272145 WHITf� -GIfV CIERK C�unCll �����
BLU.E.�.' M�pR F1Ie N O.
�i��`�� ` ' esolution
. �
Presenced By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to
authority granted to it by Chapter 351, Laws of Minnesota 1974, by
Resolution Council File No. 264630 , adopted November 21, 1974, approved
the Housing Rehabilitation Loan And Grant Program, and Program Concept
And Guidelines, copies of which were attached to said Resolution and
auCe maintained in the office of the City Clerk as a part of the
proceedings respecting said Resolution; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to said authorization, the Housing Rehabilitation
Loan And Grant Program has been undertaken by the City acting in cooper-
aition with the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint
Paul, Minnesota and with the advice of the Rehabilitation Advisory
, Com¢nittee; and
WHEREAS, the Program operational experience indicates the desir-
ability of revising the Program Guidelines as they pertain to
rehabilitation loans and grants for rehabilitation of owner-occupied
homes to restate them in a more concise manner, and to make them
consistent with other related rehabilitation loan and grant programs
such as the Federal Section 312 Program and Minnesota Housing Finance
Agency Program in which the City participates; and
WHEREAS, there has been presented to and considered at this
� meeting a statement of revised concept and guidelines entitled,
� "Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation Loan And Grant Program Concept And
Guidelines", consisting of eleven mimeographed pages and an attachment
entitled, "Description Of Immediate Health And Safety Hazards And
Energy Efficiency Standards To Be Used In The City-Wide Rehabilitation
Program" , consisting of five mimeoaraphed pages, prepared by the City
Administration Staff Task Force in consultation with the Mayor 's
Rehabilitation Advisory Committee.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Butler (n Favor
Levine _ __ Against BY
TedesCO Form Approved City Attor ey
Adopted by Council: Date �
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
sy � .c_
t�pproved by Ylavor: Date _ A rov by Mayor for Su is to Council
BY - — BY
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of
Saint Paul that the Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation Loan and Grant
Program Concept And Guidelines, a copy of which is attached to
this Resolution and shall be maintained in the office of the City
Clerk as a part of this proceeding, are hereby approved and adopted
for the City of Saint Pau1 Housing Rehabilitation Loan And Grant
Program for all loan and grant applications submitted by owner-
occupants received from and after the approval of this Resolution.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Butler � In Favor
Levine _ � __ Against BY "
�g NOV 3 0 1978 Form Appro by City At orn y
Adopted by ncil: Date
Certif Pa;- y Cou � S cret�ry BY � '
� o�c � 19T8
Appr y INavor: Dat _ Appr y Mayor for,S i i to Council
By — BY
p�Bt�sHEO DEC 9 1978
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` FR: Gary �tont �� . • �
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RE: xeh+�b Gnid+tZines . . `
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A staff Task F�►�ce �rork+�d �rith th� l�egcr'a 8�hab Advisor� Cor�itt�� ft�r e��rai �ct1�a
tw xe-�ncit� t�►� gnidelinas t� be sha�t, coacise, �d co�af.str�t. 11ppr.o�+sd at.r�+e�ing'
i� t�e �kjl+�r's-of€ic� on 1118/78:
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.AT'TACHMEN�S: . , . .
�cwncii '�tesolutic�n; aad �opy of g�idelin�s.
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Income Eligibility - The purpose of the program is to make it possible for low attd
moderate income homeowners to rehabilitate their homes. Criteria for determining
income eligibility shall be the same as those used by the Minnesota Housing Finance
Hardship Cases - Where actua2 hardship can be demonstrated the city may waive its
usual procedure for determining eligibility and/or repayment requirements,
Eli�ible Activities - Public• rehab loans and grants must first be used to ensure that
any basic health and safety deficiencies are corrected. The balance of the loan may
be used for other general improvements as defined in the pragram guidelines.
Eli�ible Properties - To be eligible for rehabilitation assistance, a property must:
(a) be located in the City of St. Paul;
(b) be occupied by the applicant (fee holder or contract purchaser); and
(c) contain no more than 6 residential unitso
Denial of a Loan - Rehab assistance should be denied only when:
(a) the applicant is an unacceptable credit risk;
(b) the structure is programmed for acquisition;
(c) the amount of rehab to be done is not su£ficient to make the property
safe for habitation; or
(d) the structure is beyond repair.
