272175 ��WHITE�� -�CITY CLERK ���.��� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Counc?�` �-�_. CANARV �DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE -� MAYOR C il Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVEDt That the Qouncil of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review perta�.ning to the following listed property and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Boa�rd of Appeals and Review, dated November 14� 1978, and marked F.�iIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: DIATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASS NO. PROPERTY' APPSLLANT 11/14/78 34-78-B 286 & 294 Dayton Francis R. Hughes (2 vacant buildings) BOARD ACTION: Granted defertnent of fees payable under the vacant building registration ordinance, including delinquent penalties, until such time as major financing is obtained and a building permit is taken out, or until June l, 1979, whichever occurs first, ' Property Description: Auditor's Subdivision No. 5 W. 2 1/2 Ft. of N. 1/2 of Lot 13 and all of Lots 14 and 15 ------------------»---------» 11/14/78 42-78-H 77 No. Milton Patrick Coughlin (25 units) BOARD ACTION: Granted refund of $10,00 filing fee remitted in error by appellant. COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler [n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary --�.�- �s-'f-7J' gy. l�lpproved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - BY M�MITE - CITV CLERK �►721�� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT � PAUL Council CANARY - DEPARTMENT BL�UE, �AAVOR File N . Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2. Property Description: Summit Park Addition Ex. the S. 60 Ft. Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 29 --------»----__.»,.�_----- COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt C Levine _ __ Against BY Maddox Showalter �� Tedesco �+ 7 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by C i : Date __� /,..��-?� Cert d Yasse Council See�retary By, !#pp e by IVlavor: t _��B �78 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - –��+ — BY �X!� l � 1 T /4 - -3- I1/24/78 - Dieeting No. 145 ��'h�i i'�+ � ► f , CASE N0. PROPERTY � APPELLAVT 42-78-H � 77 No. Milton Patrick Coughlin (25 units) , SUBJECT: ' eq�uest waiver of St . Paul Legislative Code provisions pertaining ta basement occupancy and stairwell enclosures , because of economic and _ esthetic considerations . Previous Hearing 5/9/78 : Case was continued until such time as Certificate of Occupancy inspection report is made available . APPEARA:�ICE : Patrick Coughlin, and James Coughlin • -4- 11/14/78 - Meeting �o. 145 . PROCEEDINGS: Patrick Coughlin said he needed a variance to permit occupancy of the base- ment unit, which was more than S0� beloi�� grade . There had been tt.o problems when the basement unit was first inspected, but both had been corrected and the apartment was occupied. The other reason he �+�as appealing was for a waiver of the stairwell enclosure reauirement: He explained that the three- story building had a long hallway on each floor, taith a front an d back stairway, each of which had a half-story landing. The code rec�uirement �aould mean the purchase of 18 new doors , a: considerable expense , and replace- ment of attractive existing doors which were more in keeping with the style of the original structure . Alice Bijjani stated that if present doors were �-inch thick, they could be retaine d with the addition of automatic closures . If the doors we re not as thick as required, sheet metal could be applied on the stairside of each door, which would be in compliance with the safety code . Chairman Wozniak suggested that a city inspector Iook at the doors in questio� and if they came reasonably close to the thickness requirement , they should be approved. He agreed with Mr. Coughlin that �sthetics were importan t . � Mr. Tieso remarked that, as Mr. Coughlin had indicated the building was� to be completely rewired, now would be the time to install automatic smoke detection devices . These would be required in alI rental buildings as of January 1, 1980, and it would be less expensive, as � well as add to ten ant�' safety, to put them in at the time of rewiring. As for the stairivell enclosure problem, Mr. Tieso suggested that Mr. Coughlin meet with housina code personnel to arrive at the best solution to the type of doors that would be permissible , with consideration given to anpearance as ��ell as safety. : � Chairman Wozniak told Mr. Coughlin that if agreement could not be reached on aIl points relating to the stairwell enclosures , he could return to the Board. Meanwhile , that part of his appeal would be continued indefinitelv. The chairman also noted that Mr. Coughlin had submitted a $10 filing fee when he requested the re-opening of his case . As� he had already naid his fee at the time of his original anplication in April, 1978, the additional fee was not necessary. BDARD ACTIO'1: Chairman �ozniak moved to grant a waiver of the Legislative Code , Section 54 . 