274309 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANGE COl1IlC11 ����� CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. � �� � � BLUE - MAVOR � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The City of St. Paul has applied to the Governor's Crime Control Planning Board for an L.E.A.A. grant for the project of Court Screening Unit (Resolution #272806); and WHEREAS, the Court Screening Unit project is designed to reduce case dismissals arising from incorrectly charged cases and to reduce overall dismissal rates for serious offense cases and to reduce court delay in serious offense cases; and WHEREAS, the Governor's Crime Control Planning Board has approved an L.E.A.A. grant in the amount of $77,199 for this project to be matched by $13,927 local funding; Now Therefore Be It RESOLVED, That the St. Paul City Council hereby approves acceptance of the grant award titled "Court Screening Unit'; and Be It Further RESOLVED, That the proper city officials are hereby authorized to execute such agreements as are necessary to implement the project on behalf of the City of St. Paul ; and, Be It Further RESOLVED, That the grant ac�reement is made part hereof by reference and is on file in the office of the St. Paul City Council . COUNC[LMEN Yeas McMAHON Nays Requested by Departme of: 6 � � �� In Favor -� Hunt Levine __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Adop 1y Counci . Date ,AN 2 2 i��� Form proved City cy ertified P� • by Council Secretary BY l, 6lpproved Mavor: Date �¢ �980 App by Mayor for u 'ssion to Cou 1 By _ B �1J:vI,.,.:�i,'�v �- ._;.) G i`�`Z� � � 7� 3 � STATE OF MINNESOTA � CRIME CONTROL PLANNING BOARD Grant Agreement Justice System Improvement Act of 1979 Grant Number 4C33141126980 This AGREEMENT is made this 13th day of December , 19 79 , by and between the state of Minnesota acting by and through the Crime Control Planning Board (hereinafter called the Grantor) and �ity of St. Paul-------------------- -------------------- (hereinafter called the Grantee) pursuant to authority granted by Justice System Improvement Act of 1979 (hereinafter called the Act) and Minnesota Statutes 299A.03. WHEREAS, pursuant to the Act the Grantor has been allocated funds by the United States Department of Justice Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (hereinaf.ter called LEAA) for use in the state of riinnesota for the purpose set forth in the Act; and WF�EREAS, the Grantee has made application to the Grantor for a portion of such allocation for the purpose of conducting the project entitled Court Screenin� Unit _ in the manner described in Grantee's "APPLICATION FOR ACTION G?�1NT,", a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "A" ; NOW, THEREFORE, in considerati.on of and in reliance upon the mutual cov- enants and agreements contained herein, the par.ti.es hereto do covenant and agree, each for themselves and their respective successors and assi�ns, as follows: The Grantor shal.l �rant to the Grantee the total sum of seventy-seven thousand, otie hundred ninety-nine------------------- dollars ($ 77,199.00 ) , of which $ 77, 199.00 shall be federal funds allocated to the state of Minne- sota by LEAA, and $ - 0 - � shall be nonfederal funds appropriated by tne legislature of the state of Minnesota, and the Grantee shall ex�end from other sources the total sum of thirteen thousand nine hundred t�.Tenty-seven------ dollars ($ 13, 927.00 ) , which sums shall be the total financial commitnent of the respective parties hereto under this agreer�ent, and which shall be appropriated, distributed, and e:�pended for co;ts of implementing the above named project in conformance with the policies, rules, and r.egulation of LEAA and Grantor. If the total actual cost of implementinb this project is less than the total anount of funds committed by the parties pursuant to this agreement, the amount of funds provided by Grantor and Grantee shall be reduced proportionately. The Grantee shall perform and accomplish such purposes and activities as are specified herein, as well as in �xhibit "A" , during tlie period from January 1 , 19 80 , through December 31 , 19 80 . Rev. 12/1./79 (GC-002U0-01) Funds made availaole pursuant to this agreement sllall be used only for expenses incurred in performing and accomplishing such purposes and 3ctivities during the grant period described above and for expenses incurred prior to the grant period whicti shall be necessary for the prompt commencement of tiie grant project, except that no funds made available pursuant to this agreement shall be used for expenses incurred prior to the date on which this agreement was made, unless specifically approved in writing by Grantor. Grantor shall disburse funds to grantees pursuant to this agreement as follows: Ouarterly advances as needed and requested by Grantee in its quarterly financial status report, up to 85% of the Grantor amount. The remaining balance, if any, will be disbursed on receipt of final financial status report and satisfactory close-out. GREINTOR rG'11 WITHHOLD SUCH DISBURSE�tEi�T OI' FUNDS AT A�IY TI*tE TI�.AT ALL RF.PO�tTS REQUIRED PURSUA:�T TO Tf?IS AGR�E^fENT HAVE NOT BEEN RECEIV�D AIv� A?'PROVED BY GR�'�TOR. This grant may be terminated by Grantor wllere it finds a substantial �ailure. to comply with the provisions of the Act or regulations promulgated thereunder`, including provisioiis of this agreement or of E::hi.bit "A". Grantee may appeal such grant termination by notifying Grantor. Follo�oing sucti an appeal of. ternination, the final determination of this grant will be made by Grantor after a hearing beiore the Executive Committee of the Crime Control Ylanning Board. Grantor will not malce disbursements of funds pursuant to tYiis agreement until it has been duly approved aiid signed by or for the appropriate represen- tatives of the state of Minnesota; namely, the Commissioner of Administration, the Attorney General, the Crime Control Planning Board, and the Commissioner of Finance. Grantee shall atLach hereto, prior to submission, certified copies of resolutions or other auttlority, by the appropriate governing body or bodies as shall legally authorize the execution of this agreement on behalf of the�Grantee. k'here provisions of Exhibit "A" are :inconsistent with other provisions of this agreement, the other provisions of this agreement shall take precedence over the provisions of Exhibit "A". AU?