272459 WHITE - CITV CLERK � PINK. - FII�LANCE ^OUnClt �} 'BLUF.pv'- MOP�ME*T ' CITY dF SAINT PAUL File 1N0. ������� � • 1/ n�nce Ordinance N�. /��_��_ � Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance amending Chapters 60, 61 and 64 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code per- taining to zoning. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That Section 60. 591 of the Legislative Code be amended as follows: 60. 591 - Intent: The Flood Plain District and its subclassifications, Floodway, aael Flood Fringe and General Flood Plain Districts, are designed to provi e comprehensive flood plain management for the City of Saint Paul in ' accordance with the policies of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 104. The Floodway Maps #46, 47, 4�, 49 and 50 adopted by t e City Counci , Or inance , e � oo n- surance Study or t e City o t. aul, �'I'innesota, prepared by T e Fe era Insurance A inistration dated Octo er, I�'T�d t�ie Flood nsurance Rate Map or t e City o t. Pau , prepare y e Fe eral Insurance Administration ate Februar 2 , 9 6 are hereby adopted by reference an declare to be a part of this ordinance. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor � Hozza Hunt Levine Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by ity Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By �� . . � , " . . � �SoS ��j��i,'� Section 2. That Section 60. 592 of the Legislative Code be amended as follows : 60. 592 - Establishment: . �a-e�e�e�-te-�ee}tt�ate-�ke-ttse-e�-�a��-6a�t���-tl�e bet��e�a��es-e€-t�e-��ee�-g�a��;-a-��eed-P�a}n-B�s���e�; val��el�-�g-el���e�ed-�ate-F�eae�wap-B�s���et-a�d-a-F�ee� ����ge-B}st��et;-�s-l�e�eb�-e��ab��sl�e�-�e�-�l�e-E}�p e�-Sa���-Pa��.- The Flood Plain areas within the jurisdiction of this ordinance are hereby divided into three Districts: Floodway District FW , which shall include those areas designated as floodwa in the Flood Insurance Stud an on Ma s 46-50, Flood Fringe District (F'F , which shall include those areas desi nated as floodwa fringe in the Flood Insurance Study, and General Flood Plain District GFP , w ich shall znclude those areas designated as unnum}aered A Zones on the Flood Insurance Rate Map. Within these districts all uses not allowed as Per- mitted Uses or as Permitted Uses Subject to Special Conditions shall be and are hereby prohibited. Legal nonconforming structures or uses however existing on the effective date of this Ordinance or amendment thereto, will be permitted to continue as provided in Section 62 .102 of the Zoning Code. Section 3. That Section 60. 593 of the Legislative Code be amended so as to add the following thereto: (d) No mobile home or mobile home park shall here- a ter be permitted within the Flood Plain District. 2 . - . . , ����}�(� (e) Service facilities, such as electrical and heating equipment, water and sanitary lines, shall be installed at or above the regulatory flood protection elevation for the particular area or adequately flood proofed. (f) All requests for building permits for new structures or for ad tions to existing structures which are wholly or partially located within the Flood Plain District shall include the mean sea level m. s. l. elevation of the first floor including basement and the elevation to which structures or additions to structures will be flood-proofed. Section 5. That Section 60. 594 of the Legislative Code be amended so as to add the following thereto: (h) Mobile Home: a structure trans ortable in one or more sections which is bui t on a permanent chassis and designed to be used with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities. It does not include recreational vehicles or travel trailers. Section 6. That Section 60. 598 (c) 3 of the Legislative Code is hereby repealed. Section 7. That Section 60. 604 (a) of the Legislative Code be amended as follows: a. Conditional Use Permits shall be issued by the Planning Commission; except that the Planning Commission may delegate authority to issue Conditional Use Permits to the Planning Coordi- nator according to rules which the Commission may prescribe. Such rules will be filed with the Office of the City Clerk. Applications shall be submitted to the Planning Coordinator together with application fee in the amount 3. _ �- � C�rjG���'�-",�� ` � °' .,2 f... . e�-$-------.- established by council resolution. Upon receipt of an application, the Planning Coordinator shall determine whether to require any or all of the following four (4) items of information supplied by the applicant as a pre- requisite to the consideration of the application.- and to determine whether the proposed use is within the Floodway or Flood Fringe. Section 8. That Sections 60. 605 (Appeal) , 60. 606 (Variances) , and 60.607 (.Amendments) , be renumbered to 60. 800, 60. 850 and 60. 900 respec- tively. Section 9. That Chapter 60 of the Legislative Code be amended so as to add the following new section: 60. 700 GENERAL FLOOD PLAIN DISTRICT 60. 701 PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED. Permitted uses shall include those uses permitte by Section 60.5 6 of this Ordinance. 60. 702 PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIONS. All other uses are Conditional Uses and are ermitted only u on the issuance of a special permit as provi e in Section 60. 60�. The General Flood Plain District includes the entire flood plain and does not differentiate between those areas that are floodway and those areas that are floo frin e. Because of this the Planning Coordinator sha�l determine whether the proposed use is in the � . . , . e , .. . � ��►-�ti'o��.�.� r ! . t.„ � f. ,. ... floodwa or flood fringe in accordance with Section 60. 604. If it is determine that the use lies in the floodway, the provisions of Section 60.596 of this ordinance shall appl If it is determined that the proposed use li�es in the flood fringe, the provisions of Section 60. 600 of this ordinance shall apply. Section 10. That Section 61. 102 (c) of the Legislative Code be amended so as to add the following thereto: (4) No lots or parcels shall be created by division, by subdivision or by conveyance of part of a lot or parcel, which are held by the Planning Com- mission to be unsuitable for the proposed use or development for reasons of flooding, inadequate drainage, water supply or sewage treatment facili- ties. All lots within the flood plain districts shall contain a building site at or above the Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation. Al1 sub- divisions shall have water and sewage disposal facilities that comply with the provisions of this Ordinance anc� have road access both to the subdivision and to the indivi ua buil ing sites no lower than two feet below the Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation. In the Flood Plain a licants shall provide the information required in Section 60 . 604 a of this Ordinance. The Planning Commission shall eva uate the lots or arcels created b division, by subdivision or by conveyance o part o a ot or parcel, in accordance with procedures estab- lished in Section 60. 604 d e f g h and standards contained in Section 60 . 604 (c) of this Ordinance. 5. WHITE - CITY CLERK , !",�. ( ����� PINK � .