274294 WHITE - CITV CLERK PWK � - FINANCE COUflCll ` CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L 2 �y 2�5�� BLUE - M�AVOR File NO• � -��"'-��-�' - Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Resolution changing the grade and the class specification for the title of License Investigator in the Civil Service Rules. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3.L (Technical Group) by striking from Grade 32 the title of License Investigator and inserting this title in Grade 34; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended by striking from Section 32 the class specification for fhe title of License Investigator and substituting in lieu thereof the attached class specification for the title of License Investigator. � Approve d: . /�/' � L�E;� ��' L hairman Civil Seryice ommi sion COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �`QN Nays � PERSO OFFIC � Hozza In Favor � Levine _ � __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesco 1980 Form proved y i n Adopted by Council: Date ��N � �— Certified a.s by Coun � Se ry By B}� � � ta r by iVlavor. te —�`�� �.— '�PP e by Mayor for ion to Council By - � " ��,t�H��; !:��� 2 v �v��? u , , � � Title of class: ' LICENSE INVESTIGATOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs complete investigations of license applicants, and license violations for the purpose of collecting evidence related to civil and cximinal violations; and related duties as assigned. Supervision Received: G/arks under the general direction of the division head. Supervision Exercised: Supervises employees assigned to assist in the investigation. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Initiates and conducts thorough background and financial investigations of liquor license applicants. Conducts investigations of licensed� activities with the purpose of deter- mining if any civil or criminal violations have occurred. Collects evidence and assists in civil and criminal prasecutions. Audits the financial books of Bingo Games in order to determine if there are violations. Makes oral and writtea reports of investigation findings. Testifies as to the relative findings in both civil and criminal proceedings. ' Notifies the proper authorities of the facts and cooperates with the authorities in the collection of further evidence. Represents the License Division at hearings and in court. Provides information to license applicants regardin� the licensing procedure � and applicable laws, ordinances and regulations regarding their business. Investigates complaints about and monitors the activities of bingo operations . and liquor establishments to see that applicable laws and ordinances are not violated. Coordinates the liquor license application process with ather City depart- ments including the Health Department, Building Code Division and the Police and Fire Departments. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of interviewing techniques. Considerable knowledge of the rules of evidence gathering. Considerable ability to work independently. Some ability to analyze f inancial and accounting reports. Working knowledge of proper investigation methods and procedures. � Willingness to work irregular hours when assigned. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Ttao yearst experience as a Deputy License Inspector III or equivalent and eight credits in accounting or related courses or equivalent bookkeeping experience. Must possess a valid Minnesota driver's I.icense. or Six years' experierice in investigative work involving the detection of civil or criminal violations and eight credits in accounting or related courses or equivalent bookeeping experience. Must possess a valid Minnesota driver's license. "� \J.a. � .\ t/�4: 7�./i4.�..1 i.• J. . t� ..._ . r'•'�. '� -'•::,\ ^01�'1��'X^I�: Oi"T�t.l•: C.�C:ti' t:O:f��;T3'.. . . .'; r _Y�: � .•� i. `' .� �ti,� .` ��,= .:� f, .f • . • :� '. " _� '•;���`` ._�:� D��° : January 7, 1980 4 _�: _ i " � � ��i �ii ��i � � �' � i � � � I . 