�tI?�ISTRATII'r. PROVISIO:�S 1. Grantee shal.l commence operation of this grant project during the first sixty (60) days of the grant period specified herein. 2. Grantee shall use grant funds, federal and nonfederal , iahich are r.iade available pursuant to tt�is agreement, and all money received as a result - 2 - � of the operation of this grant project, only for costs of this grant pro- ject which are allowable according to the effective edition of LEAA Guide- line Manual M7100, Fi�ancial Mana�ement for Plannin� and Action Grants. According to LEAA Guideline Manual M7100, the following costs, proposed in the budget sections of Exhibit A, are subject to prior written approval by LEAA: NONE Nothing in this Grant Agreement constitutes prior written approval of any costs by LEAA. Where such prior written approval by LEAA is required, it must be obtained in a separate writing. According to LEAA Guideline Manual M7100, certain costs require prior approval by Grantor (referred to as "State Planning Agency" or "SPA" in the Guideline Manual) . Cost items specified in the budget section of Exhibit A, which require such prior approval, are approved by Grantor as required. Other costs which require prior approval shall not be incurred by Grantee without prior approval by Grantor in a separate writing. For the purpose of complying with this prior approval requirement, equipment shall be defined as tangible property having a useful life of more than one year and an initial cost of more than three hundred dollars ($300.00) . + Costs of this grant project which do not require prior approval according to LEAA Guideline Manual M7100 may be incurred by Grantee and paid for out of grant funds only if such costs are otherwise allowable costs of this grant project according to the cost allowability guidelines contained in M7100. Grantee, or any person designated by Grantee, may request from Grantor written opinions as to the allowability of specific cost items; any such opinion rendered by Grantor shall be binding on Grantee and the grant project implementing agency, and on Grantor to the extenf that. costs and surrounding circumstances are as described in Grantee's request and provided Grantee complies with applicable cost allowability guidelines, conditions of funding and other rules of LEAA. and Grantor where compliance or lack of compliance cannot be determined from the information provided in Grantee's request. Grantee agrees to return to Grantor all funds provided by Grantor which are not spent for allowable project costs. 3. Use of grant funds to pay for travel costs incurred in the operation of this grant project is governed by LEAA Guideline N7350.6, as amended. Reimbursement of project employees for travel expenses shall be consistent with that normally paid by Grantee to its employees in like circumstances in nonfederally sponsored activities,and applicable state law. Current established rates of Grantee shall be used for travel expense reimbursement, provided that reimbursement for lodging and subsistence does not exceed the maximum federal government daily rate of fifty dollars ($50.00) . Lodging and subsistence includes the cost of hotel accommodations, telegrams and telephone calls reserving hotel accommodations, meals, laundry, cleaning and pressing, and transportation between places of lodging or business and places where meals are taken. - 3 - 4. Acquisition, use, protection and maintenance, disposition, inventory, and reporting of property acquired in whole or in part with grant funds shall be subject to LEAA Guideline G7380.2 and applicable requirements of Grantor. 5. Funds made available pursuant to this agreement may be used to reimburse Grantee for indirect costs of tfi is project at a rate not in excess of five percent (5%) of total direct costs, or ten percent (10%) of direct labor (including fringe benefits) , whichever is greater. 6. For all expenditures of funds made pursuant to this agreement, Grantee shall keep financial records including properly executed payrolls, time records, invoices, contracts, receipts, vouchers and other documents sufficient to evidence in proper detail the nature and propriety of the expenditure. For all personnel compensated out of such funds, Grantee shall keep time records or time distribution records which identify each individual compensated by name and indicate the calendar dates and number of hours of each day for which the individual is compensated and the source of such compensation. These time records must be signed by both the indi- vidual and supervisor. A written record shall also be maintained that clearly indicates the amount of vacation, sick leave, and compensatory time earned and taken. For contracts with individual consultants, invoices for payment must state that the work performed and invoiced is in accordance with the terms of the consultant contract. Futhermore, these invoices must also state the calendar dates and number of hours of each day for which the con- sultant is requesting compensation. Grantees that are publicly finance�, � college level or higher educational institutionsshall maintain time records in accordance with the requirements set forth in Office of ManaQement and Budget Circular Number A-21 entitled "Principles for Determining Costs Applicable to Research and Development and Educational Services Under Grants and Contracts with Educational Institutions." 7. All funds provided by Grantee pursuant to this agreement shall consist of money appropriated by state or local government or private source for the purpose of sharing in the cost of this project as required by LEAA Guide- line Manual M7100. 8. For all procurements made in implementing this grant project, Grantee shall use procurement procedures which are consistent with LEAA Guideline Manual M7100. Grantee shall require its subgrantees and implementing agencies to use procurement procedures consistent with LEAA Guideline Manual M7100. 9. Grantee shall promptly notify Grantor of any change in Project Director, Authorized Official, Financial Officer or Equal Employment Opportunity Coordinator for this grant project. 