Use of Resources - The program shall make maximum use of federal, state and private
resource available for rehab. Where possible, city resources will be used to
compliment and/or leverage assistance from other sourceso City funds sha1Z be used
only when:
(a} MHFA financing is not available;
(b) the applicant is not eligible for an MHFA loan because of low income,
current indebtedness and perceived risk;
(c) the proposed improvea�ents are ineligible for MHFA fundiag; or
(d) the cost of the proposed improvements exceeds MHFA loan litaits.
In the case of (c) and (d) above, city funds will be used only for that portion
of the loan which is ineligible for state funding,
General Obligation Bond proceeds (principal and interest) will be used to pay
reasonable administrative costs as well as to finance additional rehabilitation
loans when ather funding is not available,
November 20 , 1978
. �
2 -. .
Relation to the ITA Program - Rehab assistance is to be available to low-moderate
income applicants on a city-wide basis, with no special reservation of funds for
ITA's or other concentrated improvement areas. Funds shall be dispersed on a first
come first serve basis, except that when there is more demand for rehab loans than
there are dollars available, priority will be given to applications from ITA residents.
Since one of the purposes of a targeted improvement program is to spur interest in
rehab, residents of ITA program areas will also be given priority ire the processing
of rehab laan and/or graat applications.
Relation to Housing Code - Rehab program implementation and code en£orcemeat practice
should be mutually supportive. Bnforcement af the city's housing maintenance code,
Certificate of Occupancy and vacant building ordinance should be coordinated with
its rehabilitation and neighborhood improvement efforts.
Other Services - Technical assistance--�►e1p in determining rehab needs, dealing
with contractors, inspection services, and the like--will be provided when considered
aecessary to ensure the appropriate use of rehab funds or to protect the consumer.
Homeowners shall assume as �nuch responsibility for the rehab proeess as they can
reasonably be expected ta handle.
Citizen Involvement - Public involvement in the rehab program will be directed through
the city's regular citizen participation process. This includes:
(a) Public hearing and review of policy plan documents which pertain to
housing rehabilitation (the Housing Policy Plan and the district plans);
(b) Submittal and review of ITA proposals and other n�ighborhood based
improvement programs as part of the city's capital improvement budget-
ing process;
(c) Participation in the Mayor's Rehabilitation Advisory Committee. The Committee
helps develap program guidelines, monitors program implementation, and conducts
the grievance procedure.
Private Lender Involvement - Work with private lending institutions to promote
investment in St. Paul neighborhoods.
(a) Establish some foran of regular communication wi.th representatives of
private lending institutions;
(b) Coordinate with neighborhood improvement programs aimed at building pride
in maintenance and secur�.ng housing valueo Where possible, use pub2ic
investment to:
- build confidectce ia the future o€ urban neighborhoods
- leverage additional private investment in rehab
- reduce risk to investors
(c) Identify where access Co mortgage lendiag appears to be a problem and
to develop possible joint public-private solution;
(d) Eacourage the development and use o£ cooperative ventures. such as the
Neighborhood Housing Services programo
- 4 -
1. An eligible property must be a permaaent residential structure containing
not more than six (6) dwelling units, one o� which is owner-occupied.
2. Eligible properties must conform to use under the City's Zoning Ordinance
and use muat be permitted under an approved Diatrict Plan if applicable.
3. Eligible properties must be insurable through a public or private insurance
program after rehabilitation.
4. Properties which are identified for conditional or possible acquisitioa
are eligible. Properties that have been identified for acquisition and
for which funding is presently available are generally not eligible.
5. Eligible properties must be at least fifteen (15) years old or in need of
energy conservation or health and safety improvements.