1 O : �ain-'r �uu! Ciiy CounciI ' -�= ��; � �L3I = COi�'3iili�7C'� O'.7�FINANCE, MANAGEMENT AND FERSONNEL - RUBY HUNT�; cnaifinen, mci:es the �ott�:�ing � , report on C. F_ � C] Ordinance � - . . � . . �7) Q Reso;c;'ri�n . • - " . [� O�h�r � . . . " i #iL� ,� _ � . . . The Finance Committee, at i�s meeting of January 7, 1980, recommended approval of ' the following: � . . � � - --_ � _. . --- -- � 1 . � Resolution �egr.ading titles of Attorney I and II. (10484-RH). . - 2. Resolution chan in class s �ecs and rade of License: Inves.ti ator in the . _ 9 9 . P 9 9 � Technical Group (�.L) of Civil Service Rules from its present specs and Grade . � �Grade 321 to Grade 34. �10495-RH� . _ , � - � 3. Resolution establishi�ng title of Jet Sewer Cle�ner Operator in Section 3.G � ' � � � �Labor-Maintenance, Ungraded) and also establishing class specs for� ti.tle. (10494=RH) ' 4.' Resolution .establishing rate of pay for new title.of Jet Sew�r .Cleaner Operatar. . � (10493-RH� . � - . ' 5. - Resofiution - St. Paul CapTtal Allocation Policies .1981-1985. (10534-RH). � � . 6. Resolution a rovin`` a]location of s ecific funds for several CitYZen Participation pp 9 P ' dist.ricts. ' ' ' ' • . 7. Resolution transferring line items for multi-family rehab and .South of Front � • projects. . 8. Resolution appointing�Theodore Collins, Ronald Smith, Robert White and Patrick 0'Neill as special counsel to represent Richard Rowan, Dave Weida, James Fecky and John Voita in defense of lawsuit commenced by Joseph Carchedi , City License Inspector. Referred back to City Council with no action since Council disposed of this matter on January 3, 1980. . '�' iL�.:;r Sf.:�'F�ti�l�: FJ.C:):: S:�i\1 I':�C;.l., ::!\\::S�i f:� S�'_i:= F� , pp not d�at�ct► th�s memnrandum fvom t�±e � r' r.esolutjort so that this informaticm wil{ b8 . aviit�bk to tMe C.ity Co�tr�cil. ` _ . F.XPI�ANATIOI� OF �i 1'RlLT�V�: 0 SOLU'�IO�iS ° , Date: Septern�a�r 26, 1979 �E�;E �� E � . DEC � 9 4979 T4: MA?OB GBORGE LAT�MER � _ ���`�� � FR.: Personn�l0£ffce RL: ,Resoluti�on for aW�miss�on to Citq C�u�c�l ACTXt)N R�Q�iB$1`ED . _ _._,....._._�� � � � _ Y PP , � . We recvm�aend� our a rovsl as�d �ubmiseion o£ t��s =�l,sewlutios� tro the �i,ty Cova�cil , PT�pS� AND �ATxONALE FOx T$�S.ACTIO�Is .-..�.,..��,.�^.— This resolutiqn changes the clasa specification aad fihe,�rade of License Iavestiga�or in the Technical Group (3.�} of the Civil Service'Rt�;l.es frflin its preseat specification and Grade (Cr�.de 32j to Grade 34. �?he bi-weekly sa�lary ranges for Grade.,32 aad Crrade 34 are as fu].�1.ows: Grac�e 32 , A B C D '� �' 1 Q �r. 15 yr, 2O pr, 25 q��, - 550.14 577.17' 604.20 630.I? b6fl,91 693.24 '�Y0.73 ?32,99 ?45.99 �5�.99: Gra.de 34 � _ A B C D E �', i 0 yr. l 5 yr. -�0 yr. ��:=.y��: :: 58U.88 60q,5D �i38.12 668. 33 ?00.13 732.99 ?54.19 774.$6 �87.8b 8t�4,�b►; � : _ A1'�'ACffi�ENTS: : : Resolia.tion and coPY fox City Clerk, . - , t : ` _ • � i , � Title of class: LICENSE INVESTIGATOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK. General Statement of Duties: Performs complete investigations qf license applicants, and license violations for the purpose of cokle�ting evidence related to civil and eriminal violations; and related dutiea as assigned. Supervision Received: Work� under the general direction of the division head. Supervision Exercised; Supervises employees assigned to assist in the inve stigation, TYPICAL DUTIES FERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Initiates and conducts thorough background and financial investigations of liquor license applicants. Conducts investigations of licensed activities with the puxpose of deter- mining if any civil or criminal violations have oc�curred. � Collects evidence and assists in civil and criminal prosecu�ions. Audits the financial books of Bingo G ames in order to determine if there are violations. Makes oral and written zeports of investigation f�ndings. Testifies as to the relative findings in both civil and criminal, proceedings. Noti:fies the proper authorities of the facts and cooperates with the authori�ies in the collection of further evidence. Represents the License Division at hearings and in couxt. - KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABTLITIES Considerable knowledge of interviewing techniques. Considerable knowledge of the rules of evidence gathering. Considerable ability to work independently. Some abili�y to analyze financial and accounting reports. Working knowledge of proper investigation methods and procedures. Willingness to work irregular hours when assigned. MINIMUM QUALIFICATTONS Four years' experience in investigation work involving the detection oE civil or criminal violations, and one years' experience involving accounting, auditing, or related expexience. � Effective April 25, 1977 LICENSE INVESTTGATOR