272135 �NHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUQCII ����- ��� � CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL N ! f+� � 9LUE - MAVOR File NO. �� Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Resolution approving the terms and conditions of 1978..1979 Agreements between the City of St. Paul and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority Employees Organization. WHEREAS, the Council, pursuant to the provisions of Section 12. 09 of the St. Paul City Charter and the Public Employees Labor Relations Act of 1971, as amended, recognizes the Housing and Redevelopment Authority Employees Organization as exclusive representatives for the classes of positions within the City of St. Paul certified by the Bureau of Mediation Services under Case No. 74-PR-390-A , for the purpose of meeting and negotiating the terms and conditions of employment for all full-time personnel in the classes of positions as set forth in the Agreements between the City of St. Paul and the exclusive representatives hereinabove referenced; and WHEREAS, the City, through designated representatives, and the exclusive representatives have met in good faith and have negotiated the terms and conditions of employment for the periodJune 1, 1978, through December 31, 1979, for such personnel as are set forth in the Agreements between the City of St. Paul and the exclusive representatives; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Agreements cited above, dated as of the effective date of this Resolution, between the City of St. Paul and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority Employees Organization on file in the office of tlie City Clerk, is hereby approved, and the authorized administrative officials of the City are hereby authorized and directed to execute said Agreements on behalf of the City. Approved: ���� . hairman Civil Service Commission COUNCILMEN Yeas (Vays Requested by Department of: � PERSO NEL OF CE Butler � [n Favor Hozza �hmt� ,, I.evine _ � __ Against BY Maddox —�he�elier Tede NOV 2',$ �� For Approved by Cit At o Adopted ouncil: Date � Ce ied Pa- by Council Secre,ary BY - B� A ed by 1�lavo : ate — NQV 'Z 9 �978 Approve ayor for Submis ion to Council BY — — BY � 4 �t�ts�tE� D E C 9 19�8 ' �o not detach this memorandum.trcu� the reso{ution so that this irtfarrrmation wili be ,� pi: 13ii975 avaitable #o the City Council. �.: 9�8lTb EXPI.ANTIO�DT= �,�,A�DTZS�VS'ORHBRS, RBSOLDTI4NS:. A� O�iINANCB� � !���� ..._.,..�,._....,r.. . D�tes November 9, 1978 T0s MAY�R 680RGE LATIMER � � • F�E: Pax�our►a3� 0��'�.ce � � �: Resmlution Ear suhmissioa to C3tp Council ACTI�RF�U�S'T�D: , Ws �sCOm�d your approval aud subIDiesto� of this Reaolut�oa tc tk�e City Couacil. " PD8E.0��. AND xATI0N�4I�� F0�TRIS�ACTION: ... This R.esoluti:on approvea Agreements between the City of St. �'aul and the Housing aad Redevelopment Authority Employee Organization. - These Agreements cover Professional, Clerical, and Technical exnployees. The Agree� menta are basicalty the same as the current Agreements betweea the City and fihe Profe�ieional, Clerical, ai�.d Technical City Bargaining Uxii.ts, respects�vely. . 'There are soxne exceptions for the remainder of 1978. These excepti�►ns cvtre�� t�e arese of 5ePerance Pay, Vacati.on Carryover, 5ick Leave, and Health a.n.d �elfare bene:�it-�. Aaoi3ier exception dealing with Pension Co�rerage is also i.ncluded. This gives th�,.em- ployees �e right to choose to rema.in i.n. tlie H.R.A. Pension Plan or ta come utide�r t?ie P.E.R.A. Coordinated Plaa. This is in accordance with the State Law. For exnploy�es remain.ing i� the H.R.A. Pension P1an, an adjustment will be ma.de in their appiicable � gross salaxy to re£Lect the additional cost to the City for the H.R.A, pension c�utribui�i:ori. . A1T . .�-.� &.� Rescrlution and copy for the Ci1.jr Clerk. A1so copy of Agreements. � ��� .� . � � S ' � �'�2��� 1978 - 1979 AGREEi�1�NT BET�i+TEEN � THE CITY OF SAIN^1 PAUL AND ITS HOUSING AND REDEVELOPM��iT AUTHORITY AND THE CLEP.ICP,L EP1LDLOYr.E5 . OF THE HOUSING A'7D x2r��DEVE�OPMF.NT AUTHORITY EMPLOYEES ORGANIZATIOt3 � � �� , ., „ ;r ' � • � � INDER � ARTICLE TITLE PAGE PreambTe iii I Recognitioa 1 IY Check Off 4 III Hours of Work � 5 - . IV Work Breaks 6 V Iiolidays 7 . VI Employee Rights - Grievance Procecture 8 VZI City Mileage 12 VIII Reaidence 13 IX Vacation 14 X Insurance. 15 XI Warking Out of Classification 1? XII Employee Records 18 XIII Bulletin Boards 19 XIV Wages 20 XV Maintenance of Standards 21 XVI Leaves of Absence 22 RVII Military Leave of Absence 24 f XV�II Management Rights 2S . \ XIR Seniority 2b RX Discipline 27 XXI Vacancies _ 2$ � XXII Probation 29 � XXIII Terms of Agreement 30 Appendix A A� f� " - ii - . , . t, , ' r ' . • , PREAMBLE This AGREEMENT entered into by the City of Saint Paul and its - Housing and Redevelopment Authority, hereinafter referred to as the EMPLOYER, and the Clerical E�nployees of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority IInployees Organization, hexeinafter referred to as the UNION, has as its purpose the promotion of harmonious relations between the EMPLOYER and the UNION, the establishment of an equitab].e and peaceful procedure for tlie resolution of differences, and the establishment of rates of pay, hours of work, and other conditions of employment. , iii �, , ' r ` , + ARTICLE I - RECOGNITION 1. 1 The EMPLOYER recognizes the UNION as the sole and exclusive }�argaining agent for the purpose of establishing salaries, wages, hours and other con�itions of employment for all of � its employees as outlined in the certification by the State of Minnesota, Bureau of riediation Services, Case No. 74-PR-390-A. . 1.2 The bargaining unit covered by this AGREEMEDIT shall consist of the following: All regular and probationary office, clerical, and administrative personnel who are employed by the City of St. Paul or who have their "terns and conditions of employment" establishzd by the governing body of the City pf St. Paul in the classifications of_ Aecounting Clerk I - Renewal Accounting Clerk II - Renewal Clerk-Stenographer I - Renew�i Clerk-Stenographer II - P.enewal Clerk-Stenographer III - Renewal Clerk-Typist I - Renewal Clerk-'I'ypist II - Renewal Clerk-Typ�st III - Renewal Relocation Claims Clerk - .� - �..:;.._° Stores Clerk - Renewal . -1- . • • •: . . �. - , . ARTICLE I - RECOGNITION (continued) C1.3 Any present or future employee who is not a i}NIOi� member shall be required to contribute a fair share fee for services rendered by the ' UNION� and upon aotification by the UNION� the EMPLOYER shall. check off said fee from the earnings of the employee and transmit the same • to the UNION. In no instance shall the required contribution exceed a pro rata share of the specific expenses incurred for services rendered _ by the representative in relationship to negotiations and administration of grievance procedures. This provision shall remain operative only so long as specifically provided by Minnesota law, and as otherwise legal. 1.4 The UNION agrees to indemnify and hold the EMPLOYER harmless against any and all claims, suits, orders or 3udgments brought or issued against � the City as a result of any action taken or not taken by the City under the provisions of this Article I, Section 1.3. C � - 3 - . • �;. . � � , � , . v ARTICLE II - CHECK OEF � 2.1 The EMPLOYER agrees to deduct the tINION memb.ership initiation fee assessmenEs and once each month dues from the pay of those employees who individually request in writing that such deduetions be made. The amounts to be deducted shall be certified to the E:iPLOYER by a - representative of the ZINION and the aggregate deductions of all employees shall be remitted together with an itemized statement to the representaCive by the first of the succeeding month after such deductioas are made or as soon thereafter as is possible. 2.2 The UNION agrees to indemnify and hold the EMPLOYER harmless agaiast any and all claims, suits, orders or �udgments brought or issued against � the City as a result of any action taken or not taken by the City under the provisioas of this Article. �. . � � , - 4 _ 1 � � � r ARTICLE ZII - HOURS OF WORK � � 3.1 The nortaal work day shall be seven and three/fourths (7 3/4) consecutive hours per day, excluding a forty-five (45) minute Iunch period, 15 (fifteen) minutes of which shall be paid. � 3.2 The aoxmal work week shall be five �S) consecutive normal work days in any seven (7) day period. 3.3 For employees on a shift basis, this shall be construed to mean an average of thirty-eight and three-fourths (38 3/4) hours per week. 3.4 This section shall not be construed as, and is not a guarantee of, any hours of .work per normal work day or per normal work week. 3.S Time on the payroll in excess of the norinal hours set forth above in this Article shall be "overtime work" and shall be done only by order of the head o£ the department. 3.6 All employees in this bargaining unit shall be recompensed for work done �. ' in excess of the normal hours established above in this Article by being granted compensatory time on a time and one-half basis or by being paid on a time and one-half basis for such overtime work. The overtime rate of one and one-hal£ shall be computed• on the basis of 1/80th of the bi-weekly rate. 3.7 Noraal work schedules showing the employee's shifts, work days and hours " shall be posted on all department bulletin boards at all times. It i.s also understood that deviation from posted work schedules shall be per- � missib].e due to emergencies, acts of God, and overtime may be required. � ` � , - 5 - , � , , ARTICLE IV - WORK BREAKS � 4.1 Rest Periads. Al1 employees work schedules shall pravide for a fifteen . minute rest period during each one-half shift. The rest period shall be scheduled by management at agproximately the middle of each one-half shift whenever this is feasible.. 4.2 If an employee is scheduled to work a full half shift beyond his regu.l�.ar quitting time, he shall be entitled to the rest period that occurs dur3ng said h�lf shift. � ( � . - 6 - • ARTICLE V - HOLIDAYS � S.1 Aolidays recognized and observed. The following days shall be � recognized and observed as paid holidays: � New Years Day Colunbus Day _ � Presidents' Day Veterans' Aay Memorial Day Than,ksgiving Day Independence Day Christnas Day Labor Day Two floating holiday � Eligible employees shall receive pay for each of the holidays ' _ listed above, on which they perform no work. Whenever any of the holidays listed above shall fall on Saturday, the preced3ng Friday shall be observed as the holiday. Whenever any of the holidays listed above shall fall on Sunday, the succeading Monday shall be observed as the holiday. 5.2 The floating holidays set forth in Section 5.1 above nay be take�t at . � any time during the contract year, sub�ect to the approval of the Department Head of any employee. � 5.3 Eligibility Requirements. Tn order to be eligible for a holiday with pay, an employee's name must appear on the payroll on any six working days of the nine working days preceding the holiday; or an employee�s name must appear on the payroll the last working day before the holiday and on three other workfng days of the nine working days precedi�ctg the holiday. In neither case shall the holiday be counted as a working day _ for the purposes of this section. It is further understood that neither temporary, emergency nor other employees not heretofore eligible sh�ll receive holiday pay. 5.4 In the case of Board of Education employees, if Presidentts Day, Columbus Day, or Veterans' Day fall on a day when school is in session, the employee �• � sha].l work that day at straight time and another day shall be designated as the holiday. This designated holiday shall be determined by agreement between the enployee and the supervisor. , - 7 - ^ � ARTICLE VI - EMPLOYEE RIGHTS - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE � 6.1 The E1��LOYER shall recognize stewards selected in accordance with UNiON rules and regulations as the grievance representazive of the bargain�.ng . unit. The UNION shall notify the EMPLOYER in writing of the names of the . stewards and o.f their successors when so named. 6.2 It is recognized and accepted by the EMPLOYER and the UNION that the pro- cessing of grievances as hereinafter provided is limited by the �ob duties and responsibilities of the employees and shall therefore be accomplished during working hours only when consistent with such employee duties and responsibilities. The steward in.volved and a grieving employee shall suffer no loss in pay when a grievance is processed daring working hours, provided, the steward and the eraployee have notified and _received the approval vf their supervisor to be absent to process a grievance and that such absence �. would not be detri�cental ta the work programs of the EMPLOYER. 6.3 The procedure established by this Article shall be the sole, and exclusive procedure, except for the appeal of disciplinary action as provided by Article XX for the processing of grievance, which are defined aa an alleged violation of the terias and conditions of this AGREEMENT. 6.4 Grievance shall be resolved in conformance with the following procedure: Step 1. Upon the occurrence of an alleged violation of this AGREEMENT, the employee involved with or without the steward shall attemp[ to resolve the matter on an informal basis with the employee's supervisor. If the nna.tter is not resolved to the employee's satisfaction by the informal discussion it may be reduced to writing and��eferred to Step 2 by the UNION. The ( 1'� • written grievance shall set forth the nature of the grievance, the facts on which it is based, the alleged section(s) of the . , - 8 - � ARTICLE - EMPLOYEE RIGHTS - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE (continued) AGREEMENT violated, aad relief requested. Any alleged • violation of the AGREEMEN'T not reduced to writing by the UNION _ within (7) seven work �ays of the first occurrence •of the event giving rise to the grievance, shall be considered waived. Step 2. Within seven (7) work days after receiving the written grievance a designated EMPLOYER supervisor shall meet with the INIOY Steward z�d a*_tenpt to resolve the grievance. If, as a result of this �eeting, the grievance remains unresolved, the II�'LOYER shall xeply in writing to the UNION within thres (3) � work days following this neeting. The UNION may refer the grievance in writing to Step 3 within seven (7) work days follow- , � � ing raceipt of the EMPLOYER'S wri*te� aas*�rar. Any gxievance note ~ referred in writing by the UNION witnin seven {7) woxk days following receipt of the EMPLOYER'S answer shall be considered waived. Step 3. Withia seven (7) work days followiag receipt of a grievance referred from Step 2 a designated EMPLOYER supervisor shall meet with the UNION Business Manager or his designated representative, the Employee and the Steward and attempt to resolve the grievance. Within seven (7) work days following this meeting the EMPLOYER shall reply in writiag to the Uh'TON stating the EMPLOYER'S answer concerning the grievance. If, as a result of the written response the grievance remains unresolved, the UNION may refer the grievance to Step 4. Any grievance not referred t �' to in writing by the UNION to Step 4 within seven (7) work days following receipt of the EMPLOYER'S answer shall be considered waiv�d. - 9 - ° ARTICLE VI - EMPLOYEE RIGHTS - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE (continued) � St^ ep 4. If the grievance remains unresolved, the UNION may within seven (7) work days a€ter th� response of the EMPLOYER in Step 3, by written notice to the EriPLOYER, reques� . arbitration of the grievance. The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted by an arbitrator to be selected by mutual agreament of the EI�'LOYER and the U�IZON within seven (7) work days after notice has been given. If the parties � fail to mutual2q agree upon an arbitrator within the said seven (7) day period, either party may request the Public Employiaent Relation Board to subwit a panel of five (5) arbitrators. Both the EMPLOYER and the UNION shall have the right to strike two (2) names from the pa3e1. The UNION shall strike the first (lst) na5e; t:e ��:.G�'R shall then strike o�e �. (1) name. The proceas will be repeated ar.d the remaining'person shall be the arbitrator. 