Persons and Families
1. Eligible applicants are persons or families of low or moderate income whose
annual adjusted gross income does not currently exceed $16,000. The appZicants
gross annual income is currently subject to the following deductions:
a. The income of any resident (except the primary income recipient) who
is under eighteen years of age or is a full time student, and who
is related by blood�, adoption, or marriage to a resident income
recipient or his/her spouse;
b. Nonrecurring income, as determined by the Rehabilitation Administrator
and sums received for foster child care;
c. Extraordinary medical or other expenses as the Rehabilitation
Administrator approves for exclusion;
d. An acnount up to $750 of the income of an additionai income recipient
eighteen years of age or older other than the primary income recipient;
e. An amount equal to $750 for each resident of the housing unit who
is eighteen years of age or over, (maximum of two) and $500 for each
additional resident;
f. An amount up to $750 for child care expenses which are eligible for
deduction under United States Internal Revenue Service tax regulations.
_ 3 _
GENERAL POLICIES (continued) �
Marketin� - The City shall market its rehab program by:
(a) Working with neighborhoods to iaform residents about the rehabilitation
program, build neighborhood pride in maint�nance and motivate people to
participate; and
(b) Working with lenders to promote residential rehabilitation, to increase
participation in the MHFA Home Improvement Program, and to write
mortgages for homes which have been rehabilitated through the program.
Adjusted Gross Income - Means the gross annual income, from all sources and
before taxes or withholding, of all residents of a household subject to deduc-
tions as set forth by the MHFA Home Improvement Loan Program.
MHFA - Means the Minnesota Housing Fi.nance Agency,
Eligible Person and Families - Means those persons or families of low and
moderate income who are owner-occupants of eligible properties and meet other
requirements as set forth in the "Eligible Persons or Families" section of
these guidelineso Families shall include non-blood related adults and tenant
Owner-0ccu�ant - Means persons or families who are the fee owners or contract
for deed purchasers of eligible properties and who occupy and homestead such
Eli�ible Improvements - Means repairs, rehabilitation, reconstruction, conver-
sions, modernizatioa, replacement, remodeling, alterations or improvemen�s to
eligible properties as set forth in the "Eligible Improvements" section of these
General Improvements - Means additions, alterations, renovations, or repairs
upon or in connection with existing structures which materially preserve or
improve the basic livability, safety or utility of the property, Improvements
shall not include materials, fixtures or landscaping of a type or quality not
exceeding that customarily used in the IocaZity for properties of the same
general type as the property to be improved,
Health and Safety Hazards - Means those violations of applicable codes which
materially and immediately endanger the health and safety of occupants of the
building involved. (See attachment)
Hardship - Means those exceptional circumstances which warrant appeal to the
Rehabilitation Staff and the Mayor's Advisory Committee for waiver of the
program gui.delines.
Grievance Proc�dure - Means the method applicants have to appeal decisfans on
or administration of their application for rehabilitation assistance, ineluding
complaints, dispates or grievances against the City of Sto Paul, contractors, or
subcontractors performing rehab�litation work,
. - 5 - ��{: �.�:�'
Persons and Families (continued)
Gross annual income from self-employment shall be deemed to be the net
profit from said self-employment as declared bj�� the applicant in schedule
C, F, or E, Part III, as appropriate, of the United States Internal Revnue
Sexvice Form 1040, or such other schedule, but including as income all
The above listed deductions are subject to change in order to conform with
future changes as set forth by the MHFA Home Improvement Loan Program
2. To be eligible for City funded programs, persons and families must be unable
to afford and/or secure funds from other sources at comparab2e terms, includ-
ing the Mictnesota Hausing Finance Agency and th� HUD Section 312 Loan Program.
3. Eligible persons and families must have the ability to repay the loan and
be an acceptable credit risk. However, an applicant having a poor credit
history or a high debt ratio may be eligible if the applicant can demonstrate
the ability to repay a loan.
4. Eligible persons and families must be owner-occupants of an eligible property
and have an interest of at least:
a. A valid, recorded li£e estate;
bo A 1/3 interest in the fee title...such interest may be
subject to a mortgage; or
c. A 1/3 interest as a purchaser in a Contract for Deed,
5. All individuals occugying the structure to be improved as their principal
place of residence and having an ownership interest in such structure must
join in the application.
1. Improvements must be made in compliance with all applicable code requirements.
2. Improvements must be made to correct health and safety requirements and
energy efficiency standards as iadicated by written evaluation issued by the
Department of Planning and Economic I3evelopment, Rehabilitat�.on Division,
outlining deficiencies. (See attachment regarding health and safety
requirements and energy efficiency standarda.)
