274306 M�H17E - C�TV CLERK
BLUE -�OIAVOR File NO. ����
r Council Resolution
Presented By ' �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
A.n administrative Resolution approving the terms
and conditions of the 1980-1981 Collective Bargaining
Agreement between the City of St. Paul and tlie City
Attorneys� Professional Association, representing
the Attorneys and Law Clerks of the City of St. Paul.
WHEREAS, the Council, pursuant to the provisions of Section 12. 09
of the St. Paul City Charter and the Public Employees Labor R�lations
Act of 1971, as amended, recognizes the City Attorneys' Professional
Association as exclusive representative for those classes of positions
withi.n the City of St. Paul certified by the Bureau of Mediation Services
� under Case No. 78-PR-764-A for the purpose of ineeting and negotiating
the terms and conditions of employment for all full-time personnel in the ;
classes of positions as set forth in the Agreement between the City and
the exclusive representative hereinabove referenced; and
WHEREAS, the City, through designated representatives, and the
exclusive representative have met in good faith and have negotiated the
terms and conditions of employment for the calendar years of 1980 and
1981 for such personnel as are set forth in the Agreement between the
City of St. Paul and the exclusive representative; now, therefore, be it
- 1 - '
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Butler In Favor
Levine __ Against BY —
Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by �Vlavor: Date — Approved by Mayor foc Submission to Council
By _ By
BI.UE —�•dAVOR File NO.
� � Council Resolution
Presented By !,
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date �,
_ 2 _
RESOLVED, that the Collective Bargaining Agreement, cited above,
dated as of the effective date of this Resolution, between the City of St.
Paul and the City Attorneys' Professional Association, on file in the
office of the City Clerk, is hereby approved, and the authorized administra-
tive officials of the City are hereby authorized and directed to execute
said Agreement on behalf of the City.
Approved: '
/�./ � I
airman !,
Civil Service Co mission �
Requested by Department of:
Yeas McMAHON Nays
�� � [n Favor �'ER NEL OFFIC
�� i
Hunt � f` �
Levine _ __ Against BY — II
Te Form A y City to ey �
Adop y Council: Date �— �
ertified Pas• by cil Secretary BY
y !
�lpproved b 1+lavor: Date _ .�QN � 4 ��5� Appro y Mayor for Sub issi ouncil
By — By �
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1980 - 1981
- between -
- and - �
Preamble iii
I Recognition 1
II Severance Pay 2
III Management Rights 3
IV Residence 4
V Check Off and Service Fee 5
VI Maternity Leave 6
VII Discipline 7
VIII Strikes, Lockouts, Work Interference 8
IX Grievance Procedure 9
X Wages 13
XI Saving Clause 14
XII Insurance 15
XIII Vacation 17
RIV Holidays 18
XV Duration and Effective Date 19
Appendix A A1
- ii -
This AGREEMENT entered into between the City of Saint Paul, �'�,
hereinafter referred to as either the "EMPLOYER" or the "CITY", and the
City Attorneys Professional Association, hereinafter referred to as "C.A.P.A."
or the "ASSOCIATION", for the purpose of fostering and promoting harmonious
relations between the CITY and the ASSOCIATION in order that a high level
of public service can be provided to the citizens of the CITY.
This AGREEMENT attempts to accomplish this purpose by providing 'i
a fuller and more complete understanding on the part of both the CITY and I�
the ASSOCIATION o£ their respective rights and responsibilities.
The provisions of this AGREEMENT shall not abrogate the rights and/or
duties of the EMPLOYER, the ASSOCIATION, or the employees as established
under the provisions of the Public Employee Labor Relations Act of 1971,
as amended. I
- iii -
1.1 The CITY recogni.zes C.A.P.A. as the exclusive representative for the
City Attorneys Professional Association, as certified by the State '
of Minnesota Bureau of Mediation Services, dated September 20, 1979,
Case No. 75-PR-764-A. This unit above consists of the following:
Attorney I Attorney VI '�
Attorney II Law Clerk
Attorney III Legal Assistant I
Attorney IV Legal Assistant II
Attorney V
- 7. -
2.1 Employees shall be eligible for severance pay in accordance
with the Severance Pay Ordinance No. 16303. The amount of
Severance Pay allowed shall be that amount pertnitted by State
Statutes subject to the provision that the maximum amount allowed
shall be $4,000.