6.5 The arbitrator shall have no right to amend, modify, nullify, igaore, add to, or subtract from the provisions of this AGREEMENT. The ar�it=tor shall consider and decide only the specific issue submitted in writitr� by . the EMPLOYER and the UNIOV and shall have no authority to make a deci_ioa on any other issue not so submitted. The arbitrator shall be withont �o�»er to make decisions contrary to or ircconsistent with or modifying or va--ing in any way the application of Zaws, rules, or regulations having t::e ��rce and effect of l.aw. The arbitrator�s decision shall be submitted i� �-��ing within thirty (30) days following close of the hearing of the sub�?ss�.n of briefs by the parties, whichever by later, unless the parties agree t� an � � , extension. The decision shall be based solely on the arbitrator's interpretation or application of the express terms of thie AGREEr�.� �:c� - 10 - ARTICLE VI - EMPLOYEE RIGHTS - GRIEVA�vCE PROCEDURE (continued) � to the facts of the grievance presented. The decisioa of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on t'r.� EMPLOYER, tha UNION, and the employees. . 6.6 The fees and expenses for the ar�itrator's services and proceedings shall be borne equally by the �?LOY�'R and the UNION, provided that each party shall be responsible for c�pensating its own represeatatives and witnesses. If either party desires a verbatim record of the proceedings, it aiay cause such a record to be �z�e, providing it pays for the record. 6.7 The time limits in each step of this procedure may be extended by mutual agreement of the EMPLOYER and the U:tIOY. 6.8 It is understood by the UNIO� and the EMPLO�£R that a grievance may � be determined by either the grieva��� pracedure of this contract or by � . . the provisions of the Personnel Rules of tne City of Saint Paul. If an issue is determined by this grievance procedure it shall not again be submitted for arbitration under the Personnel RuZes. If an issue is determined by the provisions of the Personnel Rules it shall not again be subaitted for arb�tration under this grievance procedure. � - 1.1 - ......... .._......,.4.. . . .... ..... .r _... .. ... . . . ... ......., ... ,... ,. ....... ... .. .. .. ... ..... . . . _.. . . . . . . .. . _... .. . _....... . . .. • ARTICLE VII - CITY MTLEAGE 7.1 Automobile Reimbursement Authorized: R1rsuant to Chapter 92A of the St. Paul Legislative Code, as amended, �ertainin� to reimbursement of City officers and employees for the use of their own aut�mabiles in the performance of their duties, the follo:aino provisions are adopted and effective from January 1, 1979 until expiration of this contract. For the period prior to January 1, 1979 covered by this co;�tract, June 2, 1978 through December 31, 1973, ths mileage provisions as prescribed in the 1977-78 HRA Ec�ploy�2s Organization Contract shall apply. 7.2 Method o£ Computation: To be eligiole for such reimbursement, all officers and employees must receive written suthorization from the Mayor. Reimbursement shall be made in accordance with one of the following p].ans: �rpe 1. For those officers and en�loyees w�eo are required to use their own automobiles occasiona:�y �or official city business, reimbursement at the rate of I4 cents for each mile driven. Type 2. For those officers and employees who are required to use their own automobiles on a regular basis on City business, reica- bursement at the rate o£ $2.50 for each day of «ork, and in addition thereto at the rate of 7.5 cents far each mile driven. 7.3 Rules and Regulations: The Mayor shal.l adopt rules and regulations governing the procedures for automobile reir�bursement, which regulations and rules shall contain the requirement that recipients shall file daily reports indicatino place or origin and desitnation and applicable mileage ratings thereat and indicating tota2 miles driven, and shall file monthly affidavits stating the number of days worked and the number of miles driven, and further required that they naintain automobile liability insurance in amourcts not less than $100,000/300,000 for personal injvey, and $25,000 for praperty damagee These rules and regulati.ons, together with any amendmen ts, thereto, shall be maintained on file with the City Clerk. -12- . .... :. r .... . . i.. .. . .. . ..... . .. ,. . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. ._. _. ... . . _ � . . . + ARTICLE VIII - RESIDENCE 8. 1 All new employees appointed after January 1, 1977 will be required to reside in the City of Saint Daul within 18 months of their original appointment and thereafter will be required ta remain within the City limits as long as they are employed by the City of Saint Paul. HRA employees starting date wi.11 be considered that date which they began their employment with the HRA. 8.2 IInployees failing to meet t�!e residency requirement will be subject to termination and a hearing process shall be established to determine whether the residency requirement was met. - 13 - . . ARTICLE xX -'VACATION 9.1 In each calendar year, each £ull-tiae employee shall be granted vacation according to the following schedule, The schedul� belo�v shall apply effective January 1, I979 untzl the expiration of this contract. For the period of the contract prior to January 1, 1979 covered in this � contract, June 1, 1978 through I�ce�ber 31, 1978, the vacation schedules . prescribed fn the 1977-78 HRA E�ployees Organization Contract shall apply. Years of Service Vacation Granted , 0 thru 4 years 10 days �fter 4 years 25 days after 9 years 17 days after 15 years 21 days . diter 23 years and thereafter 26 days Employees who �ork less than full-�rye s�a1Z be gran�ed vacation on a pro rata basis. HRA enployees years of servicz will be calculated £rom their starting date taith the HRA. 9.2 The head of the department may permit an e�ployee•'to carry aver into .the following year up to ten days' vacation. 9.3 The above provisions of vacation shall be subject to Ordinance No. b446, Section I, Sub. H. 9.4 Employees formerly ti�ith the HRA have been granted an exceptiorc to the 10-day carryover clause, from 1978 to 1980 only. That is, employees can ' carry over a maximum of 32 days fro:n 1978 to 1979, 2l. days fro�n 1979 to 1980, and 1.0 days fro:a 1980 to 1981. -14- ARTICLE R - INS[,iRp,NCE 10.1 The EMPLOYER will continue for the period of June 1, 1978 through December 31, 1978 to provide for employees such health and life insurance benefits as are provided by EMPLOYER at the time of execution of this AGREEMEti'T. For the remaining period of the contract the E�LOYFsR will provide the health and life insurance benefits as prescribed below. � 10.2 The EMPLOYER will for the period of this AGREEIiENT provide for employees - who retire after the time of execution of this AGREEMENT and until such � employees reach sixty-five (65) years of age such health insurance benefits and life insurance benefits as are provided by the EMPLOYER for such e�mployees. 10.3 In order to be eligible for the benefits under the early retiree provision, the employee must: 10.31 Be receiving benefits from a public employees retiree act at the time of his retirement. 10.32 Have severed his relationship with the City of Saint Paul under one of the early retiree plans. 10.33 Inform the Personnel Office of t�e City of St. Paul in writing within 6Q days of employ�e's ea.ly retire�ent date that he or she wishes to be eligible for early retiree insurance benefits. 10.4 The City agrees to contribute the cost of Hospitalization and Medical Coverage or $36.85 per month, whichever amount is Iess, for each employee who is eligible for such coverage. In addition, for each eligible enployee who selects Dependent's Coverage, the City will contribute one-half ('�) of th� cost of such Dependent's Coveraga or $42.43 per month, whichever amount is less. The contributions shall be paid to the City's Group Health and Welfare Plan. Any increase in these costs shall be paid by the emp?oyee. 10.5 The City agrees to contribute the cost for $5,000 of Life Insurance Coveraoe for each employee who is eligible for such coverage or $2.95 per month, whichever amount is less. This contribution shall be paid to the City' s Group Aealth and Welfare Plan. Any increase in this cost shall be paid by the employee. 10.6 At the option of the Union and effective January 1, I979, the $36.85 figure reflected in paragraph 10.4 above may be changed to the cost of 1979 prern- ium rate required by the insurance carrier covering most employees in the. bargainino unit. Further, the $42.43 figure above shall be changed, if the -15- � ARTICLE X - INSURANCE (continued) . Union exercises such option, to reflect 507 of said 1979 premium rate for dependent coverage. If such option is exercised, the increased cost to employer of the above shall be converted to a percentage, and notwithstanding any provision o£ this contract to the contrary, shall be deducted from the wage increase applicable to each aad every emp2oyee ia the bargaining unit for 1979. The option herein must be exercised in writing by the Union befoze January l, 1979, or shall be deemed to have been waived by the UNION. l . � . - 16 - � ARTICLE XI - WORKING OUT OF CLASSIFZCATION 11.7. EMPLOYER shal� avoid, whenever possible, working an employee on an outr- of-class assignment for a prolonged period of tine. Any employee working an out-of-class assignment for a period in excess of fifteen (15) working days shall receive the rate af pay for the aut-of-class assignment in a higher classification not later than the sexteenth (16th) day of such assignment�. For purposes of this article, and out=of-class assigament is defined as an assignment of an e�ployee to perform, on a full time basis, all of the significant duties ��d responsibiliti.es of a position different from the employee's regular po�ition, and which is in a classification higher than the classification held by such employee. Tha rate of pay for an approved out-of-class assignment shall be the same rate the employee would receive if such employee re�eived a regclar appointment to the higher ` classification. • �. 11.2 For the fol7.owing classifications, the provisioas of 11.1 shall not apply to _performance of the duties of the next higher classification in the 3ob series: Bealth Service Aide I Clerk I Clerk Stenographer I Accounting Maching Operator I . Data Entry Operator I Cashier I Duplicating Equipsent Qperator Trainee Tabulating Machine Operator I Parking Meter Collector I . Zookeeper I Glerk-Typist I � �' - 17 - f� ARTICLE XII - EMPLOYEE RECORDS L _ 12.1 Any written reprimand made concerniag any member of this 8argaining .Unit which is filed with the Personael Office or within any City department, shall be shown to the msnber before it is placed on file. Before the reprimand is placed on file, the City shall request from the employee an acknowledgnent, in writiag, that the reprimand has been read by said employee. 12.2 Any member of the bargaining u^.it aay, during usual working hours, with the approval of the supervisor, review any material placed in � the employee�s personnel file, after first giving proper notice to the superv3sor in custody of such file. 12.3 Any member of the bargaining unit r..a.y f�?= a grievance or discrimination � complaint and there shall be no retaliation by the City of St. Paul � £or such action. � - 18 - , - BULLETIN BOARDS ������ ARTICLE XIII � 13.1 The EMPLOYER shall provide reasonable bulletin space for use by the UNION in pasting notices of UNI0�1 business and activities, said bulletin board space shall not be used by Che UNION for political purposes other than L':tl0h elections. Use of this bulletin board is sub�ect to a�proval of the de�artment head. � � l� - 19 - � � .� . ^ ARTIGZE XIV - WAGES . � � ' lk.l The waga schedule, for purposes of this contract, shall be Appendix A, attached hereto. Both parties agree. that the inclusion of the classif3cations ` and salary ranges in Appendix "A" does not preclude the employer froa the following: � 1. Reorganizing � • 2. Abolishing c].assif icatioas V - � 3. �stablishing new classifications k. �Regrading classificatioas � � 5. Reclassifyiag positions . Both parties also agree that titles and grades ia Appendix A refer tv employees ia the positiaas at thz date of signing of the agreement. No employee in this bargaining unit shall suffer any reductioa in salary becauae o€ a regrading or reclassification during the contract period in . � . . which such reQradin� or reclassification takes place. . 14.2� Notwithstanding 14.1, salary rates in Agga�di,x A shall be reduced in the amounts necessary to equalize payment to individual HRA emplo�ees . and City employees who receive different pension benefits. • � � • ` - 20 - � . ' • i • � ARTICLE XV - MAINTENAI3CE OF STANDARDS . � - 15.1 The parties agree that all conditions of employment relating to wages, hours of work, overtime dif£erentials, vacations and all other general working conditions shall be maintained at not � � lesa than the highest minimum standa�d set forth in the Persoanel - Rulea of the City of St. Paul (drdinance No. 3250) and the Salary Ordinance of the Citq of St. Paul (Ordtnance No. 6446) at the tine of the siguing of this AGREEMEN�, and the conditions of employment shall be �mprove3 wherever specific provisions for improvement are nade elsewhere in this AGREEMENT. � � �, - 21 - ' �. � ' ARTICLE XVI - LEAVES OF ABSENCE 16.1 Leave of Absence. After three month's er.iployment, an employee may make application for a leave of absence not to exceed o�le year. A leave of absence shall be granted on tne basis established in the Personnel Rules, (Ordinance No. 3250). : 16.2 Sick Leave. For the period of Juae 1, 1978 - December 31. I978, the sick leave terms prescribed in the 1�77-78 H� Employees Organization contract shall apply. For the remainir.g �eriod of January 1, 1979 until the expir- . .os7�O ation of this coatract, sick leav� shall accumulate at the rate of .