272162 WHITE - CI7V CLERK ������ PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Admini strative Re solution e stabli shing a new title and class specification in the Civil Service Rules. RE50LVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended by adding to Section 7, under the heading "Semi-ski].led Labor", in proper alphabetical order, the title of Parts Runner; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civi.l Service Ru1es be further amended by inserting in Section 49, in proper alphabetical order, the attached Class Specification for the new title of Parts Runner. Approved: L A � Chairman Civi.l Service Commission COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler � PERSONNEL O ICE Hozza In Favor Hunt � L.evine _ J __ Against BY Maddox Showalter . Tedesco � Form pprov d by Cit At Adopted by ncil: Date — Cer ed Passed Council Secr,gtary � BY � � y, tapp o e by Ylavor: Date J 1978 Approv ayor for Submiss' n to Council BY gy � ������ Title of class: PARTS RUNNER DESCRIPTION OF {90RK General Statement of Duties:. Performs routine work in picking up and delivering repair parts and vehicles and assisting with clean-up and stores work in the shop; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the close supervision of a unit supervisor. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Drives a truck or automobile to pick up repair parts and supplies from vendors. Delivers parts to location of break-down. Delivers vehicles to repair shops and picks up repaired vehicles. Assists in parts storehouse by performing routine tasks such as unpacking parts, stacking shelves, keeping records and helping with inventory. Washes and cleans vehicles and their engines. Shuttles vehicles in and out of the repair shop. Assists in cleaning the shop and shop equipment. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Some ability to follow oral and written instructions. Working knowledge of vehicle parts and supplies. Some knowledge of the operation of a vehic'le repair and maintenance facility. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Must be eighteen years of age. Must have a Class B Niinnesota drivers' license. �`���s2 Title of class: PARTS RUNNER DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs routine work in picking up and delivering repair parts and vehicles and assisting with clean-up and stores work in the shop; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the close supervision of a unit supervisor. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Drives a truck or automobile to pick up repair parts and supplies from vendors. Delivers parts to location of break-down. Delivers vehicles to repair shops and picks up repaired vehicles. Assists in parts storehouse by performing routine tasks such as unpacking parts, stacking shelves, keeping records and helping with inventory. Washes and cleans vehicles and their engines. Shuttles vehicles in and out of the repair shop. Assists in cleaning the shop and shop eQuipment. KNOWLEDGE5, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Some ability to follow oral and written instructions. Working knowledge of vehicle parts and supplies. Some knowledge of the operation of a vehic�ie repair and maintenance facility. MINIhNM QUALIFICATIONS Must be eighteen years of age. Must have a Class B Minnesota drivers' license. . '1, �o not detach thia n�emorand�m frcm tfie r.esol::tion so th�t this in�onrtation wili be '� a�ra�lab�e to the City Ca�nci�. -t�i �l: 12 f I975�,��r ��. R�v.s 4/8!?b EBPI�ANTI@fN. ('�F A�ST�AT'=V8'ORHB'�3. RBSOLUTI4NS;, �1N8 m�1I�G�8 ..�, .,..�._ ,.. _�. , - �tts: October 2b, 1978 , �ECEiVED NOV � � 19�'S � �: ru�vR c$�e �x �� � FR;: Persanusl..4ffic� . ' ` �F: $seolutioa far sub�i8aio�t tQ Cttq Council '� . . . �=��I ■ rl r�� .. � _ . . . . .... . Ws �e�aa�m�nd yonr appzoval aad submissta� cf this Resal�t�t to �he Citp .Council. _ + . P�O.S�� � RAT�C�Ai� F4R THIS ACTION: This Resolution wi31 establish the title of Parts Runn.er in Sec#�ai,o�n ? of the Civil Service Rules un.der the heading "Sex�ni-ski]led La�or" and a clas� speci,fication for the title of Parts Runaer i.n Section 49 of the Civil Ser�ice Rute s. < , This class will perform fi�►e routi.ne ta.sk of picki.ng up repair parts �ather tlian havi.ng more skilled and highly paid employeea assigned to this work. � . � . , � �� �� �. . _� • Resolution and copy for the City Clerk. ' F