272129 WHITE - CITV CLERK ^r���A^
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An Administrative Resolution approving the terms
and conditions of a "Memorandum of Understandi.ng"
applying to certain confidential Unclassi.fied Employees
of the City of Saint Paul i.n the office of the City Attorney.
WHEREA5, the City through its designated representatives has met
and conferred in order to establish the economic terms and conditions of
employment for the calendar year of 1979 for such personnel as are set
forth in the "Memorandum of Understanding"; now, f.herefore, be it
RE50LVED, that the "Memorandum of Understanding" cited above,
dated as of the effective date of this Resolution, on fil.e in the office of the
City Clerk, is hereby approved, and the authorized administrative officials
of the City are hereby authorized and directed to execute said "Memorandum
of Understanding" on behalf of the City.
Civi.l Service Commissio
COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hozza —� In Favor
Levine _ U __ Against BY
Tede Form Ap rove by C' y ttorney
Adopted ouncil: Date -�
Cer ied Passe y Council SecretaRy BY
A oved by A4avor: t � � 2,9 1978 Appr by Mayor for S i i'6 to Council
B �� BY
p��s�o oEC 9 1978
This Memorandum of Understanding shall apply to the employees in the
unclassified titles of Attorney V and Attorney VI in confidential and non-
supervisory positions.
1. The salaries applicable to the titles of Attorney V and Attorney VI
shall be increased six (6) percent. This provision shall take effect
retroactively to January 1, 1979.
2. Employees employed in the aforementioned titles of Attorney V and
Attorney VI shall continue to be covered by the vacation schedule
shown below.
Years of Service Vacation Days
Less than 8 years 15 days
After 8 yrs thru 15 years 20 days
Af ter 15 yrs. and thereafter 25 days
3. The CityTs contribution toward the cost of the employee's Hospitalization
and Medical Coverage and Life Insurance Coverage shall continue to be in
accordance with the following:
The City agrees to contribute the cost of Hospitalization
and Medical Coverage or $36.85 per month, whichever amount
is less, for each employee who is eligible for such coverage.
In addition, for each eligible employee who selects Dependent's
Coverage, the City will contribute one-half ('�) of the cost of
such Dependent's Coverage or $42.43 per month, whichever amount
is less. These contributions shall be paid to the City's Group
Health and Welfare Plan.
The City agrees to contribute the cost for $5,000 of Life
Insurance Coverage for each employee who is eligible for
such coverage or $3.05 per month, whichever amount is less.
This contribution shall be paid to the City's Group Health
and Welfare Plan.
4. Every new employee appointed after January 1, 1977 shall be required to
reside in the City of Saint Paul within eighteen (18) months of his
origina.l appointment, and thereafter will be required to remain within
the City Limits as long as he is employed by the City of Saint Paul.
Employees failing to meet the residency requirement will be sub3ect to
termination and a hearing process shall be established to determine
whether the residency requirement was met.
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. . . - Da not detach this �eEnorar�ium from tt� '
- res.otution so that this lnfortnatkN� w�i �e ps �i: 12ji9�5
avallable to the.Clty, Goun�.- �.: g,tsl�a �'
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�tttt�: November 2, 1978 ,�������
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W� �*�C� Your appraval aud submi:satan oE this �svlutian to tha City Couacii.
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PL�.'0S �.� ��� �I � �� � . ,�THI,S ACTI4�N„ . .
�'his Resolufiaton approves a "Memorandnxn of Understaading" applicable
to Unclassified Employees i.n. the CiLy Attoraey�s Office in. "coafidential'' ,
po siti.ons.
. The oaly cha.nge from the 1978 Agxeement ia a 6% salary iacrea�e for -
: 197q. Thia is �he sam� iacrease granted to employees in the C�ty
Attoraey�s O#fa.ce who are represented by i�ie City A�raeys Profe�e�o�l
Aesociation. " �
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A�A+C�NTB�•. '
� Resoiu�ion an.d copy �or the City Clerk - a18o, copy af Mem�randum`'of
�. � Uade rotandiag.
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