� of a working hour for each full �our on the payroll. excluding overtime. Sick leave accumulation is unlimited. To be eligible for sick leave the employee must report to his supervisor no later than one-haZf hour past his regular scheduled starting time. The granting of sxck leave shall be subject to the terms and provisions of Ord�na;:�e ".;o. 3250 of the City of Saint Paul. 16.3 Any employee who has accvmulated sick leave credits as provided above shall be granted leave with pay, for such period of time as the head of the depart- ment deems necessary, an account of sickness or injury of.the employee, ' quarantine established and declared by the Bureau of Health, death of the employee's mother, father, spouse, child, brother, sister, mother-in-law, father-in-law, or other person �aho is a member of the household; and may be granted leave with pay for such time as is actually necessary for office visits to a doctor, dentist, optometrist, etc., or in the case of sudden sickness or disability of a member of his household, making arrangements for the care of such sick or disabled persons up to a maximum of four hours sick leave. 16.4 I.eave t�'ithout Pay. Any employee who enna�es in active service in tir�e of war or other emergency declared by proper authority of any of the military or naval forces o£ the s�ate or of the United States for which leave is not otheraise allo•.red by la�a shall be entitled to leave of _ 22 _ • . ARTICLE XVI - LEAVE OF ABSENCE (continued) � absence from employment w.ithout pay during such service with right of reinstatement and subject to such conditions as are imposed by law. � Such leaves of absence as are granted under Article 17 shall confora to Minnesota Statutes, Section 192, as amended from time to time, an3 shall confer no additional benefits other than those granted by said statute. 16.5 Severance Pay. For the period of June 1, 1978 - December 31, 1978, th2 severance policy presented in the 1977-78 HRA Employees Organization contract shall apply. For the remaining period of this contract (January 1, 1979 until its exoiration) e�oloyees shall be eligible for severance pay in accordance with the Severance Pay Ordinance No. 11490. The amount of Severance Pay allowed shall be that amount permitted by State Statutes subject to the provisions that the maximum amount allowed be $4,OOQ. 1b.6 Jury Duty. Any employee who is rpqu?re� during his regular working hours to appear in court as a juror or witazss �xczpt as a witness in his a•an - behalf against the CITY, shall be paid his regular pay while h� is so engaged, Qrovided however, that any fees that the employee may receivz from the court for such service shall be paid to the CITY and be depo�ited with the CITY Finance Director. Any employee who is scheduled to wor'_� a shift, other than the normal daytime shift, shall be rescheduled to �ork the normal daytime shift during such time as he is required to appear in court as a juror or witness. 16.7 Funeral Leave. Any employee who has accumulated sick leave credits, as pro- vided in the Civil Service Rules, shall be granted one day of such lzave to attend the funeral of the employee's grandparent or grandchild. 16.8 An,employee elected or appointed to a full time paid Qosition by the exclusive representative nay be grante3 a leave of absence without pay for not �ore than one year for the puroose of conductino the duties of the exclusive representative 16.9 Maternity Leave. Maternity is defined as the physical state of pregnanc� of an employee, conmencing eight (8) months before the estimated date of caildbirth, - 23 - ' ARTICLE RVI - LEAVES OF ABSENCE (continued) � � as determined bq a physician, and ending six (6) months after the date of such birth. In the event of an employee's pregnancy, the employee may apply for leave without pay at any tiae during tihe period stated above and the employer may approve such leave at its opCion, and such leave may be no longer than one (1) year. 16. 10 .A11 sick leave accumulate3 and not yet used since the employee's starting date with the HR.A will b� transferable to the City. �. � ��� - 23A - . • ti ' ' ARTICLE XVII - MILZTARY LEAVE OF ABSENCE �,�?��� � ].7.1 Pay Allowance. Any employee who shall be a member of the National Guard, the Naval Militia or an� other component of the militia of the State, now or hereafter orgazized or constituted under state or federal law, or who shall be a saember of the Off��er's Reserve Corps, the Enlisted Rese�rve Corps, the Navarl. Reserve, the Marine Corps Reserve or any other reserve component of t?�e nilitary ar navel force of the United States, nor or hereafter organized or constituted under Federal law, shall be entitled to ?eave of absence from employment without loss of pay, seniority status, efficiency rating, vacation, sick leave er other benefits for all the time when such employee is engaged witn such organization or component in training or active service ordered or authorized by praper authority pursuar_t to law, whether for state � or federaZ purposes, providect that such 'ssave shall not exceed a �ota1 ` of fifteen (15) days in any caZendar year and, further provided that such leave shall be aZlowed only in case the required military or naval serv3ce is satisfactorily performed, which shall be presumed unless the contrary is estab3ished. Such leave shall not be allowed unless the employee (1) returns to his position immediately upon being relieved from such military or naval service and not later than the expiration of time herein limited for such leave, of (2) is prevented from so returning by physical or �ental disabil3ty or other causa not due to such emplopee's own fau].t, of (3) is required by proper authority to continue in such military or naval service beyond the time herein limited for such leave. \ ,� - 24 - . • : � . .� . . ARTICLE XVIII - MANAGFMENT RIGHTS � 18.1 The UNI0.1 recognizes the right of the CITY to operate and manage its affairs in all respects in accordance with applicable laws ' and regulations of appropriate authorities. All rights and authority which the CITY has not qfficially abridged, delegated or modified by this AGREEMENT are retaine� by the CITY. 18.2 A public employer is not required to meet and negotiate on matters of inherent nanageriaZ pol�cy, which include, but are not limited to, such areas of discretion or policy as the functions and programs of the E_'�IPLOYER, its overall budget, utiliaation of . technology, and organizational structure and selection and direction and number of personnel. �. . . l - 25 - ,,� . ' ARTICLE XIX - SENIORITY 19.1 Seniority, for the purpose of tnis AGREEMENT, shall be defined as follows: The length of contir.uous, regular and probationary servic� with the EA'g'LOYER from the date an employee was first certified and appointed to a class title or F.R4 equivalent covered by this AGREE:�TT, it being further understood that ser.iozity is canfined to th�e current class assignment, or the previous IiRA equivalent if held immediat2lp _ prior to the current class assio�ent, by an employee. In cases where two or more enployees are ,appointed to the sarae class title or HRA equivalent on the same date, the seniority shall be determine3 by the other three factors, other than seniority, as outlined in the 1977-78 HRA Employees Organization Contract. � . 19.2 Seniority shall terminate when an e�p�o�ee rzti:es, resigns, or is discharged. 19.3 In the event it is determined by the EMPLOYER that it is necessary to reduce the work force, employees will be laid off by class title within each Department based on inverse length of seniority as defin�d above. 19.4 In cases where there are promotional series, such as Clerk I, ZI, III - Renewal, etc., and when the number of employees in the higher titles is to b� reduced, employees who have held lower titles will be offered reductions to the highest title to which class seniority would keep them from being laid off, before 2ayoffs are made by azy class title in any department. _26_ w • . '� ' ARTICLE XIX - SENIORITY (CONTINUED� 19.5 It is understood that such employees will pick up their former seniority date in any class of positions that they previously held. 19.6 Recall frosa layoff shall be in inverse order of layoff, except that recall rights shall expire after two yea�s of layoff. -26A- . - , i - - . . '• � ' ' ARTICLE RX - DISCZPLINE � 20.1 The EMF'LOYER will discipline employees for 3ust cause only. Disciplice will be in the form of: 20.1 Oral reprimand; 20.2 Written reprimand; . 20.3 Suspension; 20.k Re@uction; � 20.5 Discharge 20.2 Suspensions, reductions and discharges will be in written form. 20.3 Employeea and the Lti ION wil? receive copies of written reprimands � end notices of suspzasioa and discharge. 20.k Empl.oyees may examine all information in their EMPLOYER personnel files that concerns work evaluations, commendations and/or disciplinary � actions. F3Zes may be examined at raas�nab?e times under direct �- supervision of the �IPLOYER. 20.5 Discharges will be preceded by a five (5) day preliminary suspension without pay. During said period, the employee and/or iTNION may request, and shall b� entitZed to a meetiag with the EMPLOYER representative who initiated the suspension with intent to discharge. During said five (5) day period, the EMPLOYER may affirm the suspsnsion and discharge in accordance with Personael Rules or may modify, or withdraw same. 20.6 An employee to be questioned concerning an investigation of disciplinary action shall have the righ� to request that a UNION representative be present. 20.7 Grievaaces relatireg to this Article shall be processed in accordance 4 with existing Civil Service procedures, except that oral and written reprimands shall be taken up in the grievance procedure under Article VI. - 27 - ; ` . � �� � ARTICLE XXI - VACANCIES . �. 21.1 The Personael Office will inform all departments that the department's tiinekeaper shall post notices of a3.1 3ob vacancies in their department at least five days before submitting a requisition to the Personael Office. t �.. � ' . - 28 - . � , . +� , ARTICLE XRII - PROBATZON . � � 22.1 An employee on probation following each original hire shall not � � be entitled to use or accrue vacation or s�.ck leave benefits and shall be ineligib2e for employer contributions toward the cost of any health of life insurance.benefits. Such e�npZoyees shall be ineligible for � "floater" �holidays. � 22.2 Porbationary employees shall be entit].ed to paid holiday time for legal holidaye that occur during the employee's period of probatioa providing . the employee meets the eligib�.?ity requirements under Article 5.3. For the purpose of this Article a legal holiday is defined as one of the following: New Years' Day Coluabus Day President�s Day ti'eterans' Day � Memorial Daq T'n��ksgiving Day Indapendence Day C�:ristmas Day Labox Day � . 22.3 The pxovisions of this article shall not applp to employees apgointed prior to May 1, 1978. � , � - 29 - . •4•. . + • �° ARTICLE XXIII - TERMS OF AGREEMENT 23.1 Cornplete Agreement and Waiver of Bargaining. This Agreement shall represent the complete AGREEMEIv'T between the UNION and the CITY OF SAINT PAUL. The parties acknowledge that during the negotiations which resulted in this AGREEMENT, each had the unlimited right and opportunity to make requests and proposals with respect to aay subject or matter not removed by Iaw from the area of collective bargaining, and that the complete understandings and agreements arrived at by the parties after the exercise of that right and opportunity are set forth in this AGREEMENT. Therefore, the CITY and the UNION, for the life of this AGREE�IENT, each voluntarily and unqualif iedly waives the right, and each aorees that the other shall not be obligated to bargain collectively with respect to any subject or matter referred to or covered in this AGREEMENT. � 23.2 Savings Clause. This AGREEMENT �s sub�ec* to tY:e laws of the United States, the State of �iinnesota, and the City af Saint Paul. In the event any pro- vision of this AGREEMENT shall hold to be contrary to law by a court of competent jurisdiction from whose final judgment or decree no appeal has been taken within the time provided, such provision shall be voided. AI1 oth2r provisions shall continue in full force and effect. 23.3 Tercn of Agreement. This AGREEMENT shall be in fu1Z force and effect from June 1, I978 thru December 31, 1979, and shall automatically terminate : thereafter and all employees of the UNIO�I shall automatically become members of the bargaining unit represented by I.ocal Union 2508, District Council 91 of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, A�L-CIO beginning January 1, 1980. If the HRA employees go to City units prior to �� January 1, 1980 this agreement will be � replaced and superceded by comparable city bargaining agreements. In witness whereof, the parties have caused tnis AGREEr1ENT to be executed this � day of �� Ud f�E , 1978. - 30 - ,� ' ,.. . . - ARTICLE XXIII - TERMS OF AGREEMENT (continued) 23.4 This constitutes a tentative AGRE�iENT between the parties which will be recommended by the City Negotiator, but is subject to the approval of the Administration of the City, and the City Council, and is also subject to ratification by the E�►ployees Organization. 23.5 The Employer and the Union acknowledged that during the meeting and negotiating which resulted in this agreement, each had the right and � opportunity to make proposals caith respect to any subject concerning the terms and conditions of employment. The agreements and understandings reached by the parties after the exerci.se of this right are fully and completely set forth in this agreement. Any and all prior agreements, resolutions, practices, policy or rules or regulations regarding the terms and conditions of employment to Che extent they are inconsistent with this agreement are hereby superseded. In those areas where Civil Service rules are not inconsistent with this agreement, the Civil Service rules shall continue to be in effect. WITTTESSES: CITY OF SAINT PAUI� HOUSING ,AI�TD REDEVELOP�NT HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUT`HOP.ITY AUTHORITY ErTPLOYEES ORGANIZATION � B ">.2�Gt ' ./` � , r By: B}i: � � l By: . . sy: By: sy: � r .� � W W W W W W r 00 lr W N O 00 ln lJ� O+ 00 N V � ln O O O V+ O V� O O O O O O O � W O V tn W N OO W O N � tl� O � O O O O O O O V L�n 1-�+ 0o O� ln W Oo W 00 Oo ao �-+ N . f� O O lJ� O V� O O O O O O O O O U � � � W W W p v� V � V� G� C� � s � lJ� �l1 �l1 C7 � Vi . p O O O O O O V� � � � � W W Cst N �D 11� N O Co O� fh W C� V W O �-' O � � . v� 9� i,+ .� cn c� o c� a o c� ir c� v� c� o c� � O f� O cD ct r-+ O r' (� O !-• O r� O r� O r rr � (� r+ O tD fD A fD fD (D fD h'• O O H ►i �i O ►i H �i H C �'d � N m � � � � � � � (D r] t,n Y- ln Y•n r't .� �C F'� � rt � �C W �"t W �C G � .� � ►-+ O r cD v �d � .� co ►-� n7 �c ca � �o � DC rn o0 00 � m � � r•ao �- � oo w oo p rn w c� o c� v+ c� �'o�o v, ��'-r c� o o°o u, � o o°o o � n �-- a o r o � K � r o n o o K o � - � �• � �o r�-+ n �o t�'-+ �o '� �- � N (D (a ~ � cD 1 (D' � v � � tn H v+ C] (�D K L� � H .P. � A � L� � W r G� w r' E H �D 7'� i lr H W � O H, Oo O � � 1 W (D R� H O f� N H F-' '� V V 1 Vi ''A O 7C ~ � ln (D tD V� 1 O E ln ' V� ►i �. O � O ' ! O E� � O � O � O � O • � � r-' E� � � r+ �c NE � ~ � �' `� o � ►��-' .{�.� � ~ � u~+ � V � r W ln r Oo ' Oo� lr - lr � O tr O V� O rt O O O O O O O • � � � V VFi N O O � V N 1.n O OO v � . p p tr O ln O V+ rt O O O O O O O W � N 00 O� W f-' lJ� tn O� N .