272104 WHITE - CiTV CLERK �j• -/�'7_� y-,/'� PINK - FINANCE 1 � / � ��f CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L COUIICII �V { F � j BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That upon execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the City Attorney, the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund 09070-511-000, to: l. Thomas P. FitzGibbon, Jr. the sum of $50 .00 in full settlement of his claim of damages sustained on or about Octobex 6, 1977, as more particularly set out in a communication to the City Council on May 2, 1978. 2. Jacqueline Michaud the sum of $40 .00 in full settlement of her claim of damages sustained on or about September 7, 1978, as more particularly set out in a communication to the City Council on September 28, 1978. 3. Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. the sum of $427.56 in full settlement of its claim of damages sustained on or about October 3, 1977, as more particularly set out in a communication to the City Council on March 22, 1978. 4. Phoenix, Inc. the sum of $883.74 in full settl�nent of its claim of damages sustained on or about June 19, 1978, as more particularly set out in a communication to the City Council on August 31, 1978 . COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays / Requested by Department of: Butler v In Favor ��� Hunt I.evine � __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesc �� Form App by ity Attorne Adopted b ouncil: ate � 2'� Cer ied Yassed ouncil Secreta}y BY sy Approv by blavor: Date 2'2 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY p��.�st�Efl DE� � 1978 f < �' � • . - • ' Thomas J. Kelley � October 24, 1978 Proposed Acquisition of Minnesota Boat Club Property Page two The primary mitigating measures that may be included as part of the park acquisition are: 1. To assist or make available an appropriate site for the Minnesota Boat Club relocation, preferably in the P�avy/Harriet Island vicinity. 2. To provide an additional public parking lot at another City site. In summary, the Minnesota Boat Club will continue to remain an �integral part of river activities in any future planning and=�levelopment.=-=Conversely, public ownership of this space should make the project eligible for increased state and federal improvement funds and offset the City's current high main- tenance costs of the bridge to Navy Island, by opening up possibilities for - outside funding sources for bridge maintenance and improvements. This will provide the opportunity to develop the downtown riverfront area - _ taking full advantage of the area's intrinsic suitability and its contiguous relationship with the downtown and the river corridor. R.P.P. _- _ ----- _ . . APPROVED: T � � _�r� �''i� �' ' � � /�.J .. :> > �L i, Thomas�J. � KeI�ey :cm ��f��. `:3'�� _;,.���T.���.�,,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL =�° ���'� OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY �e �,, �, �������� '` SUZANNE E. FLINSCH, CITY ATTORNEY ;. � � �i �_ '�-• _ '����„m��,d�o•�"" 647 City Hall, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-5121 MAYOR 15 November 1978 M E M O R A N D U M CLAIMS AGAINST CITY OF SASNT PAUL BY THOMAS P. FITZGIBBON, JR. , JACQUELINE MICHAUD, NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO. , AND PHOENIX, INC. Claimant, Thomas P. FitzGibbon, Jr. , requests reimbursement for damages to his porch screen. The screen was damaged when tree cutters from the City of Saint Paul, Departsnent of Community Services, dropped a branch