272122 WHITE - C�TV CLERK � t� PINK - FINANCE COUI�CIl �',1 s1'�-� BLUERV - MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL � ` f, � � RETURN COPY TO VALUATIONS BUREAU Fi�e N O. . uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date W�S, the Depaxtment of Community Services has req.uested that the City of St. Pau1 assume a lea,se with the St. Pa,ul Port Authority for a neighborhood park; and WHERE'AS, the Parks and Recreation Division has agreed to assume the said lease; n�r, therefore, be it RESOLVID, tha.t the Cauncil of the City of St. Pau1 does hereby authorize and direct the proper City officials to execute on behalf of the City of St. Paul, a 30 yeax agreement between the City of St. Pau1 and the St. Paul Port Authority for land owned by the City of St. Pa.ul and as described in Exhibit "B"; said Exhibit "B" is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Consideration to be pa,id in the sum of $1.00. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � Fi e and Ma. emen�Services �� In Favor Hunt ������ Levine _ � __ Against By Director Maddox ci +.- �vr�v w aitc L Tedesco "���� � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified ss ounc' ecretar ��_ ���7Y By t�ppr v d y Mavor: D � Approved b ayor for Submission to Council By BY ..,�►� OE�9 �g� � ..�_ � �._x. . � . . . . .' � O�i� ���.�+7���... . . . � .;. _ A � . :.�. '� . � . ., _ ' ... _ � . . Ftev. : 9/S/76 - "`.;� , . `. , ' EX�'LAN�TItaN OF P�DMINIST�RAT� CR,DERS, .�sazv�=oNS...�.�.,n o� �� �`�s�� `�'� ._ �,�. . . . . ��, C:Ed �/ ED Dat�: xove�ber 8, 1978 NOV 1 6 1978 IIIU�1fOR'�r � : �; MAYOR GEORG£ LrATIMER . : . � t,�.-`�" �' J. william Dor�o�ran, vslnation & Aasssament R�ineer, �1tt. 5317, �epsrtmeat of Fin�nce - and l�r�ag�nent Sdr��'ices . �E: z,�,se betaee� the City of 8t. Paul and th�e St. Psul Port Authc,rity far� ].and to 't� �used far �rk purpoaea. ACTIQN REQUESTEDs . Appro�v�a3. of th�e attsched r�solution wi11 autho�3ze the ezecution af' s 30 y�sr le�ase. p'URPpS�vAND R�ITI�NALE FOR THIS ACTIaN: � .. .�.....�...�.�..�.�.....�..� . The Depeactment of Caee�ninity 8ervices has a�ked the City to lea,se asid ],sn�d. Pr�o� the Poxt Autharity. Depe�rtm�at oP Co�ntnity Services l�as r�rrielwed the lea�te an� �s - • recc�oamnerrded �acceptance. Th� ren t for the larxl. i.s $1.00. � AT'TA�3�1TS: . 1) Sathibit A � 2� S�i�it B . 3� Reso ution - � . �.���� ���� .`v,,,-�. Parcel 1. Commencing at a point on the north line of Block seven (7), Whitney's Re-arr�.n�e- ment of Bellevue Addition, according to � the plat thereof on s"ile and of record in 1 the ofiice of the Register of Deeds in and ; for said County, at the intersection of north and south quarter (4) section line ; in Section twenty-one (21), Township twenty-eight {28) Idorth, Range twenty-three ' (23) West, further knawn as NW corner of � Block seven (7); thence southerly along said north and south quarter (u) section � ' line in Section twenty-one (21), one hund- ; red fti.ve (105) feet to the point of begin- ! ning of the property to be described; thence � i bearing southerly along said noi�th and south j quarter (u) section line to the channel of ; the Mississippi River; thence easterly along � � said channel to the westerly line of Bellevue � . Avenue, naw South Wheeler Street, produced southerly; thence northerly along said west- � erly line of Be1l.evue Avenue ta a point on � said westerly line of Bellevue Avenue that � is one hundred eighty-five (185) fee� south- � erly from the north line of Block seven (7), i BellevueAddition extended; thence westerly . along a line that is one hundred eighty-five � (185) feet sautherly from and parallel to the north line of Block seven (7), Bellevue Addition extended, to the point of intersec- tion with a line that is two hundred ten (210) feet easterly from and parallel to the narth � i and south quarter (z) section line in said• I Section tz•renty-one �21); thence bearing north- westerly to the point of begi.nning, a11 being ; in Government Lot 3, Section 21, Towtiship 28 � North, Range 23 West. Parcel 2. All that part of Block �ight (8), Whitney's Re-arrangement of Bellevue Addition, and Government I,�t 3, Section twenty-one (21), Totanship twenty-eight (28) North, Range twenty-three (23) West, according to the plat thereof on file and o� record in the offZce of the Register of Deeds in and for said County, described as follows: begin- ning at a point on the westerly line of Bellevue Avenue (1Vow knoFin as South Wheeler � Street� produced southerly and one hundred eighty-f`ive (185) feet .southerly fram the � north line of Block seven (7), Bellevue i Addition extended; thence beari.ng north- � easterly on a strai.ght line to a noint on � i- � the center line of Mather Street extended � (now kna4�n as Da.vern Street) and nine ( hundred twenty-three and forty-eigh� � hundredths (923.�+8) feet southerly from the center line of Norfolk Avenue as � measured along the center ]..i.ne of Niather Street, thence southerly along the center _ line of Mather Street extended to the channel of the Mississippi River; thence westerly ; alang said channel to the point of intersec- tion �•rith the westerly line of said Bellevue Avenue produced southerly; thence northerl.y along said t•rest line of Bellevue Avenue produced to the point of beginning. a p � ExN���-r �3 , _... . _�__._,���.._ ! —. —""'.`� - -- — ....� ,., 1 .. ` ,�:,y. ..•�,�.�i• ��.>���y ��.y:�.�,.rl �'��,o�,�a.a,ipa ' ; ', �:��'�Q- �'�� ��M-i��1-!�����r=t���-) _ _�- �- - - - � ^ • `� / ro '�!��raa��c�°3�fG�+ 3o M � �N�t1� 1� � 8.-b'�Z 6 -� �.. � ' �i � ��/ a pg o2/ 1 \ � � • v° � �. �`, h ~` � , _ ._____ ._ . , 1 _ � - - - - - - - fy"� � N sF•i � o '> . . ... _.___ - --- h .••� � � ao > - -- - "_._ � ,._ _ _ o�.- - --- . - -� 1 0��, � -- —'°�- - '�,—— — -; 1�' ._ _ _.___._-- � 09, - � . n�, _ Q \� �;; ', � :` --- -- . - --- Gy. -� - -•'�-�g�- - -� - --�.� � - � a N �:� �;. - 1 �, �v � � �•�_ ►.; '? � . .. � >. , . .._ ._�....._.__.� . . . ` . � �� Q �, _s.�,. . � � . ._ _ .— — — —— � . v ` � � ,�, �:.> oz�� . , Q N � � . �•�, ', � '� '� , _ � . �- ---....... __. .. . . , , �, i , :,••. � - � m �..,�.�, ., �_.� - � ' `.•\ —� `, __ o z a ., — — — -S � , ) ', � 1. � _. .. --N -- ,\ _ ��� � �` .,\ � � � , N � � � � .._.— ------- _ — r`;` _ _ .��z -- ---- -- -- �.. _. . 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