� O �1 V � O O O O O O O � � ��. ,, . , . , ,. �� � � . � APPENDIX "A" (Continued) Effective December 30, 1978, the above rates in Steps A through 15-year shall be increased 6%. The rates for the 20-year and 25-year steps shall continue to be $9.50 greater than the rates for the 15-year and 20-year steps respectively. Any employee over the maximum in their classification shall receive 50� (one- half) of the scheduled negotiated increases. Notwithstanding 14.1, salary rates in Appendix A shall be reduced in the amounts necessary to equalize pay�nent to individual HRA employees and � City employees who receive different pension benefits. � • � � , . > ., � / /.���tJ 1978 - 1979 AGREEMENT Br.1^WEEN � THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND IT5 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMEN'P AUTHORITY AND THE TECHNIC�:� �?�D�JYEES OF THE HOUSIYJG A��TD RE��V�LG��:Li�7T AUTHORITY EMPLOYEE� ORGANIZAlION . • PRr A..MBLE This AGREEMENT entered into by the City of Saint �Paul and its Housing and Redevelopment Authority, hereinafter referred to as EMPLOYER, and the technical e*:y�lo�rees of the Housing and Redevel.op- ment Authority, Anployees Organization, hereinafter referred to as the UNION, has as its purpose the promotion of harmonious rela- tions between the EMPLOYER and the :�'��IOV, the establishment of rates af pay, hours of work, and other conditions of employment. } � ` 'ARTICLE 1 - R�COG�ITION 1. 1 The E�.`2F'LOYER recognizes tlze WION as the so].e and exclusive bargaining agent for the purpose of establish�ng salaries, �•rages, � hours, and other conditions of e:-nployment for a7.1 of its employees as outlined in the certification by the State of Minnesota, Bureau o� rlediation Services, Czse i�o. 74-PR-390-A. 1_2 The bargai.nzng unit covere� by th�s AGRE�iE��`?' shall consist of the folloi�ring: All regular and probationary technical personnel who are e�ployed b� the Cit�T of Saint Paul or who have their � "terms and conditions of e�plo��ant" established by tT1e govern- ing bod,y of the City of Saint Paul in the cla�sifications� of: Architectural Technician � Business Relocation Spzcialist - - Engineering Assistant -- = ' 'Loan & Grant Specialist I - Loan & Grant Speciala.st II _y :- ` � Planning Aide I -- Renewal _ Property r�iainter_ance Techniciar - � :' � Px operty ?:anagpment Techni c��: - : � Rzhabilitazion Aavisor �::.=j- - � - Rehabilita`ion Superviso� - ' - . Relocation Specialist S - -- � � � Relocatio:� Specialist II : _ ,y.- , � Real Esta�e Sp�cialist I --'- -- - � � • Real Esta4e Spzcialist ZI. ---=-�=���= �--�- . publ�c=-Bui�ings-T.echn-�e�ai�F=Renetaa�"'" � � . . Supervi.sor of Loans and Grants - Ren�wal � . 1,3 Any present or future employee who is not a iTivION meFnber s'na�.l b� required to contribute a fair share fee for services rendered by the UNION, and upon notifica�ion by the UNIO�i, the �IPLOYER shall check of said fee from the earnings of the eznployee and transmit the sarn� to the UNIOr._ In no insLance shall tYie required contribution exceed a pro rata share of the snecific expenses incurred for s�vices rendered b�r the repi es�ntative i.n relationship to negotiat ions and ad►-nini.s-c.ra- tion of gr?evance p-rocedures_ This prov�sion shall renzain op�rative onl�T so lo�g as sp�cifically provide3 by k2innes�ta la��r, ar_d as other-- �ais� leg�l. 1.� T'ne Ui�?IO:: agrees to indemnify ana hold the F.��iPLOYER 2iarmless ag�ins� an� and all claims, sui�s, orders or judgmen_ts brought or issue against the City as a resul` of any action ta1�:e:� or not taren by the City und�r th� provisions o� Section 1_3 of this Article. - _ 2 _ � 1 tL��IC:� �1 " r'..:..`.�+. C"T . 2.�- �f^' "�.'r.:��GL'Z c3vT't.'�.�a t.0 C�?G� ^.4 �i':? :� ?i-�'J?�3£'il� 221].'t,l'd�V'i p12 .i �. � 71��i � fe� zssess:cants a;�:i o�c2 each *:�n�h d.��� frc_.: t�.� ��;/ of thosc er:.pZo;�e�s i�,ho indi v�a•,zally r�_�:.�s� in ,rr:tir:� t<t�� such deducti.ons . be made. Tne a.*a�u�ts to b� d.��;:��e3 s::all be eer��ii�d t�.,. th� � ��t0��t by a *::preaenta•tiLe o� tre tI���G�•. 4nd th.e a�,re�;ate . deductions af a11 e�p2oy.°as :,^�11 be remi�tp� V�CL t�'�-I°Y� W�.��� ' an itemized st�T.����t to t::� --a�:es�;��ztive by �'�e first os the succ�e�ino m�:�th �T��r suc'n ��'�w�tio�s are z�ade or �s soon . � ts�ereaf��r aa is possib�e. z 2.2 Th� Ui�TI0r3 �gr�e� to inde;�+..ni�� an:� Ytold t:�e E:•�'LO£�Z ri�r:�less � a�ainst ar.g and a�� claa.r::s, Jµ�4J, c~3°r� o= j•�dp�u�:tts brou�h� . � or i�sue3 aoair.st the CJ.'I'� as a res�z?� e_° �:�r �i.LIO:7 takz� or not ta'_�en by ths GIl{ u.�der th� pro:Tisio�s of tzis r"��ic�e. - 3 - + • . . ft�111.1.,F, � .. � i�i _�li.Z..7 11 i'i�.�:Z� � . j,l T:e no^�:a� ;�:o<<, uay s1:a�1 be se•��;: Gn:, ;,-:ree�fourths (7 3/!i) conse •.i�i�re hours per day, e�:�lu�in�; a :or:.;:-fz:�� (�:5) r�i-�ut� lur,ch period, 15 (fi��FE::j r.:inutes of r,i-�icy s�ia11 'oe paiu. 3,� Tne 1�oIT.^i2�. �•oy'?k o:ee}: sha:tl be �ive (;) co,isecuLi�e normal ,•:orl�: days in . any seven (7) �ay period. 3.3 Fo-r ereglofees on a shifL basis, i:his shall be cor�s�=ucd to mean an avera�;P of thirty-ei�'.:� ar.ci i,„ree-fou..r�ti�s (38 3%u) r.o�:rs per �;eek. 3.� this sec�ion shal2 not be co:�s�rued as, nr�d is not a guarantse o#', er.y a��:rs of work per r.ar�al e;ork day or ger norral work �:eek. 3.j Ti�e on the payroll in excess o� the non��al iia�rs se-� forth abo:�e in �his A:'ticle shall be "overtiz�e �:orr" ar.� sha�I be done o:.I.y by orde2 c� Lhe � h�ad of th� �eFartraznt. ?,F A11 e:e�,Zayee� in tzis bar6ainin� uniL s>iall �e reco:�.��nsed for �:ort ao:�e in ex.^.ess o;' t�e noz�al hours establis�ed a'oofe in t?�is Article oy b�i::� �rai�te� conj er.sa�ory ti�se or. a time ar.d une-'r_all �SJ�.S or by bein� p�id o� a ti��e ana oae-ha?f basis for such o��erti:�e crorl:. The otiertime ra�e c� � one and or.e-ha2i shall be corr.puted on the basis of 1/�Oin of tYie bi-t�ree:-.?ti;- � rate. 3.7 .T•::._•r�:al ;.rork s�hedules sho��ir,�; ti:e er�pl�;��e's shifts, ���ork daJs and Y�loars � s�:all b� _ost�3 on all depar�r�:°n: bull_e�in baaras u� all. tir�es . I� is. �1so un3e:•.=to�;l tY!at dez:iation �-ro::1 t��osted �•:or't, schndules sha11 b� per- �1S31.DI.E (�L;A �O e:r.er�en�lES� 8��t.S Oi ('iC.'�.�� 8?^i:: O�@Y'ii::i� ;�lcty' �@ requirC:. � _ �t _ � , . , . - � ;1 .,.,,�, � ART�T.CI._, 1 - ,•i'::3:: ?-�K-•� �;�� R•�a� P�='�o': . P�l`! e�ip�o;�ces ��:orl: s�;:eaules st►a11. p�ovide for a fi:i�en ��.j} �?3:Li�L.' T'cS`c, i?Z'�.G.a.� C�.,:L'l.ri� E�3C:; On?-ha2i S�l�ft. �.'31d rast p�r�od sY:�?? be scY:eci:llLa b;� ma:ia�e�?:�t aL a±rroxir�ate];f the rr,iddle of each on�-�i�i f St?7.i' :'�?°::?VF?2• t:z�s zs fe�sit�1e. 4.2 X� an e�r:ployea is scredu3.ecT tr� i•,o,:: a ftiz7.1 haZ" s'_�i�'t beyond his re�t:lar a�:�tLin� tin�, :e sh.�,a. be en�it?r-_d io the r°Jt �°riod that occurs d-w.�in� said h�lf s'�?ft. _ S - . e1F.TICLE �► - �:O�ID���S S.1 Holidays reco�nized znd observed. The follo:�fing c��ys silalJ. be recooniz�c? ar_d observ�3 as paid holida}s: Ivew Years Day Co1L..�Sus Bay _ Presi�entst Day �'etera�s' llay tEe.�orial Day ThanLsgivin� r�} Indeper.c� Day C}iristmas Day Labor Day Tc•;o floa�ing holida�s Eligible e:nployees shall rec�ive pay for eac►z of the holida��s listed 2bove, � on �ahich the}• perfc��e no work. ��.hGr.ever any of the holidays listed ahove shall fall on Satur�z3•, the preceding Friday shalZ be observed as ths holidaS. F]henever any of the r,o?iazy S listed abore st�all fall on Su�►day, the succeading N,onday shall be observe3 as the roliday. •For those er�plo}e�s assigned to a work t.ee'� other than r:onday through Friciay, tne holiday�shal.l be oSserve3 on the caler�dar date oi tae holidaj�. 5.2 The floatin� h3lida3s set forth ir. Secti��r. 5.? abave may be taken at anJ tiz�e durir� the coztract year, su�jact to approval of. the Departneat Head of any employee. 5.3 Eligibility Require�ezts. In order to be eligib2e for a holiday t•ri�h pay, an e�ployee's narae rLSt appsar on the pa3 roll on ar.y six �Torkir_g days of the nine working days preceding the holiday; ar an enployee's_name nust appear on the payro?.7. the last workin� day before the holi�ay and on tnre� oti�er c�:orking days of the nine k�orkin� dzys przceding the holiday. In nei.ther cas� shall the holi�ay ba counted as a working da� for the pur�osps of this sec�ion. � It is furt�:er undsrsLood t�:at r_either temporary, er:,e���ncy nor att.er e:.zplo}�es not heretu`ore eli�ib?e shaZ1 receive holida}- pay. ^ � - . . . AFTICLE �'I - C:Yi�'t��:CE P�:C��EDURES 6.1 T�:e E�'PLOY:.:t s?iall reco;;nize steerards selected in accordance �.•ith LT�IO�� rLles �nd regul�tions as t'ne griev4nce zenresentati_ves of the bargaining unit. Th� L`:iIQti shall r.otify tn� E��LOTLI: in �.ritir.,�, of tha names of the sCewards and of their successors ��rr.en so �a:�zu. 6.2 It is .recoonized and 2ccep�ed by ti:e E:��'LOYEF and the UI3Y0\T that the processing of grievances as hereinafter proviue3 is limite3 by the job duties ar.d respon- sibilities of the eL.ployees and shall therefore be accoLiplished during working . hours only whsn co^sistent with such e�►ployee duties anc� responsibi�.ities: The steward�invo2ve? �nd a grieving e3ploye2 shall suffer no loss in pa}• c:hen a grievar,ce is pracesszd durino working hours, provide3, the ste�.2rd and the employee have notifiad and received the approval of the supervisor to be ab- sent to process a grievance and t'nat such abseace �yould not be detri�ental to the work progra�s of the ErPLOYE�. 6.3 The procedure established by this Article s::all b� the sole and exclusive p�o- cedure, er.ce�t for t1�� appe�.l oi �isciplinary action as. pxovided by A�t{cIe Y.x for the pro�essiag of grievance, which are defined �s an alleged violation of the terms and conditions of this AGF.EErIENT. ' 6.4 Grievance shall be resolved in confornance with the followiztg procadure: � Ste,p 1. Upon ti�e occurrence of an alleged violation of this AGREE:��:.�i'L', the employee involved with or without the steward shall atte::!pt to resolve the �atter on an inforntal basis with the ea�ployee's suparvisor. If the matter is not resolve3 to the er.ip?oye�'s sa�isfaction by the inforniaZ d.iscussior. it r.±a} be reduced to writing and referred to Step 2 by the U`TZO:�. The written grievar.ce sIiall set fortl� the nature of the grie�•�.nce, the facts or. i�::;ich it is based, tlie alleged section(s) of the AG:tEE'•�:`:� violated, and the relief reqtiest�d. Any alle�ed violation of th� AGP,EE:•tl:t:T not recluced to ��ritin� by the - 7 - ' . AI'.TICL•� �'I - G'_::��'t�:CE YROCEDttRI:S (con�inueu) . ., . , T � t• �+ 1 f.���� L1IO:r ait_.in seve:► (7) work days �f the �irst occurrence o the e�ent g�i�ing rise to the �rie-.•�nce, s�all be considerec3 �.ai��eC. � Step 2. jtiTithin s�ven (7) :•:or�: d?•,•s aite: rec�ivii�o the written �rievznce a desi�nated �?LC�i�� su�arvisor sha].1 u�eet. with the tJ�IOv . Steward an3 atte�pt to resol��� the �rievzr.ce. If, �s a result of - . this ne��in�, the grieva.c� re�nains uzsolved, the E1�:PLOYER shall reply in� writino to the Ui�ION' wit�ir. three (3) �aork days iollowing this meeting. Tne L?`:I��i �a� re�er tze grie��a_nce in �.*riting to Step 3 within se�*en (7) work daj°s follot•�in� receip*_ of the E?�TPLOYE�.'S writt�n answ�r. Any grievzr_ce r.oC referred in ��riting by the L�SIO� within seven (7) worh days follow�ing recei�t�of the ErIPLOiER'S ansc�er sl�all be �considered G.'u=Ve�. Step 3. tli�hin seven (7) work c;a;s fo?les:ino receipt of a grievar.ce referred fror Step 2 a desigaatsd E2•ff'LO�ER s�apervisor. srall peet with 'the tT�ION Business rianzger or his designated repzesen.tative, t1�e � employee and the sCeward and atteinpt to r�solve the grievance. Tdithin seven (7) wor'� days fol].owin� this maetiag the E1�tPL0YER shall reply in writing to the ViVI�l� st�ting the E��LOi'E�'S answer concerning the grievance. If, z� a result of the written respo:�se the grievance re�nazr.s unsolred, the UIvIO\ may refer th� grievar.ce to Step 4. An�* grievance not ref�rred to in �ariting by the Ur'I.O� to Step 4 within seven (7) c.orl: daJs fo110-��ino rec�ipt of the E1�iPL0YEK'S ar_st•rer shall be consi�ered �•:aived. Step 4. Zf tne �rievanc� re�^ains unresol�e�, tn� L�TIOcy �►ay �aithin seven (7) �,ort: day s af ter tize response of the �tit LOIER in Step 3 by �:rittc:: notice to tha E`'pLOY�R, reques� arbitration of the gr�e:•�nce. Th� arbztr.ation procezdi.r.Gs shall be conducted b} an a��itr�tor to be selecte� b; ::utal agree��nt of the E;�L�YER - 8 - ARTICLE CI - G.:�I'�:L`;Cr Y;�CEDt�:ES (continuecl) znc t�e L?;IO:� c�:it::in seven (7) 410L'i: da�s af ter notice ti�s �ce� git e;.. If t�e �;srties fail to mutu311}� agree upor_ an arbitrator witt;in the aid �aven (7) d2;• period, e��her garty �ay req+sest the Public Emplo}- �ent ?,ela*ion Boa.d to sub�it a par_el o£ fi�� (5) arbitrators.. � Both the �`�'LOY�R znd the L�:�Q'�� shzll i:a�-� the rioh� to stri'�ce _ two (2) names fron the panel. The ITZIO'•v sha1l strike the first (lst) name; tne E�;`PLUYEF Sr.:�i1 then s�r?�;e or.e (1) na��. The � process �aill �e repaated z.^_'J. the re�aizi.ng person shal7. be the arbitrator. 6.S The arbitrator shall hat e r_o right to a�a�:�u, �odify, nullify, ignore, add to,or subtract zro� the provisions of thzs AGREEifE�iT. The arbitrator shall cor.sider aa� Zzcide only t�:� s,ecif�c iss�e sub�itte3 in writir.g by tne E_•�LOYER 2n3 the L'tiIOV an� shall h�.ve ro a•�tt?ority to �ake a decision on any other issue not so sub�itted. The arbitrator shzll b� without po;a4r to rake decisions contrar3• to or inconsistenC with or modifying or varyin� in any way the application of laws, rules, or � regulati�ns having the force and effect of la�a. The arbitrator's : decision shall be subnitted i.n w-riting c�ithin thrity (30) da}s follo���ir_� cZese of tl�e hearin� o� the su��zssior_ of brie�s by tne parties, whichever be 12ter, unless trz parties zgree to an ester.sion. The decisior. shall be based soleiy on the arbitrator's interpretation or ap�lication of the er:�ress ter:�s of this AG?�Ei•f:.tdl 2nd to t'n� iacta of tre grzevance presa�ted, TP2 clzcisxon of the arbitrator s'nall be final ar_d bindino a� tn� E:•LpLO':�_°,, the LZ�IO`., and the e�s.plo}*���. - 9 -- . ,. . ... ___� _ _ _ _ � ���TICLE �I - G:�EV_�`;CE PP.00EUUi:ES (continued) 6.6 Tne fees znd e�.penses for th4 arbitrator's se:.vices an1 proceedings shall be bo.ne equall�• by th� Ei��'LOYER znd t�^e I�.:IO:�, provicie3 t}�Zt each party shall Ue responsible •`or cor�pens�tin� its o:.� repres�ntatives �nd �ti�itnesses. If ei�her part5 desires a verbat��, record of t'r.e proceedings, it may caLSe . � such a record to be rade, providirg i� �ays fcr th2 record. � 6.7 Tne ti�e li�its in each step of this procedLre r�ay be extended by r�utual agre2ment of the �L��,OYER anc� the L�vIO_:. 6.8 It is understood b5• the IT�'IG`� 2nd the £��LOYEP. tnat a grievance r.ay be deterr.iined b3� either the grievance procedure of this contract or by the provisions of tne Civil Service Rules of the City o£ Saint Paul. If an issued is detPrnined by �his grie.°a^,c� �roca:',c:rz it shall not aoain be sub:aitted fo: arbitration under the Cis.ii Ser:-ice °ules. If zn issue is determined by the provisions of the Civil Service I:ules it shall not � agaiz be sub:�:itted for arbitration uncFer this grievar�ce procedure. - 10 - . • • ARTICLE VII - CITY MILEAG� 7.1 Automobile ReimburseQent Authorized: Pursuant to Chapter 92A of the St. PauZ Legislative Code, as a�aended, pertaini.ng to reimbursemenC of City officers and employees for tne use of thsir o�.�m automobiles in the perforrnance of their duties, th� follo�.