10. Grantee shall liquidate all unpaid obligations related to the project which were incurred on, or before, the last day of the grant period within ninety (90) days immediately following the eYpiration of the grant period. Grantee shall return any funds received under this agreement which are not obligated as of the last day of the grant period to Grantor by check made payable to "Treasurer, state of Minnesota" or by In*_er Agency Transfer when so requested by Grantor. - 4 - � 11. Grantee shall retain all financial records for a minimum of three (3Z years after the date of submission of the Final Financial �tatus Report, or until completion of an audit by LEAA or Grantor which has commenced before the expiration of this three (3) year period, whichever is later. Records for nonexpendable property, which was acquired in whole or in part with grant funds, must be retained for three (3) years after final disposition of the nonexpendable property. 12. Grantee shall submit a Financial Status Report for each calendar quarter of the grant period to Grantor by the 25th day of the month following the period covered in that report. A final Financial Status Report shall be submitted by the 25th day of the month following the 90 day liquidation period described in Administrative Provision �I10. 13. Grantee shall submit to Grantor a narrative Progress Report for each cal- endar quarter which falls wholly or partially within the grant period. These reports must be received by Grantor on the 25th day of each October, January, April, and July which follows a Yeport period. 14. Grantee shall promptly submit such other reports as Grantor shall reasonably request. 15. Grantee and its subgrantees, contractors and employees shall provide Grantor all data necessary for project evaluation and monitoring. , 16. Grantee shall use and account for all money received as a result of the operation of this grant project as follows: a. Grantee shall not be held accountable to Grantor for interest earned on grant funds. b. Unless otherwise specifically approved in writing by Grantor, Grantee shall report to Grantor in its quarterly and final Financial Status Reports the amount of welfare per diem payments earned and amount received during each report period for services rendered in the oper- ation of this grant project, and the total amount of such payments earned shall be deducted from the total amount of federal and non- federal funds made available pursuant to this agreement , federal and nonfederal funds being reduced proportionately. c. All other money received as a result of the operation of this grant project shall be used to pay for allowable project costs so as to reduce the amount of expenses which would have otherwise been paid for out of funds made available pursuant to this agreement. Grantee shall report all such receipts in its quarterly and final Financial Status Reports. d. All such money which remains unspent and unobligated as of the end of the last day of the grant period shall be considered unspent grant funds, and a proportionate share of such money shall be returned to Grantor, upon notification from Grantor. 17. Changes to this agreement must be approved in �oriting by the Grants Administrator of the Crime Control Planning Board. - 5 - STANDARD GRANT CONDITIONS Grantee shall comply and shall ensure compliance by its subgrantees and con- tractors with the regulations, policies, guidelines, and requirements of LEAA and Grantor and with Office of Management and Budget Circulars Numbered A-87, A-95, and A-102, and the effective edition of LEAA Guideline Manual M7100 Financial Management of Planning and Action Grants, as they relate to the acceptance and use of federal and nonfederal funds for this grant project. Grantee also gives assurance and certifies that: 1. Discrimination Prohibited No person shall, on the grounds of race, creed, color or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be refused the benefits of, or be othenaise subjected to discrimination under this grant or any project, program or activity or subgrant supported by this grant. The Grantee must comply with the provisions and requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and regulations issued by the Department of Justice and the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration thereunder as a condi- tion of award of federal funds and continued grant support. The Grantee further must comply with the Justice Department and equal employment oppor- tunity regulations in federally assisted programs, to the end that dis- - crimination in employment practices of state planning agencies, law enforcement a�encies and other agencies or offices administering, con- ducting or participating in any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance, on the ground of race, color, creed, sex or national origin, be eliminated. This grant condition shall not be inter- preted to require the imposition in state plans on planning agency sub- grant programs of any percentage ratio, quota system, or other program to achieve racial balance or eliminate racial imbalance in a law enforcement agency. The United States reserves the right to seek judicial enforcement - of this condition. 2. Equal EmPloyment Opportunity Program Grantee certifies that it has executed and has on file, an Equal Employ- ment Opportunity Program, and that this program conforms to the provi- sions of 28 CFR 42.301 et. seq. , subpart E or is not required to conform according to the provisions of the foregoing regulation. 3. Education Su,p�ort No person in the United States shall, on the basis of se;c, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to dis- crimination under any education program or activity receiving LEAA finan- cial assistance with the exception of the qualifications set forth in Title IX, Section 901 (a) of P.L. 92-318 (86 Stat. 373) . 