272041 M�HITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GI�TY OF SAINT PAUL � -�� � CANARY - DEPARTMENT Council ��- �x BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �� ` uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the application of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul for abatement of special assessments on the property at 1033 Childs Road for the year 1973, as more fully described in the application identified as County Auditor ' s No. 94726; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is directed to transmit a copy of this resolution to the Ramsey CQUnty Auditor. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � ---�� In Favor Hunt Levine � __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco � � 4 �� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by ncil: Date Certifi Passed Coun Secretary BY ���� i l, � App v by Mavor: Da NOV 1 6 19 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY — BY pustts��o N 01� 2 5 1978 DEPARTMENI" OF PROPERTY TAXATION COUNTY OF RAMSEY ��: �k�=� �.� 126-138 Court House �'� ' �-"'- St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 LOU McKENNA OCtObeP 16� 1,9�$ OIVISION MANAGERS: Director Robert J. Ellis ROGER VIK Property Valuation Assistant Director �Nilliam M. Killeen Revenue C. Thomas Osthoff Land Records Rose Mix City Clerk Room 386 Court House Attn: Albert B. Olson Council Recorder Re: Application for abatement submitted by Richard K. Parr, on behalf of: Port Authority Dear Mrs. Mix: Enclosed are copies of the following abatements: 94725 94726 There are assessments levied against these parcels that are to be cancelled by resolution of the City Council, as follaws: Ass'd Str. Maint. Local Imp. Str. Imp. Dist. Year ��32 ��35 �k2362 2 1973 $284.00 6 1975 $288.56 6 1976 $285.80 Please initiate the necessary action. Yours very truly, Lou McKenna, Director Departm f Property Tax tion �� r � �.. B � � �! f �_ �. Supervisor Appraisal Services RKP:ay O � s ♦ KEPORT UF ASSESSOR, RAMSEY COUN'TY Abatement No• 94� Assessment District: OCtober S 19 7$ �$'dl �S�ription: port Authority P1at No. �. �ROPERTY IDENTIFICATION Weter District Plaf Parcel Shed Property coded as: 02 59800- 52-03 Address of Property: 1033 Childs Road � A 94029 - Exempt for 72 & 73 App►icant: Port Authority 649 City Hall Mailing Address: . Applicant's Market Value: Land $ Imp.$ Total $ Insurance $ Assessed as follows: CANCEL ASSESSMENTS ONLY School V ESTIMATED MARKET VALUES LIMITED MARKET VALUES ASSESSED Disirict A YEAR Total Class % Value C Land � Bldg/Other Total Land Bldg/Other ASSD YEAR ASSESSMENT AMOUNT 1973 �k32 Water I . � 28�..00 E%EMPT NO Of PERCENT EXCEPTION Z CODES RESD UWNED LiMITED MARKET cooe o u UNITS (MSTD) VALUE — FIRST rl A w s T n " ACRE LAND ONLY ^SS PR G E E G P c ' M7 �P R E E Y Y . Assessor's Recommendation: School U ESTIMATED MARKET VAIUES LIMITED MARKET VALUES ASSESSED A VEAR DiStrit� C Land Bldg/Othe� Total LanO Bldg/Other Total Class '% Value Report'of Investigation: , ,� ✓ / � � `/ / �i, // i /.