perform grading, concrete surfacing, bridge removal, drainage, lighting, si�ing, signal and 2 bridge construction and other associated consuvcfion upon, along and adjacent to a portion of Trunk Highway 35E in accordance 3 with State plans, specifications and/or special provisions designated as State Project numbers 1982-129, 6280-307 and 19-090-05; 4 and � WIIEREAS, Minnesota Statute Secfion 161.20 subdivision 2 authorizes the Commissioner of Transportauon to make arrangements 6 with and cooperate with any governmental authority for the purpose of construcring, maintaining and 'unproving the trunk highway 7 system; and S 9 10 �� 12 13 14 15 1& 17 18 19 2� 21 22 23 z4 25 WFIEREAS, a detout will be required to carry Tmnk Highway No. 35E traff'ic during the construction project period, and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute Section 161.25 authorizes the Commissioner of Transpor[ation to designate by order, any public street or highway as a temporary trunk highway detour when he deternvnes that such detour is necessary for the putpose of conshvcling or maintaining any trunk highway, and he shall thereafter maintain the detour as a temporary hvnk highway until he revokes the designation; and WHEREAS, the following streets within the Samt Paul ciry limits will be uYilized for this detour route arid be designated as temporary trunk highways: Shepard Road from T.H. No. 35E northeasterly 0.9 miles to Otto Avenue, and on Otto Avenue from Shepazd Road westerly 0.4 miles ro T.H. 5, and WHEREAS, the State is willing to reimburse the City of Saint Paul Public Works Street Maintenance in the amount of $9,54736 for the road life consumed by che detour; and T'HEREFORE BE 1T MUTUALLY AGI2EED that the Ciry and State enter into Agreement No. 82169 with all its terms and wnditions Requested by Department of: Public Works By: Thomas Eggum, rect r Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Council File # G \ �� �.� Green Sheet # 11 Q473 NESOTA r� / /� �/�, By : � � / �L' � t tY��J"{ B S" —�l�� �-�_-� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by P?a�or: �7ate �+� a�L+�(T/ ,r �L���� BY BY: �/��/��,�(yE[/l`/ � Adopted by Council: Date '��,��V '�ce� c OEPARTMENf/OFFICE/CqUNqI EFTF IAYfIPSED N� 110473 Q� +` � r„bli� w�� o�con� is, woi GREEN SHEET IN UDATE INRIAVDATE CONTAGTPERSON&PFiDNE �D � q - :��€ —"'-b.– �CT'CRUNCIL GazyErichson 2�-6229 �� NUMB RFOfl 4 CRY0.TfORNEY ❑CiTYCIEHK 5T BE ON GOUNCII AGENDA BY (DATE) pp(m� OBDER 03 gUOGEf DIqECTOR FIN. & M6L SERVICES DIR October31,2i101 �MAYOR(ORASS151'ANiJ ❑ OTALiOF51GNATUflEPAGES __2_ (CUPALLLOCAiIONSWR5IGNANR� uAS50CIATE u�EPT.ACCOUMAM CTION flEQUESSED ouncil approval for Detour Agreement No. 82169 between the Ciry of Saint Paul and the State of Minnesota Department of cansportation for the use of 13 miles of city stceets as a detour during Trunk Highway 35E consffuction project RECAMMENDAT10N5 Approve (A) or Rejec4 (R) PERSONAL SERVICE COMRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: PLANNINGCOMMISSION CWILSERVICECOMMISSION 7, ���sperso�rtneverworkedunderacrontrac[forthisdepartment? YES NO CIBCOMMITfEE _ 2 ��� persoNfirtn ever been a city employee? _�� _ YES NO 3. Does ihis personMrtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any curtent ciry employee? OISTRICTCOUNCIL _ YES NO SUPPORTS WHICM COUNGL O&lECT1VE? Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and aHach to green sheet INRIA7ING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORiUNIN (WHO, WHA7, WHEN, WHERE, WHY): The State will be doing construction upon, along and adjacent to Ttunk Highway No. 35E. This project will requite the use of 1.3 miles of streets within the city limits of Saint Paul as a detour route. Streets to be utilized and designated as temporary trunk highways: Shepazd Road frora T.H. No. 35E northeasterly 0.9 miles to Otto Avenue, and on Otto Avenue from Shepazd Road westerly 0.4 miles to T.H. 5. The State will reimburse the Ciry of Saint Paul in the amonnt of $9,54736 for the road ]ife consumed by the detour during the contract construction period (approximately 300 days). ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � Tlus agreement enables the State of Minnesota DeQartment of Transportation to complete its construction project for a portion of Trunk Highway 35E as planned. Compliance with Minnesota State Statute 161.25 authorizing the Commissioner of TransportaGon to make arrangements with and cooperate with any governmental authority for the pmpose of consiructing, maintaining and improving the hvnk highway system. S l���� Y �� DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVE�: DCT (, J �OOP None � g � { � p � ° � - � - pg �� �/ V� A� d"'1 t 1 ORlvl� I DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: The Ciry of Saint Paul would not be in compliance with Minnesota State Stamte 161.25. �ouncil Research Center OCT � 0 200� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ $9,547.3G COSTIREYENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) � S No FUNDING SOURCE Sta[e of Minnesota Department of TranSpOrtR[ion qCfTVITY NUM9ER Z25-42310-3450 FINANCIALLNFOR4AATIpN:(EXPLAIN) GISJk � �� S�l■ � . ' / ' PRE-LETTING SERVICES SECTION STATE OF NIIDiNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DETOUR AGREEMENT rir�lnoz AGREEMENT NO. 82169 The State of Minnesota Department of Transportation, and The City of St. Paul Re: Compensation for road life consumed by the T.A. 35E detour ORIGINAL AMOi3NT ENCUM 59,547.36 AMOUNT RECEIVABLE on THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as the '�State" and the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, acting by and through its City Council, hereinafter referred to as the "City". O, �� �`� S.P. 1982-129 (T.H. 35E=390) S.P. 6280-307 (T.H. 35E=390? S.P. 19-090-05 State Funds FI fl , _ �,.�r � WHEREAS the State is about to perform grading, concrete surfacing, r brid e removal draina e, li htin si nin si nal and brid e 9 � 5 g 5, 9 5, 9 J construction and other associated construction upon, along and adjacent to Trunk Highway No. 35E from Engineer Station 7+530 to Engineer Station 8+921 in accordance with State plans, specifications andJor special provisions designated as State Project's No. 1982-129, No. 6280-307 (T.H. 35E=390} and S.P. 19-090-05; and wHEREAS a detour will be required to carry Trunk Highway No. 35E traffic on Shepard Road and Otto Avenue during the contract construction; and WHEREAS Minnesota Statutes Section 161.25 authorizes the Commissioner of Transportation to designate by order, any public street or highway as a temporary trunk highway detour when he determines that such detour is necessary for the purpose of constructing or maintaining any trunk highway, and he shall thereafter maintain the detour as a temporary trunk highway until he revokes the designation; and WHEREAS the State is willing to reimburse the City for the road life consumed by the detour as hereinafter set forth, such reimbursement to be based on the income determined by the "Gas Tax Method" as set forth in the Detour Management Study Final Report dated January 1991; and WF3EREAS Minnesota Statutes Section 161.20, subdivision 2 authorizes the Commissioner of Transportation to make arrangements with and cooperate with any governmental authority for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and improving the trunk highway system. 2 o�-���ir 82169 IT IS, THEREFORE, MUTIIALLY AGRSED AS FOLLOWS: I�RTICLE I - DETOT3R Section A. Location Those portions of the Trunk Highway No. 35E detour which utilize City streets are on Shepard Road from Trunk Highway No. 35E northeasterly £or 0.9 miles to Otto Avenue, and on Otto Avenue from Shepard Road westerly for 0.4 miles to Trunk Highway iVo. 5. Section S. Axle Loads and Over-Dimension Loads The City sha11 permit 9-ton axle loads on that portion of the Trunk Highway No. 35E detour which is on City streets. Over-dimension loads will not be permitted except in cases of extreme emergency. Section C Traffic Control Devices The State may install, maintain and remove any traffic control devices it considers necessary to properly control the detoured traffic. Roadway markings, such as the center line, edge lines and necessary messages, may be painted by the State. Seetion D Detour Maintenance The State will provide any necessary bituminous patching and ordinary maintenance on the roadway or shoulder of the City streets used for the Trunk Highway No. 35E detour, at no cost or expense to the City. Bituminous patching is defined as any work, including continuous full-width overlays, less than 100 feet in length. All State expenditures beyond those required for bituminous patching and ordinary maintenance will be credited against the road life reimbursement due the City. 3 � � - �a.