273629 !9' ��" - CITV CLERK COIl[lCll � � - FINANCE GITY SAINT PALTL �r����r�. DEPARTMENT File NO. - MAYOR dindnce Ordinance N 0. 1 lG�� � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the St. Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof. WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, § 462.357 and $ 64.210 of the Legislative Code, Thomas and Lorraine Walden duly petitioned to rezone the west Z of Lot 13 and all of Lots 14 & 15, Block 2, Gilbert's Addition, located on the southeast corner of Griggs and Hewitt, from R-1 to RT-2 for the purpose of converting a single family home to a 4-unit structure, the petition having been certified by the Department of Finance and Management Services on March 2, 1979 as having been consented to by at least 67� of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and further, having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate held by the same owner or any party purchasing any such contiguous property within one year preceding the date of the petition; and f' . WHEREAS, The current planning committee on June 21, 1979 conducted a public hearing for the purpose of considering the re- zoning petition, and, pursuant to Section 20.03 of the Administra- ' tive Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission ' that the petition be granted; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on June 22, 1979 and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and WHEREAS, Notice of a public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine A gai ns t BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved b City torney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor r Submission to Council By By WHITE C1TV CLERK j�, FINANCE COI111C11 J���� DEPARTMENT CITY OF SAINT PAITL �V - MAVOR File NO. • l / Ordindnce Ordinance N0. I l�� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date newspaper of the City on July 28, 1979 and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, A public hearing before the City Council, having been conducted on August 14, 1979 where all interested persons were heard, and the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet No. 11, as incorporated by reference in Section 60. 401 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That property located on the Southeast corner of Griggs and Hewitt, being more particularly described as the west Z of Lot 13 and aTl of Lots 14 & 15, Block 2, Gilbert's Addition, be and is hereby rezoned from R-1 to RT-2. Section 2 . This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. 2 . COUI�iCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � �C��"lOY1 �' In Favor Hunt Levine � Against BY �A4a�ex Showalter Tedesco SEp � g 1979 Form Approved by �ty A orney Adopted by Council: Date Certified by Counci retar BY B Ap o y Mayor: Date �P 2 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY BY Pt�ausy�o SEP 2 9 1979 � � � .�1ti y'.�•r,�" ����i..i/� d �� p o. � ����� - �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL � oRy . 'a°� DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � muium �e �r m� �uu � .,,;• ^� DIVISION OF PLANNING I °��-6n��� 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4151 � MAYOR n 4 v'� c.r.� .-a r� "ti �,;.,�� �--- August 8, 197g ;.:�-� +�' r`��+ �... ;r � o __�n c.� �_� y� •� � Rose Mi x, Ci ty C1 erk � � �,-,� 386 City Hall St. Paul , Minn. 55102 Dear Madam: Re: Zoning File No. 8452 - Walden This is written in response to the petition of Thomas & Lorraine Walden to rezone property located on the southeast corner of Hewitt and Griggs from R-4 (Single Family) to RT-2 (Townhouse Residential ). The purpose of the request is to enable the owners to convert a rather large single family dwelling on a large lot into a four unit structure. This matter was heard before the Current Planning & Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on June 21 , 1979. The applicants had oriQinally filed a petition to rezone the property to RM-1 (Multiple Family) , but just prior to the hearing they notified Staff that they wished to amend the request from RM-1 to RT-2. h1r. Jerry LaCasse, president of District 11 Planning Coalition, spoke in opposition to the RM-1 request but indicated District 11 would favor the RT-2 zone since this would be more compatible with surrounding conditions and in keeping with the preliminary district plan. A petition with 9 signatures was also submitted to the Board in opposition to the RM-1 rezoning. No reason for opposition was stated. Staff recommended denial of the RM-1 request and the Current Planning & Zoning Committee voted 4 to 2 to recommend the RT-2 zone based on the fact that the petitioner and District 11 Coalition had cooperated and agreed to this zoning request. On June 22, 1979 the Planning Commission confirmed the recommendation of the Current Planning & Zoning Committee on a 12 to 2 vote. City Council has re-scheduled a public hearing on this matter for August 14, 1979. Sincerely, � Laurence J. Jung City Planner LJJ/gf Encs. O 1 ' ��� ' ' MINUTES OF THE CURRENT PLANNING & ZONING COMMTTTEE IN CITY COUPJCIL CNAMBERS, SAINT PAUL, MIMNESOTA JUNE 21 , 1979 PRESENT: N6nes. Karns and Summers, Messrs. gryan, Fitzgibbon, Lanegren and Levy of t e urrent Planning and Zoning Committee; Mr. Jerome Segal , Assistant City Attarney; Mmes. McNeally and Fox and Mr. Laurence Jung of the Planning Staff. ABSENT: McGinley, Pangal The meeting was chaired by Mr. James Bryan, the chairman. THOMAS & LORRAINE WALDEN (#8452) : A petition to rezone from R-4 Single Family to RM-�� e�Fami'fy property located at 1216 Hewitt Street. The petitioner was present. T"here was opposition present at the hearing (for Rt�1-1 ). Mr. Jung showed slides of the site and reviewed his staff report recomnending deniaT of the rezoning request. He added that the Planning Office had received an amer�ded statement from the petitioner that the Committee be asked to change the request to RT-2 rather than RM-1 , in compliance with the District 11 meeting with the petitianer. Mr. Levy asked if it were proper to do this by letter and Ms. McNeally said it was as long as it is a more restrictive zoning classification. Mr. Jung noted a letter received from District �leven Coalition in opposition to the RM-1 classification. Lorraine Walden, 1216 Hewitt Avenue, the petitioner, said her house is larger than one would suspect