- FIN�ANCE . COl1IlC11 � F � BLUE��'Mq pRTM2'IJT ' ' GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. O/ ftiZ/`W/`CG Ordinance N O. I ��� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 11. That Section 64. 101 of the Legislative Code pertaining to the duties of the Zoning Administrator be amended so as to add the following paragraph: The Zoning Administrator shall maintain a record of the e evation of the first floor inc uding basement) of al new structures or a itions to exrsting struc- tures in t e oo p ain istricts. T e Zoning A ini- strator shal also maintain a recor o t e e evations to which structures or additions to structures are flood-proofed. Section 12. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. 6 . COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ^ Butler � Hozza [n Favor Hunt L.evine Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by ity Attorn Adopted by Ceuricil: Date �E� � � � Cer�ed�Pa s y Coun ' Secr�tary BY By Appr y Mayor: App ve y Ma r for u ' s n to Council : By BY J�-..-.r,.r— - _;-�:�:: � Co�oS r ¢�? `�~J��'�`��� _ �;0: .. . �. CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM January 9, 1979 To: Suzanne Flinsch, City Attorney � From: James J. Bellus� Planning Administrator Re: Proposed changes affecting floodplain zoning Would you please ha�e your staff prepare a draft ordinance for Counc�l adoption changing the City's Zoning Code in accordance with those changes noted in the attached letter to Mr. Frank Finch dated 12-26-78 (revised) . In order to meet Federal Insur.anee AcAninistration deadlines. we wiil need to have this ordinance signed by your Division, a Councilperson and the Mayor, and on the Council agenda for ��anuarv �n ^,,, �a olease contact Mr. Ed Warn of my staff if you have any questions. - Thank you for your prompt cooperation. JJB/gf Enc. cc: A1 Olson , . . . �LS� � .� . . .. . .. .• ., . � .. . . , , �'����� r � CITY OF SAINT PAUL �r� `1Tr ���% DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ° _ , DIVISION OF PIANNiNG �• �° 421 Wabasha Slreet,S�int Paul,Minnesota,55102 ... 612-298-1151 Georse latimer Mayor December 26, 1978 - Mr. Frank Finch, Regional Director, FTA Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Insurance Administration 1 North Oearborn Street Chicago, Illinois 60602 Dear Mr. Finch: Following are proposed changes to Saint Paul 's Zoning Ordinance which, in my under- standing, would bring the City of Saint Paul into compliance with all federal regulations. 1 . Change Section 60.591 INTENT: as follows: The Flood Plain District and its subclassifications, Floodway, awel Flood Fringe and General Flood Plain Districts, are designed to provide compre ensive oo p a n management for the City of Saint Paul in accordance with the policies of Minnesota Sta�utes, Chapter 104. The Floodwa Ma s #46, 47 48 49 and 50 ado ed b the Cit Council , r inance 6433 t e oo nsurance tu for t e t o t. Paul Minnesota re are T e edera nsurance inistrat on ate cto er an t e oo nsurance ate a or t e it o St. Pau , re are t e e era nsurance n stration ate Fe ruar , 9 6 are ere ado te reference an eclare to e a part of t is or nance. 2. Change Section 60.592 ESTABLISHMENT: as follows: �p-ew�ew-�e-regd}a�e-�I+e-dse-e€-�ah�—M��I��F19-�he—�8tlR�8i��@5-ef-�he ��sed-��a#�;-a-F�ee�-P�a;w-8�s�r�e�s-wa;eh-#s-����ide�-#n�e-F�eedway B�s�w�e�-apd-a-F�eed—F1°�MIQ@-B�s�r�e��-}s-hereby-es�al��#saed-#e�-�I+e � 6��y-s€-Sa}p�-Paa�� The Flood Plain areas within the urisdiction of this ordinance are ere v e nto t ree �str cts: oodwa istr ct FW w c s a nc u e t ose aneas es na e as oo a n t e F ood Insurance tu an on s 4 - f oo rin e str ct F w c s a nc u e t ose areas es ate as oo a r n e in e oo Insurance tu an enera oo a n �striet whic s a inc u e t ose areas es nate as unnum re Zones on t e oo nsurance ate ap. Within these districts alt uses not allowed as permitted Uses or as , Permitted Uses Subject Lo Special Conditions shall be and are hereby r •. Mr. Frank Finch Page Two December 26, 1978 prohibited. Legal nonconforming structures or uses however existing on the effective date of this Ordinance or amendment thereto, will be permitted to co ntinue as provided in Section 62.102 of the Zoning Code. 3. Add new Sections 60.593(d) and (e) as follows: d No mobile home or mobile home ark shall hereafter be permitted within t e Floo P ain Distract. (e) Service facilities, such as electrical and heating e ui ent, water and sanitar �nes shall be �nstalled at or a ove t e re u ator f ao rotection e evation or t e articu ar area or a e uate oo roo e . T �s �s o ection .598 c 4. Add new definition for mobile home as follows: Section 60.594(h) �h Mobile Home: a structure trans ortable in one or more sections w ic is ui t on a ermanent c ass s and esi ne to e used w�t or wit out a ermanent oundation w en connecte to t e re uire ut it es. t oes not �nc u e recreationa ve �cles or trave tra ers. taken rom . . . e n tions. 5. Eliminate Section 60.598(c)(3) (See �3 above). 6. Add to Section 60.604(a) the following: and to determine whether the ro osed use is within the Ftoodwa or oo ringe. 7. Add new Section 60.700 as follows: 60.700 GENERAL FLOOD PLAIN DISTRICT 60.701 PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED. Permitted uses shall include t ose uses perm tte y ection o t s r nance. 60.102 PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONOITIONS. ot er uses are on t ona ses an are erm�tte on u on t e ssuance o a s ec a erm t as rov ed �n ect�on 60.60 . T e enera F oo P .ain �str ct nc u es t e ent�re oo a n an oes not erentiate etween t se areas t at are oo a an t ose areas t a t are oo fringe ecau_ se o „��s; e anning oor inator ` , � . ', ��'���� Mr. Frank Finch .�.. 9 � Page Three December 26, 1978 shall determine whether the ro osed use is in the floodwa or floo frin e in accor ance wit Section 0.604. If it is determined that the use l es n the f oo wa the rovis ons of Section 0. 96 o t is ordinance s a a I t Ts etermined t at t e ro ose use ies n t e f oo frin e the rovisions of Section 60.600 of this or nance sha app y. 8. Renumber Section 60.605, 60.606, and 60.6Q7 to 60.800, 60.850 and 60.900 respectively. 9. Add new paragraph to Section 64.101 as follows: The Zonin Administrator shall maintain a record of the elevation of the first f oor inclu in asement o a new structures or addit�ons to existin structures n t e f oo a n str cts. T e onin m�n strator s a a so ma nta n a recor o t e e evat ons to w c structures or a t ons to structures are f oo -proofe . 10. Add new section 61 .102(c)(4) as follows: No lots or arcels shall be created b division b subdivision or conv ot or arce w c are e — ; , - - : :, :: � �..�. :. : . -.,, .� oo__��n9• inade uate d�raina e water su �or sewa e�reatment�"acil�ties. ots wit n t e oo ain istr cts s a conta n a u n site at or a ove t e Re u ator F oo rotect on evation. su iv sions s a ave water an sewa e s osa aci ities t at c w t e rov sions o t s r nance an ave roa access t to t e su �v�s on an to t e n v ua u n s�tes no ower t an two eet e ow t e e u ator oo rotectton _ evat on. In the Flood Plain a licants shall rovide the information re- u�re �n ection 6 . a o t s r nance. e P ann n omn ss�on s a eva uate t e ots or arce s create visian . su �v s�on or conve anc� o ar o a o or arce n accor ance wit rocedures esta s e n ect on e € h an stan ar s conta ne n ect on c p t 5. r nance. Please advise me as soon as possibie on the adequacy of these proposed chan�es inasmuch as the approval process may take approximately two months. S� �Y. �� G't� G� Edward J. Warn � , , Principal P1 r ' � EJW/gf cc: Jerome Segal �• Stevs Prestin ' ��� n���;�r� �„r o,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL �`'` '�. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECON�MIC DEVELOPMENT � ��•j 1 �. . . DIVISION OF PLANNlNG J' ^e 421 Wabasha Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 ... 61Z-298-4151 George Latimer Mayor January 25, 1979 Mr. Larry Seymour Director Division of Waters Minnesota Dept. of Natural Resources 444 Lafayette Road Saint Paul , Minnesota 55101 Attention : Mr. Steve Pres tin Re: Proposed Amendments to S t. Paul 's Flood Plain Zoning Ordinance Dear P^r. Seymour: Enclosed is a copy of the draft ordinance containing various changes to St. Paul 's Flood Plain zoning requirements. I am sending this at this time because there has been a minor change since your office indicated approval — af an earlier draft. The change is the addition of a new Section 60.593(f) which gives all applicants the responsibility of providing first fToor elevations. The St. Paul Planning Co mmission will hold a public hearing on these ehanges on January 26, 1979. The City Council will hold a public hearing and final adoption on February 15, 1979. The ordinance will be enforceable 30 days aft��• publica��ion of the adopted ordinance �which should be about P4arch 17). Please advise at your earliest convenience if you have any problems with the proposed change or timetable. Sinc ely yours, ���^� Edward J. War ., Principal P �� er � EJW/cc Enc. P.S. My new address is 1101 City Nall Annex, 25 West Fourth St. , St. Paul 55102. � cc: Mayor Latimer/ A1 Olson ✓ Glenn Erickson Jerry Segal . I��� �'���.�q ��TY o,, � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � �''` ''= DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT . � o •� � � "_'� ,• DIVISION OF PLANNING �° ^° 421 Wabasha Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 �.. 612-298-4151 George Latimer Mayor January 25,1979 Mr. Fran k Fi n ch Regional Director, F. I.A. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development Federal Insurance Administration 1 North Dearborn Street Chicago, Illinois 60602 Attention : Mr. Larry Bailey , • Re: Proposed Amendments to St. Paul 's Flood Plain Zoning Ordinance Dear Mr. Finch: Encl�osed is a copy of the draft ordinance containing various changes to St. Paul 's Flood Plain zoning requirenents . I am sending this at this time because there has been a minor change since your office indicated approval of an earlier draft. The change is the addition of a new Section 60.593(f) which gives all app}icants the responsibility of providing first floor � elevations. The St. Paul Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on these changes on January 26, 1979. The City Council will hold a public hearing ana final adaption on February 15, i979. The ordinancE will be en�force- able 30 days after publication of the adopted ordinance (which should be about March 17). Please advise at your earliest convenience if you have any problems with the proposed change or timetable. Sinc ely, , Edward J. War Principal P er EJQ/cc � Enc. � . P.S. My new address is 1101 City Hall Annex, 25 4Jest 4th St. , St. Paul 55102. cc: Mayor Latimer A1 Olson , Glenn Erickson ' Jerry Segal � �� . �►-����� � " wa���TY o,, , CITY OF SAINT PAUL � DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT . , ` � , DIVISION OF PLANNING i°i , �° . 421 Wabasha Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 ... 612-298-4151 George Latimer Mayo� January 29, 1979 Council President David Hozza and Members of the City Council c/o City Clerk 386 C i t,y Ha 11 St. Paul , Minn. 55102 Re: Zoning File �lo. 8403 - Changes in Dear Council Members: Flood Plain Zoning Regulations Enclosed is a copy of a resolution passed by the Planning Commission recommending changes to the Flood Plain zoning regulations. These changes are in response to a notice by the Federal Tnsurance Administration that Saint Paul 's Flood Plain zoning regulations did not meet federal standards, Attached to the resolution are copies of letters from the Minnesota Department of �latural Resources and the Federal Insurance Administration indicating that these changes are in conformance with current state and federal standards for flood plain zoning. The Current Planning and Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission discussed these changes at a public hearing on January 18, 1979 and on a vote of 4 to 0 recommended approval to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission, at a public hearing on January 26, 1979, discussed these changes and on a vote of 15 to 0 recommended approval . I am transmitting this action separately to Mayor Latimer. Sincerely, �+a � �� Ja s J. Bellus Planning Administrator JJB/gf Enc. � , � ' � . �'�`�t�.�q city of sai�it paul planning commission resolution � file number 7959 : date Januarv 26, 1979 4JHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul Planning Commission authorized the initiation of a 40 acre study to amend chapters 60 and 64 of the St. Paul Legislative Code pertaining to flood plain regulations at their regular meeting on January 12, 1979; and WNEREAS, the Current Planning Committee of the Planning Commission reviewed the suggested ordinance amendments at a public hearing on January 18, 1979 and has recommended them to the Planning Commission for approval ; and WHEREAS, pursuant to said chapter § 462.357(5) the Planning Commission did . hold a public hearing on the requested amendments at its regular meeting - on January 26, 1979; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has determined: 1 . That the number of real estate descriptions affected by the ordinance renders the obtaining of written consents imprac�ical , 2. That a survey of an area in excess of 40 acres has been made, 3. That a determination has been made that the amendments to this ordinance proposed are related to the overall needs of t.he corr�nunity, to a plan for future land use, and in conformance with Federal Insurance Administration regulations, 4. That proper notice and hearing have been given pursuant to state statutes; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission recommends approval of the zoning code text amendments requested in the 40 acre study as found in the attached letter dated December 26, 1978 to Mr, Frank Finch, Regional . Director, Federal Insurance Administration, and directs the Planning Administrator to forward the study and this resolution to the Mayor and City Council for their review and action. , • moved by Summers seconded by F; �i hbon in favor 13 ac�ainst � . ::�''t:;-:s�:i-����::i�4:zs•,.y p"�� ?��" �`��� . � _ . .�..,.Y, ....,.,,,,,,;,,.,,,;;;, ; . �.�-.�..____ _ f. '7?�.