01-1215���G(���,L Presented By Green Sheet # � � � �J S S Council Fi1e # 0� �\Z\S Resolution # RESOLUTION C{TY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA iq Referred To Committee: Date 2 4 RESOLUTION ELECTING TO CQNTINUE PARTICIPATING IN 5 THE LOCAL HOUSING INCENTIVES ACCOUNT PROGRAM 6 UNDER THE METROPOLITAN LIVABLE COMMIJNITIES ACT 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ?6 �� >g :9 0 WIIEREAS, the Metropolitan Livable Communifies Act (Minnesota Statutes Section 473.25 to 473.254) establishes a Metropolitan Livable Communities Fund to address housing and other development issues facing the metropolitan area defined by Minnesota Statutes Section 473121; and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Livable Communifies Fund, comprising the TaY Base Revitalization Account, the Livable Communities Demonstration Account, the Locai Housing Incentives Account and the Inclusionary Housing Account is intended to provide certain funding and other assistance to metropolitan area municipalities; and WI�REAS, a metropolitan area municipality is not eligible to receive grants or loans under the Metropolatan Livable Communities Fund or certain polluted sites cleanup funding from the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development unless the municipality is participating in the Local Housing IncenUVes Account Program under Minnesota Statutes Section 473254; and WI�REAS, the Metropolitan Livable Communities Act requires the Metropolitan Council to negotiate with each municipality to establish affordable and life-cycle housing goals for that municipality that are consistent with and promote the policies of the Meiropolitan Council as provided in the adopted Metropolitan Development Guide; and WFIEREAS, each municipality must idenfify to the Metropolitan Council the actions the municipality plans to take to meet the established housing goals, through preparation of the Housing Action Plan; and 1 WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Council adopted, by resolution after a public hearing, negotiated affordabie and 2 life-cycle housing goals for each participating municipality; and 4 WIIEREAS, a metropolitan area municipality that elects to participate in the Loca1 Housing Incentives > Account Program must do so by November 15 of each yeaz; and 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 o � -� a,4s WFIEREAS, for calendaz year 2002, a metropolitan area municipality that participated in the Local Housing Incenrives Account Program during the calendar year 2001 can continue to participate under Minnesota Statutes Section 473.254 i£ (a) the municipaliiy elects to participate in the Local Housing Incentives Program by November 15, 2001; and (b) the Metropolitan Council and the municipality have successfully negotiated affordable and life-cycle housing goals for the municipality; 44 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul hereby elects to participate in the Local 45 Housing Incentives Prograzu under the Metropolitan Livable Communities Act during the calendar year 2002. ������k���� Adoption CertiEied by Council Secretary By: � ��.,.`�__ 1_'��.�-�.�" Approved by Mayor: Date ����G�/ r /� / � 0 Requested by Department of: Plannin & Economic Develo ment By: � Approved by Financia�es/l�l'G��� By: Form Approved by Cit torney By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY �, Adopted by Council: Date e � a--AO� � DEPARY'MENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL: PED CONTACI' PERSON & PAONE: Lucy Thompson, 266-6578 MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) November 7, 2001 °`'� s�rr'"x�n GREEN SHEET Na.: 111355 Occober 15, 2001 0 � _ti�,,�.5 ATE INITfALlDATE � 1 DEPARTMENT DIIL 4 CITYCOUNC[[, ASSICN ? CITY ATTORNEY C1TY CI FRK NLIMBER FINANCIAL SER.V DIlL �_ FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG FOR 3 MAYOR (OR ASST.) _ CIVII. SERVICE COMIvIISSION ROi71'ING ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATl7RE PAGES _I_(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR ACTION REQUESCED: RECOMIvfENDATION3: Approve (A) or Rejec[ (R) PLANNING COIvIlVIISSION GIB CODiIMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COtvIIvIISSION PERSONAL SERVICE CONIRACTS MLJST ANSR'ER'11� FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: I. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this deparvnent? Yes No 2. Aas this person/firm ever been a ciry employee� Yes No 3. Does this person/fivn possess a skill not normally possessed by any cwrent ciry employee? Yes No Esptain aIl yes auswers on separa[e sheet and attach to green sheet IlV11'IATING PROSLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTCJNCCY (Whq Whay When, Where, Why): Every yeaz, the City is required to "repledge" its participation in the Metropolitan Council's Local Housing Incentives Account Program. This allows the City to continue to be eligible for funding from the Metropolitan Livable Communities Fund, which includes the T� Base Revitalization Account, the Livable Communities Demonstration Account, the Local Housing Incentives Account and the Inclusionary Housing Account. �B& +b°�� F'�o9S +� :,:i�3 ��� � � �l�u� ADVANTAGES IFAPPRiDVED: The City will be eligible £or funding from the Metropolitan Livable Communities Fund. DISADVAN'I'AGES IF APPROVED: None. DISADVANY'AGE5 TE NOT APPROVED� � The City will not be eligible for funding from the Metropolitan Livable Communities Fund. 'OTAL AMOUN'1' OF 1'RANSACTION: $ 1�C_7 COST/REVENUE SUDGETED: UNDING SOURCE: INANCIAL INF012Me1TION: (EXPLAIN) ACTIVI'1'X NIIMBER: ✓ i.f f\� V f� e 'i � Council File # � � �� i\S Resolution # Green Sheet # � � `3 S 5 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date !q 2 4 5 6 7 RESOLUTION ELECTING TO CONTINUE PARTICIPATING IN THE LOCAL HOUSING INCENTIVES ACCOUNT PROGRAM UNDER THE METROPOLITAN LIVABLE COMMUNITIES ACT 9 WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Livable Communities Act (Minnesota Statutes Section 473.25 to 473.254) 10 establishes a Metropolitan Livable Communities Fund to address housing and other development issues 11 facing the metropolitan area defined by Minnesota Statutes Section 473.121; and 12 13 WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Livable Communities Fund, comprising the Tas Base Revitalization Account, 14 the Livable Communities Demonstration Account, the Loca1 Housing Incentives Account and the 15 Inclusionary Housing Account is intended to provide certain funding and other assistance to metropolitan area 16 municipalities; and 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 WIIEREAS, a metropolitan area municipality is not eligible to receive grants or loans under the Metropolitan Livable Communities Fund or certain polluted sites cleanup funding from the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development wiless the municipality is participating in the Local Housing Incentives Account Program under Minnesota Statutes Section 473.254;and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Livable Communities Act requires the Metropolitan Council to negotiate with each municipality to establish affordable and life-cycle housing goals far that municipality that are consistent �ith and promote the policies of the Metropolitan Council as provided in the adopted Metropolitan Development Guide; and WHEREAS, each municipality must identify to the Metropolitan Council the actions the municipality plans to take to meet the established housing goals, through preparation of the Housing Action Plan; and WIIEREAS, the Metropolitan Council adopted, by resolution after a public hearing, negotiated affordable and life-cycle housing goals for each participating municipality; and WHEREAS, a metropolitan area municipaliTy that elects to participate in the Local Housing Incentives Account Program must do so by November 15 of each year; and 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 o � -� y�s WHEREAS, for calendar year 2002, a metropolitan area municipaliTy that participated in the Loca1 Housing Incenrives Account Program during the calendar year 2001 can continue to participate under Minnesota Statutes Section 473.254 if: (a) the municipality elects to participate in the Local Housing Incentives Program by November 15, 2001; and (b) the Metropolitan Council and the municipality have successfully negotiated affordable and life-cycle housing goals for the municipality; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul hereby elects to participate in the Local Housing Incentives Program under the Metropolitan Livable Communities Act during the calendar yeaz 2002. �'�I������. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council SeCretary g 1 �� Approved by Mayor: Date �,t�_�.�/ i: �� i/ y A�%/1i, Plannin & EconomiC Develo ment Hy: � Approved by Financia�es��Ll�L/�{��� By: Fozm Approved by Cit torney By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date v..