and she told the Committee there is more than ample space for a four-plex, and no on-street parking would be required, as there is offstreet parking for 8 to 12. She said d four-plex would nnt change the neiqhborhood as there are duplexes all around the area. There is adequate wiring already in, she said. She explained that she had gotten as much information as possible by phone and was told she should ask for RM-1 , so she applied for a permit, but the District Eleven Coalition told her an RT-2 zoning would be better, and she was agreeable. Jerry LaCasse, President of District Eleven Coalition, said his district is opposed to RM-1 zoning and felt that if the physical appearance of the building was not altered, they would agree to RT-2 zoning. They will support RT-2 for 4 units , but want it understood that if the RT-Z is granted, they would like the see the plans approved before any physical conversion takes place. Mr. Amey said that when the building permit is issued (it technically should be before the work starts) , plans will be approved and any changes noted on the floor plan. Provided they get proper zoning, the owners will get the permit before they start work, Mr. Amey said. There being no further public testimony, Mr. Bryan closed the public hearing. Mr. Lanegren moved approval of �he reznning from R-4 to RT-2 based on the fact tha� the petitioner and District Eleven Coalition cooperated and agreed on the RT-2 zoning. The motion was seconded by Mr. Fitzgibbon and passed on a 4 to 2 roll call vote, with Nbnes. Summers and Karns Dissenting. Submitted bv: Approve� ,y: ��� .�,,�,�1� � 1 �'� 2 ✓.. Laurence J. Jung Jame Bryan, Ch 'rman /� Thoma s and Larraine Glald en(f�$452) 1216 Hewitt Ave St Paul, Minn. 55104 June 15 19?9 �� �� Planninp Commi�1 on •o �' � .�� 1101 City hall Annex �� �Lp''�J P�Q st Pau1h Minn. 55102 J�� NN�NG��� � � PlanninR� and Zoninp� Committee. . . .Sub�ect--Amendment C����tPav\� ' Sirs:- We submitted to you a request for rezoning of our prQpetty located at 1216 Hewitt Av. We asked for a RM-1 zanin�. � Our preaent zonina is H-4. We talked to the District Council, oax►June 12th.and they convinced us that an RT-2 zoning would prove suffient to our needs. We would therefore like to amend the previous requ�st of RM-1 to RT-2 as recommended and backed by the District Council. �L„�o 1,� �„;. ��,�,�� Thank you, , a,,,,..._ � , �J�� �.\� /'���`G (.�/ �� � , .. .., ,,.. .. ..,.�,...,� , ... .. .. . ... .._. �... _ _ . ti . s�r3���- , � �d '�,`:�Q . DISTRICT ELEVEN COALITION June 15, 1979 � � �, � � u � � Gladys i�Iorton Chairperson, Board of Zoning Appeals �UN � 81�79 Planning and Zoning Committee 25 West 4th Street CITY PLANNING t30ARD St Paul, Minnesota, 55102 Sa�nt Paul, Minnesota Dear Ms Morton; At the June 12 Physical 8ommittee meeting of District 11 Coalition P�Ir and Mrs Thomas Ulaldon presented their request to rezone their property at 1216 Hewitt Avenue from R-4 to Rt�i 1. �he Coalition Committee, after deliberation, recommends that the property be rezoned to R-T2 rather than RP�I-1 and that the VJaldens not be granted this particular zoning change request. Our concern for the preservation of the residential character of this section of District 11 leaves us no other choice than to recommend R-T2 zoning. Rezoning to R1'�-1 would or could eventually destroy this area be- cause of the possibility of higher density structures being permitted sometime in the future. A representative of the Coalition will attend the hearing on June 21, at 3; 30 pm. S erely u s, � e ry asse, resident c: Larry Jung Roger Ryan Serving the Hamline Midway area i ib1 University Avenue St Paul, MN 55104 - � � .. � ����:��� . ll�te : June 15, 1979 Fte ; Hezone of 1216 Hewitt To: Current Planriln�,- 3c 'LoninQ Comrnittee of St. Paul !'lannin� Corrunission With reference to Jour 'Lonin� File #8452, Zonin� File Name W�lden, we the undersi�ned are not in favor of rezonin� the propert� located at 1216 Hewitt from R-4 to RM-1. . _� . e � �^��"''t'�`-.�.�.c__ �-��'` �'�-� • ____--. __ �� >.n, N ��ru,� _ _�_.._ .- �- -- %_,�__z�._1��.. . �°�. ��.__ __. .__. � _ . �� l-� � �- __ _ __ -�� ���?� : _ .__-�-.�-- .%.�- _--_ __ �_-_ _ ���s ;- � � �;�;..�°� � .__ .__ _ _� __�_. _ _ _ __ _ �a �� _ � . . .__ .-""'""". J �l'� ��y' _ "" ._ __ � .__ � __ __ . ,I � J / ��jG� .._ . ���ans � 'n'�. a...o �l,�.a. . �LSa'�.� �. 1,�,�,1�,�,�, �1 S� N�a.,�{ �-�,►� . _ _ �__ . , � _ __ . � ��� �->`�' ..�-�'s�-.-,-���� ��. 6�����...� . __--s.�-�«-��� . � _'� -, �'� ��� �1�.�- . /lS .yu�ti� �,,..� . _ _ J.�' •4- ����v /'/�n� � ` ��`''-� -s�' �� ?,�:-�-._ � _ . � � �D � � � � � JUN2� �9 � CItY PLANNING�BOARD ' ��L�� � �n� .L;, ��,,:� ;. Gi��dy:: ���rt;��,� CYiairp�rso.i, 3o��r�� of :oiiiri �� _�r�,::.�1:., �Z.:aT1�1111+' :1 1(.� '')`1!il ' '.:U'..i:7ltti..: ?� �!e:3t l�.t�, , .tz'�;�;1: . `�t P,.i�.z:�, :_�rr.:l�.::,.:c�, �;,� L ) , ��:ar :;�� _:�ri��i: f,t thc: J'_tn�; 1::: ��liy�ic.�l �oi��,li�:i,uc, .:i��;;ili�� Ur i..�-L-rict 11 tiUr��.1'�;l�Jl'1 I:C C..�:1i] .;i`� '�'ilU�:l:.i�, '.:1.1�70'_1 4)'r, �.irlt;c�'.L Lr'_�._ 't' "1'., ,c,, ,.1I; t�a r�::�oiit; tiiuiz� ?�r��,��i•ty �3t 1."i�� i:.:-�r�iti� I��v�:�i �i: i'rc�_ , _'� '; ta ��:�-1. �rr�e l:G��.lition �.o�i:� :itt��:� ��.itcr d�;l�i'aer�ztion� rico�-::_n�;nu.:� �r11C`�.t� �hl: �-��'U��)�:�1'%.'.7 .:i: �'l::',(.).1'�.: .� ��'� .`.—r�n 1���t.`Il�:.�' �i�i:.`�(1 . ?."Z a�d t'riat ti7:: �',:�1�! _�:_s �Z��i; i�t. �-;r �n�L�a t�::i.�. �r,��L�.c; ,L��,;� zonin� cii:_�:i�;,.: r•.,�.�+��t�, � Cux' corlc�r!i :Car t}::.; ;�r�:���rvai;ir,ii of tti� i•:;:::i.ci�izt�al vharacter of thi�� :��ctic:Z ��i ;i;:>-t;rici; 11 l: :.v:... _�.�_ I1<� C)ti}1t:7" (:51C'1(:',. 1.�1:.. 1 . i'�;Ci.�i'') .?.,';1 ' . f_ ..:i li;lt:• ?C.%:"11�:.� �, , . , , . ti O i� r'�. .';011�C:: Ci?.' (:G'7_L i; � .�� , .r :. . . . .:V�1i,_�.�1_1;, �,' ' ,r: 'x �:Ji,i'C �:�: .t :�,., �'.c��:.l:;�.: U�� �.•�1�. !)�.)'. .�. ......5�.�i.i�r �.�� ,.� ��ll.:l:' 1�...-1.::,...�.`j� � l,_.'�.l('1__7 t'.. , }� 1., .}- � {. U'�.:ZZ�li..r i}..i1��::1�t l�l:,_� ;CJ,�.- .; t�i . ,. _11 �'�:1: �I1�1.Z.t�'.:• 1'i 1'i; >^G..�:Tl�tl'�:.�11��., ��:" �1:., l :)�.;� _ t:.ic�.l .;_..11. '.�:t, . 1,':� i;!1.. Yi,::ar:�n,; cxi J.l�i: .�:�, :� 3• 3;1 _;,�, ;::;.,ic.._ .;:L f �Four�.�, _ , . , . >.... , ., -, _- ,.. ::t � ,; ��_�;.:.:.: .;�,, : r.: �.�..