_ 6 -
Improvements (contiaued)
3. All health and safety and energy efficiency requirements must be corrected
before general improvements can be made. Prio�ity for applicants receiving
reE►abilitation technical assistance shall be given to applicants where the
cost of health and safety improvements and energy efficiency requirements
is 60% or more of the total cost of rehabilitation.
4. Funding for improvements is not eligible if work has started before the
issuance of the Proceed Order.
5. Improvements must be on or in connection with an existing strucutre and
permaneat in nature �and can include permanent built-in kitchen appliances.
6. Properties may be improved to meet code requirements, however, no application
shall be denied solely because the improvemeats will not place such housing
in fu11 compliance with a21 codes and standards.
7. Funds shall not be used for the financing or paymettt of assessments for
public improvements.
8. Improvements can be made on garages, driveways, fences, retaining walls,
landscaping, patios, decks, or fireplaces, but funds may not be used for
new coastruction of the aforesaid items.
9. Removal of architectural barriers for handicapped persons shall be allowed
as health and safety requirement.
. _ 7 �
Loan Terms
1. The annual interest rate shall be determined by multiplying the applicants
annual adjusted gross income by .0005 and rounding to the nearest whole
integer, as follows:
Interest Rate Adjusted Gross Income
8% $15,000 - 16,d00
7% 13,000 - 14,999
6% 11,000 - Z2,999
5% 9,000 - 10,999
�+7a 7,000 - 8,999
3% 5,000 - 6,999
2% 3,000 - 4,999
1% below $3,000
The above interest rates and income limits are subject to change in order
to conform with future changes as set forth by MHFA Home Improvement Loan
Program regulations.
2. The maximum maturitq of the loan shall be 15 years from the date of the Noteo
3. There shall be no prepayment penalty in the event all or part of the loan
is prepaid.
4. The maximum principal amount of a City funded loan is;
a. $15,000 for one dwelling unit;
b. $5,000 for each additional dwelling unit; thus, a maximum loan
azaount of $4Q,000 for properties containing six DU'so
5. The maximum principal amount of a MHFA funded loan is:
a. $15,000 for one dwelling unit;
b. $S,OOd for each dwelling unit for two or more units, but not
to exceed $25,000.
6. The City funded loan must be secured by recording a mortgage on the property
being improved. In the event that a mortgage cannot be recorded, a waiver
can be issued by the Rehabilitation Administrator.
7. The minimum monthly payment allowable shall be $10.00.
, � , � •
- 8 - �
Loan Terms (continued)
8. For City funded loan amaunts in excess of $7,500, the £ollowing are also
a, Title Insuranceo
b, The maximum loan amount shall be that amount which, when added to
other debts secured by the property, would no.t exceed 133% of the
estimated market value as determined by the Department of Property
Taxation plus 60% of the cost of rehabilitatioa, In the event
that this atnount is not sufficient, a staff appraisal may be
requested to determine the current market value.
c. In the case of a Contract for Deed purchaser, bath the fee owner
aad the applicant must sign the mortgageo
do The cost of Title Insurance, appraisals, recording aad filing fees
etc., may be included in the total loan amount.
e. The loan proceeds must be escrowed with the City of St. Paul, Checks
drawn on the applicant's account for payment of the contractors work
will be made payable jointly to the applicant and the contractors.
Checks drawn on the app2icant`s account for payment of Title Insurance,
Appraisals, Recording and Filing Fees will be made papable directly
to the creditor.
f. Included in the loan amount will be a contingency fee of 3% of the
cost of rehabilitation. This money may be used to pay for unforseen
work items; payment must be approved by the applicant, the contractor
and the Rehabilitation Divisiono Tn the event the moaey is not used
for paymeat of unforseen wor.k items, the amount shall be applied
directly to the loan principalo �
9. For City funded loan amounts of $7,500 or less, the loan check(s) wi1Z be
made payable jointly to the applicant and contractor(s) or directly to the
applicant in the case of materials for sweat equity. The check(s) will be
given to the applicant at the time of the loan closing unless the applicant
requests that the check(s) be held by the Rehabilitation Division,
l0o The City o€ St. Paul will require applicants to confonn to whatever rent
limitation provisions are implemented by the MHFA.
