272112 WHIYE - CITV CLERK � � � (� ,y PINK - FINANCE �COUIICII J' 1�� ,■`'�' J BLUERY - MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAI1�T PAUL File NO. '( , � �` ~ uncil Resolution Presented By � ' Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The City of St. Paul has applled to the Commissioner of Transportation . for a grant from the Minnesnta Outdoor Recreation Act, Chapter 421 for the development of a bikeway on Lower Afton Road right-of-way between Point Douglas Road and McKnight Road, WHEREAS, The amount of the grant has been determined to be $8,770.84 by reason of the lowest responsible bid. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESO�VED, That the City of St. Paul does hereby affirm that any cost of the Bikeway in excess of the grant will be the responsibility of the City of St. Paul , and that any grant monies appropriated for the bikeway but not required, based on the final estimate, shall be returned to the Minnesota Outdoor Recreation Fund, Minnesota Department of Transportation. COU[VC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler � Publ ic Works ( JD .-�,� [n Favor ����,, / c � Hunt � � {� �/1�i / /l Levine __ Against BY G '�'C' � r ��°o� Tedesco N�V 2 4 �� PP Y Y Y Form A roved b C' Attorne Adopted by Council: Date Certifie -s d by Council cretar BY B � Appr by 17ayor: D �V 3 � �� Ap y Mayoc for S s oh to Council By By pue��sttEO OEC 9 1978 : . , O�i 01 z 12/1975 ^ - � . Rev. : 9/8/76 . • ' EXP'LANATION OF ,ADMIkTI�TRATTVE: ORCERS, RESCIL�I.ONS, AN� ORDII�ANCES • ►�yt� � I 1.;�.��� . Dates October 30, 1978 � ' �,'�-� � � � � fl ., N0�' 8 `�7� : . �p= MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER . �IIpYOR�S O�K� � F�: Donald E. WY9aard, .Qirector of Public Works , < 1ZE; C t ty P rr�ject P-0777 LOWER Afl"ON ROAD B1 KE PATH , __ ' . . . : - . .: . . . . . . . . . .. - .� . . . _ . . � : . .... ,. _ . . �.. . � �-� � � � �3 :ACTION RE4UESTED: . . . : . Thei a t tachad Counc i l Reso l u t i on t s req u i red by MnOt1T i n a�da� t� �e�e t� : � " ' Bilceway Grant funds.' . . ,: : . _ . � , � PII�,F'OSE AND �tATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: r -:t . , This pro,ject wss. approved by the City Council Septemt3er 19, 1�7$, Councll•��� ' File #271808. The amount of the Gr�nt ts $8,770.84. -The; local matchiag ; share is $b,204.03, to be #unded frt�m �97�► CIB �unds lwdge��d� fo� �city wi de b i cyc 1 e paths {PrcJ ect Account` No. 93074-00'�) ATTACHP�ENTS: � _ : Gouncil Rasolution - ��1;�'"F�K'I"�lc. . . _