274307 WHITE - CITV CLERK '�.
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10. 07. 4
of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, there is hereby transferred the following in
the 1980 budget:
From: General Government Accounts
Contingent Reserve-General
09060-536-000 Transfer or Contribution to Budget Fund $10, 673
To: Personnel Office $10,673
00155-111-000 Salaries
Approved as to funding: Approved:
Dir. , Dept. f ��nce & Mgm B get Direc or
Service s �
YeaSMcMAHON Nays Requested by Department of:
� [n Favor
Levine _ � __ Against BY
__���gg Form Approved by ity Attorney
Adopted ouncil: Date
C ified Pa_-e y Council Secre�ary BY
I#pproved vor: Date 4 1980 APP� ved by y for Sub is ion to Council
By BY '
PU.�1.ISHED ;=;'� 2 '=�R�
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�� ��`,jj m �p�'3 i����€.'�: O 7 FINANCE, MANAGEMENT AND �'ERSONNEL � .
.� RUBY HUN7F',pc�aifman, m�nes the �atir:��inr � � � � ,�
repor3 on C.Fo . � Oce3inar�ce - _
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The Finance Cor�nittee, at its: meeti�ng of January 14, 1980, recorr�nended approval � :
of the .fol i owi ng: � � . . � � - .
_--,_ -
_ __.
1 . • Resol ution establ i shi ng new.ti tl e of Attorney tlI I i n Grade 33 of •the unclassi fi ed
service:� (�0485-RH) � . � _ � � . .
� 5. Resol�uti.on establishing title of C1erk IVin Grade 22 of Section 3.B (.Clerical -
Group�) of the Civii Serviee 'Rules and also establishing class spe�s for �this title ' •
� jn Section 32 of the .Civil Service �Zules. (10550-RH}. . - :
�( �6. Resolution. transferring fun�ls from contingent reserve of $10,673 to tMe Personnel .
�� D1vis�on �to restore a clerk that was deleted during- budget hearings. ,
� . . � � . . � � � �
� 7. Reso.lution transferring. $5,246 from contingent reserve to Department of Police ta -
• restore one Police Captain position. � . _ • � • �
� . � . - . � .
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Civit Service Commission �� '�''•��-� � � ��
SAf T}�� ��}�AU� Director ot PersonnN
Mr.A.R.(�ick)Zang�,Chairman '';�� TAomas A.Gleason
Dr.Ge�rge O. 62rry ����������� ������
Mn.Marylyn Derteen � � �����
}��.�`�'i�""'� � Assistant Director
•'S�� ""f��� Bernard P.1Nright
�- al�ltte �tt�*`;� �t�{�;�.r
January 3, 1979 .
. RC.C�:1'�'E�
Honorable George Latimer �i�]��� `J - �i�l�
Mayor, City of Sai.nt Paul
34? City Hall
St. Pavl, MN 55102 n�u►zUt�'��rrw=
Dear Mayor Latim.er:
It has become apparent in the last few mon-ths that our present Personnel
Office staff is short--handed in th.e E:camination and Recruiting Section.
The process of recruiting and examining is a complicated procedure
which requires much attention to technical detail. This a-Ltention is necessary
� to assure that the ca,n.d'zdates are hanclled fairly and impartially, and that the
examircations which are given are valid, reliable, and nneet the Equal Employ-
ment OpporEunity Guidelines.
The Commission has received a number of complaints conceraing the.
service rendered by the Personnel Office in filling vacancies. It is our under-
standing that the present staff is doing everythino in its power to process the
workload as quickZy as possible. �In addition to this, ne�v equipment and tech-
niques are being utilized to speed up the clerical processes, Ho�vever, it is
apparent that additional staff is needed at this time to take caxe of the many
details involved in the job analyses, research, prepaxation of exami;na:tions,
scoring of examinations, and the establishment of eligible lists. These operations
must be completed before an applicant can be certified to fill a vacant position. ; .