13, pertaining to basement occupancy�, to permit occupancy of basement unit more than 50o below grade . Mr. Tieso seconded. MOTION CARRIED AVD SO ORDERED. THE VOTE : Ayes - 5 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - 0 BOARD ACTIO�: Chairman �Vozniak move d that the filing fee of $10 , which was not require d because the fee had already been vaid iahen the original apneal t:as filed, be refunded. ti10TI0�T CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. TI-iE VOTE : Ayes - 5 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - 0 lI/14/78 - i�ieeting Vo. 1�A�5 , a• MINUTES OF THE MEETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS AND REVIE�� Tuesday, November 14, 1978 City Council Committee Room 707 City Hall and Court• House 1: 30 p.m. MEh1BE RS PRESENT: D. D. Wozniak, Chairman Arthur Tieso Ron Glassman � LeRoy Coleman James Voigt MEI�IBERS ABSENT: David Heider Estyr B. Peake AGENCIES PRESENT: Denartment of Community Services - Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement Alice Bijjani Steve Roy St. Paul Bureau of Health William McCausland OTHERS PRESENT: Mrs . Charles Grayum Barbara Jeanetta (Merriam Park :Veighborhood Housing Services) Thomas E. LaFond Betty McLaughlin (Merriam Park Community Council) Keith N. Mazar James Coughlin Patrick Coughlin . Norma Kane Shirley M. Windish Francis R. Hughes LaVonne L. Wicht ' STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness , Apneals Board Secretary The meeting was called to order at 1 : 45 p.m. The minutes of the meeting of October 10 , 1978, were anproved as maile d out to the members . � � , -6- 11/14/7g - Meeting No. 145 � . CASE N0. PROPERTY APPELLANT ���-�� 34- 78-B 286 and 294 Day*on Francis R. Hughes (two vacan�t buildings) SUBJECT: ReQuest to re-open case in order to appeal for suspension of ees an penalties due under Vacant Building Registration Ordin an ce until buildings are rented, and also to reQuest additional six months ta complete rehabilitation �aork according to plan filed on each building. Previous Hearing 9/12/78 : Case was withdrawn at appeZlant' s request . APPEA�'VCE : Francis R. Hughes ` � PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Hughes said he had reconsidered his previous withdrawal and was now asking for a suspension of vacant building fees until sueh time as he had his buildings rented. He understood that HRA land adjacent to his property would soon be available for purchase . If he could buy it, it would provide ample parking for his tenants , which heretofore had been a stumblin g block in attempts to obtain private financing. In addition, he said it appeared that loan money would soon be available from HRA under the 312 program for non-owner-occupied buildings of more than five u,nits . He said that Warren Frost, of HRA, had advised him that regulations �on dispersal of money under this program had not yet been received, so it was un certain at this time whether Mr. Hughes would qualify. Mr. Tieso suggested that the vacant building fees , plus ven alties for delinquent payments be allowed to accumulate until Mr. Hughes receives fin ancing to complete work on his properties . Mr. Hughes asked that deferment be allowed until he started to recezve rental income from the buildings . Mr. Tieso stated that he felt deferment of fees should be continued only until money was in hand, and should become payable at the time a building permit ivas _ taken _ out . Steve Roy asked, if Mr. Hughes for some reason cannot obtain either private or 312 finan cing, should the fees be deferred on a continuin g basis ? Mr. Tieso replied that he considered the period of six months , which the Board is entitled to grant on vacant building fees, should be sufficient. BOARD ACTION: Mr. Tieso moved that payment of the vacant building registration fees be allowed to accumulate , with delinquent penalties , until such time as appellant obtains major financing to complete rehabilitation project and applies for a building permit, or until June l, 1979, whichever occurs first . Mr. Glassman seconded. A40TI0� CARRIED AND SO QRDERE D, THE VOTE : Ayes - 5 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - 0 11/I4/78 - Meeting tio. '1,45 • � MINUTES OF THE :�1EETI�G ST. PAUL BOARD OF aPPEALS 1�?VD REVIEtitf Tuesday, November 14 , 1978 City Council Corunittee Room 707 City Hall and Court House 1: 30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT : D. D. Wozniak, Chairman Arthur Tieso Ron Glassman LeRoy Coleman James Voigt , MEMBERS ABSENT: David Heider � Estyr B. Pe�ke � AGENCIES PRESENT: Department of Community Services - Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement Alice Bijjani • Steve Roy St. Paul Bureau of Health William McCausland OTHERS PRESENT: Mrs . Charles Gravum Barbara Jeanetta� (�lerriam Park Neighborhood Housing Services) Thomas E. LaFond Betty McLaughlin (bierriam Park Community Council) Keith N. Mazar James Coughlin Patrick Coughlin . Norma Kane Shirley M. Windish Francis R. Hughes LaVonne L . Wicht ' STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness , Apneals Board Secretary The meeting was called to order at 1 : 45 p.m. The minutes of the meeting of October 10 , 1978, were approved as mailed out to the members .