4. Political Activity All state and local government employees whose principal employment is in - 6 - connection with activities financed, in wh�le or in part, wi.th �unds, made available pursuant to this grant agreement shall restrict their political . activity as required by the Hatch Act, 5 U.S.C. Chapter 73, Subchapter 111� as amended. � 5. Inspection and Audit Accounts and records of the Grantee and all other recipients of assistance under this grant, whether by direct grant or contract or by subgrant or sub- contract from primary grantees or contractors, which disburse or utilize grant funds, must be accessible to authorized federal and state officials forthe purpose of audit and examination. Notice of accessibility as set forth in Section 521 of Title 1 of P.L. 90-351, 91-644, and 93-83 and Section 817 of the Justice System Improvement Act of 1979 must be incor- porated in each grant, subgrant, contract, subcontract or other docu- ment under which funds are to be disbursed. 6. Release of Information Pursuant to Section 817 of the Act, as amended, all papers and other docu- ments kept by Grantee and its subgrantees and contractors, relating to the receipt and disposition of such funds, are required to be made available to the Grantor. These records and other documents are required to be made available by the Grantor under the terms and conditions of the Federal Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) . � 7. Published Material All published material and written reports submitted under this grant or in conjunction with contracts under this grant must be originally devel- oped material unless otherwise specifically provided in this grant or contract document. When material, not originally developed, is included in the report, it must have the source identified. This identification may be in the body of the report or by footnote. This provision is applicable when the material is in a verbatim or extensive paraphrase format. 8. The grantee agrees that any public information materials, e.g. , project brochures, program descriptions, press releases, etc. , will contain the following wording: "Support for this project has been provided by the Crime Control Planning Board, State of Minnesota." Further, the Grantee agrees a copy of all such public information materials will be provided to the Clearinghouse and Tec�nical Assistance Unit, Crime Control Planning Board. 9. Confidentiality of Research Information In accordance witti Section 818(a) of the Justice System Improvement Act of 1979, and LEAA regulations governing Confidentiality of Identifiable Research and Statistical Information (28 C.F.R. Part 22) , all research or statistical information identifiable to an individual, which is obtained by Grantee and its subgrantees or contractors through this grant project, shall be used only for the purpose of attaining research or statistical objectives. Such information shall remain confidential and copies of such information shall be immune from legal process and shall not, without the consent of the - 7 - person furnishing such information, be admitted as evidence or used for any purpose in any action, suit, or other judicial or administrative pro- ceeding. 10. Collectioni Storagez and Dissemination of Criminal History Information In accordance with Section 817(b) of the Justice System Improvement Act of 1979, LEAA regulations governing criminal justice information systems (28 C.R.F. Part 20) , and the state of Minnesota Criminal History Record Information Plan adopted pursuant to the same LEAA regulations, all. collection, storage, and dissemination of criminal history information by Grantee and its subgrantees or contractors through this grant project shall be conducted in a manner which will ensure the completeness, integrity, accuracy, and security of such information and will protect individual privacy. 11. Data on Individuals All collection, storage, use, and dissemination of data on individuals by Grantee and its subgrantees and contractors through this grant project shall be conducted in accordance with the state of Minnesota Data Privacy Act, Minnesota Statues, Section 15.162 - 15.169, and with rules promul- gated pursuant thereto by the Commissioner of the Department of Adminis- tration. . 12. Juvenile Records All collection, storage, use, and dissemination of juvenile court records and peace officers' records of children conducted by Grantee and its sub- grantees and contractors through this grant project shall be in accordance with Minnesota Statues, Section 260.61. 13. Information Systems In respect to programs related to criminal justice information systems, the Grantee agrees to ensure that adequate provisions are made for system security, the protection of individual privacy and the insurance of the integrity and accuracy of data collection. The Grantee further agrees: a. That all computer software produced under this grant will be made available to the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration for transfer to authorized users in the criminal justice community without costs other than that directly associated with the transfer. Systems will be documented in sufficient detail to enable a competent data processing staff to adapt the system, or portions thereof, to usage on a computer of similar size and configuration, of any manu- facturer. b. To provide a complete copy of documentation to the Systems Develop- ment Division, Office of Criminal Justice Assistance, Law Enforcement Assistance Administration. Documentation �oill include, but not be limited to system description, operating instructions, user instruc- tions, program maintenance instructions, input forms, file descrip- tions, report formats, program listings and flow charts for the systems and programs. - 8 - � c. That whenever possible all application programs will be written in AIvS COBOL in order that they may be transferred readily to another authorized user. Where the nature of the task requires a scientific programming language, ANS FORTRAN should be used. d. To avail itself, to the maximum extent practicable, of computer soft- ware already produced and available without charge. To ensure that reasonable effort is extended in this area, LEAA publications and regional systems specialists should be consulted. 14. Purchase Ai�lanes and Helicopters Airplanes and helicopters shall not be purchased in whole or in part with grant funds. 