272061 N�MITE - CITV CLERK -
BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �����yy
��At�y-�� ouneil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, acting as the
Board of Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of
the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota on May 25, 1977, by Resolution No.
77-5/25-5, determined need for 100 large family units (80 three bed-
room and 20 four bedroom) of low income housing in the City to be
provided by public acquisition of single family homes from willing
sellers scattered throughout the City and directed submission of an
application to the Department of Housing and Urban Development for
funding a low rent housing program therefor; and
WHEREAS, in response to the said application, the United States
Department of Housing and Urban Development has tendered the Public
Housing Agency of the City of Sain t Paul an Annual Contributions
Contract for a program for acquisition without rehabilitation of 85
dwelling units, designated at Low Rent Housing Project No. Minn. 1-29 ,
providing for an estimated development cost of $4,510 ,651 and initial
loan commitment of $451,000, and said Agency has adopted this program
and desires to enter into the Contract.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint
Paul that pursuant to Minn. Stat. Section 462.465, Subdivision 1, that
the provision of 85 large family units of low rent housing by public
acquisition without rehabilitation of single family homes at a
development cost of $4,510, 651 is hereby approved.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
�'eas Nays
� � [n Favor �lic Housinq Ac�ency of the City of Saint
�'� Paul ;
Izv ne _ " __ A gai n s t BY / ' �� .-ryC,����G��
��� Form Approve City Attorney
Adopted by C cil: Date I�V 1 6 1978
Certifi Passe ouncil Secretary' BY
�ppr d by Mavor. Date ` y 2'4 �� App o by Mayor for Su m's 'on to Council
339 Bremer Building,419 North Robert Street,Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101, phone (612) 298-5 �� �
�� '��.-�-
ivovember 14, 1978
To: N!embers of City Council
From: AZarshall D. Anderson, Executive Director
The Council has previously approved C.F. No. 26939 adopted P��ay 26,
1977 , provision of Section 8 housing assistance payments to 1,341
elderly and family tenants in existing private �housing with
Federal annual contributions in the amount of $3 ,071, 892 , which
program is fully leased. The Housing Assistance Plar. (HAP) ,
�:ommunity Development Program Year IV, established a three year
(1978-1980) goal of 445 additional Section 8 existing housing units
to a total of 1 , 786 units .
The Public Housing Agency (PHA) project� accomplishment of the HAP
three year goal is as follows :
1) 250 units under Federal contract tendered by
HliD and accepted by PHA subject to Council
approval . Annual contributions increased to
$3, 814 ,920. 00 .
2) 100 units applied for by PHA at HUll invitation.
Contract tender expected late 1978 or early
19 79.
3) 95 units for future application.
PHA requests Council approval of provision- by PHA of 1, 786 units of
Section 8 existing dwelling units in accordance with the Housing
Assistance Plan.
The Housing AssiStance Plan further requires provision ot units for
large low income families under Section 8, new construction. This
goal has not been met. Recognizing the need for meeting the
housing needs of large low income families by other means , the Council
acting as the HRA Board on May 25 , 1977 , authorized application for
100 large family units (80 three bedroom and 20 four bedroom) low
incoine housing to be provided by acquisition of single family homes
from willing sellers throughout the City. In respense to this
application, HUD has tendered PHA an annual contributions program
of $4, 510 , 651, identified as Project No. Minn. 1-29 . This contract
has been accepted by the PHA Board, subject to Council approval.
Mary Rnn Sudeith, Frank J. Rodriguez, Sr., Helen Fish, Peg Fourre, AI Hester, Mamie �•1organ, Grant Vt'est
cha�rperson vrce chairpe�son
Page 2
�v overiber 14, 19 7 8
The acquisition program would be curried out in accordance with the
enclosed Guidelines For Acquisition of Single Family Homes , �iinn. 1-29 .
Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 462. 465, Subdivision 1, Council
approval of the provision as ou�lined ir� the Section 8 Program and
Minn. 1-29 Project is requested.