�ing provisions are adopted and effective £rom January 1, 1979 4at_1 expiratioct of this contract. For the period prior to January 1, 1979 covered by this contract, June 1, 1978 throuQh December 31, 1973, the mileaoe provisions as prescribed in - the I977-78 HRA Era�Ioyezs Organization Contraet shall apply. . 7.2 Method of Computatzon: to be elig�ble for such reimbursement, all officers and emp�.oyees must xeceive writt�n authorization from the Atayor. Reimburser.eent sha11 be �ade in accordance with one of the. follo�r�.ng plans; �I. For those officers a�d e��?ay��s ��o are required to . use their o-.an automobiles occzsi.ar.�IZy for official city business, reimbursement at the rate of ].4 cents fo' each mile driven. � _ �pe 2. For those officers and employees who are required to use their o•,�n auto�sobiles on a regular basis on City business, reim- bursez�ent at the rate of $2.50 for each day of work, and in addition thereto at the rate of 7.5 cents for each miie driven. 7.3 Rules ancl Regulations: The Mayor shall adopt rules and regulations governing the procedures for auto�nobile reitabursemeat, which regulations and rules shall contain ths reauirecnent that recipients shall file daily reports indicating place or origi.n and desitnation and applicable mileage ratinos thereat and indicating total. miles driven, and shall file monthly a£fidavits stating the numb�r of days worked and the nunber of miles driven, and further required that they raintain automobile liability insurance in amounts not 2ess than $100,000/300,400 for personal injury, and $25,000 for property damage. T'hzse rules and regulations, toge�her with any amzndmectts, thereto, shall be maintained on file with the City Clerk. -ll- � - � ������ • ARTICLE VIII - RESIDENCE 8. 1 All new employees appointed after January 1, 1977, will be required to reside in the City of Saint Paul within 18 months of their original appointment ar_d thereafter wi11 be required ta remain within the City limits as long as they are emnloyed by the City of Saint Paul. HRA employzes starting date will be considered that date which tr ey began their employment with the HR.A. 8.2 Elnployees failing to meet the residency requi�ement will be subject� to termination and a hearing process shall be established to determine whe�her the residency requirement was met. .. Z2 _ , ARTICLE IX - VACATTOV • 9.1 In each calendar yzar, each full-ti�e employee shall be granted vacation according to the fol2owing schedule. The schedule below shall apply effective January 1, 1979 until tae expiration of this contract. For the period of the Fontract prior to January 1, 1979 covered in this contract, June 1, 1978 through Dece�S�r 31, 1978, the vacation schedules prescribed in the 1977-78 HRA E�ployees Organization Contract shall apply. Years of Service Vacation Granted 0 thru 4 years 10 days after 4 years 15 days after 9 years �7 aaYs after 15 years 21 days after 23 years and thereafter 26 days ' �ployees who work 2ess than full-ti�� s�all �� granted vacation on a pro rata basis. HRA employees years of service will be calculated from their starting date with the HRA. 9.2 The head of the department may permit an employee�'to carry over into the followiag year up to ten days' vacation. 9.3 The above provisions of vacation shall be subject to Ordinance No. 6446, Section I, Sub. H. 9.4 Employees fornerly with the HRA have been granted an exception to the 10-day carryover clause, from 1978 to 1980 on2y. That is, employees can carry over a maximum of 32 days from 1978 to 1979, 21 days from I979 to 1980, and 10 days from 1980 to 1951. - -13- . .. ........i . j... . . . � . . . . . .. ... . .. . . ._ .. . . . . ARTICLE X - INSURANCE 10.1 The EMPLOYER will continue for the period of June 1, 1978 through Decembex 31, 1978 to provide for �nployees such health and life insurance benefits as are provided by EMPLOYER at the time of execution of this AGREEMENT. For the remaining per�od of t�� contract the EMPLOYER will provide the � health and life insurance b?nefits as grescribed below. 10.2 The EMPLOYER will for the per?o3 of this AGREEMENT provide for employees who �retire after the time of execution of this AGREEMENT and until such � employees reac� sisty-five (65) years of age such health insurance benefits � and life insurance benefits as arz provided by the EMPLOYER for such _ employees. 10.3 In order to be eligible for the benefits under the early retiree provision, the employee must: 10.31 Be receiving benefits from a public employees retiree act at the tim2 of his retire�en�. 10.32 Have severed his relati�.-.shi� w�th the City of Saint Paul under one of the early retiree plzris. 10.33 Inform the Personnel Office or the City of St. Paul in writing within 60 days of employee's early retirement date that he or she wishes to be eligible for early re�iree insurance benefits. 10.4 The City agrees to contribute the cost of Aospitalization and Medical Coverage or $36.85 per month, whichevPr amount is less, for each employee who is eligible for such coverage. In addition, for each eligible employee who selects Dependent's Coverage, the City will contribute one-half � ('�) of the cost of such Dependent's Coverage or $42.43 per month, which- ever ar.�ount is less. The contributions shall be paid to the City's Group Health and Welfare Plan. Any increase in these costs shall be paid by the employee. 10.5 The City agrees to contribute the cost for $5,000 of Life Insurance Coveraoe for each employee who is eligible for such coverage or $2.95 per month, whichever amount is less. This contribution shall be paid to the City's Group Health and Weliare Plan. Any increase in this cost shall be paid by the employee. -14- ARTICLE } - I�;;!."�'�:�CF. (con�inued) � 10.6 nt thz o;�tion of t:±z L'nion an3 effective January 1, 1979, the $36.5� figure re�lected in par�graah 1�.4 above nzy he ctiur.oect to the cost of 1979 prer:iu� rate then require� by tiie insur�ac� carrier covering �ost e�ployees in th2 bargaining unit. Forther, the $42.43 figure above sral,l be changed, if the U»ion e;.ercises sueh optior., to reflect SO% of said 1979 pre�iu3 rate for dependezit coverage. If such optior_ is eti�rcisp3, t�e incrcased cost to �plo�er af the above shall be converte� to a pzrcentage 2r.d, notwithstanding an3� provision ot this contract to the contrary, shall be deducted fro^ the uage ir_cr�ase applicable to each a:�d every�enployee in the bargaining unit for I979. The option herein �:ust be ex�rcise%? in wr�tir_g by thz Union beforz January 1, 1979, or shall be deErae3 to hatie beza �:ai�=ed by the union. . - 15 - � E:�:TICLE ::l — i�,�:,;::�:;� c��� a: cl,nsszrtc�,�z�_: ' 1�.1 Li•�i:)lY�''.i� 5j:'i� ?VO'.C�� ti��l�?II,-^.VC'.:. iOS51I)'::� �.+Qr�l.il�� F:I1 C:�1pa..OS�B 012 2i1 OU�"Oi—C��:SS c^_^,zS1L;lu�:P.i. fOr 2. ��v�CiI1�.E.'� T�°�1C:i af t:Lt''..8. �Ilj 2F1pi0}'E-'2 . 47'JY'i:7.r� 2-:1 OUi.'-Of—C�.�:SS �tuS?bL^.:^c:?i. i0� 8 �i.:riO.�i I1Z f.'3LC25S Oi �].iCc�.2t2 (15) consecu�iv� �ror�:in� da�-s sha11 re��ivz t?�a rate of p�g for the out-of-class assigr..-�n� xn a hig'n_�r cl�ssi`ic2tion naz later th�n thz si;�t2enth (16) day of suc�� a�si�n:�n�*. For purposes of this Artic2e, an out-of-c??ss ass_ign.�e:�t is ceiined as an �essi�,r�e:�t of an ee:ploye2 to parfo�, on a fL1Z ti::e b�s�s, a11 of the si�,nificaat duties an3 respo:�sibilities of z position cliiiarent from the er�plo�-e�'s regular position, and which is in a class;fication higher t�an the classification held by such e^�lofee. lhe r�te of pay �ior ar. a�proc�ed out--of-cl�ss assigz�.-?znt shall be �:� s^�� rate �he e�:plo3�ze c:ould . recezve.if such e��l.a}*z� reciev�c z rn��='ar appointment to ti►e hi�;4er �___ classification. , j . . � . � ^ 1 J -' - ARTICLE XII - SENIORITY 12.1 Seniority, for the purpose of this AGREEMENT, shall be defined as follows: The length of continuous, regular and probationary service with the EMPLOYER from the date an employee was firs[ certified and appointed to a class title or FLR.� equivalent covzred by this AGREEMENT, it being further understood that seniority is confined to the current class assignment, or the previous HRA equivalent if held i�nediately prior to the current class assig:�ent, by an employee. In cases where two or more eaployees are appointed to [he same class title or HRA equivalent on the same date, the seniority shall be deCermined by the other three factors, other than seniority, as outlined in the 1977-78 HZA Employees Organization Contract. 12.2 Seniority shall terminate when an eypioy�e retires, resigns, or is � discharged. 12.3 Tn the event it is determined by the EMPLOYER that it is necessary to reduce the work force, employees will be laid off by class title within each Department based on inverse length of seniority as defined above. 12.4 In cases where there are promotional series, such as Technician I, . II, III - Renewal, etc. , and when the number of employees in the higher titles is to be reduced, employees who have held lower titles will be offered reductions to the highest title to which class senioriCy would keep tHem from being laid off, before layoffs are made by any class title in any department. -17- ARTICLE XII - SENIORITY (CONTIVUED) 12,5 It is understood that such employees will pick up their former seniority date in any class of positions that they previously held. 12.6 Recall from layoff shall be in inverse order of layoff, except that recall rights shall expire after two y�ars of layoff. -17A- � :�?^=C:�:. Y."�� -� �._ -^'- , 'i::::G���� ,s i 1v�� � . Z3.� :a.^.J rTr��t?.. ::t:=J.:'��C;�� i:�:t•�: C�:'�..:.'.3.T?„ ::'l;y' iEi°",1�P,2" t7`� :'j'l�i.:: ,T',,3I'���!:1C1� {,1:'!.'.L .:il:•�i ?c rJ.l::�. :a�L_n, y'i.,l'� .. :� ;7:?�1�� Qi I:.�E: Ol.' S:?.::t7.I? &':i�' C,l.tri c'_eY.-ry..?•t?:;�r?�� .:Z?11 b� s^o�:':: '_n -i-.� �>;;,�.�?' bc.'�O?"� �� :i.3 �:1wC_d o: P�l ni` � L• n A • -,l-nY• r...v .F1�? ``l'tvr S�L?3�.�. 2'.°..CLln$ti �_.�@.. �Lc.�,01 t,:l?.2'..j'�V')T":lil:.� iS _ . � C:•il sl.......� _ . frc� zh° 8LD�0��-� a•� a-•� z-•.:1-� �-�h+� = ;;�": c.z ':� � ' � � .. �...:�..,t.._Lc:_.. �... :� i;i��x �c: � th� r�.�ri:a. rl� ;��3 bnen rea3 b�r s�id e��loy��. Zj►2 �tA'y' 17!@T.:.'�]c:.: C� t'".:1� 4'GZ'�;�i?Z:P..� ?:-'::ii; T.^.��� CTtl:).:t� US�:i::.�. S•3QJ.''.✓.ili� �?G`,:._7'S� �:1tYi t?:8 �urFXGTr�ic Z 0= �^� Stts:::l�V3_SOA? x'G'.'•.r7.:;� �riy' ��t°.Y.'2.3I y�Z�-�CcQ 3.ri - ��,� l '�V+�G 7 .+n-....1 �;.�(� a f�er .F:.::::•t. ��L wL:o 4r����=x T:�t.1.Cc�. �� � . t _ @.`!'.u_Cij' ���"':O .a�.._ � th_ s�peri�so_• �.� ct�sta�yr o:f s.acti fi:t.c. ]�.3 l�n� re::b�*_• of th� bar�-�inin� �-::�.` r..�„ �':??4 a �^�.ez��:�4 ox � �• .-.i t -, ��c,-, ��.,., � � ? di;.-cri*^�n-= :��n cor.��stin a..d _. ,. ��.:.?_. �� �� rz s•.izt,�n b�r the Czty o�: S�. �s��t for such uc�i�:.7. _ � . ' ��f,���� � -„_,._., •-. _ �, -- -- � � • :i::_�:.�:: �.:t ...1�,�.:.:x�:i £;G�►3Da � :.�.�. �l:c: t�.'�i:�.',�t!�:�=s`.� SLi:i��. T�''�Vi.f:° :A'i::��?'<?aJ1.'� �il�.��v�:l -T.%s^.°, fQ'_" 11S° b�' '�',:1;: Zi}1�.'z�.i �:: �:n3t1TiC, il^�2�'�� O� U::r�.. ti��S.'.T_f3::• �aa :KC�.`].b:J.fil:'-S� ��wc3 bulle�in bo2Z'd s�:.c� �`.:=?: r.ot b� ::seu 'v; t?��: L?�:�I: i or � p��i�ica? pu�~aoses oth�:x' t�l�:� J::TO'� ������o::�. L'se of this ' bulletin boaz d is sub�ect tn �,pro�aI a�' th� d�pZrt::z:it h�ad. . _ i g _ ARTICLE 1� - ��"�•GES 15.1. The wage sch2dule, for purpose of this cor_tract, shall be Appendi�: A, attac�ied h�re�o. Both pax�iu5 aorea that tne ir.clusion of the classE€i- catior_s and salar�� raages in Append�x "A" does not preclude the empl.oyer from the fol�o=.aing: � 15.11 Reorgani2ir.g . 15.12 Abolishing cl�.ssificatioas 15.13 Esta3lishing new class-ifications . 15.14 Regrading classifications . 15.15 Reclassifying positior,s Both parties 2lso za�ee that titles ans �rades in A��endix "A" refer to employe2s in the positions at the date of signing of the �greer�ent. I3o employee in this bar�aining unit shall suffer anS reductior. ir. salary because of a regradino or reclassif�catior. during tha contract period in which such regradir�g or reclassiiicaticn ta?:es place. 15.2 Notwithstanding 15.1, salary rates in Appendix A shall be reduced in the amounts necessary to equalize payment to individual HRA employees and City employees who receive different pension benefits. � _ �p _ • t�l,litrllv XYT " ?'��I.41J:L'�.:.t'v� Oi N�.l1.1i5..�VJ . . 16.1 Th� pa.��i�s �or�e t.h�t a�1 co:�3itio�s o: e��l�;��n� r��.at;in� 't0 ii'c.'.��5� j"i.'.L:2 u^ Of 1:0?.":i� O',-�.'.=�s:1i: Cll•`.'fc:T'�:1�13�.5� Vi�C7�vl.O:1S 81I1:3 8�,1. O��':°T 6eP.�T'�1. �rrorkiii� C�':?�.1�i0;15 S�a�� }J� L`1£ti:2���.T1�� c3� IIO� . less tha:: th� ::ig:�est TM +^-:da:c� s�� forth in th� P4-so:�.��� � - z+.iniu.�::.. s,,..: h'ul�s of the City oF Sai.n� Pau� (Ordi��.�� �io. 3250) an3 thz Salary Ordir.ance of th� Cit�r o� SRin. P��:.7. (0�_d�nance ti�. 64�6) at th� ti�� of th� signin;� e� tris A�.'�t;�:�.�iiT, �nd the .co�3itions � Of Cl:lpZOJ'LlZ:v SCi2�� b�? l:'t���Ot:6.�i. Wh�r�ver S�E:Cli].0 pI'O�'I.S].0215 far i�rove:�ent ar� ��de else:�:.e_e in th.i.s :�G_�rt%+.:i,�. _ 21 _ • ARTICLE XVII - LEAVES OF ABSENCE 17.1 Leave of Absence. After three month's emp2oym�nt, an employee may make application for a leave of absence not to exceed one year. A leave of absence shall be granted on th2 basis establishad in the Per.sonne� Rules (Ordinance No. 3250). 17.2 Sick Leave. For the period of Junz 1, 1978 - December 31, 1978, the sick leave terms prescribed in the 1977-78 H°.A Employees Organization contract sha21 apply. For the remainir.g period of 3anuary 1, 1979 until the expir- .U57� ation of this contract, sick leave shall accumulate at the rate of � of a working hour for each full hour on the payroll, excluding overtime. .Sick leave accumulation is unlimited. To be e2igible for sick Ieave the employee must report to his supervisor no later than one-haZt hour past his regular � scheduled starting time. The granLzn; af sicic leave shall be subject to the terms and provisions of Ordinance No. 325�J of the City of Saint Pau1. � 17.3 Any employee who has accumulated sick leave credits as provided above shall be graated leave with pay, for such period of titae as the head of the depart- menC deems necessary, on account of sickness or injury of the employee, quarantine established and declared by the Bureau of Health, death of the employee's mother, father, sponse, child, brother, sister. mother-in-law, father-in-law, or other person who is a mer.iber of the household; and raay be granted leave with pay for such time as is actuaZly necessary for office visits to a doctor, dentist, optometrist, etc., or in the case of sudden sickness or disability of a menber of his household, making arrangement for the care of such sick or disabled persons up to a naximum of four hours sick leave. • 22 - ARTICLE XVII - LEAVES OF ABSENCE (CONTII3UED) 17.4 Leave Without Pay. Any employee who engages in active service in time of war or other emergency declared by proper authority of any , of the military or naval forces of tne State or of the United States for which leave is not otherwise allow�d by law sha11 be entitled to leave of absence from employ�ent withou[. pay daring such service with right of reinstatemen� and sub}ect to such conditions as are imposed by law. Such leaves of absence as are granted under Article XVIII shall conform to Minnesota Statutes Section 192, as amended � from time to ti�e and shall cor.fer no additional benefits other than those granted by said statuts. 