- � r;� r,� - - i L !�/ll � KEPORT UF ASSESSOft, RAMSEY COUNTY Abatement No. 94725 Assessment District: St Paul OCtober 5 19 78 Legal Descr�ption: Morrison's Add'n. t0 WeSt .St� Pcllll aROPERTY IDENTIFICATION Waler District Plat Percel Shed . Property Coded as: 06 52000 031 16 Address of Property: 23O Eva St. Formerly coded as: 031-17 Applicant: � Port Authority A 94031 - Exempt for 73,75 & 76 Mailing Address: �i�+9 City Hall Applicant's Market Value: Land $ Imp. $ Total $ Insurance $ Assessed as fotlows: CANCEL ASSESSMENTS ONLY School � ESTIMATED MARKET VALUES LIMITED MARKET VALUES ASSESSED DisVict A YEAF � Total Class % VaWe C �and Bldg/Other Total land Bidg/Other ASSD. YR. ASSES MENT AMOUNT 1975 k35- Local mp. $288.56 1 •� � EXEMPT NO.OF PERCENT E%CEPTION Z COOES RESD UWNEO LiMITED MARKET CODE o u UNITS (HSTD) VALUE — FIRST " A ,°N S T A rti ACRE LAND ONIY AS p N E N A P r � SM R� G E G E G T T P R E V � Assessor's Recommendation: School q �EAq ESTIMATED MARKET VALUES LIMITED MARKET VALUES ASSESSEO Oisirict C Land Bldg/Other Tofal Land Bldg/Other Tolal Class -% Value I Report of Investigation: . _ .�� .. ' / - � � / j , � � � / , , , . , //� ;'�G�` � ����� . RE�EryE� rsEP� 1918 _ ' � Form DPT 229 ��� .•., �nMSB�Y�+• wl1WQ��'- s�.�— � APPLIC�TION FOR RELIEF—General Form • � !�' (If reduction requested exceeds 5500 make application in triplicate, otherwise in duplica:e) • To the County Board and County Auditor ot Ramsey County, and to the Commissioner of Revenue of the State ot Minnesota: - STATE OF M[NNESOTA, County of Ramsey � ss. City, 17����n St Paul 02-59800-052-03 Applicant: Richard K. Parr as Heputy County Auditor � ��s� for: Port Authority, property located at 1033 Childs Road , and that Abatement ��94029 has been processed to cancel the Ad Valorem Taxes for the payable years 1973 and 1974, Applicant requests: the special assessments for the payable year 1974 be _ r cancelled. j I � I � I� �- �� � ` � ��`' Applicant DATE September 25 (�aA.D. 19 78 I I . J _ .. � ' CERTIFICATE OF RECOMMENDATION . BY COUNTY BOARD AND COUNTY AUDITOR • I, tLe unde=signed, County Auditor of the within nsmed County, do herebY certity that atazetul examination into the alleaatlons and statements set Iorth in the within application has been made by t6e County Board uf said County and bY mYself and that trom said examination we are convincod and verily belleve that said alleQations and statements are true � ` I turther certify that, at a meeUna dulY held 19 , said County Boud, by otticial action upon motion duly adoDted and entered upon the minutes of its Droceedini�as a Dubllc record,ahowina tde names