. '.
. � g _
Grant Program
1. A rehabilitation grant shall be made to applicants whose annual adjusted
gross income is $5,000 or less, or as currently defined by the MHFA Home
Improvement Grant Program.
�. -
2. The rehabilitation grant is provided under the condition that if the property
is sold or transfered within six (6) years of the date of the grant, the
following repayment schedule shall apply:
a, Within a period of three (3) years after the date of the Grant,
the owner shall repay the full principal amount of the Grant;
b. Within the fourth year after the date af the Grant, the owner
sha21 repay seventy-five percent (75%) of the principal amount
of the Grant;
c, Within the fifth year after the date of the Grant, the owner
shall repay €ifty percent (SO%) of the principal amount of the
d. Within the sixth year after the date of the Grant, the owner
shall repay twenty-five percent (25%) of the principal amount
of the Grant;
eo Within the seventh year after the date of the Grant, or at any
time thereafter, the owner shall have no obligation to repay
the Grant or any portion thereofo
3, Recipients may appeal to the Mayor's Advisory Committee for a waiver or
extention of repayment obligations or other program guidelines for extreme
hardship situations (applicable for city funded grants only).
4. The grant must be secured by recording a mortgage an the propertyo In the
event that a mortgage cannot be recorded, a waiver can be issued by the
Rehabilitation Administratoro
5, The amount of the rehabilitation grant shall be the lesser of:
ao $5,000;
bo The actual cost of eligible i�►provements;
c, An amount which when added to grants r�ceived under the programs �
listed below would nat exceed $5,000 in total. This restriction
shall apply for 10 years except in the case of a natural disaster,
or as stated in (d.) belowo Programs to be included in determining
the $5,000 maximum limitation are: Federal Section 115 Grant Program,
Model Cities Rehabi2itation Grant Programs, City of Sto Paul.
Rehabilitation Grant Program, and the rfinnesota Housing Finance Agency
Grant Pragrame .
- 10� - '
Grant Program (contiaued)
d. The ten year restriction can be waived in the event of an ecnergeacy
occurrence whereby the dwelling becomes immediately uninhabitable,
suffers severe structural damage, or in the event that a resident
of the dwelling becomes handicapped after;�the first grant was received,
6. Eligible improvements are health and safety requirements, energy efficiency
staadards, and removal of architectural barriers for handicapped persons.
Under no conditions can general improvements or other costs be included in
the rehabilitattion grant.
7. The rehabilitation grant may be made in connection with a rehabilitation Ioan
administered by the City of St. Paul provided that the applicant is an eligible
loan applicant.
8. The rehabilitation grant shall be sub3ect to all oth.er applicable provisions
of the City Rehabilitation Loan Program as set forth in these guidelines.
, .
` - I1 - ��#�D���
Sweat Equity.
1. Labor and perfarmance by eligible persons and families for the completion
of eligible improvements shall be permitted without compensation. The
cost of materials may be incZuded in the loan amount.
2. Work shall comply with all applicable housing codes and all necessary permits
sha1Z be obtained.
3. All improvements to be included in such a manner must be covered by a
proposal including:
a. Eligible improvement work to be completed;
b. Listing and cost of materials to be purchased;
c. Period of time allowed to complete such work (aormally 90 days).
4. Owner must demonstrate the skill and ability to perform specified work by the
designated date.
Contractor Performance
1. All eligible improvements work performed must be covered by an approved
warranty concerning the quality of materials used and workmanship in
performance. The warranty system wi11 be monitored and enforced.
2. All contractors performing eligible improvements work must carry alI
adequate and required hy law insurances; possess all, necessary and
required by law, licenses and permits to perform contracted eligible
improvemeats worko
3. All coatractors performing eligible improvements shall be reputable and
shall not be identified as unsatisfactory by any governmental agency.
4. Final payment canaot be made to a contractor until the homeowner and the
Rehab Advisor have accepted the completed improvements. The contractor may
request periodic draws on contract amounts in excess af $7,SOOo Such request
must be accompanied by appropriate lien waivers and will be subject to a 50%
holdback on the overall contract.