��q � • CITY OF SAINT PAUL � �IT Y ��, . � �''` = � DEPARTNIENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -- . � �� p ..i � : -_ ' : DIVISION OF PLANNlNG �, ,�o ... �21 Wabasha Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 612-298-4151 George Latimer Mayor . , . December 26, 1978 � . h1r. Frank Finch, Regional Director, FIA Cepartment of Housing and Urban Development Federal Insurance Administration 1 North Dearborn Street Chicago, Illinois 60602 � Dear Mr. Finch: � Following are proposed changes to Saint Paul 's Zoning Ordinance which, in my under- standing, would br.ing the City of Saint Paul into compliance with all federal regulations. , l . Change Section 60.591 INTENT: as folloa�s: The Flood Plain District and its subclassifications, Floodway, apd Flood Fringe and General Flood Plain Districts, are designed to provide compre ensive flood plain managemznt for the City of Saint Paul in accordance with the po�icies of rlinnesota Statutes, Chapter • 104. The Floodway Maps �46, 47, 48, 49 and �0 adoped by th? City Council , Ordinan�e #16433, the "Flood Insurance Study" for the City of St. Paul , hlinnesota, prepared by The Federal Insurance Administration dated October, 1972, and the "Flood Insurance Rate hlap" for the City of St. Paul, prepared by the Federal Insurance Administration dated February 27, 1976 are hereby adopted by reference and declared to be a part of this ordinance. ' . 2. Change Section 60.592 ESTABLISHP�tENT: as follows: _ ��-ewder-�e-wega�a�e-�I�e-�se-e�-�ap�-w�����-�be-�ea��ar,}es-e�-�be €�ee�-��a��;-a-F�eed-R�a��-B�s�p�e�;-wb�eb-�s-d�b��e�-�t��e-F�esdwa� B�s�w�E�-a��-a-F�eed-Fp��ge-B�s�r�e�;-�s-qepe�y-es�a�}�sbed-€s�-��e • 6}�y-e€-�a}��-Paa�.- The Flood Plain areas within the jurisdiction of this ordinance are hereb divided into three Districts: Floodwa District FW , which shall include those areas designated as floodway � in the Flood Insurance Stud and on h1a s 46-50, Flood Frin e �Jistrict FF , whic s a inclu e those areas desi nated as floodwa frin e in the Flood Insurance Stud�r, and General Flood Plain District GFP), which s all include those areas desi nated as unnumbered A Zones on the Floo Insurance Rate Map. Within these districts all uses not allowed as Permitted Uses or as . Pe��mitte� Jses Subject to S�ec�2i Conditions shall be and a�e� �:er�hv . ` ' � � , . .y , � ��i' R� F✓ � . � �1r. Frank Fi nch Page Two December 26, 1978 � prohibited. Legal nonconforming structures or uses however existing on the effective date of this Ordinance or amendment thereto, will be permitted to co ntinue as provided in Section 62.102 of the . Zoning Code. ' � 3. Add new Sections 60.593(d) and (e) as follows: (d) No mobile home or mobile home park shall hereafter be permitted 4�ithin the Flood Plain District. (e) Service facilities, such as electrical and heatin� ' equipment, t,►ater and sanitar_y lines, shall be installed � at or above the requlatory flood protection elevation for the particular area or ade uatel flood roofed. � �This is old Section 60.598 c 3 . 4. �Add new definition for mobile home as f`ollows: Section 60.594(h) �h) Mobile Home: a structure transportable in one or more sections 4�hich is built on a ermanent chassis and esi ned to be used with or without a ermanent foundation . - when connected to the re uire utilities. It does not include recreational vehicles or travel trailers. taken . from �'.I.r�. de�Fini��ions. 5. Eliminate Section 60.598(c)(3) (See n3 above) . 6. Add to Section 60.604(a) the following: and to determine whether the proposed use is within the Floodway or Flood Fringe. 7. Add new Section 60.700 as follows: , 60.700 GENERAL FLOOD PLAIN DISTRICT 60.701 PRINCIPAL USES PERP�ITTED. Permitted uses shall include t ose uses perm�tted by Section 60.596 of this Ordinance. 60.702 PRIPlCIPAL USES PERPdITTED SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIONS. A1l ot er uses are Conditional Uses an are ermitted � onl u on t e issuance of a s ecial erm�t as rovi ed in Section 60.604. The General F ood Plain District includes t e entire flood plain and does not differentiate bet�•�een those areas that are floodwa and those areas that are flood fringe. Because of t is the Planninc� Coordinator . �' i �` ` Mr. Frank Finch ��?L��� � � Page Three " � December 26, 1978 . shall determine tivhether the proposed use is in the floodway or flood fr•inge in accordance a�ith Section 60.604. If it is determined that the use lies in the floodway, the provisions of Section 60.596 of this ordinance shall apply. If it �s determined that the proposed use lies in the flood frinqe, _the prov�sions af Section 60.600 of this ordinance shall �� 8. Renumber Section 60.605, 60.606, and 60.607 to 60.800, 60.850 and 60.900 respectively. � 9. Add new paragraph to Section 64.101 as follows: The Zonin Administrator shall maintain a record of the elevation of the first floor including basement of all new structures or additions to existin structures in the flood lain districts. The Zoning Administrat�r sha11 also maintain' a recor of the elevations to wh�ch structures or additions to structures are � � flood-proofed. .. 1Q. Add new section 61 .102(c)(4) as follows: � No lots or arcels shall be created b division, b subdivision or conve rt of a lot or arce which are e d � � -.� oo ing, inade uate draina e, water su 1 or sewa e treatment facilities. All lots within the flood plain districts shall contain a uilding s�te at or above the °e ulator Flood Protection Elevation. � All suhdivisions shall ave water and sewa e isposal facilities that comply 4n th the provisions of this Ordinance and have road � access both to the subdivision and to the individual buildin � sites no lower than t4vo feet elow the Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation. In the Fiood Plain a licants shall rovide the information re- quired in Section 60.604 a of this Or inance. The Plannin Commission shall evaluate the lots or arcels created b division, �r su ivision or y conve ance of part of a lot o� arce , in � accordance with rocedures established in Section 60.604 d e f)( ) h) and stan ar s contained in Section 60.604 c . o this Ordinance. Please advise me as soon as possible on the adequacy of these proposed changes inasmuch as the approval process may take approximately two months. ' s• �y -t-;'�, �,, .0 ...._�, , � �r', ;� �`` i u�.e � Edward J. tJarn � "T " Principal Pl er � '�" � . - ' � � EJW/gf -E' � r cc: Jerome Segal QJ�• . � ' Steve Prestin /"""'� ' STATE OF � � ��"�� t, � ��� ��c��o�Q - �.�� ' ' � DEPART/�1E�T O� AlAT�lR�► L RESO!lRCES . i k 444 Lafayette Road, Space Center Bldg. , St. Paul, NAI 55101 (612) 296-48����C� The Honorable George C. Latimer Mayor of the City of St. Paul 347 City Hall � ��f.;��,Y,�^� St. Paul, rlinnesota 55102 January 5, 1979 .��!�� � J i�19 MAYS)F.