�,_;�,, C C: �,`.i"_",r J'.lfl; ��J::;��?.' �.,��:..r� . � � �` �" ���C� CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ASSESSMENT DIVISION 113 CITY HALL ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 April 25, 1979 TO the Council City of St. Paul � I have xechecked the attached petition of Thomas and Lorraine Walden, filed in the matter of rezoning, The west � of Lot 13 and all of Lots 14 & 15, Block 2, Gilbert's Addition, From an R:+1 district to an RM-1 diatrict, and finci r!-,�t said petition is sufficient. YQUrs v�ry truly, t} j � � 4 �ernard J. Qa,'r son, Dire tor Re: X2257 cc: Building Dept. Zonin$ $oard File Pa�cels Eligible - 13 Parcels Needed - 9 Parcela Si&ned - 10 SZ �✓ ���� ���� ��� City Clerk r ..� CITY OF ST. PAUL • ' DfPARTM�NT UF F1iVANC� AND MANAGEMFNT SERVICES ,���'��� ASSESSMENT DIVISION 113 CITY HALL ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA 5$102 - ,�uiy 20, 1979 File X2257 Page Zoning File 8452 • The Council of the City of St. Paul will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House (third floor) at 10:00 a.m. on August 7, .1974 on the: Petition of Thomas and Lorraine Walden to rezone the property on the SE corner of Griggs St. and Hewitt Ave. from an R-1 district to an RM-1 district. The property � is legally described as: the west � of Lot 13 and all of Lots 14 & 15, Block 2, Gilbert's AddiCion. Purpase is to convert single family house to 4-plex. If you would like further information about this hearing, contact the Current Planning Section of the Planning Board, Room 1202 CiCy Hall Annex 298-4154. While the Ciry Charter requires that we notify yvu of the hearin.g, we want to help you to �.earn fully about any improvement that could affect you or your community. Therefore, I sincerely hope you can attend this hearing, so that you can make your views about it known to the CiCy Council, whether f!+r or against: � - J. WILLIAM DONOVAN VALUATION AND ASSESSMENT ENGINEER �C�z'S�� y 7 ��������� �, ,��,,�. . I,,' t� � . .�, . 1 ___ 1� �.._ lst �/� !-� 2nd �/�(� . . . . - " 3rd '' � Adopted 9—�•�'� , Yeas Nays BUTI.ER HUNT LEVINE �'��629 � ��- SHOWALTER J TEDESCO PRESIDENT (HOZ�A) . ' �.� , . . s� _ � CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIVISION OF ASSESSMENTS AND VALUATIONS + March 2, 1979 To the Council City of St. Paul I have checked the attached petition of Thomas and Lorraine Walden, filed in the matter of rezoning, The west '� � ' -t ' f (,c :s 14 & 15, B' from an R-1 district t petition is insufficie � � `� l �`��1 ��- �l / �� ,� Yours very truly, �-_ C� ;� o--fl--�� �, , � , f �,�.��--- .��. �-�', ����� � � Bernard J. Carlson - � �,��� = %�� � `� j . � /� �:� Re. X2257 cc: Buflding Dept. Zoning Board File Parcels Eligible - Parcels Needed - Parcels signed - j ���I�fG F1LE � Telephone 612/298-5241 113 City Hall, Saint Pau I, Minnesota 55102 . � 2��� r � � . . t ��\�l\1lRll , � __����lT• �:;�,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL _�. ;�.,,, '; a; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ;� u�ium �: �� ��� ��� � BUREAU OF RECORDS %v� „� '`'a ,... ' `"'�m�������°°�� 386 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4231 MAYOR February 20, 1979 Mr. Bernard Carlson, Director Dept. Finance & Management Services Room 113, City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: The Council referred to you for check as to sufficiency the attached petition to rezone part of Lot 13 and all of Lots 14 and 15, Gilbert's Addition at the southeast corner of Griggs and Hewitt. Very truly yours, ����'%` Rose Mix City Clerk ` `\ Attach. ABO:dcr � ' �,�� ���G �� REC'���.I�� FEB 26 1979 ASSESSMENT SECTICN DEPAANAGEMENT SERVICES AND M � _ 0 �..� � , � � � I-+f o�� _ - � -� � � � � /�. GG" • r G� ; � � • ` STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) ss. ��'"'" ° �� ) ',.,,.;,. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ) �1��:� i • . /' �� � r��t,e,�-� G��� / , g first duly sworn, deposes and states tha`t���the owner of the property to be rezoned, or has authority to lawfully bind the owner of the property to be rezoned, which is described as follows: � ' �1 �. v- ,f G,� �s /�' � / � �/��� y. � /' � ��-z- / � L���-/r Z. Cy ���/� � �.1��i �'o.v i ; ' i a i that affiant does not have any legal or equitable interest in, is not in the { act of purchasing, nor has he purchased or sold within one (1) year preceding the date of the attached petition any land contiguous to the property sought �c����v__u_r_--,/' to be rezoned as described above, except (�i@N�&} (SEE A�; that affiant understands the word "contiguous" as used herein to mean parcels of property sharing a common boundary at any point without regard to the presence of public , ` �� r�, 1a19 thoroughfa , MM/�/�M��fs�VV�MM/�n�"�/'n�.�,nr`nn� 1 LE:=...!^! � ,,. ' ' , , < _:.�.. .. � NORAR PUBLIC, RAMSEY COUNTY, MINN. Y�����y�/�,�W�'JWWIINWV�NR ,' L o�� /6 Y- /,�lc���z i � G a�/ � �`°� Q/L t�s `/ � . ���� T�� ; � . -, . . � � � . � • ��_. ,e � _ . • � ro : . ; ..�._. � � t :.. � : , . " �., �._ � � ����� MINUTES OF THE CURRENT PLANNING & ZONING COMMITTEE IN CITY COUPICIL ' CNAMBERS, SAINT PAUL, MI�JNESOTA JUNE 21 , 1979 PRESENT: Mmes. Karns and Summers, Messrs. Bryan, Fitzgibbon, Lanegren and Levy of t e�urrent Planning and Zoning Committee; Mr. Jerome Segal , Assistant City Attorney; Mmes. McNeally and Fox and Mr. Laurence Jung of the Planning Staff. ABS, ENT McGinley, Pangal The meeting was chaired by Mr. James Bryan, the chairman. THOMAS & LORRAINE WALDEN #8452� : A petition to rezone from R-4 Single Family to �M�uftip�e �ami y property located at 1216 Hewitt Street. The petitioner was present. T'here was opposition present at the hearing (for Rt�t-1 ). Mr. Jung showed slides of the site and reviewed his staff report recommending deniaT 4f the rezoning request. He added that the Planning Office had received an amended statement from the petitioner that the Corrrrnnittee be asked to change the request to RT-2 rather than RM-1 , in compliance with the bistrict 11 meeting with the petitianer. Mr. Levy asked if it were proper to do this by letter and Ms. McNeally said it was as long as it is a more restrictive zoning classification. Mr. Jung noted a letter received from District Eleven Coalition in opposition to the RM-1 classification. Lorraine Walden, 1216 Hewitt Avenue, the petitioner, said her house is larger than one would suspect and she told the Committee there is more than ample space for a four-plex, and no on-street parking