272139 �NHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE - COUIICIl [��J (-('� CANARV - C�EPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL � / r�� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � � _�J �' �� Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ' An administrative Resolution amending the Civil 5ervice Rules establishing the title and class specification for Treasury Manager, starring the title of Chief Cashier»- Finance, and abolishirig the class specification for Chief Cashier--Finance. �t.ESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in 5ection 6 under the heading "Professional-Administrative" group by inserting the title of Treasury Manager in Grade 18; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Ru1es be further amended in Section 6 under the heading "Professional�Administrative" group by placing a star (�) before t,he titl.e of Chief Cashier--Finance in Grade 14, and by adding at the bottom of the page the following statement: "This title is abolished except as to present incumbents. " and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 49 thereof by striking out the class specification for _ 1 _ COUNCILMEN Requested by Department oE: Yeas Nays Butler [n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form pr ed b 'ty Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY � By- /#pproved by IVlavor: Date _ Ap by Mayor for Su ssi n o Council BY - — B WHITE - C�TY CLERK ������ PiNK - FINANCE COUI1C11 �� � �' �� CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L - BI.UE - MAVOR File NO. ^ ' Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date .. 2 .. the title of Chief Cashier--Finance and substituting in lieu thereof, in proper a].phabetical order, the attached class specification for the title of Treasury Manager. Approved: ��E���� � Chairman Civil Service Commission � COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: / Butler .5 In Favor 1' O N N O F I C E Hozza '""iiiiitt Levine _ � __ Against BY Maddox � Tede Form Ap oved y City t rney Adopted ouncil: Date ,���,1�.��a � Cer ied Pas- by Cou cil Setretary BY � � r ta r d by 1+lavor: D e _� z 9 1978 Appr ve y Mayor for Sub s n t ouncil sy � — sy � - �u�usN�o o E c 9 �s7a TREASURY NiANAGER (continued) Considexable ability to plan and supervise the implemenration of a program for the deposit, disbursement and investment of funds. Considerable ability to plan and supervise the enforcement of parking regulations and the collection and accounting of parking fees from parking meters. Considerable ability to deal effectively with bankers, investment coun- selors, staff and the general public. Considerable knowledge of bonding policies and procedures. MINIMUM QUALIFICaTTONS College �raduation with a major in Business Administration and four years of xesponsible administrative experience in investment management and/ or treasury management. �'"���!�9 Title of class: TREASURY MANAGER DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs supervisory and administrative work managing the City's cash flow, bonding and pension policy; and the receipt, deposit, disbursement, custody and investment of all monies and securities received by the City; and perform related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general administrative direction of the Finance Director. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within the division technical and adminis- trative supervision directly and through subordinate supervisors over all personnel within the division. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Develops and implements an investment program to maximize interest earnings on available funds of the City and the Police Pension Association. Develops and implements a record keeping system of investments and earnings and prepares financial reports. Manages the bonding program for the City. Plans and supervises the work of staff enforcing parking laws and regulations. Plans and supervises a program to collect and account for aIl revenue raised by parking meters. Designs forms and record keeping systems for the accurate and timely collection of City taxes. Develops and directs the implementation of a system of bank accounts related to all available funds of the City and the Police Pension Association fund. Supervises the distribution and delivery of completed vendor and payroll checks. Coordinates the administrative work involved in the issuance of City debt instruments. b4anages �the payment and reconcilation of outstanding debts. 5erves as Treasurer of the Saint Paul Police Relief Association and advises the Director of Finance on general pension matters. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of the money ma.rkets. Considerable knowledge of banking principles and procedures. Considerable knowledge of management and supervisory principles and procedures. Considerable ability to obtain maximum utilization of available public funds through short and long term investments. (continued on reverse side) . �0 A0� �Ch � QIN1KIp1A�:�li0111 � . , �11i0�1NOft �D � th� 11'NbIfA1KbN iIWN be � 0I s 12/I975 . . �I�ble to the t�tj� CqIflCN. ttev.: 9�sl�6 ` E�LANTI�i. tIF A�I3TRATIVS"ORDBRS,: ' ����y'� �._.�, ..� , RBS�LUTI�I3::..A1�H,'.�INANCLS � D�tte: October 10, 1978 . ' ����.��.���� : NOV�' �a ���78 � �: r�o� c�o�� �►�x � � . �: Psrscfn�sl Of�ics . � �E: Resolution for sub�siasiou ta C3tg Cvuncil ACTIOd�T . ..,,. �s.��� . - W�a �sGammnand your approval a�d submi�stori of this Resalutioa to the Citg Cowncil. PT�POS$ AND RIkT�ONAJjE FQx T�IS ACTION: � 1"liis Resolutioa will esta.blish the title of a.nd, class specifi.cation for Treaa�try - 1Vianager in Grade 18 of the "Professional-Admi.nistrative" group. The present ti�kte of Cliief Caehier--Fi.n.a.nce in Grade 1� of the "Professional-Adnliaiatrative" � group, which is replaced, is aboliahed except as to present iscumbents. The bi-weekly ealaries involved are as follows: � Gr�4 A B C D E F G 1^O-Yr• 15-�rr,�_ 643.00 668.50 696.00 730. 00 766.50 80�. 00 845.00 871.OQ 895.00 16, 775. 00 annually 23, 350.t3U Grade 18 � 723.50 752. 50 783.00 822.00 862.50 907. 00 951.�50 980.50 1, 40$.00 • 18,875.00 a.nn�tiaa].y � 2b, 298.00 �,,.,,,��TS s� Resoluti.on and copy for the City Clerl�. . , . . .. _ , .. . . . � .. . : �