��Srrr��..; Dear Nayor La�imer: APPROVAL OF PROPOSED AME1�D�vTS TO ST. PAUL FLOOD PLAIN C0�]TROLS The Department of Natural Resources has reviewed the proposed amendments submitted to our Metro Rebion ir:�aters office by Ed LJarn, Principal Planiier, on December 26, 1978. ThesE am�ndments are required by the Federal Insurance Administration �Co brin� the City's flood plain controls inLo full compliance with current federal regulations. ti�e have determined the amendments comply with minimum r�quirements of StatecJide' Standards ar�d Criteria for N;anagement of Flood Plain Areas of l`linnesota (�inn. Peg. NR85-93) and, pursuant to l�iinnesota Statutes Chapter 104, they are hereby approved for adoption. Upon adoption, please submit three certified copies of the amendments to � our P,etro Region 6r�aters office. If we can be of assistance in the ad- . ministraticn of the controls, please feel free to contact that office. Sincerely, , ' DIVISTON F WATERS ���h �4 � � I . � C,� fJ j!I � f; JI � /�� / - . ' �' s '° . � � Larry o CJjj. -- .: r��` Director Sa; �p 1'1��t ,� nt �6; �� LDS:SJP:sb . r~� ����`%?a�a�'�� cc: Ed Warn, St. Paul Department of • Planning and Economic Development . Ron Harnack, Supervisor, Lar.d Use Management � � Section, Division of Waters � . Larry Eailey, Region V Flood Insuranc� Office ��� Federal Insurance Administiratior� ti'��,� - �. . Kent Lokkesmoe, Regional Hydrologist c:`�.� . Metro Region Waters ^���� t�. •> ��'�� � 4��� AD�dINISTRATIVE SERVICES • WATERS, SOILS, AND 611NERAlS • tANDS AND FORESTRY GAME AND FISH PARKS AND RECREATION • ENfORCEMENT AND FIEID SERVICE .,� �,_ •.'r � . . :_♦ 5 �. � .�_ � ; � iweer � ��� � o�Q�"„� ,°°�.o DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING APJD URBAN DEVELOPVIENT � -:' � � !�1���'�� N FEDERAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATIQN d*��': '117tkn =�y (������� ci 1 NORTH DEARBORN STREET ,. a CHICAGO,ILUnOtS 60602 �'�A30 M�0 . . January 5, 1979 REGION V (N REPLY REFER 70s SI:LB rir. Edward J. Warn Senior City Planner City of St. Paul _ Department of Planning and . Economic Development . Division of Planning 421 S�Tabasha Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Warn: . On Thursday, January 4, 1979, Larry L. Bailey of our office telephoned you to discuss the results of the Federal Insurance Administration's (FTA) review of Flood Pla�.n Management Qrdinance Number 16127 with amendments and revised amendments. Enclosed, for your information is an evaluation sheet representing FIAts reivew of the proposed revisions greviously submitted to our office for comment. Based upon our review, I am pleased to inform you that �ae fi.nd the draft amendments, as submitted subst�antiall compliant �oith deral re�u a`t�ons. Full compliarice wi1�$e� ,� ,�,.�.:, .,_..,-.: -.,.�,v— �_�„ achieved after adoption by Ca.C�y Council� anc��s'tirai'�tal of a . . � '"'�""�-�-�.. ...,.�..�-�-....,.w.rra..gs....rw. 7ewar.y.;.r2a..�...:•.•5,..�r. «s,.v„7� . . � legal� enforcea e c`�ocezment� to our o�ice. Also pfease ' • �c ud�ity Co�'unc�i'l�s�tio acloptirig the State Building Code by reference. . If our office can be of additional assistance or provide further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact . rir. •_Bailey at (312). 353-0757. ' :::. Sinc ely, . - //.� `.�- , 'x �� ��.��� ,u :_� ank Finch r Regional Director, FIA ��- �`^ -„-.."""".".�.-.---�- � O� � d � � � Enclosures � n�� �' �>� ry - °� r� �� ,��� �'��' �. �� � 4 'r +� .��:�'�n� � ` �' ? ��°'a.� ;�;`'!5'4� ,�.�' �'��� V,.,.�Q�! � 7 1 \ � {�..��: �A��. 1 — •e� � a`<<T, �� ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL � . DEPARTMENT OF PLANN{NG AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT . � , ..+ , � ���' • DIVISION OF PLANNING � - . '�p �c 421 Wabasha Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 •.• 612-298-4151 George Latimer Mayor . • Qecember 26, 1978 • Mr. Frank Finch, Regional Director, FIA Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Insurance Administration 1 North Dearborn Street Chicago, Illinois 60602 Dear Mr. Finch: Following are proposed changes to Saint Paul 's Zoning Ordinance which, in my under- standing, would bring the City of Saint Paul into compliance with all federal regulations. l . Change Section 60.591 INTENT: as follows: The Flood Plain District and its subclassifications, Floodway, apd Flood Fringe and General Flood Plain Districts, are designed to provide compre ensive flood plain management for the City of Saint Paul in accordance with the policies of P�innesota Statutes, Chapter 104. The Floodway Maps #46, 47, 48, 49 and �0 adoped by thp City Council , Ordinance #16433, the "Flood Insurance Study" for the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, re ared b The Federal Insurance Administration dated October, 1972, an the "Flood Insurance Rate P1ap" for the City of St Paul, prepared by the Federal Insuranee Administration dated February 27, 1976 are hereby adopted by reference and declared to be a part of this ordinance. 2. Change Section 60.592 ESTABLISNMENT: as follows: �p-ewdew-�e-weQa�a�e-�He-ase-e€-�a��-w��b�R-��e-�ea�daw�es-e€-�Me €�eed-��a�p;-a-F�es�-P�a}p-B�s�w�e�;-w��eb-�s-d�v�de�-�p�e-F�eedway B�s�w�e�-a��-a-F�eed-F���ge-B�s�w}E�;-�s-Hepe�y-es�a�}�sbe�-�ew-�be � - 6��y-e€-�a}p�-Raa�.- The Flood Plain areas within the jurisdiction . of this ordinance are hereb divided into three Districts: Floodwa District FW , which shall include those areas designated as floodway in the Flood Insurance Stud and on Ma s 46-50, Flood Frin e District FF , whic s al inclu e those areas desi nated as floodwa frin e in the Flood Insurance Study, and Genera Flood Plain District GFP , which s all include those areas desi nated as unnumbered A Zones on the F oo Insurance Rate Map. Within these districts all uses not allowed as Permitted Uses or as , Permitted Jses Subject to Spec;�l Conditions shall be and aNe rere'�y � � : . � ., ��.��..���.�q Mr. Frank Finch Page Two December 26, 1978 prohibited. Legal nonconforming structures or uses however existing on the effective date of this Ordinance or amendment thereto, will be permitted to co ntinue as provided in Section 62.102 of the Zoning Code. 3. Add new Sections 60.593(d) and (e) as follows: �d) No mobile home or mobile home park shall hereafter be permitted ��ithin the Flood Plain District. (e) Service facilities, such as electrical and heating equipment, water and sanitary lines, shall be installed at or above the regulatory flood protect�on elevation for the articular area or ade uatel flood roofed. - This is old Section 60.598 c 3 . 4. Add new definition for mobile home as follows: Section 60.594(h) (h) Mobile Home: a structure trans ortable in one or more sections w ich is built on a permanent c.assis and desi ned to be used with or without a ermanent foundation when connected to t e re uire utilities. It does not include recreational vehicles or travel trailers. taken from F.I.A. definitions. 5. Eliminate Section 60.598(c)(3) (See #3 above) . 6. Add to Section 60.604(a) the following: and to determine whether the proposed use is within the Floodway or Flood Fringe. 7. Add new Section 60.700 as follows: 60.700 GENERAL FLOOD PLAIN DISTRICT 60.701 PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED. Permitted uses sha11 include t ose uses permitted y Section 60.596 of this Ordinance. 60.702 PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIONS. 11 ot er uses are Con itional Uses an are ermitte on u on t e issuance of a s ecial erm�t as rovi ed in Section 60.604. The General F ood P1ain District incl�ades t e entire flood plain and does not differentiate between those areas that are floodwa and those areas that are flood fringe Because of t is the Planninc� Coordinator , . . _. '' � � � ��: � . Mr. Frank Finch Page Three a������� December 26, 1978 . -' shall determine whether the proposed use is in the floodwa or flood frinqe in accordanee with Section 60.604. If it is determined that the use lies in the floodway, the provisions of Section 60.596 of this ordinance shall appl . If �t is determined that the proposed use lies in the flood frin e, the provisions of Section 60.600 of this ordinance shall aPp�Y � _` 8. Renumber Section 60.605, 60.606, and 60.607 to 60.800, 60.850 and 60.900 respectively. 