272136 M�MITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT [[[������...���yyy((('''��� BI.UE - MAVOR File NO•�' /�l� �� ' ' Council Resolution ` � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Re solution e stablishing in the Civi.l Service Rules certain titles and class specifications for the Renewal Division o� the Department of Planning and Economic Development and pertaining to transfer em- ployees from the St. Paul Housing and Redevelopment Autho rity. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 6 under the heading "Clerical" Group, by inserting the following title i.n the Grade indicated: Grade 22 Relocation Clerk ; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 6 under the heading "Subprofessional" Group, by inserting the following titles in the Grades indicated: G rade 26 Relocation Specialist I Property Management Technician - 1 - COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays , Butler [n Favor Hozza �. Hunt L.evine __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approv by ity Att rne Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � � By tlpproved by iVlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY , . — 2 — �'���.a�� Grade 30 Architectural Technician Loan and Grant Specialist I Property Maintenance Technician Real Estate Specialist I Relocation Specialist II Grade 32 Housing and Rehabilitation Advisor Loan and Grant Specialist II G rade 34 Real Estate Specialist II Grade 38 Rehabilitation Supervisor G rade 40 Business Relocation Specialist Supervisor of Loans and Grants Grade 41 Engineering Assistant ; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 6 under the heading "Professional-Administrative" Group, by inserting the following titles in the Grades indicated: Grade 7 Project Manager Assistant Grade 20 Real Estate Supervisor Supervisor of Relocation Grade 22 Parking Administrator Principal Designer Project Manager IV (c ontinued) ,�a�w3-lr� - 3 - � 1���� Grade 23 Supervisor of Project Services Supervisor of Rehabilitation Grade 25 Supervisor of Technical Services ; and be it FINALLY RE50LVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 49 by inserting, in proper alphabetical order, the attached Class Specifications for the titles listed below: Architectural Technician Business Relocation Specialist Engineering Assistant Housing and Rehabilitation Advisor Loan and Grant Specialist I Loan and Grant Specialist II Parking Administrator Principal De signe r Project Manager Assistant Project Manager IV Property Maintenance Technician Property Management Technician Real Estate Specialist I Real Estate 5pecialist II Real Estate Supervisor Rehabilitation Supervisor Relocation Clerk Relocation Specialist I Relocation Specialist II Supervisor of Loans and Grants Supervisor of Project Services Supervisor of Rehabilitation Supervisor of Relocation , Technical Services Supervisor . (continued) WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L Council ^�a�(� CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. / / /� �� BLUE - MAVOR � . , ♦ • • ����'�- Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date - 4 - Approved: � � Chairman Civil Service Co ssion � COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler � PE 50NN OF ICE Hozza �— in Favor '�Htmt• Levine J __ Against BY Maddox °—one�i�r Tedesco � 2 $ � For Appr ved y Ci y A t Adopted by uncil: Date � � % . Certif Pas• y Counc Secret�ry BY � !�p e by iNavor: _ NQV 2�9 �9�v Appro yor for Submi ion to Council By _ _ By �t�ettst�Efl DEC 9 1978 � , Do not detaich this memorandum fr�m th1� : xesolution so that this�ir�formation wfll be � o�: �2/1975 availabte to the City �ou.nctl. xrv.: 9�8l�6 , �rr�x, c� a�ns�zv$�o�as, � . . �I4DTSl.A1� OB�T�TAi�C&S �4��.1.�V , D�,tss November 3, 1978� TA t MAY�R G$�ORGE LA'�R �. F&: ParsaAasl QF�ice _ �: R�eolution for aubmiaeiq�e to Ci.tF Council AC'�IGN�. ��. T�� , . , We �ec�d pour appro�al and submisston of this R,�golut�oa tc th� City Couucil. � PURk08� A�D RAT�ONAI,E !'OR THIB ACTION: • ..., ..� _�� ..�� An Administrative Resolution establishing in the Civi1 Service Rules certa.in titles and class specifications for the Renewal Divi�ion of the Department of Planaxing and Economic Development ar�d pertaining to tra.nsfer employees from the St. P�.ul Housing and Redevelopmeat Authority. A list indicating the title, grade, occupational group a.nd . salary ra�agt for each new title is attached. . '�._.�S a - Resolution and copy for City Clerk. � Title of class: � ( �\ � .� `; SUPERVISOR OF TECHNICAL SERVICES DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statenent of Duties Performs difficult supervisory and administra- tive work in directing the operations of the Technical Services Section of the Renewal Division; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the arlministrative direction of the . Administrator of Renewal. Supervision Exereised: Exercises within the unit technical and administra- tive direction over professional, technical and clerical staff. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFQRMED , The listed examples may not include ali duties perfozv►ed by all positions in this class. Dixects the technical services staff in providing planning, architectural and landscape architectural design, engineering and related services to _ the Renewal Division. Determines work priorities and directs the scheduling of Technical Services " pro3ects. Directs the assignment of Technical Services staff. Coordinates Technical Services activities with other section and division administrators; represents the division at various meetings. Evaluates the effectiveness and results of programs; recommends revisions as necessary. Prepares and manages the section budgets. Reviews and evaluates work produced by staff to assure the technical quality of services provided. Ma.intains records and prepares reports. Researches and determines feasibility of new projects or the application of new technology or developments in design. Meets with representatives of other public agencies, private developers and consultants regarding urban renewal activities. KNOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of the principles and techniques of urban design. Considerable ability to direct the work of engineers, architects and landscape architects in preparing designs, plans, drawings and cost and material estimates. Considerable ability to organize, plan and direct. the work of others. Considerable ability to communicate clearly and effectively with indfviduals and grougs. Considerable ability to cooperate and coordinate work effectively with other Renewal managers. MINIMIJM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in civil or architectural engineering, architecture or landscape architecture and three years' exgerience as a Civil Engineer III, Architect III, Landscape Architect III or equivalent. Must be registered as a professional engineer, architect or Iandscape architect in the State of Minnesota. (No substitution for education.) � . , • �,�����e NEtJ TITLES CLERICAL GROUP SCHEDULE A GRADE 22 Relocation Clerk � A B C D E F 10_,yr 15-yr 2Q-yr 25-yr B/W 415.00 433.50 453.00 475.50 496.50 518.50 533.00 547.50 557.00 566.50 Ann. 10,827 14,750 SUBPROFESSIONAL GROUP SCHEDULE B GRADE 26 Relocation Specialist I Property Management Technician A B C D E F 10-yr 15-yr 20-yr 25-yr B/W 453.00 475.50 496.00 518.00 542.00 564.50 580.50 597.00 610.00 623.00 Ann. 11,818 16,254 GRADB 30 Architectural Technician Loan and Grant Specialist I Property Maintenance Technician Real Estate Specialist I Relocation Specialist II B/W 492.00 515.00 538.00 564.00 590.50 618.50 635.50 654.00 667.00 680.00 Ann. 12,836 17,74d GRADE 32 Housino Rehabilitation Advisor Loan and Grant Special.ist II B/W 519.00 54/+.50 570.00 594.50 623.50 654.00 670.50 691.50 .704.50 71.7.50 Ann. 13,540 18,719 GRADE 34 Real Estate Specialist II B/W 548.00 575.00 602.00 630.50 664.50 691.50 711.50 731.00 744.00 757.00 Ann. 14,297 19,750 � - Page 2 ���'��6 SUBPROFESSIONAL GROUP (continued) SCHEDULE B GRADE 38 Rehabilitation Supervisor A B C D E F 10-yr 15-yr 20-yr 25-yr B/W 614.50 642.00 673.50 704�.50 739.00 772.50 796.50 818.50 831.50 844.50 Ann. 16,032 22,032 GRADE 40 Business Relocation Specialist Supervisor of Loans and Grants s/w 649.00 680.00 713.00 745.00 781.00 819.00 842.00 867.00 880.00 893.00 Ann. 16,932 ' 23,298 GRADE 41 . Engineering Assistant B/W 667.50 699.00 733.00 767.50 804.50 842.5Q 867.00 892.50 905.50 918.50 Ann. 17,415 23,963 PROFESSIONAL/ADr1INISTRATIVE GROUP SCHEDULE C ; � / G E 7 � � � � ,' ,�Pro3e t As sta t i � /3NcaCoC. . g � %. E / F G 10-y 1 -yr /W 53 .50 55b.00 579.00 ' 6 .50 638.5�,'f670.5 703.50 724✓ 0 7 5.50 nn. ,94 � /�� / _' ��4 GRADE 22 Parking Administ�ator Principal Designer Project Manager IV B/W 833.50 866.50 901.50 946.50 994.00 1043.50 1095.50 1128.50 1161.50 Ann. 21,745 30,303 PROFESSIONAL/ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (4]'hite Collar) SCHEDULE D GRADE 20 Rea1 Estate Supervisor Supervisor of Relocation A B C D E F G 10-yr 15_yr B/W 7G7.50 798.50 830.50 872.00 915.00 961.50 1009.00 1039.50 1070.50 Ana. 20,023 27,929 . � i . . . � � � . Page 3 ������ PROFESSIONALfADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (continued) SCHEDULE D GRADE 23 Supervisor of Project Services Supervisor of Rehabilitation A B C D E F G 10_yr 15—yr B/W 839.50 872.50 90$.00 952.50 1000.00 1051.00 1I03.00 1137.00 1170.00 Ann. 21,902 30,524 GRADE 25 Supervisor of Technical Services B/td 890.00 926.50 963.00 1Q10.50 1061.50 1].I4.50 1170.00 I205.50 1240.00 Ann. 23,219 32,350 � Title of class: ������ ARCHITECTURAL TECHNICIAN DESCRZPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skil.led work drafting architectural � plans, developing broad architectural concepts and designing graphics for presentations; and p�rforms related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the geaeral technical and administrative supervis�on of a unit head. Supervisi.oa Ezercised: May exercise i�med3ate technical supervision over lower level technicians on a pro�ect basis. TYPICAL DIITIES PERFORMED . The listed examples may not include a11 duties performed by all positions in this class. Develops onerall architectural design concepts for a structure or area. Prepares architectural designs and standards to achieve compatability with egistin� or preferred styles. ' A.ssists architects by drafting detailed architec�ural plans. Provides des�gns, i7lustrations, layouts and photographs for presentations, displaqs and publications. Draws maps and charts; provides photographic documentation of pro�ects and existing citp architecture. Orders drafting and photographic supplies. Maiatains drawing files. I�IOWLEDGES, SKILLS A1�ID ABILITIES Considerable ski11 in drafting. Working Imowledge of architectural design principles. Working knowledge of building materials. Work3.ng ability to deal effectively with architects, contractors, staf€ and the general public. Workiag ability to design and illustrate publications, displays and visual presentatians. MINIbNM QIIALIFICATIONS High school graduation and at least twenty-four credit hours in courses _ acceptable toward the basic engineerin� certificate as given by the IIniversity of Ziinnesota (certain courses may be substituted for those required for the basic engineering certificate; a list of such sub- stitute courses is maintained in the Personnel Office) and three years' e$perience in architectural drafting, at least two pears of which must have been as an Architectural Draftsman I or equivalent; each additional year of qualifying e�cperience may be substitLted for five credit hours; . or two years af college including at Ieast thirty credits in courses in architecture, architectural engineering or environmental design. ' Title of class: BUSINESS RELOCA.TION SPECIALIST DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled technical work iu assisting non-res3.dential establislunents in relocating, and processing and appraising business relocation claims; performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general administrative and technical supervision of a unit head. Supervisioa Exercised: May exercise within the unit some techaical super- vision over relocation specialists assigned to business relocation cases. TYPICAL DU�IES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Explains the non-residential relocation program to displaced business owners. Directs relocation surveys, develops relocation plans and estima.tes costs of business relocation for proposed acquisitions. Assists owner in finding new business location. Iuterprets and applies pertinent regulatioas, determines financial benefits and prepares claims. Reviews property analyses and makes claim determinations. Prepares scopes of work and assures that bidding grocedures follow govemment regulations and work performed meets specifications. Reviews and approves all business relocation claims. Assists displaced business owners 3n applying for Small Business Administration financing. Prepares informational materials aad attends meetings to explain the business relocation program. Maintains records and prepares reports. RNOWLEDGES, SKILLS ANA ABILITIES Coasiderable abilitq to deal tactfully and effectivelg with individuals from a variety of socio-economic backgrounds. Some ability to plan, organize and review the work of others. Workiag ability to determine market value of buil.dings, fixtures, machinery and equipment. Considerable knowledge of eligibility requirements, regulations and pro- cedures of various government relocation and Small Business Administration programs. � Working ability to communicate effectively both orally and in. writing. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Two years of experience as a Relocation Specialist Il. or equivalent;� or two years of college and four years' experience as a Housing Rehabilitation Advisor or equivalent. Title of class: �GINEERING ASSISTANT DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs S�iiea technical work in the design and review of construction and demolition plans, inspection of construc- tion projects and preparation and review of specifications and cost estimates; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a uait head. Supernision Faercised: May exercise close technical supervision within the uait over lower-level technicians on a pro3ect basis. TYPICAL DtITIES PERFORMED The lis�ed e�camples may aot include all duties performed by a11 positions in this class. Assists in preparing and reviewing architectural and engineering plans and specifications; makes changes in submitted plans and specifications as required. Inspects contract work and checks on field supervision by contractors; advises contractor of non-compliance with specifications. Approves requests for payment and prepares contract settlement documents. Represents the renewal division in conferences with architects, engineers, contractors, public and private ageacies regarding renewal programs. Conducts and assists ia surveys and reviews the work of contract surveyors. Prepares, reviews and approves cost estimates of demolition projects, site clearances and site improvements. Prepares plans and specifications for demalition documents. Prepares plans including the construction of streets and buildings. Supervises and pronides technical assistance to Tower level technicians in draftiag and construction inspection. Prepares and submits engineering, budget and inspection reports. Maintains necessary engineering records. RNOWLEDGES, SRILLS AI�ID ABILITIES Considerable skill in drafting, design and specifications. Considerable knowledge of construction materials, methods and procedurea. Considerable ability to coordinate technical reviews and reports. Considerable ability to interpret construction plans and specifications. Considerable ability to establish and maintain effective working relation- ships with architects, contractors, agency staff an.d employees. Considerable ability to make effective independent �udgments regarding delegated assignments. Sorse ability to plan., supervise .and review the work of lower Ievel tech- nicians. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS fligh school graduation and at least fifty credit hours acceptable toward the basic engineering certificate such as given by the University of Minnesota (certain courses may be substituted for those required for the basic engiaeering certificate; a list of such substitute courses is maintained in the Personnel Office) and two years' experience as a Public Works Technician II, Traffic Technician. II, Surveyor I, Architectural Technician, Renewal Housing Inspector or equivalent. (No substitution for education.) � Title of class: HOUSING REAABILITATION ADVISOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK: General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible technical work in assist- ing the implementation and administration of housing rehabilitation programs; and performs related work as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the generai technical and administrative supervision of a unit or section supervisor. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Conducts inspections of residences and facilities to identify building, housing and related code deficiencies for the purpose of recommending and preparing rehabilitation programs. Schedules code enforcement inspections. Schedules and conducts conferences with property owners. Acts as a Iiaison between property owners and city inspectors. Evaluates methods of rehabilitation and provides technical advice to prop- erty owners. Prepares cost estim.ates. Writes reports indicating the scope of work to be done. Prepares bidding documeats. Assists property owners in bidding process. Acts as a liaison between property owners and contractors. Inspects completed work for conformance wiCh work specifications. Prepares progress reports. Represents the city at various meetings. Prepares reports and recammendations. Assists in training new employees. K130WLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Some kaowledge of real estate and banking terms and procedures. Working knowledge of City Building and Housing Codes. Wo;.king lazowledge of construction methods, materials and workmanship. Workiag ability to read and understand plans, blueprints, specifications for dcvellings. Working knowledge of existing rules and regulations concerning rehabilitation and relocation programs. Working knowledge of services offered by other communitq housing and finan- cial agencies. Considerable ability to write clear and concise reports. Considerable ability to deal with homeowners and contractors. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Ztao years' exper3.ence in building contracting work; or two qears' of college or vocational training in the areas of business adninis- tration, engineering or building construction and two years` ex- perience in inspection work; or four years' experience in building construction work or four years' experience in an apprenticeship program for one of the trades related to dwelling construction. Title of class: LOAN AND GRAN'r SPECIALIST I DESCRIPTION OF WORR � General Statement of Duties: Performs technical work in evaluating and recommending for approval loan and grant applications for redevelopment projects; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the close supervision of the Supervisor of Loans and Grants. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PIItFORMED The listed examples may not i.nclude all duties performed by all positions in this class. Receives requests for applications for rehabilitation loans and grants. Explains programs to prospective clients. Interviews applicants to obtain financiaT and credit information. Analyzes applications and obtains necessary doc�ents. Makes determinations of eligibility for loans or gra.nts. Provides information to rehabilitation advisors far inspection and contract bid use. Reviews bids to determine if proposals meet guidelines and select proper programs. Prepares and submits package for loans. Computes loan repayment schedules. Arranges closings for approved loans and grants. Prepares proper documents for loan.s and grants. Transmits cZosed loans and grant documents to servicing agencies. Advises clients on methods of resolvin.g financial or real estiate problems. RNOWLIDGES, SRILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of real estate and banking terms, rules and regulations. Working knowledge of rul.es and regulations pertai:ning to loans and grants. Working ability to deal with clients in various types of situations. Working abilitp to communicate with clients and others involved. Some knowledge of building and construction terms. Working ability to write in a clear and concise manner. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Z�ao years of college training with courses in Business Administration, Economics or a similar field; or two years' experience as a loan officer in a bank or lending agency; or similar e�perience. Title of class: LOAN AND GRANT SPECIALIST II DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs technical work in evaluating and approving loan and grant applications for redevelopment pro�ects; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of the Super- visor of Loans and Grants. Supervision Exercised: Map exercise general technical supervision over technical and clerical emgloyees in the absence of the supervisor. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMEA _ The listed examples may not include all duties perfarmed by all positions in this class. Approves loan and grant reco�►endations of Loan and Grant Specialist I. Receives requests for applications for rehabilitation loans and grants. Fxplains programs to prospective clients. Interviews applicants to obtain financial and credit information. Analyzes applicatioas and obtains necessary documents. � Makes determinations of eligibility for loans or grants. Provides information of rehabilitation advisors for inspection and contract bid use. Reviews bids to determine if proposals meet guidelines and select proper programs. Prepares and submits package for loans. Computes loan repayment schedules. Arranges closings for approved loans an.d grants. Prepares proper documents for loans and grants. Transmits closed loans an.d grant documents to servicing agencies. Advises clients on methods of resolving financial or real estate problems. Verifies doc�nents authorizing gayments to contractors and orders checks. RNOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Provides liaison between the Loans and Grants section and the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency. Acts for the Supervisor of Loans and Grants in. •his or her absence. � Considerable knowledge of real estate and banking terms, rules and regulations. Considerable knowledge of rules and regulations pertaining to Ioans and grants. Considerable ability to deal with clients. in various types of situations. Considerable ability to communicate with clients and others involved. Working knowledge of building and construction terms. Considerable ability to write in a clear and concise manner. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS �ao years' experience as a Loan and Grant Specialist I or equivalent; or two years of college training with courses in Business Administration, Economics or a similar field and two years' experience as a loan officer in a bank or lending agency. ' Title of class: PARKING ADMINISTRATOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs highly responsible professional and administrative work preparing, recommending and implementing plans and programs relating to the City's parking policies and providing staff assistance to the Parking Commission; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of a division or department head. Supervision Exercised: May exercise general supervision over professional, technical and� clerical employees on a pro�ect basis. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The Iistect examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Prepares agendas, establishes meeting locations, records the business and performs the usual duties of staff service to the Parking Commission. Insures consistency of construction and management in accordance with the adopted policies and plans. Provides recommendations on plans and programs and reports which address proniding an effective supply of public and private parking services for Saint Paul commercial areas while retaining primary reliance on prtvate suppliers. Provides for the administration of city owned parking facilities. Prepares contracts for the private operation of public facilities. Works with neighborhood groups to solve residential, co�nercial and indus- trial parking problems. Prepares contracts with and directs the services of contractors providing services relating to parking. Develops programs and initiates policies for the improvement, expansion or develogment of parking facilities. Monitors income from citq owned parking facilities. Insures federal and state compliance of parking facilities. Coordinates and monitors individua.l projects; evaluates pro�ect effectiveness and pronides technical assistance. KNOWLEDGES, SRILLS AND ABII,ITIES Considerable knowledge of private parking policies and parking managemeat practice. Working knowledge of construction techniques a.nd practices of parking � facilities. Considerable knowledge of program development and administration. Considerable knowledge of co�unity resources relating to program areas. Considerable ability to plan and direct the work of subordinates. Considerable ability to analyze and synthesize information. Considerable ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with public officials, agency heads, and community groups. Knowledge of traffic circulation planning technique. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation and six years' responsible professional or administrative experience in the pl�nning of conmunity parking facilities or management of extensive parking facilities; or three years' experience as a City Planner III or equivalent., Title of class: PRINCIPAI� DESIGNER DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statemeat of Duties: Performs supervisory and professional work directing design staff engaged in providing architectural and/or land- scape architectural design, construction, inspection .and maintenance services; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of a unit head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises general technical and administrative supervision over professional and techn.ical design employees assigned. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Supervises architects, landscape architects, engineers and technical staff in planning and designing development projects for construction on city owned property or the development of land areas for use as parks or other recreational facilities. Assigns design studies to staff; determines work priorities; monitors pro- gress of work, manages budgets, makes final determination as to pro3ect acceptability. Reviews staff design. work to insure that quality work is produced. Reviews or directs review of redeveloper or staff proposals for compliance with city development and ma.intenance objectives and design standards; approves or disapproves proposals. Prepares or supervises preparation of design consultant eontracts and par- ticipates in the selection of consultants; reviews work of design con- sultants for conformity with contract and authorizes payment. Prepares or snpervises preparation of construction documents needed to obtain competitive bids for public improvements and supervises the inspection of improvements. Meets with developers, consultants, community residents and division staff regardiug project design and construction progress. Prepares reports and conducts special studies as requested. Performs or directs inter and intra-department liaison function to ensure pro3ect continuity. IINOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILZTIES Thorough knowledge of the principles and techniques of architecture and landscape architecture. Considerable ability to coordinate and supervise the preparation of complete and accurate designs, plans, drawings and cost and material estimates. Considerable ability to deal tactfulTy and effectively with developers, contractors, department staff and the general public. Considerable ability to plan, direct and supervise work. Considerable ability to communicate effectivelq both orally and in writing. Considerable knowledge of city policy, goals and objectives. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in architecture, architectural engineering or landscape architecture and two years' experience as an Architect III, Landscape Architect III or equivalent. Must be registered as a professional architect or landsca.pe architect in the State of Minnesota. (No substitution for education.) Title of class: PROJECT MANAGER ASSISTANT DESCRIPTION OF WORR General Statement of Duties: Performs entry level professional work assist- ing in carrying out the day-to-day operations of assigned projects of fihe Project Management Section; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the close technical supervision of an assigned Project rianager and the administrative supervision of the Director of Projects. 5upervision F�cercised: May exercise within the unit technical supervision over the clerical staff. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID The listed e�amples may not include all duties performed by all gositions in this class. Assists in establishing and monitoring pro�ect schedules and budgets. Assists in the management of assigned pro3ects. Assists in coordinating the efforts of Projecti Management with those of other Divisions, Departments, and Agencies. Assists in monitoring projects in order to ensure that the plans and policies of the Renewal Division are followed. Assists in soliciting development proposals and evaluating and making recommendations as to which proposals to accept. Assists in coordinating the efforts of Pro3ect Management with lenders, developers, real estate brokers, and others. Assists in maintaining pro3ect status records and recording the amount of time spent on individual pro3ects. Presents development proposals to district councils and community organizations.- Assists in administering third party contracts with outside consultants. RNOWLEDGES, SRILLS AND ABILITIES Some lnzowledge of urban renewal processes. Some kaowledge of city government and city planning. Some la�.owledge of real estate, economic research and land acquisition and disposition. Working ability to communicate clearly and effectively with individuals and groups both verbally and in writing. Working ability to deal tactfully and effectively with public and private representatives. Some ability to manage resources such as personnel, time, and money. MINIM[JM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation with ma�or course work in Public Administration, Business Administration, Urban Planning, Economics, Management or a related field. Title of class: � �,rr'�`��fi PROJECT MANAGER IV DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs highly responsible professional work directing the day-to-day operations of assigned projects of the Project Management Section; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of the Director of Projects. Supervision Exercised: Exarcises wi.thin the unit general technical super- vision over lower level project managers, technical and clerical workers. May exercise technical supervision over Technical Services staff, Project Services staff, and other. project support staff on a project basis. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not incZude all duties performed by aYl positions in this class. Supervises alI phases of assigned development projects and monitors projects in order to ensure that the plans an.d policies of the Renewal Division are followed. Directs projects having extremely large budgets and extensive implementation problems. Solicits de�elopment proposals, negotiates with local underwriters, and makes recommendations as to which proposal to accept. Establishes and monitors project schedules and budgets. Directs assigned pro�ect services staff to acquire properties, prepare land sale contracts and deeds, and relocate businesses and families. Directs assigned technical services division staff to conduct design and engineering reviews and recommendations, to prepare budget and scheduling information, to obtain surveys, and to monitor construction activities. Provides direction to City Attorney's staff on specific projects to ensure that those provisians necessary to the execution of a project aie included in the legal agreement. Coordinates the efforts of Pro�ect Management with those of other Divisions, Departments, and Agencies. Coordinates public activities with private activities by directing the expenditures and scheduling of public activities with private developers, property owners, utilities, and others. Provides for the training and professional development of assigned Pro�ect Assistants. Administers third party contracts with outside consultants to produce work products related to specific development projects. RNOWLIDGES, SRILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of urban renewal processes. Thorough knowledge of city govern�ent and city planning. Thorough knowledge of federal regulations and applicable programs. Through knowledge in the areas of real estate, economic research, and land acquisition and disposition. Thorough knowledge of banking practices, accounting skills, and tax incentive potentials. (continued on reverse side) PROPERTY riANAGER N ' (continued) Considerable ab�:lity to deal tactfully and effectively with public and private representatives. Considerable ability to communicate clearly and effectively with individ- uals and groups. Marked ability to be innovati�;e in the financing �f development projects. Marked ability to manage resources such as personnel, time, and money. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Col.lege graduation with major course work in Public Administration, Business Administration, Urban Planning, Econonics, Management, or a related field and two years' experience as a Project Manager III or equival.ent. Title of class: PROPERTY MAINTENANGE TFG'&tICIAN DESCRIPTION QF WORR General Statement of Duties: Directs the maintenance and repair of reaewal owned land and buildings; performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general administrative and technical supervision of a section head. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The Iisted examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. . Assists in establishing and operates a ceatralized property management/ maintenance section. Assists in preparing and executing a contract for maintenance services; monitars the execution of the contract. Plans and participates in preventive maintenance inspections. . Determines the cost effectiveness of mai.ntenance services provided. Processes all work orders innolving maintenance and repair activities for all land and buildings. Insures that all renewal owned land and buildings are maintained in good and habitable condition. Prepares and reviews contracts and purchase orders. Answers routine inquiries and handles complaints. Ma.intains records and prepares reports. KNOWI,EDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working abilitp to analyze ma.intenaace and construction specifi.cations and to read and interpret building plans. Working ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. Working ability to successfully and sensitively ha.ndle inquiries and complain.ts. Considerable knowledge of building construction, maintenance, repair and renonation. Considerable ability to supervise maintenance contracts. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Ztao years of college and four years' experience in building construction, building inspection or building maintenance in.nolving construction and repair; or vocational school graduation in the building construction and maintenance field and four years` experience in building construction, , buildin.g inspection or building maintenance involving construction and repair. Title of class: , PROPERTY MANAGEMENT TECHNICIAN DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled technical work in managing rental property including acquisition an.d management of land and buildings and relocation and management of tenants; performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general supexvision of a unit super- visor. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Assists in establi.shing a centralized property management/maintenance section. Prepares and forwards all acquired letters to tenants such as Letter of Intent, Notice of Offer to Purchase, 90-day an.d 30-day Vacate Letters, etc. Prepares an.d processes Rent and Inspection Reports. Initiates and processes all required building and land inspections. Prepares aud processes Notices of Occupancy and Vacate Notices. Prepares and forwards required letters to utility companies, city departments, etc. - Sets up and manages security systems, building board-ups, utility removals, surveillance measures and stripping and salvage procedures. Initiates and manages demolition pro�ects and assists in housemoving activities. Determines and computes rents, prepares and executes vacant lot leases and may set up and run a garden plot leasing program. Assists in processin.g payments for utilities, equipment and furniture rental, etc. Develops and manages rent payment and collection procedures, igcluding collection of delinquent rents. Initiates and processes tenant eviction proceedings when necessary. Answers routine inquiries and handles complaints. Maintains records and prepares reports. Assists the real estate and relocation processes as assigned. RNOLJLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of real estate, relocation and bookkeeping fvnctions. Working ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. Working ability to successfully and sensitively handle inquiries and complaints. Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectively with tenants, contractors and the general public. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIO�iS Four years' experience in a responsible position managing large rental properties. Title of class: RFAT• ESTATE SPECIALIST I DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled technica]. work involved in preparing, processing and completing the disposition of properties; and perfonm,s related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the closa technical and administrative supervision of a unit head. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFQRMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by alI positions in this class. Maintains information on properties £or sale from land inventory. rlaintains the status of disposition items in operating budgets; provides advice regarding measures to manage the operating budget. Maintains appropriate records for all real estate appraisal contracts. Reviews a variety of disposition items to insure that parcels are adequately prepared for initiating sales. Prepares advertisements and other promotional material for land sales. Contacts individuals interested in purchasing property. Assists individuals i.n obtaining necessary information regarding their eligibility to purchase propertq. Conducts open houses of homes listed for sale. Assists clients in obtaining f inanci.ng. Arranges and prepares for a lottery in cases where more than one party is interested in purchasing a piece of property. Reviews designs and plan specifications for builc3ings to be constructed. Reviews development proposals to insure accuracy and completeness; authorizes parcels to be placed for public hearing. Prepares correspondence to developers, HUD, and other agpropriate Departments and Agencies regarding disposition activities. Maintains all appropriate records to insure an efficient disposition monitorin.g and reporting systems. Answers or responds to inquiries from the public or staff regarding the status of disposition parcels. Maintains appropriate accounting ledgers for real estate disbursements. Prepares Renewal reports relating to real estate activities. KNOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working ability to deal effectively with the public and other agencies and organizations. Working knowledge of the real estate market and procedures. Working knowledge of departmental and federal agency requirements related to purchasing of city property. Considerable ability to work irregular hours when necessary. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS High school graduation and two years' experience in a position involving working with or the handling of real estate or related matters, and fifteen credit hours i.n. courses relating to real estate. (A list of approved courses is maintained in the Personnel Office.) Title of class: RFAT• ESTATE SPECIALIST II DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible technical work involved in the acquisition and disposition processing of real estate; asid gerforms related duties as required. Supervis3on Received: Works under the technical and administrative super- vision of a unit or section head. Supervision Exercised: May exercise within the section some technical or administrative supervision over technical or clerical staff. TYP ICAL DUT IE S PERFOR��D The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. �camines titles and legal descriptions of all properties considered for acquisition or disposition; manages necessary escrow accoun.ts. Clears identified title problems. Reviews di.sposition contracts and deeds to assure confo�ance with appli- cable rules and regulations; determines necessary elements to be in- cluded in sales contracts. Negotiates with owners the direet purchase of all properties; initiates condemnation and acquisition of tax forfeit parcels proceedings. Works with legal staff in real estate closing activities. Conducts real estate disposition closings. Prepares necessary correspondence to HO�D and other appropriate departments and agencies regarding real estate transactions. Corresponds with title insurance companies, mortgage institutians, attorneys a.nd individuals in an attempt to solve a variety of questions or prob- lems in the title of closing of parcels. Maintains appropriate records to insure an orderlp and timely completion of all title and closing items. Insures that aIl necessary papers and documents to complete real estate sale transactioas are adequa.tely filed and recorded. KNOWLEDGES, SRILLS AND ABILITIES Some knowledge of the current market for real estate. Considerable knowledge of real estate and real estate proceedings. Working ability to deal with the general public, attorneys and governmental offices in an effective manner. Considerable ability to accurately work with the legal aspects and property descriptions of real estate transactions. Working ability to communicate verballq and in writing. Working knowledge of legal proceedings necessary to clear title. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Tiigh school graduation and two years' experience as a Real Estate Specialist I or equivalent znd thirty credit hours in courses relating to real estate. (A list of approved courses is maintained in the Personnel Office.) Title of class: REAL ESTATE SUPERVISOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs the administrative and supervtsory work in.volned in the direction of the Real Estate unit operation; solicts developers a.nd negotiates the sale of real estate; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the administrative. dfrection of the unit or division head. Supernisiors Exercised: Exercises within the unit administrative a.nd tech- nical direction over technical, clerical and other assigned persannel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions. iu this class. Solicts developers an.d negotiates real estate sales. Supervises the transactions regarding the acquisition of all real estate including direct purchases, donations and the vacation of public rights of way. Coordinates the acquisition of real estate utilizin.g eminent domain pro- ceedings. Supervises the staff appraiser and negotiator in all real estate acquisitions. Maintains acquisition files, records, correspondence, etc. Establishes and coordinates a procedure to insure legal and marketable title to all real estate acquisitions. Supervises the disposition of all real estate. Supervises real estate specialists and technicians for all disposition activities. Establishes and supervises an efficient and sound land disposition program. Supervises the delivery of services and assistance to developers. Establishes a sound working relationship with the Economic Denelopment Division staff. Snpervises the preparation and/or executian of all contracts, agreements, and other related documents for real estate activities. Acts as a liaison with the HUD local office for all real estate activities. Assists in the formulation and supervises the implementation of all real estate goals, ob�ectives, policies and procedures. Provides necessary information and technical support to district planning councils and other organizations and agencies. Assists in. the establishment of project schedules, budgets and assignment of staf f. Provides advice and assistance when necessary for property management and relocation activities. Acts as a project manager for certain projects as assigned. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of the field of real estate including the market as we11 as the technical transaction proceedings. Ability to communicate with all appropriate staff and a wide range of interested land purchasers and developers. Considerable ability in supervising employees. Working knowledge of sound managerial techniques. MINIlKUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation and sax years' experience in real estate or real estate related work, two years of which must have involved real estate trans- actions in the fieZd of renewal and/or comsunity development. _._ . . . ..:.,.. . � _ _. _. _ _ . . _ . _ _..... .. _ . .._ _. ,.. _ _ . Title of class: REHABILITATTON SUPERVISOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsibie supervisory work in directing the implementation and administration of housing rehabil.itation programs; and performs related work as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the general administxative supervision of a section head. Supervisioa Exercised: Exercises technical and adminfstrative supervision over Housi.ng Rehabilitation Advisors and technical supervision over clerical staff. TYPICAL DIITIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Trains and assigns employees. Supervises the implementation of housing rehabilitation programs. Schedules code enforcement inspections, Conducts inspections of residences and facilities to identify building, housing and related code deficiencies for the purpose of recommending and preparing rehabilitation programs. Directs the scheduling of and conducts conferences with property owners. Acts as a liaison between property owners and city inspectors. �raluates methods of rehabilitation and provides technical advice to propertq owners. Reviews cost estimates. Reviews written reports indicating the scope of work to be done. , Directs the preparation of bidding documents. Directs the admin.istration of the bidding process. Reviews the advisors rehabilitation plan. Makes work assignments to advisors. Inspects completed work for conformance with work specifications. Prepares progress reports. Represents the city at various meetings. Prepares reports and recommendations. Prepares employee evaluation reports. RNOWLEDGES, SKILLS APID ABILITIES Working knowledge of real estate and banking terms and procedures. Considerable knowledge of City Building and Housing Codes. Considerable knowledge of construction methods, materials and workmanship. Working ability to read and understand plans, blueprints, specifications for dwellings. Considerable knowledge of existing rules and regulations concerning rehabil- itation and relocation programs. Considerable knowledge of services offered by other co�unity housing and financial agencies. Cons�.derable ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing. Considerable ability to deal with homeowners and contractors. Cons3.derable ability to plan, organize and supervise work. Workin.g ability to evaluate performance of subordinates. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Three years' experience as a Housing Rehabilitation Advisor or equivalent. xitle of class: RELOCATION CLERK DESCRIPTION OF WORR General Statemen.t of Duties: Performs skilled clerical work in preparing, reviewi.ng, processing and completing relocation claims, reports and plans; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the gen.eral administrative and technical supervision of a unit head. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAI, DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Reviews relocation claims to insure claima.nts meet eligibility requirements, computations are correct, regulations are followed, proper documentation is anailable, and claims are properly processed and paid. Initiates requests for additional documentation with claimant, or staff; responds to in.quiries or complaints. Maintains records and data of claims and payment activities to support the preparation of budgets, reports, relocation plans, and audits. Monitors payments and fund balances, and assists the accounting function. Maintains file of potential claisnants with tentative schedule of benefits; monitors to insure that all allowable claims are paid. Maintains suspense file on escrow agreements. Computes grant determinations when purchase offers are sent to homeowner. Assists in collecting and assembling data for the formulation of rent, sales and utilitq schedules. Prepares regular and special relocation reports, including the required Federal reports. Maintains the status of relocation items in pro�ect and operating budgets. Performs final audit of relocation claims and payments. RNOWLEDGES, SRILLS AND ABILITIES Working ability to deal with the public in an ob�ective and effective manner. Working ability to organize information for reports. Working ability to make arithmetic computations with speed and accuracp. Working knowledge of the policies and procedures of the relocation section. Considerable knowledge of government regulations pertaining to relocation. Working knowledge of real estate procedures, and gonernment housing programs. MINIMU2� QUALIFICATIONS Six years' clerical experience, two years of which nust have been as a Clerk III or equivalent. ' ���,���� Title of class: � REOCATION SPECIALIST I DESCRIFTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled technical work managing tenants, assisting fam�lies and indivi@uals in locating acceptable housing, and preparing claims for relocation payments; may perform work for non-residential relocatian; and performs related duties as requixed. Supervision Received: Works under the close administration and technical supervision of a unit head. Supervision Exereised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFOR1�iED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. - Prepares correspondence to relocation clients, including tenant manage- ment activities. Interviews displaced families and individuals to determine housing needs and explain. relocation services and benefits, assists clients with relocation plans. Makes community contacts to obtain listings of available housing or to get assistance in relocating clients. , Evaluates available housing for suitability to client aeeds. Establishes eligibility for financial benefits and prepares claims £or relocation payments. Transports clients to look for housing and handle related personal business; may assist them in securing personal necessities when appropriate. Locates housing for families and individuals displaced as a result of fire or other disaster or code en.forcement procedures. Computes rents and executes leases with tenants. Handles inquiries and complaints regarding relocation and tenant management. Maintains close workin.g relationship with real estate brokers and contractors to assure that sales, inspections and compliances are handled properly. Coordinates closings with real estate firms, attorneys, sellers and clients. Provides advice on initiating tenant eviction proceedings. Makes final examination of vacant buildings. Maintains appropxiate records and prepares reports. RNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Some knowledge of building codes and suitability of building structures and facilities. Some knowledge of services offered by co�unity housing, financial and counseling agencies. Working knowledge of government housing programs and regulations. Working knoWledge of the real estate market and real estate procedures. Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectively with individuals from a variety of socio-economic backgrounds. MINIMUM QUALLT�ICATIONS Two years of college or two years of experience in relocation or real estate work. • Title of class: � RELOCATION SPECIALIST II DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible technical work managing tenan.ts, assisting families, individuals and busines5es in locating acceptable housing or commercial space, and preparing claims for re- location payments; and performs related duties as required. � Supervision Received: Works under the general administrative and technical . supervision of a unit or section head. Supervision Exercised: May exercise within the unit close technical or administrative supervision over lower level technical or clerical staff. TYPICAL DiTTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Prepares correspondence to relocation clients, including tenant management activities. Iaterviews displaced famil.ies, individuals and busi.nesses to determine dis- placement needs; explains residential or non-residential relocation services and benefits; assists clients with relocation plans. Makes community contacts to obtain listings of available resources and to obtain assistance in relocating clients. Computes rents and executes leases with tenants. Handles inquiries and complaints regarding relocation and tenant management. Evaluates available resources for suitability to client needs. Establishes eligibility for financial benefits, and prepares claims for relocation payments, including large and complex business displacemeats. Maintains close working relationship with real estate brokers and contractors to assure that sales, inspections and compliances are handled properly. Coordinates closings with real estate firms, attorneys, sellers and clients. Reviews closed cases for completeness and accuracy in determining benef�ts. Estimates total workload and cost of residential and non-residential relocation for potential pro�ects; prepares relocation pla.ns. Provides advice on initiating tenant eviction proceedings. Ma.intains appropriate records and prepares reports. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of relocation regulations. Some lazowledge of building codes and suitability of building structures and facilities. Working knowledge of services offered by community housing, financial and counseling agencies. Working ability to make eZigibility determination. �dorking knowledge of government housi.ng programs and regulations. Workin.g knowledge of the real estate market and real estate procedures. Some ability to plan, organize and schedule work. Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectivel.y with individuals from a variety of socio-economic backgrounds. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Two years' experience as a Relocation SpeciaZist I or equivalent and fifteen credit hours in. courses relating to real estate. (A list of approved courses is maintained in the Personnel Office.) Title of class: SUPERVISOR OF LOANS AND GRANTS DESCRIPTION OF WORK � General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible supezvisory work in directing and administering the finance phase of the l.oan and grant programs; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general directivn of a section head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit general techncial and administrative supervisior� over Loan and Grant Specialists an.d clerical. staff. TYPICAL DUTTES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Develops necessary systems, procedures and forms for expediting the loan and grant processes. Directs and supervises the employees in.volved in processing of loan an.d . grant applications. Issues final approval or re�ection on loan and grant applications. Provides technical financial advice and recommen.dations. Participates as a member of any and all co�nittees established for the review and approval of loan and grant applications. Represents the department at staff ineetings and/or conferences in connection with rehabilitation loan and grant programs. Represents the department at public meetings to discuss the rehabilitation loan and grant programs with the citizens. RNOWLEDGES, SKII,LS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of the area of financing and credit. Considerable knowledge of rules and regulations pertaining to the Ioan and grant program. Considerable ability to direct and supervise subordinates. Working ability to make presentations to groups. Working ability to analyze complex material and problems. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Three years' experience as a Loan and Grant Specialist or equivalent. Title of class: SUPERVISOR OF PROJECT SERVICES DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Stateaent of Duties: Performs difficult supervisory and administra- tive work in directing the operations af the real estate, relocation, property m�nagement and property maintenance activities of the Renewal Division; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the admi.nistrative direction of the Administrator of RenewaL Supervision Exercised: Exercises technical and administrative direction over Relocation, Real Estate, Property Management and clerical staff. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORI�D The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Directs the implementation of real estate, relocation, property managemen�, property main.tenance s.nd other pro3ect services programs. Directs the scheduling of Pro3ect Services activities. Directs the assignment of Project Service staff. Coordinates Project Services activities with other section administrators; represeuts the division at various meetings. Evaluates the effectiveness and results of programs; recommends revisions as necessary. Prepares an.d manages the section budgets. Reviews and evaluates work produced bq staff to assure the technical quality of services provided. Ma3ntains records and prepares reports. RNOWLEDGES, SRILLS AN'D ABILTTIES Thorough knowledge of government housing programs and procedures. Considerable knowledge of the real estate market and real estate procedures in acquirin.g, managing and disposing of property. Considerable knowledge of property management techniques and procedures. Considerable abilitq to organize, plan and direct the work of others. Considerable ability to communicate clearly and effectivelq with individuals and groups. Considerable ability to cooperate and coordinate work effectively with other Renewal. man.agers. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Three years' experience as Real Estate Supervisor, Supervisor of Relocation, or equivalent; or five years' supervisory and administrative experience dealing with urban renewal, housing or real estate. Title of class: SUPERVISOR OF REHABILITATION DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Perfarms difficult supervisory and adminis- trative work in directing the operations of the rehabilitation section of the Renewal Division; and performs related duties as required. � Supervision Received: Works under the administrative direction of the Administrator of Renewal. Supervision Exercised: Exercises technical and administrative direction over Housing Rehabilitation personnel, finauce personnel and clerical staff. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Prepaxes and directs a comprehensive training program for the Rehabilitation Section. Directs the implementation of rehabilitation programs. Evaluates approved procedures and recommends changes when necessary in both financial and construction aspects of the rehabilitation program. Directs the scheduling of rehabilitation projects. Directs the assi�nment of rehabilitation staff inembers. Prepares division's grant applications. Lvaluates the effectiveness and results of programs. Recon�ends changes and revisions in current operating programs. Represents the division at various meetings. RNOW�IDGES, SRILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of existing rules and regulations concerning rehabiZi- tation aad relocation programs. Considerable knowledge of real estate and banking terms and procedures. Considerable knowledge of the city building and housing codes. Considerable knowledge of construction methods and/or ma.terials. Considerable ability to make presentations to groups. Considerable ability to analyze complex material and problems. Considerable abilitp to write in a clear and concise manner. Considerable ability to administer complex programs and to direct the personnel involved. MINIMUM QIIALIFICATIONS Three years` e�perience as a Rehabilitation Supervisor or equivalent; or five years' experience in a position involving the responsibility for the administration of a specific program or operation, two years of which must have included responsible supervisory duties. � Title of class: SUPERVISOR OF RELOCATION DESCRIP�ION OF WORR General Statement of Duties: Performs resgonsible administrative work in directing and reviewing the relocation and reinbursement of displaced residents and commercial establishments; performs related duties as required. Supernision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of a unit supervisor. Supervision F�cercised: Exercises with the unit general supervision over technical and clerical employees. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed bp all positions in this class. Directs the work of the relocation staff in finding new locations for residents and commercial establishments displaced by renewal. Reviews and approves claims for disbursement of relocation payments in accardance w3.th guidelines and regulations. Advises agency administrators regarding policies and procedures to be followed for compliance with federal and state requirements for pro- vision of relocation services and payments. Prepares and disseminates public information materials relating to the relocation assistance program. Prepares or directs the preparation of relocation plans which will meet standards for government funding applications; prepares cost estima.tes for special relocation programs. Conducts or directs completion of studies establishing schedules of average costs of local housing. Negotiates an.d administers agreements with other agencies for provision of relocation services. Maintains records relating to relocation activities, disbursements and similar information. Ma.intains liaison with Department of Housing and Urban Development and other agencies involved in relocations; keeps up-to-date on relocation guide- lines, regulations and policy interpretations. Prepares regular and special reports and correspondence pertaining to relocation activities. KNOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of government housing programs and regulations. Considerable ability to plan and direct the work of others. Considerable abil3ty to deal tactfully and effectivelp with individuals from a variety of socio-eeonomic backgrounds. Considerable lmowledge of the real estate market and real estate procedures. Considerable kn.owledge of services offered by community housing, financial and counseling agencies. Considerable ability to prepare reports and recommendations. MINIMUM QIIALIFICATIONS College graduation and four years' experience as a Relocation Specialist II or equivalent�or college graduation and six years' experience in adminis- tering housing programs or handling real estate transactions. . Title of elass: �r.����r, � TECHNICAL SERVSCE SUPERVISOR DESCRZPTION OF WORK Genera], Statement of Duties Performs difficult supervisory and administra- tive work in directing the operations of the Technical Services Section of the Renewal Division; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the administrative direetion of the Administrator of Renewal. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit technical and administra- tive direction over professional, technical and clerical staff. TYPICAL DUTiES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class�. Directs the technical services staff in providing planning, architectural and laadscape architectural design, engineering and related services to the Renewal Division. Determines work priorities and directs the scheduling of Technical Services pro�ects. Directs the assignment of Technical Services staff. . Coordinates Technical Services activities with other section and division administrators; represents the division at various meetings. Evaluates the effectineness and results of programs; reco�ends revisions as necessary. Prepares and manages the section budgets. Reviews and evaluates work produced by staff to assure the technical quality of services provided. Maintains records and prepares reports. Researches and determines feasibility of new projects or the application of new technologq or developments in design. Meets with representatives of other public agencies, private developers and consultants regarding urban renewal activities. RNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of the principles and techniques of urban design. Considerable ability to direct the work of engineers, architects and Iandscape architects in preparing designs, plans, drawings and cost and material estimates. Cons�derable ability to organize, plan and direct the work of others. Considerable ability to comnunicate clearly and effectively with individuals and groups. ConSiderable ability to cooperate and coordinate work effectively with other Renewal managers. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in civil or architectural engineering, architecture or landscape architecture and three years' experience as a Civil Engineer III, Architect III, Landscape Architect III or equivalent. Must be registered as a professional engineer, architect or Iandscape architect in the State of Minnesota. (No substitution for education.) , . Title of class: 2����j� i,� ARCHITECTURAL TECHNICIAN DESC�IPTION OF WORK , General Statement af Duties: Performs skilled work drafting architectural plans, developing broad arehitectural concepts and des3.gning �raphics for presentat3.ons; and performs related duties as required. SuFervision Keceived: Works under the genaral technical and administrative supervision of a unit head. Supervision Exarcised: May exercise immediate technical supervision over lo��er level techniciax�,s on a pro3ect basis. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED . The listed eaamples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Develops overall architectural design concepts for a structure or area. Prepares architectural designs and standards to achieve compatability wirh existing or preferred styles. Assists architeets by drafting detailed architectural plans. Pr�svides de$igas, illustrations, layouts and photographs for presentations, displays and publicatioas. Uraws maps an3 cha.rts; provides photographic documentation of projects and e�:isting city architecture. Or�ers drafting and photographic supplies. Maintai.ns drauing files. �`;OS�TLEDG�S, SKIZLS AND ABILITIES Considerable skill in drafting. Working lrnowledge of architectural design pr�.nciples. Workin� knowledge of builc�ing materials. Tdorking ability to deal effectively with architects, contractors, staff and the general public. Working ability to design and illustrate publications, displays a.nd visual presentations. MINIMUM QIIALIFICATIONS High school graduation a.ad at least twenty-four credit hours in courses . acceptabl.e t�w�ard the basic engineering certificate as given by the University of riirmesota (certain courses may be substituted for tho�e requ3.red for the basic er.giaeering certif icate; a list of such sub- stit�:Ce courses is main.tained in the Personnel Office) and three years' experience in architectural drafting, at least two years of �vhich must have been as an Architectural Draftsman I or equivalent; each additional year o= qualifying �xperience may be substituted for five credit hours; � or two years of college incluc3in,g at Zeast thirty credits in courses in architeeture, arc'nitectural engineering or environmental design. ' Title of class: BUSINESS RELOCATION SPECIALIST DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled technical work in assisting non-res3.dential establishments in relocating, and pracessing and appraising business relocation claims; perfarms related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general administrative and technical supervision of a unit head. Sup�ryision Exercised: May exercise within the unit some technical super- vision over relocation specialists assfgned to business relocat3.on cases. TYPICAI� DUTIES FERFORMETI The listed examples may not include a11 duties per�ormed by all positions in this class. Explains the non-residen�ial relocation program to displaced business owners. Directs relocation surveys, develops relocation plan.s and estimates costs of business relocation for proposed acquisitions. Assists owaer in finding new business location. Ynterprets and applies pertinent regulations, determines financial benefits and prepares claims. Reviews propertp analyses and makes claim determinations. Prepares scopes of work and assures that bidding procedures follow government regulations and work performed meets specifications. Reviews aud appraves all business relocation claims. Assists displaced business owners in applyiag for Small Business Administration financing. Prepares in£armational materials and attends meetings to explain the business relocation program. Maintains records and prepares reports. KNOWLIDGES, SKII.LS AND ABILITIES Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectively with individuals from a variety of socio-economic backgrounds. Some ability to plan, organize and review the work of others. Working ability to determine market value of buildings, fixtures, machinery and equipment. Considerable knowledge of eligibility requirements, regulations and pro- cedures of various government relocation and Small Business Administration programs. � Working ability to coamaun�ca.te effectively both orally and in writing. MINIMUM QUAI,IFICATIONS �ao years of experience as a Relocation Specialist II or equivalent; or two years of college and four years' experience as a Aousing Rehabilitation Advisor or equivalent. � Title of class: ENGINEERING ASSISTANT DESCRTPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled technical. work in the design and review of construction an.d demolition plans, inspection of construc- tion pro3ects and preparation and review of specifications and cost estimates; and performs related duties as required. Superni.sion Received: Works under the generaZ supervision of a unit head. Supervision Exercised: May exercise close technical sugervision within the unit over lower-level technicians on a pro�ect basis. � TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMF.D The listed examples may not include alI duties performed by all positions in this class. . Assists in preparing and reviewing architectural and engineering plans and specifications; makes changes in submitted plans and specifications as required. Inspects contract work and checks on field supervision by cantractors; advises contractor of non-compZiance with specifications. Approves requests for payment and prepares contract settlement documents. Represents the renewal division in conferences with architects, engineers, contractors, public and private agencies regarding renewal programs. Conducts and assists in surveys aad reviews the work of contract survey�rs. Prepares, reviews and approves cost estimates of demolition projects, site clearances and site improvements. Prepares plaas and specifications for demolition documents. Prepares plans including the construction of streets and buildings. Supervises and provides techreical assistance to lower level technicians in drafting and construction inspection. Prepares and submits engineering, budget and inspe�tion reports. Main.tains necessary engineering records. KNOWLEDGES, SKTLLS AND ABILITIES Considerable skill in drafting, design and specifications. Considerable knawledge of construction materials, methods and procedures. Considerable ability to coordinate techn.ical review3 and reports. Considerable ability to interpret construction plans and specifications. Considerable ability to establish and maintain. effective working relation- ships with architects, contractors, agency staff and employees. Coasiderable ability to make effective independent judgments regarding delegated assignments. Some abilitq to plan, supervise and review the work of lower level tech- nicians. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Bigh school graduation and at least fifty credit hours acceptable toward the basic engineering certificate such 'as given by the University of Minnesota (certain courses may be substituted for those required for the basic engineering certificate; a list of such substitute courses is main.tained in the Personnel Office) and two years' experience as a Public Works Technician II, Traffic Technician II, Surveyor I, Architectural Technician, Renewal Housing Inspector or equivalent. (No substitution for education.) Title of class: ROIISING REAABILITATION ADVISOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK: General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible technical work in assist- ing the implementation an.d administration of housing rehabilitation programs; and performs related work as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the general technical and administrative supervision of a unit or section supervisor. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DIITIES PERFQRMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Conducts inspections of res3.dences and facilities to identify building, housing and related code deficiencies for the purpose of recommending and preparing rehabilitation programs. Schedules code enforcement inspections. Schedules and conducts conferences with property owners. Acts as a liaisan between property owners and city inspectors. Enaluates methods of rehabilitation and provides technical advice to prop- erty own.ers. Prepares cost estima.tes. Writes reports indicating the scope of work to be done. Prepares biddin.g documents. Assists property owners in bidding process. Acts as a liaison between property owners and contractors. 7anspects completed work for conformance with work specifications. Prepares progress reports. Represents the city at various meetings. Prepares reparts and recammendations. Assists in training new employees. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Some knowledge of real estate and banking terms and procedures. Working knowledge of City Building and Housing Codes. Working knowledge of construction methods, materials and workmanship. Working ability to read and understand plans, bl.ueprints, specifications for dwellings. Working knowledge of existing rules and regu2ations concerning rehabilitation and relocation programs. Working knowledge of services offered by other community housing and finan- cial agencies. Considerable ability to write clear and concise reports. Considerable ability to deal with homeowners and contractors. M71�IIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Ttao years' experience in building contracting work; or two years' of college or vocational training in the areas of business adminis- tration, engineering or buildi.ng construction and two years' ex- perience in inspection work; or four years' experience in building construction work or four years' experience in an apprentieeship program for one of the trades related to dwelling construction. Title of class: LOAN AND GRANT SPECIALIST I DESCRIPTION OF WORR General Statement of Duties: Performs technical work in evaluating and reco�uending for approval loan and gran.t applicatians for redevelopment pro�ects; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the close supervision of the Supervisor of I.oans and Grants. Supernision bcercised: None. TYPICAL DUTTES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Receives requests for applications for rehabilitation loans and grants. Expla.ins programs to prospective clients. Interviews applicants to obtain financial and credit information. Analyzes applications and obtains necessary doctunents. Makes determinations of eligibility for loans or grants. Provides information to rehabilitation advisors for inspection and contract bid use. Reviews bids to determine if proposals meet guidelines and select proper programs. Prepares and submits package for loans. Computes loan repayment schedules. Arranges closings for approved loans and grants. Prepares proper documeuts for loans and grants. Transmits closed loans and grant documents to servicing agencies. Advises clients on methods of resolving financial or real estate problems. RNOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of real estate and banking terms, rules and regulations. Working knowledge of rules and regulations pertaining to loans and grants. Working ability to deal with clients in various types of situations. Working abilitq to communicate with clients and others involved. Some knowledge of buildin� and construction terms. Working ability to write in a clear and concise manner. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Zfao years of college training with courses in Bv.siness Administration, Economics or a similar field; or two years' experience as a loan officer in a bank or lending agency; or similar experience. Title of class: LOAN AND GRANT SPECIALIST II DESCRIPTION OF WORR General Statement qf Duties: Performs technical work in evaluating and approving loan and grant applications for redevelopment pro�ects; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of the Super- visor of Loans and Grants. Supervision Exercised: May exercise general technical supervision over technical and clerical employees in the absence of the supervisor. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not includP all duties performed by all positions in this class. Approves loan and grant recommendations of Loan and Grant Specialist I. Receives requests for applications for rehabilitation loans and grants. Fxplains programs to prospective clients. Interviews applicants to obtain financial and credit information. Analyzes applications and obtains necessarq documents. Makes determinations of eligibility for loans or grants. Provides informatioa of rehabilitation advisors for inspection and contract bid use. Reviews bids to determine if proposals meet guidelines and select proper programs. Prepares and submits package for loans. Computes loan repayment schedules. Arranges closings for approved loans and grants. Prepares proper doc�eats for loans and grants. Transmits closed loans and grant documents to servicing agencies. Advises clients on methods of resolving financial or real estate problems. Verifies documents authorizing payments to contractors and orders checks. RNOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Provides liaison between the Loans and Grants section and the 1�Iinnesota Housing Finance Agency. Acts for the Sugervisor of Loans and Gran.ts in his or her absence. � Considerable knowledge of real estate and banking terms, rules and regulations. Considerable kuowledge of rules and regulations pertaining to loans and grants. Considerable ability to deal with clients. in various types of situations. Considerable ability to communicate with clients a.nd others involved. Working knowledge of building and construction terms. Considerable abilitp to write in a clear and concise manaer. MININiUM QUALIFICATIONS Two years� experience as a Loan and Grant Specialist I or equivalent; or two years of college training with courses in Business Administration, Economics or a similar field and two years' experience as a loan officer in a bank or lending agency. ' Title of class: PARKING ADMINISTRATOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs highly responsible professional and administrative work preparing, recommending and implementing plans and programs relating to the City's parking policies and providing staff assistance to the Parking Commission; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of a division or department head. Supervision F.�cercised: May exercise general supervision over professional, technical an.d clerical employees on a project basis. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Prepares agendas, establishes meeting locations, records the business and performs the usual duties of staff service to the Parking Commission. Insures consistency of construction a.nd management in accordance with the adopted policies and plaas. Provides recommendations on plans and programs and reports which address providing an effective supply of public and private parking services for Saint Paul commercial areas while retaining primary reliance on private suppliers. Pravides for the administration of city owned parking facilities. Prepares contracts for the private operation of public facilities. Works with neighborhood groups to solve residential, comm�ercial and indus- trial parking problems. Prepares contracts with and directs the services of contractors providing services relating to parking. Develops programs and initiates policies for the improvement, expansion or development of parking facilities. Monitors income fram city owned parking facilities. Insures federal and state compliance of parking facilities. Coordinates an.d monitors individual projects; evaluates project effectiveness and provides technical assistance. KNOWLIDGES, SRILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of private parking policies and parking management practice. Working knowledge of construction techniques and practices of parking facilities. Considerable knowledge of program development and administration. Considerable knawledge of co�unity resources relating to program areas. Considerable ability to plan and direct the work of subordinates. Considerable ability to analyze and synthesize information. Considerable abilitp to establish and maintain effective working relationships with public officials, agency heads, and community groups. Knowledge of traffic circulation planning technique. MINIMIIM QUALIFICATIONS College gradua.tion and six years' responsible professional or administrative experience in the planning of community parking facilities or manageraent of extensive parking facilities; or three years' experience as a City Planner III or equivalent. Title of class: PRINCIPAL DESIGNER ��""-i�� DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs supervisory and prafessional work directing design staff engaged in providing architectural and/or land- scape architectural design, construction, inspection and maintenance services; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of a unit head. Supervision Exerciseds Exercises general technical and administrative supervision over professional and technical design employees assigned. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Supervises architects, landscape architects, engineers and technical staff in planning and designing development projects for construction on city owned property or the development of land areas for use as parks or other recreational facilities. Assigns design studies to staff; determines work priorities; monitors pro- gress of work, ma.nages budgets, makes final determination as to project acceptability. xeviews staff design work to insure that quality work is produced. Reviews or directs review of redeveloper or staff proposals far compliance with city development and maintenan.ce objectives and design standards; approves or disapproves proposals. Prepares or supervises preparation of design consultant contracts and par- ticipates in the selection of consultants; reviews work of design con- sultants for conformity with contract and authorizes payment. Prepares or supervises preparation of construction documents needed to obtain competitive bids for public i.mprovements and supervises the inspection of improvements. Meets with developers, consultants, community residents and division staff regarding project design and construction progress. Prepares reports and conducts special studies as requested. Performs or directs inter and intra-department liaison function to ensure pro�ect conti.nuitp. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of the principles and techniques of architecture and landscape architecture. Considerable ability to coordinatz and supervise the preparation of complete and accurate designs, plans, drawings and cost and material estimates. Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectively with developers, contractors, department staff and the general public. Considerable ability to plan, direct and supervise work. Considerable ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. Considerable knowledge of city policy, goals and objectives. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in architecture, architectural engineering or landscape architecture and two years' experience as an Architect III, Landscape Architect III or equivalent. Must be registered as a professional architect or landscape architect in the State of Minnesota. (No substitution for education.) . Title of class: PROJECT MANAGER ASSISTANT DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Perfarms entry level professional work assist- ing in carrying out the day-to-day operations of assigned projects of the Pro�ect Man.agement Section; and perfo�s related duties as required. Supervision Receined: Works under the close technical supervision of an assigned Project Manager and the administrative supervision of the Director of Pro�ects. � Supervision �ercised: May exercise within the unit technical supervision over the clerical staff. TYPICAL DIITIES PERFORMID The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in . this class. Assists in establishing and monitoring pro3ect schedules and budgets. Assists in the management of assigned projects. Assists in coordinating the efforts of Pro�ect Management with those of other Divisions, Departments, and Agencies. Assists in monitoring projects in order to ensure that the plans and policies of the Renewal Division are followed. Assists in soliciting development proposals and evaluating and making recommendations as to which proposals to accept. Assists in Eoordinating the efforts of Project Management with lenders, developers, real estate brokers, and others. Assists in maintaining pro�ect status records and reeording the amount of time spent on individual projects. Presents development proposals to district councils and co�unity orga.nizations._ Assists in administering third party contracts with outside consultants. KNOWLEDGES, SI�]ZLS AND ABILITIES Some knowledge of urban renewal processes. Some knowledge of city government and city planning. Some knowledge of real estate, economic research and land acquisition and disposition. Working abiZity to communicate clearly and effectively with individuals and groups both verbally and in writing. Working ability to deal tactfully and effectively with public and private representatives. Sone ability to manage resources such as personnel, time, and money. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation with ma�or course work in Public Administration, Business Administration, Urban Planning, Economics, Management or a related field. Title of class: PROJECT MANAGER IV DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs highly resgonsible professional work directing the day-to-day operations of assigned projects of the Project Management Section; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Rece�.ved: Works under the general guidance and direction of the Director of Pro�ects. Supervisioa Exercised: Exercises within the unit general technical super- vision over lower level project managers, technical and clerical workers. May exercise technical supervision over Technical Services staff, Project $ervices staff, and other project support staff on a project basis. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples ma.y not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Supervises all phases of assigned development pro3ects and monitors pro3ects in order to ensure that the plans and policies of the Renewal Division are fol.lowed. � Directs projects having extremely large budgets and extensive implemenCation problems. Solicits development proposals, negotiates with local Lmderwriters, and makes recommendations as to which proposal to accept. Establishes and monitors pro�ect schedules and budgets. Directs assigned pro3ect services staff to acquire properties, prepare land sale contracts and deeds, and relocate businesses and families. Directs assigned technical services division staff to conduct design and engineering reviews and recommendations, to pregare budget and scheduling informa.tion, to obtain surveys, and to monitor construction activities. Provides direction to City Attorney's staff on specific projects to, ensure that those provisions necessary to the execution ot a pro3ect are included in the legal agreement. Coordinates the efforts of Pro�ect Management with those of other Divisions, Departments, and Agencies. Coordinates public activities with private activities by directing the expenditures and scheduling of public activities with private developers, property owners, utilities, and others. Provides for the training and professional development of assigned Project Assistants. Administers third party contracts with outside consultants to produce work products related to specific development projects. KNOWLEAGES, SRILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowl.edge of urban renewal processes. Thorough knowledge of city government and city planning. Thorough knowledge of federal regulations and applicable programs. Through knowledge in the areas of real estate, economic research, and land acquisition and disposition. Thorough knowledge of banking practices, accounting skills, and tax incentive potentials. (continued on reverse side) PROPERTY MANAGER IV (continued) Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectively with public and private representatives. Considerable ability to cammunicate clearly and effectively with individ- uals and groups. Marked ability to be innovatiVe in the financing of development projects. Marked ability to manage resources such as personnel, time, and money. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation with ma�or course work ia Public Administration, Business Administration, Urban Planning, Economics, Management, or a related field and two years' experience as a Pro�ect Manager III or equivalent. Title o€ class: PROPERTY MAINTENANCE TSCHI�iICIAN DBSCRIPTION 0�' WORR . General Statement of Duties: Directs the maintenance and repair of renewaZ owned land and buildings; performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general administrative and technical supervision of a section head. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPiCAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties perfo�ed by all positions in this class. Assists in establishing and operates a centralized property management/ maintenaace section. Assists in prepaxing and executin.g a contract for maintenance services; monitors the execution of the contract. Plans and participates in preventive maintenance inspections. Determines the cost effectiveness of maintenance services provided. Processes all work orders involving maintenance and repair activities for aIl land and buildings. Insures that all renewal owned land and buildings are mai.ntained in good and habitable condition. Prepares and reviews contracts and purchase orders. Answers routine inquiries and handles complaints. � Main.tains records and prepares reports. KNOWLIDGES, SRILLS AND ABILITIES Working abilitq to analyze maintenance and construction specifications and to read and interpret building plans. Working ability to co�unicate effectively both orally and in writing. Working ability to successfully and sensitively handle inquiries aaad complaints. Considerable knowledge of building construction, maintenance, repair and renovation. Considerable ability to supervise maintenance contracts. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS ' �ao gears of college and four years' experience in building construction, building inspection or building maintenance involving construction and repair; or vocational school graduation in the building construction and maintenance field and four years' experience i.n building construction, building inspection or building maintenance involving construction and repair. Title of class: , PROPERTY MANAGII�IENT TECHNTCIAN DESCRIPTION OF WORK �'�"'��� General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled technical work in managing rental property including acquisition and management of land and buildings and relocation and ma.nagement of tenants; performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a unit super- visor. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PFRFORMED The listed e�camples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Assists in establishing a centralized property management/maintenance section. Yregares and forwards all acquired letters to tenants such as Letter of Intent, Notice of Offer to Purchase, 90-day and 30-day Vacate Letters, etc. Prepares and processes Rent and Inspection Reports. . Initiates and processes all required building and land inspections. Prepares and processes Notices of Occupancy and Vacate Notices. Yrepares and forwards required letters to utility companies, city departments, etc. - Sets up and manages security systems, building board-ups, utility removals, surveillance measures and stripping and salvage procedures. Initiates and manages demolition pro�ects and assists in housemoving activities. Determines and computes rents, prepares and executes vacant lot leases and may set up and run a garden plot leasing program. Assists in processing payments for utilities, equipment and furniture rental, etc. Develops and manages rent payment and collection procedures, including collection of delinquent rents. InitiaCes and processes tenant eviction proceadings when necessary. Answers routine inquiries and handles complaints. Maintains records and prepares reports. Assists the real estate and relocation processes as assigned. RNOt+TLEDGES, SKILLS AND .ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of real estate, reZocation and bookkeeping functions. Working ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. Working ability to successfully and sensitiveZy handle in.quiries and complaints. Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectively with tenants, contractors and the general public. DiINIl�NM QUALIFICATIONS Four years' experience in a responsible position managing large rental properties. Title of �iass: REAL ESTATE SPECIALIST I DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled technical work involved in preparing, processing and completing the disposition of properties; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Wozks under the close technical and administrative supervision of a unit head. Supervision Exercised: None. TFPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED ' The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Maintains inform.ation on properties for sale from land inventory. Maintains the status of disposition items in operating budgets; provides advice regarding measures to manage the operating budget. Ma.intains appropriate records for all real estate appraisal contracts. Reviews a variety of disposition items to insure that parcels are adequatelp prepared for initiating sales. Prepares advertisements and other promotional material for land sales. Contacts individua.ls interested in purchasing property. Assists individuals in obtaining necessary information regarding their eligibility to purchase property. Conducts open houses of homes listed for sale. Assists clients i.n obtaining financing. Arranges and prepares for a lottery in cases where more than one partp is interested in. purchasing a piece of property. Reviews designs and plan specifications for buildings to be constructed. Reviews development proposals to insure accuracy and completeness; authorizes parcels to be placed for public hearing. Prepares correspondence to developers, HUD, and other appropriate Departments and Agencies regarding disposition activities. Ma.intains all appropriate records to i.nsure an efficient disposition �onitoring and reporting systens. Answers or responds to inquiries from the public or staff regarding the status of disposition parcels. Piaintains appropriate accounting ledgers for real estate disbursements. Prepares Renewal reports relating to real estate activities. RNOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABZLITIES � Working ability to deal effectively with the public and other agencies and organizations. Working kn.owledge of the real estate market and procedures. Working knowledge of departmental and federal agency requirements related to purchasing of city property. Considerable abilitq to work irregular hours when necessary. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS High school graduation and two years' experience in a position involving working with or the handling of real estate or related matters, and fifteen credit hours in courses relating to real estate. (A list of approved courses is maintained in the Personnel Office.) Title of class: REAL ESTATE SPECIALIST II DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible technical wark involved in the acquisition and disposition processing of real estate; and performs rel,ated duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the technical and administrative super- vision of a unit or section head. Supervision Exercised: May exercise within the section some technical or administrative supervision over technical or clerical staff. TYPICAL DUTIES PERF'ORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. � Examines titles and legal descriptions of all properties considered for acquisition or disposition; manages necessary escrow accounts. . Clears ideutified title problems. Reviews disposition contracts and deeds to assure conformance with appli- cable rules and regulations; determines necessary elements to be in- cluded i.n sales contracts. Negotiates with owners the direct purchase of all properties; initiates condemnation and acquisition of tax forfeit parcels proceedings. Works with legal staff in real estate closing activities. Conducts real estate disposition closings. Prepares necessary correspondence to RUD and other appropriate departments and agencies regarding real estate transactions. Corresponds with title i.nsurance companies, mortgage institutions, attorneys an3 individuals in an attempt to solve a variety of questions or prob- lems in the title of closing of parcels. Maintains appropriate records to insure an orderly and timely completion of all title and closing items. Insures that all necessary papers and documents to complete real estate sale transactions are adequately filed and recorded. $NOWLIDGES, SRILLS AND ABILITIES Some knowledge of the current market for real estate. � Considerable knowledge of real estate and real. estate proceedings. Working abilitq to deal with the general public, attorneys and governmental offices in an effective manner. Considerable ability to accurately work with the legal aspects and property descriptions of real estate transactions. Working ability to communicate verbally and in wr�tting. Working knowledge of legal proceedings necessary to clear title. MINIMUM QIIALIFICATIONS High school graduation and two years' experience as a Real Estate Specialist I or equivalent and thirty credit hours in courses relating to real estate. (A list of approved courses is m,aintained in the Personnel Office.) Title of class: REAL ESTATE SUPERVISOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs the administrative and supervisory work involved in the direction of the Real Estate unit operation; solicts developers and negotiates the sale of real estate; and performs related - duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the administrative direction of the unit or division head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit administrative and tech- nical direction over technical, clerical and other assigned personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The Iisted examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Solicts developers and negotiates real estate sales. Supervises the transactions regardin.g the acquisition of all real estate including direct purchases, dona.tions and the vacation of public rights of way. Coordinates the acquisition of real estate utilizing eminent domain pro- � ceedings. Supervises the staff appraiser and negotiator in all real estate acquisitions. Maintains acquisition files, records, correspondence, etc. Establishes and coordinates a procedure to insure legal and marketable title to all real estate acquisitions. Supervises the disposition of all real estate. Supervises real estate specialists and technicians for all disposition activities. Establishes and supervises an efficient and sound land disposition program. Supervises the deliverp of services and assistance to developers. Establishes a sound working relationship with the Economic Development Division staff. Supervises the preparation and/or execution of all contracts, agreements, and other related doeuments for real estate activities. Acts as a liaison with the HUD local office for all reaZ estate activities. Assists in the formulation and supervises the implementation of all real estate goals, objectives, policies and procedures. Provides necessarq information and technical support to district planning councils and other organizations and agencies. Assists in the establishment of project schedules, budgets and assignment of staff. Provides advice and assistance when necessary for property management and relocation activities. Acts as a project manager for certain projects as assigned. KNOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of the field of real estate including the ma.rket as well as the technical transaction proceedings. Abilitp to communicate with aIl appropriate staff and a wide range of interested land purchasers and developers. Considerabl.e ability in supervisi.ng enployees. Working knowledge of sound managerial techniques. MINI.rNM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation and six years' expe�ience in real estate or real estate related work, two years of which must have involved real estate trans- actions in the field of renewal and/or community development. � Title of class: REHABILITATIO� SUPERVISOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK General �tatement o£ Duties: Performs responsible supervisory work in directing the implementation and administration of housing rehabilitatioa programs; and performs related work as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the general administrative sugervision of a section head. Supervision F�cercised: Fxercises technical and administrative supervision over Housing Rehabilitation Advisors and technical supervision over clerical staff. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Trai.ns and assigus employees. Supervises the implementation of housing rehabilitation programs. Schedules code enforcement inspections. Conducts inspections of residences and facilities to identify building, housing and related code deficiencies for the purpose of recommending and preparing rehabilitation programs. Directs the schedul�tn.g of and conducts conferences with property owners. Acts as a liaison between property owners and city inspectors. E�aluates methods of rehabilitation and provides technical advice to property ownars. Reviews cost estinates. Reviews written reports indicating the scope of work to be done. , Directs the preparation of bidding documents. Directs the administration of the bidding process. Reviews the advisors rehabilitation plan. Makes work assiganents to advisors. Inspects completed work for conformance with work specifications. Prepares progress reports. Represents the city at various meetings. Prepares reports and recommendations. Prepares employee evaluation reports. KNOWLEDGES, SRILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of real estate and banking terms and procedures. Considerable knowledge of City Building and Housing Codes. Considerable knowledge of construction methods, materials and taorkmanship. Working ability to read and un.derstand plans, blueprints, specifications for dwellings. Considerable knowledge of existing rules and regulations concerning rehabil- itation and relocation programs. Considerable la�owledge of services offered by other community housing and f inancial agencies. Considerable ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing. Considerable ability to deal with homeowners and contractors. Considerable ability to plan, organize and supervise work. Working ability to evaluate performa,.*�ce of subordinates. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Three years' experience as a Housing Rehabilitation Advisor or equivalent. Title of class: RELOCATION CLERK DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled clerical work in preparing, reviewing, processing and completing relocation claims, reports and plans; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general administrative and technical supervision of a unit head. Supervision Exercised: None. � TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in. this class. Reviews relocation claims to insure claimants meet eligibility requirements, computations are correct, regulations are followed, proper documentation is available, and clai.ms are properly processed and paid. Initiates requests for additional documentation with claimant, or staff; responds to inquiries or complaints. Maintains records and data of claims and payment activities to support the preparation of budgets, reports, relocation plans, and audits. Monitors payments and fund balances, and assists the accounting function. Maintains file of potential claimants with tentative schedule of benefits; monitors to insure that all allowable claims are paid. Maintains suspense file on escrow agreements. Computes grant determinations when purchase offers are sent to homeowner. Assists in collecting and assembling data for the formulation of rent, sales and utility schedules. Prepares regular and special relocation reports, including the requi.red Federal reports. Maintains the status of relocation items in project and operating budgets. Performs fi.nal audit of relocation claims and payments. RNOWLEDGES, SRILLS AND ABILITIES Working ability to deal with the public in an ob3ective and effective manner. Worki.ng ability to organize information for reports. Working ability to make arithmetic computations with speed and accuracy. Working knowledge of the policies and procedures of the relocation section. Considerable knowledge of government regulations pertaining to relocation. Working knowledge of real estate procedures, and government housing programs. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Six years' clerical e.�cperien.ce, two years of which must have been as a Clerk III or equivalent. Title of class: � REOCATION SPECIALIST I DESCRZPTION OF WORR General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled technical work managing tenants, assisting families and individuals in locating acceptable housing, and preparing claims for relocation payments; may perfoxm work for non-residential relocation; an:d perforns related duties as required. � Supervision Received: Works under the close administration and technical supervision of a unit head. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORI�IFD The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. - Prepares correspondence to relocation clients, including tenant manage- ment actinities. Interviews displaced families and individuals to determine housing needs and explain. relocation services and benefits, assists clients with relacation plans. Makes commun.ity contacts to obtain listings of available housing or to get assistance i.n relocating cZients. L�aluates available housing for suitability to client needs. Establishes eligibility for fi.nancial benefits and prepares claims for relocation payments. Transports clien.ts to look for housing and handle related personal business; may assist them in securing personal necessities when appropriate. Locates housing for families and individuals displaced as a result of fire or other disaster or code en.forcement procedures. Computes rents and executes leases with tenants. Handles inquiries and complaints regarding relocation and tenant management. Maintains close working relationship with real estate brokers and contractars to assure that sales, inspections and compliances are handled properly. Coordinates closings with real estate firms, attorneys, sellers and clients. Yrovides advice on initiating tenant eviction proceedings. Makes final exanination of vacant buildings. Maintain.s appropriate records and prepares reports. RNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Some knowledge of building codes and suitability of building structures and facilities. Some laiowledge of services offered by co�unity housing, financial and counseling ageucies. Working knowledge of government housing programs and regulations. Working knowledge of the real estate market and real estate procedures. Considerable abilitq to deal tactfully and effectively with individuaZs from a varietq of socio-economi.c backgrounds. MINIMI3M QUALIFICATIONS 7fao years of college or two years of e.�perience in relocation or real estate work. � Title of class: ` RELOCATIOPd SPECIALIST II DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible technical work managing tenants, assisting families, individuals and businesses in locating acceptable housing or commercial space, and preparing claims for re- location payments; and performs related duties as required. � Supervision Received: Works under the general administrative and technical' supervision of a unit or section head. Supervision Exercised: May e�ercise within the unit close technical or administrative supervision over lower level technical or clerical staff. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Prepares correspondence to relocatiou clients, including tenant ma.nagement activities. Interniews displaced families, individuals and businesses to determine dis- placement needs; explains residential or non-residential relocation services and benefits; assists clients with relocation plans. Makes communitq contacts to obtain listiings of available resources and to obtain assistance in relocating clients. Computes rents an.d executes leases with tenants. Handles inquiries and complaints regarding relocation and tenant management. Evaluates available resources for suitability to client needs. Establishes eligibility for financial benefits, and prepares claims for relocation payments, including large and complex business displacements. Atai.ntains close working relationship with real estate brokers and contractors to assure that sales, inspections and compliances are handled properly. Coordinates closings with real estate firms, attorneys, sellers and clients. Reviews closed cases for completeness and accuracy in determining benefits. Estimates total workload and cost of residential and non-residential relocation for potential pro�ects; prepares relocation plans. Provides advice on initiating tenant eviction proceedings. Maintai.ns appropriate records and prepares reports. KNOWLIDGES, SRILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of relocation regulations. Some knowledge of building codes and suitability of building structures and facilities. Working knowledge of services offered by community housing, financial and counseling agencies. Working ability to make eligibility determznation. Zlorking knowledge of government housing programs and regulations. Working knowZedge of the real estate market and real estate procedures. Some ability to plan, organize and schedule work. Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectivelq with individuals from a variety of socio-economic backgrounc3s. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS �ro years` experience as a Relocation Specialist I or equivalen� and fifteen credit hours in courses relati.ng to real estate. (A list of approved courses is maintained in the Personnel bffice.) Title of class: . ►-y� . �G l/.