- 2 -
� � ''
3.1 The ASSOCIATION recognizes the right of the EMPLOYER to operate '
and manage its affairs in all respects in accordance with applicable '�
laws and regulations of appropriate authorities. The rights and
authority which the EMPLOYER has not officially abridged, delegated,
or modified by this AGREEMENT are retained by the EMPLOYER.
3.2 A pub].ic employer is not required to meet and negotiate on matters
of inherent managerial policy, which include, but are not limited
to, such areas of discretion or policy as the functions and programs
of the EMPLOYER, its averall budget, utilization of technology, and
organizational structure and selection and d3rection and number of
- 3 -
4.1 Employees covered by this AGREEMENT shall have no residency requirements
or restrictions.
- 4 -
5.1 The EMPLOYER agrees to deduct the ASSOCIATION membership initiation
fee assessments and once each month dues from the pay of those employees
who individually request in writing that such deductions b�e made. The ,
amounts to be deducted shall be certified to the II�LOYER by a represent-
ative of the ASSOCIATION and the aggregate deductions of a11 employees
shall be remitted together with an itemized statement to the representative
by the first of the succeeding month after such deductions are made or as
soon thereafter as is possible.
5.2 Any present or future employee who is not an ASSOCIATION member shall
be required to contribute a fair share fee for services rendered by the ll
ASSOCIATION. Upon notification by the ASSOCIATION, the FI�LOYER shall
check off said fee from the earnings of the employee and transmit the
same to the ASSOCIATION. In no instance shall the required contribution
exceed a pro rata share of the specific expenses incurred for services '
rendered by the representative in relationship to negotiations and
administration of grievance procedures. It is also understood that in
the event the CITY shall make an improper fair share deduction from the
earnings of an employee, the ASSOCIATION shall be obligated to make the '
CITY whole to the extent that the CITY shall be required to rei.mburse such
employee for any amount improperly withheld. This provision shall remain
operative only so long as specifically provided by Minnesota law, and
as otherwise legal.
5.3 The ASSOCIATION agrees to idemnify and hold the F�'LOYER harmless against
any and all claims, suits, order or judgments brought or issued against the
CITY as a result of any action taken or not taken by the CITY under the
provisions of this Article.
5.4 The ASSOCIATION agrees that a service fee of twenty-£ive cents ($0.25) per member
per month shall be deducted by the City of St. Paul from the amount withheld �
for dues or fairshare prior to remittance of dues or fairshare to the
_ S T
6.1 Maternity Leave. Maternity is defined as the physical state of
pregnancy of an employee, commencing eight (8) months before the
estimated date of childbirth, as determined by a physician, and
ending six (6) months after the date of such birth. In the event �
of an employee's pregnancy, the employee may apply for leave
without pay at any time during the period stated above and the �
employer may approve such leave at its option, and such leave
may be no longer than one (1) year. '�
. - 6 -
7.1 Discharges will be preceded by a five (5) day preliminary suspension ,
without pay. During said period the employee and/or ASSOCIATION may
request, and shall be entitled to a meeting with the ENIPLOYER
representative who initiated the suspension with intent to discharge.
During the five (5) day period, the II�LOYER may affirm the suspension �,
and discharge in accordance with Civil Service Rules or may modify, or
� withdraw same.
- 7 -
. I
8.1 The ASSOCIATION and the II�'LOYER agree that there shall be no
strikes, work stoppages, slow-downs, sitdown, stay-in, or other
concerted interference with the EI�LOYER�S business or affairs
by said ASSOCIATION and/or members thereof, and there shall be
no bannering during the existance of this AGREEMENT without '
first using all possible means of peaceful settlement of any
controversy which may arise. Employees engaging in same shall
be liable for disciplinary action. i,
- 8 -
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9.1 A grievance is defined as a dispute or disagreement as to the interpret-
ation or application of the specific terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT.
9.2 The EMPLOYER will recognize representatives designated by the ASSOCIATION
as the grievance representatives of the bargaining unit having the duties
and responsibilities established by this Article. The ASSOCIATION shall
notify the EMPLOYER in writing of the names of such Association Representa-
tives and of their successors when designated. The F,NI�.'LOYER shall notify
the ASSOCIATION in writing as to its designated representatives.
