BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �����
� Cou cil Resolution ��rw
Presented By ,
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHII3EAS, The Legislature of the State of Minnesota passed a 1aw under
Chapter No. 338 during the 1q73 Session which in part requires the City to seek bids
for insurance coverages every �+8 months, and
WHgtEAS, It has been �+8 months since the last bid for life insurance was
sought and the contract awarded, now therefore be it
RESOLVID, That the Council of the City of Saa.nt Paul hereby authorize and
direct William E. Peter, Purchasing Agent of the City of Saint Paul, to request bids
for life insurance in accardance with the specifications, a copy of which is attached
hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and in accordance and together with
standard city form specifications used by the Purchasin� Depaxtment.
COU[VC[LMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Butler � In Favor
Levine _ � __ Against BY
Tedesco Form pprove by Ci y A y
Adopted by C cil: Date _��' S �9�8
Certifie assed Counc� SecrPtary BY �
t�ppr by 1Vlavor: D e --ec�_'r �9� App ov d by Mayor for Sub ' s' n o Council
By _ By
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1, tidhene�ver the terM "City" is used herein, it shall also appJ�y to the Independent School
District No. 625 as we11.
2. Where reference is made to the"City Council" it shaLl also a�rpl,y to Board of the
Indenendent School District No. 625 as well.
3. The City hereby request formal Uids to provide l.ife insu,.rance benefits as described.
4. The City will eva,]_uate all bids received on the same basis.
5. The City reserves the right to reject ar�y and a]1 bids.
6. Specimen copies of the Group Master Contract to be issued pursuant to these specifi-
cations sha11 be f'�arnished. with the proposal.
7. After the det�ination of the successfl�l bidder, the City reserves the right to engage
the services of an a,gent of record to service the City and its err�ployees by explaining
benef'its, taking applications, and offeriiig assistance in prob�ems rela.ted to the
benef`it progra.��.
8. The successflil bidder wili f'urnish a Certificate of Covera.ge and Beneficiary Desi.gnatzon
to each insured person.
9. Clerical error on the paxt of the City or the provider of benefits shall nat prejudi.ce
benefits �'or an employee nor sha11 such error continue the benefits bey°ond the date it
wouZd otherwise terminate under the terms of this contract except for such esror.
10. If there are any terms, phrases, or provisions contained in the proposed policy, which
may be contra.dictory to the specifications prov.ided herein, the langua.�e of the speci-
fications shall in aLl instances ta,ke procedence, assUming compliance with Fed.eral,
State and local law.
11. The City of Sa.int Paul, in considering the proposa3s submitted and in making an awaxd
af the proposal, sha11 take into cansideration such factors as the service capa'ailities,
character, financial position, reputation with respect to such caxriers, and any o�her
factors which the City ma.y deem appropriate in arriving at an award to a particular
carri er.
12. The present life carrier acts as the administrator for the ci�y's employee group insur-
ance program, keeping a�. the records of a11 those insured under the plan, providing
a monthly bi?1 and data processing tape for premi.�s due, itemizing the names of e�.^r�loyees
and coverages provi.ded., col.lecting the premituns a.nd disbursing them to the pro�er carriers.
The administrator is reimbvrsed for these services on a percenta.ge basis of the preraiu�s
disbursed to the c2sriers.
The company awarded the co�tract �or insurance provid.ed hereunder except tha-c un�er
"Insuring �re�nents" No. ? shall be responsible to assu.*ne the administration of this
account as outlined above and set forth in the administration specifications, E�hibit J,
attac.�ed hereto.
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l. The initial term of this contract wi1.1 begin on the first day of January, 1979 and
continue for 12 months, ending on the 31st day of December, 1q79.
2. Unless discontinued by the City the contract will be renewed automatically each sub-
sequent January 1st at the premium rates approved by the City Council.
3. The City may termi.nate this contract with a thirty days written notice to the carrier.
�+. Ar�y reauests for premiwn change for the next followin� year must be made in writi.ng
60 days prior to the policy anniversary date and addxessed to the E�rployee Benefits
Coordinator, or be renewed. at the existing rates.
5. The City reserves the ri�ht to change the anniversary date with 30 days notice to the
carrier at rates mutuaLly agreed. upon.
l. The Council of the City of Saint Paul shall have the sole authority for determining
eligibili.ty for the employees, retirees, survivors, and their dependents to be insuxed
in a manner which precludes individual selection and according to State and Fed.eral
2. rrew employees and their dependerits shall be insured. without evidence of insUrability
pursuant to Cowncil File #�26762�.
3. The effective date of the e�ployees's insurance who is appointed or transferred to the
group insured hereunder shaLl be the first day of the pay period following such transfer,
appointment or beco�ing eligible for city contribution. Such coverage will be provided.
without chaxge after the l5th of ar�y initial month.
1. Insurance for the insured employee shall automatically terminate at the end of the
contract month for which his_ premium was last paic� and accepted by the compax�y, in the
(a) the group contract is lapsed or discontinued, or
(b) the required premium payments cease to be made on the account of the
insured employee, or '
(c) the znsured employee terminates his employment with the employer, or
(d) the insured employee enters active duty in the military or naval service, or
(e) the insured e�ployee is temporarily laid-off, granted. sick leave wi.thout
pay, or granted a written leave of absence, provided, however, insurance
not terminated for other cause stated in (a) throu�h (d) above, may be
continued for not exceeding twelve (12) raonths by payment of the required.
payments for insurance directly to the insurance company, on or before the
respective due dates.
2. �5,000 of this life insurance wi.11 continue for an eaxly retiree wY?ich is defined as
an employee who terminates his service with the City and is receiving a pension from
one of the City pension plans unless a cause listed from (a) through (d) above occurs
which sha11 terminate said insurance.
3, An insured person whose insurance hereunder ceases for any reason sha11 be eligible
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again for insurance hereunder without evidence of insurability upon being reinstated
to active employment by the City, provided the employee r�eets a11 other eligibility
1. The successf�.il. bidder hereunder shall automatically assume all axeas of risk in such
manner that no person shall be denied or afforded benefits and�or coverages solely by
reason of a change of insurers.
2. Employees who are eligible for covera.ge, and at the time this contract becomes effec-
tive ax e on leave of absence, sick leave without pay, lay off, suspension, sabbatical
leave or resigned with rights of restoration shall, upon their return to their position
in the active employment of the City, be covered along with their dependents wi.thout
evidence of insurability.
3. The effective date of the employee's insurance, including insurance with respect to
his dependent(s) , who is required to furnish evidence of insurabi.lity shaLl be the
date of application of employee if such evidence o� insurability is accepted. Such
coverage will be provided without chaxge after the 15th of any initial month.
�+. Insurance will be provided for dependents' life and the first $1,000 of employee
optional life insurance if applied for when employee first becomes eligible for such
coverage and also when the employee becomes eligible for City contribution for basic
life insurance without evidence of insurability.
5. Dependent life insurance may be applied for wi.thout evidence of insurability during an
open enrollment period.
6. All other optional life insurance except as above provided shall be issued subject to
underwriting based upon evidence of insurability. .
l. $5,000 Death Benefit for each eligible employee of the City of Saint Pau1.
2. Life insurance to equal the annual salary less $5,000 of certain city employees listed
� in bchibit "A" attached. hereto. ,�
3. $1,000 to $15,000 based upon the application of the employee in even amounts of $1,000.
4. $20,000 to $45,000 in increments of $5,000 based on the application of the e�rployee.
5. Far.�il,y life insurance in optional amounts of $1,000, $2,000, and $3,000 coverino the
dependents of the employee.
6. Insurance covering the spouse of the employee in an amount of �5,000.
7. The City shall pay the premiums for #1 and #2 above month�,y.
8. The City wi11 ti•rithhold f`rom the �.-nployees pay checks and disburse to the caxriers
r,lontnly the pre�iuras developed by #3, 4, 5 and 6 above.
9. All above insurar.ce shall provide:
(a) Accidental Death, Dismemberment and Loss of Sight Benef`i.ts
Life . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • • . . . .Principal Sum
Both Hands, or Both Feet, or Sight of Both Eyes. .Principal Sum
One Hand and One Foot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Principal Sum
One Foot and Sight of One E�re. . . . . . . . . . .Principal Sum
. One Hand and Sight of One �re. . . . • . • . . . .Principal Sum
Sight of One Eye . . . • • • . . . . One half of Principal Sum
One Hanci or One Foot . . . . . . . . One half o� Principal Sum
Loss of hands or feet means complete severence through, above the writs or
ankle joints.
Loss of sight means entire and irrecoverable loss of sight.
The Principal Sum sha11 equal the amount of life insurance in force.
LT1'�IITATIONS (Applicable to Accidental Death and Dismemberment)
Benefits shall not be payable if death or other loss resul.ts �o�n war, declared
or undeclaxed, or any related act; travel or flitht in any or on any species of
military aircraft; or paxticipation as a passenger or otherwise in any mili+ary,
aviation, or aeronautical operation; participation in or atterapt to co�nit an
assualt or felony; suicide or atterapt at suicide while sane or insane, or resulting
directly or indirectly from ar�y physical or mental infirmity, ill.ness or d.isease;
poisoning or bacterial infection, other than infection occurring simultaneously
with and in consequence of an accidental. eut or wound.
