272221 � �WMI,�'E -�CITV CIERK f (���f� � CA�RV - DEPARTMENT COUIICII Fq x„���� � �BLU� - MAVOR G TY� F ,- AINT PAUL File NO. < ution Presented By � Referred To mittee: Date . Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul by Council Resolution File No. 265595, adopted May 28, I975 and subsequently ra- affirmed by Council Resolutian File No. 266737 adopted February 5, 1976, and Council. Resolution File No. 271170 adopted May 30, 1978 did npprove the Ftousing and Redevelopment Authority's Redevelopment Plan for the Downtown Community Development District I7 Areat and WHEREAS� on Octaber 7, I975 the Housing Authority approvec7 a developunent proposal and entered into a Develapment Agreement with the City of Saint Paul, the Science Museum of Minnesota and Sherman Antler Joint Venture which called for the construction of a parking ramp by the City, the construction of a Science Muaeum by the Science Muaeum of Minnesata and the construction af a medical office building, galleria and apartment building by Sherman Antler Joint V�ntureT and WHEREAS, by Third Amendatary Agreement to the Development Agree- ment dated February of 1977, Fount�in Development, a partnership consisting of She�nan Investment Corporation and Sheehy Pxcaparti�e�, --�nc., was substituted and assuni�a�'-` the abligatione and responsibilities o! Sherman Antler Joint Venture under the Development Agreementt and WHEREAS, by agreement dated July 25, 1978 Fountain Development purchased from the Housing Autharity certain portions of the surface rights of Block 7A designated for the construction of the Medical. Office Bnilding and Gallery and has commenced construction of said improvementsT and WHEREAS, because Fountain DeveZapment has experienced difficuZtie� in obtaining equity financing for the purchase and construction of the Apartment Building, the Housing Authority has retained the fee interest COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas N ays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary By__-- �.� �C�,Xi` �1�.�d�7'i�' sy t�pproved by lVlavor. Date Appr y Mayor for Su ss n t6Council ^ � By — BY � N'HITE - CITV CLERK COI1flCl1 / /�! /.�- PI'NK�. - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L � CAwRV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR M ` r � � File N 0. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date to that portion af the surface rights above the ramp which was de8ig- nated for the construction of the Apartment Buildingr and WHEREAS, the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul under an Assumptian Agreement has submitted a proposal and has agreed to assume the responsibilities and obligations of Fountain Development with respect to the construetion of the Apartment Building, by pur- chasinq the property and Ieasing it back to Fountain Development for complstiant and WHEREAS, Paragraph 17 of the Development Agreement providea that any assignment of the obligations created under the Development Agreement must be approved by the Cityf and WHEREAS, the City'e Department of Economic Planning and Develop- ment has reviewed the proposal and has cancluded that the Assumption Agreement is in the best interest of the City of Saint Paul, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to exe�ute on behalf of the City of Saint Paul that certain Aasumption Agreement whereby the Port Authority agrees to assume the obligations of Fauntain Devel.openent with respect to the Apartment Building in a form and manner approvad by the City Attorney. 2. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays / Butler �� (n Favor Hozza Hunt � Levine __ Against BY � � �Is�ii�e Showalter Tedesco oEC ' 4 f Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Cou . Date s�— Certifie assed b ouncil Secreta/y B� `,�`�!�L i(T�'t^—t �������-- By /?�C.- Appr v by ;Vlavor• � �C+ 2'� Appro y Mayor for Sub ssi to Council By BY pt1BLISHED pEC 3 � 1978