9.3 It is recognized and accepted by the ASSOCIATION and the II�IPLOYER that the
processing of grievances as hereinafter provided is limited by the job
duties and responsibilities of the employees and shall therefore be
accomplished during normal working hours when consistent with such employee
duties and responsibilities. The aggrieved er.ipZoyee and an Association
Representative shall be allowed a reasonable amount of time without loss of
pay when a grievance is investigated and presented to the EMPLOYER during
normal working hours pxovided that the employee and Association Representative
have notified and received the approval of designated supervisor and provided
that such absence is reasonahle and would not be detrimental to the work
programs of the EMPLOYER. It is understood that the F.MPLOYER shall not
use the above limitation to hamper the processing of grievances. �,
9.4 Grievances, as defined by Section 9.1, shall be resolved in conformance
with the following procedure:
_:g _
Step 1. An employee claiming a violation concerning the interpretation
or application of this AGREEMENT shall, within twenty-one (2Z) calendar
days after such alleged violation has occurred, present such grievance
to the employee's supervisor as designated by the II�LOYER. The Employer-
designated representative will discuss and give an answer to such Step 1
grievance within ten (10) calendar days after receipt. A grievance not
resolved in Step 1 and appealed to Step 2 shall be placed in writing
setting forth the nature of the griev,ance, the facts on which it is based,
the provision or provisions of the AGREEMENT allegedly violated, the
remedy requested, and shall be appealed to Step 2.by the ASSOCIATION within
fifteen (15) calendar days after the Employer-designated representative's
final answer in Step 1. Any grievance not appealed in writing to Step 2
by the ASSOCIATION within fifteen (15) calendar days shall be considered
Step 2. If appealed, the written grievance shall be presented by the
ASSOCIATION and discussed with the Employer-designated Step 2 representative.
The Employer-designated representative shall give the Association Employer's
Step 2 answer in writing within ten (10) calendar days following the Employer-
designated representative's final Step 2 answer. Any grievance not appealed
in writing to Step 3 by the ASSOCIATION within ten (10) calendar days shall
be considered waived.
Step 3. If appealed, the written grievance shall be presented by the
Association and discussed with the Employer-designated Step 3 representative.
The Employer-designated representative shall give the ASSOCIATION Employer's
answer in writing within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of such Step 3
grievance. A grievance not resolved in Step 3 may be appealed to Step 4
within ten (10) calendar days following the Employer-designated representative's
- 10 -
final answer in Step 3. Any grievance not appealed in writing to
Step 4 by the ASSOCIATION within ten (10) calendar days shall be
considered waived. I
Step 4. A grievance unresolved in Step 3 and appealed to Step 4 by the
ASSOCIATION shall be submitted to arbitration subject to the provisions
of the Public Employment Labor Relations Act of 1971, as amended. If a
mutua�ly acceptable arbitrator cannot be agreed upon, the selection of
an arbitrator shall be made in accordance with the "Rules Governing the
Arbitration of Grievances" as established by the Public Employment
Relations Board.
Step 5. The arbitrator shall have no right to amend, modify, nullify,
ignore the terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT. The arbitrator shall ,
consider and decide only the specific issue(s) submitted in writing by ',
the II�LOYER and the ASSOCIATION, and shall have no authority to make
a decision on any other issue not so submitted. The arbitrator sha11 be
without power to malce decisions contrary to, or inconsistent with, or
modifying or varying in any way the application of laws, rules, or
regulations having the forc.e and effect of law. The arbitrator's decision
shall be submitted in writing, copies to both parties and the Bureau of
Mediation Service within thirty (30) days following the close of the hearing
or the submission of briefs by the parties, whichever be later, unless the
parties agree to an extension. The decision sha11 be binding on both the
EMPLOYER and the ASSOCIATION and shall be based solely on the arbitrator's �i,
interpretation or application of the express terms of this AGREEMENT and
to the facts of the grievance presented.
- 11 -
9.5 The fees and expenses for the arbitrator's services and proceedings
shall be borne equally by the EI�LOYER and the ASSOCIATION provided
that each party shall be responsible for compensating its own
representatives and witnesses. If either party desires a verbatim record of
the proceedings, it may cause such a record to be made, providing it pays
for the record. If both parties desire a verbatim record of the proceedi.tgs 'I
the cost shall be shared equally.