(b) Waiver of Premilun
If, while under a.ge 65 and before cessation of premium paynents for insurance, the
employee becomes totally disabled., and if such disability continues �.fter cessation
of premium paycnents, the employee's group life insurance sha11 rer.�:in in force, with-
out payrnent of prem%.ums, during the continuance of such total disability for a period
�of twelve (12) months.
If, while under age b5 and insured. hereunder eithc�x by pa��ent of premiur�s or
by operation of section above, written proof is received by the cor.rpany that the
�mployee has become totalJtiy and presumably perma.nently disabled as defined herin,
the e�rmloye�'s group life insurance shall remain in force, without payment of
premiums, during the period of such continuous total. disabilitf.
Disability shall be deemed to be total whenever you, as the result oi accidental
bodily injury ox of disease, ax e whoLly incapable of engaging in your ot,m or any
other occupation for remuneration or profit. Disability shall. be presumed to be
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permanent only after you have besn totally disabled continuously for not less
than nine consecutive months. You shall be required to f`urnish to the company
every twelve months, or if requested, at more frequent intervals, due proof of
' the continua,nce of disability and an opportunity to make a, physical examinatio:�.
If you cease to be totally disabled. and are not then eligible for insurance under
any of these Group Policies, your insurance under the policy wi11 cease automa.t-
ical]�y thirty-one days thereafter. Irrespective of the continuance of disability,
your insurance wi11 cease automatically thirty-one days a.f'ter the end of any twelve
month period during which you fail to flzrnish proof of the continuance of total
disability or thirty-one days after you refuse to be examined as provided above.
During the thirty-one day period preceding termination of insurance, you shal.l be
entitled to appl,y for a policy of life insurance in accorda,nce with the Conversion
provi.sions as though enployment had terminated at the beginning of the thirty-one
_ . . ,_ . r
A. (Page 1-11) List of present insureds under "Insuring Agreements"
No. 2 - Date of birth and a..r.oun� of insurance
B. (Pa.ge 1-6) Census Data
Colu�n �rl Ages
" �2 ESnployees insured for $5,000 basic
" �r3 N�ber insured with optional insurance
'� #4 Am�unt of optional insurance in force (thousands)
" y�5 Number covering dependents
� " �6 Amount dependents insurance in force (thousands)
" ,�7 Ntunber of employees covering spouse
" #8 Amount of insurance on spouse in foxee (thousands)
C. (Page 1-5) Fxperience, 197�+ through 1977
Rates, premiuns, claims, dividends
D. Preni.um Qwotation - $5,000 basic life
E. Prersium Quotation - Life equa.l annual salary less $5,000
F. Pr�ium Quotation - $1,000 - $�+5,000 optional life, not including
G. Premium QLwtation $1,000 - $45,000 optional teachers onl,y
H. Premitun Quotation Dependents and Spouse Life
I. Quotation for Administrative Cost
J. Administration Speci�ications
K. Copy of computer print-out of i.nsurance billing
Exhibit A Pa,ge r�1
Bellus, Jaxnes J. 8-21-�6 M $26,000
Blanchard, Marvin L. 2-26-i9 r� 1�+,000
Rroeker, Richard 5- 8-42 M 27,000
. Carlson, Bernard J. 11-22-�+4 P4 32,000
Companion, Martin A. 8-20-22 M 27,000
Conroy, Stephen F. i-27-28 r� 32,�00
� Flinch, Susan 10- 7-40 F 32,000
Friedmann, John E. 6- 8-32 M 27,000
Gleason, Thomas D, lo-2g-26 M 37,000
Green, Leland J. 6_13-32 M 22,000
Grimes, Russell F. 4- 3-39 M 15,000
Hollenbeck, Douglas 7_�9_!�2 M 17,000 �
Kelley, Thomas J. 5_ 7-2o M 32,000
Lombaxdi, James C. 9-23-36 M 22,000
Mix, Rose A. 6- 5-31 F 18,000
Nygaard, Don 11-10-36 M 32,000
Patton, William 8-25-39 M 29,000
Rountry, Eleanor A. 1-20-15 F 22,000
Rowan, Richard H. 12_ 5_21 M 32,000
Schroeder, R�chard E. 5_ 8_i6 M 28,000
Stout, Gary E �._22_!�� Ni 32,000
Sullivan, Terry 3-22-39 M 24,000
vizara, Ea.wara F. 8_2g_3�. r� i8,000
Wright, Bernard P. 1_�9_lg M 2$,000 �
Total Lives 2�+ Total �625,000
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Exhibit A Page #2
Ackland, Kathryn J. 6-28-�+6 F �17,000 Lewis, Donald 4-25-18 M $25,000
Adcock, Ma.deline 10-10-23 F 29,000 McGinley, MiZes 10-30-28 j� 21,000
Atchison, Elisabeth 7- 6-25 F 17,000 McGuire, Charles 9- 5-36 M 2i,000
Baumguaxtner, R. 11- 3-36 NI 25,000 Manning, Richard 1-19-27 M 22,000
Bell, Earlyn R. 12-30-15 M 20,000 Mundahl, Larron A. 1-31-38 M 20,000
Bell, Walter A. 10-30-21 M 16,000 Murphy, M. Alice 4- 1-�+U F 11,000
Blue, s�rn 7- 3-26 r� 25,00o Mvrphy, Mary Ann 10-18-�+2 F 21,000
Bredahl, Roy E 9-16-33 M 30,000 Norstrem, Gary R, �-26-36 M 18,000
Burkholder, Lloyd A. 1-16-28 M 22,000 Olinger, August 7-15-3o r� 28,000
Carchedi, Joseph 2-20-27 M 22,000 01son, Albert 1-31-3�+ M 18,000
Cherma'�, Robert J. 4- 1-14 M 22,000 Peter, William 8-30-26 M 2�+,000
Clark, Marjorie 11-19-21 F 17,000 Peterson, Robert 9- 2-30 �t 33,�4
Cody, Maxion L. 6-�2-Z6 F 20,000 Piraxn, Robert 6-2�-39 M 32,000
Gox, Dr. Pau]. J. _ 10-1�+-21 M 27,000 Poor, John 11-16-41 p� 19,000
Davis, John W. 9-i6-36 M 1g,00o Prill, Gerald 5-3�-36 M 27,��
Desch, Pau1 F. 5- 6-2�+ M 16,000 Rabens, Fred 3-17-27 M 19,000
Do.ovan, James W. 9- 8-2�+ M 35,000 Roett;er, Robert 1-25-38 � 30,0�0
Dunforcl, Dan �+-15-35 M 30,000 Schnaxr, Richard 9-23-19 M 32,�00
Dzugan, Kenneth 8-2�+-42 M 22,000 Schonberger, G. Kent 1-2�-21 M 33,000
�s erhardt, Ed 7- 8-18 M 32,000 Schwartz, James F. 7-1s-31 M 23,000
�.�um, Thomas J. 12- 7-�-4 M 25,000 Sinn, Kenneth �+-27-25 M 19,000
F`rickson, G�.enn A. 3-Z?+-28 M 33,�p0 Sonnen, r�ar3r 9-��+-44 F �.6,000
Ernster, Donald E. 11- 2-29 M 22,000 Staffenson, �ank 6-20-33 M 22,000
Fletcher, Jor.n A. 5-`:7-Z9� M 19,000 Stanton, Don�.ld 12- 1-19 P� 22,000
