272059 : WHITE - CITV CLERK ��v�� �1�� PINK - FINANCE / ✓ CANARV - DEPARTMENT COURCIl � �`���, BLUE - MAVOR GITY OF SAINT PAUL File� NO. �i�At�y�'�. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that in connection with the proposed below market home mortgage program (BMIR) funded by sale of City issue tax exempt revenue bonds, the Mayor or his designee is hereby authorized to negotiate a contract with Piper, Jaffrey & Hopwood Incorporated and Dain, Kalman & Quail Incorporated in joint venture substantially in accordance with the Letter of Understanding submitted by the venturers and considered at this meeting respecting provision of consulting services to the City in the preparation of program parameters and guidelines and to underwrite the proposed bond sale, with fees as quoted in the October 31, 1978 letter from Piper, Jaffrey & Hopv�ood to the Department of Planning and Economic Development. RESOLVED FURTHER that the Mayor shall prepare a definitive Program Proposal detailing program parameters , guidelines and eligibility requirements and submit the same to the Council for its consideration and approval in connection with the bond sale authorization. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: �r � In Favor �'�-nt of Plannin d E �e�ea- � Hunt Levine _ � __ Against BY � � � Maddox Showalter Ted " NOY 1 6 1878 Form Approved by City.Attor y Adopte � Council: Date — tified Pass y Counc� , cretary BY � B � �1ppr i4lavor: at � Z'4 � Appr v y Mayor for Sub � Council By — BY PUBLISNED Q�e Z 1978 r� �. i ��;�' y� .. :•�°.v:l 800 Multifoods Building 733 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis,MN 55402 Area 612 371-6111 �� 4 °� .� � Piper,Ja�Fray&Hopwood INCORPORATED Estnb[ished 1895•Member New York Stock Exchange,/nc. Letter of Understanding Mayor George Latimer City Hall & Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: City of St. Paul Below Market Interest Rate Mortgage Program Dear Mayor Latimer: Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood Incorporated and Dain, Kalman and Quail Incorporated welcome the opportunity to represent the City of St. Paul and the St. Pau1 Housing and Redevelopment Authority, as investment bankers, for the City's Be1ow Market Interest Rate mortgage program. Pursuant to C. F. we are prepared to work with you, your staff, your legal counsel, and such other advisors or consultants as you may choose to employ, to structure and market a bond issue on your behalf for this proRram. Our relations t St. P: ` � t banker/ client relati �/ ���,�y ;tood list of duties. T'. i / ..�%�� Loped by representativ� � _ ( '_ of our duties in acc� , G�� :stment bankers, we e� , � ' id any others which n � 'inancing program. Anti .. , - principals; we will: ' ����L - _, :_.._„ 1. Attend me � , ��6�� committees, [� including � � , ` ,_..__ � " id Federal officials , ` ��" �ups or individua: � ;��� ... � 2. Advise anc ' . ` .--- _ ;.akers in the de� . r/ �� f� s involved i � ,�' 3. Work close ���. ,, y legal staff in t, ing of your bond ind other necessary � :ions as to desired :rust , indenture < , ,,;�;. '; , ,�r, ,:�� �;` �-. _ _..! _ . � � ��� ��„9 4. Draft, subject your approval, Seller and Servicer Guides for your program. These documents will detail origination and servicing policies and procedures to be followed by participating lenders. 5. Coordinate and assume final responsibility in the preparation of an Official Statement (prospectus) to be used in connection with the sale of bonds. 6. Submit the bond issue for consideration by the rating agencies and make presentations to such agencies in order to obtain the highest possible credit rating. 7. Conduct information meetings for institutional and other investors at appropriate times in appropriate places. 8. Make, at the appropriate time, a firm proposal to you, wherein we will agree to place or purchase all of the bond issue. Such proposal, in the form of a contract of purchase, wi11 name an interest rate or rates, the purchase price, and the prices at which we will make bona fide offerings of such issue to the public. If our proposal is accepted by you, we wi11 purchase or place the bond issue at the agreed terms. It is understood that this "Agreement" will be in effect until revoked by either party upon thirty days notice. It is further understood that in the event the underwriters do not extend an acceptable offer to purchase or place the bond, the City of St. Paul is not responsible for any fees or charges associated with any proposed financing. Respectfully submitted, PIPER, JAFFRAY & HOPWOOD INCORPORATED By Steven W. Oxberry, Vice President DAIN, KALMAN & QUAIL INCORPORATED sy Francis X. Fallon, Vice President This proposal is hereby accepted by Mayor George Latimer on behalf of the City of St. Paul on this day of , 1978. Mayor