272179 N�HITE - CITV CLERK " PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council �}���� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR M File N . ouncil Resolution Presented By ` Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That in accordance with Section 231 .02 (as amended by Ordinance No. 14662, approved December 1 , 1970) dealing with Sewer Service Charges, the Councii does hereby set a public heariry� on the proposed Sewer Service Charges for the year 1979 to be held on 19th day of December � 197$� at 10:00 a.m. , in the Council Chambers, and the City L'lerk is hereby directed to publish notice of said hearing; the publication of which is to be had at least seven days before the hearing. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: �� Yeas Nays Butler Publ ic Works (REB) Hozza [n Favor Hunt . Levine _ __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter .��p Tedesco � T 1:��� Form Approved y ty Atto y Adopted by uncil: Date Certi d Passed ouncil Secretary BY By� tappro y 1�lavor: Date � _ C' g � Appro ed by y for Sub is ion to Council By _ � _ By . � OM O1: I2/'197'S . R,ev. : 9/8�75 ' . EXI'Ll1NATION QF �??y1S�TISTF.ATI�l� ORD�"!�S, !� - RESOLU'I'TC,ii1^ _ c?i>1D OF.Di�:�iiWC.FS � ��1���. . - . �: �EC�IVED �. � RECE�yE'i� ' _ � DEC � � ��' . Date: December 4, 197g � u�C - `� 197� : . �y-� pTT���� MAYGR'S oFFICE ' • Tp; � NlAYOP. GEORGE LATIPdEY - o�� 3� FR: Donatd E. Nyg�a.troi, Di�rector of Publ ic Works 2;E: 19�9 Serw�r Secvice Charges - Publ ic Hearing � s�--- . ' - � ACTION R�t�UESTED: Transmit Council R+�solution for requirad pubtic hearing regardi�g 1979 sewver service thargas t+o C1ty Ccun�11 for action. � �'� PURPOS£ t.:JD R�T=4I'�r1LE FdR THIS ACTION: ��2/ � Sewer s�rvic� �hsrg,es are estabtisF►ed yearly by Council action in accotdance with Sect�on 2,�1.02 of xhe St. Paul Legistative Code (as amended by 4rd.i�►ance No. 14b62, � app roved Decea�e r 1 � 197��. ATTACHIdE�1TS; . ���e���1 R�ssc�#uttort r � . _REB/RP/ck .