17.5 Severance Pay. For the period of June l, 1978 - Deceaber 31, 1978, the severance policy presented in the I977-78 HRA Employees Organization contract shall apply. For the re�ai�n� pe*iod of this contract t- (January 1, 1979 until its expiration) employ�es shall be eligible for severance pay in accordance with the Severance Pay Ordinance No. 11490. The anount of Severance Pay allowed shall be that amount permitted by State Statu2es subject to the provisions that the maximum amount allowed be $4,000. 17.6 3ury Duty. Any employee who is required during his regular working � hours to appear in court as a juror or witness except in his own � behalf against the City, shall be paid his regular pay while he is so engaged, provided however, that any fees that the employee may receiv2 from the court for such service shall be paid to the City � and be depositzd with the City Finance Director. Any employee who is scheduled to wor'� a shift, other than the normal daytime shift, shall be rescheduled to work the normal daytime shift during such time as he is required to appear in court as a juror or witness. � -23- � ARTICLE XVII - LEAVES OF ABSENCE (CONTINUED) 17.7 Education Leave. Leave with pay may be granted for education purposes at the option of the employer. 17.8 Funeral Leave. Any employee who has accumulated sick leave credits, as provided in the Civil Service Rules, shall be granted one day of such leave to attend the funeral of the employee's grandparent or grandchild . 17.9 An employee elected or agpointed to a full time paid position by the exclusive representativz �ay be granted a leave of absence without pay for not more than one year for the purpose of conducting the duties of the exclusive representative. 17.10 Maternity Leave. _ Maternity is defin�3 as �he paysica� state of pregnancy of an employee, commencing eight (8) montns befare the estimated date of childbirth, as determined by a physician, and ending six � (6) months after the date of such birth. In the event of an emp2oyee's pregnancy, the employee may apply for leave with�ut pay at any tirae during the period stated above and the employer may approve such • leave at its option, and such leave may be no longer than one (1) � year. 17.11 All sick leave accumulated and not yet used since the employee`s starting date with the HRA will be trznsferable to the City. -24- Y `r•� .-. .I j i r•-� -� ��.�J:.7 J-+ . Ei.�'itCL,'`�. .ti.1�T �I " .��L!i.t.-�_. .�.1�1L' CI:.' r' .iv it � lq 1 �'"-.y ts21o:•:�?',�z. kr:,,- 2�plc:�e:� t�':t�� s�.:xl� 't�, ? �^-�.,�..'.:e:' �f the iT�tio`:�? .,. � G.�>.?'�� �^�: ii?Val i�.1.�ltl? O.L' .:i:;i ��:�°�' �:C:` _;��.�:_: O,� '"i.�':� :�.2��71.41:! f�i t�'I2 s��i�, no:� or Ya�?'z2fter. or��^i°�3 Gr :o��.i�ure�? •k�:�3�r st3te or £�:�eral � law, or ��ho st?�?1 bz a t��L,�,�, of ti�:�,'. V-.Z.CE:r�A ?�s�r-ti s C�rps, thz tnlistAd r��serve C��-*�s, t�e ?i�-:�:? ;�s�-:ve, i�a 2�'.�r:ir.� Cor�s P�ss,�•e or any oth�� x�a:�?r��° co�po�:��� o#' t?r� r��?.i�a�yr or r_��:�1 ="orce o� �'.�1e Ul:lte�. ►�'t3t°S� _^.O'.•i OT �1�2'a��,.f'�°T O"l�:.tAlZE'�'�,. OY' COia�'i,.l�;'.,L:�'..P.�� LLI1�E.`Y' F�cleral 1:�;.r, s:�a?� be �r_t:Li�� �o i^a�re o� �:3s�nc�: f�c�! e:r:ploy::�,^nt �:ithcu� lo:s of p�;;-, seniori�y s�atus, e�';:ic:ienc�.r r�tina, �•acatio�, S1Cit I.Gc'�V�� OY' O��'�1' b�ne.;-►t� f`O:' ��.1. ;'i.''•1° vL':° t•i�l�_2 -'•L1^':1 @i'i2T��t7;jv•°_ 3.S . @11�".,'.�;6C� 1•ilu�"i Sl1C:? �r�aniZ:�lC�:: OI' CO.:�'�.7�y�Cyly 1T1 '�Y'3I�11Y1� OZ' �:C�lY? servtce ord��red or w�:t'sioxi.znd �:;,� �re_J� ���:��rity �iuisuant t� l:::r, Tr:llc t'".tier fo� S''t,2vF Oi �f3CZ�"'c�..� �L22�]:v3���- �="O����C�,t +�.�1^l'i, such 2:'-�3'P S^1�.1. nat er.ce�d a ���ai a�' fif`t�en (3;) da�� in �.::;,� c�1�n��:r y�:ar an�, fut:ter provided ���t such l�ave �ha1Z be a?l�:.ed only in c�.s� th� . rec�uir�u It1i1.3.'t3Y'� Q:C nav�Z SE'•'_"V1CZ 1.S b3�1Sf8C�Ol.i.�r pGrfor�e3, �d's11CT'1 shall be presu,T� u.-?l�ss the co2�trat; i� e�t�b�ish��. Such ��avG s}ia3.1 not be a1Zo:.°d z?ntess thn e:�p:lo;��e (_} raturns �o his �si�io:� � i+�-+•a;Z i-o . ..r ?-��'.:1� IE3�.1^�Ic� �x'Oe".: ^a:1C�? ;"l�ilt32'� �J-" 7I�Ld1 SnrcriCZ .,.,.:_ ia..�_l; up�_. i3P.i� TtOt �::•t?Y' 'G:23!? t.;l^ ^.'r.U:+.T'ia*.i_O�'I c3i �1i:,� i--'.Z':.'_TI I.ZT:'t.£'-� I�Y' S�„!C:? l���i 8� '02' �`�� 35 ?:''_'E�^;�;CC�. �'�.r:�i1 SO 1"2�1�'t'2:2:�� b f Ui;jS:.Cc�� OY' :f:'y'il'r�� ��S til�.lt,',I Of O�i?'T' Ci:.U•�:'. ':OV �tIC f'.�? 5�.:.._. L i?�v^�'.".��•3 t?::Zi �$L11�� O'." ��` �,.. • ° ',y. ',�'4.��2' '�'�..,� ,��"1';J i•`. ^C?''_�I�L?.'. 2Tl S::C�2 i"±?3.t..^."l� C2' JI is r�.��a_r�:,: .. � .:.. n.• . � ,. .��,. „- � ; },, s�i l_,..;.t�:d .�oz� s��.. le�:r:: r::_:a' ���-� � _� ..c' ;��_� �_.;..� �� :: � . - 25 - n�'��i r' f!��� � ~:J�� �;�i :i�r:i i`ra :1�i �t., .�.-�... �. �, �. y=" U(�.r/'.� T':�t7;,ji1:.::nS v[�C4 i:.`;:if Qr t�`r.' �.i�.:�� �� if�+`.'L'c1L� u�v T:?121a;;i: �, , . - -- - �:S �°rf�':':i �Y'i :.1�. 2'f?:i��^f; I11 ,..�•^_.�l�a=ii�.:. :•::�.:__ �'���li�:u.J.�...^_ �.�.t':r:. " Pi►x'Ci•r.'t3:� -.:tl�n�.�:'7`��:.. n?1 z'��r.,?^ts 8rid �:�:1 .r�;;a?��.i:�7s o_ G ._ authoriL�� :•!.-�ic:�L th=� CI1 i' has n�� af=-�c:�.a I1�- a*�:`_d�L�3, c��c:���e�I or ro3ifie� '�y t?�is t�J�::i•:F::i are r�:::in�:? ��- �_z� C:tT:. ]_9.2 A pL'b?i� E:L"•1i7i0�'@'_' 13 1'IQt Y'c il�:.'_'Nu i:�3 1ii2.:'i. e'�:?Ct Y::.`t Jt.=u e'".� O?2 l:cc'li'LC:3'S OF1.;�1'i°£�::: T:.�'?��;,r-�? —�11r�� ��;hicY! �r.c?ul�:, b1C� :a:.'t; N�i r,o± li.mi�e�.'. �o, sL:.:c are�� of discretio.z or r,:?yc-, ::s the fu.^_ C.�'.:LO:1S uil:: }1.r0�2".:..r'S OF t�'S� Cii���J'f@-� l.t,E: OJ?=??� bLiCl„��� �-' } nt.r, '. y� �'[+'jj'1 n 1'� �1,^.-„�_ c{. t":? f.:i:i Uy 1�.17�V i��i G� ,Ie'..iL.C�C)GJ 1 C'�11� �..� .� Z�i4 ••� J L.C�i�L�. selec�:�or. .',:.`:C� CT�.TC^."iZ.0I2 a�'IC� I1i.L`••''=�r Ji 3.�^r'_";G.^..^.°�. - 26 - . . •- . :L.��7li1J:+ iu�� " �7J:.���:.Jiii.� ����� . 20 1 ^ii�� r:•���.:�_ ._i a�11 ��s�iplir_e 4a,loJC_� FO:r �u:t cau:s� ��ly. Divci�:l.�.r�� . 4i.LIZ V� 1\? Vti2°_ lO2"G OI • 2�.11 Ora? repri:.,::��; � � 20.I2 "v+�•��ten r�prir.:�r.d; . 20,13 S�a�p�:si4n; 20.14 R?3•,zctio:,; 20.15 D�.sch�rUe. 20.2 S��s�.�:►sions, r�3uctio:�s �s� d�scY:a_r��s ;r�li b� i.n •.�ritten for.=.. 20..3 �ploye�s and ths U:iI�:d .+it]. r�c°iv� con:i�es �f :,ritten reprim.ynds �n3 IlOt'.l.CC5 Oi SI:SD°__":5:.0:2 �"2� G�?:�::2.iJ£..'. 20.4 �lofees ir.�;� e�s.^�ir�e w2? iz:°c=:=atia:: in t�-�eir E:�'iA�;J�;Z peY'so?1ri21 fJ.�@5 V:21':; co�ncerLlB �TOTi: @Vc:�1:3t�0:15� CO:".L"!°:'lti��`.�:l.QaiJ ui"��f 02' Ci�5C1UZ'LA:1"'f actians. F-�l.es zca;r ba e;:azi1 az3 at re_�.�c.��aU?e tir.•�� und��r �h�- di��c� SLlPZY'V",5.530Y1 O�' '��"!�` �'•`?i.CiS.�Ze . 2v.j Discherg�a :ti3.l be pl'e��.�l�d b;� a i�ve (7} d�r �rezi�.narJ su�p�;.sio:� � without ra;;. ITa_rir.� s?;,d p�ri::�a, th� er.�lc;ze and;or Ui:�C�� L�y requesv, and sh�ll. b� en�itl?d to a �:e�ing ,Yzth :;re �`i•.�?GY"�3 xepr2se��a-- ;3�e kho initiate� ��:� susp�n�ia� :Yi�h int�r.t �a dischar�. Ih:r3.n;; . said fitie (5� d�y p�.riod, th� E2•i'iA`?�'._.:3 rr.ay ai�i��m the susp�nsio:z an3 c:isc�a.:�e in acco:�ance �ti*itY! ��rsor.nnl Ru�.es or L1�y T310CT1i�, or � ' ti5 ith3$'�.:F S.�`,,''�i.2. 2�.6 �.�'1 °s`2?�ZOy•3° t0 �7� Ulie:��?Oil�'� CO:Cc'.xT1iTi�, :ry.,TI �21'Ic�$t:t�3t'.7.Oi1 Ol �� d�sci.plir_sx-y �etio� sh�:ll 'ns,;? th� z'i�;:'t to r.:queat that a tTx';?Q�v xepr4sent�.:�x1? be p=?sent�. 20.j Grievan^t� 2'?�_2i.7Tt� �:O t�L1S ci•:c`,in?�S �i.�?1.2 h$ �.1�'O.^.�'.>;EC� 12'`_ GvCnrtt:r.ee Sd�.�t1 ti�:_.�:..:,�% ^i.,-i :r' . ��r a ,_C'�. �' +y''� '"F �_ y'.''• ^T''C� ::rit�i,en J .�. S:'-T' iCc C;^r, l ;� i.0 �T ;..i � d_ �. u_� ��c�Mn �l o ' - ;- ;� i_r, ?'_? r'j r r�o� . � n ra r'- t. repr:.�. .. .. �.h:. 1 b ;,�. _;:�i uy 1;' �r�. ::r.c� p�o._ 1�..r� ;�.c ,.r .�_ .,zc. � :i. - 27 - - . A1tTICLE }�kI - z:��r\CT_ES 21 .1 The Perso:::�zl Office will in�oY� a1Z depar�r.e:��s that tae dep�rtment's ti�ekezp�*_- s?��Z1 post r.otices o� all jab vacancias in tineir departrezC at le2st five da}�s before su��ittia� a r�cuis�tion to th� Persor.nel Office. - ZG �-- � - '�. . ' ) � I��TICLE ��II - P?0,:-;i0\ 22.1 An er:.plo;e2 oa probation fo?lawir.� each origir.al appoi:�t�ent sha11 no� be e�tieled to Lse or �ccrue ���:.�*_ie:� or s�c'-. leati�a b�nzfits and � shall be ineligible for empl�ye: coatri�u�ion.s �o�Yard the cost of ar_y � health or life insc!rance benefits �or tne first IG!�0 hours of employ�!�ent. Such employees shall also be ine?igib?e for "f�oater" holidays. 22.2 Proba�ionary er,.ployezs shall be entitled to paid holiday time for legal holid2ys t::a� occur d�.=i�? th� e,.►ployee's period of probation providin� the er.i�loyze �za�s *_h� eligibility requi.rements under Article 5.3. For the purpose of ttiis Arricle a legal hol.idaS� is defin�cl. as one of the follot•ringi - � Itew Year's Day Labor Jay Presi�ents Day C�I�_�abus Day Memoxial Day �'etPrazs D�y Indeper.dence Day Th�::I:s�ivir_g Day Christ�as Day 22.3 The pxovisions of tha.s artl.cle shull no� apply ta e:,iployaes appointed prior to t-Iay 1, 1978. _ :� _ �. . .. ....: ...1.... . �..:- / ..... : �.:.. . . .. ... ._:. . . .. ....... . . ... .. . .. . . � . . .. . - . . . .. -. .. . . .. .. . ._. . ... .. .......... . .. ♦ ARTIC�E �i.�ZII - LEG�L S�P.�'ICES 23.1 E�cept in cases o� r..alfeasance in o�fice or c;illfezl or c:•ar.ton ne�lect of auty, t�e e.��loyer shall �e�e::d save har�iess ar.c� ir_de�:�ify emplo}ee against tort claia or de�ar.d t�::�s;.her groiar.�less or otherwise arising out of alleged ac�s or omissior. occurino in the perfD-rmar.cz or scope o€ tne employees duties. - 3� - . -, , ARTICLE XXI� - TERMS OF AGR$EMENT � • ' 24.1 Complete Agreement and� Waiver af Bargaining. This Agreement shall represent the complete AGREEMENT between the UNION and the CITY OF SAINT PAUL. The parties acknowledge that during the negotiations which resulted in this _ AGREEMENT, each had the unlimited right and opportunity Co make requests and proposals with respect to any subject or matter not removed by law frocu the area o£ collective bargainiag, and that the coaplete unders�andings and agzeements arrived at by the parties after the exercise of that right and opportunity are set forth in this AGR�Er1ENT. Therefore, the CITY and the iTNION, for the life of this AG!4EEr1ENT, each voluntarily and unqualifiedly waives the right, and each aore�s that the other shall not be obligated to bargain collectively with respact to any subject or matter referred to or covered in this AGREEMENT. . � 2•`+.2 Savings Clause. This AGREErIENT is subject to the laws of the United States, the State of Minnesota, and the Citq of Saint PauL In the event any pro- vision of this AG?tEEMENT shall hold to be contrary to law by a coc�rt of competent jurisdiction from whose final judonent or decree no appeal has been taken within the time provided, such provision shall� be voided. All � other grovisians shall cor�tinue ir� full force and effect. 2�.3 Term of Agreement. This AGREEMENT shall be in full force and effect from June l, 1978 thru December 31, 1979, and shall �automatically terminate thereafter and all employees of the UNION shall automatically become m6mbers of the bargaining unit represented by Zocal Union 2508, District Cauncil 9I of the American Federation of State, County, and Munici.Qal Employees, AFL-CIO beginnino January �l, 1980. If the HRA emQl.oyees go to City units priar to January 1, 1980 this agreement - . �-- - . _ � - . _ wi.11 be replaced and superceded by comparable city bargaining agreec¢ents. In witness whereof, the parties have caused this AGi�EEMENT to be executed this 1� day of „�.�r1J/F/1�Sc�2. , 1978. � � -31=_ • . . ' ► .' , ' ' ARTICLE XXTV - TER'�tS OF AGREEMENT (continued) ������� 24.4 This constitutes a tentative AGREEMENT between the parties which will be recommended by the City Negotiator, but is subject to the approval of the Administration of the City and the City CounciT and is also subject to ratification by the UN"LON. 24.5 The employer and the.Union acknowledged that during the meeting .and negotiating which resulted in this aoreement, each had the right and opportunity to make proposals with respect to any subject concerning the terms and conditions of employment. The agreements and understandings reached by the parties after the exercise of this right are fu11y and completel�y set forth in this agreement. Any and all prior agreements, resolutions, practices, policy or rules or regulations regarding the terms and conditions of employ�ent to the extent they are incansistent with this agreement are herehy superseded. In those areas where Civil Service rules are not inconsistent with this agreement, the Civil Service rul.es shall continue to be in effect. WITNESSES: CITY OF SAINT PAUL �4iTSTNG A.'v'D Re,DEVELOPr1ENT AUTHORTTY HOI3SZ`iG AND RIDEVEZOPMENT AUTHORITY �;.c�YEES ORGANIZATION . - s • `�-�.�. �.� ��y- / . � _ By: By: . By: By: � sy: � By: � � � � � � �-- .o �n o pp �D N W V 9 p O O O ln O O O O O V � t-r � N . t!� � lJ� 11t lJ� � � O ln O ln V� O O O O O ' � � � � F O V ' W �O � N O Oo rn v� • C) O O O O O O O O O O W �C � ►-� 6� o � � oo c� a i.n i,n o o in O O O O O O�+ N �D � OD C-7 O W O N V � � 'v, •,.d� i,� � r v, 7d � ro r 9 o x+ �d o ►v c� O � D O tfl O O tD f� H O H O fD r'I O t-' n 9 p� � �' sn r fi� o ty n r� O W rr �d f.,r-� w � o r-+'� � �' o 't7 � f'• td �j t4 r S� :� [7 K N rt � !� H W te'.� 7. m r+ � r m R � tD rr rt � k7 O� �y r'T G'� h'• Q. Q� t'• ct �C O. A lJ+ W�'. ' � V� OQ �-+ ►'i r � rt � Sb G] W '�..' .^• � G� G L� CS � �O ',� L> >C �..w.�lp • rr r, • c: t? H ►t • p • f+J W . fD tn p. o w p v+ rn r• su tb �n cn p tn a 9'_ � �'O � � � � (�D 'O i�-r n � � f�D pmp � cD r � � t'�i ,'nfA N• n � V7 (yD r• � ~ r w Cti.'v N �-'• Sy 't7 A W N 1 �o y P� C [o r tu � co a' r+ � v � �p r-� o� w c� rn r• r es n � tr w rr ln i--� � o0 ,� r• v w r• w w r• c� r• r• oo v, t.� o � r �w o o tu �n rt tn C+ t� o rr H � 1 � p n • ri r • c�r H r• r• . �p . � W V� }a V� h,• V� H f0 •-• 15 V+ H f� O ►i �.' O n H O W O H H t� tA � O �" O • � � W ~ � � a R t''' . .� . p,� � .J. �..� n H �. p• T H V �H O� O� p tJ� .'� V� �' � qd t�-� .t�-� a v v �I o p tn o o ' in n o E . o , o 0 0 • w F-+ , V V CS G� V7 N .� l� V O O � � O tr O O l!� H ' O O O O O • V V C� O� llt N t,n ►-� CO N O� 1.n V V O W ' W � O Vt O O Vt �"! O O O O O • � • i- � � � N M ; p� G� 4� 0 � O O� � � �C ►i v . � y fD N n tn � �^ � � � p O O ~ E 4� N CJ N Y• � 0 � � � 't7 �C t'• p� � O+ .b y m N C �o 00 .P � w � � ca .� o n� � � p, y o� a °o 0 0 . � �' � Q. � � r't N �'t . rr r� ►"'• � `C Z' 1 V V O� O tn � � r W r V �, r r� cD w w w n R' � K `D O O O ~� � 41 v �. N R � a w � " � � � rt ►t � ' � v v�i � � �' . • ty `� r�'-� c� �r, o v, � r O O O O w � b �� � � � a �• � � � � � � � � °�° � ro � � � . . . z °`' cr � o � o G G °� � � Cv � >C� O Qo '� � � H a �y � �� � D� v' �C � 9 - �' � � � � oo m�m .i r 9 N `� f�... w 9 ►�a .�~.� � n .v tva W� � � �, • pp • �p • �7 �r c� .d �y O �" O r'� O M O O O� p 1-+ Ci � K � � N- O tw"t fJ� .^S, fD fD n � O• 't3 fD m G � r rn � � y � � O �i `-� � K � v �'r N � 'd � �C N• o a � �e o o a c� v, K m H � p N � � � N• � "�'t �p � H 1� � � � � � �• `' � �p p� oo Oo m rr oo �+ �.. � , o� r tn A. � ''i '-+ N V " Oo � � � � � Q' V+ , O Vt ►i �� �p fD O O O, M �T � . fD tn � �' • �t rS �O Co . Oo N rr n � � O G� W O � v+ O � 1 '� V1 .'�3 � � � ln O ln Fi w ,y �... c'' o 0 0 F.. � v. o� o � ;� � � � � � � 00 CO N � n r �O 1� ln � � � oo W � 1 N , �"�' �y �{ lr O u+ ►�i f'' p� o o O • rt � H � ' y i ,� ... ._ .