� CANARY - DEPARTMENT -�(}� '•4y�
BI.UE - MAYOR Flle NO. rv���•� '� ���y�'y
� Council Resolution
Presented By ��
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An administrative Resolution approvi.ng the terms and
conditions of a 1g79 Memorandum of Understanding
applying to "Supervisory Confidential Employees" of
the City of Saint Paul holding Classified titles.
WHEREAS, the council, pursuant to the provisions of Section 12. 09
of the St. Paul City Charter and the Public Employee s Labor Relations Act,
recognizes the employees in the confidential group shall be those employees
defined as "Confidential Employees" in Section 179. 63, Subdivision 8, of the
Minnesota Statutes; and
WHEREAS, the City, through its designated representatives, has met
and conferred in order to establish the terms and conditions of employment
for the calendar year of 1979 for such personnel as are set forth in the
"Memorandum of Understanding", and
WHEREAS, a 1979 "Memorandum of Understanding" ha,s been reached
which in�ludes the same 1979 adjustments received by the non-confidential
classified supervisory employees; now, therefore, be it .�
RESOLVED, that the "Memorandum of Understanding" cited above,
dated as of the effective date of this Resolution, on file in the office of the
City Clerk, is hereby approved, and the authorized administrative officials
of the City are hereby authorized and directed to execute said "Memorandum
of. Under standing" on behalf of the C�ty.
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Civil Service Commis ' ' n
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Butler � P ER SO 1� L OF F CE
�,, In Favor
' .,
� � /'
I.evine _.�__ Against BY � ���������'���/-
Maddox �!j
Showalter ,�'
TedesCO � '� p�v Form A proved by ity t r y
Adopted by C Date �
Cer ed �s� by Council S�cret ry BY .
By 1
�# r d by Mavor: D _ �v 9 ���� Approv y a r for S i i to Council
g B �
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Da not �detach th�s memora►ndum fran 'the ��
resolution so'that this 'irt�or�tioa witl be � �i: �ji9�5
availabie to the Cfty Cour�cii. : �n►.: g�8�zs
$�r�rriv�v. c� a���zv8�o� �'���.�
, • �rssor.�rioxs, u� os��ca�s
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DA,ts: September �8,. 1978
. � . �tECE ��O/ ED
, T0 s MltYE?R G�E LA7'�R �CT 1 .,� ��7$
F�: P�rso�aal 6fi�.co �XOR'S Q�
�a Resolution far submisatfo� ta Cfty Couac�l .
AG'�x1� �S'�: �
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We �'s��amsn+d yossr appro�al and �ubaniesio� of..tt�ia- R�sc�lu��a�t to �t� Ci.tq t3ovncilc.
P�P.Ol3$ ,A�A? �IE�N�,E Ft�t T�C& ACTIG�Ai: '
.�I Y�II�Y�qr�l�r��� I� IY�YYI�1 I� �I�� I I���I . . . . � . .
: This Resolatioa approves a "Memoraadum of Under�taa�tir,�g'" appli�able:to the
• Clas�ified Cor�id+eatial Supervisory. Emplogees of �.e Gity of St, Paul. 'There are
eight �mployees in thie group who are in classifa.ed titles ax�d who�,vtmul,d be ia t�e
•Professioaal Employees Associatioa, Unit II, if they were ncrt ''Cas�£ide�l�,�.1" ampi�qees.
• The Memorandum of Underat ar�ding provides the same salary iacrm�s� {5. 75�y6� :
'�his 5.?5% increase will be reduced by the same amotuat the Mariag�me�:t a►�d -
' Professioaal:Supervisory Org�nization ernployees is reduc�d,bas�d da the mp�foae ,
that Orgaaizatioa elects regarding:Healfih, Life a.nd Dental Ias�ranc�. T�� �l�cted
optio� w�1.,t aiso thsa apply to these Canfidential emploqees. '
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- Resolntion, Memorandurn of Uadersta.nding aad c�py for City Cl;erk.
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This Memorandum of Understanding shall apply to the classified Confidential
Supervisory Employees holding the following classified titles:
Chief Examiner and Director of Personnel
Assistant Director of Personnel
Director of School Cafeterias
General Manager-Glater Department
Personnel Assistant IV
City Training Coordi.nator
Except as herein modified, the 1978 Memorandum of Agreement applicable to the
above mentioned titles shall continue in effect.
1. Item 1 of said Memorarcdum of Agreement shall be changed to read as follows:
Employees employed in the aforementioned classified supervisory
titles and positions which axe considered confidential shall be
placed in a salary range equal to the 1979 salary range appli-
cable to employees employed in classified supervisory titles in
non-confidential positions which are in the same pay grade and
occupational group as the confidential titles.
Employees employed in the..aforementioned classified supervisory
titles and positions whicf��are considered confidential and which
are in pay grades in which there are no classified supervisory
non-confidential titles, shall be placed in the 1979 salary xange
which would be applicable to employees employed in classified
supervisory non-confidential positions, if they existed, in the
same pay grade and occupational group as the confidential titles.
2. Effective January 1, 1979, the dollar figures in Item 3 of the 1977 and
1978 Memoranda shall be changed to reflect the amounts paid by the
employer under Article 14.4 of the 1979 Collective Bargaining Agreements
between the City of Saint Paul, Independent School District No. 625 and
the Management and Professional Supervisory Employees Organization.
3. Effective January 1, 1979, the dollar figures in Item 4 of the 1977
Memorandum shall be changed to reflect the amounts paid by the employer
under Article 14.5 of the 1979 Collective Bargaining Agreements between
the City of Saint Paul, Independent School District No. 625 and the
Management and Professional Supervisory Employees Organization.
4. If the Management and Professional Supervisory Employees Organization
elects the option regarding the Dental Insurance as outlined in Article
14.8 of the 1979 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of
Saint Paul, Independent School District No. 625 and the Management and
Professional Supervisory Employees Organization all provisions of said
article shall apply to all employees covered by this Memorandum of