�d' 82169 Section E. Duration The Trunk Highway No. 35E detour will begin on the date the State designates same as a detour by the placement of signs thereon and will cease when such signing is removed by the State. The State shall provide the City with advance written notification identifying the dates that the State intends to place and remove the detour signing. ARTICLE II - BASIS OF STATE COST Section A. Gas Tax Method The "Gas Tax Method" formula, as set forth in the Detour Management Study Final Report dated 3anuary 1991, multiplies the Combined Tax Factor per mile times the Average Daily Traffic count times the City street length in miles times the duration of the detour in days to determine the State�s cost for the road life consumed by the detour. Section B. Ec;uivalent Overlay Method The City has the option of doing an "Equivalent Overlay Method" analysis, the procedure far which is set forth in the Detour Management Study Final Repoxt dated January 1991. Testing and analysis must be performed by a State-approved £irm, at no cost or expense to the State. The City shall keep records and accounts that enable it to verify any claim that it might bring against the State for additional State costs using the "Equivalent Overlay Method". ARTICLE III - PAYMENT OF 5TATE COST It is estimated that the State's cost for the road life consumed by the Trunk Highway No. 35E detour is $9,547.36, based on a Combined Tax Factor of 0.00392, an Average Daily Traffic count of 6245 vehicles diverted from Trunk Aighway No. 35E, a City street length of 1.3 miles and an estimated detour duration of 300 days. 0 V � �,�` � 82169 The State's total payment for the road life consumed by the Trunk _ Aighway No. 35E detour is equal to the amount computed by using the "Gas Tax Method" formula plus any amount determined by using the "Equivalent Overlay Method" analysis which is in excess of twice the "Gas Tax Method" amount. However, the maximum obligation o£ the State under this Agreement shall not exceed $20,000.00, unless the maximum obligation is increased by execution of an amendment to this Agreement. The State shall pay to the City the State's total road life payment amount after the following conditions have been met: A. Execution and approval of this Agreement and the State's transmittal of same to the City. B. Encumbrance by the State of the State's total road life payment amount. C. Removal of State signing in accordance with Article I, Section E. of this Agreement. D. Notification by the State to the City that the detour signing has been removed, and the number of days the detour was in effect. E. Receipt by the State of a written request from the City, signed by the State's District Engineer at Roseville or his duly authorized representative, for the payment of the State's total road life payment amount. ARTICLE IV - GENERAL PROVISI4N5 Section A. Road Restoration The City, by accepting the State's road life payment plan and total payment amount, does hereby release the State of its obligation, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 161.25, to restore the City � o s •���t 82169 streets used as a Trunk Highway No. 35E detour to as good a condition ' as existed before the routing of the detour traffic thereon. SPCtion B Examination o£ Books Records �stc As provided by Minnesota Statutes Section 16C.05, subdivision 5, the books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices of the State and the City relevant to this Agreement are subject to examination by the State and the City, and either the legislative auditor or the state auditor as appropriate, for a minimum of six years from final payment. Section C Agzeement A��roval Before this Agreement shall become binding and effective, it shall be approved by a City Council resolution and receive approval of State and City of£icers as the law may provide in addition to the Commissioner of Transportation or his authorized representative. ARTICLE V - AUTHORIZED AGENTS The State's Authorized Agent for the purpose of the administration of this Agreement is Maryanne Kelly-Sonnek, Municipal Agreements Engineer, or her successor. Her current address and phone number are 395 3ohn Ireland Boulevard, Mailstop 662, St. Paul, Minnesota 55155, (651) 296-0969. The City's Authorized Agent for the purpose of the administration of this Agreement is Thomas Eggum, City Engineer and Public Works Director, or his successor. Ais current address and phone number are 1000 City Ha11 Annex, 25 West 4`" Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102, (651) 266-8989. 3 . � . , - Presented By Referred To 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 i5 16 17 i8 19 2{3 21 22 23 24 25 :� /� . i / // Council Fi1e # � \ ��'�.