� \ aAO� l� DEPAR'1'MENT/OFFICE/COUI3CII.: DATE INTPIATED GREEN SHEET NO.: 1113SS PED October 15, 2001 O��►a.�. CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: ¢Vi ATe iN117etunA7'S Lucy Thompson, 266-6578 C� 1 nsrnx�rn�raT Dtx a ctzYCOVxcu, MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) �I�''N ? CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK Novembec 7, 2001 NDMBER �`7ANCIAI SERV DIIt. j� FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG FOR 3 2v5AYOR (OR ASST.) _ CiVIl, SERVICE COMIvIISSION ROUTING ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES _1_(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAT[JRE) . ACTION REQUF,STED: RECOIv1Iv�NDA1'IONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI. SERVICE CONTRACi'S MUST AIVSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANI3ING WMhIISSION 1. Has tftis persod5rtn ever worked under a contract for this departrnent? CIB COMMITTEE Yes No CIVIL SERVICE COMbIISSION 2. Has this person/fum ever been a ciry employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/fum possess a skill not nomtally possessed by any curzent city employee? Yes No Eapiain all yes answers on separate sheet aud attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTlJNI1'P (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Every yeaz, the City is required to "repledge" its participation in the Metropolitan Council's Local Housing Incentives Account Program. This allows the City to continue to be eligible for funding from the Metropolitan Livable Communities Fund, which includes the Tas Base Revitalization Account, the Livable Communities Demonstration Account, the Loca1 Housing Incentives Account and the Inclusionary Housing Account. , r✓0'�+ �«�'S�c'.�ui'� i. ;...�C ��$ 3 � ���� ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The City will be eligible for funding from the Metropolitan Livable Communities Fund. DISADVANTAGE5IFAPPROVED - None. DISADVANI'AGES IF NOT APPHOVED' ' The City will not be eligible for funding from the Metropolitan Livable Communities Fund. TOTAL AMOi7NT OF TRANSACTION: $ NA COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: F[JNDING SOURCE: ACTNII'Y MJMBER: FINANCIAL IlVFORMATiON: (F.XPLAIN) H VShared�Ped\THOMPSt,AUsAnce�LV¢sgeensheMV+pd ���G(���,L Presented By Green Sheet # � � � �J S S Council Fi1e # 0� �\Z\S Resolution # RESOLUTION C{TY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA iq Referred To Committee: Date 2 4 RESOLUTION ELECTING TO CQNTINUE PARTICIPATING IN 5 THE LOCAL HOUSING INCENTIVES ACCOUNT PROGRAM 6 UNDER THE METROPOLITAN LIVABLE COMMIJNITIES ACT 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ?6 �� >g :9 0 WIIEREAS, the Metropolitan Livable Communifies Act (Minnesota Statutes Section 473.25 to 473.254) establishes a Metropolitan Livable Communities Fund to address housing and other development issues facing the metropolitan area defined by Minnesota Statutes Section 473121; and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Livable Communifies Fund, comprising the TaY Base Revitalization Account, the Livable Communities Demonstration Account, the Locai Housing Incentives Account and the Inclusionary Housing Account is intended to provide certain funding and other assistance to metropolitan area municipalities; and WI�REAS, a metropolitan area municipality is not eligible to receive grants or loans under the Metropolatan Livable Communities Fund or certain polluted sites cleanup funding from the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development unless the municipality is participating in the Local Housing IncenUVes Account Program under Minnesota Statutes Section 473254; and WI�REAS, the Metropolitan Livable Communities Act requires the Metropolitan Council to negotiate with each municipality to establish affordable and life-cycle housing goals for that municipality that are consistent with and promote the policies of the Meiropolitan Council as provided in the adopted Metropolitan Development Guide; and WFIEREAS, each municipality must idenfify to the Metropolitan Council the actions the municipality plans to take to meet the established housing goals, through preparation of the Housing Action Plan; and 1 WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Council adopted, by resolution after a public hearing, negotiated affordabie and 2 life-cycle housing goals for each participating municipality; and 4 WIIEREAS, a metropolitan area municipality that elects to participate in the Loca1 Housing