.. �'/�`���
Immediate Health and Safet Hazards
A, Heatin� Systems that are unsafe due to:
* 1. Burned out or rusted heat exchanger.
* 2o Buraed out or plugged flue.
* 3e Not vented or impro.pertly vented,
* 4. Connected with unsafe gas supplies.
5. Incapable of heating habitable rooms to 68° at a -20°
outside temperaturee
6. MaZfunctionin; thermostato
* 7. Gas or oil fired systems that are not burning propertly
(color of flame wi11 be clue) .
8, All gas or oil burners more than ten years oId will require
a service call for cleaning and adjustment and control check.
9, Gas burners connected to single course unlined brick
chimneys shall have a liner installed in chimney.
B. Water Heaters that are unsafe due to:
* 1. Burned out or rusted out heat exchangers (fire box) .
* 2. Burned aut, rusted out, or plugged flues.
�' 3. Unvented.
* 4o Connected with unsafe gas supplies.
* So Lack of temperature and pressure relief valveso
C. Electrical Svstems that are unsafe due to:
* 1. Dangerous averloadingp
2o Damaged or deteriorated equipment.
3o Improperly tapped or spliced wiring.
� 4o Exposed uninsu2ated wires,
So Distribution sqstems of extension cords or other
temporary metho.ds.
6o Ungrounded systems.
* 7. Ungrounded appliances in contact with eartho
8. All obviously hazardous, improper and/or illegal wiring
shall be remavad.
(a) Werfused distributian circuits.
90 Minimum size for all new services for residential occupancies
sha11 be 100 amp, 230 volto
l0o No additions will be allowed on an existing 30 amp service.
* Indicates the most serious health and safety hazards.
- z - ' ..
11. The following are the minimum number of opeaings acceptable
if a new service is installed:
a. Bedrooms, dining rooms, etc. - Two separate and remote;
one may be supplied by a wall or ceilin� light. fixture.
b. Living and family rooms - Two wa1.1 type duplex convenience
outlets, supplied lighting fixtures will not be considered
as required outlets.
c. Kitchens - Three separate aad recnote, one required outlet
may be supplied lighting fixture. At least one of two
required duplex conveniectce outlets shall be supplied by
separate 20 amp circuit.
d. Public corridor, bathroom, laundry room, furnace room, etc.-
at least one lighting fixture. Bathraoms and laundry rooms
sha21 be grovided with at least one duplex convenience outlet
(laundry outlet must be on separate 20 amp circuit).
Bathroom outlet, if existing in non-metallic fixture, is
acceptalbe. Any added outlet shall be grounded type.
e. Basements - One lighting outlet for each 200 sqo ft. floor
space. One to be switched at head of stairs,
12. All metallic fixtures, if within five (5) feet horizontally
or eight (8) feet vertically of grounding surfaces (metallic
piping or damp floors, etc.) must be grounded. �
13. Any outlet (except those served by cord wiring) that is in
need of repair and/or not operating shall be repaired and/or
made operable even if in excess of the minimum required by
D. Plumbing S sy tems that are unsanitary due to:
* 1. Leakiag waste systems, fixtures and traps.
� 2. Lack of water closet. ,
* 3. Lack of washing and bathing facilities.
* 4. Cross conaection of pure water supplq with fixtures
or sewage lines.
. 5. Water service wi11 need repair if:
a. The pipe and fitt3.ngs in meter connectioa are badly
deteriorated or leaking.
b. Control valves on service are not opereble. :
6o Water distribution piping will need repair if:
a. Improperly supported or sagging pipingo
bo Inadequate water supply at each fixture.
c. Badly deteriorated or leaking piping.
* do Cross connection existso
7. Gas piping will need repair if:
a. Illegal piping which could be dangerous (copper with
compression £ittings, copper with soft solder joints,
unapproved plastics, cast iron fittings on steel pipe,
concealed unions, copper joints)o
,�y' " - 3 - ����^�
� b. Unsupported or sagging piping.
c. Inaccessible main shut off valve. .
d. Lacking a lever handle valve installed oct house pipe
before flexible connector is lacking.
8. Waste and vent will need repair if there are:
. * a. Open hubs or fittings (includes hubs or fittings plugged
with concrete, etc.) '
b. Tapped stacks or waste pipes (including saddle fititings)
where improper operation is evident.