�' Green Sheet # 110473 NNESOTA aa kequested by Departmen[. of: Public Works By: Thomas Eggum, ect r Adopted by Council: Date ��,,, a_y_T o� Form Approved by City Attorney ' �,!, Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY: �� �,y? ��� (� d• B �" -�1�, �\ � 1 � - �oved by Mayor £or Submission to Council Approved by P?a3+or: �ate �Y Z ( 7^�(�/ �_— By: \�/�s//�. f//'//'2�G��� / Committee: Date WHEREAS, the State is planning to perform gading, co�crete suifacing, bridge removal, drainage, lighting, signing, signal and bridge construction and other associated construction upon, along and adjacent to a portion of Trunk Highway 35E in accordance with State plans, specifications and/or special provisions desia ated as State Project numbers 1982-129, 6280-307 and 19-090-05; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute Section 161.20 subdivision 2 authorizes the Commissioner of Transportation to make arrangements with and cooperate with any governmental authority for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and improving the trunk highway system; and WHEREAS, a detour will be required to carry Trunk Highway No. 35E traffic during the construction project period, and WHEREAS, Mi�nesota Statute Section 161.25 authorizes the Commissioner of Transportation to desi�nate by order, any public street or highway as a temporary trunk highway detour when he deternunes tha[ sach detour is necessary for the purpose of constructing or maintaining any trunk highway, and he shall thereafter maintain the detour as a temporary trunk highway until he revokes the designation; and WHEREAS, the following streets within the Saint Paul city limits will be utilized for this detour route and be designated as temporary trunk highways: Shepud Road from T.H. No. 35E northeasterly 0.9 miles to Otto Avenue, and on Otto Avenue from Shepard Road westerly 0.4 miles ro T.H. 5, and WHEREAS, the State is willing to reunbuzse the City of Saint Paul Public Works Street Maintenance in the amount of $9,54736 for the road life consumed by the detour; and TfIEREFORE BE 1T MUTUALLY AGREED that the Ciry and State enter into Agreement No. 82169 with all iu terms and conditions By: DEPARTMENr/OFPICFJCOUNQL EATE I�YfIPSED 110473 �� ` � Pnblic Wa�ks October 15 200� GREEN SHEET No. INI AVDATE INIf1AUDATE CONfACT PEFiSON & PHONE �. .t.GI, � q G Ericivson 26(r6229 .(�j � }�� t"r" ❑6 cmrcouNC�� MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENDABY(�AT� p O�NG PoR '��CmA�O�� ❑CRYCLEPK ORDEfi ' BUDGEf DIqECTOR ❑ FIN. & MGT. SEflVICES DIR October 31, 2001 � MAVOF (OR A$$ISTAPfi) ❑ OTALtOF51GNATUREPAGES '� (CLIPALLLOCATOtiSFORSIGNqTUfl� uASSOCIA7E uDEPT.ACCOUMANf O� CIION flEQUE5iED ouncil approval for Detour A�reement No. 82169 between the City of Saint Paul and the State of Minnesota Department of ransportarion for the use of 1.3 miles of ciry sh�eets as a detour during Trunk Highway 35E construction projecL flECOMMENDAiIONS: Approve (A) ar Fejat (R) pEHSONAL SEHYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING dUES770NS: PLANNMGCAMMISSION CMLSERVICECOMMISSION 7. HasthispersoNfirtneverworkedunderacontrec[forthisdepartment? YES NO _asCOnnMmEE _ 2. HasthispersoNfirtnever6eenac em I � �Y PoYee _�� _ YES NO 3. Does ihis persoNfirtn possess a skill not nortnally possessetl by any curtent ciry employee? DISTHICTCqUNCIL _ YES NO SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECfIVE? Explain all yes answers on separate sheet arW attach W green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOFTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH1�� The State will be doing construction upon, along and adjacent to Trunk Highway No. 35E. This project will require the use of 13 miles of streets within the city limiu of Saint Paul as a detow route. Streets to be utilized and designated as temporary trvnk highways: Shepard Road from T.H. No. 35E northeasterly 0.9 miles to Otto Avenue, and on Otto Avenue from Shepard Road westerly O,A miles to T.H. 5. Tfie State will reimburse the City of Saint Paul in the amount of $9,54736 for the road life consumed by the detour during the contract construcuon period (approximately 300 days). ADVANTAGES If APPflOVED. � This agreement enables the State of Minnesota Department of Transportation to complete its construction project for a portion of Tmnk Highway 35E as planned. Compliance with Minnesota State Statute 161.25 authorizing the Commissioner of Transportaflon to make arrangemenu with and cooperate with any governmental authority for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and improving the hunk highway system. 