Incentives > Account Program must do so by November 15 of each yeaz; and 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 o � -� a,4s WFIEREAS, for calendaz year 2002, a metropolitan area municipality that participated in the Local Housing Incenrives Account Program during the calendar year 2001 can continue to participate under Minnesota Statutes Section 473.254 i£ (a) the municipaliiy elects to participate in the Local Housing Incentives Program by November 15, 2001; and (b) the Metropolitan Council and the municipality have successfully negotiated affordable and life-cycle housing goals for the municipality; 44 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul hereby elects to participate in the Local 45 Housing Incentives Prograzu under the Metropolitan Livable Communities Act during the calendar year 2002. ������k���� Adoption CertiEied by Council Secretary By: � ��.,.`�__ 1_'��.�-�.�" Approved by Mayor: Date ����G�/ r /� / � 0 Requested by Department of: Plannin & Economic Develo ment By: � Approved by Financia�es/l�l'G��� By: Form Approved by Cit torney By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY �, Adopted by Council: Date e � a--AO� � DEPARY'MENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL: PED CONTACI' PERSON & PAONE: Lucy Thompson, 266-6578 MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) November 7, 2001 °`'� s�rr'"x�n GREEN SHEET Na.: 111355 Occober 15, 2001 0 � _ti�,,�.5 ATE INITfALlDATE � 1 DEPARTMENT DIIL 4 CITYCOUNC[[, ASSICN ? CITY ATTORNEY C1TY CI FRK NLIMBER FINANCIAL SER.V DIlL �_ FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG FOR 3 MAYOR (OR ASST.) _ CIVII. SERVICE COMIvIISSION ROi71'ING ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATl7RE PAGES _I_(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR ACTION REQUESCED: RECOMIvfENDATION3: Approve (A) or Rejec[ (R) PLANNING COIvIlVIISSION GIB CODiIMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COtvIIvIISSION PERSONAL SERVICE CONIRACTS MLJST ANSR'ER'11� FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: I. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this deparvnent? Yes No 2. Aas this person/firm ever been a ciry employee� Yes No 3. Does this person/fivn possess a skill not normally possessed by any cwrent ciry employee? Yes No Esptain aIl yes auswers on separa[e sheet and attach to green sheet IlV11'IATING PROSLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTCJNCCY (Whq Whay When, Where, Why): Every yeaz, the City is required to "repledge" its participation in the Metropolitan Council's Local Housing Incentives Account Program. This allows the City to continue to be eligible for funding from the Metropolitan Livable Communities Fund, which includes the T� Base Revitalization Account, the Livable Communities Demonstration Account, the Local Housing Incentives Account and the Inclusionary Housing Account. �B& +b°�� F'�o9S +� :,:i�3 ��� � � �l�u� ADVANTAGES IFAPPRiDVED: The City will be eligible £or funding from the Metropolitan Livable Communities Fund. DISADVAN'I'AGES IF APPROVED: None. DISADVANY'AGE5 TE NOT APPROVED� � The City will not be eligible for funding from the Metropolitan Livable Communities Fund. 'OTAL AMOUN'1' OF 1'RANSACTION: $ 1�C_7 COST/REVENUE SUDGETED: UNDING SOURCE: INANCIAL INF012Me1TION: (EXPLAIN) ACTIVI'1'X NIIMBER: ✓ i.f f\� V f� e 'i � Council File # � � �� i\S Resolution # Green Sheet # � � `3 S 5 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date !q 2 4 5 6 7 RESOLUTION ELECTING TO CONTINUE PARTICIPATING IN THE LOCAL HOUSING INCENTIVES ACCOUNT PROGRAM UNDER THE METROPOLITAN LIVABLE COMMUNITIES ACT 9 WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Livable Communities Act (Minnesota Statutes Section 473.25 to 473.254) 10 establishes a Metropolitan Livable Communities Fund to address housing and other development issues 11 facing the metropolitan area defined by Minnesota Statutes Section 473.121; and 12 13 WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Livable Communities Fund, comprising the Tas Base Revitalization Account, 14 the Livable Communities Demonstration Account, the Loca1 Housing Incentives Account and the 15 Inclusionary Housing Account is intended to provide certain funding and other assistance to metropolitan area 16 municipalities; and 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 WIIEREAS, a metropolitan area municipality is not eligible to receive grants or loans under the Metropolitan Livable Communities