would be required, as there is offstreet parking for 8 tp 12. She said a four-plex would not change the neighborhood as there are duplexes all around the area. There is adequate wiring already in, she said. She explained that she had gotten as much information as possible by phone and was told she should ask for RM-1 , so she applied for a permit, but the District Eieven Coa1ition told her an RT-2 zoning would be bett�r, and she was agreeable. Jerry LaCasse, President of District Eleven Coalition, said his district is oppased to RM-1 zoning �nd felt that if the physical appearance of the building was not altered, they would agree to RT-2 zoning. They will support RT-2 for 4 units, but want it understood that if the RT-2 is granted, they would like the see the plans approved before any physical conversian takes place. Mr. Amey said that when the building permit is issued (it technically should be before the work starts) , plans will be approved and any changes noted on the floor plan. Provided they get proper zoning, the owners will get the permit before they start work, Mr. Amey said. There being no further public testimony, Mr. Bryan closed the public hearing. Mr. Lanegren moved approval of the rezoning from R-4 to RT-2 based on the fact that the petitioner �nd District Eleven Coalition cooperated and agreed on the RT-2 zoning. The motion was seconded by Mr. Fitzgibbon and passed on a 4 to 2 roll call vote, with 1�4nes. Sumners and Karns Dissenting. Submitted bv: Approve y: �t,th.a.,t�� ..���� - �_.-----'�- z_✓ Laurence J. Jung Jame Bryan, Ch 'rman � ' � ' C w i��'i , _ ��w"""°'�;Jny CITY,�F SAINT PAUL 1;.�pITT p A ',''I �, a� DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECON'01�'C DEVELOPMENT �+ �ii"i ii ii ;� �',� `"� ,,.• ^ �;,�BIVIS�N�F PLANNING �... � �'"'im,,,,,,�� 25 West Fourth S�e�' Sa�nt�PauF�linnesota,55102 �,� � � 612-298-4151 GEORGE LATIMER l� MAYOR �p T'� s-_n :� �-tt a � C� ...--� tr'� c.D August 8, 1979 Rose Mix, City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul , Minn. 55102 Dear Madam: Re: Zoning File No. 8452 - Walden This is.written in response to the petition of Thomas & Lorraine Walden to rezone property located on the southeast corner of Hewitt and Griggs from R-4 (Single Family) to RT-2 (Townhouse Residential ) . The purpose of the request is to enable the owners to convert a rather large single family dwelling on a large lot into a four unit structure. This matter was heard before the Current Planning & Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on June 21 , 1979. The applicants had oriqinally filed a petition to rezone the property to RM-1 (Multiple Family) , but just prior to the hearing they notified Staff that they wished to amend the request from RM-1 to RT-2. h1r. Jerry LaCasse, president of District 11 Planning Coalition, spoke in opposition to the RM-1 request but indicated District 11 would favor the RT-2 zone since this would be more compatible with surrounding conditions and in keeping with the preliminary district plan. A petition with 9 signatures was also submitted to the Board in opposition to the RM-1 rezoning. No reason for opposition was stated. Staff recommended denial of the RM-1 request and the Current Planning & Zoning Committee voted 4 to 2 to recommend the RT-� zone based on the fact that the petitioner and District 11 Coalition had cooperated and agreed to this zoning request. On June 22, 1979 the Planning Commission confirmed the recommendation of the Current Planning & Zoning Committee on a 12 to 2 vote. City Council has re-scheduled a public hearing on this matter for August 14, 1979. Sincerely, � Laurence J. Jung City Planner LJJ/gf Encs. . � . _ ����� Thomas and Lorraine [�lalden(�8452) 1216 Hewitt Ave St Paul, Minn. 55104 .Tune 15 19?9 � \� �� Planninp, Commi�ion " �VO 1101 City Ha11 Annex � 0 � Q a5 w 4th st � . L �J oP� St Pau�.� Minn. 55102 �J� NN�NG�� P�.annlnJ� and Zoninp� Commi ttee. . . .Sub,j ec t--Amendment G��� �t�av\ � Sirs:- � We submitted to you a request for rezoning of our propeaty located at 1216 Hewitt Av. We asked for a RM-1 zon�.�?;. Our pre�ent zonincr is R-4. � We ta�.ked to the District Council, os�June 12th,and they Ronvinced us that an RT-2 zonin� would prove suffient to our nseds. We would therefore like to amend the previous reyuest pf RM-1 to RT-2 as recommended and backed by the Dlatriat Qounc��,. ���.. 1� -`�*,. �y.�.t,�.�, Thank you, � / ,�,�/�// ` '� !C� J��,�` w `�_J . _, .:..,,, ,,,.. , . .��.�«.... ,. . ,.... _. .. . ._.. ._.._... .. _t ... . y. . DISTRICT ELEV�N COALITION June 15, 1979 W � � 16 � U� l� �J Gladys i�iorton ChairperSOn, Board of Zoning Appeals �UN 181�79 Planr�ing and Zoning Committee 25 ��est 4th Street CITY PLANNING �30ARQ St Paul, �+Iinnesota, 55102 Saini Paul, Minnesota Dear A4s Morton: At the June 12 Physical �ommittee meeting of District 11 Coalition r4r and Mrs Thomas V�laldon presented their request t4 rezon�: their property at 1216 Hewitt Avenue from R-4 to RM-l. The Coalition Committee, after deliberation, recommends that the property be rezoned to R-T2 rather than RM-1 and that the VJaldens not be granted this particular zoning change request. Our concern for the preservation of the residential character of this section of District 11 leaves us no other choice than to recomm�;nd R-T2 zoning. Rezoning to RM-1 would or could eventually destroy this area be- cause of the possibility of higher density structures being permitted sometime in the future. A reprssentative of the Coalition will attend the hearing an June 21, at 3: 30 pm. S' cerely u s, e ry asse, resident c: Larry Jung �toger Ryan Serving the Hamline Midway area 1 761 University Av@nue St. P�ul, MN 55104 � � , . ' ll�te ; June 15, 1979 Re : Rez��ne of 1216 Hewi tt To: Current Planriin�,- dc 'LoninQ Comrnittee 01' St. Paul I'lannin� Com�nission N11th reference to �our Zonin� File #b452, Zonin� File Name NV+�lden, we the undersi�ned are not in favor oP rezonin� the prapert� located at 1216 Hewitt from R-4 to RM-1. -- ���✓� � ���u.� _ �. _ .: .� -- ��f+.-��..�.�. . �1__.Z..�.___.�t�-l�--l�-.� -'�-,�-c-- .. �. . �°� .�� �.� /-3 4� . .. _ . .�,.*._.�� __. .._. �__ _ __ __ _ . �� ��� _ � , ��� � � . �. . .� _. ... -.: . ._ ...�.. . . . _-- - - �-- -.._ _ _..._ _-- :/�--y : � , . �� � /j; _ ..... .� __.._..- -..._�-�,.__.... __ ---- -.._ _ o� _ ._._ _ __ ------ ------ ----------- ��, �,��- _ _ .. , �... ._ "_ _____ 1 � q� .