George Latimer �� ' �� ��— 8U0 Multifoi�ds Builciin� � 733 Marquctte Avcnuc;- � Mi��n�:api�Its, 1't,'� ;i�}02_ � Arer. F�l 2 371-6 t I 1 �. �j{`r-���'� --;� Q�1� ) Piper,J�-a.y�lH[o�r�oocl INCARPORATED Established/89.5.Mernber A'ew York Stock E'xcl�ange,lr,c_ October 31, 1978 M�. Terry McNellis, Project Manager Citv uf Saint Paul r�ep�:�r..:f_nt of Economic De•�Tel.opr:ent 55 '- �._�t Fif th Stree t � Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 R.ec City of Saint Paul Iielow Market Interest Rate Home Martgage Laan Program Dear lerry: Ir r�sp�nse to our con;rersation today relating to the "gross underwriting st�read", t.he 2.0 point spread which can be accomplzshed in today's markPt is all inclusive of costs. It includes the follo�ving: - Sa?�s commissi�ns; - ?'��a�e�nen t Fee; and - EYger.ses (i.e, cost of Jssuance including bond printing, bond counsel, underwr.itF_>rs counsel, travel, out-of-pocket, etc.) If you require any additional information, please call at yosr convenlence. 31i-8280 - Office 377-4294 — Hor�e rizank you. Cordi. 1 yours, f� �~� ���, . . . ` .���1�:.� �en W. �xberry r C`,t�.��' �1�=" �t� Vice Presi_dent :, �;,;i�} PubJ_ic Finance Department � .� ' �. e S�,�J�h ' � ;���````' � ;,` `. '�.'� ,� :�� � _ � / _ . , . . - � . � ' ��TY o- . • , CITY OF SAINT PAUL "°� = D�PARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMtC DEV�LOPMENT � �L::� � . � .=:�'r , "'r ,�� GARY E.STOUT,DIRECTOR — 55 East Fifth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota.,55101 612-298-5775 George Latimer ' � ��''��A � Mayor F_ �`yw. November 2, 1978 Mayor George Latimer 347 City Hall ' Saint Paul, Minnesofa Dzar Mayor Latimer_ . �ursuant to your dec�s�on to furtner explore the possibility of the : sale of tax exempt revenue bo�ds �o establish a Below Market R3te Home riortgage Frogram for the City of Saint Paul, Mr. Terry McNellis of the Renewal Division assembled a staff task force to solicit and review proposals. This task force was r_omprised of Mr. Bernard Carlson, Department o� Finance and Managemtr.� Servi.ces; Mr. James Hart, City Attorney's office; Mr. R�c��a_d Beeson, Renewal Division; Nix-. Ken Ford, Planning Division; ��; �" S���e �tiellington, Mayor' s _ O�z"ice. At the end o� Septemb�r, i�=�e�� �,�erz sent to those f irms � _ w'_^_i��! had contactea the city of S=_„� ?�•�� �x�r�ssing an interest ir_ assisting u� in dzveloping suc'n an iss�e, inviti.ng th em to submit a formal propasal_ In addition, an advertis�^ent lvas placed in the Legal Ledger indicating that firr:�s interested in assisting the city . in preparing such an issue were invited to sL�mit a proposal_ ;,et�ers of invitation were sei�t to Piper, Ja�fray & Hopwood, I�7c. ; Juran & Pdoady, Inc. ; Dain, Kalman & Quail, Ir_c. ; and Mille�- Schroeder Municipals, Inc. Subsequently, E. F. Hutton & Campany and Kidder, Peabody & Correpany also contacted the city. On Thursday, October 19, and Monday, October 23, ?ntervie;as �r;ere cond�cted with tne above firms with the exception of �:idde�-, Peabody & Company, whose proposal was received after the advertising deadline_ However, staff did � review their proposal and rated it with the other offerers_ During the presentatior_ by the offerers, they were rated on the follot,ring general overall criteria: Proposal detail, Management structure, Fees, Adaptive uses of program, Bo�d rati:ng expectation, and the Rater' s overall opi:nion and co.*nments on the offerer ' s presen- tatioii_ This presented only trie overall broad categories and not the sub-categories under each heading. Based upon staff ' s initial review, the field of potential offerers was reduced to twoc (1) Juran & Moody, Inc. ; (2) a joint proposal by Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood, Inc. and Dain, KaZman & Quail. T'hese two firms V;ere then requested to provide additional information in the follo�•�ing areas: fees� ongaing .-���.�.. µ , : . .►. , . � _ . . . � � Mayor George Latimer �-� 2. ���' �;`�""'�'� -����.. management, f irm personnel corr�-ni�ted to the issue, consideratxon for co-management p�sition, marketing, and the capital positian that the offerer was prepared to take an this issue. On Tuesday, October 31, both firms were then allowed to make a final presentation on the above items to the staff task force. While both firms submitted impressive responses ta the questions, staff is recommending the joint proposal of Piper, Jaffray, Hopwood, Inc. , and Dain, Kalman & Quai1., Tnc. for the following reasonsc The fee - structure would allow the city to realize a substantial cost savings which increases the total amount of the issue available for mortgage lending; Their marY.eting capabilit�r seems to be much stronger; They evidence a great deal m�re experience nationally and locally in issues of this sort; Z'.hey