Ford, Kenne'ch 1-1.�+-�+0 M 21�ppp Steenberg, Gerald 12-12-36 r�i 24,000
F'oreman, Joa,n R. 11-16-35 F 19,000 Thomas, Haxtley 6-28-28 M 19,000
Glaeve, Reyno:Ld 6-22-17 M 19,000 Thorpe, Richard 12-17-32 M 20,000
Griedex, Roy E. 2- 8-21 M 30,000 Thron, Diana 5- 7-�+5 F 34,000
Hancock, Donald 9- 9-28 � 25,000 Ti.�rm►, William 5-19-32 M 22,000
Holmgren, Harold 5-30-26 M 20,000 Tio, Edmund 11-�6-26 M 19,000
Horrisberger, Robert 11-11-22 M 22,000 Tr�d.eau, Robert 2-23-27 M 31,000
Isfeld, 3oyce 7-21-27 F 17�ppp Tufte, Donald 3- 7-36 � �9,000
Jacksar., Henr.y 7-28-�+2 M 26,000 VarLn, Nirs. Timothy 7-1.7-z7 F 24,000
Kercheval, Craig 11-20-4ti M 21,000 �der�hauser, Arthur 7-12-36 M 27,000
Koenig, Joseph 4-16-27 r�I 30,000 S��heeler, R�chaxd 12-1�+-22 M 38,000
Lang, Robert 10-10-27 M 27,000 Wiiliams, Gtilliam 11-11-29 M 19,000
Total lives 72 Total 1,691,400
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Exhibi� A Page #3
Abrahamson, Norma C. 11-30-13 F $15,000. Doyle, ':�Iargaret 8-16-18 F $1�+,�00
Ackermann, Anthon4y 12-26-37 M 15,000 Doyle, M�,ry C. 2- 6-31 F 13,000
Agness, Timothy M. 7- 6-�E7 M 18,000 Drobac, Alice 2- 2-24 F 15,000
Aichinger, Tamsen L. 9-11-4b F 13,000 Eaton, Louis �+-1�+-23 M 19,000
Akenson, Robert D. 11-22-19 M 19,000 Eggum, Michael 10- 3-�+8 M 20,000
Anderson, Audrey K. 10-11-35 F 1�+,000 Eichinger, John 5-17-26 M 18,000
Anderson-Laid, Cheryl 9- �-Zt8 F 15,000 Eizenhoeffer, Claude 9- 3-2'7 M 21,000
Anderson, Roger R. 3-13-�+9 M 15,000 E].lingwood, Sue 8- 8-4g F 10,000
Ange11, Carroll E. Jr.12-18-34 M 15,000 �norv, A1-an 4-18-48 M 15,000
Aschittino, John G . 12- 2-4�+ M 9,000 Ehglund, Joanne 7- 3-3o F 21,000
Aschittino, Roxanne g-2g-�+4 F 10,000 Engstrom, Kathryne 4-23-�+8 F 10,000
Ashworth, Thomas 4-20-46 M 10,000 �ickson, Gary L. 1- g-47 M 21,000
Bailey, Beatrice 8-12-20 F 21,000 Esboldt, Jerome 3-31-�+7 M 12,000
Barone, Debra 12-31-53 F 9,000 Ethier, Patricia 3-30-23 F 10,000
Baxr, Judith A. 10-26-52 F 10,000 Ewens, Richard 1- 3-22 M 19,000
Bavmgartner, Jean ��- 3-3b F 11�,ppp Fearnside, Wendy 6- �+-�+9 F 12,000
Beerman, Elmer 3-26-�-7 M 13,000 Finn, Lucille 7-28-20 F 16,000
Bel1, Howaxd K. 12-30-�5 r� 10,000 Fleming, Helen 10-1�+-26 F 10,000
Berman, Jean S. 8-27-51 F 12,000 Fletcher, Readus 1-26-5o M 1I,00d
Bijj�.ni, Alice 7-23-4b F 14,000 Foreman, John J. 7- �+-22 M 18,000
Bilek, Laurence 2- 6-3�+ r�t 15,000 F'rancis, James Fi. 12-26-18 M 15,000
Blahna, John H, 3-19-�+8 M 11,000 �'�us, Georgia 11-27-29 F 15,000
Block, Robert 5-13-5o M 8,000 Gag, Jaraes A. �+- 8-47 M 18,000
Boche, Chris 11- 7-52 M 8,000 Galt, F`rancis E. 2-28-�b M 1�+,000
Bolles, John W. 11-22-�5 M 10,000 Ganje, Donald S, 8- 5-49 M 15,000
Brac�y, Shirley 5-2�+-26 F 18,000 Garcis, Barbaxa l0- 5-�+8 F 12,000
Broughton, Robert D, 6- 9-5o M 15,000 Getsug, Doris 10-18-16 F 1.8,000
Ero�im, Barbaxa D 1-1�+-27 F 18,000 Gilbertson, Scott 12-22-48 M 21,000
Buehrer, Doris 7-15-27 F 8,000 Gontarek, David J. 7-31-53 M 8,000
Bunnell, Marvin 6-23-47 M 18,000 Goski, Roger 5-19-42 M 18,00�
B;�rr, Thomas R. 6-26-�b M 18,000 Goswitz, Thomas R. 1-20-� M 12,000
Butz, Williaan R. $_ 7_�3 M 23,000 Greene, Edith 10-21-19 F 11,000
Carxoll, William H. 6_�g_�.9 M 15,000 Groc�ala, Stephen 12-2�+-5o M 15,000
Cheesebrow, Norma J. $_ 9_5� F 12,000 Grupp, Roger 2-11-�+6� 10,000
Christiansen, Ronald g_26_26 M 16,000 Guith, Ronald 9-22-18P�I 14,000
Christison, Margaxet 5_20_21� M 18,000 Gu.�ther, Willia;n F 11-14-�+5 M 16,000
Christofferson, Karen 4-13-l+5 F 1�+,000 Halstead, Theora 3-13-17 F 9,000
Gia.gne, Raymond P. 3_30_21� M 11+,OOp Hannasch, Joseph 12-2�+-21�1 10,000
C�rley, Ear1 W. 11-16_�g M 17,000 Harkness, Ward A. 2-1g-35 M 15,040
Connelly, John W, g_ 8_�3 M 25,000 Haselberger, Lawrence 3-22-17 M 19,000
Connor,Nanette J. 5_30-l�7 F 12,000 Hawkins, Beverly 11-24-�+9F 19,000
Co�ver, Pdaxshall S 10-17-41 M 9,000 Hedback, I�iagel B 9-23-17 F 1�+,000
Cr�n, Thomas G, io- 6-38 rR 12,000 Hedman, Richar3 3-19-t►6 M 21,000
Crumb, Christir.e 3_22_52 F 11,000 Hendricks, Hugo 11-27-31 M 12,000
Davies,P��la,ry 3-�5-St� F 8,000 Heldt, 1Vorbert 5-22-2I M 20,000
Day, Jeraldir.e g_ �_39 F 13,000 Hemming, Richard 12-18-38 M 15,000
DRy, Niaxvin 6- 8-3o M 12,000 Herrick, Lawrence 9-30-33 M 16,000
De�rine, Judith Ta. (-1�+-45 F 15,000 Heuer, Cheryl 5-18-�+8F 9,000
DiUirgilio, Zauis 9_2!�_J�� M 15,000 �:jerpe, Roger 6-26-28rs 19,000
Dodge, Ronald D. 6-2g-47 M 18,�00 Huempfner, Wend,y 2-20-5�+F 8,000
Do1an, Eil.een 5_�9_2!� F i5,000 Hofflnan, Virginia 6-10-17 F 15,000
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CI`PY OF SAINT PAUL Exhibit A Page #�+
Ingalls, E�.igene 12-11-3�+ �'� $ 9,000 0'Keefe, Mary A. 6-30-50 F $11,000
Sacob, Rosamond T. 5-22-28 F 11,000 0'Leary, James 11- 8-39 M 18,000
Johnson, Lynette 11-29-51 F 11,000 Olsen, Edwaxd L.Jr. 10-21-47 M 11,000
Johnsnn, Shirley $-16-28 F 9,pp0 Otto, Darothy 2-17-18 F i5,000
Jovellana, Jose 8-23-52 hi $,000 Pearson, Leon 8-11-l+6 M 21,000
Jung, Laurence 8_l0_35 M 13,000 Pechmann, Gary J, i2-z5-4o ri 15,000
. Kapp, Lucy 1- 4-52 F 11,Od0 Pelissier, James 3-14-4�+ M 12,OOQ
Kax1, Tromas 6-8-�+3 M 18,000 Perrizo, Bruce 10-14-�+1 M 16,000
Kessler, Robert 11-15-45 ri 13,000 Pesek, William 8-30-26 M 17,000
�Cbenig, David 5-18-�+2 M 1�+,000 Peterson, Ed.ward A. 6-1�+-23 P�I 8,OQ0
Kram:n, Donald 9- 6-30 Pd 13,000 '- Peterson, Klaxa 3_21_3g F 9,000
Kratzschmar, Gene 1- 7-�+7 pq 17,000 Peterson, Vernon �l- 3-26 M 19,000
Kuhfeld, Thamas �+-lg-�+5 � 21,000 Peterson, William 8-28_l�p M 16,000
LeVrls, Brent 4-2�+-�+2 bi 1.6,000 Pitman, Jeff'rey 5-i6-5o r� 10,000
Lueth, Larry 9-25-�+7 M 21,000 Portoghese,Christine $_2(_37 F 2,000
Lufkin, Jane 5-21-38 F 9,�0 Pojrer, Diane 3-17-�.7 F 13,000