��� SUPERVISOR OF LOANS AND GRANTS DESCRIPTION OF WORK � General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible supervisory work in directing and administering the finance phase of the loan and grant programs; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general direction of a section head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit general techncial and administrative snpervision over Loan and Grant Specialists and clerical staff. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Develops necessary systems, procedures and forms for expediting the loan and grant processes. , Directs and supervises the employees involved in processing of loan and grant applications. Issues final approval or rejection on loan and grant applications. Provides technical financial advice and recommendations. Participates as a member of any and all committees established for the review and approval of loan and grant applications. Represents the department at staff ineetings and/or conferences in connection with rehabilitation loan and grant programs. Represents the department at public meetings to discuss the rehabilitation loan and grant programs with the citizens. RNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of the area of financing and credit. Considerable knowledge of rules and regulations pertaining to the loan and grant program. Considerable abilitp to direct and supervise subordinates. Working ability to make presentations to groups. Working ability to analyze complex material and problems. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Three years' experience as a Loan and Grant Specialist or equivalent. Title of class: SUPERVISOR OF PROJECT SERVICES DESCRIPTION OF WORR General Statement of Duties: Performs difficult supervisory and administra- tive work in directing the operations of the real estate, relocation, property management an.d property maintenance activities of the Renewal Division; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the administrative direction of the Administrator of Renewal. Supervision Exercised: Exercises technical and administrative direction over Relocation, Real Estate, Property Management and elerical staff. TYPICAI, DUTIES PIItFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Directs the implementation of real estate, relocation, property management, property maintenance and other pro3ect services programs. Directs the scheduling of Project Services activities. Directs the assignment of Project Service staff. Coordinates Project Services activities with other section administrators; represents the division at various meetings. �aluates the effectiveness and results of programs; recommends revisions as necessary. Prepares and manages the section budgets. Reviews and evaluates work produced by staff to assure the technical quality of services provided. Maintains records and prepares reports. RNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of governmenfi housing programs and procedures. Considerable lmowledge of the real estate market and real estate procedures in acquiring, managing and disposing of property. Considerable knowledge of property management techniques and procedures. Considerable ability to organize, plan and direct the work of others. Considerable ability to communicate clearly and effectively with individuals and groups. Considerable ability to cooperate and coordinate work effectively with other Renewal ma.nagers. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Three years' experience as Real Estate Supervisor, Supervisor of Relocation, or equivalent; or five years' supervisory and administrative experience dealing with urba.n renewal, housing or real estate. Title of class: SUPERVISOR OF RE�BILITATION DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs difficult supervisory and adminis- trative work in directing the operations of the rehabilitation section of the Renewal Division; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the administrative direetion of the Administrator of Renewal. Supervision �cercised: Exercises technical and administrative direction over Housing Rehabilitation personnel, finance personnel and clerical staff. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORI� The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Prepares and dixects a comprehensive training program for the Rehabilitatioa Section. Directs the implementation of rehabilitation programs. Ebaluates approved procedures and recommends changes when necessary in both financial and construction aspects of the rehabilitation program. Directs the scheduling of rehabilitation projects. Directs the assignment of rehabilitation staff inembers. Prepares division's grant applications. Ebaluates the effectivene5s and results of programs. Reco�ends changes and revisions in current operating programs. Represents the division at various meetings. RNOWLIDGES, SRILLS AND ABILITIES Thorongh laiowledge of existing rules and regulations concerning rehabili- tation and relocation programs. Considerable knowledge of real estate and banking texms and procedures. Considerable knawledge of the city building and housin.g codes. Considerable kn.owledge of construction methods and/or materials. Considerable ab ility to make presentations to groups. � Considerable ability to analyze complex material and problems. Considerable ability to write in a clear and concise manner. Considerable ability to administer complex programs and to direct the personnel involved. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Three years' experience as a Rehabilitation Supervisor or equivalent; or �ive years' experience in a position involving the responsibility for the administration of a specific program or operation, two years of which must have included responsible supervisary duties. ' Title of class: SUPERVISOR OF RELOCATION DESCRIPTION OF WORR General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible administrative work in directing and reviewing the relocation and reimbursement of displaced residents and commercial estab�.ishments; performs related duties as . required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of a unit supervisor. Supervision Exercised: Egercises with the unit general supervision over technical and cler�.eal employees. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Directs the work of the relocation staff in finding new locations for residents and commercial establishments displaced by renewal. Reviews and approves claims for disbursement of relocation payments in accordance with guidelines and regulations. Advises agencq administrators regardi�ng policies and procedures to be followed for compliance with federal and state requirements for.pro- vision of relocation services and payments. Prepares and disseminates public information materials relating to the relocation assistance program. Prepares or directs the preparation of relocation plans which will meet standards for government funding applications; prepares cost estimates for special relocation programs. Conducts or directs completion of studies establishing schedules of average costs of local housing. Negotiates and administers agreements with other agencies for provision of relocation services. Maintai.ns records relating to relocation activities, disbursements and similar information. Main.tains liaison with Department of Housing and Urban Development and other agencies involved in relocations; keeps up-to-date on relocation guide- lines, regulations and policy interpretations. Prepares regular and special reports and correspondence pertaining to relocation activities. KNOWLIDGES, SKILL5 AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of government housing programs and regulations. Considerable ability to plan and direct the work of others. Considerable ability to deal tactfully a.nd effectively with individuals from a variety of socio-economic backgrounds. Considerable lmowledge of the real estate market and real estate proceduxes. Considerable knowledge of services offered by co�►unity housing, financial and counseling agencies. Considerable abilitp to prepare reports and reco�endations. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation and four years' exper3ence as a Relocation Specialist II or equivalent�or college graduation and s� years` experience in adminis- tering housing programs or handling real estate transactions. Title of class: TECHNICAL SERVICE SUPERVISOR �� "��'" DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties Performs difficult supervisory and administra- tive work in directing the operations of the Technical Services Section of the Renewal Division; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the administrative direction of the Administrato� of Renewal. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit technical and administra- tive direction over professional, technical and cler3,ca1 staff. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Directs the techn.ical services staff in providing planning, architectural and landscape architectural design, engineering and related services to the Renewal Division. Determines work priorities and directs the scheduling of Technical Services pro3ects. Directs the assignment of Technical Services staff. Coordinates Technical Services activities with other section and division administrators; represents the division at various meetings. Evaluates the effectiveness and results of programs; recommends revisions as necessarq. Prepares and ma.nages the section budgets. Reviews and evaluates work produced by staff to assure the technical quality of services pronided. Maizttains records and prepares reports. Researches and determines feasibility of new projects or the application of new technology or developments in design. Meets with representatives of other public agencies, private developers and consultants regarding urban renewal activities. RNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of the principles and techniques of urban design. Considerable ability to direct the work of engineers, architects and Iandscape architects in prepari.ng designs, plans, drawings and cost and material estima.tes. Considerable ability to organize, plan and direct the work of others. Considerable ability to communicate clearly and effectively with individuals and groups. Considerable ability to cooperate and coordinate work effectively with other Renewal man.agers. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation i.n civil or architectural engineering, architecture or landscape architecture and three years' experience as a Civil Engineer III, Architect III, Landscape Architect III or equivalent. Must be registered as a professional engineer, architect or landscape architect in the State of N:innesota. (No substitution for education.) Title of class: �y r � I���� ARCHITECTURAL TLCHNICIAN DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled work drafting architectural plans, developing broad architectnral concepts and designing graphics for presentations; and performs related duties as required. . Supervision Received: Works under the general technical and administrative supervision of a unit head. Supervision Exercised: May e�cercise immediate technical supervision over lower level technicians on a pro�ect basis. TYPICAL DIJTIES PERFOR1�iED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Develops overa]1 architectural design concepts for a structure or area. Prepares architectural designs and standards to achieve compatability with existing or preferred styles. . Assists architects by drafting detailed architectural pl�ns. Pravides designs, illustrations, layouts and photographs for presentations, displays and publications. Draws maps and charts; provides photographic documentation of pro�ects and existing city architecture. Orders drafting and photographic supplies. Main.tains drawing files. ICr;OWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable skill in drafting. Working knowledge of architectural design principles. � Working knowledge of building materials. Working ability to deal effectively with architects, contractors, staff and the general public. Working ability to design and illustrate publications, displays and visual presentations. MINIM[TM QIIALIFICATIONS High school graduation and at least twenty-four credit hours in courses acceptable toward the basic engineering certificate as given by the University of Minnesota (certain courses may be substituted for those required for the basic engineering certificate; a list of such sub- stitute courses is ma.intained in the Personnel Office) and three years' experience in architectural drafting, at least two years of which must have been as an Architectural Draftsman I or equivalent; each additional year of qualifying experience nay be substituted for five credit hours; or two years of college including at least thirty credits in courses in architecture, architectural engineering or environmental design. Title of class: BUSINESS RELOCATION SPECIALIST DESCRIPTION OF WORR General Statemeat of Duties: Perfomas skilled technical work in assisting non-residential establishments in re]:ocating, and processing and appraisin.g business relocation claims; performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general administrative and technieal supervision of a unit head. Supervision F�ercised: May exercise within the unit some technical super- vision over relocation specialists assigned to business relacation cases. TYPICAL DIITIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Explains the non-residential relocation program to displaced business owners. Directs relocation surveys, develops relocation plans and estima.tes costs of business relacation for proposed acquisitions. Assists owner in finding new business location. Interprets and applies pertinent regulations, determines financial benefits and prepares claims. Reviews property analyses and makes claim determinations. Prepares scopes of work and assures that bidding procedures follow govern.ment regulations a.nd work performed meets specifications. Reviews and approves ali business relocation claims. Assists displaced business owners in applying for Small Business Administration financing. Prepares informational materials and attends meetings to explain the business relocation program. Maintains records and prepares reports. KNOWLIDGES, SRII.LS AND ABILITIES Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectively with individuals from. a variety of socio-economic backgrounds. Some ability to plan, organize and review the work of others. Working ability to determine market value of buildings, fixtures, machinery and equipiaent. Considerable knowledge of eligibility requirements, regulations and pro- cedures of various government relocation and Sma11 Business Administration programs. • Working ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. MIN]I�iUM QUALIFICATIONS 1�ao years of experience as a Relocation Specialist II or equivalent; or two years of college and four years' experience as a Housing Rehabilitation � Advisor or equivalent. � • Title of class: ENGINEERING ASSISTANT DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled technical work in the design and review of coastruction and demolit3on plans, inspection of construc- ti�n pro3ects and preparation and review of specifications and cost estimates; and performs related duties as required. Supernision Received: Works under the general supervision of a unit head. Supervision Exercised: May exercise close technical supervision within the unit over lower-•level technicians on a pro�ect basis. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by a11 positions in this class. . Assists in preparing and reviewing architectural and engineerin.g plans and specificatioas; makes changes in submitted plans and specifications as required. Inspects contract work and checks on field supervision by contractors; adnises contractor of non-compliance with specifications. Approves requests for payment and prepares contract settlement documents. Represents the renewal division in conferences with architects, engineers, contractors, public and private agencies regarding renewal programs. Conducts and assists in surveys and reviews the work of contract surveyors. Prepares, reniews and approves cost estimates of demolition projects, site clearances and site improvements. Prepares plans and specifications for demolition documents. Prepares plans including the construction of streets and buildings. �upernises and pronides technical assistance to lower level technicians in drafting aad construction inspection. Pregares and submits engineering, budget and inspection reports. Maintains necessarq engineering records. KNOWT�IDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable skill in drafting, design and specifications. Considerable knowledge of construction materials, methods and procedures. Considerable ability to coordinate technical reviews and reports. Considerable ability to interpret construction plans and specifications. Considerable ability to establish and mai.ntain effective working relation- ships with architects, contractors, agency staff and employees. Considerable ability to make effective independent judgments regarding delegated assignments. Some ability to plan, supervise and review the work of lower level tech- nicians. IdINIMLfi�I QUALIFICATIONS High schaol graduation and at least fifty credit hours acceptable toward the basic engineering certificate such as given by the University of Minnesota (certain courses may be substituted for those required for the basic engineering certificate; a list of such substitute courses is maintained in the Personuel Office) and two qears' experience as a Public Works Technician II, Traffic Technician II, Surveyor I, Architectural Technician, Renewal Housing Inspector or equivalent. (No substitution for education.) Title of class: HOUSING REAABI�ITATION ADVISOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK: General Statement of Duties: Yerforms responsible technical work in assist- ing the implementation and administration of housing rehabilitation programs; and performs related work as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the general technical and administrative supervision of a unit or section supervisor. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions ia this class. Conducts inspections of residences and facilities to identify building, housing and related code deficiencies for the purpose of recommending and preparing rehabilitation programs. Schedules aode enforcement inspections. Schedules and conducts conferences with property owners. , Acts as a liaison between property owners and city inspectors. Evaluates methods o€ rehabilitatian and provides technical adnice to prop- erty owners. Prepares cost estima.tes. Writes reports indicati.ng the scope of work to be done. Prepares bidding documents. Assists property owners in bidding process. Acts as a liaison between progerty owners an.d contractors. Inspects completed work for conformance with work specifications. Prepares progress reports. Represents the city at various meetings. Prepares reports and recommendations. Assists in training new employees. RNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Some kaowledge of real estate an.d banking terms an.d procedures. Working knawledge of City Building and Housing Codes. Working knowledge of construction methods, materials and worl�anship. Working ability to read. and understand plans, blueprints, specifications for dwellings. Working lc�owledge of existing rules and regulations concerning rehabilitation and relocation programs. Working knowledge of services offered by other community housing and finan- cial agencies. Considerable ability to write clear and concise reports. Considerable ability to deal with homeowners �and contractors. MINIM'JM QUALIFICATIONS Ttvo years' experience in building contracting work; or two years' of college or vocational training in the areas of business adminis- tration, engi.neering or building construction and two years' ex- perience in inspection work; or four years' experience in building construction work or f�ur years' experience in an. apprenticeship program for one of the trades related to dwelling construction. Title of cla.ss: LOAN AND GRANT SPECIALIST I DESCRIPTION OF WORR General Statement of Duties: Performs technical work in evaluating and recommending for approval loan and grant applications for redevelopment projects; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the close supervision of the Supervisor of Loans and Grants. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DL'TIES PERFORMED The listed examples ma.y not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Receives requests for applications for rehabilitation loans and grants. Explains programs to prospective clients. Interviews applicants to obtain financial and credit information. Analyzes applications and obtains necessary doc�ents. Makes determinations of eligibility for loans or grants. Provides information to rehabilitation advisors for inspection and contract bid use. Reviews bids to determine if proposals meet guidelines and select proper programs. Prepares and submits package for loans. Computes loan repayment schedules. Arranges closings for approved loans and grants. Prepares proper documents for loans and grants. Transmits closed loans and grant documents to servicing agencies. Advises clients on methods of resolving financial or real estate problems. RNOjdLIDGES, SICILLS AND ABILITIES ' Working knowledge of real estate and banking terms, rules and regulations. Working knowledge of rules and regulations pertaining to loans and grants. Working abilitq to deal with clients in various types of situations. Working ability to communicate with clients and others involved. Some knowledge of building and construction terms. 47orking ability to write in a clear and concise manner. MINIM`JM QUALIFICATIONS �ao qears of coZlege training with courses in Business Ad.ministration, Economics or a si.unilar field; or two years' experience as a loan officer in a bank or lending agency; or similar experience. ' Title of class: LOAN AND GRANT SPECIALIST II DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs technical work in. evaluating and approving loan and grant applications for redevelopment pro,�ects; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of the Super- visor of Loans and Grants. Supervision F�cercised: May exercise general technical supervisiom over technical and clerical employees in the absence of the supernisor. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all pasitions in this class. Approves loan and grant recommendations of Loan and Grant Specialist I. Receives requests for applications for rehabilitation loans and grants. I�plains programs to prospective clients. Interviews applicants to obtain financial and credit information. Aaalyzes applications and obtains necessary documents. Makes determinations of eligibility for loans or grants. Provides informatioa of rehabilitation adnisors for inspection and contract bid use. Reviews bids to determine if proposals meet guidelines and seZect proper grograms. Prepares and submits package for loans. Computes loan repayment schedules. Arranges closings for approved loans and grants. Prepares proper documents for loans and gra.nts. Transmits closed loans and grant doc�ents to servicing agencies. Advises clients on methods of resolving financial or resl estate problems. Verifies documents authorizing payments to contractors and orders checks. RNOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Provides Iiaison between the Loans and Grants section and the Minnesota Housing Finaace Agency. Acts for the Supervisor of Loan.s and Grants in his or her absence. Considerable knowledge of real estate and banking terms, rules and regulations. Considerable knowledge of rules and regulations pertaining to loans a.nd grants. Considerable ability to deal with clients. in various types of situations. Considerable ability to communicate with clients and others involved. Working knowledge of building and construction terms. Considerabl.e ability to write in a clear and concise manner. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS T�rao years' experience as a Loan and Grant Special.ist I or equivalent; or two years of college training with courses in Business Administration, Economics or a similar field and two years' experience as a loan officer in a bank or lending agency. , Title of class: PARKING ADMINISTRATOR DESCRIPTTON OF WORR General State�ent of Duties: Performs highly responsible professional and admiaistrative work prepar•ing, recommending and implementing plans and programs relating to the City's parking policies and providing staff assistance to the Parking Commission; and pertarnas related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of a @ivision or department head. Supervision Exercised: May exercise genexal supervision over professianal, � technical and clerical employees on a pro3ect basis. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORI� The listed examples may not include all dut3es performed by all positions in this class. Prepares agendas, establishes meeting locations, records the business and performs the usual duties of staff service to the Parking Commission. Insures consistency of construction and management in accordance with the adopted policies and plans. Provides recommendations on plans and programs and reports which address providing a.n effective supply of public and private parking services for Saint Paul commercial areas while retaining primary reliance on private suppliers. Provides for the admiaistratioa of city owned parking facilities. Prepar�s contracts for the private operation of public facilities. Works with aeighborhood groups to solve residential, coIIUnercial and indus- trial parking problems. Prepares contracts with and directs the services of contractors providing services relating to parking. Develops programs and initiates policies for the improvement, expansion or development of parking facilities. Monitors income from city owned parking facilities. Insures federal and state compliance of parking facilities. Coordinates and monitors individual pro�ects; evaluates project effectiveness and provides technical assistaace. KNOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of private parking policies and parking managememt practice. Working knowledge of construction techniques and practices of parking facilities. Considerable knowledge of program development and administration. Considerable Iazowledge of community resources relating to program areas. Considerable ability to plan and direct the work of subordinates. Considerable ability to a.nalyze and synthesize information. Considerable ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with public officials, agency heads, and community groups. Rnowledge of traffic circulation planning technique. 1�IINIML'M QIIALIFICATIONS College graduation and six years' responsible professional or administrative experience in the planning of coummunity parking facilities or management of eatensive parking facilities; or three years' e.�cperience as a City P1.anner III or equivalent. Title of class: • PRINCIPAL DESIGNER DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs supervisory and professional work directing design staff engaged in providing architectural and/or land- scape architectural design, construction, inspection and maintenance services; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of a unit head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises general technical and administrative supervision over professional an.d technical design employees assigned. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Supervises architects, landscape architects, engineers and techn.ical staff in planning and designing development projects for construction on city owaed property or the development of land areas for use as parks or other recreational facilities. Assigns design studies to staff; determines work priorities; monitors pro- gress of work, manages budgets, makes final determination as to project acceptability. Reviews staff design work to insure that quality work is produced. � Reviews or directs review of redeveloper or staff proposals for compliance with city development and maintenance objectives and design standards; approves or disapprones proposals. Prepares or supervises preparation of design consultant contracts and par- ticipates in the selection of consultants; reviews work of design con- sultants for conformity with contract and authorizes payment. Prepares or supervises preparation of construction documents needed to obtain competitive bids for public improvements and supervises the inspection of improvements. Meets with developers, consultants, community residents and division staff regarding pro�ect design and construction progress. Prepares reports and conducts special studies as requested. • Performs or directs inter and intra-department liaison function to ensure pro�ect continuity. KNOWLEDGES, SRILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of the principles and techniques of architecture and landscape architecture. Considerable ability to coordinate and supervise the preparation of complete and accurate designs, plans, drawings and cost and ma.terial estimates. Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectively with developers, contractors, department staff and the general public. Considerable ability to plan., direct and supervise work. Considerable ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. Considerable knowledge of city policy, goals and objectives. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in architecture, architectural engineering or landscape architecture and two years' experience as an Architect III, Landscape Architect III or equivalent. Must be registered as a professional architect or landscape architect in the State of Minnesota. (No substitution for education.) , ' Title of class: PROJECT MANAGER ASSISTANT DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs entry 1eve1. professional work assist- ing in carrying out the day-to-day operations of assigned projects of the Pro�ect Management Section; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the close technical supervision of an assigned Pro3ect Mana.ger and the administrative supervision of the Directo:, of Projects. � Supervision F�cercised: May exereise within the unit technical sugervision over the clericaI. staff. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID The listed examples may not include al.l duties performed by all positions in this class. Assists in establishing and monitoring project schedules and budgets. Assists in the management of assigned projects. _ Assists in coordinating the efforts of Pro�ect Management with those of other Divisions, Departments, and Agencies. Assists in monitoring projects in order to ensure that the plans and policies of the Renewal Division are followed. Assists in soliciting development proposals and evaluating and making reeommendations as to which proposals to accept. Assists in coordinating the efforts of Pro3ect Management with lenders, developers, real estate brokers, and others. Assists in ma.intaining pro�ect status records and recording the amount of t3.me spent on indinidua.l pro�ects. Presents denelopment proposals to district councils and community organizations. Assists in administering third party contracts with outside consultants. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Some laiowledge of urban renewal processes. Some knowledge of city government and city planning. Some knowledge of real estate, economic research and land acquisition and disposit�on. Working abiZity to communicate clearly and effectively with individuals and groups both verbally and in writing. Working ability to deal tactfully and effectively with public and private representatives. Some ability to manage resources such as personnel, time, and money. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation with ma�or course work in Public Administration, Business Administration, Urban Planning, Economics, Management or a related field. . Title of class: PROJECT MA,'�AGER IV ���''�.� DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs highly responsible professional work directing the day-to-day operations of assigned projects of the Pro�ect Management Section; and perfornas related duties as required. Sugervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of the Director of Pro�ects. 3upervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit generaZ technical super- vision over lower level project ma.nagers, technical and clerical workers. May exercise technical supervision over Technical Services staff, Project Services staff, and other project support staff on a pro�ect basis. • TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMEA The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Supervises all phases of assigned development projects and monitors pro�ects in order to ensure that the plans and policies of the Renewal Division are followed. Directs projects having extremely large budgets and extensive implementation problems. Solicits development proposals, negotiates with local underwriters, and makes recommendations as to which proposal to accept. Establishes and monitors project schedules and budgets. Directs assigned pzoject services staff to acquire properties, prepare land sale contracts and deeds, and relocate businesses and families. Directs assigned technical services division staff to conduct design and engineering reviews and recommendations, to prepare budget and scheduling informatioa, to obtain surveys, and to monitor construction activities. Provides direction to City Attorney's staff on specific pro�ects to ensure that those provisions necessarq to the. execution of a pro3ect are included in the legal agreement. Coordinates the efforts of Project Management with those of other Divisions, Departments, and Agencies. Coordinates public activities with private activities bp directing the expenditures and scheduling of public activities with private developers, property owners, utilities, and others. Provides for the tra3ning and professional development of assigned Pro�ect Assistants. Administers third party contracts with outside consultants to produce work products related to specif ic development pro�ects. KNOWLIDGES, SRILLS AND A$ILITIES Thorough knowledge of urban renewaZ processes. Thorough knowledge of city government and city planning. Thorough knowledge of federal regulations and applicable program.s. Through knowledge in the areas of real estate, ecanomic research, and land acquisition and disposition. Thorough knowledge of banking practices, accounting skills, and tax incentive potentials. (continued on reverse side) PROPERTY r1Ai�tAGER IV (conti.nued) Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectively with public and private representatives. Considerable ability to cammunicate clearly and effectively with individ- uals and groups. Marked ability to be innovative in the financing of development projects. Marked ability to manage resources such as gersonnel, time, and money. MII�?Il�iDM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation with major course work in Public Administration, Business Administration, Urban Planain.g, Economics, Management, or a related field and two years' experience as a Pro�ect Manager III or equivalent. Tit1e of class: PROPERTY MAINTENANCE TBCHIdICIAN DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Directs the maintenance and repair of renewal owned land and buildings; perfornas rela�ed duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general administrative and technical supervision of a section head. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Assists in establishin.g and operates a centralized property management/ ma.intenance section. Assists in preparing and executing a contract for maintenance services; monitors the ezecution of the contract. Plans and participates in preventive maintenance inspections. Determines tha cost effectiveness of maintenance services provided. Processes all work orders involving maintenance and repair activities for all land and buildings. Insures that aIl renewal owned land and buildings are maintained in good and habitable condition. Prepares and reviews contracts and purchase orders. Answers routine inquiries and handles complaints. Main.tains records an.d prepares reports. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working ability to analyze mainteaance and construction specifications and to read and interpret building plans. Working ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. Working ability to successfully and sensitively handle inquiries and complaints. Considerable knowledge of building construction, maintenance, repair and renovation. Considerable ability to supervise na.intenance contracts. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS 7�ao years of college and four years' e�cperience in building construction, building inspection or building maintenance involving construction and repair; or vocational school graduation in the building construction � and main.tenance field and four years' experience in building construction, building anspection or building maintenance involving construction and repair. ' Title of class: . , PROPERTY MANAGEMENT TECFINICIAN DE5CRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled technical work in managing rental property including acquisition and management of land and buildings and relocation and management of tenants; performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a unit super- visor. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DIITIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Assists in establishi.ng a centralized property management/ma.intenance section. Prepares and forwards all acquired letters to tenants such as Letter of Intent, Notice of Offer to Purchase, 90-day and 30-day Vacate Letters, etc. Prepares and processes Rent and Inspection Reports. ' Initiates and processes alI required building and land inspections. ' Prepares and processes Notices of Occupancy and Vacate Notices. Prepares and forwards required letters to utility companies, city departments, etc. • 5ets up and manages security systems, building board-ups, utility removals, surveillance measures and stripping and salvage procedures. Initiates and manages demolition pro�ects and assists in housemoving acCivities. Determines and computes rents, prepares and executes vacant lot leases , and may set up and run a garden plot leasing program. Assists in processing payments for utilities, equipment and furniture rental, etc. Develops and manages rent payment and collection procedures, including collection of delinquent rents. Initiates and processes tenant eviction proceedings when necessary. Answers routine inquiries and handles complaints. Maintains records and prepares reports. Assists the real estate and relocation processes as assigned. KNOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of real estate, relocation and bookkeeping functions. Working ability to communicate effective�y both orally and in writing. Workin.g ability to successfully and sensitively handle inquiries and complai.nts. Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectively with tenants, contractors and the general public. MINIl�'fUM QUALIFICATIONS Four years' experience in. a responsible position managing large rental properties. Title of class: REAL ESTATE SPECIALIST I DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled technical work involved in preparing, processing and comgleting the disposition of properties; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the close technical and adzninistrative supervision of a unit head. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAI. DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Maintains information on properties for sale from land inventory. rlaintains the status of disposition items in operating budgets; provides advice regarding measures to manage the operating budget. Maintains appropriate records for all real estate appraisal contracts. Reviews a varietp of disposition items to insure that parcels are adequatelp prepared for initiating sales. Prepares advertisements and other promotional ma.terial for land sales. Contacts indiniduals interested in purchasing property. Assists individuals in obtaining necessarq information regarding their. eligibility to purchase property. Conducts open houses of homes listed for sale. Assists clients in obtaining financing. Arranges and prepares for a lottery in cases where more than one party is interested in purchasing a piece of property. Reviews designs and plan specifications for buildings to be constructed. Reviews development proposals to insure accuracy and completeness; authorizes parcels to be placed for public hearing. Prepares correspondence to developers, HUD, and other appropriate Departments and Agencies regarding disposition activities. Maintaias all appropriate records to insure an efficient disposition monitoring and reporting systems. Answers or responds to inquiries from the public or staff regarding the status of disposition parcels. Afaintains appropriate accounting ledgers for real estate disbursements. Prepares Renewal reports relating to real estate activities. RNOw�IDGES, SRILLS AND ABILITIES Working ability to deal effectively with the public and other agencies and organizations. kTorking knowledge of the real estate market and procedures. Working knowledge of departmental and federal agency requirements related to purchasing of city property. Considerable ability to work irregular hours when necessary. MINIMZTM QUALIFICATIONS High school graduation and two years' experience in a position involving working with or the handling of real estate or related matters, and fifteen credit hours in courses relating to real estate. (A list of approved courses is maintained in the Personnel Office.) • Title o£ class: REAL ESTATE SPECIALIST II � / /.���� DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs resgonsible technical work involved in the acquisition and disposition processing of real estate; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the technical and administrative super- vision of a unit or section head. Supervision Exercised: May exercise within the section some technical or administratine supervision over technical or clerical staff. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. F�camines titles and legal descriptions of all praperties considered for acquisition or disposition; ma.n.ages necessary escrow accounts. Clears identified title problems. Reviews disposition contracts and deeds to assure conformance with appli- cable rules and regulations; determines necessarq elements to be in- cluded in saZes contracts. Negotiates with owners the direct purchase of all properties; initiates condeamation and acquisition of tax forfeit parcels proceedings. Works w3th legal staff in real estate closing activities. Conducts real estate disposition closings. Prepares necessary correspondence to HUD and other appropriate departments and agencies regarding real estate traasactions. Corresponds with title insurance companies, mortgage institutions, attorneys and individuals in an attempt to solve a variety of questions or prob- lems in the title of closing of parcels. Maintaias appropriate records to insure an orderly and timely completion of a11 title and closing items. Insures that all necessary papers and documents to complete real estate sale transactions are adequately filed and recorded. KNOSdLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Some knowledge of the current market for real estate. Considerable knowledge of real estate and real estate proceedings. Working ability to deal with the general public, attorneys and governmental offices in an effective manner. Considerable ability to accurately work with the legal aspects and property descriptioas of real estate transactions. Workiang ability to communicate verbally and in writing. Working knowledge of legal proceedings necessary to clear title. MINIMIJM QIIALIFICATIONS High school graduation and two years' experience as a Real Estate Specialist I or equivalent and thixty credit hours in courses relating to real estate. (A list of approved courses is maintained in the Personnel Office.) Title of class: • REAL ESTATE SUPERVISOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Pexforms the administrative and supervisory work involved in the direction of the Real Estate unit operation; salicts developers a.nd negotiates the sale of r,eal estate; and performs related duties as required. S�ervision Received: Works under the administrative direction of the unit or division head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit administrative and tech- nical direction over technical, clerical and other assigned personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Solicts developers and negotiates real estate sales. Supervises the transactions regarding the acquisition of all real estate including direct purchases, donations and the vacation o£ public rights of way. Coordiaates the acquisition of real estate utilizing eminent domaia pro- ceedings.. Supervises the staff appraiser and negotiator in all real estate acquisitions. Maintains acquisition files, records, correspondence, ete. Establishes and coordinates a procedure to insure legal and marketable title to all real estate acqu:isitions. Supervises the disposition of all real estate. Supervises real estate specialists and technicians for all disposition activities. Establishes and supervises an efficient and sound land disposition program. Supervises the delivery of services and assistance to developers. Establishes a sound working relationship with the Economic Development Division staff. Supervises the preparation and/or execution of all contracts, agreements, and uther related docnments for real estate activities. Acts as a liaison with the HUD local office for all real estate activities. Assists in the formulation and supervises the implementation of all real estate goals, objectives, policies and procedures. Provides necessarp information and technical support to district planning councils and other organizations �and agencies. Assists in the establishment of project schedules, budgets and assignment of staff. Provides advice and assistance when necessarq for property management and relocation activities. Acts as a pro�ect manager for certain pro3ects as assigned. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of the field of real estate including the market as well as the technical transaction proceedings. Ability to communicate with all appropriate staff and a wide range of interested land purchasers and developers. Considerable ability in supervising employees. Working knowledge af sound managerial techniques. MINIT3Uti QUALIFICATIONS College graduation and six years` experience in real estate or real estate related work, two years of which must have involved real estate trans- actions in the field of renewal and/or community development. Title of class: REHABILITATION SUPERVZSOR DESCRIPTION OF WORR General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible supervisory work in _ directing the implementation. and admini�tration of housing rehabilitation programs; and performs related work as assign.ed. Supervision Received: Works under the general administrative supervision • of a section head. Supervision Exercised: F�cercises technical and administrative supervision over Housing Rehabilitation Advisors and technical supervision over clerical staff. TYPICAL DIITIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. , Train.s and assigns employees. Supezvises the implementation of housing rehabilitation programs. Schedules code enforcement inspections. Conducts inspections of residences and facilities to identify building, housing and related code deficiencies for the purpose of recommending and preparing rehabilitation programs. Directs the scheduling of and conducts conferences with property owners. Acts as a liaison between property owners and city inspectors. �raluates methods of rehabilitatioa and provides technical advice to property owners. Reviews cost estimates. � Reviews written reports indicating the scope of work to be done. , Directs the pre�aration of bidding documents. Directs the administratio� of the bidding process. Rev3ews tfie advisors rehabilitation plan. Makes work assignments to advisors. Inspects completed work for conformance with work specifications. Prepares progress reports. Represents the city at various meetings. Prepares reports and recommendations. Prepares employee evaluation reports. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Worki_ag knowledge of real estate and banking terms and procedures. Considerable knowledge of City Building and Housing Codes. Considerable knowledge of construction methods, materials and workmanship. Working ability to read and understand plans, blueprints, specifications for dwellings. Considerable knowledge of existing rules and regulations concerning rehabil- itation and relocation programs. Conslderabae knowledge of services offered by other community housing and fi.nancial agencies. Considerable ability to communicate effectivelp orally and in writing. Considerable ability to deal with homeowners and contractors. Considerable ability to plan, organize and supervise work. Working ability to evaluate performance of subordinates. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS ' Three years' experience as a Housing Rehabilitaticn Advisor or equivalent. Title of class: RELOCATION CLERK DESCRIPTION OF WQRR , General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled clerical work in preparing, reviewing, processing and completing relocation claims, reports and plans; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general administrative and technical supervision of a unit head. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DIJTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Reviews relocation claims to insure claimants meet eligibility requirements, computations are correct, regulations are followed, proper documentation is available, and claims are properly processed and paid. Initiates requests for additional documentation with claimant, or staff; responds to inquiries or complaints. Maintains records and data of claims and payment activities to support the preparation of budgets, reports, relocation plans, and audits. Monitors payments and fund balances, and assists the accounting function. Maintains file of potential claiunants with tentative schedule of benefits; monitors to insure that all allowable claims are paid. Maintai.ns suspense f ile on escrow agreements. � Computes grant determinations when purchase offers are sent to homeowner. Assists in collecting and assembling data for the formulation of rent, sales and utility schedules. - Prepares regular and special relocation reports, including the required Federal reports. Maintains the status of relocation items in project and operating budgets. Performs final audit of relocation claims and payments. I�TOWLEDGES, SRILLS AND ABILITIES Working ability to deal with the public in an ob3ective and effective manner. Working ability to organize information for reports. Working ability to make arithmetic computations with speed and accuracp. Wor'xing knowledge of the policies and procedures of the relocation section. Considerable kaowledge of government regulations pertaining to relocation. Working knowledge of real estate procedures, and gonernment housing programs. r1INIMIJM QIIALIFICATZONS Six years' clerical experience, two years of which must have been as a C3erk III or equivalent. • Title of class: � REOCATION SPECIALIST I DESCRIPTION OF WORK , General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled technical work managing tenants, assisting families and individuals in locating acceptable housing, and preparing claims for relocation payments; may perform work for non-residential relocation; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the close administration and technical supervision of a unit head. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples ma,y not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. - Prepares correspondence to relocation clients, including tenant manage- ment activities. Interviews displaced families and individuals to determine housing needs and explain reloca.tion services and benefits, assists clients with relocation plans. Makes community contacts to obtain listings of available housing or to get assistan.ce 3n relocating clients. Evaluates available housing for suitability to client needs. Establishes eligibility for financial benefits and prepares claims for relocation payments. Transports clients to look for housing and handle related personal business; may assist them in securing personal necessities when appropriate. Locates housing for families and individuals displaced as a result of fire or other disaster or code enforcement procedures. Computes rents and executes leases with tenants. Handles inquiries and complaints regarding relocation and tenant management. Maintains close working relationship with rea7. estate brokers and contractors to assure that sales, inspections and compliances are handled properly. Coordinates closings with real estate firms, attorneys, sellers and clients. Provides advice on initiating tenant eviction proceedings. Makes final examination of vacant buildings. Maintains appropriate records and prepares reports. RNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Some knowledge of building codes and suitabilitq of building structures and facilities. Some knowledge of services offered by co�unity housing, financial and counseling agencies. Working knowledge of government housing programs and regulations. Working knowledge of the real estate market and rea�. estate procedures. Cons3derable ability to deal tactfully and effectively with individuals from a narietp of socio-economic backgrounds. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Two years of co2lege or two years of experience in relocation or real estate work. , Title of class: RELOCATION SPECIALIST II DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible technical work managing tenants, assisting families, individuals and businesses in locating acceptable housing or cominercial space, aud preparing claims for re- location paqments; and performs related duties as required. � Supervision Received: Works under the general administrative and technical supervision of a unit or section head. Supervision E�cercised: May exercise within the unit close technical or administrative supervision over lower level technical or clerical staff. TYPICAL DIITIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Prepares correspondence to relocation clients, including tenant management activities. Interviews displaced families, in.dividuals and businesses to determine dis- placemeat needs; explains residential or non-residential relocation services a.nd benefits; assists clients with relocation plans. Makes communitq contacts to obtain listings of ava3lable resources and to obtain assistance in relocating clients. Computes rents and executes leases with tenants. Handles inquiries and complaints regarding relocation and tenant management. E`cialuates available resources for suitability to client needs. Establishes eligibility for financial benefits, and prepares claims for relocation payments, including large and complex business displacements. Maintains close working relationship with real estate brokers and contractors to assure that sales, in.spections and compliances are handled properly. Coordinates closings with real estate firms, attorneys, sellers and clients. Reviews closed cases for completeness and accuracy in determining benefits. Estimates total workload and cost of residential and non-residential relocation for potential projects; prepares relocation plans. Provides advice on initiating tenant eviction proceedings. Maintains appropriate records and prepares reports. KNOWLEDGES, SRILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of relocation regulations. Some knowledge of building codes and suitability of building structures and facilities. Working knowledge of services offered by community housing, financial and counseling agencies. Working ability to make eligibility determination. Working knowledge of government housing programs and regulations. Working knowZedge of the real estate market and r�al estate procedures. 5ome abilitp to p1an, organize and schedule work. Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectively with ind3viduals from a nariety of socio-economic backgrounds. MINIrNM QUALIFICATIONS Two years' experience as a Relocation Specialist I or equivalent and fifteen credit hours in courses relating to real estate. (A list of approved courses is maintained in the Personnel Office.) Title of class: SUPERVISOR OF LOANS AND GRANTS DESCRIPTION OF jJORK � General Statemen.t of Duties: Performs responsible supervisory work in directing and administering the finance phase of the loai2 and grant programs; and perfonns related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general direction of a section head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit general techncial and admin,istrative supervision over Loan and Grant Specialists and clerical staff. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples maq not include all duties performed by all positions in. this class. Develops necessary systems, procedures and forms for expediting the loan and grant processes. Directs and supernises the employees involved in processing of Ioan and grant applications. Issues final approval or rejection on loan and grant applications. Provides technical f inancial advice and recommendations. Participates as a member of any and all committees established for the review and approval of loan and grant applications. Represents the department at staff ineetings and/or conferen,ces in connection with rehabilitation loan. and grant programs. Represents the department at public meetings to discuss the rehabilitation loan and graat programs with the citizens. RNOWLEDGES, SRILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of the area of financing and credit. Considerable knowledge of rules and regulations pertaining to the loan and grant program. Considerable ability to direct and supervise subordinates. Working ability to make presentations to groups. Working ability to analyze complex material and problems. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Three years' experience as a Loan and Grant Specialist or equivalent. Title of class: SUPERVTSOR OF PROJECT SERVICES DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs difficult supervisory and administra- tive work in directing the operations of the real estate, relocation, property management and property maintenance activities of the Renewal Division; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the administrative direction of the Administrator of RenewaZ. Supervision Exercised: Exercises technical and administrative direction over Relocation, Real Estate, Property Management and clerical staff. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORriED The listed examples may not include a11 duties performed by all positions in this class. Directs the implementation of real estate, relocation, property ma.nagement, property main.tenance and other pro3ect services programs. Directs the scheduling of Project Services activities. Directs the assignment of Project Service staff. Coordinates Pro3ect Services activities with other section administrators; represents the division at various meetings. �aluates the effectiveness and results of programs; recommends revisions as necessary. Prepares and manages the section budgets. Reviews and evaluates work produced by staff to assure the technical quality of services provided. Maintains records and prepares reports. � RNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES . Thorough lcnowledge of government housing programs and procedures. Considerable knowledge of the real estate market and real estate procedures in acquirin.g, managing and disposing of property. Considerable knowledge of property management techniques and procedures. Considerable ability to organize, plan and direct the work of others. Considerable ability to communicate clearly and effectively with individuals and groups. Considerable ability to• cooperate and coordinate work effectively with other Renewal ma.nagers. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Three years' experience as Real Estate Supervisor, Supervisor of Relocation, ' or equivalent; or five years' supervisory and administrative experience dealing with urban renewal, housing or real estate. • Title of class: SUPERVISOR OF REHABILITATION DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs difficult supervisory and admini.s- trative work in directing the operations of the rehabilitation section of the Renewal Division; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the administrative direction of the Administrator af Renewal. Supervision Exercised: Exercises technical and administrative direction oner Housing Rehabilitation personnel, fin.ance personnel and clerical staff. TYPICAI, DUTIES PERFORMED The listed e.gamples may not include al.l duties performed by alI positions in this class. Prepaxes and directs a comprehensive training program for the Rehabilitation Section. Directs the implementation of rehabilitation programs. Evaluates approved procedures and recommends changes when necessary in both financial and coastruction aspects of the rehabilitation program. Directs the scheduling of rehabilitation projects. Directs the assigmnent of rehabilitation staff inembers. Prepares division's grant applications. Evalua.tes the effectiveness and results of programs. Recammends changes and revisions in current operating programs. Represents the div:i.sion at various meetings. RNOWLIDGES, SRII.LS�AND ABILITIES Thorough l�owledge of existing rules and regulations concerniag rehabili- tation and relocation programs. Considerable knowledge of real estate and banking terms and procedures. Considerable knowledge of the city building and housing codes. Considerable knowledge of construction methods and/or materials. Considerable ability to make presentations to groups. Considerable ability to analyze complex ma.terial and problems. Considerable ability to write in a clear and concise manner. Considerable ability to administer complex programs and to direct the personnel involved. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Three pears' experience as a Rehabilitation Supervisor or equivalent; or five years' experience in a position involving the responsibil�ty for the administration of a specific program or operation, two years of which must have included xesponsible supervisory duties. . • Title of class: SUPERVISOR OF RELOCATION ��.y���� � DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statenent of Duties: Performs responsible administrative work in directing and reviewing the relocation-��d reimbursement of displaced - residents and co�ercial establishments; performs related duties as required. -� . . Supervision Received: Works under t�e general gnidance and direction o£ a unit supervisor. Supervision Egercised: Exercises with the unit general supervision over technical and clerical employees. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Directs the work of the relocation staff in finding new locations for residents and commercial establishments displaced by renewal. Reviews and approves claims for disbursement of relocation payments in accordance wi.th guidelines and regulations. Advises ageacy administrators regarding policies and procedures to be � followed for compliance with federal and state requirements for pro- vision of relocation services and payments. Prepares and disseminates public information materials relating to the � relocation assistance program. Prepares or directs the preparation of relocation plans which wi21 �eet standards for government funding applications; prepares cost estimates for special relocation programs. Conducts or directs completion of studies establishing schedules of average costs of local housin.g. Negotiates and administers agreements with other agencies for provision of - relocation services. - � Maintains records relating to relocation activities, disbursements and similar information. Maintains liaison with Department of Housing and Urban Development and other agencies involved in relocations; keeps up-to-date on relocation guide- lines, regulations and policy interpretations. Prepares regular and special reports and correspondence pertaining to relocation activities. RNOWLIDGE3, SRILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough laiowledge of government housing programs and regulations. Considerable ability to plan and direct the work of athers. Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectively with individuals from a variety of socio-economic backgrounds. Considerable knowledge of the real estate market and real estate procedures. Considerable kaowledge of services offered by community housing, financial a.nd counseling agencies. Considerable ability to prepare regorts and recommendations. MINIl�:UM QUALIFICATIONS . College graduation and four years' experience as a Relocation Specialist II or equivalent�or college graduation and six years' experience in adminis- tering housing programs or handling real estate transactions. „ Title of class: ������ TECFINICAL SERVICE SUPERVISOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK General. Statement of Duties Performs diffi.cult supervisory and administra- - tive work in directing the operations of the Technical Services Sectian of the Renewal Division; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the administrative direction of the Administrator of Renewal. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit technical and administra- tive direction over professional, technical and clerical staff. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all gositions in this class. Directs the technical services staff in providing planning, architectural and landscape architectural design, engineering and related services to the Renewal Division. Determ3nes work priorities and directs the scheduling of Technical Services projects. Directs the assignment of Technical Services staff. Coordinates Technical Services activities with other section and division administrators; represents the division at various meetings. Evaluates the effectiveness and results of programs; recommends revisioas as necessary. Prepares and manages the section budgets. �� Reviews and evaluates work produced by staff to assure the technical quality of services provided. Main.tains records and prepares reports. Researches and determines feasibility of new pro�ects or the application of new technology or developsents in design. Meets with representatives of other public agencies, private devel.opers and consultants regarding urban renewal activities. KNIIOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Tliorough knowledge of the principles and techniques o� urban design. Considerable ability to direct the work of engineers, architects and Iandscape architects in. preparing designs, plans, drawings and cost and material estima.tes. Considerable ability to organize, plan and direct the work of others. Considerable ability to communicate clearly and effectively with individuals and groups. Considerable abiZity �o cooperate and coordinate work effectively with other Renewal managers. MINI1rIUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in civil or architectural engineering, architecture or landscape architecture and three years' experience as a Civil Engineer III, Architect III, Landscape Architect III or equivalent. Must be registered as a professional engineer, architect or landscape architect in the State of Minnesota. (No substitution for education.) .