-- -- .� _._ _ . , ��� ,�1°���� '►'�. �,.0 7VL�, . �1,�'�Q.�.�..r. �. 1�,�,�..�',�,�,,�, �l S`? N,�,g.g��( Q.v-�-y,►� . _ _ _ __..-,.. �---...._ ` d-�v��. _ 6��,,,aQ , � .-�'�-�'�-¢-r-.-/��� � — ��� -. . " __ �`-�- . __._Sl.�.���-�� �rl -� i'n,� �� �l'�a�.�-- . r/lS •yu�z�.� �..� . _ _.__ ��,. .4_ ��,,,,� ;��y �' G� s� �� ��-.z. � � ,� � r � � t� �U N 2 01979 � CITY PIANNING,�BUARD � � xn�: 1^", 1.:�'i ; Gl�dy�� �4orto�i c:hairperson, ,3c��zru of ;oriiri ^ _ �,�::c�l� Plar�rlin�' ancl ;0��1�r� • C;o:.i:zitt��� - �� a:rest�4th :;trc�t . . t�'� P3ll3.� I].Tlllt::i�:t:.�� ��L�.' U�:ar :is :,or�on: nt �he Jun�; 1.2 r'liysicul i�oii�,iitt�:c ::����i�i�; of l;i::�rict 11 Coalit;ion i,�r �irici :;-r� `�'�ia�:i�;:, .,�1�,i���1 pr�:::��.ntc�a i�hu_�..x• -r�r,�;�:.;�; ta r�zone ttieir pro���ri;y ._�t 1:�':L�.:> ii:;��r_i.tt E�vuri�t� �ro:� �—1,. to i�"-1. The C�alition Co-�u:iitt::e, <�.itcr c._elil��:ration, ri:co;:::�ends ��13't '�.�lO "�1'U!�c.:T''f:;j -. , 1" � +. ?_."'� ,• t y ./.1, � 1 ? T--]„ 'vl�. G.:__��.1�: 4'J li.. Y �Z�l�li_ 1i11 i snd that tl�� ','al.�!:;si., _���L ��� �;r::!_rli;ucJ. tl::;.�� �r.�:��t;;r.• ?1.,•�r zonin�, cha��`r�; r����-.���U�.. �ur co�ic�rTi :Cc�.r t):.: ��!�.;�:��rv�::�ior� of t��� r�:,�:i.c��:rit�al Qharacter of this ��ction a� i�i. t.ri�t 11 1�:::;v�:: .��•, I1O Uti�:�r c?loic:. t.li .:"'_ .. .. i'_:(,"'� ,?.3:. r 1 .-•,'.11:1;'. {i.;';�O:11P1'r .{-��1 �f �� e�� 1 ^ { .� l�V � �'�� �JV�ZL�I+ Vy� �.V.�.L�,� �: V l�il��,l.��1'J� ('.�..�J V.L�C'Jr li)i..l_ ' ..ir:�..t �JL:�' C i�LA E.l l: U f �+�i�: z)O c.. .`�1.i:_�_!�f' ��� c? .�'�!1'.�' C:�,..;1:: L�,�' ' t�:C"�1 C�l;'�.I'i,": � 1' , Uli�Xl� n�:Z':�.��i�i�:'._i `.��%': . :t. � -.� _IZ t.a�(: �'�� ,11'v. :a rc�-�re:�enta�;:�v�., f:r �t: � �::,:::1_t:.i��:i .�_:L=L .��t;., i-?. �Lh�. hear:in�* �i1 J�.t�i�: �., � �.�t 3: 3�� _ .�. :;i�'�c�r�:;ly �o�x���, i J�:;r�i�;,• �a�,::.:•..� .., :'rL : �_,..�_:r;, cc: �.�rr�;T ��in.:> :�U;�c�� t�..;i, � J � . � , . .. 1, / • CITY Of ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ASSESSMENT DIVISION 113 CITY HALL ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 April 25, 1979 To the Council City of St. Paul I have rechecked the attached petition of Thomas and Lorraine Walden, filed in the matter of rezoning, The west � of Lot 13 and all of Lots 14 & 15, Block 2, Gilbert'e Addition, $rom an R�1 district to an RM-1 district, and find that said petition is eufficient. Yours yexy truly, ���� , ��� Bernard J. Eaz son, Dire tor Re: X2257 cc: Building Dept. Zoning Board File Parcels Eligible - 13 Parcels Needed - 9 Parcela Si�ned - 10 � ���� ����� �Q'� � . .. __ _ .____r.: .. . . __�r� �-�-�� `y ___. _ _ _ _ . _ � _ - , :, . �. � . 7 ~ �`t. {, ' V1 . ` � :� i1 �--------��"'_"� . �� � __�—�a-'�'�� . -__—�.... � . � � �.._._s "_' . __ _r.�.��—. d 1. ��1 'I ��_ ; ;;; 1 � _..�_� ;� ` ,1 . _ `\ � 1'� ��� �.�� ../ . � �� � 4 _� = � T � I� ' o � c ,.,, � • �.► • k J M � .�{���, -�C �3 �-fi �. � , , �`;,�"� , w �� �N I ' v �� �) ' � N l-1'��j..�.�- . ..�" - \ � 1�I1� � � � ��_ ... �� _. . � � I�._ ._�. � . ` �.• � . . �' I V •, � Q . ti \ L'• h �1� . � � `� , ,. k � �I �� � " ' Ll :_ _ •, _ � • j ' w � `� °_` I�I I � �►�v�NI, .._._� , ---- ` _ ..____ • �._...., _.. • , ,. — , � I � � 'r .- �- � � � � � W �, . . . "' ul � �► �1 . � :�-� '(k � � • v �c � . � � ,�� L: I - . � . �i � �-�� u \ ,z`'. 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I • ._1� ' � , . f�- �v , , It1� I -� 'z � ►- _......� .I , ;ll. a � �; I �� l �, i '� —� LI � �- �, �1 � � � x' x (_ �� �� � �"'� I I , �U _�__. ul F\--,__-_- . �__ _. _=�.-i=---.----___�� , ; � � H L-,Ij . �.., `I l� _� - .� . ^ � I� �. .� . �� ., . __� �,,� . � , - � � : ^ i � ._ , .. � ;� - .� ,, i �; . . i;i I � } � I ' �' � _ - I i - ----- :-_-_ ---- _._,. _ _._._ .. .._ ---.. ------• � . ..... . ,.. __ ..._ . . _,�.�„ , . . .;..,,..., . ., . ..�.a a� . . . . . , � � ZONING STAFF REPORT 1 . APPLICANT: THOMAS AND LORRAINE WALDEN DATE OF HEARING June 211 1979 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . C L A S S I F I C A T I 0 N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CURRENT PLANNING & ZONING COMMITTEE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Rezon�ng � Variance ❑ Special Condition Use Administrative Review ❑ Determination of Similar Use ❑ Other ❑ Change of Nonconforming Use ❑ Other ❑ 3. LOCATION: 1216 Hewitt (SE corner Hewitt and Griggs) 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTIpN: West � of Lot 13, all of Lots 14 & 15, Block 2, Gilbert's Addn. 5. PRESENT ZONING: R_4 ZONING �ODE REFERENCE: 64.210 6. STAFF INV�STIGATION & REPORT: DATE June 12, 1979 gy LJJ/JNS ------------�------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. SUFFICIENCY: The applicant's request for rezoning was originally filed on a consent pe�tion suGscribed and sworn to before a notary public on February 13, 1979. The petition was declared insuf�icient by the� Finance Dept. on March 2nd. The applicant refiled a petition on March 26, 1979, which was declared sufficient on April 25, 1979 and was received in the Planning Office on May 7, 1979. 13 parcels were eligible; 9 were needed and lp si�natures were obtained. B. PROPOSAL: The proposal is to rezone the parcel from R-4 single family to RM-1 multiple a�m�ly n order to convert an existi ng single family home into a four-plex. C. FRONTAGE _& AREA: This corner site has frontage of 98.85 ft. on Hewitt and is 134.2 ft. eep, or a total area of 13,265.7 sq. ft. D. SITf _CONDITIONS: The site is occupied by a 66' x 28' single family home. The lot is above street gra e in front but slopes to the south exposing a full basement level . The lot also slopes steeply on the east property line. A paved driveway and parking area for about 6 cars is situated in the rear with access off Griggs. There is no alley access on the block. Directly east is a duplex also on a large 1ot. South and west of the site is a single family residence area. North of the site across Hewitt is a large tract of vacant land that was recently rezoned to RM-2. E. AREA CONDITIONS: The immediate area surrounding the site is composed of single family development except for the vacant parcel across Hewitt. Other vacant parcels are to the northwest on the south side of Pierce-Butler Road with various industrial uses between Pierce-Butler and the Burlington-Northern tracks. An 18-unit apartment building