1 1���� M �� DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: OCT (,� J LOOI None C1TY ATTOR(UEY DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The City of Saint Paul would not be in compliance with Minnesota State Statute 16125. �ouncil Research Center OCT � 0 p001 TO7ALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ $9 ,547.36 CO57/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) S No FUNDING SOURCE S�� of Minneso[a Deparlmen[ of Transporta[ion pCIN1TY NUMBER 225-42310-3450 FfNANC1AL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Gtxn, o � -� aar PRE-LETTING SERVICES SECTION STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DETOUR AGREEMENT Mn/DOT AGREEMENT NO. 82169 S.P. 1982-129 (T.H. 35E=390) S.P. 6280-307 (T.H. 35E=390) S.P. 19-090-05 State Funds The State of Minnesota Department of Transportation, and The City of St. Paul Re: Compensation for road life consumed by the T.H. 35E detour �iT i�efii�� �� AMOUNT ENCUMBERED 59.547.36 AMOUNT RECEIVABLE (None) THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the State Minnesota, Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to the ��State" and the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, acting by and through its City Council, hereinafter referred to as the "City". of as 1 o,_�s�r 82169 WHEREAS the State is about to perform grading, concrete surfacing, ` bridge removal, drainage, lighting, signing, signal and bridge construction and other associated construction upon, along and adjacent to Trunk Highway No. 35E from Engineer Station 7+530 to Engineer Station 8+921 in accordance with State plans, specifications and/or special provisions designated as State Project's No. 1982-129, No. 6280-307 (T.H. 35E=390) and S.P. 19-090-05; and WHEREAS a detour will be required to carry Trunk Highway No. 35E traffic on Shepard Road and Otto Avenue during the contract construction; and WHEREAS Minnesota Statutes Section 161.25 authorizes the Commissioner of Transportation to designate by order, any public street or highway as a temporary trunk highway detour when he determines that such detour is necessary for the purpose of constructing or maintaining any trunk highway, and he shall thereafter maintain the detour as a temporary trunk highway until he revokes the designation; and WHEREAS the State is willing to reimburse the City for the road life consumed by the detour as hereinafter set forth, such reimbursement to be based on the income determined by the "Gas Tax Method" as set £orth in the Detour Management Study Final Report dated January 1991; and WAEREAS Minnesota Statutes Section 161.20, subdivision 2 authorizes the Commissioner of Transportation to make arrangements with and cooperate with any governmental authority for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and improving the trunk highway system. 2 o�-�a�ir �=f7 IT 25, THEREFORE, MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: ARTICLE _ - DETOUR Section A. Location Those portions of the Trunk Highway No. 35E detour which utilize City streets are on Shepard Road from Trunk Highway No. 35E northeasterly for 0.9 miles to Otto Avenue, and on Otto Avenue from Shepard Road westerly for 0.4 miles to Trunk Highway No. 5. S�ction B. Axle Loads and Over-Dimension Loads The City shall permit 9-ton axle loads on that portion of the Trunk Highway No. 35E detour which is on City streets. Over-dimension loads will not be permitted except in cases of extreme emergency. Seetion C. Traffic Control Devices The State may install, maintain and remove any traffic control devices it considers necessary to properly control the detoured traffic. Roadway markings, such as the center line, edge lines and necessary messages, may be painted by the State. �etion D. Detour Maintenance The State will provide any necessary bituminous patching and ordinary maintenance on the roadway or shoulder of the City streets used for the Trunk Highway No. 35E detour, at no cost or expense to the City. Bituminous patching is defined as any work, including continuous full-width overlays, less than 100 feet in length. All State expenditures beyond those required for bituminous patching and ordinary maintenance will be credited against the road life reimbursement due the City. 3 9 � • � 82169 Section E. Duration The Trunk Highway No. 35E detour will begin on