of the taxDeYen end other D�+ons concerned and the aa►ounta involved,made the followin�recommendaUon,wharein I hereby concuz,upoa sald appLcation: That the assessed value of wid proDrty be roduced to and 5xed at i I hereby certify the result of said recommendation is as follows; and if the taxes have been paid that propor4onal refund- ment be authorized: • � Assessed Debt Tax General Tax Less Homestead Special Totat Values Credit Assess. Pe able ORIGINAL • REDUCTION NEW Reduction of Penelty Tax Rate �+ills Reduction o[Interest RamseY County Auditor Witness my hend end official seal , 19— By Deputy County Auditor. T 0 � " r �d ab,� �u'�a � � C a�Fi d v� � � I , I O O ` � ' � a aai c�i � C� „ � " G u C aui ° �' "> o. u . d A :7 W � d q�� T d d �. y E u d a A � ` a A a °; m� o'° 08,� e � �� o T � �J o 0 0 � � ��$ � o W� � y • p� w O O .. w ui d � t,C, N C A �" � 'C'O'� A C ' 3'C7 C y O Q Z A y .in .3'C y�' �.d+b g � � � N H i: .9 O > 3 � 6 d .. d¢ ow5u �� '3 $ oCO � v W � �'a �° , a A �aT �vo � ' ' o � �� aGi >'o 0 Z W � U � ~��^ M C V - U W � � '� 0 U . Z lL O � �A � p � `� r�.A � y�9 � M , - c O C � � y U �y y � ip Qi � p,' G O Cl � 0 �'O,� l+ N j7 W '� ` � N �lJ' y LL z W � M � lO � r p C E �7 F+� m � a . O WC Ql � •�� k'�i b K�•r N b � � y � 4 O � C b b � � � � F" � a `� p.+.�. O `��j y� � C � `U .r'.I � . Q Q C � � ' C �.���T�� ,C,w - � � .`'a « d u o � � a y >, ° �v '" a e'd m.o o a, v v v� a � a, W � � '� � v °',, � yysa p� � � � °: Ny C1 � . .o a1 d „ ooa „ „ d _ .o d a � x Z` �, Q � a � � o�° cVVa, o "'«ro � a 'P �,e °o ui°i R O p �0 40 m d'Opw. m v O �0 O O � m� M '"� a � : a � = �"s�qFd� 6 0. a � � oE � .. a u Tl.a tA ,.. y r.g A C M p w�� .. (A .. � _. V.C+ � C . �� . � 0! M �y F N� N m m m a e� m y �.NL.�U�� .3a17 �r7 �'•i -�� � z � � � o� � u � yM ya � ''�1 � 6 •R �� `.�a o 6 E Hc •� � W , \ A Oa �. N�+ ��� z �1�� � � C O..Ci O.�. � O O ` �` W � � M � o�� � 61 C C ^ . � r �► � W �-�� k, � 6` �« Ep ° ° ° ... . �`� � � O +� � � � a'.,� °°�ac ` ,� o � .�, O O ,; .. O -�,r, � v W � O V �+ s� r'+ � � � �, �m € C �� v `\e��M F' .L M Y O� a0 q � Vi""V O M � , K t ,� . W V � .� � Y '� 'p� y ��.p,o e >E,° 7 : � O •� 1 '3 m � y E c v \ � p d d fW d � x � �°, � �� °° y�'o T� ` �----- � a � V o m-� '°� v I I � � rn (� z S� � d N Cn Z' N � O 'd �r �y a '� m E �' "° I .� a � ti°' s 4 a• � �' � a6'�� y� �� :; , . - o g g a a o � 4 � o� 9 ��A; � � � O �, < �+ h'� g m - , -- - _ . .. .. �'�1 y o ° � �� `° `o Q V W � r_,, c,.� @ Nc �� ya.