against the screen. This office approves the settl�ment of Mr. FitzGibbon's claim in the amount of $50 .00 . Claimant, Jacqueline Michaud, requests reimbursement for damages to her children's clothing. The clothing was damaged when the children crossed a freshly tarred street on September 7, 1978, at the intersection of Hoyt and Prosperity. This office approves the settlement of Ms. Michaud's claim in the amount of $40 .00. Claimant, Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. , requests reimburse- ment for damages to its telephone pole and cable which were damaged when a City of Saint Paul, Departsnent of Public Works, garba�e truck caught on fire. This office approves the settle- ment of Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. 's claim in the amount of $427 .56 . Claimant, Phoenix, Inc. , requests reimbursement for damages to one of its vehicles- which was involved in a motor vehicle acci- dent with a City of Saint Paul, Department of Community Services, vehicle on June 19, 1978, at the Pine Bend Landfill. This office approves the settlement of Phoenix, Inc. 's claim in the amount of $883 .74 . a�� City of St.Paul COL1N FI N0. ������ PRELIMINARY ORDER � B File No. 17�5 In the Matter of Condemning and taking the western one acre of Navy Is]and for future paxk development by the City of St.Pa,ul, the foll�ring described paxcel of land: Tha� portion of Government Lot 9, Section 6, Tchmship 28, Range 22, the same being Raspberry Island, also known as Navy Island, and situated in the Mississippi River in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, lying southwesterly of a line which is 60 feet southwesterly of and paxallelto a line described as; a line running through the southeast corner of the north pier and throu�h a point 12 feet northeasterly from the northeast corner of the south pier of the St. Paul Brid.ge (Old Wabasha Street Bridge). under Administrative Order D—�I'61�+ approved Oetober 30, 197$ The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said r�eport and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 99�000.00 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the l�.th day of neeembery 1Q7$ , at 10:00 o'clock a.m., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Buiiding in the City of Saint Paul. � 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILMEN Adopte ncil: Date � 2 � �79 Yeas Nays gUt�et` � Certifie a by Council Secretar 49T8 � ��� 2 2 �,1�nt In Favor �.�vine �' f,,1�d d O� Against Schowaiter Mayor ��ri�'s;�0 i�l.IS� �E�,' 19�8 'Nhite —_Cjty C�o�k (>I T Y O F �A I I\'T �A IT L ���I D� P�nk — Financ�Dept. C.ana�y— Depi. , � �_ r - ---. OFFIGF OF THE PIAYOR No: .iJ ! 7��� ADMINIS'�'RATIVE QRDER ��,,,, Date: � 15�__ 1�f995 . ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, �� . � '�}�at�, the repaort t�rith reca�rendationa �copy attache�d�� as submitttd by t2ae Depe,rtt�nt o� Co�a�uaity Servi.c� conEerni.ng tbe acquisition � o� tho Pol�ow�rg daspc3�bed pr�ty 3s l�reby appacaved: THat paa-ts,on o� cc�vermdent Lo�t 9: section G, � �awr��chip 2$�, Faag�t 22, th�s se�e beiz�g RASpberry Is3.azid� a�so known as Ra.vy Isla.n�dy and situated - fa t3a� Missisaippi Ri.v� in the Ca�ty oP Ram�ys Sta�t�et of lii�nesvta, �,YinB aotFtl�stea�,y' ot a ' I3z�e whieh is b4 �'�et sau�tY�esterly a�` and Paral.Itl ta a Yfa�e d�ccr3.Ued as: a lin�e runa�g ti�o�ugiz �he so�t��t ea�z�ear oP tbe aoacth pier xtb3 t�hrvugh a pafat 32 fee� nca-t�cstesly t'rt�ot � ' tl'e �ortl�east carn� aF t�e sonth p9.es c� tt�a �t: P�ul Hridg� Et)ld Wa&esh� S�tt� �idge). � Tl�e Depari�ent o�f �iae�n� and �n�ag�ent SGZVicxs i.s hes�by �uthocrized � directed fio schedule this pro�ect forr a puhl� �cis�g be�are the _ Ci�r Ca�acf� eur� ta ms�3�. n+o�ices to tY�e aff�cted I�'aP�'x"�Y �� a,c�vi�iirt� th�a o� �a.i,� �b3�.c 2nearis�g� ' V� ... � f' ���L..1 il �l.