is on the corner of Dunlap and Hewitt a block east of the site. Griggs Playground is situated a half block south. Pierce-Butler, a half block north, is a busy four-lane city collector that�was built mainly to serve the industrial operations in the Midway Industrial area. F. �INDZNGS: 1 . The 1963 Comprehensive Land Use Plan shows this entire neighborhood south of Pierce- Butler to be residential composed of one and two family residences. Maximum density would be up to 11 units per net acre. 2. The prop�rty and imnediate area was previously zoned "B" Residence under the 1922 Ordinance except for the "C" Residence zone for the 18-unit apartment one block east. "B" Residence allowed single and two family uses only. 3. Curren� land use planning being conducted by District 11 has recommended that only those areas now zoned RM-2 and including the vacant lots on the south side of Pierce- Butler west of Griggs be developed for multiple family use. All other areas in the neighborhood are to be reserved for low density, one and two family residences. 4. The proposed conversion of the existing house into four separate living units appears tp be an attempt to gain as many units as possible for the existing structure. There would appear to be a tendency of overcrowding. 5. The applicant has indicated that the rationale for requesting an RM-1 rather than an RT-2 rezoning was to anticipate future building options, since the total site area is over 10,000 sq. ft. , the minimum area for multi-residential development. Under the RM-1 regulations, 14 rooms can be accommodated; under the RT-2 zo ne, 12 rooms could be allowed. The number of rooms in the proposal as it now stands is computed to be 11 rooms. Since rooms are a function of the number of units permitted, the site could accorronodate 7 one-bedroom units under the RM-1 designation or 6 one-bedroom units under RT-2. TFiOMAS ANQ LORRAINE WALQEN STAFF REPORT PAGE TWO F. FINDINGS (cont'd): 6. Conversion of the house into a duplex, which would require rezoning to RT-1 , would be in keeping with the proposed district plan and would be more compatible with the surrounding homes. 7. Limiting the area just south of Hewitt to no higher density than two-family would endble the drea to serve as a buffer between multiple-family housing to the north and single family housing to the south. G. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on Findings 3 thru 7, Staff recommends denial of the request or rezonin� to - . .' :. �<,r':f::��,:; �.:;:::;;�:::,;::;�:�:::..... --`;�-�.,�� - �;'�';`.�t:. .�x?til�,'�.:.�..:.'j:.•:f����':��:J ��-�_��,� • , `.. ''1'. :7�:�...� '•�.��'•�'".'::;��:�:�::'.�.':�.•::�;..� �^��... `'T. � ,�,:7�;�,: ti:ii.A..;t: ..M!`�-i . ,y�•.....,. _.��^w_ �., ::...,., _.`_�+,,�`- � ..y�J,:::;;�::�'.•::.'!.';•';..}.� ..„ r_�� /� . � �:7j:::;::;:'t:::....'.. � � ` V ��i;�::;;•::Ei:••:�::;�•.•�:.�:;...:`•..••. '''. �'I I- •.�;••;:%:::�.:,r:::��,.::� ~:::::::�::;:-•���"�:�::::�:�::•.:.... 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Y.• i'Z .�__ .,s , . � a . •1'�.'-._ .. .... . . . 'R'*�.w�.—^"'�'�lNtt�e,� � r' . , � �. .. ._ a . .. .�� . . AREA MAP . APPLICANT THOMAS & LORRAINE WALDEN LEGEND — � ZONING OISTRICT 80UNDARY Rezone to RM-1 lLlll� SUBJECT PROPERTY PURPOSE O ONE FAMILY PLANNING DISTRICT FILE N0. $452 ¢ TWO FAMILY / l� DATE Jun� 21 , 1979 ��' O MU�TIPLE FAMILY • � n COMMERCIAL SCALE � 1��= 200� NORTH � �� INDUSTRIAL MAP N0. SAINT PAUI. PLANNING 80AR0 V VACANT ( �� • . f' , y y • � .. � ` ' , t� �� ew . 1� S I . � � �4 i •� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MZMIESOTA PETITION Z'O AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thzu 64 OF THE LEGZSLATIVE (ZO*iZNG) GOD� Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning �:�i:.l be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification, For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ' � /�/�� c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall �tei City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 67% of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2J3 of Che property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul 2oning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the underaigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address) fram District to District, for the purpose of installinq, construct3nq and/oz operatinq the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) RECORD OWNER SIGNATiJRE LOT BLOCK ADDITZON Subject Prcperty: y o t 3 --_ _ / /� TT �JP� _,�. �1 o�F [��'Z� .__ � p�-a l3 a c E! j'��n s r-r Lv 0 a � 5F� l.� 1� " ` rL ,r w, p�, �- ���a�o�f � ;� ���GT �cl� � � � �'���� � � ` o2.a l A���.� --� � ►� � �dc�'� �o�c� `! / c �Z��E�z/ZL/u"� � /' f'`1 �` � 1 / t I-ni A�� � � C►� �E,�T ,�d�''- State of Minnesata) ) aa County of Ramsey ) � .,c. :ti_ beinq first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of pages; tha.t the parties described above ase the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately fvllowing eacb name; that each of the parties descri.bed above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet froan arty property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) year,,prece8fng the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above describedt that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property fzom affiant contiguous to the above described property within one I1) yea� of the date o£ this petitioni that this petition�was signed by each of sa3d owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sicZnatures of each and all of the parties so described. ,--� � �� � 6—��•�-�-� `� �}-���Gi-� Subscribed and svrorn to before me Address: / � Telephons No. Cp y� � �� �� this�1(0��day og i���zeh'�,� � � /� Approved as to form 10-27-76 �� Office of the City Attorney � � nnnnnnnni.^_titin�4MnnnnM� • Natary Public, Ramsey � �;HY A. DANLEY �ly commission exQires � �� MOTAII�IN�UC-M�NNESOTA <�' � ��AM3EYCOUNTY �....• � My Comm.�xpires Apr.14, 19a3 WVWVVWVWVV�'.ivYVWVVWVWWVVK� � . , ' � � . , �'.. ' .. , P • •..S . , �. pZ �4 ����� �r�� � � �� 2 sy' . - _ �r�N . ,; � kt >.:. = a�.� �� ;� ;.i .I �� 7 � , I ' � 'F • ♦ � � � ` CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIM7ESOTA P£TITION TO AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGZSLATIVE (ZONING) COD£ . Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning �i�1 be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statemeat to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mit�ed under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of propertq, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning �ffice, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABL� MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ' c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 city xaii �'te' City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 67X of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(S) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consen� before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for anq time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the propertq owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feeti of the getitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Bodq to rezone the fol owing described property: I(legal description & street address���'G21�� c�l�'rJ-^j,s�.-�Q r z`z ff/I'�t L�.T !�,� /,J T �'- � �'?' �3. �L�� 2- y�'�6�,c= /�*�,v i � fro�nt � District to � 1 District, for the purpose vf installinq, constructing and/or operatinq the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) RECORD OWNER SIGNATiJRE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Pro rty: � ���i, �,U� � /3�/�� �_.� /.� � z y��.�`f C�,.-� - � t'� �. �� State of Minnesota) �,� � Q'�J�?i , �Q o���� �:w��„ �-r_r- Cou�n#�,�► Ramsey ) Z _ � `f C%�e=df f.s- � / L%% being first duly sworn, deposes and states that .k�-f-s the person who circulated the within petition consisting of � pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately foilowing each name; that each of the parties descri.bed above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet fram any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) � year precedfnq the date of this petition which is contiquous to the property above described; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property fram affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1) yeax of the date o£ tnia petition= that this petitivn�was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sie,�natures of each and all of the parties so described. Subscribed and saorn to before me AdEtress: i �/ 6 �cv i Telephon� No. �L,�'/� ��� this��'day of � �� � � Approved as to form 10-27-76 Office of the City Attorney x�,nMMAhM Notary Public, Ramsey County, Mir.n. � :'`""'�"' LEE61�3N TURr�N�Mnnn� �!y commission expires . ; � �' .._ .... � . : ':�LC,...:��1_:: °�, -;;;Q � ; �. .:�.: .. > . xvwvwvwvwvwwww�✓vvv�n�NVVVw■ � �� � > � �� • r , • • • � . � . � , • • CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIMJESOTA PET2TION TO 11MEND CHAPTERS 60 thzu 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (20NING) G00£ Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning ��i�1 be considered by the City of 5aint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitCed under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Affice, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL � c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall �tet City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 677 of property owners within the area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(S) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estaCe contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners with3.n 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul . Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within l00 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to r z e the followin described prope t lega� descri�ion & street address) 3 F-�'��P'�'`''�- � �G���'�� -�s��.�',A-.r�- �Gr.�- ��%����,�- c�, �3 fj��F � y,� y Q�a-�- �d�,� � ._ / �,'-1 �`j- / fram � District to District, for thn purpose of installinq, constructing and/or operatinq the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) RECORD OWNER SIGAtAT[JRE LOT BLOCK ADDITION S ject Property: ����'�P����z�t�a� i�f��� _ � i(� }-�e cv►T T� v e � � � . w� � �--�;. � � L� � c D � . ' �.. - /y �� _. , �.:. �;� , � i � :� .._a_ �' ,' , n1- � Z ? vi u..�✓� /✓j'v�� �� �✓'v::�LG vL/ ���' v,�%.'%`G• +�c l' �` �.' - ,l i{ J.N!/b ,f�Ya( a a� ' �UG6.4.-� , ,B ��2 �: J ��� � ,E.W�s�� - j� << ��a� State of Minnesota) � ' °° .. � �,�iG F�I.E ���� . C nty of Ramsey ) ��:�'�1 -------. ... ... ,� �%~E�-� � � � , bein? first duly sworn, deposes ani states that .��the person who circulated the within petition consisting of � paqes; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately followinq eaeh name; that eaeh of the parties described above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet fram any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) year precedtnq the date of this petition which is contiquous to the property above describedj that none of the parties described above has purchas<±d or is purchasinq property from affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date of thie petition= that this petition�was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sic�natuzes of each and all of the parties so described. Subscribed and sw�orn to before me Address: / E u�,� Te2ephon� No. c� thi� r`�day of �� — ����/ Apprvved as to form 10-27-76 Office of the City Atto_ney x /V'�MhN1� Notary Public, Ramsey County, Mir.n. ` LEE.��;N TuR N R�' � � �� �.,� j� :i!!y commtssion expires <; � '`"- , r � c..�.; P;y Lomm.�x;,+ss;U ,i x '`NVVVIMM�WV" � < . ... . .... ., . . . . . . .. . , . .�, .._... . . .. ._��Z'/a'itna.�... . . � r�,;...w:r/;'�^cA Pq�3 rt;;��r;ri �u�;i��nnd All'1 � (!f�S i;G J,V'i� Icl �, �11 � �1 � a� � _. _:.---� —_�:---_—�- . . � ---; -__=------- __ . :�. i � 1 ,� j ;� ) fl '. ,�, ►�, y. _� __ �. ���� n � I r�, _ . , :� ,1 (t-.-'.S x � '�� �l. •�F � J _�. WI� ' 3 . • ✓• ./� o � ' pC d�� � } , • UII�!� ''� 1 C_ � , �I�� ; � _ _�,i .�..�_ J �� (_ _�� �� x i�•.v�-� - I•y/�� ���Y'I",�I � � __—�.j'''�i� _Y ... � � � ' II _. . JI e1 �'L. � ,I " 1 --�- �L I ,� � :� i.�' lll ( • ; ` . ,.�� �) . LY I • I I , , _ �,� .I � � o � � ; d 3 -> ! I � f! �G` 'I a �I _t � ! �I � � � � ,� Z��� •'� � _. ,� � '� 1 ' � I� � y�� '� � i� �. � , '\' I . � � --- �; k-----_ . �, � ,. / • " c ,� x �, u I � �--- - _--.1 b�,�:: --� � , � __.— y u`. �� . .T �l? .� �� �-_� � • –� �� -���,� � i L----�. , � --- – . . I J N _ ` 1 �� ! i;- ` ?' ' L� � `�'1 u�� �, I ,: �W � -�� N . � / �r� ,. '� C. � `'� ul v ' , � � 1" ' �� ', ,� ��i ,_ � i , � . w_ �_ � , j ; r i F Y I W ,"„ I ' — ___ _'_.:.