Lundgren, Gregory 6- 7-�+7 M 12,000 Puchreiter, Roger $_�_�.2 p�I 20,000
I�ybeck, Marti 6- 7-51 F 10,000 Quinn, Penelope J. 6_ �_!�1 F 15,000
Z,yman,±Onkka,Mary 12- 1-�+9 F 12,000 Reidell, Mark L, u_�9_4g M 12,000
Ma.ack, Stephen 5- 3-� M 10,000 Renshaw, Ba,rbara 7_Zp_�.5 �' 11,000
Maa,s, Louise 4-22-35 F 10,000 Ricci, John 2_28_2$ M 18,000
Marasek, Stephen 6- 5-32 � 15,000 Robbins, �na B. 7_l?�_Z6 F 21,000
N�a.ttson, Norman 3-20-�+0 p� 18,000 Robbins, Ortha Ip_gp_�5 F 21,Q00
McAvey, P�ta.ureen 3-1�+-1�6 F 19,000 Roy, Steven R. Z_ 1_1�5 M 14,000
McCarthy, James lo- 2-36 r� 16,000 Ruzin, Jane Ann 8_22_1+9 F 10,000
McCausland, William 10-13-35 r+i 15,000 Ryan, Roger 3_ 6_1� I�i 23,000
McConnon, Ed��raxd 1+- 7-29 �q i5,000 Salo, Annette C. 9_ 7_�.l� F 10,000
McFadden, Bernice 3-�1-26 F 1�+,000 Sandquist, Robert 10-21-�+9 M 1Q,000
McGinn, Donald P. 3-30-27 r,� 20,000 Senn, Maxk 0. 1-10-�+9 M 19,000
?�ici�ionigal, Elizabeth 10-26-25 F 18,000 Shetka, Allen ,
$,: 2_la.6 M 21 000
P,:cNeally, Donna 5-26-44 F 16,000 Shields, Kathleen 1- 3-5� F 10,000
McPJellis, Gregory a.2-28-�+9 M 13,000 Sholholm, Jacqui 11-26-�+9 F 12,000
I�eissner, Edith 5- 7-�+7 F 15,000 Sieber, Beatrice 1- 3-26 F 15,000
P�erck, Neill 8-30-?+6 M 17,000 Si�c�y, Donald 10- 3-�+8 P� 11,000
:�P..rriam, Austin 2-22-2�+ 2�I 15,000 Slattery, Pdaxtha 7-21-51 F 11,000
P�Ierwin, Patricia 5-30-51 � 12,d00 S:�yder, James 6-25-�+1 M 16,000
r�ie�ver, Thomas 8-22-�+$ M 17,000 8obania, Donald 8-2�+-4o rd 21,000
Me��ers, Michael 10-20-51 M 11.,000 Soderhalm, Lawrence 9- 6-�+'+ M 18,000
Mi.11er, Donald 5-20-3�+ r�t 15,000 Splichal, George 10-30-�+7 NI 8,000
2�iller, Edward J. 12- 8-53 M 8,000 S�acho:•riak, Kathleen 1-25-�5 F 20,000
Mi.ttag, �ika 6-15-50 F 10,000 Stahnke, James 8- 7-39 Ni 23,000
i�`�ae, Tracy 2- 8-�+4 1'� 18,000 Stavn, Virginia 5-16-�+1 F 15,000
?-:oyna.�h, Ps.tricia 4_ 5_34 F 16,000 Steinkraus, Odney 10- 7-22 F 10,000
Pfiael�er, Josenh $_�9_�7 M 18,000 S�POhtc.i'�ch,Thomas 3-24-43 M 1�+,000
'•�ullan, Cynthia Ann 12-18-52 F 11,000 Sullivan, Catherine 5- 8-16 F 15,000
P�raller, Erik 1-10-�b 1'� 11,000 Sundbye, Delores 5-�3-31 � 15,000
Plurphy, Lorrair.e 1-10-29 �'' 9,000 Sundmark, David Zo-15-5o r� 8,000
?�?urra,y, RTosephir.e 10- �+-16 �` 15,000 Swanson, �ic g_ 7_t�7 r.� 8,000
T3elson, Elmer L. $-�-50 b1 Z1,000 Swan.son, Nora 12_lg_2� F 15,000
Plewcomb, KennetY: 3-12-17 1�T 16,000 Taylor, Brend�, g_�_55 F 8,000
Nolan, Dennis 3_2g_�.g P�: 12,000 Ted.esco, Elizabeth 9-�-53 F 11,000
Qdegard, Dean 2_l�._3�3 �-Z i3,000 Terrell Winniford
� 11- 7-24 F 1�,000
. . , � . ,
Exhibit A Pa,ge �5
Adams, James 10- 3-32 M �?5,00� Kelly, Raymond C. �.�.- 7-35 hs $15,000
Aichele, Gerald 8-19-21 r� 20,000 Kemp, Jauies L. 1- 8-31 Pd 15,000
Allison, Jack E, Sr. 10-12-25 i+i 11,000 Klein, Karl F. 10-Z�+-1�- M 15,000
Bourgoin, Ver]�yn i1-29-23 rt 15,000 Klemen�o, Robert M. ��-i3-26 j� 15,000
Brown, Robert 1-10-20 P+I 15,000 Klinkha�ner, David E. 6-i8-27 r� 16,000
Buechner, Etiigene 6- 2-2�+ P�I 16,000 Lindner, Marvin D. 9- 2-39 r� 15,000
Caliguire, Thomas 2-14-23 M 15,000 Lueer, James L. 9-�-32 r� 15,000
Corcoran, John 3-1�-26 M 15,000 PdcLaughlin, Patrick 11-14-27 M 15,000
Cowrneya, �.lxgene 9-29-31 r�g 15,000 Miller, Lester ' $- 6-15 M 19,000
Dahlberg, Verner � �+-17-23 M 18,000 Minex, Ray 7- �-36 M 15,000
DelSignore, Louis 11-28-30 M 16,000 Patrick, Alex J. 4- 3-i8 r� 16,OQ0
Domagalla, �enneth �+-27-35 r�t 16,000 Peisert, Arthur F.Jr. 6-30-�+7 M 15,000
Dotty, Anthony 3- 2-28-M 15,000 Peltier, Charles P. 9-23-z9 M 15,�00
Draz, Neil �1. 5- 3-28 r� 15,000 Phillips, Paul V. 7-25-26 M 15,000
Ericicson, Russell 9- 9-1.�+ M 11,000 8uist, Donald B. 6- 1-�1 M 15,040
Finch, Williazn G. 3-2'(-3o M 16,000 Rie�nenschneider,Wilbert 6-21-18 M 15,00Q
Freiseis, Joseph �-28-15 �i 16,000 Sancnez, Seraph i-ig-22 M 18,000
Gangl, Robert 8-i7-i5 r-i 16,000 Sandercock, Willia.an Zo-14-34 r� 18,000
Gelbmann, Richard J. 1-15-2b M 16,000 Sawyer, 2'homas 6- 1-33 M i5,000
Grew, Robert H. 11-18-23 M 15,OOp Scott, Daxrell 2-28-30 M 15,000
Gruber, Roger J. ii-i9-3�+ r� 15,000 Ste11a, John C ll- 8-19 r'� 13,000
Hoschka, John A. 7- 8-33 M 15,000 Stelter, Thoma,s J. 1-��+-43 ri 15,OOp
Hoschka, Richaxd L. 11-12-35 �� 15,000 Stolp, Ralph M. Sr. 9-1�+-2�+ M 16,000
Hoye, Donald C. 1-23-34 M 11,000 Suter, Charles J. 8-16-17 M 15,000
Hvnt, Richaxd, R. 2-- �+-31 M 20,000 Thole, Ja,nes 7-19-39 rd 15,000
Irestone, Ar�hur 12-12-24 ?`� 1b,000 Thompson, Bruce 2-12-32 M 15,000
Jensen, Walter 6-2�+-32r� 15,000 VanReese, Irvin 1-25-24 M 18,000
Johannes, Cletus 3-23-i6 M 13,000 Verdick, E�.igene 10-17-30 M 16,000
Johns�n, John H. 1�30-29 �'s 15,000 Weger, Fdward 1-i�+-3� r� 15,000
Keller, �nest l0- 7-16 R� 15,000
Totay�l. I,ives 59 Total �907,000
, . . ;
Exhibit A Pa,ge #6
Blees, Gregory N. 3-16-48 P�I $17,000
Devlin, John C. 12-27-19:.:M 18,000
Haupt, Gregory J. 6- 8-47 Pd 15,000
Kline, Ronald G. 9- 5-51 hi 13,000
Patka, Niilton G. 7- 3-34 M 1�+,000
Robertson, Maxk E. 7-z8-43 r� i7,000
Sobania, Jeanette M. 8-24-46 P4 12,000
Total 7 Total lOb,00o
Exhibit A Pa,ge #7
Thompson, Claudius 3- 5-z'( M �z5,000
Torgerson, Peggy 9-3Q-49 F 12,000
Tourtelotte, Brian �+-1g-50 M 13,000
Tregilgas, Kathlecn 3-1g-32 F 13,000
Tuckner, Irene 11- �+-40 F 12,000
Turner, I�larshall 10-11-47 P�I 11,000
Verma, Surgeet 11-2�+-38 M 8,000
Vogel, Linda 11-20-�+7 F 1�,000
Wagner, Ela.ine 3- 8-39 � 9,000
Waxn, Edt�rard 9-16-4b M 21,000
Weinke, Kenneth � 4- 1-2� P+1 13,000
White, Peter 2- 1-�7 M 1�+,000
Sailliams, Caxole 3-�5-4� F 13,000
Wingate, Laura 3- 3-36 F 15,000
Wirka, John 12-21-�+�+ M 21,000
Wittgenstein, Beverlyl.0-10-48 F 1�,000
Wittgenstein, Victor 10-21-�+3 M 1�+,000
Wolfe, Lynn 12- 2-50 F 10,000
Yannaxelly,Haxold �-2g-23 M 15,000
Zdon, James S. 2- 9-�+3 M �3,000
Total Lives 226 Total 3,200,000
. . .