9. Add new paragraph to Section 64.101 as follows: The Zonin Administrator shall maintain a record of the elevation of the first floor includin basement of a1T new structures or additions to existin structures in the flood lain districts. The Zoning Administrator s al also maintain a record of the elevations to which structures or additions to structures are � flood-proofed. 10. Add new section 61 .102(c)(4) as follows: No lots or arcels shall be created b division, b subdivision or conve t of a lot or arce w ich are e d . --� . oo ing, inade uate araina e, water su 1 or sewa e treatment facilities. Al1 lots within the flood plain districts shall contain a uilding site at or abov� the �?e ulator Floo� Protection Elevation. All su ivisions s all ave water and sewa e isposal facilities that comply with the provisions of this Ordinance and have road access both to the sub ivision and to the individual buildin�' sites no lower than two feet elow the Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation. In the Flood Plain a licants shall rovide the information re- uire in Section 60.604 a of this Or inance. The Planning Commission sha evaluate the lots or arcels created b division, su ivis�on or conve ance of art of a lot or arce , in accordance with rocedures estab ished in Section 60.604 d e f)( ) h) and stan ar s containe in Sect�on 60.60 c . o t is Ordinance. Please advise me as soon as possible on the adequacy of these proposed changes inasmuch as the approval process may take approximately two months. S' ly, ~f'� � ' �,r�- , � o�/' Edward J. Warn � Principal P1 ;a'er `�" ' ' � � EJW/gf cc: Jerome Segal �• . � Steve Prestin � 5 T A T E O F � � ��`�"J�' � ' ������Q . �, DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 444 Lafayette Road, Space Center Bldg. , St. Paul, MN 55 (612) 296-4$����� The Honorable George C. Latimer M�.yor of the City of St. Paul 347 Cit Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 ����',��"`� January 5, 1979 '-'�-:1� � � ��/9 MAYSyF�'.�,tJEa*�i,a, Dear Mayor Latimer: APPROVAL OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO ST. PAL'L FLOOD PLAIN CONTROLS The DepartmPnt of Natural Resources has reviewed the proposed amendments submitted to our Metro Region Waters affice by Ed Warn, Principal Planner, on December 26, 1978. These amendments are required by the Federal Insurance Administration to bring the City's flood plain controls into full compliance with current federal regulations. We have determined the amendments comply with minimtun requirements of Statewide Standards and Criteria for Management of Flood Plain Areas of Minnesota (Minn. Reg. NR85-93) and, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 104, they are hereby approved for adcption. Upon adoption, please submit three certified copies of the amendments to our Metro Region Waters office. If we can be of assistance in the ad- . ministration of the controls, please feel free to contact that office. Sincerely, �� ' � DIVI�TON F WATERS �I�,�, �.. � �=✓ ��� �yt/J �'f �� •� r Larry o C�rt'� � .. �' 1�,��� Director Sai�f p lYjy�j,y�, LDS:SJP:sb � ��i,����o��� cc: Ed Warn, St. Paul Department of Planning and Economic Development . Ron Harnack, Supervisor, Lard Use Managemer_t � Section, Division of Waters � . Larry Bailey, Region V Flood Insurance Office ��' Federal Insurance Administration bv� �� . Kent Lokkesmoe, Regional Hydrologist �� Metro Region Waters �,�� �� ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES • WATERS, SOILS, AND MINERALS • LANDS AND FORESTRY GAME AND FiSH • PARKS AND RECREATION � ENFORCEMENT AND FIELD SERVICE .``�tca�.`�'�l'.-'^.�.5i � . � . ,;. t _. .._ _ _,._ _ ._ _ _ _ _. . ,� ��. �"��4�9 .. , � Q'ptpENip�y DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT � � � g� 0����I�� ���-' FEDERAL INSURANCE ADMiNISTRATION ,. 1 � 1 NORTH DEARBORN STREET ss*I�I��I�I o° CHICAGO, ILUnOIS 60602 o°�3n�N+ea January 5, 1979 REGION V [N REPLY REFER TO: SI:LB Mr. Edward J. Warn Senior City Planner City of St. Paul -- Department of Planning and . Economic Development Division of Planning 421 Wabasha Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Warn: On Thursday, January 4, 1979, Larry L. Bailey of our office telephoned you to discuss the results of the Federal Insurance Administration's (FIA) review of Flood Plain Management Ordinance Number 16127 with amendments and revised amendments. Enclosed, for your information is an evaluation sfieet representing k'IAts reivew of the proposed revisions previously submitted to our office for comment. Based upon our review, I am pleased to inform you ti�at we find the draft amendments as submitted substantiall compliant " with deral re u a ions. Full compliance w�� achieved after adoption � Ci�_Council an � s'�"`u�"m'itta o�a legall enfarcea e ocument to our�ce�. Al'so p ease � nc ude City Council s action a opting tfie State Building Code by reference. It our office can be of additional assistance or provide further clarification, plea.se do not fiesitate to contact . Mr. •Bailey at (312) 353-0757. Sinc ely, ' i�� �y�� " `" _ �� n���v � 1�"" . ank Finch Regional Director, FIA ���,,,,,,,,,.,�.-�- � O� Enclosures n���� ���.� ` b�� �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��TY p� � �a`' ''-� DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELC����"1(� ; � , � • ,, DIVISION OF PLANNING '�i n° . �21 Wabasha Street,Saint Paul.Minnesota,55102 ... 612-298-4151 George latimer Mayor January 29, 1979 Honorable George Latimer, Mayor City of Saint Paul 347 City Ha11 St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 Re: Zoning File No. 8403 - Changes in Dear Mayor Latimer: Flood Plain Zoning Regulations Enclosed is a copy of a resolution passed by the Planning Commission recommending changes to the Flood Plain zoning regulations. These changes are in response to a notice by the Federal Insurance Administration that Saint Paul 's Flood Plain zoning regulations did not meet federal standards. Attached to the resolution are copies of letters from the P�innesota Department of Natural Resources and the Federal Insurance Administration indicating that these changes are in conformance with current state and federal standards for flood plain zoning. The Current Planning and Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission discussed these changes at a public hearing on January 18, 1979 and on a vote of 4 to 0 recorr�nended approval to the Planning Cormnission. The Planning Corronission, at a public hearing on January 26, 1979, di�cussed these changes and on a vote of 15 to . 0 recomnended approval . . I am transmitting this action separately to the City Council . Sincerely, a�w► 1� Ja s J. Bellus • Planning Administrator JJB/gf � ► Enc. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ .. . /�O�C�S , , , _ r . , ; ; _ . , . � � , � , � � , , . � �. Jan�Y 3�. 