the date the State designates same as a detour by the placement of signs thereon and will cease when such signing is removed by the State. The State shall provide the City with advance written notification identifying the dates that the State intends to place and remove the detour signing. ARTICLE 2I - BASIS OF STATE COST Section A. Gas Tax Method The "Gas Tax Method" formula, as set forth in the Detour Management Study Final Report dated January 1991, multiplies the Combined Tax Factor per mile times the Average Daily Traffic count times the City street length in miles times the duration of the detour in days to determine the State's cost for the road life consumed by the detour. Section B. Equivalent Overlay Method The City has the option of doing an "Equivalent Overlay Method" analysis, tize procedure for which is set forth in the Detour Management Study Final Report dated January 1991. Testing and analysis must be performed by a State-approved firm, at no cost or expense to the State. The City shall keep records and accounts that enable it to verify any claim that it might bring against the State for additional State costs using the '�Equivalent Overlay Method". ARTICLE I2I - PAYMENT OF STATE COST It is estimated that the State's cost for the road life consumed by the Trunk Highway No. 35E detour is $9,547.36, based on a Combined Tax Factor of 0.00392, an Average Daily Traffic count of 6245 vehicles diverted from Trunk Highway No. 35E, a City street length of 1.3 miles and an estimated detour duration of 300 days. 0 0 � —tia.�P 82169 The State's total payment for the road life consumed by the Trunk Highway No. 35E detour is equal to the amount computed by using the "Gas Tax Method" formula plus any amount determined by using the "Equivalent Overlay Method" analysis which is in excess of twice the "Gas Tax Method" amount. Aowever, the maximum obligation of the State under this Agreement shall not exceed $20,000.00, unless the maximum obligation is increased by execution of an amendment to this Agreement. The State shall pay to the City the State�s total road life payment amount after the following conditions have been met: A. Execution and approval of this Agreement and the State's transmittal of same to the City. B. Encumbrance by the State of the State's total road life payment amount. C. Removal of State signing in accordance with Article I, Section E. of this Agreement. D. Notification by the Sta�e to the City that the detour signing has been removed, and the number of days the detour was in effect. E. Receipt by the State of a written request from the City, signed by the State's District Engineer at Roseville or his duly authorized representative, for the payment of the State's total road life payment amount. ARTICLFs IV - GPtNERAL PROVISTONS Section A. Road Restoration The City, by accepting the State's road life payment plan and total payment amount, does hereby release the State of its obligation, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 161.25, to restore the City 5 o � -�a� 82169 streets used as a Trunk Highway No. 35E detour to as good a condition ' as existed before the routing of the detour traffic thereon. Section B Examination o£ Books. Records, Etc. As provided by Minnesota Statutes Section 16C.05, subdivision 5, the books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices of the State and the City relevant to this Agreement are subject to examination by the State and the City, and either the legislative auditor or the state auditor as appropriate, for a minimum of six years from final payment. Section C A_greement Ar�oroval Before this Agreement shall become binding and effective, it shall be approved by a City Council resolution and receive approval of State and City officers as the law may provide in addition to the Commissioner of Transportation or his authorized representative. ARTICLE V - AUTHORIZED AGENTS The State's Authorized Agent for the purpose of the administration of this Agreement is Maryanne Kelly-Sonnek, Municipal Agreements Engineer, or her successor. Her current address and phone number are 395 John Ireland Boulevard, Mailstop 682, St. Paul, Minnesota 55155, (651) 296-0969. The City's Authorized Agent for the purpose of the administration of this Agreement is Thomas Eggum, City Engineer and Public Works Director, or his successor. His current address and phone number are 1000 City Hall Annex, 25 West 4 Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102, (651) 266-8989. 0