F,xhibit A Page ,�r8
Hames, Peter G. 5- 1-43 M $25,000
Hecht, 2�.ary Ann 10- 1-51 F 10,000
Jefferson, Scott 10-27-52 P-1 9,000
0'Keefe, b�axgaxet 6-30-50 F 12,000
Thayer, Ella �. 12-30-43 F 10,000
Total Lives 5 Total �66,000
Cunningham, Valaxie 2-18-46 F $15,000
I,a.ntry, bsarilyn M. 10-28-32 F 15,000
Maxtin, �iichael C. 9-29-46 M 15,��
Neid, Karl 2- 3-4g r� 15,000
Osiecki, D�ary C. 10- 6-25 F 15,000
Sands, Mimi 3-21-43 F 5,400
Schieble, James A. $-3�-�+7 �� 15,000
Total Lives 7 Total $95,000
, . _ _ _ . _. _ _ _ . �
Exhibit A Pa.ge #9
AI�'�UNT 0 F
Blakely, Donald J. 11-17-25 M $28,000
Griffin, James S. 7- 6-17 M 28,000
LaBa.the, Robert F. 7-31-23 M 28,000
McCutcheon, William W.Jr.12-20-26 M 28,000
Total Lives �+ TotaZ �112,000
Heinen, Edward B. 12- 5-20 M �28,000
Pye, Robert S. 6-28-27 M 28,000
Total Lives 2 Total $56,000
. . .
Ai�UNT 0 F
Huset, Elmer A, g-29-20 �1 $37,000
T�tal L_ives 1 Total 37,000
Anderson, Allen 6-ii-2g r�i $12,000 Mogren, Thomas 1-10-31 M $32,000
F`riedman, Charles 7-16-24 M 20,000 Mohror, Roger 1- 6-39 t�t 29,000
Jacobsen, Verne 7- i-35 r� 30,000 Niles, John L. 3-30-32 Ph 12,000
Meuwissen, William 6-i7-2i r�t 30,000 Simonson, Maxlon 6- 7-29 M 22,000
� Total Lives 8 Total $187,000
Bullert, Bernie 4-20-46P4 $20,000 Streed, Kar1 4-21-50 M $18,000
Galvani, Mary K. 3-3o-15F 17,000 Mullaney, C. Leo 11- 6-15 M 16,000
Haugen, James 6-29-53�1 1Z,000 Westerberg, Charles 9-29-42 M 17,000
Laxkey, Nancy 12- 3-�+7F 8,000 Wicklund, John H.Jr. 8- 5-�+2 M 17,000
Tota1 Lives 8 Total $12�+,0�0
Addyman, Robert J. 6-2b-34i�i �15,000 Hawkinson,Robert E. 2-16-22 Td $17,004
Bethke, Donalct g- 9-29� 16,000 Huback, Donald. F. �+-12-25 M 16,000
Braun, Jean 1- 1-21r�1 15,000 Kline, George W. 12-11-Z7 rs 15,000
Caliguire, Dominic 6-17-�gi�t 15,000 ��litor, Haxtiey a.o-i3-29 rs �5,000
Corbo, Eu.gene 1-13-331� 15,000 Palony, Frank P, 12-30-22 M 16,000
Dupre, Melvin J. 2-12-20i�I 16,000 Pangal, George D 8-10-2�+ r,� 16,000
Engen, Grant 8-17-30��I 15,000 RaneLli, Mario J. 1-18-22 M 16,000
�ra:-�gelist, Leonard 3-23-2ohz 15,000 Ryan, Patrick W. 3- 6-�+b � 15,000
Fritz, Dominic E. 3-28-29z�i 16,000 Swedberg, Kenneth 1-2�+-21 p,� 1$,OOQ
Gaxdner, Louis P. 9- 7-3�+M 15,000 Waa�en, John 1-12-26 �,i 15,000
Gross, Frank 5- 6-162d 16,000
Total Lives 21 Total $323,000
, . .. . .. ,.. r , .
Exhibit A Page #11
Ba,ll, Virginia H. 12-18-15 F $24,000
Total Lives l Total $2�+,000
Dvorak, Richard io- 5-36rd �22,000 Janda, Francis 2- 3-3� M $20,000
Gravesen, Jens a. �+- 6-i7r� 23,000 Stirzl, P�ary 3-�g-29 F 11,OOQ
Hauwiller, Joseph 7-30-36Pd 2�+,000
Total Lives 5 Total $100,000
Anderson, Lee F. 2-19-48M $14,000 Haxdgi.nski, Jean 3-17-�+7F �1�+,400
Atkinson, David 5-13-4gr� 13,000 Kujala, Daxrell 1-17-48r� 15,000
Bre�wer, Daniel 4-21-46M 12,000 Lentz, John 10-20-45M 1�+,000
Cameron, Stanley 9- 2-53M 10,000 Rupert, Richard 11-26-46M 17,000
Canlas, Edmund 2- 8-l+6M 12,000 Vanderhoff, Margaxet 12-30-5�+F 8,Q00
Farmer, David L. 6-12-Zt8M 17,000 Walsh, Robert 7-17-42rd 19,000
Goldstein, Jules �+-30-47M 17,000 Zaudke, Ronald 6-21-46M 1�+,000
Hall, Clint 1-31-2br� 18,000
Total Lives 15 Total $21�+,000
�trE cozr�x Str��vzsoRS �oC� #320
�ovr�r oF ar�tmt� o�
Brandl, Howard C. 9-25-33r� �13,000 Lockhart, Ronald 5-2�+-35 M $13,000
Hiney, Donald A. ]1-23-20M 15,000 Mattison, Ed�,rard E. 3-i3-2or� 18,OOQ
Total Lives �+ Total $59,000
.. . _ . —^.
___. �., �
. . • .
� Exhibit B page ��
iNAL� t;t�NTRIBiJ7DRY LIFE FI;�E �,PiJ ;�,9RI�IF_ t;i;�JcRi�GES
_AG�--'�---E:tA�.�__�:�P_.._-__DE�..._.__IIE��__S?S. S�S_. A�S___ n;t __LT�----__LTfl_ ___�:"?�_ __.Et-!��___�
Ii�S LI;F �.IFE LIFE LIr=E.. LIFE LIFE �i0. ��1T ;��7. A�ST af.}ER E1DF,D �
.._.�r ,� t�1G. aMT �aC A��1T N A i`IC. �,�iT
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2'? -� 2 65 1 3 2 5 J� 1 2 5
21 10 1 20 7 27;)'J 2 75
---2Z-----.._8_- ---�----- ZJ--�__—.1_._._.___--�.-.`�L.---------5-----4__ 1:�.::��- -----__ ___-------. ..._ --- -- -_-___.._.
23 26 6 Z11 I 3 1 5 I3 57�0 � 135
24 37 8 190 4 . 12; b 30 lb 65t�0 8 3�35
--_25--___.24.... __.__4_�_�.__�5_ —�_-:-------�-.�____�:�����_LJ�_.3b��..�__.._ ___.___..______5_---�130__
25 3b 7 67 3 8 3 35 28 1090Q 4 3���
27 58 20 391 li 32 IL 5� 25 8320 15 5a�
--28--.73 ..__�13_�._ 337.---b---------�II.---.Ib____-----8�__2.5___83�Q__.___-----------____.__ .__.. -7-.---- ---33�_
29 b5 23 39b 24 b5 2� ' 105 20 654C� '8 8L5
3Q $5 36 6b7 27 75 : �5 '. I3� 4J 1274� 25 �b5
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32 75 3?_ 622 27 72 19 95 25 7580 :l_3 9Z0
33 52 ?.3 332 22 b2 19 95 2(3 b�+? i� 40�
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35 48 21 37S 25 bb ' IS 90 I6 �r030 2I 525
3b 57 �1 .`�24 31 - 8I. .. 27 135 3.3 37i�0 2Z :�75
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3y �8 �+3 �S7 37 98 2b 13� 1R SLF��:' ?b ?3J
39 �t7 25 53b 33 82 25 32� 12 358!` Z3 765
-- 4� ?,-g..----�-3-----_258---�9 --5�J----1-�--------�0-------9---���-::- --.-- -------. ._ t �--- _ _321--
41 44 39 218 24 C�t 37 II5 > 2??`� z5 4�0
4� 39 24 348 �Z t,i� 22 110 5 3�34u 12 2��
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44 5') 2t� 275 3�4 E� }.7 �35 14 45;`i; 20 420
45 �$ 32 385 42 R> 25 125 1 b ��?�:: �� 5?5
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4? 6�r 3� 331 44 1J8 ?2 11� 17 47�E.:} Z 20t� 2�3 5'_J
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5ti �3 50 +r,4� b3 159 32 1G0 22 b7'rf? 4z 970
?1 92 �:4 2i�b 73 lb6 3rJ ?�i� 24 £;J:Z�� lrb 85J
--52_.._.__.�3_ .__--44..____.. 4�3-----�I -._3.-40----�-�------1.'�------13------3-��. _:------ ._......__ 42,._..�_.�1�-_.
53 E£3 ir$ : 394 57 i33 23 li5 24 SJ���` : 1 2t;�� tr4 7gt�
54. 71 32 3IT 4� iv8: I7 : 8� i8 41v�3 2 ?JC 37 57�
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55 74 4t� 2b� 4Q 95 lb SO 25 ��7?_G 2 1'1+3 2� 575
�7 7_', 42 372 47 il3 ?_0 100 18 �,�00 34 b=.0
_._.5g---.- 64_._ .38-------�37-- ..4�1---:------�ta------9--- ------45----?2 ---~7=�--1-------1�3�7 -------��___ - �25_ _
59 56 2£� ' 13v ?o $5 °T�J 57 8 ��-'+J 2�l 4"l5
E�� �4 25 I23 30 _ ' 7�+ S 40 17 4;?Z� . ?3 420
cil�--_._.--b�_ ._-��.__.___.^�:32__--- �9--�.._.:_..�b------=;----- ....35_ __1--r t+�------i-- t_E;� t
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52 7; 1.> �r? 23 4R 6 3J 15 3g8;� 13 2()�
b3 55 19 63 23 4f� 2 10 iIr 2,''>4� In 3J5
--._ b�r_._._.�b----_ 17__ ___. -ii3----�5-----�----37------�----- --��- - --c . . . 12:'-�---------.._ ._.____. _ ,� 2�=J
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. .4 s . . . - . � .
