01-1197Council File # O\� �« y Resolution # Green Sheet # �\ O 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ?4 Committee: Date Resolution Adopting the FY2001 Large Neighborhood STAR Program Inciuding Business Subsidy Requirements WHEREAS, on September 28, 1994, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul established the Neighborhood Sales Tax Revitalization (STAR) Program, C.F. 94-1127; and WHEREAS, the Neighborhood STAR Program is financed in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 297A, authorized by the State of Minnesota, Chapter No. 375, Sec.46; and WHEREAS, the purpose of the Neighborhood STAR Program is to fund capital improvements to further residential, commercial and economic development in the neighborhoods of St. Paul; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, Capital Improvement Budget Committee, Neighborhood STAR Board, and city staff have provided input into the review and selection process: now, therefore be it RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Mayor, and with the advice of the Neighborhood STAR Board, the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves funding of the Seventh Cycle Neighborhood STAR projects as identified below; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Councii liereby approves the corresponding changes to the FY2001 budget as listed below at a public hearing to be held on November 7, 2001; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that implementation of all projects and programs identified for funding in the Seventh Cycle Neighborhood STAR program shail conform to Part 6, Awards and Implementation of the Neighborhood STAR Guidelines as revised in May, 2001; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Council wish to extend their appreciation to all applicants, and especially to the Neighborhood STAR Board members for the commitment of their time, talent, and efforts on behalf of the STAR program and the City of Saint Paul. o�-Il9'1 Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary g � �_ ` 2- _ '�..�.-�t Approved by Mayor: Date BY: Planning & Approval Director Development Services By: wvwv _ ' _ ' . �— Form Approved by i• Atto y BY: Approved by Mayo or Submi �io � Council Hy: Adopted by Council: Date �_. T 0� a���a r�eu� - rven, j� ww � wvu o � t+n � an n � from HRA Debt Service Fund (Sales Tax 90303-7304-00000 7 Neighborhood STAR Loan and Grant i# PROJECT NAME I � Undesignated Adopted Budget - !P7-930-90398-0547-77999 P7-930-90306-0547-77524 P7-930-90306-0547-77530 -930-90306-0547-77532 -930-90305-0547-77532 arbound St. PauURed L -930-90306-0547-77535 -930-90305-0547-77535 e Hardware Building R� -930-90306-0547-77538 ° ��t��9 �ROPOSED BUDGET BUDGET I I BUDGET ity Sales Tau I , 2,225,000.00 (2,225,000.00 0.00 0.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 0.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 0.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 0.00 750,000.00 750,0�0.00 0.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 Project 0.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 0.00 125.000.00 125, 000.00 DEPARTMENT/OFFLCE/EOUNCII,: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 110638 � PED . 10/17/Ol � � � �� 1 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: � 1HIITAIADATE IN11'fAIJDATE Michele Swanson, 6-6574 z D�rnx�N.l. nnR. Brian _ crrr courrcn, ML'ST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DAT� ASSIGN 3 C1TY pTTORN£Y _ CTS'Y Ci FRK Public Hearing 11/07/Ol � ER 4 r�^NCw.saxvnm. i aDMSrs�vDm. Hammer R�U,1,ING 5 MAYOR (OR ASSC.) , STAR ACCOiJNTANT ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNAT[JRE PAGES I (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATI7RE) ncTTOx nEQuESZEV: Approvaf of the attached Council Resolution will adopt the 5 recommended 2001 Large Neighborhood STAR Projects which fall under the Business Subsidy Legislation. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CON1'RACTS MIJST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PI,ANNING COMMISSION 1. Has this person/fum ever worked under a contrac[ for this depar�ent? CIB COMMITI'EE Yes No CSV Il. SERVICE COMMTSSION 2. Has this peison/firm e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any cuxren[ city employee� Yes No Ezylain all yes answers on sepazate sheet and attach to green sheet INI1'IATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNII'Y (Who, What, 4Vhen, Where, Why): ������� Five recommended 2001 Neighborhood STAR initiatives fall under the Business u sidy criteria as adopted on 9/8/99. OC�f 1 9���� CIT`( ATTOR�IEY ADVANTAGESIFnPPROVED. v �: ��"'�'" 2,f'.. , �,',^�� �:, � ��� s.�s . :, �,. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: � COST/ALEVENCJE BUDGETED: Nvrmmre souxcE: Neighborhood STAR Program ncTivrrx �Ex: P7-93o-90308-0547-77999 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAI� K1SharM�PedVvfsw�.mn\Greeu SLee� Formfor Small Cnaocs wpd r Council File # O\� �« y Resolution # Green Sheet # �\ O 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ?4 Committee: Date Resolution Adopting the FY2001 Large Neighborhood STAR Program Inciuding Business Subsidy Requirements WHEREAS, on September 28, 1994, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul established the Neighborhood Sales Tax Revitalization (STAR) Program, C.F. 94-1127; and WHEREAS, the Neighborhood STAR Program is financed in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 297A, authorized by the State of Minnesota, Chapter No. 375, Sec.46; and WHEREAS, the purpose of the Neighborhood STAR Program is to fund capital improvements to further residential, commercial and economic development in the neighborhoods of St. Paul; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, Capital Improvement Budget Committee, Neighborhood STAR Board, and city staff have provided input into the review and selection process: now, therefore be it RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Mayor, and with the advice of the Neighborhood STAR Board, the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves funding of the Seventh Cycle Neighborhood STAR projects as identified below; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Councii liereby approves the corresponding changes to the FY2001 budget as listed below at a public hearing to be held on November 7, 2001; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that implementation of all projects and programs identified for funding in the Seventh Cycle Neighborhood STAR program shail conform to Part 6, Awards and Implementation of the Neighborhood STAR Guidelines as revised in May, 2001; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Council wish to extend their appreciation to all applicants, and especially to the Neighborhood STAR Board members for the commitment of their time, talent, and efforts on behalf of the STAR program and the City of Saint Paul. o�-Il9'1 Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary g � �_ ` 2- _ '�..�.-�t Approved by Mayor: Date BY: Planning & Approval Director Development Services By: wvwv _ ' _ ' . �— Form Approved by i• Atto y BY: Approved by Mayo or Submi �io � Council Hy: Adopted by Council: Date �_. T 0� a���a r�eu� - rven, j� ww � wvu o � t+n � an n � from HRA Debt Service Fund (Sales Tax 90303-7304-00000 7 Neighborhood STAR Loan and Grant i# PROJECT NAME I � Undesignated Adopted Budget - !P7-930-90398-0547-77999 P7-930-90306-0547-77524 P7-930-90306-0547-77530 -930-90306-0547-77532 -930-90305-0547-77532 arbound St. PauURed L -930-90306-0547-77535 -930-90305-0547-77535 e Hardware Building R� -930-90306-0547-77538 ° ��t��9 �ROPOSED BUDGET BUDGET I I BUDGET ity Sales Tau I , 2,225,000.00 (2,225,000.00 0.00 0.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 0.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 0.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 0.00 750,000.00 750,0�0.00 0.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 Project 0.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 0.00 125.000.00 125, 000.00 DEPARTMENT/OFFLCE/EOUNCII,: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 110638 � PED . 10/17/Ol � � � �� 1 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: � 1HIITAIADATE IN11'fAIJDATE Michele Swanson, 6-6574 z D�rnx�N.l. nnR. Brian _ crrr courrcn, ML'ST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DAT� ASSIGN 3 C1TY pTTORN£Y _ CTS'Y Ci FRK Public Hearing 11/07/Ol � ER 4 r�^NCw.saxvnm. i aDMSrs�vDm. Hammer R�U,1,ING 5 MAYOR (OR ASSC.) , STAR ACCOiJNTANT ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNAT[JRE PAGES I (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATI7RE) ncTTOx nEQuESZEV: Approvaf of the attached Council Resolution will adopt the 5 recommended 2001 Large Neighborhood STAR Projects which fall under the Business Subsidy Legislation. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CON1'RACTS MIJST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PI,ANNING COMMISSION 1. Has this person/fum ever worked under a contrac[ for this depar�ent? CIB COMMITI'EE Yes No CSV Il. SERVICE COMMTSSION 2. Has this peison/firm e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any cuxren[ city employee� Yes No Ezylain all yes answers on sepazate sheet and attach to green sheet INI1'IATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNII'Y (Who, What, 4Vhen, Where, Why): ������� Five recommended 2001 Neighborhood STAR initiatives fall under the Business u sidy criteria as adopted on 9/8/99. OC�f 1 9���� CIT`( ATTOR�IEY ADVANTAGESIFnPPROVED. v �: ��"'�'" 2,f'.. , �,',^�� �:, � ��� s.�s . :, �,. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: � COST/ALEVENCJE BUDGETED: Nvrmmre souxcE: Neighborhood STAR Program ncTivrrx �Ex: P7-93o-90308-0547-77999 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAI� K1SharM�PedVvfsw�.mn\Greeu SLee� Formfor Small Cnaocs wpd r Council File # O\� �« y Resolution # Green Sheet # �\ O 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ?4 Committee: Date Resolution Adopting the FY2001 Large Neighborhood STAR Program Inciuding Business Subsidy Requirements WHEREAS, on September 28, 1994, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul established the Neighborhood Sales Tax Revitalization (STAR) Program, C.F. 94-1127; and WHEREAS, the Neighborhood STAR Program is financed in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 297A, authorized by the State of Minnesota, Chapter No. 375, Sec.46; and WHEREAS, the purpose of the Neighborhood STAR Program is to fund capital improvements to further residential, commercial and economic development in the neighborhoods of St. Paul; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, Capital Improvement Budget Committee, Neighborhood STAR Board, and city staff have provided input into the review and selection process: now, therefore be it RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Mayor, and with the advice of the Neighborhood STAR Board, the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves funding of the Seventh Cycle Neighborhood STAR projects as identified below; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Councii liereby approves the corresponding changes to the FY2001 budget as listed below at a public hearing to be held on November 7, 2001; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that implementation of all projects and programs identified for funding in the Seventh Cycle Neighborhood STAR program shail conform to Part 6, Awards and Implementation of the Neighborhood STAR Guidelines as revised in May, 2001; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Council wish to extend their appreciation to all applicants, and especially to the Neighborhood STAR Board members for the commitment of their time, talent, and efforts on behalf of the STAR program and the City of Saint Paul. o�-Il9'1 Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary g � �_ ` 2- _ '�..�.-�t Approved by Mayor: Date BY: Planning & Approval Director Development Services By: wvwv _ ' _ ' . �— Form Approved by i• Atto y BY: Approved by Mayo or Submi �io � Council Hy: Adopted by Council: Date �_. T 0� a���a r�eu� - rven, j� ww � wvu o � t+n � an n � from HRA Debt Service Fund (Sales Tax 90303-7304-00000 7 Neighborhood STAR Loan and Grant i# PROJECT NAME I � Undesignated Adopted Budget - !P7-930-90398-0547-77999 P7-930-90306-0547-77524 P7-930-90306-0547-77530 -930-90306-0547-77532 -930-90305-0547-77532 arbound St. PauURed L -930-90306-0547-77535 -930-90305-0547-77535 e Hardware Building R� -930-90306-0547-77538 ° ��t��9 �ROPOSED BUDGET BUDGET I I BUDGET ity Sales Tau I , 2,225,000.00 (2,225,000.00 0.00 0.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 0.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 0.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 0.00 750,000.00 750,0�0.00 0.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 Project 0.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 0.00 125.000.00 125, 000.00 DEPARTMENT/OFFLCE/EOUNCII,: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 110638 � PED . 10/17/Ol � � � �� 1 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: � 1HIITAIADATE IN11'fAIJDATE Michele Swanson, 6-6574 z D�rnx�N.l. nnR. Brian _ crrr courrcn, ML'ST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DAT� ASSIGN 3 C1TY pTTORN£Y _ CTS'Y Ci FRK Public Hearing 11/07/Ol � ER 4 r�^NCw.saxvnm. i aDMSrs�vDm. Hammer R�U,1,ING 5 MAYOR (OR ASSC.) , STAR ACCOiJNTANT ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNAT[JRE PAGES I (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATI7RE) ncTTOx nEQuESZEV: Approvaf of the attached Council Resolution will adopt the 5 recommended 2001 Large Neighborhood STAR Projects which fall under the Business Subsidy Legislation. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CON1'RACTS MIJST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PI,ANNING COMMISSION 1. Has this person/fum ever worked under a contrac[ for this depar�ent? CIB COMMITI'EE Yes No CSV Il. SERVICE COMMTSSION 2. Has this peison/firm e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any cuxren[ city employee� Yes No Ezylain all yes answers on sepazate sheet and attach to green sheet INI1'IATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNII'Y (Who, What, 4Vhen, Where, Why): ������� Five recommended 2001 Neighborhood STAR initiatives fall under the Business u sidy criteria as adopted on 9/8/99. OC�f 1 9���� CIT`( ATTOR�IEY ADVANTAGESIFnPPROVED. v �: ��"'�'" 2,f'.. , �,',^�� �:, � ��� s.�s . :, �,. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: � COST/ALEVENCJE BUDGETED: Nvrmmre souxcE: Neighborhood STAR Program ncTivrrx �Ex: P7-93o-90308-0547-77999 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAI� K1SharM�PedVvfsw�.mn\Greeu SLee� Formfor Small Cnaocs wpd r