15. Organizational Conflict of Interest Requests for proposal or invitations for bid issued by the Grantee or a subgrantee to implement the grant or subgrant project are to provide notice to prospective bidders that the LEAA organizational conflict of interest provision is applicable in that contractors that develop or draft specifications, requirements, statements of work and/or RFPs for a pro- posed procurement shall be excl.uded from bidding or submitting a proposal to compete for the award of such procurement. See LEAA Guideline Manual M7100, Chapter 3, Paragraph 49e. � 16. Provisions for Contracts and Su�rants The Grantee shall include, in addition to provisions to define a sound and complete agreement, the following provisions in all contracts and subgrants: a. Contracts stiail contain such contractual provisions or conditions which will allow for administrative, contractual or legal remedies in instances where contractors violate or breach contract terms, and provide for such sanctions and penalties as may be appropriate. b. All contracts, amoiints for which are in excess of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2 ,500.00) , silall contain suitable provisions for termination by the Grantee including the manner by which it will be effected and the basis for settlement. In addition, such contracts shall describe conditions itnder which the contract may, be terminated for default as ;aell as conditions �ahere the contract may be termina- ted because of circumstances beyond the control of the contractor. c. Grant or subgrant funds £or construction or facility improvement which require letting a contract amounting to $100,000 or more to a private company or individual in order to accomplish the objective of the grant, in addition to the requirements enumerated in the United States Department of Justice Law EnforcemenC Assistance Adminis- tration Guideline Manual M7100 shall require: 1) A bid guarantee equivalent to five percent (5%) of the bid price. The bid guarantee shall consist of a firm commitment such as a - 9 - bid bond, certified check, or other negotiable instrument accom- panying a bid as assurance that the bidder will, upon acceptance of his bid, execute such contractual documents as may be required within the time specified after the forms are presented to him. 2) A performance bond on the part of the contractor for one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price. A "performance bond" means a bond executed in connection with a contract to secure fulfill- ment of all the contractor's obligation under such contract. 3) A payment bond on the part of the contractor for one hundred per- cent (100%) of the contract price. "Payment bond" means a bond executed in connection with a contract to assure payment as required by law of all persons supplying labor and material in execution of the work provided for in the contract. 4) Where the federal government quarantees the payment of money borrowed by a Grantee or subgrantee, the state planning agency may, at its discretion, require adequate bonding and insurance if the bonding or insurance requirements of the Grantee or sub- grantee are not deemed sufficient to protect adequately the interest of the federal government. In those instances wherein construction of facility improvements for less than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) are contemplated and the sub- grantee does not have any requirements f.or bid guarantees, . perfo�nance bonds and payment bonds, the state planning agency , will impose state requirements on the subgrantees. d. All contracts and subgrants in excess of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) shall include provisions for compliance with Executive Order No. 11246 entitled "F.qual Employment Opportunity,", as supple- mented in Department of Labor Regulations (41 C.F.R. Part 60) . Each contractor or subgrantee shall be required to have an affirmative action plan which declares that it does not discriminate on the _ basis of race, color, religion, creed, national origin, sex, or age and which specifies goals and target dates to assure the implementa- tion of that plan. The Grantee shall establish procedures to assure compliance with this requirement by contractors or subgrantees and to assure that suspected or reported violations are promptly investiga- ted. � e. All contracts and subgrants for construction or repair shall include a provision for compliance with the Copeland "Anti-Kick Back" Act (18 U.S.C. 874) as supplemented in Department of Labor Regulations (29 C.F.R. Part 3) . This Act provides that each contraetor or sub- grantee shall be prohibited from inducing, by any means, any person employed in the construction, completion or repair of public work, to give up any part of the compensation to which he is othercaise entitled. The grantee shall report all suspected or reported viola- tions to the grantor agency. f. Where applicable, all contracts awarded by Grantee and subgrantees in excess of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) for construction contracts - 10 - ' and in excess of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00) for other contracts which involve the employment of inechanics or laborers , shall include a provision for compliance with Sections 103 and 107 of the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 U.S.C. 327-330) as supplemented by Department of Labor Regulations (29 C.F.R. Part 5) . Under Section 103 of the Act, each contractor shall be required to compute the wages of every mechanic and laborer on the basis of a standard work day of eight (8) hours and a standard work week of forty (40) hours. Work in excess of the standard workday or workweek is permissible provided that the worker is compensated at a rate of not less than one and one-half (l�) times the basi.c rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours in any calendar day or forty (40) hours in the workweek. Section 107 of the Act is applicable to construction work and providesthat no laborer or mechanic shall be required to work in surroundings or under working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous or dangerous to his health and safety as deter- mined under construction� safety, and health standards promulgated by the Secretary of Labor. These requirements do not apply to the pur- chases of supplies or