' ' Exhibit B Page �2
�I�Y t3F ST. ?aUL
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INS LI�� LI�� LIF� LIFE LIFE L.I�E N0. A;�iT ;1C. �1�'� A��� ADE��J i
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._.---O. __ .V._ _--------------. _ _��-_...-� --- ..� . _.._�___ .._ _.._..�.:____. .. _.__ _ .__ _:- --... . _ . ._
1� 4 4 Z10�
19 b 1 400
�, ______��_..�------- .--.._____ _7_____20 C C_-------- _..__ __ __.__.._. .----- -----_._ _
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ZL 21 1 i0 I3 34Jfi
22 11 2 bd 1 3 1 5 7 2b�� 2 I15
-- . 23-----_ 24__�...__3...__--_-�-�-:�__� ���._.�_�.��___..__._.._._5---_2-0�.._,35�n-------. __-_.._._...�-2---=---�2� -
24 2a 1 5 10 2340 I ��
25 20 1 20 12 �r74� 1 ZS
___ ?L--___2.7.,.__...__t+,---- _32_____ —____ --=--1- _ .__-_5._.---_1.,2.______s+.?�-i2U----- ---- -�-----.._.. ---------
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2S 29 1 10 3 ` 9 4 20 17 £�4Cu 1 i5
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3 I 23 2. 15 �-r 12 4 20 18 5 64�? 2 � 3.�
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44 31 b I3� . 7 21 2 10 8 �44Q 7 ?0
�r5 3J 9 118 5 t5 3 15 1�? 32J:.� 5 7J
t��-.._....3g_. ._- �7 _ __.2II2 _.___1-2_.__-___32.__ ---5---_ ._---25--___1�--- -2 i2�� ---------___--.�_... _____.. -�- ---- - �fl
47 2Q b 131 E 19 5 25 � 324^ 2 5t�
48 28 7 �.^iJ 9 23 3 15 b .£io:� b I�'3
_ �t9 ----�4-3--____1-�-.._____.?24----- --�---..M__ 2g..____l _ _-----5---- _-�b-_.__ 44;:�-. :.-----,_..__-'_____ __..__�.2--- . .-325.
�0 ?4 33 I33 5 2� I 5 9 2"I40 4 75
51 31 11 117 6 12 1 5 � 26=rC' 3 2�
----52-------23--......._�--__.- ---94---� ---I11.�____3__-- -�---�-5 --._ 3'�---��-?c�--------__.._.---- ----___ �__ --�-1�5
5� 33 11 143 13 31 3 l.5 13 4-�4� . 7 ?65
54 2G 11 lb4 7 13 12 3i8� g 27�
..-55----.�_.13 _ _...__5____..._�.�-_..�_._...._7.__.____._._�.)__.., _.__.1 _ _ _.:_� ... _ ;_.... _--1-�34�.. .:__._:�_ �...�.__ __ _. ._3---.. --- 3� -
SS 2b 9 a� 13 2� 3 15 10 242G F3 1��
57 21 i� I�I S Zt} 1 5 ° 2L�+C• 10 230
__ -�� .--_ ?Z._.__ -.._.y_.._..---._71-.__ __4---____._ -h - _ _ -- . ____ ____ _ -�------ �-3�k�-- ----------- ----- _--- ---b..._----1�J5 -
5g ?,5 I5 164 9 ?� 1 5 1� 37[�� 12 Zoa
JO 1�7 5 90 ° 22 Z � b i48i3 t� 2t75
�l - -21� -._�,__._..�__..3�. __ .___.3.--._..__._ _ ._�._____ ._ 2. -- -- ._�t�__ . _'3___ _17�;:. : _ __..--_ :__ _-._._ .__. 7... __. �15
b2 29 7 47 5 13 2 1C3 u 3�c:; 3 I2�
b:3 23 4 17 3 7 1 5 �> 11J�� 6 135
54 __.._?_3_ _.__..b_ - --�r�__ _ 3_ _ ------ --�...- ___._ ____ __ 7 - -- 'l:>���__ __ _ __. _ _ _-- . _ 5 _ f�5
a5 I3 6 42 3 ? �: '1�t�:� f� ?ti5
b 5 � 1 2 I ? 1 �����
- 1-T13. 410-. �915 _ 273 __._ . -bv?_ .. lflt7 �0� �7� lc•�;`,,: . _ ___. _.__ ?_�f; 3i:-rt;
� .. , . . , �
EXfiIBIT C Page #1
$5,000 Basic �nployee Life
$5,000; $2.80/mo. Death $126,000
AD+D 5,000
Disability 98,250
Conversions 1,680
$231,588.�6 $230,93� None
197 5
$5,000; $2.80/mo. Death $115,3�
ADfD --
Disability 26,250
Conversions 1,500
$233�709.8�+ $1�+3�050 $ 56�917
�5,000; $3.05/mo. Death $137,��
�n+D 5,00a
Disability 110,250
Conversions 4,740
$z57,882.35 $256,99� None
� �
$5,000; $2.95/mo. Death �160,000
�+n 5,000
Disability 83,250
Conversions l,4�+0
$2�}4,2�9.1�_. . . $?49,690 None
P10TE: All AD+D coverage on P�Iinnesota Mutual policies axe pooled so the premiums
and losses will nat be used in calculating dividends.
. . . s
EXfiIBIT C Page �2
�1,000; �1.00�mo. Death �62,000
�2,000; �2.00�mo. AD+D 1,000
$3,000; $3.00/mo. Conversions 780
$89�301 $b1�78o $�6,044
�1,000; $1.00�mo. Death $51,000
$2,000; $2.00�mo. AD+D None
$3,000; $3.��ma• Comrersions 900
�l03,023 $51�900 $38�51�+
$1,000; $1.00/mo. Death $19,000
�2,0�0; $2.00�mo. AD+D None
$3,000; $3.00�mo. Conversions 2 3�+0
$133,588 21,3� $97,533
Rate for $5,000 on spouse: E�nployee A.ge:
Under 30 $1.00/mo.
30 - 39 1.5o/mo.
�+o - 4g 3.o0/mo.
50 - 54 5.50/mo.
55 - 59 8.00/mo.
60 - 64 i2.00/mo.
65 - 6g 15.00/mo.
� �
$1,000; $1.00/mo. Death �59,000
$2,000; $2.00�mo. AD+D 2,000
$3,000; $3.00/mo. Canversions 360 .
$134,280 1,300 $57•967.21�
Rate for $5,000 on spouse: �nployee Age:
Under 30 $ 1.00/mo.
30 - 39 1.50/mo.
�+0 - 49 3.o0/mo.
50 - 5�+ 5•50/�0.
55 - 59 8.00/mo.
60 - 64 12.00/mo.
65 - 69 15.00/mo. �
�- $5,000 insurance on spouse made available 7-1-75
� , :; . _ _ .
. , t
�IIBIT C Page �3
1q7�+ RATE�1,000
Under 30 y� .30�mo.
3o - 39 .30/mo. Death $57,000
�+U - 1+9 .60/mo. AD+D None
50- -' S� 1.10/mo. Disability 23,25�
55 - 59 1.60�mo. Conversions None
60 - .6�+ 2.1�0%0.
65 - 69 3.00jmo.
$98�923.00 $80,250 None
� RATE�1,000
Under 3� $ .30fmo.
34 - 39 .30/mo. Death �40,000
_ 40 - 4g .60/mo. AD+D None
, 50 - 54 1.10�mo. Disability - 2,250
55 - 59 1.60�mo. Conversions None
60 - 64 2.!+U/mo.
65 - 69 3.00/mo.
$ZO7,526.10 $37,750 $39,836
� RATE�1,000
Under 30 $ .30/mo.
, 30 - 39 .30/mo. Death $�+8,000
� 1E0 - 49 .60/mo. AD+D None
50 - 5�+ 1.10/mo. Disability 51;750
55 - 59 1.60/mo. Conversions None
60 - 64 2.40%0.
65 - 69 3.00/no.
$111,079.�+0 �99,750 None
1gT7 RATE�1,000
Under 30 � .20�mo.
3� - 39 .30/mo. Death $46,000
�+0 - �+g .60/mo. AD+D None
50 - 54 1.10�mo. Disability None
55 - 59 1.60%0. Conversions 300
60 - 6�+ 2.40/r�o.
�118,466.88 $46,300 $ 8,55�.00
P�OTE: There has been established a. stabi.lization fund ��hich has been deisgned
to keep the rates and dividends fro?n laxge changes.
EXEiIBIT C Page #4
Under 30 $ .20/mo.
3� - 39 .30/mo. Death �11,000
40 - 49 .60�mo. AD+D I�Tone
50 - 5�+ 1.10/mo. Disability - 1,500
55 - 59 1.60/mo. Conversions None
60 - 61+ 2.�+o/mo.