9.6 If a grievance is not presented within the time limits set forth above,
it shall be considered "waived". If a grievance is not appealed to the
next step within the specified time limit or any agreed extension thereof,
it shall be considered settled on the basis of the EMPLOYER'S last ans�er.
If the F.MPLOYER does not answer a grievance or an appeal thereof withir_ '
the specified time limits, the ASSOCIATION may elect to treat the grie�-ar.ce to
the next step. The time limit in each step may be extended by mutual
written agreement of the EMPLOYER and the ASSOCIATION in each step. ,
9.7 It is understood by the ASSOCIATION and the ENIPLOYER that a grievance �a�
be determined by either the grievance procedure of this contract or by
the provisions of the Civil Service Rules of the City of Saint Paul. If 2a �
issue is determined by this grievance procedure it shall not again be
submitted for arbitration under the Civil Service Rules. If an issue is
determined by the provision of the Civil Service Rules it shall not again
be submitted for arbitration under this grievance procedure.
- 12 -
10.1 Effective December 29, 1979, all salary rates applicable to titles in this
bargaining unit shall be increased Seven percent (7.0%) . .
10.2 Effective December 27, 1980, all salary rates applicable to titles in
this bargaining unit shall be increased seven and one-half percent (7.5�).
10.3 The wage schedule is attached for purposes of reference only and is not
a part of this contract.
10.4 Notwithstanding 10.1 and 10.2, salary rates shall be reduced in the
amounts necessary to equalize payment to individual employees and City
employees who receive different pension benefits.
- 13 -
11.1 This AGREEMENT is subject to the laws of the United States, the State
of Minnesota. In the event any provisions of this AGREEMENT shall be
held to be contrary to law by a court of competent jurisdiction from
whose final 3udgment or decree no appeal has been taken within the
time provided, such provisions shall be voided. All other provisions
shall continue in full force and effect. The voided provision may
be renegotiated at the written request of either party. A11 other
provisions of this AGREEMENT shall continue in full force and effect.
- 14 -
12.1 The IIKPLOYER will continue for the period of this AGREEMENT to provide
for employees such health and life insurance benefits as are provided �
by IIKFLOYER at the time of execution of this AGREEMENT.
I2.2 The II�E'LOYER will for the period of this AGREEMENT provide for employees
who retire after the time of execution of this AGREEMENT and until such
employees reach sixty-five (65) years of age such health insurance benefits
and life insurance benefits as are provided by the E1�LOYER for such employees.
12.3 In order to be eligible for the benefits under the early retiree provision,
the employee must:
12.31 Be receiving benefits from a public employee retiree act
at the time of retirement.
12.32 Have severed his relationship with the City of Saint Paul I
under one of the early retiree plans. '
12.33 Inform the Personnel Office of the City of Saint Paul in
writing within 60 days of employee's early retirement date
that he or she wishes to be eligible for early retiree
insurance benefits.
12.4 For each eligible employee covered by this AGREEMENT who selects Blue Cross-.
Blue Shield insurance coverage, the City agrees to contribute the cost of
such coverage or $36.85 per month, whichever is less. In addition, for
each employee who selects Blue Cross-Blue Shield dependent's coverage, the
City will contribute the cost of such dependent's coverage or $42.43 per
month, whichever is less.
12.5 For each eligible employee covered by this AGREEMENT who selects Group
Health insurance coverage, the City agrees to contribute the cost of such
coverage or $36.85 per month, whichever is less. In addition, for each
employee who selects Group Health dependent's coverage, the City will
contribute the cost of such dependent's coverage or $35.93 per month, which-
ever is less.
- 15 -
12.6 For each eligible employee covered by this AGREEMENT who selects Coordinated '
Care health insurance coverage, the City agrees to contribute the cost of
such coverage or $36.85 per month, whichever is less. In addition, for
each employee who selects Coordinated Care dependent's coverage, the City
will contribute the cost of such dependent's coverage or $35.29 per month,
whichever is less.
12.7 The City agrees to contribute the cost for $5,000 of Life Insurance Coverage
for each employee who is eligible for such coverage or $3.05 per month,
whichever amount is 1ess.
12.8 Effective January 1, 1980, the figures in Article 12.4, 12.5, 12.6 and ',
12.7 above will be increased in dollars to reflect the total cost of I
the 1980 premium rates for the respective coverages. I
12.9 The contributions indicated in 12.4, 12.5, 12.6 and 12.7 shall be paid ta
the City's group health and welfare plan. Any increases in the cost of
benefits received after December 31, 1980 shall be paid by the employee.
