272072 WHITE - CITV CLERK ��"' ; �, � PINK - FINANCE ��' CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL COUACII � .� BLUE - MAYOR File NO. �'' o ncil Resolution . Presented By v" Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 9.04 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code the Mayor may appoint an Administrator of Economic Development with the consent of the Council, and WHEREAS, the Mayor has nominated Maureen McAvey to serve as Acting Administrator of Economic Development, , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the appointment by the Mayor of Maureen McAveq to the position of Acting Administrator of Economic Development is hereby approved by the Council of the City of Saint Paul. COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays —�r Planning and Economic Development --��i In Favor � _ � __ Against BY ��r , Form p ov d by Ci Atto ney Adop by Counci Date --���— . C tified P�: - by u tary BY � � App by .Vlayor: D te _ �OV 2 4 �� Approv Mayor for Subm'ssion to Councii By _ �— BY PU8LISHED OEG Z 1978 . �� ��';� MAUREEN L. MCAVEY ��V � �''�y Home Address: 485 Dayton Avenue Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 612-291-2657 EDUCATION: Bachelor of Arts: Social Welfare , 1969 University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Mn. Master of Social Work 1971 (Social policy and planning) University of Minnesota, Minnapolis, Mn. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Principal Planner: Downtown and Economic Development January, 1978 to Present Department of Planning & Economic Development City of Saint Paul , Minnesota Acting Principal Planner October, 1977 to January, 1978 Department of Planning & Economic Development City of Saint Paul , Minnesota Planner IV August, 1975 to October, 1977 City Planning City of Saint Paul , Minnesota Planner II February, 1974 to August, 1975 Department of Development and Planning City of Chicago, Illinois Planner March, 1973 to January, 1974 Planning and Development Department City of Minneapolis, Minnesota Planner July, 1971 to March, 1973 Model Cities Program City of Minneapolis, Minnesota Visiting Faculty: DePaul University • Chicago, Illinois October - December, 1974 School for New Learning April - June, 1975 Course: Chicago Communities � MAUREEN McAVEY Page 2 . PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (CONT'D): ��`��'"�'� Guest Lecturer: University of Minnesota School of Social Work . School of Architecture Afro-American Studies Department Normandale Junior College: Political Science Department Minneapolis, Minnesota JOB DESCRIPTIONS: Principal Planner: Downtown and Economic Development, City of Saint Paul Responsibilities: - Development of the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy for the City of Saint Paul . - Development of Downtown Development Plan as part of the Downtown People Mover Demonstration Project. - Work with private business interests and developers to encourage specific development projects within the City. - Develop Lowertown project proposal which resulted in the award of $10 million from the McKnight Foundation. Work with private developers regarding specific projects in the Lowertown community. - Supervise two full-time professional staff and three part-time staff. Planner IV: City of Saint Paul Responsibilities: - Completion of District 14 and District 15 Neighborhood plans. - Working with comnunity and local business interests. City Planner II: Department of Development and Planning, Chicago Illinois February, 1974 to August, 1975 Team leader for two 701 reports: School Security and Long Term Care Facilities. Development of data and resources for reports; writing of reports. Supervision of four staff persons. Assisted in the preparation of the Community Development application for the City of Chicago, provided background data, writing and editorial assistance for the three-year plan and the first year program in the social services area. Prepared departmental response for all A-95 referrals for the Community Facilities and Services Division. Development of 701 Work Element: Corr�nunity Administration and Services Planning, a report discussing the role of the Department of Development and Planning in relation to the various social delivery systems. � � MAUREEN McAVEY Pa e 3 ;r'� ► ,;� . 9 �'; �� �y JOB DESCRIPTIONS (CONT'D) City Planner II - (Cont'd): Provided staff assistance and proposal review for the Department's association with the Chicago-Cook County Criminal Justice Commission. Social Planner: Planning & Development Department, Minneapolis, Minnesota March, 1973 to February, 1974 Drafted a major report, Beyond Model Cities, for the orderly transition of aspects of the Model Cities Program into a city-wide effort. Report � included an analysis of the Minneapolis Model Cities Program, development of a model for comnunity planning, citizen participation and recommendations for city implementation through Comnunity Development Revenue Sharing. Participation in 701 Program: Comnunity Planning and management. Development of an orientation and training program for eleven 701 staff as an introduction to human services, delivery systems, relevant legislation, and social planning. Responsible for development of Service Sources Report, an analysis of social services within the Minneapolis area including eligibility requirements, services provided, etc. Drafting of revised Policy Guides (objectives and program policies) for the Minneapolis Comprehensive Plan, sections: Human Development, and Security. Participation in the development of a design to test policy alternatives and to arrive at recommendations for resource allocation in human services. Social Planner: Minneapolis Model Cities, Minneapolis, Minnesota July, 1971 to March, 1973 Provide the major planning efforts for the following active Social Services projects: Coordinated Child Development Program, Urban American Indian Center, Minneapolis Age and Opportunity Center, Indian Guest House, and Youth Services Bureau. Planning efforts included seeking additional funding, proposal writing, developing budgets, and negotiation of contracts with various city, county and state agencies. Development of several proposals for additional funding through federal grants - Social Security grants (Title IV-A) Omnibus Crime Control , Safe Streets Act (Law Enforcement Assistance Act) , and Housing Allowances Program. Provide technical assistance, coordination and research to the residents' comnittees in the areas of social services, education, health, and law and justice. Directed the initial phase of the Youth Services Bureau project, including the setting up of a non-profit corporation, establishment of a Board of Directors, determination of personnel practices, negotiation of contract.