� c. Broken or rotted waste or vent pipes.
d. Sagged or buckled waste pipes or stacks.
e. Waste or vent pipes improperly installed or repaired.
� f. Plugged or non-fuactioning waste system.
9. Floor drains will need repair if there are:
a. Missing or broken strainers.
bo Bell trap drains with no full seal.
* c. Missing clean-out plugs.
l0o Clean-outs will have:
a. At least one accessible clean-out for building drain.
b. Clean-out plugs intact and tight.
11. Water heater will need repair if there is:
* a. Spil2age of products of combustion at divertor.
* b. Deteriorated vent piping.
* c. Back pitched vent piping.
* d. Undersized vent (either smaller than divertor outlet or
because of excessive length),
* e. Plugged flue passages through heaters.
f. Unapproved temperature pressure relief valve.
g. Over firing.
12. Water closets wi1Z need repair if:
a. Bowl is loose on flooro
b. Cracked or excessive limed bowl,
co Unvented in places where this may cause problems when
other fixtures are used.
d. Leaking ballcocks, flush valves, flush ells, spud or
flush pipes.
13o Bathtubs will need repair if:
a. Trap is leaking or taped,
b. Waste and overflow leaking, taped or parts missingo
c. Fixture deteriorated or chipped to a degree of becoming
unsanitary or exposing sharp edgeso
d. Trap not vented.
- 4 -
14. Sink and lavatory will need repair if; .e��
a. Fixture is deteriorated or chipped to a point of becoming �
unsanitary or dangerous.
b. Trap and exposed pipe and tubing taped or leaking.
c. Crown vent disconnected or abandoned.
d. Traps siphoning for lack af vent. �
e. Fixture loose on wall or not waterproof in cabinet top. �
15. Laundry trays will need repair if not:
a. Gonnected to drainage - vented or drur� trap,
16. Bathroom ventilation will be needed i£ lacking:
a. W3.ndow or mechanical ventilation.
17. Basic fixtures for dwelling units will need additions if
there is:
a. Lack of basic fixtures as required in Housing Code.
* E. Structural Systems, walls, chimneys, roofs, foundations, ceilings,
and floor systems, that will not safety carry 3.mposed Ioads.
* F. Kefuse, garbage, human waste, decaying vermin or other dead
animals, animal waste, other materials rendering it unsanitary
for human occupancy.
* G. Infestation of rats, insects, and other vermin. Immediate
health and safety hazard.
a. Evidence of holes in foundation or yard.
b. Information given by owner or tenant. �
c. Evidence under sink, behiad refrigerator or range.
H. Akl existing handrails that are not permanently and solidly
mounted to provide safe service.
* I. Lead paint that is peeling, chipping, or exposed in areas thaC
may be hazardous to children and others.
8. Old paint that is peeling or chippi.ng either interior or exterior.
Sample to be submitted for analysis. Report shauld indicate sample
being taken and could result with order to correct.
J. Conditions of windows, doors and other structural items that are
conducive to fire and safety hazards.
a. Each habitable roor� must have at Ieast one window that
is openable and equipped with a hold open device for
emergency exit use.
* K. Lack of basic facilities (considered a high health or safety
item if there is):
a. - no heat '
b. - no water
c. - no electricity
NOTE: Correction of items aad conditions listed above may not
satisfy FH.A or GI laan requirementso
` - S - �
. -
� , , .
List of incipient items to be noted:
Water heater
Roof �
Exterior walls �
Heating plant
Window sash
Accessory structures
Ener�y Efficiency Standards
It is recommended that loan and grant applicants complete weatherstripping of
doors, caulking of windows and caulking of cracks prior to being awarded a
rehabilitation loan or grant. The rehabilitation loan and grant applicant may,
however, include weatherstripping and caulking as work items included in their
scope of work for rehabilitationo The aforesaid weatherstripping and caulking
shall be completed after health and safety items but before any maintenance or
cosmetic rehabilitation. Rehabilitation personnel will make recommendations to
the loan and grant applicants in accordance with the brochure entitZed, Weather-
stripping and Caulking, Conservation Guide No. 5, published by the Minnesota
Energy Agency. ,