' , �!'� ??ua�_s.a,a.,`..sL requireci for the Personnel Office during the past two years
were accomplisned by reducing examiriation staff. This became necessary
►t7°:aLiSB �!'�c Oi.itCx ;2ajOi cleri�d.]. itI12Ct1011� �'lz p2yroii-i xar�sactlG*�S SBC�I.7;2�
had an increased burden due to the changeover in computers duriYZg the period �
a tivorkload �vhich has not diminished. Thus, tk,.e cuts were made in an area
�vhich was better able to handle the work af that �ime.
No�v `•nat the examination load has become a pxoblem, �ve request that the
1979 Personnel Office's Budget be increased by �17, 000. 00 at tnis time so that
two additional clerical staff xnembers can be hired fox th� Examination Section
„ ' in the Personxiel Office. If this zs not possible, the present problems �vill persist
and these problems, as you kno�v, have an adverse effect on the productivity of
- all Ci�y Departmenfs. .
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P1ease ].et us hear from you as soon as possible concerning this very
serious probl,em. If you should have any qv.estions concerning this, please
contacti Mr. Thomas D. Gleason, Director of Persannel.
- �`hank you very much for your assistanee.
�Tery truly yours,
C J••I� L�����y�V . I/ ✓ �
• // rf
Albert R. Zangs, Chaix . an
` �t �
� Dro Geor'�e O. Berry �
�J�7�� � � ��
� �� � L�..C.�.�
1Vixs. Marylyn Deneen
ccc City Council
Richard Schroeder •
Peter Hame s�
ga '� � r�l��h4 "�kh� �
` � . . Y� �i ��.'i:� {.�.
� ii i�i 10 :
�••• 265 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
December 20, 1979
Mr. Peter Hames
Director of Management
Room 347 City Hall
Dear Mr. Hames:
Our letter is meant to clarif.y the roles of the additional staff
allocated to the City Personnel Office Budget.
As you know, our recruiting and testing procedures have become more time
consuming during the past several years. This is primarily caused by
three things:
1. Increases in the number of individuals applying for the
available positions.
2. The variety of new_ types of positions being filled due to the
changes in our municipal government structure.
?� 3. Additional regulations and programs imposed on us from sources
outside our control.
In an effort to increase the effectiveness of our operation, the budget
for 1980 has been increased by three positions allocated to the
examination/recruiting process. These positions are two Clerk—Typist II's
and an Affirmative Action Recruiter.
The costs of the additional positions are $9,600 each for the clerical
positions and $12,788 for the Affirmative Action Recruiter, a total of
The assigned duties for the two clerks will be to assist in the
preparation of examination and recruiting materials, so that the requests
made by departments for new employees or promotions can be filled more
The addition of the Affirmative Action Recruiter will aid in the
selection process by providing services to protected class members in
ternis of infoxtnation, counseling and training guiciance.
These staff increases are necessary if we are to maintain an acceptable
level of service for the City of St. Paul and the School Board.
' If you have any questions concerning these items, please contact me or
! Lee Green, 298-4221 and we will be happy to talk to you about the
' matter.
Very truly yours, ,
Thomas D. Gleason
cc: Richard Schroeder
Robert Trudeau
- 2 -
�1T1�. � � 6�����TY OF SAINT PAUL
;, i4�'i;1°, •"
+... 265 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102
Octuber 14, 1979 !f, E � E f V E D �
� 1 4 1979
4 Mrs. Ruby Hunt, Chairperson Nl/�YQR�s Q�
fCity Council Finance Comraittee
Room 722 City Hall
St. Paul, M1dI 55102
Dear Mrs. Hunt;
� Two items in the 1980 budget request for the Personnel �ffice were placed in a
contingency fund, and since we feel these were very important to the successful
operation of our unit, I wish to offer some additianal information and a
request for their reinstatement.
The items are $5046 for an additional piece of equipment for our present IBM
OS/6 information processing system, and $9600 for one Clerk-Typist ZI position,
a total of $14646.