- 16 -
13.1 In each calendar year, each full-time employee shall be granted '
vacation according to the following schedule: '
Years of Service Vacation Granted
Less than 8 years 15 days
After 8 years thru 15 years 20 days
After 15 years and thereafter 25 days
Employees who work less than full-time shall be granted vacation on
a pro rata basis.
13.2 The head of the department may permit an employee to carry over into
the following year up to ten days' vacation.
13.3 The above provisions of vacation shall be sub3ect to Resolution No. I
6446, Section I, Subdivision H. �
13.4 If an employee has an accumulation of sick leave credits in excess of
one hundred and eighty days, he may convert any part of such excess to
vacation at the rate of one-half day's vacation for each day of sick
leave credit. No employee may convert more than ten (10} days of
sick leave in each calendar year under this provision.
13.5 E�nployees formerly with the HRA may be granted an exception to the
10-day carryover clause, for 1980 only. That is, employees can carry
over a maxfmum of 21 days from 1979 to 1980, and 10 days from 1980 to '
- 17 -
14.1 Holidays recognized and observed. The following days shall be recognized
and observed as paid holidays.
New Years Day Columbus Day
Presidents' Day Veterans' Day
Memorial Day Thanksgiving Day
Independence Day Chr3stmas Day
Lab�r Day �ao floating holidays
Eligible employees shall receive pay for each of the holidays listed
above, on which they perform no work. Whenever any of the holidays
listed above shall fall on Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be
observed as the holiday. Whenever any of the holidays listed above
shall fa11 on Sunday, the succeeding Monday shall.be observed as the
14.2 The floating holidays set forth in Section 14.1 above may be taken at
any time during the contract year, subject to the approval of the
Department Head of any employee.
14.3 Eligibility Requirements. In order to be eligible for a holiday with
pay, an employee's name must appear on the payroll on any six working
days of the nine working days preceding the holiday; or an employee's
name must appear on the payroll the last working day before the holiday
and on three other working days of the nine working days preceding the
holiday. In neither case shall the holiday be counted as a working day
for the purposes of this section. It is further understood that neither
temporary, emergency nor other employees not heretofore eligible shall
receive holiday pay.
- 18 -
15.1 Complete Agreement With Waiver of Bargaining. This AGREEMENT shall
represent the complete AGREEMENT between the ASSOCIATION and the EMPLOYER.
The parties acknowledge that during the negotiations which resulted in
this AGREEMENT, each had the unlimited right and opportunity to make
requests and proposals with respect to any subject or matter not removed
by law from the area of collective bargaining, and that the complete under-
standings and agreements arrived at by the parties after the exercise of
that right and opportunity are set forth in this AGREEMENT. Therefore,
the EI�'LOYER and the ASSOCIATION, for the life of this AGREEMENT, each
voluntarily and unqualifiedly waives the right, and each agrees that the
other shall not be obligated to bargain collectively with respect to any
sub3ect or matter referred to or covered in this AGREEMENT. ,
15.2 F�cept as herein provided this AGREEMENT shall be effective as of the ',
date it is executed by the parties and shall continue in fu11 force and
effect thru December 31, 1981, and thereafter until modified or amended
by mutual agreement of the parties. Either party desiring to amend or
modify this AGREEMENT sha11 notify the other in writing so as to comply
with the provisions of the Public Employment Labor Relations Act of 1971.
15.3 This constitutes a tentative agreement between the parties which will
be recommended by the City Negotiator, but is subject to the approval of
the Administration of the City, the City Council and is also subject to
the ratification by the ASSOCIATION.
. .
La or Rela ons ec or Business Representative
Civil Service Commission
DATED: - 19 -
Law Clerk '
A B C D E F 10-yr. 15-yr. 20 yr. 25-yr.
469.56 489.97 512.66 537.04 561.43 586.38 602.26 619.27 b2$.77 638.27
Legal Assistant I
619.84 649.90 681.09 712.84 747.44 783.17 804.15 825.70 838.70 851.70
Legal Assistant II
695.26 725.89 761.62 796.78 835.34 873.90 899.99 924.94 937.94 950.94
Attorney I '
A B C D E F G 10-yr. 15-yr. �
674.28 700.94 728.72 765.59 804.15 843.84 885.81 913.03 940.25 !