?F1DA:JTH: lmn
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� September, 1978
CITY OF SAINT PAUL ����-'�`"-�
. MINN. 1-29
The following guidelines are to be followed in purchasing existing
homes for the Minn. 1-29 program. The 85 dwelling units are to be
purchased within the budget limitations approved by HUD. No depart-
ure from these guidelines will be permitted without the prior
written approval of the PHA Executive Director.
I. Homes are to be acquired from willing sellers only.
?. No ,home� are to be acquir�d in blo�ks where thE PHA o�ans
property. No more than one house is to be acquired in any
, _ one block, and only one house is to be purchased in the
facing sides of adjacent blocks.
3. All proposed purchases are to be reviewed with the Department
of Planning and Economic Development of the City of St. Paul
to make sure there are no conflicting proposals for the use
of the property to be purchased. (Highways, streets, play-
� grounds, parks, commercial, etc. )
4 . Avoid concentrated purchasing of dwellings in any one neigh- .
borhood, even though to do so would not violate Item 2 . , above.
Neighborhoods in which we already own several houses in a re-
latively small area should be avoided.
�';> �.
September, 1978 '�� '� �
�'' u�6
Guidelines for Acquisition of Single Family Homes
Minn. 1-29
5. All homes to be purchased must be located in Assisted Housing
Location Priority I (Family Projects Only) as shown on the
attached exhibit taken from the Housing Assistance Plan and
any revisions thereto.
6. The following areas are excluded from consideration because
of one or more of the following reasons or conditions :
a. Areas within 1/4 mile of McDonough Homes, Roosevelt
Homes, Mt. Airy Homes, Dunedin Terrace or any other
housing development for low-income n�n-elc3erly �ami-
lies having 75 or more dwelling units.
b. Areas with concentrations of substandard housing. �
c. Areas which are zoned for industry or which are
currently utilized or planned for industrial ,
concentrated commercial, institutional or highway
purr��se� in�ludincr *_hose nPigh�orhoods k*hic�i �re
not desirable due to their close proximity to
these uses .
7. Avoid purchasing properties with central air conditioning,
fireplaces, and heated attached garages. All houses should
be "modest but adequate" .
8. The average acquisition price of 68 three bedroom and 17
four bedroom units to be purchased must not exceed $45 , 000.
No purchase shall be made of used dwellings at less than
September, 1978
Guidelines for Acquisition of Single Family Homes
Minn. 1-29
. the current Replacement Housing Schedule, unless the
owner would not be eligible for a Replacement Housing
Payment. Refer to the attached Schedule of Prices of
Comparable Sales Housing In Locality, dated July 20, 1977 ,
� or the latest revision thereof.
9 . The budget provides approximately $3, 000 for essentially
non-routine maintenance costs for existing used houses.
This allowance is for interior painting, exterior painting,
locks, insulation, minor repair work and s.ite work. Do
not purchase any structures which require significantly
more extensive repair or rehabilitation work. It is '
assumed that the budget will permit the Agency to purchase
modest houses that will comply with housing code require-
10. Large older homes which would be expensive for a low-income
family to heat or for which non-routine maintenance would
• be costly, should not be considered for purchase.
11 . All properties must be served by dedicated improved streets
with utilities in and paid for.
12 . All purchases are only to be made subject to prior approval by
HUD of site and purchase price.
September, 1978
Guidelines for Acquisition of Single Family Homes
Minn. 1-29
13. Homes to be purchased must be compatible from a design stand-
point with adjacent homes and others in the immediate vicinity
of the home.
� 14 . Newly constructed homes can be included in this "acquisition
without rehabilitation" program.
15 . Homes to be constructed for this program can only be considered
after we are able to demonstrate to HUD that the program cannot
be completed by direct acquisition and we receive HU� �pprnral
to do the following:
a. Location and final price must be approved in advance '
by HUD. Value shall be determined on the basis of
detailed plans and specifications acceptable to the
PHA and to HUD.
b. PHA enters into a "letter of i.ntent" which i s a c�rr*��it-
ment to purchase, subject to satisfactory completion,
after builder has had completed home on market for at
least 30 days and made an earnest but unsuccessful
sales effort.
c. Site improvements include off-street parking space
(pad or driveway) , clothes lines, sodding, sidewalks,
. trees and shrubs and utilities .
d. Contractor must locate and option lat, prepare plans
and specifications and pay all costs of acquiring
and building homes.