__ ...__ .. __ _ . . _ _ _ . . _. _ _ �- - -_� ._ __ _ . , ";.. , � . ' ������ 1978 - 1979 � AGREE'KENT BET6�TEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND ITS HOUSINr, AND REDEVELOPMEVT AUTHORITY AND ` . PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES . OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPi�iENT AUTHORITY EMPLOYEES ORGANIZATION > _..+__, _ �_...� .,... .. , . _., �_�, ., _. . __:. . _ .. . .. _. . _,.., . , __ � ., _ _, ., � '�. � . � ,� • . ' �� INDEX . � ARTICLE TITLE pAGE Preamble �i� Z Recognition 1 � � II Severance Yay . 3 III Management Rights 4 IV Maintenance of Standards 5 � V Check Off and Service Fee 6 VI Hours of Work, and Overtime 7 VII Seniority 8 VIII Working Out of Classification 9 IX Discipline . 1Q R Legal Services : 11 � XI Grievance Procedures 12 XII Wages 16 RIII City Mileage 17 � RIV Saving Clause 19 XV Insurance 20 . XVI Vacation 22 XVII Holidays 23 XVIII Duration and Eff ective Date 24 1 . Appendix A � . C � - ii - y . a� . : . : PRF,I�MBLE �is AGREEMENT entered into on the ju�� day of - � , 1978, between the City of Saint Paul and its Housing and Redevelopment . ` Authority, hereinafter referred to as either the "EMPLOYER" of the "CITY", and the Professional F�nployees of the Housing and Redevel- opment Authority gnployees Organization, hereinafter referred ta as the "ASSOCIATION", for the purpose of fostering and promoting harmonious relations between the CITY and the ASSOGIATION in order that a high � level of publiG service can be provided tA the citizens ot the CITY. This AGREEMEDTT attempts to accQmplisl-i this purpose by providing a fuller and more complete understanding on the part of both the CITY and the ASSOCIATION of their respective rights and responsibilities. The provisions of this AGREEME�.�TT shall not aborgate the rights and/or duties of the EMPLOYER, the ASSOCIATION, or the emplcyees as established under the provisions of the Public IInployee Labor � Relations Act of 1971, as amended_ - iii -- � , . � . w . ARTICLE I - RECOGNITIO�T 1.1 The CITY recognized the ASSOCIATIO�i as the exclusive representative as certified by the State of Minnesota Eureau of Mediation Services, Case No. 74=PR-390-A. The unit abo�e consists of the £ollowing: Accountant. I - Rene.�al Architect I - Renewal Architect II - Renewal Architect III - Rereewal � City Planner I - Renewal � City Planner II - Rznewal . City Planner III - Renewal Civfl Engineer I - t'tenewal - Civil Engineer II - Renewal � Civil Engineer III - Renewal . Criminal�Justice Plaaner Z - Renewal Criminal Justice Planner II - Rene;:aZ �:- � Graph ic Art is t I -Renewal Graphic Artist II - Renewal Landscape Architect I -Renewal Landscape Axchitect II - Renewal Landscape Architect III - Renewal Parking Adc�ireistrator � -- - - � _princ IpaL Des igner - . - , Project Manager�-Assistarrt:==� :j� .'_ �_ I r. - ' ... .'. _ � . . . Project r'anager IV -- -- - Research Coordinator - Rene:aal Supervisor - Real Estate Supervisor - Relocation ARTICLE II .- SEVERANCE PAY . . 2.1 Severance Pay. For the period of June 1, 1978 - December 31, 1978, the severance palicy presented in the 1977-78 H�.A Employees Organization contract shall apply. For the remaining period of this contract " (January 1, 1979 until its expiration) employees shall be eligible for severance pay in accordancz with the Severance Pay Ordinance No. 11490. The amount of Severance Pay allowed shall be that amount permitted by State Statutes subj�ct to the provisions that the maximum amount allowed be $4,000. -3- . ARTICLL III - MANAGEM�hT RIGHZS 3.1 The ASSOCIATIO� recognizes the right of the EMPLOYER to operate _ � and manage its affairs in aZl respects in accordance with applic�bl� laws and regula�ions, of appro�riate authorities. The rights an� authority which the E,�LOYER has not officially abridged, delega_ad, or ieodified by this AGREEMEtiT are retainec� b�t the Et•�LOYER. 3.2 A public employer is not required to meet and negotiate on rzatte�s � • of inherent ziaaagerial polic;, which include, but are not limite? to, such areas of discretion or policy as the £unctions and prog_ams . of the �g'LOYER, its overall budget, utilization of technology, �d organiaational structure and selection and directiar_ znd number of � personneZ. - 4 - ., • � ARTICLE IV - rIAIhTENANCE OF STAI�nJARDS 4.1 The parties agree that all conditions of e�ployment relating to wages, hours or work, vacations, anc� �11 ot�:er general working conditions excegt as rsodified by this agreenznt shall be main- - tained at not less than the highest �i.niaua standard as set forth in the Personnel: Rules o� the City of Saint Pau7., (Ordinance T:o. 3250) and Ordina�ce P:o. 6446 at the txme of the signing of this AGRE .F'`�ii E�iT, and the conc3itions oi employment . shall be improved whzrever s�ecific provisions for improveraent are made elsewhere in this AGREEMENT. F S ^ . . _ . ._ . .: ...: _ ..� w _.. _ _ _. . _ ,.__ , .ARTICLE V — CH�CK OFF AND SERVICE EEE ' ' S.1 The EMPLOYER agrees to deduct the ASSOCIATION membership initiation � fee assessments and once each month dues from the pay of those employees who individually request in writing that such deductions be made. The amounts to be deducted shall be certffied to the EMPLOYER by a represent— ative of the ASSOCIATION and the aggregate deductions of all employees shall be remitted togetheY with aa itemized statement to the representative by the first of the succeeding nonth a€ter such deductions are made or as soon thereafter as is possible. 5.2 Any present or future employee who is not an ASSOCIATION member shall . be required to contribute a fair share fee for services rendered by the ASSOCYATION. Upon notification by the ASSOCIATION, the IIKPLOYER shall � check off said fee from the earnings of the employee and transmit the same to the ASSOCIATION. In no. instance shall the requ3.red contribntion � exceed a pro rata share of the specific expeases incurred for services � - rendered by the representative in relatio,s�:�p to aegotiations and administration of grievance procedures. It is aZso understood that in . the event the CITY shall make an improper fair share deduction from the earnings of an e:aployee, the ASSOCIATION shall be obligated to make the CITY whole [o the extent that the CITY shall be required to reisaburse such employee for aay amount improperly withheld. This provision shall remaiu operative only so long as specifically provided by Minnesota law, and as otherwise legal. . 5.3 The ASSOCIATION agrees to idemnify and hold the �i?PLOYER harmless against any and all claims, suits, order or �udgments brought or issued against the CITY as a result of any action taken or not taken by the CITY under the provisions of this Article. �`�� . - 6 - ARTICLE VI - HOLTRS �F 4;ORK AND OVERTINIE 6.1 The norsal hours of �,ork for the er�ployees shall be a m3nimum of seven and three-fourths (7 3/4) hours in any twenty-faur (24) hour period and thirty-eight and three-fourths (38 3/4) hours in a seven (7) day period. For employees on a shift bzsis this shall be con- � _ strued to mean a �ininum average of thirty-zight and three-fourths (38 3/4) hours a week. � 6.2 Employees wh� wor'�c �ore than seven and three-fourths (7 3/4) haurs in any 24 hour period or �ore than thirty-eight and three-fourths � (38 3/4) hours ia any 7 day period shall not receive pay for such additional work except as in 6.4 below. 6.3 It is understood by the parties that S�c�ion 9B - OVERTIME of Ordinance No. 3250 shall not apply to t��s unit. � . 6.4 Iu un,useiaZ circumstances a departaeent head ray grant employees caho work more than seven and three-fourths (7 3�4} hours in any twenty- four (24) hour period or more than thirty-eight and three-fourths (38 3�4) hours in an.y particular 7 day period conpeasatory ti�e or pay o�t a straight time basis for the extra Feonrs worke�. - 7 - ARTICLE VII - SEHIORITY 7.1 Seniority, for the purpose of this AGREE�IEN�, shall be defined as follows: The length of continuous, regular and probationary service with the EMPLOYER from the date az employee was first certified and appointed to a class title or HRA equivalent cavered by Chis AGREEMEHT, it being further understood that saniority is confined to the current class assignment, or the previous HRA equivalent if held immediately � prior to the current class assi�ent, by an employee. In cases where two or more eap2oyees are appointed to the same class title or HRA equivalent on the same date, the seniority shall be determined by the other three factors, other than seniority, �as outlined in the 1977-78 HRA Employees Organizatio� Cor.tract. 7.2 Seniority shall terminate when an enplo;•eQ rztires, resigns, or is discharged. 7.3 In the event it is determined by the EMPLOYER that it is necessary to reduce the work force, employees will be laid off by class title within each Department based on inverse length of seniority as defined above. � 7.4 In cases where there are promotional series, such as Engineer I, II, III - Renewal, etc. , and when the number of employees in the higher titles is to be reduced, employees who have held lower titles will be offered reductions to the highest title to which class seniority would keep them from being laid off, before layoffs are made by any class title in any department. _g_ • . ' ARTICLE VII - SENIORITY 7.5 Recall from layoff shall be in inverse order of layoff, except that recall rights shall expire after on2 year of layoff. It is understood that sueh employzes will pick ua the�r former seniority date in any class of positions that they previously held. 7.6 To the extent possible, vacation period shall -be assigned on the basis of seniori�y. It is, however, understood that vacation assign- ment shall be subject to the ability of the employer to maintain operations. -8A- ' � • ��1��� � ARTICLE VIII - WORKING OUT OF CLASSIFICATION 8.1 EA�LOYER shall avoid, whenever possibie, kor�ing an employee on an out-of-class assignment for a prolonged period of time. Any employee working an out-of-class asa�gnment fo� a period in excess of fifteen � (15) consecutive working days shall receive the rate of pay for the out-of-class assignment in a hig�!er ciassificat3.on not later than . the sixteenth (16) day of sucn assign�en.t. For purposes of. this artic].e, an out-of-class assigr.ment is defined as an assignment of an enployee to p�rfo*_�, on a iull time basis, all of the significant duties and responsibilities o� a position different from the employee's • regular positian, znd which is in a classification higher than the classificatiore held by such esploye�. TEle rate of pay for an appzoved out-of-class assig�ent shaZl be tns sa�e rate the employee would receive if such e�.ployee receivec� a regulzr 2ppointment to the higher � classification. _ g _ ARTICLE IX - DISCIPLINE 9.1 Discharges �rill be preceded by a five (5) day preLininary susgension without pay. During said period the empZoyee aad/or ASSOCIATZO� s.zy request, and shall be entitled to a nzating with the EMPLOYER � � repxesentative who initiate� t�e suspension with intent to discharge. During the five (5) day period, the ��'LOYER nay affirn the suspension and discharge in accordance with Personnel Rules or nay modify, or withdraw same. - 1p _ � ARTICLE X � LEGAL SERVICES 10.1 E�cept in cases o£ �alfeasance in office or willful or 4ranton neglect of duty, �IPLOYER shall defend, save harmless and indemnify employee against any tort clair•� or demand, whether groundless ar otherwise, arising out of an zZleged act or o�ission occarring in - the perforaance and scope of eWplopeets duties. - 11 � ARTICLE XI - GRIEVAPdCE PROCEDURE . 11.1 A grievance is defined as a dispute or disagreement as to the intergret- ation or application of the specific terms and conditions of this AGREE,i�I3T. 11.2 �he II�PLOYER will recognize representatives designated by the ASSOCIATION as the grievance representatives of the bargaining unit having the duties and responsibi].ities established by this Article. The ASSOCIATION �shall notifp the E2�+.F'LOYER in writing of the nanes of such Association Representa- tives and of their successors �ahen designated. The II�IPLOYER shall notify the ASSOCIATION iu writing 2s to its designated representatives. 11.3 It is recognixed and accepted by the ASSOCIATION and the II�IPLOYER that the processing of grievances as hereinafter provided is limited by the job duties and respansibilities of the e:�p?epzes and shall therefore be accomplished during norcaal o�orking ho��r� khen consister.r �Iith such e�aployee duties and resgonsibilities. The aggrieved e�.ployee and as Association Representative shall be al.lowed a reasonable amount of tiiae without loss of pay when a grievance is investigated and presented to the E1��LOYER durin� . normal working hours provided that the enployee and Association Representatiy� have noti.fied and received the approval of designated supervisor and grovide� that suh absence is reasonabie znd would not be detrimental to the �aork progra�s of the ENFPLOYER. It is understood that the EMPLOYER shall. not use the above lim3tation to hamper the processing of gri.evances. 11.4 Grievances, as defined by Section 11.1, s�±all be resolved in confoxnance with tre follo�air_g procedure: � - 22 - .,, . . ARTICLE XI - GRIE�'ANCE PROCEDURE (continued) , St, ep 1. An employee claiming a vioZation concerning the interpretation ar application of this AGRE�i shall, within twenty-one (21} calenda� days after such alleged violation has occurred, present such grievance to the enployee's supervisor as designated by the �IPLOYEK. The Employer- desigaated repregentative will Ciscuss and give an. answer to such Step I grievance with�n ten (10) cale^2zr days after receipt. A grievanc� not resolved in Step 1 and appealed to Step 2 shaZl be placed in writing • � setting forth the Lature of the grievance, the facts on ��hich it is based, the pruvisio:�. or provisions of the AGRE�IENT allegedl.y violated, the remedy requested, and sha13 be appealed to Step 2 by the ASSOCIATION within . fifteen (15) caler.dar elays after the Employer-designated representative�s final ar.swer in Step L Any or{o;raz�e no*_ appealed in writing to Step 2 by the ASSOCIATIOV within fifteen {1�) caler.dar days sha11 be considered waived. - Step 2. If appealed, the written grievance shall be presented by the ASSOCIATIOV and discussed with the Employer-designated Step 2 representative. The Employer-desig*sated representative shall give the Association E�ployerts Step 2 answer 3n writing within ten (10) calendar days follo-,aing the E�player- desig�ated representative�s final Step 2 answer. Any grievar_ce not appealed in writir.g to Step 3 by the ASSOCIATION within ten (IO) calendar da3�s shall be considered �:aived. � Step 3. If appea?ed, the writ�en grievance shall be presented by the Association and �iscussed �:itn the Emp?oyer-designated Step 3 repres�r_tative_ The Emgloyer-designated r.epre�zntative shall give the ASSOCI�TION Employer�s answer in w*ritin� within ten (?0) calendar days after receipt of such Step 3 grievance. A grievance not resolved in Step 3 may be appealed to Step 4 within ten (10} calendar dzys following the Employer-designated representati�:e'; - 13 - . . ..,::�... 4.::..... .... .......t.... ..........s�...