272134 NiMITE - CITV CLERK �����,� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council a CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � . Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Resolution approving the terms and conditions of a "Memorandum of Understanding" applying to certain Housing and Redevelopment Authority Supervisory Employees. WHEREAS, the City tlirough its designated representatives has met and conferred in order to provide certai.n benefits to certain Housing and Redevelopment Authority Supervisory Employees not covered by existing Labor Agreements; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the "Memorandum of Understanding", cited above, dated as of the effective date of this Resolution, on file in tlie office of the City Clerk, is hereby approved, and the authorized adminis- trative officials of the City are hereby authorized and directed to execute said "Memorandum of Understanding" on behalf of the City. Approved: 1° / Chairman Civil Service Co mission COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �~ Butier `� In Favor �'E O N N E O F I C E Hozza `'fittrtt I.evine _ U __ Against B Maddox �r TedesCO � 2;8 �� Form A proved y City tt r y Adopted b � uncil: Date � Cer ied Pa. by Cou .' Sec�tary BY � . g�, �� Appro. e�y a or for S b 'ssion to Council t�pp by 1Aavor. a — N � � �; B � g �.-� ��c�1Z Y — — Y _����� 'ue��s►�t� DEC 9 1978 � ������ MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING The undersigned hereby agree to the following provisions: 1. That Gary Peltier, Bill Pearson, and Warren Frost have become employees of the City of Saint Paul pursuant to Chapter 234 of Minnesota Session Laws of 1976, as amended. 2. The above-described employees are not members of the present Employees' Organization; however, for the purpose of this transfer, these employees shall be treated in a manner . identical to that of the Employees' Organization members who were transferred to City employment pursuant to said law. 3. Until January 1, 1979 or such later time as the above described employees become members of their respective City bar- gaining units, the terms and conditions of their employment shall be controlled by the provisions set forth in the collective bar- gaining agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the unit represented by P.E.A. II, subject to the following modification. I. The HRA Personnel Policy relative to the following items shall remain in effect until January l, 1979: a. Automobile use reimbursement b. Vacation schedule c. Health and Life Insurance benefits d. Sick leave II. The HRA Personnel Policy relative to the following item sha11 remain in effect until January 1, 1979 or until such later time as said employees become members of their respective City bargaining units: a. Severance benefits Date• November 15, 1978 CIT OF SAINT PAUL AN ✓1.�'^ G Y PE IER �� -��"�`-'--' . BILL PEARSON r . � i'� _ �� , '� WA REN FROS- . � � Do not detach thts mert�orandum from the � , � resolution so that thts information wfli be - c� �1: �2/I975 � � available to the City Council. �ev.: g�8lxb �r�rri�rr. c�' a�sT�A��ox�s, ._.�. �oL���; � ��� 2'�2��� ...�. _____ � _ � . . D�ta: November 15, 1978 , " T0 3 MAYOR GEO�R�E LATIMEx : F&: Persa�ael 0�.��ce . �E: Re�svintion for submissio� to C3tq Council , ' '. ACTT,0�,�QU,RST�D e `W� rsGCnmmend yovr appxo�al aad submissfon o€ this Resolutloa to the City Couacil. PU�4S$ AND RATIONATtE FOR T�[S ACTION: . �..�.......i�...n..r...�i .� �ir . . . . . . . This Resol�ution approves a "Memora.z�dum of Uaderstandi.ng" which applies to Housi.ng and Redevelopment Au�hority Emp loyees who are not members of the bargaiuzing unit represented by the H.R.A. Employee Organization. The provisions graat the same terms and conditions of employment as those granted to H.R.A. employee s who are repre sented by the H.R.A. Emgloyee Organization. Upon the es�a.blishment of titles within the City's C],a.saified Service for tlze _ positions held by these employees, these employees will become members of the supervisory bargaining unit represented by the Management and . Professional Supervisory Employees Organization and will be governed by the existing Agreement between that group and the City. - � ; --_; . . . . . ���� �i I .��� � . . . � � . -� �. � Resolution a.nd copy for the City G1erk. A1so copy of "Merrioranduxn af Under- standing n. , . . ._ . , ; . _ ._,. .. : _ . . . . . , . ; _. . ,.,; ..