materials or articles ordinarily available on the open market, or contracts for transportation or transmission of intelligence. g. Contracts or agreem ents, the principal purpose of which is to create, develop, or improve products, processes or methods; or for exploration into fields which directly concern public health, safety, or welfare; ' or contracts in the field of science or technology in which there has � been little significant experience outside of work funded by federal 'assistance, shall contain a notice to the effect that matters regard- ing rights to inventions, and materials generated under the contract or agreement are subject to the regulations issued by the federal grantor agency and. the Grantee. h. All contracts awarded by Grantee shall include a provisi_on to the effect that the Grantee, Grantor, LEAA, and the Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly authorized representatives, " shall have access for purpose of audit and examination to any books, documents, papers, and records of the contractor that are pertinent to the grants received under Title 1. On all negotiated contracts pertinent records are deemed to include all cost estimating and actual cost data. � i. Contracts and subgrants of amounts in excess of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) shall contain a provision which requires the recipient to agree to comply with all applicable standards, orders, or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act of 1970. Viola- tions shall be reported to LEAA and the Regional Office of the Envi- ronmental Protection Agency. 17. Nonsupplantin�of Federal Funds Grantee shall certify that federal funds have not been used to replace state or local funds that would, in the absence of such federal aid, be made available for law enforcement and criminal justice purposes. - 'll - Certification should include evidence that grantee expenditures for law enforcement, for the annual period c�vered, are at least as great as for , the preceding year plus the average annual increment in such expenditures for the past two, three, four, or five years (the length of the averaging pe'riod to be left to Grantee option) . Where such certification cannot be made and there is a reduced or unchang- ed investment in law enforcement, there should be an explanation demon- strating that the Grantee's reduced or uncfianged commitment would have been necessary even if federal financial support had not been made avail- able. 18. Clean Air Act Violations In accord with the�provisions of the Clean Air Act , 42 U.S.C. 1857 et. seq. , as amended by Public Law 91-604, and Executive Order 11602, sub- grants or contracts will not be made to parties convicted of any offense under the Clean Air Act. 19. Relocation Provisions Any program unde.r wliicti LEAA financial assistance must be used to pay all or part of the costs of any program or project which will result in dis- placement of any person shall provide that: � a. Fair and reasonable relocation payments and assistance shall be pro- vided to or for displaced persons as are r.equired in such regulations � as are issued by the Attorney General. b. Relocation or assistance programs shall be provided for such persons in accordance with such regulations issued by the Attorney General. c. Within a reasonable period of time prior to displacement, decent, safe and satisfactory replacement must be available to the displaced person in accordance with such regulations as issued by the Attorney General. For amplification of the Relocation Provisions see LEAA Guideline Manual M4100.1A, pages 28-30 and LEAA Guideline 4061.1A. 20. Criminal Penalties I.n ,�cc•ordance with Part K , Sections 1101-1103 of the Act whoever embezzles, willfully misapplies, steals or obtains by fraud any funds, assets, or property which are the subject of a grant or contract or other form of assistance pursuant to this title, whether received directly or indirectly from the Administration, shall be fined not more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) or imprisoned for not more than five (5) years, or both. Who- ever knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals or covers up by trick, scheme, or device, any material fact in any application for assistance sub- mitted pursuant to this title or in any record required to be maintained - 12 - ' pursuant to this title shall be subject to prosecution under the provisions of Section 1001 of Title 18, United States Code. Any law enforcement , program or project underwritten, in whole or in part, by any grant, or contract or other form of assistance pursuant to this title, whether"re- ceived directly or indirectly from the Administration shall be subject to the provisions of Section 371 of Title 18, United States Code. 21. Environmental Protection Grantee shall not, and shall ensure that its subgrantees and contractors shall not, as part of this grant project, undertake: a. New construction projects; . b. The renovation or modification of a facility which leads to an increased occupancy of more than twenty five (25) persons; c. The implementation of programs involving the use of pesticides and other harmful chemicals; d. The implementation of programs involving the use of microwaves or radiation; e. Research and technology whose anticipated or intended future applica- tior. could be expected to have a potential effect on the environment; or f. 