� ,d,g � � - E ` ' � m " > o LL � U � i--I �j r6.o o �.i a o�► p (x � . , � r `+ . RF��IV�� . S'��2 919T8 �Mc�� �Ce. z Form OPT 229 � APPLICATION FOR RELIEF—General Form �0' (If reduction requested exceeds a500 make application in triplicate, otherwise in duplicaie) To Lhe County Board and County Auditor of Ramsey County, and to the Commissioner of Revenue of t6e State oi Minnesota: • STATE OF MINNESOTA, � County of Ramsey � Ss, 06-52000-031-16 City, 1��x�� St Pau1 ���� Applicant• Richard K. Parr as Deputy County Auditor �sa�s; for: Port Authoritv located at 230 Eva Street , and that TO CANCEL SPECTAL ASSESSMEL�TTS ONLY. Abatement ��94031 has been processed to cancel the Ad Valorem taxes for the payable years, 1974, 1976 and 1977. T Applicant requests• the speciel assessments be cancelled for the payable . years 1976 and 1977. % ,,. i � "' , .f� ppplicant , DATE September 25 A.D.(19W�$ r i �„ • [0 � Q �.ov �c� o cr9 1 � � o � � � �, �: o� ag'� mmKq W x � 3. � b � � E'. ��e ��' mCPoA � � � n C � a l.;. a. o m a�;�� o �H � [�J M �jy C :� O O a •� > 0�^9 �o �1 � `� � r @' p � � . . � �'�� • � � � `A g�r ti �� � (0 1 y � � � � 0 � � "'1 � � ' . m w 7 O/7 fC " g � f d C/� h1 �l. N N .A � 4,; F� ' n� � E � � % a �• � � w x � � ° . ' ° 3� o�°e N ° � �� �9 � c�o c�+ b � p p O�J w � ?0 N 'o �, � . ' . �a �7,vm � ym �. 1 ^ ii c+ � G � m � �- P�` p,, � . . �i �,°oo w'3� m m n � � "� � � � � w�t •� y� t M O A�O B � « 7!E � O � � �� � ` � 7 y W � � » � Q O . :A � A o �: � Vl F� Z � � T� � y 7 � �•'r "+A �• 0 1-� c* � � � �, y ,� .. a�a�,q � '1 � � . � ^ �o� � ao �ap 9 � � �r � C A � »O ^W 'p O .r,'C ' � I� Z � ~ a 1 �� ' � � �� � �� . ,..� 39 � E �'„ c � ai• y \� C ,3� ao � 0 7�'� A ��e � a �V Rl >a f! rD � n � �C » 1� d ."Z � s- � no �Jpt'C1E•7C�c':.N'm n . � . a� 7 a N A W 00 C.� 'p � . � � o o � �' � �� m� ��ay � ^' ". C r (1 4 C .� N C � � A r7�,.� '" C 'L� N O 'T� rn o x�'�° ° � c � .��.� �A°"0a � o c o. � c 3. a< ao r- A c, oAmy ^ � ^ . Nry � '° ;a� A � o. =r v � '2 y� '0a. eo � 3 � ey,�, �a�~ a� 3 � � 3 '�v y O. 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'Itl NI`JRIO a1qa ed •ssassy 31pa�� sanjeA Ieloy lvzoadg pea�sawo� ssa-I xe,l, je�aua� xey34aQ Passassy ' • . :pazuo�ine aq ivaui ' -pun�ai Teuopiodwd 3ecp pzad uaaq aneq saxea a� ,{t pue �3MOti0� se st uopepuawuio�a� pres ;o �lnsai a� �(;p�a� �iqaiay j ' 9e Pa=A P�*o� peonpa:aq dytdoid P►ae Io antan pacca4sa aql 3gR,L :ao�saa{�dde p{es ssoGn•mouoa dqaaaq j utazaqn+`vo��apuautmooaa 8u�n+oRoj aq3 apam'panionui s3unowa eq�pue pau�aovoo suouaQ:aq3o puv sia�ieQxe3 aq�jo eaweu eql lv�.w+oqs 'paooai oRqnd s n ssaFpaaaoiA p{jo sa3�ui�+ a4i �odn pesa�va pue pa�Qope R�np uoqo�u aodn uo{3� ' iBi�Flio �cq 'pasog dluno0 PiM � 6T' - piaq d[np �uqaam e �s yeRi �iiYtao saq7inl 1 an:� aaa s�uacua�a3s pua saocleeana p�es 1aq� ana�taq .c�an pas paou}nvoo eis am aoiiRUnaxBZa ' p�as suou i*q'1 Pvg Tiaf.tm dq pua �S�vnop p1ae jo paeog d3�no� aq� �cq apew vaaq say uoilaoRdQv t+�qi}n� ey3 IIi q73oI i�$ s�ua+uai8'le pua suoF3eeane aq; o1uF uo�3euFwsxa �a:na v�aqi.cjtuao �cqa:aq op •.c3vno� pacuRU aiqlin� aq3 jo ao�1pnrr �C3uno� •pa�isxapcm aql 'I aoliond �INno� arue aadoa �1Nno� �a N011b'aN3WW0�3N �O 31�d�l�ila3