�:—�� !,� __ I" IJ � �,� :`'r .�,� �\--- - �� k �� i �•`�� '�� ' _ � . � ,� � -� '�� + 1" � I � . i _►� ��� � , � x J I , Ff �v , � I�1� a � . .f �� , �- _..._.� .� • , f ;1). — I r ;. . �a• -, � , -- ,' _. ;� �: �_ i � x� ,.� l_ ►,.i � � �N,i � I l� -�.__._.�. , ul �\.__—__.._- . ; L�. --- -__"'_�'�...__..._._.�.-__--?� \ , . _ , . . , in( / I �' . �.., ��-- �� . . . � � , . �� r��__._.�,_____L__ ,-, . � � l.�l �� .� . �� "� t,)� � �� — � ,. I � • Il , " k �� - ;, i �i . �;i I � . � , � I � ; �� � _ , .___ _____ .. . ___.� . ..---. _._ .._._ .._ . . .. -..... . >.- « �.�.�. .. . . .aL,.,�I .�. . . . , ►r��'lrs.w�� m., . . . . � .. . � . . '.,�.. . . � . . .. _... . ,.1,{. . ..�i{.� . . . . . � . � . V � ZONING STAFF REPORT 1 . APPLICANT: THOMAS AND LORRAINE WALDEN DATE OF HEARING June 21 , 1979 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLASSIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CURR�NT PLANNING & ZONING COMMITTEE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS ezom ng Vari ance ❑ Special Condition Use � Administrative Review ❑ Determination of Simi1ar Use ❑ Other ❑ Ghange of Nonconforming Use ❑ Other ❑ 3. LOCATION: 1216 Hewitt (SE corner Hewitt and Griggs) 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTIQN: West ? of Lot 13, all of Lots 14 & 15, Block 2, Gilbert's Addn. ' 5. PR�SENT ZONING: R-4 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: 64.210 6. STAFF INVESTICATION & R�PORT: DATE June 12, 1979 gy LJJ/JNS �_--__;:_----�:.�:.�� ________________________________________________________________________ A. SUFFICIENCY; The applicant's request for rezoning was originally filed on a consent p�t tion Su scribed and sworn to before a notary public on February 13, 1979. The petition was declared �nsuffictent by the� Finance Dept. on March 2nd. The applicant refiled a petiti4n on March 26, 1979, which was declared sufficient on April 25, 1979 and was rec�ived in the Planning Office on May 7, 1979. 73 parcels were eligible; 9 were needed and 10 signatures were obtained. B. . PROPQSAI: The proposal is to rezone the parcel from R-4 single family to RM-1 multiple am y n qrder to convert an existi ng single family home into a four-plex. C. . FB0�1�'AGE: & AREA: This corner site has frontage of 98.85 ft. on Hewitt and is 134.2 ft. eep, or a total are� of 13,265.7 sq. ft. D. SI�E._CONDITIONS: The site is occupied by a 66' x 28' single family home. The lot is above Street gra e n front but slopes to the south exposing a full basement level . The lot also slopes steeply on the east property line. A paved driveway and parking area for about 6 car� iS situated in the rear with access off Griggs. 7here is no alley access on the block. Directly east is a duplex also on a large lot. South and west of the site is a singl� family residence area. North of the site across Hewitt is a large tract of vacant land that was recently rezoned to RM-2. E. AREA CONDITIONS: The immediate area surrounding the site is composed of single family deve opment except for the vacant parcel across Hewitt. Other vacant parcels are to the northwest on the south side of Pierce-Butler Road with various industrial uses between Pierce-Butler and the Burlington-Northern tracks. An 18-unit apartment building is on the corner of Dunlap and Hewitt a block east of the site. Griggs Playground is situated a half block south. Pierce-Butler, a half block north, is a busy four-lane city collector tha���was built mainly to serve the industrial operations in the Midway Industrial area. F. ��NDINGS: ._,�.,_.,,._-... 1 . The 1963 Comprehensive Land Use Plan shows this entire neighborhood south of Pierce- Butler tp be residential composed of one and two family residences. Maximum density would be up to 11 units per net acre. 2. The property and imnediate area was previously zoned "B" Residence under the 1922 Ordinance except for the "C" Residence zone for the 18-unit apartment one block east. "B" Residence allowed single and two family uses only. 3. Gurrent land use planning being conducted by District 11 has recommended that only thpse areas now zoned RM-2 and including the vacant lots on the south side of Pierce- Butler west of Griggs be developed for multiple family use. All other areas in the neighborhood are to be reserved for low density, one and two family residences. �. The proposed conversion of the existing house into four separate living units appears to be an attempt to gain as many units as possible for the existing structure. There would appear to be a tendency of overcrowding. 5. The applicant has indicated that the rationale for requesting an RM-1 rather than an RT-2 rezoning was to anticipate future building options, since the total site area is over 10,000 sq. ft. , the minimum area for multi-residential development. Under the RM-1 regulations, 14 rooms can be accommodated; under the RT-2 zo ne, 12 rooms could be allowed. The number of rooms in the proposal as it now stands is computed to be 11 rooms. Since rooms are a function of the number of units permitted, the site could accommodate 7 one-bedroom units under the RM-1 designation or 6 one-bedroom units under RT-2. THOMAS ANq LORRAINE WALD�N STAFF REPORT PAGE TWO F. FI,�NDI^NGS �pnt'd :. 6.` � Conv�r�iQn of the house into a duplex, which would require rezoning to RT-1 , would be 1n keeping with the proposed district plan and would be more compatible with the surraundiny homes. .7. Limiting the area just south of Hewitt to no higher density than two-family would �nable the area to serve as a buffer between multiple-family housing to the ''' nor�h and single family housing to th� south. G. ST�1FP RECON�IENDATION: �ased on Findings 3 thru 7, Staff recommends denia1 af the request ' or r�zqn ng �p - . , , .�:::.. ::�:::;:;::., � _'�_'`�._ � �,'.';'::. .� . :.;,,.._... • ;:..,:�:.�. �--'�-- __..._..._ :,;,;.�;,,. ,.��:.'.;,..�::�''�':•%"`;���`.;,;';::..`:;;:;.:::���;;:;:• - —:— � ::•:... r_ ` '�''� `*yY ' �i- �� *»�,y ::i:,<'•..�:;;;::•,C;:. .:�.,.. '�-- _ . �d .::tti,i j ..,Ltt . .. � . �1.�` �1 - /� ' 1 J.�'::%:lj .t;::'��� .:f;;:::._:;:`.•,. V/� 1 Q •;t:�j»;.�f:.?::::::� :'.... ' � • .. . . _ �/,�1!� � �•: �� :'.:'.'.'.•:':.:::'..::.'.:�:.�.�. 'j��i\:;11}�:'�.:'...'... ..:.':.. �t��:... 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