'Other actions which require the substantial commitment of resources or trigger such a substantial commitment by another as detem►ined by the responsible LEAA official to possibly have a significant effect on the quality of the environment without first conducting an assessment of environmental consequences as required by the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (Public Law 91-190) and guidelines issued by the Council on Environmental Quality and LEAA. 23. Medical Research and Psychosurgery No part of this grant shall be used to provide any kind of support to activities involving any aspect of psychosurgery or medical research with- out the prior written approval of LEAA. • 24. Bud�et Act This grant award, or any portion thereof, is conditional upon subsequent congressional or executive action which may result from federal budget deferral or recision actions pursuant to the authority contained in Sec- tions 1012 (a) and 1013 (a) of the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974, 31 U.S.C. 1301, Public Law 93-344, 88 Stat. 297 (July 12, 1974) . - 13 - 25. Safe Water Drinking Act . The Safe Drinking Water Act, Public Law 93-523, 88 Stat. 1660, was enacted to assure that the public is provided with safe drinking water. Section 1424 (e) of the Act is applicable to LEAA programs. It is provided that if the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency determines that an area has an aquifer (a water bearing stratum of permeable rock, sand or gravel) which is the sole or principle drinking source for an area and which if contaminated would create a significant hazard to public health, he shall publish notice of that determination in the Federal Register. After publication of such notice, no commitment of federal financial assistance (through a grant, contract, loan guarantee, or other- wise) may be entered into for any project which the EPA Administrator determines may contaminate such an acquifer. Accordingly, Grantee shall ensure that this grant project will have no effect on an aquifer so designated by the EPA Administrator. 26. Applicability By appropriate language incorporated in each grant, subgrant, contract, subcontract, or other documents under which funds are to be disbursed, the Grantee shall assure that these conditions apply to all recipients of assistance. . 27. Grant funds shall not be used for the following: a. The purchase of equipment or hardware or the payment of personnel costs, unless the costs of such purchases or payments incurred as an incidental and nec�ssary part of a program� b. Construction projects; �. Acquisition of land; d. Services, facilities, or personnel of the Central Intelligence Agency. 28. The Grantor may require the Grantee to .reimburse the Grantor for the Grantor's portion of the cost of any equipment whose purchase was in connection with a program or project governed by the Agreement at an acquisition of $100,000.00 or more, if the equipment has not been placed in use within one vear after the date set at the time of purchase for the commencement o£ such use or ha� not continued in use during its useful life. Grantor may at its option require the Grantee to take appropriate measures to put such equipment into use. ,- 14 - • ' SPECIAL CONDITIONS For: Grant Number IE33141126980 _ - Project Title Court Screen�i.nQ Unit 1. This aivard is subject to availability of funds in the Regional Planning Unit Plan and allocation. 2. Grantee shall submit to Grantor for approval if appropriate revised budget pages that reflect the a�aarded amounts. If budget changes alter the work program or staffing pattern, revised pages reflecting these changes shall also be submitted. These changes shall be submitted hy January 31, 1980. 3. The Grantee agrees that any public information materials, e.g. , project brochures, program descriptions, press releases, etc. , will contain the follo��ing wording: "Support for this project has been provided by the Crime Control Planning Board, State of Plinnesota." Furtlier, the Grantee agrees a copy of all such public inf.ormation materials �aill be provided to the Clearinghouse and Technical Assistance Unit, Crime Control Planning; Board. 4. Fringe benefits charged to the grant must be for actual costs incurred ' by the Grantee for staff of only this grant groject. S. Grantee must submit revised goals to Grantor prior to January 31, 1980. 6. Grantee must submit a copy of all quarterly prooress reports to the Judicial Planning Committee. - 15 - Grant Number �I33141126980 ProjecZ Title Court ScreeninP Unit IN WITTIESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused this agreement to be duly executed on its behalf and its seal to be hereunto fixed and the Grantee has �aused the same to be duly executed on its behalf. ' GRA�\TEE: I have read and I agree APPROVED: to all of the above provisions of this agreement Commissioner of Administration By BY Date Title l�PPROVED AS TO FORM AI`D E�ECUTION Date THIS DATE OF 19 STATE OF MI;v'\ESOTA by and through the Crime Control Planning Board. ATTOILVEY GENERAL By STATE OF �fINivF.SOTA Titl.e Grants Administrator �y_ IIa t e Titl.e - 16 - .r � . f.� _. ...__._____—_----- / - -- ^------- ---___ _ ___ ----.�.�.. . p.. . �•— . — —___.__...�.---.�_ ` �------------- -- � ` � _.:., :�:i, ....__�.. _...-�,• . 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Siu.cc I,I�c l�c:,i>>�i.i.ii�.�, �>1' l.l��� �i�i.i. i . a iii::ii i..l'u I �I ���;:i�;�u�l s!;c���t li�i5 l�cett ��.i'�,��;�1'���1 I'o�' <�.i�ii t;�i5�.� . l)at Lll.iti 51i�+�� l�, i.� i'ecu�'�lc�t ,1.1.1 c�l�:n'r�! 1��'; � i� C��i�iu., i..i.�,ii _i.u��l�i�l.i.ur, LI�� �iL I �>>��i�,y' ;� i�c�i�uii� 1'�,�' t�►ucn�liti� c�i� �1 i.5!n.i s�.i.i��; .i �;li.ic�;,, . :1 L� I li�� coiiil� I �� i _i_u;i u1' ;,fic c;,i�c ti ci����� c� l' t:{i.�5 c;:<<�I��;ii i.� �;�;iil, Lc� i li�� �,u L i �,c �� i l� i �c�i' �:,1�� 11LI I 1_:�t,���1 l,lic c;litli'��cs . I.it I:li:i.5 �titi�� lic iti .il�.lc [,u I' ili�i vi� t, ��li�ii, ��ul�[�utLU�! t�u liis c.�_.0 �uicl �•:lly. `l'l�c �iic�t� i t'u 1�1 t•:ci� t'c;�•i�c,c1 i il •i ii l �' u C i !i i s ��ccii• �i�l�lc�i• I.l�c �ulici'�'i �io�? � u1' lltli'v.l.�l '1';i��l�c��' ��.0 l�,lt�� Ci•.i_�it_i.n,il -] u��l, i_cc Cu��i•�l..i.i�,tt�,_iii�, C���iiiu.i 1_ . `1'li�. Iict� fu.i�u�,i t ti1 .Lc���:� i'�_,�• <<li c:i� i.���� :,i,� t�li���1 �� C c�uit:��.i I i.>>�; s t ;i l .i_51,i�•; . lIc � is oit:t'i'c>> I;1�' �Icv�; 1����.i it� u �,tc (.li���! �i t' �����1 i�.li��t':i.i�'-� �.ii���c 1' i .��1��'c;� �lit�1 �ii� L i,.i.�i� l,!i�+i u �,o:��� I,!l c i' i,�� �t t:�i.1>'��� .Ln�1 iu��c�;�i1'i: (,1��� (;ru,-;1�c�5 � 1� t,lic ���'o,j cc; L . `l`l�c iii� i i, i5 �� i �u �;��l�l: i.it_; ��_i. �,li rli�� �•i�.i �� f' ��i���,�����i l,<,�' i �i l,ti t� l� i zi.� t�,o��� t,li��t• ;i �>>.'i>;���,::�,i C���i� I,li;� ��c<��,1 �� i.n lt�>>�, � 1�, ;�:��1 I�i, ;. 1 �l i n�� i.���i�� c�il'ot'cc��u��i� t, ,in�l i,li�; licciitic �;c��,i�� ��,;t��iii ��!iu i.s�iiu �_� �'.i.i:uit;� l c it.lt i.u:i� !'