Fund or certain polluted sites cleanup funding from the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development wiless the municipality is participating in the Local Housing Incentives Account Program under Minnesota Statutes Section 473.254;and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Livable Communities Act requires the Metropolitan Council to negotiate with each municipality to establish affordable and life-cycle housing goals far that municipality that are consistent �ith and promote the policies of the Metropolitan Council as provided in the adopted Metropolitan Development Guide; and WHEREAS, each municipality must identify to the Metropolitan Council the actions the municipality plans to take to meet the established housing goals, through preparation of the Housing Action Plan; and WIIEREAS, the Metropolitan Council adopted, by resolution after a public hearing, negotiated affordable and life-cycle housing goals for each participating municipality; and WHEREAS, a metropolitan area municipaliTy that elects to participate in the Local Housing Incentives Account Program must do so by November 15 of each year; and 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 o � -� y�s WHEREAS, for calendar year 2002, a metropolitan area municipaliTy that participated in the Loca1 Housing Incenrives Account Program during the calendar year 2001 can continue to participate under Minnesota Statutes Section 473.254 if: (a) the municipality elects to participate in the Local Housing Incentives Program by November 15, 2001; and (b) the Metropolitan Council and the municipality have successfully negotiated affordable and life-cycle housing goals for the municipality; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul hereby elects to participate in the Local Housing Incentives Program under the Metropolitan Livable Communities Act during the calendar yeaz 2002. �'�I������. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council SeCretary g 1 �� Approved by Mayor: Date �,t�_�.�/ i: �� i/ y A�%/1i, Plannin & EconomiC Develo ment Hy: � Approved by Financia�es��Ll�L/�{��� By: Fozm Approved by Cit torney By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date v..� \ aAO� l� DEPAR'1'MENT/OFFICE/COUI3CII.: DATE INTPIATED GREEN SHEET NO.: 1113SS PED October 15, 2001 O��►a.�. CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: ¢Vi ATe iN117etunA7'S Lucy Thompson, 266-6578 C� 1 nsrnx�rn�raT Dtx a ctzYCOVxcu, MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) �I�''N ? CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK Novembec 7, 2001 NDMBER �`7ANCIAI SERV DIIt. j� FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG FOR 3 2v5AYOR (OR ASST.) _ CiVIl, SERVICE COMIvIISSION ROUTING ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES _1_(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAT[JRE) . ACTION REQUF,STED: RECOIv1Iv�NDA1'IONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI. SERVICE CONTRACi'S MUST AIVSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANI3ING WMhIISSION 1. Has tftis persod5rtn ever worked under a contract for this departrnent? CIB COMMITTEE Yes No CIVIL SERVICE COMbIISSION 2. Has this person/fum ever been a ciry employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/fum possess a skill not nomtally possessed by any curzent city employee? Yes No Eapiain all yes answers on separate sheet aud attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTlJNI1'P (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Every yeaz, the City is required to "repledge" its participation in the Metropolitan Council's Local Housing Incentives Account Program. This allows the City to continue to be eligible for funding from the Metropolitan Livable Communities Fund, which includes the Tas Base Revitalization Account, the Livable Communities Demonstration Account, the Loca1 Housing Incentives Account and the Inclusionary Housing Account. , r✓0'�+ �«�'S�c'.�ui'� i. ;...�C ��$ 3 � ���� ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The City will be eligible for funding from the Metropolitan Livable Communities Fund. DISADVANTAGE5IFAPPROVED - None. DISADVANI'AGES IF NOT APPHOVED' ' The City will not be eligible for funding from the Metropolitan Livable Communities Fund. TOTAL AMOi7NT OF TRANSACTION: $ NA COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: F[JNDING SOURCE: ACTNII'Y MJMBER: FINANCIAL IlVFORMATiON: (F.XPLAIN) H VShared�Ped\THOMPSt,AUsAnce�LV¢sgeensheMV+pd