offered rnore services on the part of their firm in the actual prepara�ion o= the issue. At this point, staff would encourage you to recommend to tlze Ci-tg Coun�il authorization to negotiate a contract �aith the f irms of Piper Jaffray, Hopwood, Tnc. , and Dain, Kalman & Quail, Tnc. , to assist the city in the preparation of a Below riarke� Rate znterest Program f inanced through the sale of tax exempt revenue bonds. The terms and conditions of this agreement will include: scopes of se�vices, and fees and compensation_ � �cd��ional i.nformation on th� sp�ci��.,^. C?'1L°'"=? as well as the rating resu3�s of the entire process are availzb�e frc� Mr_ Terry ricNellis o:E the Renekal Diva.sion. Sincerely, ��� Gary E. Stout D.irector - GES:j m ' cc: R. Beeson � • B. Carlson D. Ford K. Ford J. Hart T. McNel],is � S. Wellington - ��J i + ' �1 �.t' `� �"_j`�,�%` � �. � , _ . • ,. Cz2�� o�� 5.�1.�_r P��r}1� ��i:, Oii FICF OF T�IF �T�1YOI� � � �'t t %'..•����_� �' '� iL ��: �� � ,�a. �, "`.••'>' 3�I7 CITY .t3AI.L Gl:ORGS l..\"F'1?Il:lt S<1I\*T 1':1L'7:,�II\\L•'SOTA :�51(J" 9IA1()I. �(Sl"i S_'.f)ti—.1.:3°3 fJovember 6, 1978 T0: COU�CIL PRESIDEPdT DAVID HOZZA MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL FR: M�lYOR GEORGE LATIMER � RE: BELOW MARKET RATE HOME MORTGAGE PROGRAM Several months ago, investment bankers began contacting my office indicating a desire to assist the City in establishing a Below Market Rate Home Mortgage Program for the City of Saint Paul . As you are probably avrare, Chicago and several other cities have recently established such programs, and the City of Minneapolis is in the process of going to market with their fourth issue of tax exempt revenue bonds to finance a similar program. I am forwarding to you a recommendation from the Task Force which was established to advertise, interview and recommend to this office, a firm to undertake a similar task for Saint Paul . I would like to commend staff for the time and effort they have put into this process. I believe that the process used was a thorough one and assures the City of retaining the most competent assistance in structuring and marketing this program. I request that Council approve the Staff Task Force recommendation authorizing the proper City officials to negotiate the terms and conditions of an agreement with the firms of Piper, Jaffray, & Nop�NOOd and Dain, Kalman & Quai1 . Once this contract is negotiated, it will be submitted to you for your review and approval . Additionally, staff will nour begin working on drafting the actual details of the program and as the program is drafted, I will communicate and confer with the Council as to the final program content. Attachments GC: Rose Mix Terry McNellis Gary Stout Bernie Carlson Greg Blees GL:ejt ,. . . �,: : _... �' .- ' . , ,, - '. _ *. T �'r , � � i • p .,f, .a . . ` �i � . � - � , , . , , ' : ;. . , . , '; , _ � � � � , > . ,, . � � �, ��� ,, � � � � . .` � � � � � �'' � _ . ♦ �` kf cu, ; - ` � , _ - �; � . � R �� , I , .., . . _ � , ' , _ , : . , . .. , � , . , . _ . : � . � �� -, ��� �� , . ., , , - . : : ,� „ . . , < . . � , . .� . , - . . :� . . , . . . - . ., , > . ; � , � ` ���l�+�cR g,'. �;� : ` s , , -. . . . . , , . , , , . � . � . ,. . . '� . � .. � � i - ,. �. , :. ..y. '. � .� , . . , .- �- . ' . � . � . . �' .. . .' • . .. . . ��,. � . � a- . .� �. . .. . . . . .:,' � , �.. .��' .. . i , �.. .. . � . � . . ' _ . .. '.� , � . - • . . ... . . ' . . . ' .. . . . .��/:. . � .. . .. . . ' . _ . _ r '.. , � . . . . . . �. .. .. . .. . .�.� -- �. . �i .l':.. .. . . .; . , .�-.. . ..._ . � �. �. '.. ' . ..• ._.�. . . ' :... . :. � '���` �����y ��� � � i � r�" . 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' � � � ������� � , � WHITE - GTV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File � NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referre To '� Committee: Date Out of Co ittee By ` Date RESOL D by the Council of t�e City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, that in con ection with the propos$d below market home mortgage program (BMI ) funded by sale of Ci issued tax exempt revenue bonds, the Ma or or his designee is ereby authorized to enter negotiations r a contract with Pipe , Jaffray & Hopwood Incor- porated and Da , Kalman & Quail Incor orated in joint venture to provide servi ces to the City in the $reparation of program guidelines and f e structures, solicita on of participation of mortgage lenders, and underwriting of t� bond issue. , \ COUNCILMEN R uested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza I I�nt �" _ L.evine _ __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tede Form App City Attorn y Adopte Council: Date' � C ified Pa_ • y Cou cil Secretary BY � � t#pproved by \+lavor: Date _ Appr y Mayor for b is�ion to Council By _ By