65 - 69 3.00/MO.
$123,330 $ 9,500 $io0,272
Under 30 $ .20�mo.
30 - 39 .30%0. Death $19,000
�p - 1+g .60/mo. AD+D None
50 - 5�+ 1.10�mo. Disability 20,250
55 - 59 1.60/mo. Conversions 60
60 - 64 2.40/mo.
65 - 69 3.00/mo.
$1.33,z57.50 $39�310 $ 7$��5
Under 30 � .20�mo.
30 - 39 .30/mo. Death $26,000
t+0 - 1+g .60/mo. AD+D Ngne
50 - 54 1.10/mo. Disability 16,500
55 - 59 1.60�mo. Conversions 180
60 - 6�+ 2.�+o/mo.
65 - 69 3.00/mo.
$i81,5o3.10 $42,680 $i22,650
Under 30 $ .20�rso.
34 - 39 .30/mo. Death $53,0�
�+0 - �+9 .60/mo. AD+D None
50 - 54 1.10�mo. Disability �+2,750
55 - 59 1.60�mo. Conversions None
60 - 6�+ 2.4o/mo.
65 - 6g 3.00/mo.
$192,891.80 $95,750 $80�715
... f .. i.. . _ . . .� . . . . . .. . ... . , ... . .. _. ..
. . � •
Exhibit C Page ,�5
July l, 1976 = December 31, 1976
Insti;reds, Avera,�e 9�
Insurance, Avera,ge $1,822,000.00
Prer,iium, 6 2-�nths 5,12�+.55
January 1, 1q77 - December 31, 19'77
Tnsureds, Average 116
Insurance, Average $�T�+33,000.00
pY.e�� 14,885.88
Januaxy l, 197 8 - September 30, 1978 .
Instzreds, Average 267
Insurance $5,003,000.00
Premium 22,361.49
As of October l, 1978
Insureds �+71
Amount of Insurance $7,942,000.00
Rate .�+3/1,000 Life 3,415.06
.o5/i3Ooo a�+D 397.10
Exhibit D
Please quote all rates on a mr�nthly basis.
A. Basic E�aployee Insurance $5,000 full City contribution. `
LiPe Insurance Rate for $5,000 per �nth* $
Accidental Death and Dismembe�rment $
Total Nbnthl,y Premium $
* Including Waiver of premium.
Gross Premiums $ 260,000 $ 260,OQ0 $260,000 $ 260,000
Cl.ai.ms Pa.id 150,000 175,000 200,000 225,000
Itemized. E�Cpense:
Acquisition Costs
Claim E�cpense
Risk Charge
Records and Reports
Other �cpense .
Reserves for unpa.i.d cl�;ms
Cash availa.ble after all
claims and expense
Ampunt to be held for
reserve, iP a�y
Amount to be returned to ,�
City, iP ai�y
If reserves are to be held, how much wi11 be req,uired before a re�Znd is r�ade to the City?
What interest rate wi].1 sa.id reserve ea,rn?
� All retentian exhibits shall be figured. w5.th the �xa�nple of "Claims Paid aud Gross
Pr�miums" inserted above. A]1 items not guaranteed refundab7.e should be entc�xed under
"Other Expense".
At wh�,t amount of "cash ava.ilable" would you reduce premi�un rates the fo2lowing year?
Per cent (�} of reduction?
If there is a deficit, how do you propose to recover and what would b� the � of pre�.i.um
rate increase for the �ollowing yeax? �
-�Retention exhibit for infor�.a.tion only, bids �.mzst be awarded on guaxanteed cost only.
. , �
- Exhibit E
LIFE ��5'tJ�:�JC�, �,�i�iLU:4i R,UQif1110�IS
Please y,uote all ra�es on a, ron�nl;�t basis.
Life insurance to equal salaxy less $5,000 as per Insurin� Agreements #2.
Life Insurance Rate per �1,000 per month $
Accidental Death and Dism�mberr,ient per month$
. Total Monthly Premium $
RE2'E�TLTON �R.a. � E�iIBIT� .
Gross Pre�ums $ � �+5,�0 � "�+5,800 $ �+5,800 $�+5,800 .
C�s Paid . o z2,000: 25.,00� 50,000
. Ite�aized �ens+e: .
Acquisition Costs
Ad�ini.stration � �
Comii.ssions � �
Cla.im �ense _ - = �
Risk Charge �
Records and Reports �
Oiher E�tpense :
. R�ser,�zs far unpaid claims
Cash available a.f'ter a11.
claims and e.�pease � .
Amount to b e held �or
xesexve, i�' ar�y •
� Amola�t to be returned to .
� City, if �.n;/ '°
I�' reser�es axe to be he1d� ho;� nuch wi11 b� required b�fore a re#�znd is r.�e to the City?
� Wh�.t in�erest r�te wiL1 said reserve eaxn?
.f�lt retention e:chibi�s sha�. be fi�uxed w-itn the �xa�ple oi "C?a.ixis Paid and Gxoss
1'��i.t.��as" ins�ted abo�e. All iteLcs not �-u�xanteed xe�nda�I�� should be entered. iuzdex
"Other �vense". .
A� z•;ha� �zou.�� of "cash avail..able" would you xeduce pxe�i.c� rates the follo��a.ng ;�ear?
Pex cen� (°�o) o#' reduction?
If tnere is 2 deficit, ho�r do y�u propose to recover and w�„a.t would be the d, of pr�i.um
ra�e inexe�se for the �011o��no year? •
�Retention exhibit for in=ormation only, Bids must be awaxded on guaxanteed cost only.
_ i . , ,
Exhibit F
Please quote all rates on a monthly basis.
$1,000 to $�+5,000 i.ncluding A.D.+D, and Waiver of p�remium.
Rates per rao�ath per �1,000
�aployee's age
under 3� $ 55 - 59 $
3�- - 39 60 - 6�
40 - �+9 65 - 69
50 - 5�+
Gross Premiums $100,Q00 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000
C�a.ims �aia 60,000 70,000 80,000 9�,000
Itemi.zed Expense:
Acquisition Costs
Cla,im E�cpense
Risk Charge
� Taxes
Records azid Repox~ts
Other �cpense
Reserves for unpaid claims
Casn ava.ilable af'ter a11
cla.ims and expense
Ar�ount to be held for �
reserve, if any
Amount to be returned ta
employees, if any
If reserves are to be held, how xm.tch wi.11 be xequired before a reflind is made to the
employees? What interest rate wi11 said reserve earn?
All retention exhibits shall be figured with the example of "Claims Pa�d and Gross
Pr�iums" inserted. �.bave. A11 iteras not gur�ranteed. refl�dable should be ent�red under
`�Other �p2nse".
At what amount of "cash ava.iZable" w°ould you reduce pr�miurn ra�es the �ollowi.ng year?
Pexcent (�o} o� r�duction?
If th�re is a deficit, ho�r do yau propose to recovex aaid what wou3.d be the � af premiura
rate i.ncrease for the follo�rS.ng year?
As the e�nployees p�.y the entire cost of this insuaranc�, $1Z ea,rned dividends must be
paid to the individu�.]. employee.
�-Retention exhibit for infor?�.ation orzly, bids muat be awarded on guaranteed. cost only.
Exhibit �
Please quote atl. rates on a �nthly basis.
$1,000 to $45,000 i.ncluding A.D.+D. and Waiver of premium.
Rates per �onth per �1,000
E�ployee's age
unaer 30 $ 55 - 59 �
31 - 39 60 - 6�+
�o - 49 65 - 69
50 - 5�+
Gross 1>remiwms $ 150,000 $ 150,0� $ 150,� $ 150,�
Clauns Paid 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000
Itemized E`xpense:
Acquisition Costs
Claim Expense
Risk Charge
Records and Reports
Other �cpense
Reserves for unpaid cla,ims �
Cash available after a11
claims and expense
Amount to be held for
reserve, if ariy g
A�ount to be returued. to
employees, if a�r
If reserves are to be held, how much wi11 be required. before � refund is ma.de to the
employees? What interest rate wi71 said reserve ea,rn?
AI1 retention exhibits shall be figured with the e.xample of "Cl.aims P�.i.d and Gross
Preniums" inserted. abo�ve. All items not guaranteed ref�znda.ble should be entered under
"O�her E�cpense". .
At what amount of "cas� available" would yau reduce presni.� rates the foll.owin� year?
Perc�nt (°fo) of reduction?
If there is a deficit, how do you propose to recrnrer and what would be the °� of premium
rate increase for the followi.ng year?
As the employees pay the entire cost of this insurance, all easned dividends anzst be
paid to the indivi.dual employee.
-�- Retention exhibit for inforr�atio:n only, bids ?nust be awaxded on guaranteed. cost only.
. . . � � � . . . . .. � . . . . � .. Y . . .
Exhibit �
Please quote all rates on a monthly basis.
B. Optional Dependents LiYe Insurance
$1,000 Life; A.D.+D., Waiver of premium per month $
$2,000 Life; A.D.+D., Waiver of premi.um per month $
$3,000 Life; A.D.+D., Waiver of pranium per month $
C. Optional Insurance on Spouse $5,000
Monthly rate for $S,OOO Life, A.D.+D., Waiver of prem:ium per moath.