19T9 � Mr. Fdaard idar� . � . Pl�um ir.,g Staf"'t' � ' . � . �T.c��lr�► llsttfe� , �t. Paul, i�i�weaot.a � - , D�si• 31r s . , i , . � � _ �'� �uU�:i� he�M3,n�, cif;�F.e for �ab� i3. ],�?'4 a� '�t����tf A. M. in � '� '�'t,1► Cou4cil t�mbers far dons3c� '�at•foQ of �.�`'� IOo. �721�59+ '��g +� or�,tn� a�wau�.ng t� svp3�g ��e e►e i� p�ias #c� Flood ' g�,aln Distries��, �+a8 �6�bli�d b�r t� ��,t�r Cc�wail �L,its Ja►�4�'Y .34i 1979 nr�etist�. ' ., , � , - , � . � � - . ' Youi+t� �taR�� _ . , . _ , - � . ' Rose Mis � ' . City Cllrk � � , . � . D�B sls , ` � _ . , • . � , t:. , , . . , , + , � ` _ � '�5U5 ..�f 5F.3a� ... ''`� . � _��� �a -�m"• � .9'�����'� � r���� ar+91- � ; r a � i .. �� � �,Y � i . � �� . .��. ,.�. ,� .. . � � -. r� � �. . � �'��'39Lft�t�A�M��4� . �, ciay�of daII � � �sS .`�.. < . � �.���rss � �► � .TE��tiK'1� ` � ; �. .3�a'�tx±t. ,_ ..�.,« R ,,•.� ..v�.� DNR$ ( !^G.�/'��—� 5 T A T E O F �il `��'J UV U�J�2���Lr=,� DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 444 Lafayette Road, Space Center Bldg. , St. Paul, MN. 55101 PHONE:—296-4HZO File No. February 14, 1979 The Honorable George C. Latimer Ma.yor of the City of St. Paul 347 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 . Dear Mayor Latimer: APPROVAL OF REVISED PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO ST. PAUL FLOOD PLAIN CONTROLS Subsequent to this Department's approval of the proposed amendments (letter dated Jan. 5, 1979? , our Metro Region Waters office received a letter (dated Jan. 25, 1979) and proposed amendments with several revisions. The revisions have been reviewed and we find them in compliance with minimum requirements of Statewide St�ndards and Criteria for Management of Flood Plain �reas of Minnesota (Minn. Reg. NR85-93) and, pursuant to Minnesota Statu�es Chap�er 104, they are hereby approved for adoption. _ Upon adoption, please submit three certified copies of the amendments to our� Metro Region Waters office. If we can be of assistance in the administration of the City's flood plain controls, please feel free to contact that offiee. Sincerely, DIVISION OF WATERS �... :�,..�,� <.. . Larry . �mour Direc�o�� LDS:SJP:sb � cc: Ed Warn, St. Paul Dept. of Plannin� and Economic Development . Ron Harnack, Supervisor, Land Use Management Section, Div. of Waters . Larry Bailey, Region V Flood Insurance Office, Federal Insurance Administration : Kent Lokkesmoe, Regional Hydrologist, Metro Region Waters � � AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ►�i ��3 ; _ _ __ _ _ � �Sl�� _ _ _ � - � y; F INS RANC ST DY LOOD U E U St . Paul , Mi nnesota � 1 � � • � , :�. prepared for , FED�RAL INSVRANCE ADMINISTRATION �y • ``� INNE�OTA DEPAqTMENT OF ��i1 fVATI.lAAL q�80UACES Divisimn of � aters, Soils and Minerals € � OCTOBER 1972 ST. PAUI, MINN�SUTA � ryne 15 - F�oad In�unance S�udy A[1TH�RIZATIUN Tb►,i� �.2aad �.vvswca.nce �s�udy �an S�. Pau,�, M.i.nne�so�a, wa,a pne�cuced by �he M.i.nne�saxa Ve�cur,tmev►,t a� Ncr,tuna,e Re�awcce� w�.de�c a cav►�r.aat (H-1795) ev►xened �.vLta bexween �he De�a�mewt and �he Fedeh.a,2 Ivvsunance Admd.v�t�i�.a,t,i.an, U. S. Vepat�mevr� a� Hau�s�,ng and Unban Deve,eapmen� (HUD) . PHySICAL S�TTING Th.e C.i.ty a� S�. Pau,e .i,a .2ac.ated a.2ang �he M.i�d-vsd�,�p�. Ri.vvc, v�ean -i,t�s can�.2uence w,c,th �he M.i.nvice�sa�a. Rivvc. rhe dawws�ceam canpa�ca,te .Q,i.m.i.t�5 cur.e d.ixua.ted a.t tr,i.velc m-i.ee 833.2*; xhe u���r.eam .P,i.m,i.ts a� m.i.2e 850.4, a di.s�avcce • ab 17.2 m.i.2e�s. Ma�s� a� �he c,i�y -us .2occLted a.e��ng �he .2eb� 6anFz; w.i.th a �smcz�2 pah,t .�aca,ted a.eang �he �c,i.gltit 6anFz, ad?acev�t �a �he dawn�own cucea. The Hli.nne�s axa. Ri.ve�c ev►xe�us �he M.i�.a.i�s s�.p��. Ri.ven bnam �he �s au�hwe�s� a� m.i.2e k44.0. TGi,us �ac,tan ha� cav�t�r,t.6u�ed �s�.gvu:.s�.cawt.ey �a �he �as� �.�oad Gwsxany cLt S�. Pau,�. Ca�,nc,i.dev� peaf� d,i�cha�cge u,Qang �he M-i�s�s.i�s�s�.pp�, and M.t.nne�v�a R.i.ve�us ax Sx. Pau.e �.n�evv��.5�.ed �he 1969 �.�aad evev�t. Pnae.ti.ca..�L2y u„eC2 �.�aad-p�cane �na�en#',i.e�s w.i�h,i.n S�. Pau.2 ane .�aca�ed dawvus�r,eam a� �he M.i.nne�sa�a Ri.ven. U���r.eam a� �h.e hli,nne�sa�a. Rc:ven �he �.2aad �.�u,i.n .us natvcaw w.i�h l�,i.gh b.�u�se c2��se �a �he channe.e.. Nan,ma2 �c,i.ve�e �s�a.ge� cr,t S�. Pau,2 cuce eav►,#�ea.P.eed by �he nav�.ga�.t.an �aa.� �an.med by �he U. S. Axmy Cvn�� �� �ng�,nee�vs, Lach. ancl Dam Na. 2 .�aea�ed nean • * Ri.veh, m,i.2eage a.�vng �he U��eh. M.us�s.i.sd�.p��. Riven -c.s mea�uned abave �he mauxh a b �he �h,i,o R,t.vvc. Haa�',i.ng.a, Iu-i.vtine�sa�a. �wc,i.ng �e�u,odd a� Gu:.gh �.�aw, �he gcr,te� at Locfz and Dam � Na. 2 a�ce �ca,used and .i.t�s e��ec,t an �.2aad �.�awzs a� S�. Pau.e cvice neg.P.i.g�.b.2e. Ana�hetc nav�.ga�s:an �aai.�i�y, U. S. Anmy Conp�s a� �ng�.nee�cb, LacFi av�d Dam No. 1, ,i�s .2accr,ted aba ve �he mau�'h a b �he M.i.nv�e,b a�a Ri.vetc a� m.i.�e &4 y.1. TGu.s �s�'icu.c,tune a��ec,t� u�d�r.eam b.2aad dxa.ge,a, bu,t xG►,t,cs -vs no� ch.i�i.ca,� w.i�lun S�. Pau,e becawse ab �he b.�oad �.ea,i,n can��.gwca�i,an, a� d�ssc�r,i.bed ecv�,P.i.e�c. 7hene -us a pe�cmanev�t �.2aad cav�w.� pna�ec� ex,tend,i.ng ban abau,t �h.nee m-i.2e�s a,2�ng �he n,i.gh� banFz a� �h.e M.i,Q��.a��.���, R.(,vetc �nam �he u�peh, end a� Hatvu.e,t I�.2and �a a pa�.v�t natc,thwe�� a b Ha.�man �Uuv►,i.ci.pa,2 A.vc�afr,t. �nam �hu,t ���.v�t �h.e �na�ec.t ex�end�s �.v�2and x� h,t,gh gn�und �s�u.thwe�s� a� xhe a,i.n.�an,t. TGu�s camb�.ncr,t,i,on �.2�adwa.P.e and .2evee -vs de.s.�gned �o �nav�.de �na�ec,t.i.an aga,i.ws� �he 100-yecvc �nequency �2aad bu,t wau2d be �ve�ap�ed u.�on accc,vvicence a� �he S00-yeah. ��.eq uency g2��d. • �LD�� HIS70Ry Runa�� {�nam an anea ab abau,t 36,800 �squatce mti2e�s cavi,th,i,bu,te�, �a �.�aad b.2acu� r�,t S�. Pau.e. A� de�s ch,i.bed ecv�Q,i.e1c., xGu�s cvicea �.nceude�s cl�ca,i.v�age �nam ba�h �h.e M.i��.vs�s�.�p�. and M.t:v�ne�axa. Rive.�vs. A �s�ceam gag�.ng �s�c�t,i.an ha.s been ma,i.vLta,i.ned cav�t.t,nuaws.�y an �he M,i�s�-i,d�s�.pp�. R,i.ven a,t S�. Pau,e ��,nce 1K72, �su�p2emev�ted by adc(,i.t,i.anaQ. �s�tceam b.�aw necand�s dcc,t,i,ng bacfz �a 1&G�. �uh,c;ng �h,i� �eru,ad a� tcecatcd �heh.e have been 28 �2aads w6u.ch have exceeded b.2aad �s�tage. c�,t S�. Pau.2. S�cecrm �.�aw necand�s a,2�v�g �he M.i.s��i�s��.�r�. R,i.ven up�s�ceam ab �he M.i.v�ne�a�a Ri,ve�c a�ce ne�ne�sev�ed by u gag�.ng ��:cr,ti,an cLt AnvFza, M.i.nne�a�a (�r,i,ven m�..2e �64. 8) . Cov►,t,t.nuau� h.ecand� ane avcu2ab.2e. ��,nce 1931 . The Apn,i..e 19G5 and Aph,i,e. 19G9 b.�vad e.vevvt� cuce �he .2atcge�� c,� necand a� • S�. Pau,e. De��-i.te a pnev�.aws2y carvs�uc,ted �2aad cav�c�.� pna�ee,t and emengency -2- meaaune,� �a.fzen p�u:an �a and dwu.ng �he�se �.�aad�, damage�s ne�a�ed by �he c,i.ty S �an �he 1965 b.Eaad we�ce averc �autc m�Q�.an da.P.ea�vs and we�ce nea�r,ey �ura m.i,.P,�i,an da.2e.a�t �.n 1969. ��T�RMINATION OF �LO(70 PR�FIL�S In deve.2a��.ng wa�e�, �wcsace pnab.i.2e� �an �he 10-, 25-, 50-, ]00-, and 500-yecuc bnequency �.