� ; r' - OCT 31 1978 ASSESSMENT SECT►ON � - DEPARTMENT OF FlNAtVC� AFPROVED AS TO FORM AND MANAGEMF_NT SERVICES /�— ^ r "'"`� � !\ssistant Ci Attor e artment}t d ���� {� a� i - ' . .��5���L��� � i.� ... ... � � � . Date _ �, Administrative Assistant to Mayor _ �-��:,,,,m . ��.� �- .'�' � .. .. ; . ��71�5g . wN�TE ' - ��►v Ct.Etiw � , PiNK - �N�NCE . G I TY O F SA I N T PA�U L Council � �ZI`NARY-c,OEPrS�TMENT � DLUE - MAYOfi "- FIIC NO• � � Council Resolution � - � -. : � . - _ _ - _ . . - � Presented By .�-.�,i � . . -.. ._ . � " � � . r : , � . . . . . . _ _ . � � Referred To ' �1 ' ' . � '� � �" ��s •"= Committee.� �Date r `` ; - � - .- - - � _ - ,f � •�r .a -; - __ - �.. t �, s a ,. ; � �' s�-at . ._ - .. , � . . t :� -:-c , � 's +' - -'� *+t�.a. Ont af Committee�By - -� � '• - _ • - - i�' �Date~ 1.�.r�_,�.�_: �.,�-"�,n.��'�<-�: -- .�n � - �1 . .w :+ � � -� �. -- 1� ...� � .;. ' r a }. .. .3'-�- +r.�f"c ' r ..r.-t.r,: :�.�"' � °� � � -- �-' .R' a-. J' . : f . , j a . _� �s� '...a ` -,}�� :� ;-.,� f ,s, _ ,� ,,,,� •=•� r � , .. .. �, �•t .r_.�: 3,� .,.� .1�f i�.. ll - :a . �� '� i -..K "r �� .....���. t°1.. ,.�_-r`� _,�. �_ < a ± � .,�:�.._�� _ �'.�_i �''� . :� 4Y �tsspLVSp, By Ythe,t Councfi of th��City�ot Saiat Pa`�ul,`npoa tbe request�of the r': Mayor. and the =ecc�m�endation o� the Lo�g-Rnngs Capital I�ap��eat Bndgst =�-_ '� � Coc�ittee, tl�at the 1974 Capital �npacwerae:at Budqet, as her$�ofore adogted a=d amended �y this Council, is hereby fnrth�s ar�ended �ia the foilo�iaq . � � _ _. . < . . particn7.aucss . . .. ^ .�- . �- _ _ � . ,,. _ -_ _ . . . . � `` � - . _ - . - � _ lTps .- ._ - . . . ` . ' ... . � . ' . . � � • ... � . . � -'TJ. ' . .t . . _� �raasfer $4�,000 in 197� CIB Moaiess-� . � ' -_ - . _ _ �. • . . . . - • � � �Z �� . • • y: . � " . . � . � _ 93074--007 Cityutide Bike Path Systait � a5,000:_� . .: - - - _ - . : - -- - 93a74--028_—Navy-lsland-�aquisitirot�-:'-, . _ :- �-: - _.�S;DO�'�' - :_� . - � _ _ _ . . :.. _ _ . �. � , _ - 8es4il.ti�g �in the follov�ing Project financiags� - _ . - .; -= : :;: �___ , � � , � � C�rrent Financinct C s Amende$ Fiaancing I+TAVY ISLAND ACQUISITIQ�i . _ - ^ : - , ..`�- � Debt Capital Impxvveactent Fund - � $13�500 0 ' $13,500 State Grant �27-00686 13,500 � , 13,500 - Fe3eral Grant- �27-U0686 � - 27,000 - 0 - -- 27,.bD0= - 19?4 CIB 0 +45,ODO ` �15 �000=-' 54���0 � 3- 5�0 9 i 000 A roveS as to fv.ndin , �p��* - � _. - -- � � - : -� PP g• - � �`�� r� -- -� �,f'� f `�� . ! r': :. .��- / J' . ', - y� _ � `;;• r, ' , / _ , �-�'-=�f.�=- . . ' •�� J/,� ' /�/•-��' _-..:�. , �.��.i✓ Dise�r, ;. '-.. c_ ._ . : ..�� F ;'.;::.�. ::.:rvic4s Bu3�,e't Direct�Z . �°, ►''� _ i COUNC1L1tEi� --__ — — —^� , . - . . �� Requested by Department of: Yeas Na�•s ;� Butler ��` ;! Cocuaunity Se�rvices Ho,�a in �a��o: jl ThamaB aT. $,elley� DfreCtOt Hunt �j� f I g g,o�� P� Piram, Supt. of Parks i 1.��:we --- :1�ai s�.t I� Y E Maddox Showalter � I: Tedesco �j Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date ��� 3 t"�.i t Cer:ified Passed by Couneil Seccetary BY � . - . Bl• ' � . _ _ ' OC'� 5 � Approv�ed�b Mayor far Submiss�on to Couacl � Approved'by Mavor: Date �, _ _ /'+-�j�^ _ By� ' By� �•• �' � .f " . : . , ` � . �'TY °p - CITY OF SAINT PAUL �``�'p �' . . � DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES ' 0 N������� .. } M��� b a� "-" - �`� THOMAS J. KELLEY — DIRECTC�R .