D00820� C J White - City Clerk Pink - Fnznca Dept ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF TNE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER in Lhe matter o£ the requirement oi the �ity o£ Saint Paui ihat aii fees not authorized bv a coniract or tne Furehasin� Division must receive mayoral or council approval; and iv�I�,AS, The St. Paul Public Health's I3utrition Frogram has a granL to do a childhood anemia study, and: W�Er15, Tne program has agreed to give eacn family a�1v.00 ' giit certificate from Rainbow Food Stores for tneir participation in the program; thereiore i�e i� Ot2DER,ED, Lhat che City oi St. Faul ihrougn its �layor approve paymenis not io exceed �I,uOu to Rainbow Food Stores.. fimd J3G3F) APPROVED AS 70 FORM 1< • Assistant City ttomey Date No: �0821� Date: l "��'q` . 7._/ Department liead Administrative Assistant to Mayor /Ii i DEPARTMEM/OFFlCE/COUNCIL DATEINITIATEO �REEN SHEE N° 32451 � 555 CzdanS� - - CANiACT PERSON 8 PHONE O DEPAFiTMENT DIRECTOP a CIT' COUNCIL INRIM/DAiE Kdthy MOht^ldrid 292-77�2 "��" mnrroAr+ev �CRYCLEFiK UST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA'f� �� � &1DGET DIRECiOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES �IR. RWi1N0 «� o ��,��,�,�, o TOTAI. # OF SIGNATUHE PAGES 1 (CLP ALL LpCATtONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION HEQUESTEO: City signatures on Administrative Order to pay Rainbow Foods for costs fncurred by Anemfa Program Grant. - RECOMMENOx[i(]NS:l�ppove(A)aRejea(a) pERSONALSEBVICECONTRACTSNUSTANSWEBTHEFOILOWINGQUEST10N5: _ PLANNING COMMISSiON _ CML SEfMCE COMMiSSION �� Has tliis per50�rm ever worNed untler a conVact for ihis tlepartmeM? - _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO ' — � A � — 2. Has this personKrm ever been a city employee? YES NO , _ DIS7RIC7 CAURT — 3. Dces this per5onffirm possess a skill not �wrmally pOSSessetl by any curtent city employee? SUPPOHTSWNICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE? YES NO Exptain atl yes answers on seperate aheet and attath to green aheet INITIATIN� PflOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPEIRTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where. Why): . The nutrition program has a AnemSa Childhood Study Grant. They would like to give the families that participate in the program a$10 gift certificiate. R�CEIVFD . DVANTAGES IFAPPflOVEQi � n � � � 1 �•\ , Participating families would receive gift certificate. C#TY C�.E��`` DISADVANTAGES IFAPPflOVED: NONE ����� � JAN 16 t99'6 � � �i�'Y A�"��� ,� DISADVAMAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Fam would not receive qift certificates. TAL AMOUNT OP TRANSACTION § 1 aOOO COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (C�RCLE ON� YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE �nt ACTIVITVNUMBEq ���?� FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPIAIN) ��