272154 P�; NA CERK GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council ���,�j� CAN V - OEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Whereas, the Federal Local Public Works City Hall Annex Remodeling, Furnishings and Tunnel grant special conditions require that a pedestrian tunnel be built between the City Hall Annex and the City Hall-Court House in lieu of a Skyway Bridge; and Whereas, extension of the City Hall Annex elevators to the basement to provide access to said pedestrian tunnel will cost $160,000 and the estimated design and construction cost of the tunnel is $230,000 for a total pedestrian tunnel cost of $390,000; and Whereas, the Federal grant was $123,400 less than requested, and the Phase I construction rebid subsequent to receiving the Federal grant exceeds estimates by $222,160, and Phase I construction contract change orders required to correct unknown conditions are estimated at $315,845, and such contract change orders necessitated additional architectural and engineering fees estimated at $145,918, and the construction of a planned survey crew reporting and equipment storage area in the Annex basement will cost an estimated $72,000, all of which result in project underfunding of $879,323; and Whereas, project economies total $123,556 and the budgeted contingency of $85,1�9 reduced the underfunding by $208,735, to $670,588; and Whereas, the Council appropriated $190,000 in 1979 to finance underfunded project expenses which will occur in 1979 and thereby reducing the underfunding to $480,588; and Whereas, the proposed extension of the elevators and construction of the pedestrian tunnel constitute an extension of the downtown pedestrian system contained in the Downtown Development District Program adopted by the City Council; and Whereas, the Mayor reports that there are unencumbered funds remaining from the Downtown Development District bond proceeds now available for re-appropriation to pay a portion of the costs of the tunnel and elevator construction; now therefore be it COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City tto�ey Adopted by Council; Date — Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � c By. Approved by A+layor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY �NMi .1�1 CLERK � COl1flC11 ��I��� . PIN ANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL � CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. • • Counci Reso ution page 2 of 2 pages Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul upon the re est of tl�e Mayor and the recommendation of the Long-Range Capital fmprovement Bu��get Committee, that the 1975 Capital Improvement Budget as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, is hereby further amended in the following particulars: FROM: TO: Transfer $316,916 in Downtown Development District #1 Bond Funds: 70100 Budget Reference U - 7A Parking Ramp Construction 316,916 70100- Budget Reference V - City Hall Annex Remodeling Project - Tunnel and elevator extension 316,916 AND BE IT FURTHER RESQLVED, that the $316,916 be placed in a contingency and that no monies are to be spent without formal City Council action approving detailed expenditures. Approved as to funding: Approved: Dir. Dept. of inance & Mgt. Services dget Direc or COU[VCILMEN Yeas � Na�y� Requested by Department of: i B t ez..�--- � In Favor H za NOfsa Hu t II�MIt Le ne i�e ',K-- __ Against By Bernard J. Carlson R e ler MW�K S v ster �� T de ca—� �/ �C 5 �� Form Approved by City ttorney Adopted b ouncil: Date � Cer � ed Pa. y Coun �1 Secretar BY ' Appr .v y 17ayor: Dat �C 7 1975 Appra,e y Mayor for Submis n to ouncil By BY ' . 4r� oi: z2/i97s �� Rev«t 9/8/?6 �EXpLANATIQN OF ADMINISTRATIUE OftDERS, ,���� �l1�II�I��Ip� �����I�i A� .RESQ�UTIQNS i AND QRDIN�►NGES . �Ds�i November 30, 1978 � �#�. ' �TOs MRYOR GEORGE LATII"fER . C��� �- . ��e _� ...� THRU: Bernard J. .Carlson ��� � FR= Richard L. Manniny4,��./ � � � - r� REt City Hall Annex Remodeling Project A��������� MT�q/y�. � ,ACTIOi�I REQU�STEDs ' _ . Amend the 1975 Capital Improvement Budget to appropriate $316,916 in Downtown Development District #1 Bond monies to the City Hall Annex Remodeling Project. It is requested that the monies be appropriated before the development district boundaries are changed to exclude the Annex block when the existing bonds are - refunded this December. The >re�olution which does not place the $316,916 in a Contingent Account should be� sought first. If the Council Finance Committee desires that the funds be plaeed in a Contingent Account, the second resolution will be presented. _ ` � • PURPQSE ANO RATIONALE�DR,'�HIS ACTIQNs . Oneresolution contains sufficient information to a11ow the Finance Committee and Council to appropriate the funds without contingency control. If the Council disagrees, the other resolution would place the funds in a City Council controlled contingency to finance the City Hall Annex Pedestrian Tunnel connection 'to the Court House. If the transfer is not made before the downtown development district boundarries are changed, this finaneing option is lost. � The request has been approved by the Budget Director, the Director of Finance and Ma.nagement Services and the City Attorney. The CIB Committee recommended approval at their November 9, 1978, meeting. .A�l'1���; . � • . , . 2 Council Resolutions - 2 pages each �