Attorney II
737.23 766.72 797.34 837.04 878.44 922.67 969.17 998.66 1026.45
Attorney III
880.14 915.30 951.59 999.80 1049. 14 1101.88 1157.45 1190.34 1226.07 '
Attorney IV
933.45 971.44 1009.44 1059.91 1113.22 1169.36 1226.64 1264.07 1300.93 '
Attorney V
1137.60 1182.97 1230.04 1291.29 1355.94 1423.31 1494.31 1539.68 1584.48 �
Attorney VI
1242.52 1291.85 1344.03 1410.95 1481.83 1555.56 1633.25 1682.59 1731.36 ,
- A1 -
' �5i^-•
APPENDIX A F�� ;Jf f� ;���
(continued) ��- `���
Law Clerk .
A B C D E F 10-yr. 15-yr. 20-yr. 25-yr.
504.78 526.72 551.11 577.32 603.54 630.36 647.43 665.72 675.22 684.72
Legal Assistant I �,
666.33 698.64 732.17 766.30 803.50 841.91 864.46 887.63 900.63 9I3.63
Legal Assistant II I
747.40 780.33 818.74 856.54 897.99 939.44 967.49 994.31 1007.31 1020.31
Attorney I '
A B C D E F G IO-yr. 15-yr.
724.85 753.51 783.37 823.01 864.46 907.13 952.25 981.51 I010.77
Attorney II
792.52 824.22 857.14 899.82 944.32 99I.87 1041.86 1073.56 1103.G3
t�ttorney III
946.15 983.95 1022.96 1074.79 1127.83 1I84.52 1244.26 1279.62 Z318.03 '
Attorney IV
1003.46 1044.30 1085.15 1139.40 1196.71 1257.06 1318.64 1358.88 1398.50
Attorney V
1222.92 1271.69 1322.29 1388.14 1457.64 1530.18 1606.38 1655.16 17Q3.32
Attorney VI
1335.71 1388.74 1444.83 1516.77 1592.97 1672.23 1755.74 1808.78 1861.2I
- A2 -
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resotu#ion so that this infprmation rv�11 be �' � s�':
avallabie tv the City Coun�il. • � 4 �
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n$te: Diec�.ber a1, 1979 : JAN.a 1980i
11�lR�'s � �
FR: P�raoastel Office
RE: Re.aolutisn for aubmies� to Gitq Cous�icil .
„ ' ; ,
We reec�nd your approval and aubmiseloa of.�'Chis Rest��utiau �o the City �3i.
; ;
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. _ _ � . ,
�UR��SE AND I��It'�1,A1� FOR TIiIS ACTIO�: ,
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` ' This Reso��ian ag�rovee a 1980-1981 Co11se��i:�re ,�a�ga3s�u�,g Agree�runt
betw,�en th� Citjr of St. Paul and the CiL�r �ttorn+eys' Praf+�ssioaal. -
A,�a sac�ation. ,
�lie A�g�+eiemtat ca,Lt.s for a 7°10 sala�ry i.�cre�ae �c�►x 1q8Q +and a �.5�,3a�crea�e :
in.198k. This i� the first coatract with tliis barga�ini� uni�. It u�i��i� i�xv�
of the s�d,��d alauees snch as recc��ti;ou, t�a,a�g��� ri�g��b�, '$��r��
pracedur�, �eck o�f, eavings cl�use�, i.asarance�r vac��ii� a� hni�c�i��: '�,c
_ coatrac� ifi�luc�es a ma�esx�a,i.ty leave c�:su�e, sad"E3�e is�su��av.c�+���sa�'e : '
pro�.de i� earl�r xeta.remea� i�sura.ace: The City �iil pa� 14��t��aI�1 ix��rad�tt� �, ;: .. `
�osta for 1g80. The eYnpioyee will`PaY the iasur�c,,e �craa�� 3tx 1�--
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3Ri� .coatract ale� iacl�des �aa ge which eli�n�uates a�tt�y rc�3.t��zf��,�re�- , �'`
me�nt for thi� group.. .
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ATTAC�S: � , . ,;
. Resoluti.oaa. aad c�py"for the Ci� Cler�. Ataa, co�ryr of t�e �,9►g�ee��t.
, a. , ;;
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