As noted in our budget request, we are presently far behind in our workload,
and consequentlq are trying to modernize our internal office systems in terms
of work flow, mechan3zation of time consuming processes, and reassignment of
clerical staff to more productive work.
� Our resent staffi level would
p ng probably be adequate if two things were
possible; a) no turnover in staff due to promotions, resignations or
retirements, and b) no additionaZ work load in terms of new pro�ects or
regulations. Both of these items tend to affect our productivity from the
standpoint of training and modification of office processes to accamodate new
people and procedures. ,
Our request for addi tional equipment is in line with standardizing processes
so that changes in staff will have less inpact on the normal flow of work. It
is also aimed at speeding up processes which are time consuming because they
need to be repeated over and over manually when they could be done once
mechanieally and the information saved and reused the next time it is needed.
The processes with which we are dealing are common to most pe�sonnel offices
involved With merit systems, and are being looked at as areas where genuine
savings can be made, and better, faster service provided, both for the city
departments and for the public.
Ttao of the processes, specifically automation of our employment application
process and creation of a magnetic medium data base of examination questions
have already been initiated and will start to be used on a f.ull scale basis
during 1980. In order to insure maximum success for these pro3ects, we need
; the additional input and data processing communication capabilities offered by
� the requested equipment� We have assurances from City Wide Data Processing
that the equipment is compatible with their equipmento
The cost of the equipment can be offset in less than two years when compared
to the cost of people necessary to perform �ust these two tasks on an ongoing
basis, and the quality of the product will be increased as well. In addition
many other processes are scheduled for input to the information processing
equipment; - � ; .�;;
°..x �. . � .. , ,
The additioilal persori•`requested was originally thought of as a t�rpista We
have looked .<at. o�r,:o��ration and have deterrttined that i� would be possible to
redesign our�`telephone operator procedures so that a physicallq handicapped
person could be hired under the Service Worker II tifle. This would �ree up
one of our present clerk typists for typing and other clerical duties requiring
We hape t�►at ,this explanation. o£ our plans will provide yau with the necessary
information to pYace these two items bacic in our budgeto Ple�s� let us Icn:ow
af qour decision as soon as possibrem �f you ne�d further explanation ar
details, please call me at 298-42210
Thank you very much for your considerationo
Very truly yours9 °
Leland J. Green
Personnel Assistant
cc: Peter Hames
Richard Schroeder
Thomas Gleason
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RESOL I{}��,. ��ND�OR"f3�NC�_ '
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Date: � Janua�� 7, �980 - ,
FR: P�rsonnel 0£fiCe, Thomas D. Gleaaan,- Peraonnel Director
RE: Reeolutiqn for subtniasian to Gity Couacil, Council ReBrak�t�p�t���t��f+�rriag
fuads frona the continge�t reserve in �he 1q84 �udget t� the ��e�s�q�e}; #��ri,�i-en. ��
Wa xecc�rm�nend your a�pproval aud submission of this 'Resolt�tion tq the Gity Cc�us��cil« � �"
, ,:w
, ' �
I��tr�tsg the heariags oa the praposed 19$� budget, $�0,b?3<v�►as tra�efer�ed fr�at�a th�
P��son=a:e1 Divi�siau�e budget and placed in eo�ttimge�t re"serv9e t4'permit additit�aa�
time to.xevi�w the meed for the�e funds. The;fut�de were a�.t+eaded to �e�<u��� te,hire. .
an additional clerk. • �
. .. , . . . - � .,
Att�c�tert� are two letters fxom the=Person�.e� �ivisiqn an� one k+�tter fr� the,Givit,
• ; , , �.,
gervi,c� Co�ission wi#h detai�ed explana.tions of tire r�eetl•fa�r �he fut3ds. `
' '�
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. . . . . . . - � . . . � . �'R,.
Couacii resolution � �;
letter from Civil Ser"vi.ce Com�niseion
two let#ere frorn Persnnnel llraieion � _
. .
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