EarPloYee's Age
under 30 $ 55 - 59 $
30 - 39 60 - 64
40 - 4g 65 - 69
50 - 5�+
Gross Premiums $ 100,000 � 100;Q00 $ 100,000 $: 100,000
ciaims �+o,000 5o,aoo 60,000 80,000
Itemized bcpense:
Acquisition Costs
Claa.m �cpense
Risk Charge
Records and Reports
Other Expense
Cash ava.ilable af`ter all �
claims and expense
Amount to be held for
reserve, if any
Amount to be returned to
E�mployees, if any
Tf reserve� axe to be held, how mtxch will be requi.red bePore a r�f�id is made to the
�rployees? What in�erest rate will said reserve earn?
AIl retention exhibits shall be figured with the exa�.-�ple of "Claims Paid and Gross Premi.wns"
3.nserted. above. All it�ns not guaranteed. ref`�zzidabl� should he ente�ed under "Other Expense"
At wYaat �mount of "cash available" would you reduce premi.um rates the following year?
Percent (°�) of' reductian?
If there is a deficit� how do you propose to recover and what vrould be the � of premium
rate increase �or the fol.l.o-�.ng year?
As the employees pay the ent3xe cost of this insuranc2, a11 earned dividends must be
paid to the individual e�mployse•
-� Retention exhioit for informa�ion only, bids must be awaxded on guara.*�teed cost only.
. . . _ . .
E�ibit I
Cost af administration as outlined in Exhibit J a�tached hereto
Flat fee per month . . . . . . . . . . �
Percent of total premium developed on billing each month. .$
(The approxi.�nate total manthly premium is �625,000.)
_ • Exhibit J Pa,ge �l
Outline of adc�inis[ration of City of St. Paul Employees insurance plan:
The information in the following section �rovides an outline of the functions
which are performed and the inter-relationships between the present third
party administrator, City of St. Paul and Independent School District �r625
Civil Service Department, payroll clerks, the City employees, field sales
personnel and the insuring carriers. Information is provided with respect
to enrollment, policy changes, certificate issue, premium billir.g, collections
of premiums, etc.
I. Enrollment
Applications are received directly from employees, and through the
servicing agency. (Fahibit A) These applications include employee
life, depende�tts life, spouse life, optional employee 1ife, medical,
accident and sicriuess insurance, long tern disability and er.�ployee
and spouse accidental death and dismemberment. The City - Independent
School District �i625 furnisnes the sales agency with eligibility lists
or. a monthly basis.
. Piinnesota Mutual Individual life insurance policies on payroll deduction
plan and Annuities are also billed by the Adninistrator.
(a) Applications received u� to a billing cutoff date are tncluded
on the ne�t billing.
(b} Applications received after the bilZing cutoff date are included
on the second £ollowing billing witn appropriute backcharge.
(c) As the applications are processed aIZ items are checked, some of
which are - -
l. Age
2. Employment Date
3. Underwriting requirements �
4. Deduction authorization
S. Date of acquiring dependents
6. De�artment
7. Signature
8. Social Security nu�b�r
(d) Evidence of insurability is required if the employee doesn't apply
when eligible. Requirements are diffe:ent for each form of coverage
and there is more than one elioibility period.
If declined, the applicant i_s notified by letter by the uzderw-riting
�e) Jffice Year of Birth required - optional life �rtmiuns and spouse
lif e premiu:�s based or_ age groups.
• �chibit J Page �r2
II. Changes in Coverage
The administrator processes requests for any changes such as:
(a) Addition of dependents.
(b) Changes in hospital, medical, life plans and otner optional coverages.
(c) Addition of optional coverages.
(d� Increase or reduction in coverages.
(e) City employed spouse eligibility or termination.
� (f) Takeovers - transfers from ather plans.
(g) Employee pay to City pay or vice versa.
(h) Transfer from one Health Carrier to another.
III. Certificate Issue
• (a) Certificates are prepared and nailed by th� administrator for
life insurance. Each insuring carrier iss�s=?s its own certif icates.
(b) Beneficiary changes are recorded by the administrator for the
life, and accidental death and dismembere�ent coverage. Each
carrier issues its own duplicate certif icates and name change
IV. Premium Billing Records. Billings as referred to in these specifications
include printed billings listing each individual in a department or
sub-division and a cor�puter produced billing tape for Education Depar�ment
and city em.ployees.
(a) Premiums paid by the City and/or the e*nployee are reported on a
copy of the billing returned to �the administrator. The City and
School District 4�625 includes a separate insurance deduction
register and not Taken Insuzance Register.
(b) Information for the billzng system includes the follawing:
1. Department name and code number.
2. Social Security number and employee name.
3. The premium for each type of coverage and a descriptive
code for Health coverage. The coveraoes are grouped by
kind in specific areas on the billing; i.e. , life and
dependents life, spouse life, Hospital-Medical coded b5 plan
selected. Other optional coverages are in separate columns.
4. Total premium paid by the City for each eiuployee and total
premium paid by the er�ployee.
, �
� - Exhibit J Page �3
� 5. Eligibility code which deterr,iines employee pay or City
pay and amount of City contribution for each insured.
6. Department totals include total employee contribution
and total City contribution and a breakdown of sa�ae by
(c) Premiu�r collectien zr.formation is prepared monthly - - 12 billings
per year. Special handling required for 9 month Education Department
' employees who r�ust be billed 12 nonths premiums in 9 months.
(d) Special billing requirements for the a�ministration of this pla:�.
1. Billings must be separated by departments.
2. Billings must be prepared so they coordinate with all payroll dates.
3. Special controls are required when both the husband and wife
are City employees so that the proper coverages stay in force.
4. Premiums for employees on leave of absence, sick Ieave and lay-off
. must be collecte.: directly from tile employee at his home address
for up to 12 months. These insureds must also remazn on the
regular billings with a special code.
S. A special "Early Retiree" billing must be prepared each month
for the City for employees and tneir spouses who are eligible
t� continue their medical coverages upon retirement. The
employee portion of the premiun must be collected from the
individual at his home address and coordinated and cleared along
with the City's portion.
6. A special billing system r�ust be maintained to collect th2
med�ca]. przmiums from the surviving spouses of employees
c�rhose death was job related. Each spouse is billed at his or
her home address.
7. A special billing systen is required to billed the medical
premiums for the spouses of�deceased Policemen and Firefi�i�ters.
These premiu�s �ust also be billed at the home address of the
8. A system must be naintained to collect the direct payment oi
medical premiums from terminated employees for a maxi�un period of
six months.
9. The adm�i3istr.a.��or nust collect alI premiums and distribute the�
monthly to e��.:'.� carrier alon� with a separate report of all
changes for e_�;��z of the carriers.
10. Coordinate ar.�� ':alance premiur.� payments from (a) The City of St. Pau:
(b} Tt�e indep-,:-,_'.er.t School District �fb25; (c) All the various direct
paymer�ts fror� `_:�<dividuals.
. . � r . ^
, . Exhibit J Page ��+
V. Cancel.latioas
(a) Resignations, retiremenL-s and terminations are generally reported
on the returned billing by the personnel or payroll clerks of de-
partments. Requests for cancellation of coverage are made directly
by the employees in writing.
(b) Refund checks for unearned premiums are issued by the adMinistrator.
.(c) Upon request the Service Agency visits with terminated employees
about their conversion rights of the life, medical, and hospital
' coverages.
VI. Dividend Payments - Life
(a) Every year the life company determines the dividend. it is divided
among the emploqees who have optional and/or dependents life coverage.
Individual checks are issued for each employee that qtialifies for this
As of January 1, 1975 over 3,000 checks were drawn and distributed to
all eligible employees.
(b) The life company also determines the dividend on the en►ployee pacicage
life insurance =or which the City pays the premium. I£ a dividend
i� earned, a check is issued to the City.
VII. Coordination of Plan Administration
(a� The servicing agency handles all special problems and advises the
employee on a course of action that is in his best interest.
(b) The adr:?inistrator has contact with employees, City Civil Service
� Departr:ent, City department ';=ads, personnel and payroll clerks, other
manager,.ent personnel, inst:r�•�� companies and the serviczng agenc}�. The
administrator ha�dles corx��-�ondence related to premiums, name and
beneficiary cha�ges from i�:_:_viduals, as well as questions received from
the carriers arc. �he servic-ing agency realting to the administration of
the plan. Each e� the ca.rr;.�rs must be provided wzth a transactian
journal every mon*h. Thi��• `��rovides the inforr�ati�n that they
need concerning ����� premz�::-:- paid, the new Zives adding to the
plaii, lives that ti.�e term���ting and changes that are made to
their cov�rages.
' ` Exhibit J "Page 5
VIII. Computer Tape and Terminal Access
(a) On a nightly basis a computer tape including all the changes
made the previous day to the Blue Cross Blue Shield records
is provided for Blue Cross Blue Shield. This provides a
means of automated up-dating of their records.
(b) Also on a nightly basis the changes made to all Group Health
Plan records are transmitted via the telephone lines and a
tape cassette system to Group Healths computer center.
(c) Terminals are provided for the offices of Blue Cross Blue S:tield,
Group Health Plan Incorporated and The St. Paul Companies.
These terminals provide on-line access of each companies records
in the administrators computer system.
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