�1' u.i��l:iiit����;c ��:i � I �i L_i.uii5 . `l'lic :;v,i] �� i� ;;uu1� .in �:i<<<�� i� 1�,:'�:i ii�-; i�uul �1 1��� t,o 1'ti1.l �� .i;�,>>��i �c I�,li����� ���_��� �� lc �� {' i.lic c�'.i. i,ul'ia i,il.i G i;�ti:; i, I�c i:ic l, iii '•orcicr Lo �li.ii.��c ��il� uC t,li��.i.1' �;�i�>u5 . The reduction in funding may ��educe the number of cases handled b;� the unit. lti�e Ure looki�;g for oti�cr funds �ind if ��;�� �re noi: ��hle to obtain the�,�, the caseload t��ill most likcly �e r�educed by �lii�iinatirg thc t��affic cases. , . . `...� ` ,, . - ,, .r :�_.� � . �-— ------- ---i--�- ,�-�� -.._ �__.__.___Y__.--_____-_-- —i --�---. _ .:_ . ,:. � I � . �.�_;..;:;_, _ . .._ I . .;•_.� .. i ----- ----- ---------- ----..__.�.._------------------ ---- —_------ - ----- —------__._ , ------ -----_-_----- -- ----------- -, _C. "',� _ -- - • _ , �_ _ _.�.��_ �c�_o:: � 1'i'.i_��i' I,� �i,li�� i �i i. i, i ;� i�.i.ui� u I' I�li�� >;c;i'����ti i ti�: �i�t i i, i�iu1'�� i,li;ul �)U'c o l: �1�,1i�: � 1 ctt5�.� citl,c��:i i���; t,{ic :;tiii� i �; i ��,i1 �;��ii�• l s��:, i,���n ��,-����r� ��u t. :;�� i�cr�����rl 1��� C��t'�� .i �IcJ'cntl:ini, ui;i�l�+ l�.i � i�.i �.'� �, ti�����_���i_�rli<<:�� �i.�� �:���ii� i�. l��i��lc�� l�li�� u_I �1 -:��-ti�t.cni � �t,1te ��i.�o:�u�:�� (,���_• c:��i,�lu�: i,.i �i�, ��i��•ti i �;�1�!u��i� I ti ���,i�.l �1 ii;���c �i �i����r��:i.�u�ii ��1�' � �(;}ii.t• i;�' ni�i�ii�ii�,c:; i;ii i•c��.i.citi �: 1.1. �� (' �i,liu ����.1_i_�;c �_'���io�_• i � j��.��• ; � i_ii.i_ii �, �Lu � 1ic�ti' cti:�c5 c�it ct.i�' �; i����i�. �1ci�'. :1� �1 t•��sti L i, ctis�:s ���;�.'c .i�ic.ct��clut�t,c i.�' � � iiivcs�ti��lt�,c�l :�i>>�1. i_i�t�ccii.i•,ai;�ly cli�ii•��;�;�1. � ti�'_i.�tli l;lic tic,i���c �z_i n�; i�tli l�, i li u��c���,i I� i o�i , �_lc f'���tii,>>i�l�� ��lto �;.l�i tu.il:e I���� .1 � or' <u.'c 1'c.L���l����l t;.i_ il�uii 't, l�tt.i_ L ttt �� ,,�i_��cti ,i c�,�il'�t �I�� (��, cil' ��ii�� ��c;clt �:.i�uttt � �l,lic cl�t�l� c c�J' Ll�c oJ' C���ts��. 1)�i�•i�i�� i,}� i_:; uiic+ ti�����lc l;.iric 1 �:� t-11��� :�c�_�����:z� >>��� � a�t, l,o�'ticy li.i5 l�,li�� �l;:i_in� �t,u c�>>tL�icl, �;.i tiicti,��� ,�ii��l c���t�l�ir, L i,li�� �lccc:����.r�' ! ].i1VUS �;1�;�i �,1.O11 �1C��Oi-'(.' :;I;.i� l Jl`!; :l Cll�ll'":L11�; I�CCl:�}J11. � i U�t�lcr �tlic� ol�l s��5tc�n a_1.1 cu5��� �ti�l'e :,i��cit il�c 5�i�ar� � ��,�i•:i_ol.•i_�i;y. � 1'ros���,ti�l,o�•s ;c����c .i��� i ��i���! (�,o a .ju�l���� �l�i�l ��� sti�;li li�i�icl] ���: i;l�c��c� c�isc� oit }►is �;,i1c;�i�1.i.1�. Au ,�i. te�n�, L titi.i� �n�ici�• 1�,c� ��, i�-� :�c�_� i.��ti5 u�'.1'c;li�lc�':s � - ��l�ioi•i.�i,y i.ii Llic a5�i_�i:;iicnl�, u.0 1>>-•c (,a�i.u1 oi• �,1•.i.�i� �:�.� t,c�� . � 13tt�!; ��iLli Liic ���lu,� L:i.i�i� c>.� �t,l�e �;�.�•ee:u n�,� iut_i�l. , tlic al�.�i�or.�i�� ��s iii i.lie i tui:i. i�, �i:t'�� �il_�lc �t,o i.�i�_�i��[,.i_L'�- �L}io5c �+�l�r.: cici�::u��tiu�: I��� io.r.�.i.�l�.� �i�l�, � r��il:i�`_�t� � tt�icl �:;cii.�c 1'u1-1_�� ��r•c��;:��c �i,tic>>i 1'��1• �i,�� i.:il . I3� �i�i�l.i_ i �i on, �L11�� ii�ii L i 5 i � � ��o��l:.i.'tt�� l�i_�t,ii ll:c� ,�5tii ���i�n���tt c].i;�•l: I,o �r:l����i�i.Lc c�i�.• l.�' ��t'� 1,�� i .i1 azia � � �Lt'i_.zl tial,��s -- "iU �1;t��s i.: t,lic ti.li� i ��<<�1,�� ���o��.L 1'����.' .< <�tt��' �!�:� 1i�= ( i'i �i�i.11v �l_�:�����5c�t. ���'.i l;li �l,1ic �icc;�. l � i u�t��. cl � L_�•i;-il �ltit��s , �� i �l,,lc;ss�:s .t�_'c , 1 e5� :l i i.c. I )� t�,o Losc i.�lt��i•c5 i, i�i i.li�. c�tsc , 1'�i•���t, i:n��ort�.�:lc i�.tt: �5 �11.� j � lusc coiic<ic i, �,ri�tl� �t;lic l�i�o�cci; t i c��i. I T�'i�.li ��lic �c;��'c���>> i.l��,� tii;i i; ti�-s�t,cin, :;ci•-i.c>>;:; 0 1'_Cci;�1��1_• c<isc� �ii�c ( treat,c�.l cl.i_ C1'���-�c�it=1 �- i.n I,I��ii�, �i,Jtc �>t ��s��� �� I,i.�,rt �;_����;5 �l,licm ctiL,z'a � � ��_t'cl�ai'atioi� u>>�1 u� c;c1.c.��u�tccl �ti'.ia.1 :�c ��l,-iii�;5 . � . � i 1 I I I � � � � i ' I � i � ' . , . ' • `r � � ,'� 1 -----_______.____-_______ __r_ ___---.-- -.----_-____ _ __.___._. . - ± . .`�-.. .. � ... �._ .,...,� -J . ...1 . .,.� .�•� ... � �..��.�._... .. .. .....�/ I _ .1...� 1 �_'�.__"__�___.�__'__.___.�,�.____��___-__'__..�.�.�.-.�_S:S..vrT.'�-Y.iCM� _.�__' � r�- - �. � . .. .. J J. ..I_J �T'(�� ��.v. . •1:.. _..� �_ ...1: �....�/ � _� . ��... _'"... .. ..... .._ . _ �.f._ ._ ' :l_. `l'o �.�c�liicc l,li�, �t;�n�l��_�f• of �;1i;li.��,c� ;i�uc��t<<���1 f'o1_Iu��.i ;a�� ti i'�.'<i.i���>>:��;r:t, . `?. `l'o �u.�x._ii:t.i_;c �t,li�± �;�uul�et' ot' c,�;i��.ic�l,:i.w�� > >i �i1.I ���.i�.i.otis U(lti('S . . j• `l'o tu;��.ini.i_r�� l�,li�� �>>iuul�or ��_C co�i�':i_��t.;i.o:�� in all otlie�.' c�ises . � li . `1'o ti�iii_i�lr.i r�� �Llic l,i•u�;1•u�:� :l c�t� Ll� on ,�:11_ 5c��iou�s c�t�c� , � i. . c . 1;o c:��i��iuclice (::i�i,��_ �>1� .17..L �cl•iou:� c�i,es ��.i C,}iiii j0 �1�i�-> . � ' � . , r..� . . , �' '� _____.__._ , . r -------�---- • � - -----__..._ �__. -�- - •---- . . __.____.+-----------_ _...-- r�!__�_.�__._.. _.. ---_- --.• J_�:�,.� .. ... , �.... .._.� I ... . . �... .r..� . ' . �. . .. _.......,-• _:r_ ... '. . � .�.�. _ � "_ \ �, • .. �_'_'__":. .'�_._:�-_.. .'. •_ " '_" . .. ., _ -. 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Screcl� �l_I 1 c�_•_i.iiri �,;�.1 I::i.l c5 Oii�;c� i i�� I 1_�cl'���t��� �L{�c cl��_C��n�l.i>> l; i.� i �'c�jt�_i_�_�ccf to c•��j�i�� Lu cui�i• l :11, C,��l�i�i���� ', 2 ltc�luc;e ovr>>-ti�.l.1 �I..i.�uiis�al 1����tc ��o��' sc�.•ii�ur> �� 1:_C�+iicic_�'rs ati�] :;c't'ioit� ; � 011'�:lisc5 to lc5s i:l�aii l;o. � �Ioii�tli5 �t,o 1��� I ' 1 os:i L.i_o>> li���;)�c�li� t I�.I c Sl�ctli; ; (;��t i l ---- , ' a . C.i3.•c;.Cti:l_:��- s��;�.'ccn c�i��o� Oii��;oii���; . oi' r•c��c�ii, o.i' L'c�i�lci•s :�l;�toi��ic�r - l�. :l�s:i �,lt 1' i :Lc� ��c�i• L.i.c�t!..1�� Uit�i�i.i��� :f'u�' l li��tic �1��ti i ��;lt�i�i;c�1 ,Ls s���i.'iu��s v.Cl'u.��ic�.'s � �ir��l � u1'.��c�::>c�. 11t�Loi•itc�� :. I c . l:ittc�l�.i.��c�1.�' ��►'c•�;�u'c c:i:;e � L'or• i;�.•a.�t1 111�, t,c�i->>c�- Ol��,o:i.>>;_�. j , Co>>nuci�icc i,�c_ial o:L' a.Ll scriotis ol'1'��ii�).cr� �i1i�1 ��1':Ccnscs �� i �h:i�i � �L;iir�ty (:���� �:.�J's . ;�Iuiil.lis �i.o l,�,; P o�:i. t..i �,t 1 5�ir�n�(. Cc�til ]�.c5 {����it� i ;,1 �_ -- � tl. l�u�l>>c+�; l� c1_c;��l: I c� � ��1'��' i �lc tiu�;c Lct',� t�c�l �l;i_�i_�i1 �l,1Lc ;�1��1 _l�c,l.Lo�� p,l•� ��_i i:�� � Cu��_� c•.u'�.;1't; I.l �;. 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