��ad�s a,�ang �he M-i�.6-i,d�s�.pp�. Rive�c w�i.th.i,n �he C-i�y ab S�. Pau2, a �s.c;mi.Qcvc �na�-i.2e a� �he Apn,i.e 1969 �2aad, a�ah,t,i.ng ct,t �he dawvus�iceam canp��e .P.i.m.i.t�s and ex�end,i.ng �v LacFz av�d �am Na. 1, wcus ca,P.cu,�a,ted u,ti,.2i.z�.ng a ��andand ��e�-bacFuva�esc compu�e�c �nagtcam (Na. 22-J2-L232) deve.eaped by �he U. S. Anmy C�np�s ab �ng�,neelr�s, Hydna.2ag�.c �ng�,neetr,i.ng CevLtetc. TGu�s �nagnam wcus made a�elca�.i,�na,e an �he CDC 6600 cli.gtita,� c�m�u,te.n. a� �he Uvi,i.ve�vs-i.ty a� M-i.nvice�a�a b y de�cv�,tmev►,t �etus ann22. Up�sxtceam a� La eFz and aam Na. 1, ec�u,i.va,eew.t �na b-i�2.e�s we,rce d2tetcmi.ned �ham av� �.v►,te�c�a2.a�',i.an a� G►,i.d�atr,i.c b.2aad dc�ta. • �.2aad �nequency da�a. we�ce �nav�.ded by �he U. S. Gea.�ag�.ca,� Sutcvey, bcused an an ana.ey�.us �b ��r.eam �.2ow necand�s a,t �he S�. Pau2 and AnaFza gag�,ng �s�c�t,ia�vs. Unden an �.v�te�c-agency agneemev►�, da,ta �an �he 100-yecvc. {�nequency b.2oad wene e�ancf,i,nct,ted w.i�h .the U. S. A�emy Canp�S a� �ng.�neetr.s. In �he neach 5tc�m �he d�wws�.eam e�rc��naxe .P.i.m.i,t�s �a LaeFz and Dam Na. 1, chanv�e2 a,v►.d �veh.banfz e�c���s-�ee.t.t.avvs weh.e aequ,viced a,t appnax,i,ma�t22y 1000 - bao� �,wtenva.Q�s. Rc:ven �auncGi.ng�s we�,e acqu,i.ned by Cun�.S a� �ng�.n�e�us, U. S. Gea2ag�.ca,2 Sutcvey and �epa�r�mer� vb Ncc,tu� Re�acvice�s pe�v.�aKrie.�. �.v� 1971 and 1972. The a veh.banf� �a�r�.i.a n v� eaeh cica�s�s-�s ec�.i.�n wcvs �na v�,ded b y an ae}r,i.u.e �wcve y �.i�cm u,t.i.2�.z�,ng �h.��agtca�hy �aFzevt by �he ��.n.m �.n �h.e S�tu.v�g �� 19G9 and 1970. B�c,i.dge da�a we�r.e aer�u,i.ned �nam �sevvca,� h,t.ghway de�a�mevr�s and nr�,i,.Q�caad eam�uvu.e,5. Raughne�s�s caeb��.at.evLt�s, an �.2aw ne�r,�,dance �ac,ta}c�s, wene e�sx,i.mated ba�h an �he • gnaund av�d �n�m �he u,i,�c {��n e�ca��-ehecFung. -3- A.�2. bedena,Q, �s�a,te uv►.d .�aca.e un,i�'� as gave�cnmevi.t, a�s we,22 a�s �.ndws�c.e�s, � xhct,t m.t,gh,t have �.n�atrmcL#,i.an an �he 1965 and 1969 �2oad6 wene cav►.tac,ted. Fnam �.n�anma�',i.an �nav�.ded by many �saunce,�, dcc�a. an max,i.mum e2evafi.i.avus neached dcvr,i.ng �he 1965 and 1969 �.�aad�s we�ce a��emb.�ed. The ��.aad �.ea,i_v� c�ca�sd-�ec.#,i.a�vs, bn,i.dge da,ta and h.oughne��s cae��-i.ai.evr,#�, �age.�hen w.i�h �.�aad e,2eva,#,i.aws and di�chatr.ge�s a� �he 1969 �.2aad weh.e a��emb2ed camp�,t.i.b.2e w�,,th �he cam��cte�c �nag�r.am wsed �an �he ��udy. Ad�ws�mevL#�s weh.e made �.n �he data wtit,i.� �he e.�.eva,t.i.av� v� �he 1969 S.�aad wa�s c.2a�se,ey mcr�ched c�t a.22 Finawn �a�.wt�s w,i�h,i,n zhe �s�udy neach. Hav�.ng du�.P.t.ca,ted �he 1969 �.2aad �Gucaugh ma�hemc�ti.ca,e campu,tc�t.i.an, wa�e.�c dcvc�ace �fca�-i.2e�s �an b.�c,ad� a� �s�.m.i.eatc magw.i tude can be cvm�u,ted ne�.�ec,t,i.ng change�s �.n �.�aad di�schange�s. Th,us wa�s dane �an �he 10-, 25-, 50-, 100-, av�d 500-yea�c �nec�uency b.2�vd�s and �he ne�su,P�',c:ng campu�e.�c aux�u,t wcus wsed �a deve,eap • �.2a�d �tw�-c:.2e� {�an �he �ne�sc�c,i.bed �.�aad magv►,ixude�. ��T�RMINATI(7N UF INSURANC� R�AC�1�S The ev�ne �s�udy wcus di.v�.ded �.n�� bacvc �,rvswr.a�.ce neache�, �a.�2aw.i.ng dtca.�� gc�,i.de,P,i.ne�s �ne�cviced by HUD, cla,ted May 1912. Reach 1 �s�an,t� a� xhe dawvv��r.eam carc�ana�e .P.i,m.i� and end�s a,t �he Ch,i.caga and Nah,thwe��enn Ru,i.ehaad Bn.i.dge (m.�2e �41. 35) . S�u.c,t.�y �a22aw.i.ng f{UD gu,i.de,?.Lne�s �he nemcci.nden a� �he �s�udy c�u,ed have been di.v�.ded �,v�a �w� udd,i�'.i.ana2 neache�s; ane ex,tev�di,ng �a Lacfz and Dam No. 1, �he a�he�c abave LacFz and Dam N�. 1. Nawevetc, �he �2aad p.�cci,n can��,gwr.c�t,i.av� and .�and u�se evvLt�ca.� cavv��,dena�',i.vws ab�ve and be,2aw �he ea�.�.2uence ab �he M.i.nne�axa and M-v�.�-vs�s�.�p�. R,i,ven.s cuce ��,gvu.b�,eav�t2y di.��etc.ev�t. Fan �he�se neu�vws �Gu� �on,ti.�n a� �he �s�udy wcus d,LV�.ded �.h,ta xwa neaehe�s. Haweve�c, Reaehe�s 2 and 3 • h.ave �he �sarne e.e.eva�.vn-bner�uency cwcve�s and {�.2a�d hazatcd �ae�a�us. -4- F.Eaad hazcvcd bac�atr.s ban �he �autc neach�s we�c.e de,te�cm�i.ned �nam �he , "Fede�ca,e Ivvsu�r.au�.ce Adm�i,vi,i�,�ica,t,t.on �.�aod Hazand Facxa�us" 6aaFz2e.t da�ed Se�embetc 1970. �.2eva,t.i,an-�nec�uency �.�a�'.t.t,ng pa�.vLt�s wene nead �nam ph.ev�.au.s.�y cam�c�ted �.�aad pna�-i.ee� u�.�ng a we,i.gG�ed ave�cage �an each neach. The pant,�:an a� �he e.eevcr„t,i.an-Snequency cunve be�een 10- and 100-yecvc �nequency �.�aad�s wa� g.�ven �he ma�s� caws�.de�ca.t',i.an �.n de.tenmi,wi.ng �he �.�aad hazah.d �ac,ta�. �L�ODG1Ay Ca�.s�.desucb.�e enctcaachmev�t ha� a,P�c.eady �aFzen p.2ace uz�Gu.n �he M.i��-i�s��.�p.i. R,i.veJc ��.aad �.ea,i..vi cr,t S�. Pau,�. T� �tcav�,de gwi.de.2i.ne� �an pa�s��,b.�e bwc�helc enc�c.aachmevi,ts �ehmi�s�s�.b.�e uxde�c �s�a,tew,�de ��.aad p.2a,i.v� managemev►� �s.tandatccGs ada��ed by �he De�at�,tmev►,t a� Nc�twca.� Re�awcce�, hepn�sev►.tcrfi,i.ve �.�aadway- w�i.d,th cwcve.�, ba�ed an �yp�,ca2 c�c.a�s�s-�eati.�v�s we�ce deve.e��ed ��n �he �awc �i.vuswcance tceache�. Lacc�ts:an a� �he�se ctca�s�s-�sec�'.i,aws cuce �.dev�t,i.��.ed by 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, and • 4-4 �n zhe �.2�ad �.�vsunance ma��. The b�2aadway-cutid�h cunve�s welr.e ba.sed an an equa,2 neduat.i.an �.n b.2aw ca�vcy�.ng capac,ixy an b��h �s�.de�s a� �h.e tu.ve�c, and �.ncli.ca�e �he �a�a.� �.�aadway w�.d�h n.equ,i.ned xa �a:s� �he 100-yean bnequency �.2oad �otc di.��e�cev�t �.n.c�cea�se�s �.n �.���d �s�a.ge. The�se cwcve�s �shau,2d be wsed av►.�y a�s gu,i.de,P,i.ne� �atc scv�then �s�udy avcd �.�anvi,i.ng an �he pct�,t v� 2ac.u,e �bU�,c,i.a,P� �.v� deve.eapmev►� a �.2a�dway a.e.�ng �he M-vs�s.i��s�.p��. Riven a,t S�. Pau.2 �ha� .v� camperfi.t.b.�e w.�th .�aca.P., neg�.ana,e and ��cr,te �.�a�d p�.a,i.n managemev� ab�ec�.ve�s and cn,i.te�r,i.a. 7he Depcvr,tmenx ab Na�utcu.e Re�s�unce�s, �%.n can�unc,#,i.an w.i�h �he Me�r.v��.P.�tan Caunc.i.e and �he S�a,te P.2anvu.ng Agency, .us w�nFii.ng uzi�h S�. Pau,� and �he ad�a�.vi,i.ng cammuwi.t,i.e� �,n deve2ap�.ng a cam�nehews�.ve {��a�d p2a,i.n managemevr,t pnagtcam �an xhe M.i��s.i��a�.�p�, R,i,vetc �nam Lacfz and Dam Na. 2 u���tr.eam �lvcaugh Zhe hLi.nneapa.2us - S�. Pau,2 Me�can�.P.i.tan Anea. � -5- * * * * * � * * * * * * * * * * • The da,ta cav►,ta,i.ned �.n �Gi,i�, �s�udy cvice cam�a�i.b.2e w.c.th �he ne�su.2� ob a cam�nehen�s�,ve dxudy a� �he M.��.i���.���. Ri.ve�c �.2aad �2a,i.n �nam LacFz and Dam Na. 2 xa LacFi a.vi.d iJam Na. 1 necev�y cam�.2e.ted and naw be,i.ng �ub.2Ushed by �he De�a�mev�t a� Na,twcu.e Re�aunce�s, �.n caa�e�cu,t',ian w,i.th �he C.i�'.i.e� ab S�. Pau2 and SacLth S�. Pau,�, �he Me�icapa.2,i.tan Caunai.�., �he S�cr,te P.2anvu,ng Agency, �he U. S. Ncmy Canp�s a{� �v�g�.neetus, a.vr.d �he U. S. Gea.��g.i.ccu,e Sutcvey. The�ce have been na �nev�.aws.2y �ub.Q,ushed ��udi.e�s ab �he S�. Pau2 �.�oad p.2cu.n. � � -G- v o c 0 0 � •r- �n cn �n tn � +� a� a� a� a� � .,� .� .,� •,� (n � CSS f� ftS CC . • 7 > > > f�r- GO W � L L.L t0 2 N 1-� r� S_ ti� O O �1'� 'L1 O o0 O O M O +� O � .-i O O U r (t3 L.L L.� QI C o\° N � d' •r N l� O O 'ct � �1 L.l) l� l� N � r � N o\° O O O O > r- • L O O O O � V , ,k V+� [� O) � M C C o\° d' O O �-1 Q1 •�N . . � O N M M r-� Q'd N cd i- W +.� � J O Oi � �-+ a� 00 tn I o�° Ol �-+ �-i U Q N d' • • I-� � C � �O � N � � 0 •r.� •r • � .� '�'� • N w 9 0\° N r-� r1 00 Q •-a �U O M � � M _ ',S r � • Ri W 00 O O M � a. r"� �--1 0 � J +� i L.� � O r�- i-� Q1 00 �'! 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Yeas Nays , BUTLER . HUNT I.EVINE � '"� � I �`� ' � MADDOX SHOWALTER � TEDESCO _ PRESIDENT (IiOZZA) .