« 545 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 George Latimer - 612-298-4431 Mayor October 30, 1978 �. � �, � p� ��C� � b�'�'�+� ��3, /LF� 'g�,Q�,��r� p j�,� � Bernard Carlson, Director �'T Fp Fi nance and Management Servi ces F�����+,` Bl U I1 LyDH I 1 N G �'`��CF r�� Attention: _ Paul Desch SUBJECT: Navy Island Acquisition I would like to request that a public hearing be scheduled on the above . matter in the near future. The Department of Community Services considers < this acquisition to be an important first step in t�e redevelopment of the Harriet Island/Navy Island Park complex. I am enclosing a copy of Administrative Order #D-4614, dated 10/30/78, which authorizes the scheduling of the public hearing. I am also enclosing a copy of Council Resolution #271859, adopted by Council on 10/3/78, that outlines the funding for this acquisition. The Department of Community Services would like to be informed of atl t�ear- ings scheduled in this matter as we are anxious to take an active role in this acquisition in order to provide for the Minnesota Boat Club in the development of this area. � Sincerely, . �� . . .,,�� Thomas J, Ke ey � cc: J. Wm. Donovan - Robert Piram � Timothy Agness :cm . _ � � ' •_ . ..� . � , CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM Octaber 24, 1978 T0: Thomas J. Kelley FROM: Robert P. Piram- SUBJECT: Propased Acquisition of Minnesota Boat Club �Property --------------------------------------------�------------------------------- The City of Saint Paul proposes to acquire the western one acre of Navy Island for future park development. Located one-half mile south from the cen�er of downtown St. Paul , Navy Island is situated within the Mississippi River below the Wabasha Bridge. The total estimated acquisitioR cost and fhe tatal available funds are approximately $100,000. The acquisition and development of Navy Island into an urban-oriented par.k is part of a total redevelopment effort on behalf of all Mississippi River communitites. The cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis, their respective counties, the Metropolitan Council , and the State of Minnesota are all committed to the open space/recreational development of the Mississippi River Corridor. Navy Island's future park�development is a key element within the proposed downtown "riverfront park" at Harriet/Navy Island. The importance of the use of this area as a public people-oriented park space has been identified �n virtually all river planning documents including: 1 . St. Paul Mississippi River Corridor Plan (draft} - 1978 2. Regional Recreatianal Open Space in the City of St. Paul - 1975 3. The Department of Comnunity Ser�rices Downtown Riverfront Narrative - 1975 4. Mississippi River - a comprehe�sive plan for the Mississippi . waterfront in the City of St. °aul - 1970 (EDAW) , 5. The Major River Corridors Study in the Twin Cities Metro Area - 1970 6. The 1968 Outdoor Recreation Plan The overall goal of the conceptual plan is to upgrade the physical and aesthetic integrity of the downtown riverfront. The proposed park redevelopment of Navy Island must be viewed within the Island's historical 6ackground. While the Island is currently the site of ' the Minnesota Boat Club, the U.S.Naval Reserve established a training center on the Island in 1948. The old location of the naval training center is r�ow a City-owned parking area. ' �