September, 1978
Guidelines for Acquisition of Single Family Homes
Minn. 1-29
e. City-HRA property will be considered if it meets
the aforementioned criteria and if such property
cannot be sold for private development.
15, Rehabilitated property will only be considered if it meets the
aforementioned guidelines and cannot be sold by the City-HRA
to a private party.
Attachments .
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P�NK _ ��N�~�E �' GITY_ 0F �_SAINT `.PAITL counci!
CANAqV - DEP�ARTMENT,:, . , � � . �
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�j j +�' _ Counc�l Resolution � ::. A .., . : . -
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Presented By - .;. . - . , . . . _
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Referred To - �' � Committee: = Date-` �
. � _. _.>��._ . . ;: .:.. ,
Out of Committee By ' ' Date
.. .
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... . . . : _. .:� ::.
WHEREAS, by its Resolution, `Council File No. 269139, adopted
� May 26, 1977, the Council, acting pursuant. to Minn. Stat. Section
_ 462.465, Subdivision 1, approved provision of a 8ection 8 Housing
Assisrance Payments •Progr�.m within t.'�e City �f 3aint Paul -for
1, 341 units of privately owned housing; and
WrHEREAS, the Department of Housing and Urban Develop�ent has
•1) tsndered the Public Housing Agency of. the City of Saint Paul an
Annual Coatributioas Contract for an addi.tional 250 Section 8 units ,
and 2) invited said Agency to submit -a further contract application
for 1OO mare Section 8 units for an overall total of 1,691 ur.its; and
WHEREAS, the Housing Assistance Plan for the City of Sai.:t Paul
approved .by the Council in connection with the Community Development
Year IV �Program on January 5, 1978, Council File No. 270331, determined
the need .poi.ential for Section 8, Housing Assistance Payments Program
- at 1,786 units, it appears desirable to approve provision for the
Section B Program at this number of units.
� NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of
- _ Saint Paul that provision of Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments
- '.�for 1,756"units of privately owned rental housing for low income
individuals and families, to be funded under Annual Contributions
� `' Contracts with the United States Department of Housing and Urban
� _ Denelopnient, is hereby approved.
COUNCILMEN � . Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Butler In Favor
Hunt �
Levine A gai ns t BY
� Maddox
Showalter �
Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certitied Passed by Council Secre:ary BY —
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wftlTE - C�TV CLERK � ���
FiNK - FINAN�E C I TY O F SA I 1� T PA U L ��cil��,-� �
File N .
��A�y-�� Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
V7�IEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, acting as the
Board of Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of
the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota on May 25, 1977, by Resolution No.
77-5/25-5, determined need for 100 large family ur.its (80 three bed-
room and 20 four bedroom) of low income housing in the City to be
provided by public acquisition of single family homes from willing
s�llers scat�ere3 tirougr.out the Ci�y aiid d:.r.eeted submissio-� oF an
application to the Department of Housing and Urban Development for
funding a low rent housing program therefor; and
WHEREAS, in response to the said application, the United States
Department of Housing and Urban Development has tendered the Public
Housing Agency of the City of Sain t Paul an Annual Contributions
Contract for a program for acquisition without rehabilitation of 85
dwelling units , designated at Low Rent Iiousing Project No. Minn. 1-29 ,
providing for an estimated development cost af $4, 510 ,651 and initial
Ioan commitment of $451,000, and said Agency has adopted this program
and desires to enter into the Cantract.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint
Paul th at pursuant to Minn. Stat. Section 462. 465, Subdivision 1, that
the provision of 85 large family units of low rent housing by publ.ic
acquisition without reha.bilitation of single family homes at a
development cost of $4,510, 651 is hereby approved.
� COUNCILI'IEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Navs
Butler ' In Favor
Hozza -
Levine __ Against BY
Tedesco Form A pproved by City Attorney
Adopted h}� Counci!: Date
Cert:fied P�s�ed b� Ceuncii Secretar} BY
B•, ;
Appro�ed b} 1lavor: Pa!e __^ I Approved by Mayor far Submission to Council
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