��._..._ .. ... . .... ... . .. ... . ......, .... ... . . .. . . . . . . .. .. .. . ARTICLE XI - GRIE���vCE PROCEDliRE (continued) final answer in Step 3. Any grievance not appeale�I in writing to SCep 4 by the ASSOCIATIQV witr_n ten (30) calendar �ays shall b� . . considered ��ai.ved. � Step 4. A grievance unresolve3 in Step 3 and appealed to Step 4 by the ASSOCIATION shall be submittzd to arbitration subject to the pravisio�s of the Public Employment Labor Relations Act of 1971, as a�ended. 3f a . , mutually acceptabZe arbitrato� cannot be agreed upon, the selection oi an arbitrator s�:all be �de in accordance with the "Rules Goverr.ing the Arbitration of Grievances" as established by the Public Employment Relations Board. Step 5. The arbitrator shall have no right to amer.d, modify, nu12i�, ignore the terss and conditio�� �� th�s AGP.=�'�+T. 2'he zrbitratar shall considex and decide only the speci��c issLe(s) submitted in w�riting by the F�iPLOYER and the ASSOCTATION, and shal.l ha�e no authority to �a� a decision on any other issue not so subnit�ed. The arbitrator sha'=_1 be � without power to aake decisions contrary to, or ir_consisteat witYe, or modifying or varying in any way the applic.ation of latas, xules, or regulations having the force and effect of law. The arbitr2torts �eeision shall be sub�itted in writing, co�ies to both parties and the Burea•s of Tlediatioa Service within th?rty (30) days following the close of tr: hearing or the submission of briefs by the parties, whichever be later, unl�ss the parties agree to an extension. The decision shall be binding on b��h the F�'LOYER ar.d the ASSOCIATIO_� znd shall be bzse�' solely on the arbit_a�or's interpretation or application of the eapress ter�s of this AGREE:•fE`:i and to the facts of the grievance presented. - 14 - ARTICLE XI - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE (continued) - 11.5 The fees and expenses for the arbitrator's services and proceedings shall be borne equally by the EiiPLOYER znd the ASSOCIATION provided � that each garty shall .be res��:�sible fox corapensating its own . representatives and witnesses. If either party desires a vexbatia record af the proceeding,s, it ma.y cause sLCh a recorc to be made, providing it pays for the record. If both parties desire a verbatizl record of the proceedings the cost shall be shared equally. � 11.6 If a grievance is not prese�ted within the time linits set forth above, it shall be considered "�aaived". If a grievance is not appealed to the next step within the specified time limit or any agreed exten�ion thereof, it sha12 be considered settled on the basis of the EMPLOYER'S Iast ans�rer. If the k�SPLOYER does not answe_ a �rieJance or an appeal thereo£ �cithin the specified ti�e li�!its, the ASSQCIATIC�it �ay elect to treat �the grievance to the next step. The t:Lme limit in each step r,.ay be extended by mutual written agreeiaent of the Et'�LOI'ER and the ASSOCIATION 3n each step. 11.7 It is understood. by the ASSOCIATIOV and the ��LOYER that a grievance nay be deters.ined by either the grievance pzocedure of this contract or by the pravisions of the Personnel Rules of the Citp af Saint Paul. If an issue is deteriained by this grievance procedure it shall not again be submitted for arbitration unser the Personnel Rules. Tf an issue is deternined by the provision of the PersonneZ Rules it shall not again be sub^itted for arbitration under this grievar.ce gxocedure. - 7.5 - �� ARTICLE XII - WAGES 12.1 Effective June 1, 1978 all salary rates applicable to titles in this bargaining unit shall be at 1978 rates as sho•an in Append�x A. 12.2 Effective January 1, 1979 all salar.y rates applicable to titles in this bargaining unit shall be increased five and one-half (5.5%) percent. 12.3 The wage schedule is attached for purposes of reference only and is not a part of this contract. 12.4 Notwithstanding 12.1 and 12.2, salary rates in�appendix A shall be . reduced in the amounts necessary to equalize payment to individual employees and City employees who receive different pension benefits. - 16 - r• ARTICLE XIII -CYTY MILEAG° 13.1 Automobile Reimburse�ent Authorized: Pursuant to Chapter 92A of the _ St. Paul Legislative Code, as amended, �ertaining to reimburseiuent of City officers and eaployees for the use of thQir own automobiles in the � performance of their duties, the follo•�ing provisions are sdopted. and effective from January 1, 1979 until expiratioa of this contract. For � the psriod prior to January 1, 1979 covzred by this coatract, Jucee 1, • 1978 through Decer�ber 31, 1978, the r�ileaoe provi.sions as prescribed in the 1977-?8 HRA Employe�s Organization Contract shall apply. . 13�2 Method o£ CompntatioZ: To be eligib2e for such reimbursement, all o££icers and employezs �ust receive written authorization from the Mayor. Reimbursec�nt shall be made in accordance w�ith one of the follo*�i.ng plans: . T�rpe 1. For thas� officers az� s�����-p°s �.�o are required ta . � use their oTara autonobiles occasion?iIy �or official city business, reimburse�en� at the rate of 14 cen�s for each mile driven. Ty�e 2. • For those officers and employees who are required to use their o-�an auto�obiles on a regular basis on City business, reim- burse�ent at the rate.of $2.50 for each day of work, and in addition thereto at the rate of 7.5 cents for each mile driven. 13,3 Ru2es and Regalatians: The Mayor shall adopt rules and regulations governing the procedures for automobile reimbursement, which regulations and ruZes shall contain the reauirer�ent that reci.pients shall file dai.ly reports : � indicating place or origin and desitnation and applicable mileage ratings. . thereat and indicating total miles driven, and shall file monthly affidavits stating the nur.ber of days worked and the nurab�r of miles driven, and further - requi�red that they naintain automobile liability insurance in amounts not Iess th� -17-- - , . . 4 • � . . . �' .. � . ARTICLE XIII - CITY MIL�GE (continued) �� ���� $100,000/300,000 for personal injury, and $25,000 for propert}� damage. These rules and regulations, together with any amendcents thereto, shall be �naintain on file wit�! the City Clerk. - 18 - ARTICLE XIV - SAVIhG CLAL'SE 14.1 This AGREE'4ENT is subject to the laws of the Unite� States, the State of Minn�sota. In th� ever.t any provisio.s of this AGR�E*1ENT shall be held to be contrarp to laa by a court of competent jurisdicti.on from whose fir.al judgment or dacree no zp�eal has beeA taken within the time provided, such provisions shaZl be voided. Al1 other provisions shall. continue in full force ar_d effect. The voi.ded provision may be renegotiated at the written request of either party. AIl other provisions of this �G:�E�IE:iT shall continue in full force ► attd effect. - 19 - - • •N � . � ARTICLE XV -INSURANCE � 15.1 The EM?LOYER will continue for the period of June 1, 1978 through Aecember 31, 1978 to provide for employees such health and life insurance benefi.ts as are provided by EMPLOYER at the time of execution of this AGREEMEPiT. _ For the xemaining period of the .contract the EMPL4YER will provi.de the health and life insurance benefits as prescribed below. - � 15.2 The EMPLOY�R will fox the p�riod of this AGR�F�`4ENT provide for employees who retire after the time of execution of this AGREEMENT and until such employees reach sixty-five (b5} years of age such health insurance � benefits and life insurance beaefi.ts as are provided by the EMPI,OYER for such employees. ' � . 15.3- In order to be eligible for the benefits under the early retiree provision, the employee must: � 15.31 Be receiving benefits fra� a public employees�retiree act at the time of his retirement. 15.32� Have severed his relationship with the City of. Saint Paul under one of the early retiree plans. 15.33. Inform the Personnel Office of the City of St. Paul in writing withi,n 60 days of employee's early retirement date that he or she.wishes to be eligi�te fcr early retiree insurance benefits. 15.4 The City agrees to contribute the cost of Hospitalization and Medical Coverage or $36.85 per manth, whichever amouat is less, for each ecuployee who is eligible for such coverage. In addition, for each eligible employee wha selects Dependent's Coverage, the City �ilt contribute one-ha].f . (�) of the cost of such Dependent's Coverage or $42.43 per month, whichever ' amount is less. The contributions shall be paid to the Citp's Group �flealth and Welfare Plan. Any increase in these costs shall be paid. � by the employee. - - . 15.5 The City agrees to contribute the cost for $5,000 of Life Insurance Coverage for each er�ployee who is eligible for such coverage or $3.05 - per mo:�th, whichever amount is less. This contribution shall be paid to Lhe City's Group Health and Welfare Plan. Any increase in this cost shall be paid by the employee. _ � � 15.6 At the option of the Union and effective January 1, 1979, the $3b.85 figure . reflected in paragraph �5.4 above may be changed to the cost of 1979 prem- ium rate required by the insurance carrier covering most employees in the bargaining unit. Further, the $42.43 figure above shall be changed, if the � -20- . r � ARTZCLE XV - INSURANCE (Continued) �. . Union exercises such option, to reflect 50x of said 1979 �premium xate for dependent coverage. " . If such option is exercised, the increased cost to enploqer of the above shall be converted to a percentage an3 notwithstanding any provision of this contract to the contrary, sha1Z b� deducted from the wage• increase applicable to each and every employee in the ASSOCIATION for 1979. The option herein must be exercised in writing by the ASSOCIATION before January 1, 1979, or shall be dea�ed to have been waived by the ASSOCIATION. 15.7 In addition to the $5,000 Life Insurance Coverage in 15.5, the CITY agrees to contribute the cost of additional Life Insurance Coverage or $.51 per � thousanfl dollars of coverage per month, whichever amount is less. The total anount of Life Insurance Coverao� provided under this section and \. . Section 15.5 for each employee shall be equal to the employee�s annual salary rounded down to the nearest full thousand dollars. For the purpose of this section, the employee's annual salary shall be based on the salazy as of the begirining of a contract perio8. This contribution sha3.1 be paid to the City's Group Health and Welfare Plan. � � ' - 21 - ' '�° .ARTICLE XVI - VACATION • 16.1 In each calendar year, each full-time employee shall be granted vaca=ia+ accordi.ng to the folloc•�ing schedule. The schedule below shall appl; effective January 1, 1979 until the expiration af this contract. For the period of the contract prior to January 1, 1479 covered in this � contract, June 1, 1978 through Dece:��er 31, 1978, the vacation schecul�3 prescribed in the 1977-78 HRA EBployees Organiza�ion Contract shall apply. � Years of Service � Vaca�zon Granted . Less than 8 years 15 days After 8 years thru 15 y�a:s 20 days Aftex.l5 years and thereafter 25 days Employees who work less than full-time shall be granted vacation on a pro raza basis. HRA employees years of service will be calculated �ro;� their starting date with the H.4A. I6.2 `Fhe head of the department �eay pzrmit an e��ioy�e to carry over into the foll.orairig year up to ten days' vacatiore. 16.3 The above provisions of vacation shall be subject to Ordinance No. a!z46, Section I, Subdiv�sion H. 16.4 If an employee has an accumulation of sick leave credits in excess o= one hu:�dred and eighty days, he may convert any part of such excess to vac�tion at the rate of one-half day's vacation for each day of sick leave credit. No employee may convert more than ten (10) days sick 2e m in each calendar year under this prov3.sion. 16.5 Enlployees formerly with the H:t��, tnay be granted an exception to the 10-day carryover clause, fro:n 1978 to ]930 only. That is, emp].oyees c� carry over a maximum of 32 days from 1978 to 1979, 22 days fro:n 197� tQ 1980, and 10 days f:om 1980 to 2981. -2 2- � . �r� ' ARTICLE XVII - HOLIDAYS � �"�J���� � 17.1 Holida s recognized and observed. The following days shall be y recognized and observed as paid holidays: Naw Years Day Columbus Day Presidents' Day � Veterans� Day Memorial Day Thanksgiving Day Independence Day Christmas Day Labor Day - Two floating holiday Eligible emgloqees shall receive pay for each of the holidays listed above, on which they perform no work. Whenever any of the holidays listed above shall fa?1 on Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be observed as the holidzy. Wher.ever any of the holidays listed � above shall fall on Sunday, the succeeding Monday shall be observed as the holiday. 17.2 T'ne floating ho2idays set forth iz SecLia^ 17.1 above may be taken at �_ any time during the contract year, sLbjec; to the approval of the Departme�t Head of any employee. 17.3 Eligibility Requirements. In order to be eligible for a holiday with pay, an empZoyee's name must appear on the gayroll on any six working days of th� nine working days preceding the holiday; or an employee's name must appear on the payrol2 the Iast working day bafore the hoZiday and on three other working days of the nine working days preceding the holiday. In neither case shall the holiday be counted as a working day for the purposes of this section. It is further understood that neither tenporary, emergency nox other employees not heretofore eligible shall receive holiday pay. � \ . - 23 - . � . , ,� . .', ' �ARTICLE XVIII - DURATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE 1$.1 This AGREEMENT shall be effective as of JLne 1, 1978 and shaZl continue in full force and effective thru December 31, 1979, and sha11 automatically terminate thereafter and all employees of the ASSOCIATIO�i shall automatically become members of the bargaining unit represented by the Professional Employees Association of the city of Saint Paul Unit I, beginning 3anuary 1, 1980. Zf the HR�,, employees go to City units prior to January_1, 198Q this agreement will-be replaced and superceded by comparable city bargaining agreements. 18.2 This constitutes a tentative agree�ent between the parties which will be recommended by the City Negotiator, but is subject to .the aQproval of the AdministraCion of the City, the City �ouncil and is also subject to the ratification by the ASSOCIATION. 18..3 The employer and the Union acknowledged that during the meeting and negotiating which resulted in this aareeme.^.t, each had the right and opportunity to make proposals with respect to any su�ject concerning the terms and conditions of employmenC. The agre�asnts and ur_�erstan3ings reached by the parties after the exercise of this right are fuily and co:�pletely set forth in this agreement. Any and all prior agreements, resolutions, practices, policy or rules or regulations regarding the terms and conditions of employznent to the extenC they are inconsistent with this agreement are hereby superseded. In those areas where Civil Service rules are not inconsistent with this agreement, the Civil Service rules shall continue to be in effect. 28.1 �11 sick leave accumulated and not ys� ��s?d s::_ce the employees starting date with the HRA will be transferable to th� Cit;�. WIi"'vESSES: r CITX OF SAINT PAUL HOUSING A?v'D REDEV�E (3 � :�Z AUTHORITY HQLSIPIG AND REDEVEI.OPMENT AUTEiORITY PROFESSIONAL E LOYEES OR�ANIZATION . ` ,,.►--- . �i� G . 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